Cascaded Channel Estimation For Large Intelligent Metasurface Assisted Massive MIMO
Cascaded Channel Estimation For Large Intelligent Metasurface Assisted Massive MIMO
Cascaded Channel Estimation For Large Intelligent Metasurface Assisted Massive MIMO
2, FEBRUARY 2020
Abstract—In this letter, we consider the problem of channel potential application of the metamaterial in wireless commu-
estimation for large intelligent metasurface (LIM) assisted mas- nications, the LIM with integrated electronics retains almost
sive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The main all the advantages of massive MIMO such as allowing for
challenge of this problem is that the LIM integrated with a an unprecedented focusing of energy that enables highly
large number of low-cost metamaterial antennas can only pas- efficient wireless charging and remote sensing. Although tra-
sively reflect the incident signals by certain phase shifts, and
does not have any signal processing capability. To deal with
ditional reflecting surfaces have a variety of applications in
this, we introduce a general framework for the estimation of radar and satellite communications, their application in terres-
the transmitter-LIM and LIM-receiver cascaded channel, and trial wireless communication was not possible earlier. This is
propose a two-stage algorithm that includes a sparse matrix fac- because these reflecting surfaces only had fixed phase shifters
torization stage and a matrix completion stage. Simulation results that could not adapt the induced phases with time-varying
illustrate that the proposed method can achieve accurate channel channels which generally constitute the wireless propagation
estimation for LIM-assisted massive MIMO systems. environments.
Index Terms—Bilinear factorization, channel estimation, large To achieve full potential of the LIM-assisted massive MIMO
intelligent metasurface, massive MIMO, matrix completion. systems, the channel state information (CSI) between the
base station (BS) and the LIM and between the LIM and
the receiver is essential in reflect beamforming [2], energy-
I. I NTRODUCTION efficient design [3], as well as in simultaneous passive beam-
forming and information transfer [5]. The main challenge of
ASSIVE multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), as
M a promising technology for future wireless systems,
has attracted growing research interest in both academia and
the CSI acquisition of the LIM-assisted MIMO systems is
that the LIM, unlike the BS or the receiver, only passively
reflects the electromagnetic waves, and does not have any
industry over recent years. Although massive MIMO exhibits signal processing capability. By leveraging the programmable
huge potentials to support a significantly large amount of property of the LIM and the rank-deficient structure of the
mobile data traffic and wireless connections, implementing massive MIMO channel, we formulate the BS-LIM and LIM-
this system with large-scale antenna arrays in practice remains receiver cascaded channel estimation as a combined sparse
very challenging due to high hardware cost and increased matrix factorization and matrix completion problem. To solve
power consumption. To achieve green and sustainable wireless the problem, we present a two-stage algorithm which includes
networks, researchers have started looking into energy effi- the sparse matrix factorization stage and the matrix completion
cient techniques to improve the system performance, ranging stage. The proposed two-stage algorithm includes the bilin-
from the utilization of energy efficient hardware components to ear generalized approximate message passing (BiG-AMP) [6]
the design of green resource allocation and transceiver signal for sparse matrix factorization and the Riemannian manifold
processing algorithms. gradient-based algorithm for matrix completion [7]. Numerical
To reduce energy consumption and enhance communi- results demonstrate that our algorithm is able to attain accu-
cation quality in wireless networks, the large intelligent rate channel estimation for the LIM-assisted massive MIMO
metasurface (LIM) [1], also known as the intelligent reflect- systems.
ing surface [2] or the reconfigurable intelligent surface [3], To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to
has been recently proposed as an innovative technology that tackle the cascaded channel estimation problem for the LIM-
conceptually goes beyond contemporary massive MIMO com- assisted massive MIMO systems with all passive elements in
munications. Metamaterials, as an emerging technology known the LIM.1 Notice that the authors in [8] proposed a compres-
for its flexibility in manipulating electromagnetic waves, have sive sensing and training based deep learning approach for the
found applications such as in radar imaging [4], etc. As a LIM-assisted channel estimation. Nevertheless, in [8] a few
Manuscript received August 8, 2019; revised October 10, 2019; accepted
active antenna elements of the LIM are required to circum-
October 14, 2019. Date of publication October 22, 2019; date of current ver- vent the challenging cascaded channel estimation problem by
sion February 7, 2020. This work was supported in part by the National Key utilizing conventional channel estimation techniques. In addi-
Research and Development Program of China under Grant 2018YFB1801105, tion, it should be noted that the BiG-AMP algorithm has been
and in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under
previously exploited for blind signal detection in conventional
Grant 61801084. The associate editor coordinating the review of this article
and approving it for publication was V. Raghavan. (Corresponding author: massive MIMO systems [9], where the transmitter does not
Xiaojun Yuan.) need to send pilot signals to the receiver, and the channel and
The authors are with the Center for Intelligent Networking and
Communications, National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology 1 The LIM-based MIMO technology is still immature in terms of practical
on Communications, University of Electronic Science and Technology implementations and a number of follow-up works are necessary to prove its
of China, Chengdu 611731, China (e-mail: [email protected]; practicality and utility. At this stage, this letter can be seen as an academic
[email protected]). exercise for channel estimation by assuming the practicality of the LIM-based
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LWC.2019.2948632 MIMO technology.
