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VTU-ETR Seat No.

Question Paper Version : A

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi

Eligibility Test for Research (VTU-ETR) Programmes
Ph.D./M.S. ( Research) August – 2023
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


1. Ensure that the question paper booklet issued to you is of your opted discipline.
2. If your name, ETR number, OMR No, branch and branch code are not already printed on the
OMR answer sheet, write them in clear handwriting in the space provided.
3. The question paper has 100 multiple choice questions. Each question carries one mark.
4. All the questions are compulsory.
5. Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed.
6. There shall be no negative marking for wrong answers.
7. The examinees shall select the response which they want to mark/indicate on the response
sheet and shade/darken/blacken completely the inside area of the corresponding checkbox
bubble of circular or oval shape.
8. Candidates should use black ball point pen to shade the checkbox bubble so that it is fully
dark and the computer can detect without fail. Shading should be limited to the checkbox
bubble only.
9. Shading of multiple checkbox bubbles shall be treated as invalid answer
10. Partial or incomplete shading/darkening of the bubble be avoided
11. Use of whiteners/correction fluid to change the shaded/filled checkbox bubble to fill another
is prohibited
12. Erasing of filled checkbox bubble/s to fill another is prohibited.
13. Any type of writing, scribbling etc., on the question paper and ticking the response of a
question/s are prohibited. Violation of this condition shall lead to disciplinary action like
debar from the examination. Also, the OMR answer sheet shall not be considered for
evaluation process.
14. Scientific calculator is only permitted. Violation of this condition shall lead to disciplinary
action like debar from the examination. Also, the OMR answer sheet shall not be considered
for evaluation process.
15. Folding/crushing/mutilating of OMR sheet is not permitted.
16. Handover the OMR sheet and the question paper booklet to the Room Invigilator while
leaving the examination hall.
(Research Methodology Architecture Engineering)
[50 MARKS]
1. Which of the following includes examples of quantitative variable.
a) Height b) Emotion c) Beauty d) Ultimic group

2. Two types of quantitative data are _________

a) Discrete and continuous b) Nominal and Continuous
c) Discrete and ordinal d) Nominal and Ordinal

3. A cross-sequential design is a method used in research that,

a) Combines longitudinal design as well as cross sectional design.
b) Follows only longitudinal design
c) Follows only cross-sectional design
d) None of the above

4. _________ is a type of observational research in which the market researcher conducts surveys
from a specific time period to another i.e. over considerable course of time.
a) Cross-sectional studies b) Longitudinal studies
c) Cross-sequential studies d) None of the above

5. Ethnography research, data is collected through _________

a) Observation b) Questionnaire survey c) Interview d) Third party validation

6. Which is the following includes example of qualitative variable?

a) Height b) Income c) Age d) Emotion

7. Two types of quantitative data,

a) Discrete and continuous b) Nominal and ordinal
c) Nominal and continuous d) Discrete and ordinal

8. __________ is a type of observational research in which the market research conducts surveys
at a particular time period a cross the target sample.
a) Cross-sectional studies b) Cross-sequential studies
c) longitudinal studies d) None of above

9. Ethnography research is ______ research.

a) Quantitative b) Qualitative c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

10. Ethnography research is ______ method.

a) Time consuming b) Time saving c) Restricted time d) None of the above

Ver A : AR – 1 of 12
11. Which of the following statement are true for historical research design?
(i) Based on quantitative data
(ii) Based on qualitative data
(iii) Findings can be generalized to other situation
(iv) Design includes-validity, content analysis and fields studies
a) (i), (iii), (iv) b) (ii), (iii), (iv) c) (i), (iii) d) (ii), (iv)

12. The research design in which the area of inquiry is the manner by which people make sense of
social interaction
a) Grounded theory b) Phenomenology
c) Symbolic interactionsim d) Ethnography

13. Choose the least likely assumption o a classic normal linear regression model?
a) The independent variable and dependent variable have a linear relationship
b) the independent variable is normally distributed
c) There is no randomness in the independent variable
d) None of the above

14. Simulation is defined as

a) a technique that uses computers
b) an approach for reproducing the process of which events by change and change are created
in commuter
c) a procedure for testing and experimenting on model to answer what if ....., then so..... types
of questions
d) all of the above

15. The combination of different approaches to validate information, strategies and result in a
research study is technically known as :
a) Meta analysis b) Triangulation c) Trend analysis d) Cross validation

16. -------- method involved in depth study of a person, event, groups or nation
a) case study b) experimental c) chemical d) none of these

17. Case study is a kind of research design which usually involves the -------- method of selecting
the source of data
a) Qualitative b) Quantitative c) Both a) and b) d) None of these

