Drug Study Rodas&pimentel
Drug Study Rodas&pimentel
Drug Study Rodas&pimentel
GENERIC: Binds to intracellular glucocorticoid INDICATION/s: CNS: BEFORE
PREDNISOLONE receptors and suppresses To treat adrenal insufficiency and Euphoria, headache, insomnia,
inflammatory and acute and chronic inflammatory and nervousness, psychosis, restlessness, Dx:
BRAND: PRELONE immune responses by: immunosuppressive disorders seizures, vertigo a. Check for allergies
THERAPEUTIC: • inhibiting neutrophil and monocyte To treat acute exacerbations of CV: b. Assess patient regularly for
IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT accumulation at inflammation site multiple sclerosis Edema, heart failure, hypertension evidence of such reactions,
and suppressing their phagocytic and including heart failure and
PHARMACOLOGIC: bactericidal activity To treat uncontrolled asthma in EENT: hypertension
GLUCOCORTICOID children taking inhaled Cataracts, exophthalmos, glaucoma,
• stabilizing lysosomal membranes corticosteroids increased ocular pressure c. Monitor patient’s intake,
DOSAGE: 1.06 mkD and long-acting bronchodilators output, and daily weight
ROUTE: ORAL • suppressing antigen response of ENDO:
macrophages and helper T cells To treat pediatric nephrotic Adrenal insufficiency, Cushing’s Tx:
syndrome syndrome, growth suppression in a. Give once-daily doses in the
• inhibiting synthesis of children, hyperglycemia morning to mirror body’s normal
inflammatory response mediators, cortisol secretion.
such as cytokines, interleukins, and CONTRAINDICATION/s:
prostaglandins. Hypersensitivity to prednisolone or b. Perform a thorough physical
Anorexia, GI bleeding and ulceration,
its components, idiopathic assessment to establish baseline
increased appetite, indigestion,
SOURCE: Jones & Bartlett thrombocytopenic data before drug therapy begins
intestinal perforation, nausea,
Learning (2021) Nurse’s Drug purpura (I.M. form), systemic fungal
pancreatitis, vomiting
Handbook infection c. Restrict amount of drug
available to patient.
Menstrual irregularities
aminoglutethimide: Possibly loss of a. Instruct patient to take oral
induced adrenal suppression MS: prednisolone with food to decrease
amphotericin B, diuretics: Possibly Avascular necrosis of joints, bone stomach upset and to take once-
severe hypokalemia fractures, muscle atrophy or weakness, daily dose in the morning.
antacids, cholestyramine, colestipol: myalgia, osteoporosis, tendon rupture
Decreased prednisolone absorption (local injection only) b. Emphasize need to take drug
anticholinesterase agents: Possibly exactly as prescribed, taking too
severe weakness in patients with SKIN: much increases risk of serious
myasthenia Acne; cutaneous or subcutaneous adverse reactions.
gravis. atrophy (with frequent repository
barbiturates, phenytoin, rifampin: injections); diaphoresis; ecchymosis; c. Instruct patient taking orally
Decreased prednisolone effects flushing; petechiae; striae; thin, fragile disintegrating tablets to remove
cyclosporine: Increased risk of skin tablet from blister pack only when
seizures ready to take drug and to place
digoxin: Possibly arrhythmias and OTHERS: tablet on tongue. Warn her not to
digitalis toxicity from hypokalemia Delayed wound healing, break, cut, or split tablets.
estrogens, oral contraceptives: hypernatremia, hypokalemia, injection-
Decreased clearance, increased site DURING
elimination half-life, and increased scarring, negative nitrogen balance
therapeutic and toxic effects of Dx:
prednisolone a. Monitor for adverse effects
insulin, oral antidiabetics: Increased such as heart failure or hypertension
risk of hyperglycemia
ketoconazole, macrolide antibiotics: b. Check for drug to drug or drug
Possibly decreased prednisolone to food interactions
isoniazid, salicylates: Decreased c. Monitor the patient’s intake,
blood level of these drugs output, and daily intake
live or inactivated vaccines, toxoids:
Possibly diminished response to Tx:
vaccines a. Assist patient in taking the
or toxoids medication
NSAIDs: Increased risk of GI
ulceration and bleeding, possibly b. Keep in mind that prednisolone
added can produce many adverse reactions
therapeutic effect when NSAIDs are so take safety precautions.
used to treat arthritis
warfarin: Possibly inhibition of c. Limit assess to drug if patient
warfarin effect is experiencing adverse effects to
reduce harm.
sodium-containing foods: Increased
risk of edema and hypertension a. Instruct patient to avoid
alcohol during therapy because of
increased risk of GI ulcers and
a. Monitor growth pattern in
children; prednisolone may retard
bone growth.
a. Provide safety measures (e.g.,
adequate lighting, raised side rails,
etc.) to prevent injuries.
a. Advise patient to comply with
follow-up visits to assess drug’s
effectiveness and detect adverse
a. Assess knowledge/teach patient
appropriate use of interventions to
reduce side effects, and adverse
symptoms to report
a. Provide comfort measures to help
patient tolerate drug effects.
a. Instruct patient to notify prescriber
if no improvement occurs within 2 to 3