Lesson 7 Quiz

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Establishing annual objectives can lead to conflict because individuals have different expectations and perceptions,
schedules create pressure…
- True
2. When a few major customers are of paramount importance and many different services are provided to these
customers, then a divisional structure by process can be the most effective way to implement strategies.
- False
3. Restructuring is concerned primarily with employee well-being rather than shareholder well-being.
- False
4. Profit sharing is another widely used form of incentive compensation.
- True
5. Structure undeniably can and does influence strategy
- True
6. Structure should be designed to facilitate the strategic pursuit of a firm, and therefore, follow strategy.
- True
7. A functional structure often leads to short-term and narrow thinking that may undermine what is best for the firm
as a whole.
- True
8. A force change strategy is one that attempts to convince individuals that the change is to their personal advantage.
- False
9. Strategy implementation is positioning forces before the action
- False
10. Structure undeniably cannot and does not influence strategy
- False
11. Strategic responsibilities of the production/operations manager include assessing the staffing needs and costs for
alternative strategies…
- False
12. Even the most technically perfect strategic plan will serve little purpose if it is not implemented.
- True
13. Strategy implementation requires special motivation and leadership skills
- True
14. Establishing annual objectives is a centralized activity that directly involves all managers in an organization.
- False
15. Strategy formulation is managing forces during the action while strategy implementation is positioning forces before
the action.
- False
16. Long-term objectives serve as guidelines for actions, directing, and channeling efforts and activities of organization
- False
17. Successful strategy formulation does guarantee successful strategy implementation
- False
18. The primary benefit sought from restructuring is the increase in profit.
- False
19. Self-interest change strategy evokes greater commitment and less resistance than does the force change strategy.
- False
20. Firms need to develop a competitor focus at all hierarchical levels by gathering and widely distributing competitive
intelligence, every employer should be able to benchmark her…
- True
21. That is exemplified by exchanging members of conflicting parties so that each can gain an appreciation of the point
of view of others or holding a meeting….
- Confrontation
22. According to the Fortune Magazine in 2009 rated as their fourth “Most Admired Company in the World”…
- Google
23. It is one that presents information to convince people of the need for change…
- Educative Change Strategy
24. This includes such actions as ignoring the problem in hopes that the conflict will resolve itself or physically
separating the conflicting individuals
- Avoidance
25. It is a decentralized activity that directly involves all managers in an organization
- Establishing Annual Objectives
26. It is the most effective for implementing strategies when specific products or services need special emphasis.
- Divisional Structure by Product
27. It sets the boundaries, constraints, and limits on the kinds of administrative actions that can be taken to reward and
- Policy
28. These are short-term milestones that organizations must achieve to reach long-term objectives.
- Annual Objectives
29. Refers to a firm that uses information technology to break down functional barriers…
- Reengineering
30. It is a term that incorporates all the activities that enterprises perform to improve productivity, optimize resources,
deliver quality products and services, and meet customer expectations and demand.
- Reengineering
31. This can include playing down difference between conflicting parties while accentuating similarities and common
- Defusion
32. Also called process management, process innovation, or process redesign…
- Reengineering
33. It is a tax-qualified, defined-contribution, employee-benefit plan whereby employee purchase stock of the
- Employee Stock Ownership
34. When an organization requires employees or departments to establish performance targets…
- Gain sharing
35. It refers to specific guidelines, methods, procedures, rules, forms, administrative practices…
- Policy
36. This structure allows an organization to cater effectively to the requirements of clearly defined customer groups
- Divisional Structure by Customer
37. The most widely used structure is the functional or centralized type because this structure is the simplest and least
expensive of the seven alternatives.
- The functional structure
38. It is also called downsizing, rightsizing, or delayering…
- Restructuring
39. It can be defined as a disagreement between two or more parties on one or more issues.
- Conflict
40. This involves giving orders and enforcing those orders…
- Force change strategy

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