18. -------- trace the development of an organization/system over time

a) Observational case studies
b) Historical case studies
c) Situational case studies
d) Multiple-case studies

19. If the same study contains more than one case to study then it is known as --------
a) Mixed case study b) Replicate case study
c) Multiple case study d) Double case study

Ver A : AR – 2 of 12
20. Case study method is used in as social sciences
a) Social science b) Medicine c) Social work d) All of these

21. All research process start with

a) Observation b) Hypothesis c) Experiments d) Analysis

22. Which of the following is applied in quantitative research?

a) Deductive reasoning
b) Inductive process
c) Action research
d) Correlation

23. In context of sampling design, the aggregate of all the units pertaining to study is called
a) Population of universe
b) Unit
c) Sample
d) Frame

24. The data that is collected from internet is called :

a) Documentary source b) Primary source
c) Secondary source d) None of above

25. The quality of a research journal is indicated by its -------

a) h-index b) g-index c) i/O score d) impact factor

26. The main aspect that drove the mental mapping techniques of Gould, Whyte and Lynch is
which of the following?
a) Context led b) Methodology led c) Theory led d) City led

27. The two plausible weakness of architectural historical research are which of the following?
i) Is an interpretive enterprise with one point of view
ii) Is an elevated mode of inquiry
iii) Multiple histories become prerogative for full orbed research
a) i) and iii) b) i) and ii) c) ii) and iii) d) All of the above

28. The attributes of Architectural qualitative research are which of the following?
i) inductive logic
ii) Single tactics
iii) Open ended
iv) Verbal and visual analysis
a) i) and iv) b) ii) and iv) c) i) iii) and iv) d) i) ii) and iii)

29. What is the analytical tool used to described the strength and direction of relationship amongst
variable of study?
a) Factor Analysis b) Causal research
c) Logical Argumentation d) Multiple Regression

Ver A : AR – 3 of 12
30. Match the following :
(i) BIM (p) GIS to analyze existing environment
(ii) CAVE (q) AT one-point scenarios
(iii) Geodesign (r) Wind modeling and Meta Data
(iv) SimScale (s) Three dimension computer generated environment
a) (i)-(s), (ii)-(r), (iii)-(p), (iv)-(q) b) (i)-(q), (ii)-(s), (iii)-(p), (iv)-(r)
c) (i)-(q), (ii)-(p), (iii)-(r), (iv)-(s) d) (i)-(s), (ii)-(r), (iii)-(q), (iv)-(p)

31. When a researcher includes in his sample those individuals who are willing and are readily
available the sampling technique is called
a) Simple Random sampling b) Quota sampling
c) Snowball sampling d) Incidental sampling

32. A proposition which can be put to test to determine its validity” Define by
a) Lund berg b) Emory c) Johnson d) Good and Hatt

33. Randomization of test unit is

a) pretest b) post test c) matching d) experiment

34. A survey is limited by the willingness and ----- of respondents

a) Co-operation b) Help c) Access d) Attitude

35. Which of the following refers to research supported by measurable evidence?

a) Opinion b) Empiricism c) Speculation d) Rationalism

36. A statement made about a population for testing purpose is called

a) Statistic b) Hypothesis c) Level of significance d) Test - Static

37. A statement whose validity is tested on the basis of a sample is called

a) Null Hypothesis b) Statistical Hypothesis
c) Simple Hypothesis d) Composite Hypothesis

38. If the critical region is evenly distributed then the test is referred as.
a) Two tailed b) One tailed c) Three tailed d) Zero tailed

39. Formulation of hypothesis may not be required in

a) Survey method b) Historical studies c) Experimental studies d) Normative studies

40. Statistical Hypothesis is derived from

a) Frame b) Data c) Sample d) Facts

41. Identify the true relationship amongst the following in which – sampling error (S), Frame error
(F) , Chance error (C), Response error (R)
a) S = F + C + R b) F = S + C + R c) R = (F + C) - S d) S = (F + C)  R

Ver A : AR – 4 of 12
42. Which of the following are TRUE with respect to sample distribution?
i) Normal distribution is denoted by N(, ), where N = Population ,  = mean ,  = SD.
ii) Normal distribution is represented as bell shape of histogram
iii) Chi – square distribution determines sample mean and sample standard deviation (SD)
iv) F – distribution deals with all non – negative values
a) i) and iii) b) i) and ii) c) ii) and iii) d) All of the above