2162-2345 c 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Electronic Science and Tech of China. Downloaded on May 23,2022 at 02:15:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
p(G, Z |Y ) ∝ p(Y |B)p(G)p(Z ) (5)
p(G) = p(gl,n ) = CN (gl,n ; 0, νg2 ) (7)
l=1 n=1 l=1 n=1
where B GZ and the likelihood p(Y|B) is given as
p(Z ) = p(zn,t ) = sn,t CN (zn,t ; 0, νz2 )
n=1 t=1 n=1 t=1
p(Y |B) = p(yl,t |bl,t )
l=1 t=1 + (1 − sn,t )δ(zn,t ) (8)
= exp −|yl,t − bl,t |2 /σ 2 . (6) where νg2 and νz2 are respectively the average variances of the
l=1 t=1 LIM-user channel matrix G and the non-zero elements of the
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sparse matrix Z; the on/off state sn,t ∈ {0, 1} at time t for D. Computational Complexity
the n-th reflect element of the LIM is known by the receiver We now offer a brief discussion on the computational com-
because S is a pilot signal. plexity of the proposed JBF-MC algorithm. Note that the
To achieve computational efficiency, the BiG-AMP lever- total computational complexity of the JBF-MC consists of
ages the central limit theorem and the Gaussian approximation implementations of the BiG-AMP for matrix factorization
for the involved messages. Details of the BiG-AMP algorithm and the RGrad for matrix completion and the computation
can be found from Lines 1 to 24 of Algorithm 1. At the i-th involved in (13). We thus sketch the respective complex-
iteration of the BiG-AMP, the means and variances of {gl,n } ity as follows. First, the complexity of the BiG-AMP is
and {zn,t } from Lines 16 to 19 are respectively calculated with dominated by basic matrix multiplications in Lines 4–6 and
respect to the approximate marginal posterior distributions: Lines 12–15 of Algorithm 1, requiring O(LNT ) flops per
q iteration. Consequently, the complexity of the BiG-AMP is
p̂ (i) (gl,n ) ∝ p(gl,n ) CN gl,n ; q̂l,n (i ), vl,n (i ) (9) at most Imax Jmax O(LNT ) flops, where Imax and Jmax are
the maximum numbers of the outer and inner iterations of
p̂ (i) (zn,t ) ∝ p(zn,t ) CN zn,t ; r̂n,t (i ), vn,t
r (i ) (10)
the BiG-AMP, respectively. Second, the complexity of the
where p(gl,n ) and p(zn,t ) are the prior distributions defined RGrad algorithm is dominated by the calculations in Lines
in (7) and (8), respectively. 27 and 29, requiring O(rNT ) and O(r 3 ) flops, respec-
It is worth noting that the K-SVD (K-means singular tively. Therefore, the total cost of the RGrad is at most
value decomposition) [12] and the SPAMS (SPArse Modeling Kmax O(rNT ) flops by noticing that r < min{N , T }, where
Software) [13] can be exploited to solve the bilinear sparse Kmax denotes the maximum number of iterations of the
matrix factorization problem (4). However, these approaches RGrad. Finally, the computation of (13) in Line 33 requires
perform much worse than the BiG-AMP algorithm, as will O(M 2 T ) + O(M 3 ) + O(MNT ) flops.
be seen from the numerical results presented in Section V.