43. Match the following with respect to distribution curve

(i) Skewness (p) Rough measure of variability
(ii) Kurtosis (q) Observations clustering
(iii) Central Tendency (r) Flatness or peakedness
(iv) Dispersion range (s) Lack of symmetry
a) (i) – (q), (ii) – (r), (iii) – (p), (iv) – (s) b) (i) – (s), (ii) – (p), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (r)
c) (i) – (s), (ii) – (r), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (p) d) (i) – (r), (ii) – (s), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (p)

44. Select the TRUE statement and about correlation coefficient from the below :
(i) It is measured on a scale that varies from +1 through 0 to -1
(ii) Is most cases a Non – linear line
(iii) When one variable increase as the other increases the correlation is negative and vice
(iv) Complete absence of correlation is represented by 0
a) (i), (iii), (iv) b) (i), (iv) c) (ii), (iii) d) All of the above

45. Var[X] = p(1 – p). This is the formula for which of the following distribution?
a) Exponential b) Bernoulli c) Binomial d) Normal

46. According to Clifford woody research comprises

a) defining and redefining problem
b) formulating hypothesis or suggestive solution
c) collecting, organizing and evaluating data
d) All of above

47. Rearrange the statement for ‘logical analysis of a subject matter’ is research writing.
i) Preparation of rough draft
ii) Rewriting and polishing of the rough for draft
iii) Preparation of the final outline
iv) Preparation of the final bibliography
a) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv) b) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii) c) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii) d) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)

48. Choose the correct statement for the statement below:

List the tables and illustrations
a) is provided along with the result b) is provided under the main text
c) is provided at the end of report d) is provided in preliminary pages

Ver A : AR – 5 of 12
49. Choose the correct sequence for the statement below:
For books and pamphlets the order may be as under:
a) Name of author, Title, Place, Publisher, Date of Publication, No. of volumes
b) Title, Place, Name of author, Date of publication, Publisher, No. of volumes
c) Publisher, Date of publication, Name of author, Title, Place, No. of volume
d) Name of author, Date of publication, Publisher, Place, Title

50 Choose the suitable statement for Plagiarism is

a) using copied material without enclosing that material in quotation marks and without
appropriately acknowledging its source
b) using copied material with enclosing that material in quotation marks and without
appropriately acknowledging its source
c) using copied material with enclosing that material partially in quotation marks but
appropriately acknowledging its source
d) using copied material and also enclosing same in quotation mark and appropriately
acknowledging its sources.

Ver A : AR – 6 of 12
Discipline Oriented Section
[50 MARKS]

51. In which of the following, the main purpose of research is to formulate generalizations leading
to theory building?
a) Phenomenology with subjective frame of reality
b) Participant observation with focus on perspective
c) Symbolic interaction with emphasis on social interaction
d) Experimentation with control and manipulation of variables.

52. Which method will be best used for development of scientific skills?
a) Performing laboratory work
b) Giving opportunity to learn skills in some field visit
c) Conduction science olympids
d) By science quiz competition

53. The crucial aspect of scientific process is

a) The problem b) The hypothesis c) The method d) The result

54. From the list given below identify the statement which appropriates describe the main
characteristics of steps in scientific method
1) Identify defining the problem
2) Defining the population and sampling method
3) Selecting a sample
4) Formulating hypothesis
5) Collecting, organizing and analyzing data
6) Fixing the frame work for the data analysis
7) Verification, rejection or modification of the hypothesis indicates your answer from the
given below :
a) (2), (3), (4), (5) & (6)
b) (1), (4), (5), (6) & (7)
c) (3), (4), (5), (6) & (7)
d) (1), (2), (3), (4) & (5)

55. Which of the following is not the goal of the scientific method of acquiring knowledge?
a) Exploring of truth
b) Fact finding
c) Control of variables
d) Prediction of events

Ver A : AR – 7 of 12
56. This architect said “Less is bore”?
a) Michael Graves
b) Peter Eisenman
c) Robert Venturi
d) Mier Van der Rohe

57. The flying buttress is distinguished by the following future

a) its separation from the wall that it supports
b) its shape
c) its proportions
d) none of these

58. The “squinch” in architectural terminology commonly relates to the following building
a) foundation b) wall c) window d) dome

59. The ziggurat is an architectural typology that evolved in

a) Persia b) China c) Egypt d) Mesopotamia

60. Piazza d’ltalia was designed by

a) Bernard Tschumi
b) Zaha Hadid
c) Charles Moore
d) Charles Gwathmey

61. Which of the following is an appropriate example of a social institution?

a) Market b) Trade Union c) Political Party d) N.G.O

62 The basis of economic problems relates to

a) Unlimited wants b) Limited resources c) Both of these d) None of these

63 Migration occurs due to

a) Search for work opportunities b) Marriage
c) Quest for higher standard of living d) All of the above

64 A survey is limited by the willingness and _____

a) Co-operation b) Help c) Access d) Attitude

65 The ability to satisfy a human need or want is called

a) Productivity b) Profitability c) Utility d) Satisfaction

66. The planetary winds that flows between the sub tropical high and equatorial law is known
as __
a) Polar esterlies b) trade winds c) Waterlines d) None of these

Ver A : AR – 8 of 12
67. What is sustainable development
a) The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generation to meet their own needs
b) it is the practice of developing land of construction project in the manner that reduces their
impact on the environment by allowing them to create energy efficient models of self
c) To conserve natural resources of the develop alternate sources of power while reducing
pollution of harm to the environment
d) All of the above

68. Sustainable development is a matter of inter-generational sensibility in respect to the use of

a) Natural resources
b) Material resources
c) Industrial resources
d) social resources

69. Technology that satisfies the demands of sustainable development is typically referred to as
a) Cutting – edge technology
b) Appropriate technology
c) Long – lasting Technology
d) Technology that adapts

70. Angle made by plane surface with horizontal is called _____

a) Slope b) Attitude angle c) Zeneth angle d) Hour angle

71. _____ masonry is the cheapest but requires more skills and extensively used for compound
a) Caused random rubble masonry
b) Dry rubble masonry
c) Polygonal rubble masonry
d) Uncaused random rubble masonry

72. The horizontal rail provided immediately above the bottom rail in doors is known as _____
a) Mullion b) Transome c) Lock rail d) Jamb

73. Inclination of the sides of the roof with the horizontal is termed as _____
a) Pitch of the roof b) Ridge of the roof
c) Valley of the roof d) Eave of the roof

74. The thickened part of a flat slab over its supporting column is technically known as _____
a) Column head b) Column end c) Capital d) Drop panel

75. _____ glass is used in frameless glass doors

a) Laminated b) Toughened c) Float d) Chromatic

Ver A : AR – 9 of 12
76. To avoid Plagiarism in a research article
a) One should provide a citation and use quotation marks to show exactly from where the
information is taken
b) One should provide a citation but use of quotation marks to show exactly form where
information is taken is not mandatory
c) One should not provide citation however quotation marks to show exactly form where
information is taken is mandatory
d) Neither citation is required nor quotation marks to show exactly form where the
information is taken is required

77. Choose the correct statement which suits best for writing ‘Introduction’ of a research paper
a) Author should explain aims and objectives of the study clearly in this section
b) Author should explain the results of the study clearly and also provided the study of
literature in short
c) Author should not mention significance and scope of work in the ‘Introduction’ of research
d) Introduction should always have tables and figures to explain the study

78. An important detail for citing a work with multiple authors is that – (In APA style)
a) Give the surnames of all authors (up to max of Four) on first mention whereas on further
mentions it is written as first author followed by ‘et al’
b) Give the surnames of three authors and for further mentions first author followed by ‘it al’
c) For first mention names of first author followed by ‘it al’ and then names of all authors for
further mentions
d) Give the surnames of two authors followed by ‘it a’

79. Choose the category from the following which is not considered for classification research
a) Technical paper
b) Case study
c) Descriptive paper
d) General review

80. Which of the following acts are considered as Unethical in research

a) Publishing the same paper in two different journals without telling the editions
b) Destroy research data immediately after research
c) Avoid reporting an adverse event in a human research experiment
d) All of the above

81. The process that combines micro-filtration and ultra-filtration with activated sludge process is
a) Prove mediation b) Reverse osmosis
c) Membrane bioreactor d) Trickling filters

82. The efficacy of a lamp is calculated in _____

a) Lumens b) Watt
c) Lumens/Watt d) Luminous intensity

Ver A : AR – 10 of 12
83. In a 20 – storey building with 3m floor to floor height, a passenger lift is hoisted by a steel
rope. Weight of the lift car is 750kg and ultimate load the steel rope can carry is 39,000kg.
Assuming a factor of safety of 20 for the steel rope and an average passenger weight of 75kg,
the passenger capacity of the lift is _____
a) 16 b) 20 c) 8 d) 24

84. A room is mechanically ventilated through four air-conditioning ducts. The opening area of
each duct is 0.35sqm. The air velocity in the duct is 0.5m/s. The temperature difference
between the ambient air and supply air is 10C. Volumetric specific heat of air is 1250J/m3C.
Assuming one Ton of refrigeration (TR) equals 3.5KW, the cooling load of the room in TR
will be _____
a) 1 TR b) 2.5 TR c) 3TR d) 1.5TR