Additionally, note that the likelihood p(Y | B) and the pri- V. N UMERICAL S TUDIES
ors p(G) and p(Z) are characterized by the parameters σ 2 , We now carry out numerical experiments to corroborate
νg2 , and νz2 , respectively. These parameters can be esti- the effectiveness of the proposed JBF-MC algorithm for the
mated by utilizing the standard expectation-maximization cascaded channel estimation of the LIM-assisted massive
methodology [6], [14]. In this letter, we do not elaborate on MIMO systems. We assume that the antenna elements form
how to estimate these parameters due to space limitation. a half-wavelength uniform linear array (ULA) configuration
at the BS, the LIM, and the receiver side. Following the
C. Matrix Completion superposition principle of different paths in the prorogation
To facilitate the estimate of H, we now recover the missing environment [9], [14], the baseband BS-LIM and LIM-user
by using the rank-deficient property of the original
entries of Z channel matrices H and G are respectively modeled as
H. We employ the Riemannian gradient (RGrad) algorithm [7] Kh Kg
to solve the matrix completion problem, which is summarized H = αk a L (ϑk )a H
T (ωk ), G = βk a R (ψk )a H
L (ϑk )
from Lines 25 to 32 of Algorithm 1. The RGrad algorithm is
k =1 k =1
to solve the following matrix completion problem:
where Kh and Kg stand for the number of propagation paths
)2 subject to rank(A) = r . (11)
min S ∗ (A−Z F
of radio signals in the BS-LIM channel and the LIM-user
A 2 channel, respectively; a L (ϑk ) ∈ CN , a T (ωk ) ∈ CM , and
In Lines 28 and 29 of the JBF-MC algorithm, PS(k ) (·) stands a R (ψk ) ∈ CL are the steering vectors of the ULA at the
for the projection operation to the left singular vector subspace LIM, the BS, and the receiver side, respectively. In each trial,
(denoted by S(k )) of the current estimate A(k), corresponding the angular parameters ψr , ϑr , and ωk independently follow
to the first r eigenvalues of A(k). In Line 30 of Algorithm 1, from the uniform distribution within (0, 1], and the path gain
Hr (W ) is the hard-thresholding operator for the best rank-r coefficients {αk } and {βk } are independently drawn from
approximation of the associated SVD, i.e., CN (0, 1). The number of paths in the channel matrix H, i.e.,
Kh , is set to be enough small such that it has a low-rank struc-
H Σ(i , i ), i ≤ r ture to facilitate its estimation in the matrix completion stage.
Hr W U Σr V , Σr (i , i ) = (12)
0, i >r In addition, our empirical experiments suggest that choosing
Kg to be a positive integer more than half of the receive
where W U ΣV H is the SVD of W and Σ(i , i ) is the antenna number L or the passive antenna number N in the
(i, i)-th entry of Σ. Finally, the estimate of the channel matrix LIM can lead to a better performance. The sampling matrix
H can be computed as S, i.e., the on/off states of the elements in the LIM, are set to
H = AX (13) be a random 0-1 matrix.
The pilot symbols in X are generated from CN (0, 1) and
where X † = (X X H )−1 X is the Moore-Penrose inverse and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is defined as 10log10 (1/σ 2 ) dB.
A is output of the RGrad algorithm. Here, we assume that the The estimation performance is evaluated in terms of the nor-
pilot length T is no less than the number of transmit antennas malized mean-square-error (NMSE). All the simulation results
M and rank (X) = M, so as to ensure the existence of X † . It is are obtained by averaging 200 independent trials. Notice that
and H have a diagonal
worth noting that the final estimates G the outputs G and H of the JBF-MC algorithm still con-
ambiguity resulting from the sparse matrix factorization stage. tain diagonal ambiguities. These ambiguities are eliminated
Nevertheless, recall the discussions from Section III that there based on the true values of G and H in the calculation of the
is no need to eliminate the diagonal ambiguity. NMSEs. In the sparse matrix factorization stage, to benchmark
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In this letter, we considered the problem of cascaded
channel estimation of the LIM-assisted MIMO systems. We
introduced a general framework for this problem by lever-
aging a combined bilinear spare matrix factorization and
matrix completion, and presented a two-stage algorithm that
includes the bilinear generalized message passing algorithm
for sparse matrix factorization and the Riemannian manifold
gradient-based algorithm for matrix completion. We provided
experimental evidences that the proposed approach achieves
Fig. 2. NMSEs of G (left subplots) and H (right subplots) versus the SNR
and the number of pilots with N = 70, M = L = 64, and λ = 0.2.
an accurate channel estimation for the LIM-assisted MIMO
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