85. The unit for measuring sound absorption in a room is ______ options
a) Decibel b) Hertz c) Sabin d) Phon

86. The rate of change of displacement with respect to time is defined as

a) Momentum b) Acceleration c) Velocity d) Continuum

87. Two parallel forces equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and separated by a definite
distance are said to form
a) Moment b) Couple c) Resultant d) None of the these

88. Mix proportion of M20 Grade Concrete

a) 1 : 1 : 2 b) 1 : 1 : 5 c) 1 : 1.5 : 3 d) 1 : 2 : 4

89. Point where the bending moment is zero is called

a) Point of plane
b) Point of contraflexture
c) Point of moment
d) None of above

90. The process of permanently joining 2 or more metal parts by fusion of the edges of metal is
a) Bolting b) Riveting c) Welding d) All the these

91. Inside city areas, the type of transportation structure is relevant for easy moment of vehicles at
junctions :
a) Flyover b) underpass c) Service road d) All of these

92. “City is associated with objects and places, city is a collective memory of its people”. Whose
quote is this?
a) Kevin Lynch b) Robert Ventun c) Camille Sitte d) Aldo Rossi

Ver A : AR – 11 of 12
93. “Out built form should be reflective of our human scale and aid in establishing a connection
between built environment and man”. this was the philosophy proposed by :
a) Edmond Bacon b) Rob Krier
c) Christopuer Alexander d) Spiro Kostof

94. The element not present on a basemap is :

a) Base map b) Tree canopy c) Drainage pattern d) Right of way

95. Measure considered for cultural aspects in urban design includes :

a) Local materials b) Local colours
c) Art works of the place d) All of these

96. Shalimar Bagh designed and built during Mughal era is influenced by which of the following
style ____
a) English Garden b) Japanese Garden
c) Persian Garden d) Central Asia Gardens

97. Which of the following is not a part of ‘Zen’ garden

a) Moss b) Sand c) Rocks d) Water

98. Traditionally, which of the following are used for retaining features in a topiary _____
a) Buxus sempervirens b) Taxus baccata
c) Ilex d) All of these

99. The eight cycle step process of site design, the following are included in site analysis
a) Orientation b) Hydrology c) Bye laws d) All of these

100. For designing of focal point in an English garden which of the following can be used _____
a) Trellis b) Topiary c) Statue d) All of these


Ver A : AR – 12 of 12
VTU-ETR Seat No. Question Paper Version : B

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi

Eligibility Test for Research (VTU-ETR) Programmes
Ph.D./M.S. ( Research) August – 2023
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


1. Ensure that the question paper booklet issued to you is of your opted discipline.
2. If your name, ETR number, OMR No, branch and branch code are not already printed on the
OMR answer sheet, write them in clear handwriting in the space provided.
3. The question paper has 100 multiple choice questions. Each question carries one mark.
4. All the questions are compulsory.
5. Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed.
6. There shall be no negative marking for wrong answers.
7. The examinees shall select the response which they want to mark/indicate on the response
sheet and shade/darken/blacken completely the inside area of the corresponding checkbox
bubble of circular or oval shape.
8. Candidates should use black ball point pen to shade the checkbox bubble so that it is fully
dark and the computer can detect without fail. Shading should be limited to the checkbox
bubble only.
9. Shading of multiple checkbox bubbles shall be treated as invalid answer
10. Partial or incomplete shading/darkening of the bubble be avoided
11. Use of whiteners/correction fluid to change the shaded/filled checkbox bubble to fill another
is prohibited
12. Erasing of filled checkbox bubble/s to fill another is prohibited.
13. Any type of writing, scribbling etc., on the question paper and ticking the response of a
question/s are prohibited. Violation of this condition shall lead to disciplinary action like
debar from the examination. Also, the OMR answer sheet shall not be considered for
evaluation process.
14. Scientific calculator is only permitted. Violation of this condition shall lead to disciplinary
action like debar from the examination. Also, the OMR answer sheet shall not be considered
for evaluation process.
15. Folding/crushing/mutilating of OMR sheet is not permitted.
16. Handover the OMR sheet and the question paper booklet to the Room Invigilator while
leaving the examination hall.
(Research Methodology Architecture Engineering)
[50 MARKS]
1. Identify the true relationship amongst the following in which – sampling error (S), Frame error
(F) , Chance error (C), Response error (R)
a) S = F + C + R b) F = S + C + R
c) R = (F + C) - S d) S = (F + C)  R

2. Which of the following are TRUE with respect to sample distribution?

i) Normal distribution is denoted by N(, ), where N = Population ,  = mean ,  = SD.
ii) Normal distribution is represented as bell shape of histogram
iii) Chi – square distribution determines sample mean and sample standard deviation (SD)
iv) F – distribution deals with all non – negative values
a) i) and iii) b) i) and ii)
c) ii) and iii) d) All of the above

3. Match the following with respect to distribution curve

(i) Skewness (p) Rough measure of variability
(ii) Kurtosis (q) Observations clustering
(iii) Central Tendency (r) Flatness or peakedness
(iv) Dispersion range (s) Lack of symmetry
a) (i) – (q), (ii) – (r), (iii) – (p), (iv) – (s) b) (i) – (s), (ii) – (p), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (r)
c) (i) – (s), (ii) – (r), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (p) d) (i) – (r), (ii) – (s), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (p)

4. Select the TRUE statement and about correlation coefficient from the below :
(i) It is measured on a scale that varies from +1 through 0 to -1
(ii) Is most cases a Non – linear line
(iii) When one variable increase as the other increases the correlation is negative and vice
(iv) Complete absence of correlation is represented by 0
a) (i), (iii), (iv) b) (i), (iv) c) (ii), (iii) d) All of the above

5. Var[X] = p(1 – p). This is the formula for which of the following distribution?
a) Exponential b) Bernoulli c) Binomial d) Normal

6. According to Clifford woody research comprises

a) defining and redefining problem
b) formulating hypothesis or suggestive solution
c) collecting, organizing and evaluating data
d) All of above

Ver B : AR – 1 of 12
7. Rearrange the statement for ‘logical analysis of a subject matter’ is research writing.
i) Preparation of rough draft
ii) Rewriting and polishing of the rough for draft
iii) Preparation of the final outline
iv) Preparation of the final bibliography
a) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv) b) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii) c) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii) d) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)

8. Choose the correct statement for the statement below:

List the tables and illustrations
a) is provided along with the result b) is provided under the main text
c) is provided at the end of report d) is provided in preliminary pages

9. Choose the correct sequence for the statement below:

For books and pamphlets the order may be as under:
a) Name of author, Title, Place, Publisher, Date of Publication, No. of volumes
b) Title, Place, Name of author, Date of publication, Publisher, No. of volumes
c) Publisher, Date of publication, Name of author, Title, Place, No. of volume
d) Name of author, Date of publication, Publisher, Place, Title

10. Choose the suitable statement for Plagiarism is

a) using copied material without enclosing that material in quotation marks and without
appropriately acknowledging its source
b) using copied material with enclosing that material in quotation marks and without
appropriately acknowledging its source
c) using copied material with enclosing that material partially in quotation marks but
appropriately acknowledging its source
d) using copied material and also enclosing same in quotation mark and appropriately
acknowledging its sources.

11. When a researcher includes in his sample those individuals who are willing and are readily
available the sampling technique is called
a) Simple Random sampling b) Quota sampling
c) Snowball sampling d) Incidental sampling

12. A proposition which can be put to test to determine its validity” Define by
a) Lund berg b) Emory c) Johnson d) Good and Hatt

13. Randomization of test unit is

a) pretest b) post test c) matching d) experiment

14. A survey is limited by the willingness and ----- of respondents

a) Co-operation b) Help c) Access d) Attitude

Ver B : AR – 2 of 12
15. Which of the following refers to research supported by measurable evidence?
a) Opinion b) Empiricism c) Speculation d) Rationalism

16. A statement made about a population for testing purpose is called

a) Statistic b) Hypothesis c) Level of significance d) Test - Static

17. A statement whose validity is tested on the basis of a sample is called

a) Null Hypothesis b) Statistical Hypothesis
c) Simple Hypothesis d) Composite Hypothesis

18. If the critical region is evenly distributed then the test is referred as.
a) Two tailed b) One tailed c) Three tailed d) Zero tailed

19. Formulation of hypothesis may not be required in

a) Survey method b) Historical studies c) Experimental studies d) Normative studies

20. Statistical Hypothesis is derived from

a) Frame b) Data c) Sample d) Facts

21. Which of the following statement are true for historical research design?
(i) Based on quantitative data
(ii) Based on qualitative data
(iii) Findings can be generalized to other situation
(iv) Design includes-validity, content analysis and fields studies
a) (i), (iii), (iv) b) (ii), (iii), (iv) c) (i), (iii) d) (ii), (iv)

22. The research design in which the area of inquiry is the manner by which people make sense of
social interaction
a) Grounded theory b) Phenomenology
c) Symbolic interactionsim d) Ethnography

23. Choose the least likely assumption o a classic normal linear regression model?
a) The independent variable and dependent variable have a linear relationship
b) the independent variable is normally distributed
c) There is no randomness in the independent variable
d) None of the above

24. Simulation is defined as

a) a technique that uses computers
b) an approach for reproducing the process of which events by change and change are created
in commuter
c) a procedure for testing and experimenting on model to answer what if ....., then so..... types
of questions
d) all of the above

Ver B : AR – 3 of 12
25. The combination of different approaches to validate information, strategies and result in a
research study is technically known as :
a) Meta analysis b) Triangulation c) Trend analysis d) Cross validation

26. -------- method involved in depth study of a person, event, groups or nation
a) case study b) experimental c) chemical d) none of these

27. Case study is a kind of research design which usually involves the -------- method of selecting
the source of data
a) Qualitative b) Quantitative c) Both a) and b) d) None of these

28. -------- trace the development of an organization/system over time

a) Observational case studies
b) Historical case studies
c) Situational case studies
d) Multiple-case studies

29. If the same study contains more than one case to study then it is known as --------
a) Mixed case study b) Replicate case study
c) Multiple case study d) Double case study

30. Case study method is used in as social sciences

a) Social science b) Medicine c) Social work d) All of these

31. Which of the following includes examples of quantitative variable.

a) Height b) Emotion c) Beauty d) Ultimic group

32. Two types of quantitative data are _________

a) Discrete and continuous b) Nominal and Continuous
c) Discrete and ordinal d) Nominal and Ordinal

33. A cross-sequential design is a method used in research that,

a) Combines longitudinal design as well as cross sectional design.
b) Follows only longitudinal design
c) Follows only cross-sectional design
d) None of the above

34. _________ is a type of observational research in which the market researcher conducts surveys
from a specific time period to another i.e. over considerable course of time.
a) Cross-sectional studies b) Longitudinal studies
c) Cross-sequential studies d) None of the above

35. Ethnography research, data is collected through _________

a) Observation b) Questionnaire survey c) Interview d) Third party validation

Ver B : AR – 4 of 12
36. Which is the following includes example of qualitative variable?
a) Height b) Income c) Age d) Emotion

37. Two types of quantitative data,

a) Discrete and continuous b) Nominal and ordinal
c) Nominal and continuous d) Discrete and ordinal

38. __________ is a type of observational research in which the market research conducts surveys
at a particular time period a cross the target sample.
a) Cross-sectional studies b) Cross-sequential studies
c) longitudinal studies d) None of above

39. Ethnography research is ______ research.

a) Quantitative b) Qualitative c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

40. Ethnography research is ______ method.

a) Time consuming b) Time saving c) Restricted time d) None of the above

41. All research process start with

a) Observation b) Hypothesis c) Experiments d) Analysis

42. Which of the following is applied in quantitative research?

a) Deductive reasoning
b) Inductive process
c) Action research
d) Correlation

43. In context of sampling design, the aggregate of all the units pertaining to study is called
a) Population of universe
b) Unit
c) Sample
d) Frame
44. The data that is collected from internet is called :
a) Documentary source b) Primary source
c) Secondary source d) None of above

45. The quality of a research journal is indicated by its -------

a) h-index b) g-index c) i/O score d) impact factor

46. The main aspect that drove the mental mapping techniques of Gould, Whyte and Lynch is
which of the following?
a) Context led b) Methodology led c) Theory led d) City led

47. The two plausible weakness of architectural historical research are which of the following?
i) Is an interpretive enterprise with one point of view
ii) Is an elevated mode of inquiry
iii) Multiple histories become prerogative for full orbed research
a) i) and iii) b) i) and ii) c) ii) and iii) d) All of the above
Ver B : AR – 5 of 12
48. The attributes of Architectural qualitative research are which of the following?
i) inductive logic
ii) Single tactics
iii) Open ended
iv) Verbal and visual analysis
a) i) and iv) b) ii) and iv) c) i) iii) and iv) d) i) ii) and iii)

49. What is the analytical tool used to described the strength and direction of relationship amongst
variable of study?
a) Factor Analysis b) Causal research
c) Logical Argumentation d) Multiple Regression

50 Match the following :

(i) BIM (p) GIS to analyze existing environment
(ii) CAVE (q) AT one-point scenarios
(iii) Geodesign (r) Wind modeling and Meta Data
(iv) SimScale (s) Three dimension computer generated environment
a) (i)-(s), (ii)-(r), (iii)-(p), (iv)-(q) b) (i)-(q), (ii)-(s), (iii)-(p), (iv)-(r)
c) (i)-(q), (ii)-(p), (iii)-(r), (iv)-(s) d) (i)-(s), (ii)-(r), (iii)-(q), (iv)-(p)

Ver B : AR – 6 of 12
Discipline Oriented Section
[50 MARKS]

51. Inside city areas, the type of transportation structure is relevant for easy moment of vehicles at
junctions :
a) Flyover b) underpass c) Service road d) All of these

52. “City is associated with objects and places, city is a collective memory of its people”. Whose
quote is this?
a) Kevin Lynch b) Robert Ventun c) Camille Sitte d) Aldo Rossi

53. “Out built form should be reflective of our human scale and aid in establishing a connection
between built environment and man”. this was the philosophy proposed by :
a) Edmond Bacon b) Rob Krier
c) Christopuer Alexander d) Spiro Kostof

54. The element not present on a basemap is :

a) Base map b) Tree canopy c) Drainage pattern d) Right of way

55. Measure considered for cultural aspects in urban design includes :

a) Local materials b) Local colours
c) Art works of the place d) All of these

56. Shalimar Bagh designed and built during Mughal era is influenced by which of the following
style ____
a) English Garden b) Japanese Garden
c) Persian Garden d) Central Asia Gardens

57. Which of the following is not a part of ‘Zen’ garden

a) Moss b) Sand c) Rocks d) Water

58. Traditionally, which of the following are used for retaining features in a topiary _____
a) Buxus sempervirens b) Taxus baccata
c) Ilex d) All of these

59. The eight cycle step process of site design, the following are included in site analysis
a) Orientation b) Hydrology c) Bye laws d) All of these

60. For designing of focal point in an English garden which of the following can be used _____
a) Trellis b) Topiary c) Statue d) All of these

Ver B : AR – 7 of 12
61. The process that combines micro-filtration and ultra-filtration with activated sludge process is
a) Prove mediation b) Reverse osmosis
c) Membrane bioreactor d) Trickling filters

62. The efficacy of a lamp is calculated in _____

a) Lumens b) Watt
c) Lumens/Watt d) Luminous intensity

63. In a 20 – storey building with 3m floor to floor height, a passenger lift is hoisted by a steel
rope. Weight of the lift car is 750kg and ultimate load the steel rope can carry is 39,000kg.
Assuming a factor of safety of 20 for the steel rope and an average passenger weight of 75kg,
the passenger capacity of the lift is _____
a) 16 b) 20 c) 8 d) 24

64. A room is mechanically ventilated through four air-conditioning ducts. The opening area of
each duct is 0.35sqm. The air velocity in the duct is 0.5m/s. The temperature difference
between the ambient air and supply air is 10C. Volumetric specific heat of air is 1250J/m3C.
Assuming one Ton of refrigeration (TR) equals 3.5KW, the cooling load of the room in TR
will be _____
a) 1 TR b) 2.5 TR c) 3TR d) 1.5TR

65. The unit for measuring sound absorption in a room is ______ options
a) Decibel b) Hertz c) Sabin d) Phon

66. The rate of change of displacement with respect to time is defined as

a) Momentum b) Acceleration c) Velocity d) Continuum

67. Two parallel forces equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and separated by a definite
distance are said to form
a) Moment b) Couple c) Resultant d) None of the these

68. Mix proportion of M20 Grade Concrete

a) 1 : 1 : 2 b) 1 : 1 : 5 c) 1 : 1.5 : 3 d) 1 : 2 : 4

69. Point where the bending moment is zero is called

a) Point of plane
b) Point of contraflexture
c) Point of moment
d) None of above

70. The process of permanently joining 2 or more metal parts by fusion of the edges of metal is
a) Bolting b) Riveting c) Welding d) All the these

Ver B : AR – 8 of 12
71. Which of the following is an appropriate example of a social institution?
a) Market b) Trade Union c) Political Party d) N.G.O

72. The basis of economic problems relates to

a) Unlimited wants b) Limited resources c) Both of these d) None of these

73. Migration occurs due to

a) Search for work opportunities b) Marriage
c) Quest for higher standard of living d) All of the above

74. A survey is limited by the willingness and _____

a) Co-operation b) Help c) Access d) Attitude

75. The ability to satisfy a human need or want is called

a) Productivity b) Profitability c) Utility d) Satisfaction

76. The planetary winds that flows between the sub tropical high and equatorial law is known
as __
a) Polar esterlies b) trade winds c) Waterlines d) None of these

77. What is sustainable development

a) The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generation to meet their own needs
b) it is the practice of developing land of construction project in the manner that reduces their
impact on the environment by allowing them to create energy efficient models of self
c) To conserve natural resources of the develop alternate sources of power while reducing
pollution of harm to the environment
d) All of the above

78. Sustainable development is a matter of inter-generational sensibility in respect to the use of

a) Natural resources
b) Material resources
c) Industrial resources
d) social resources

79. Technology that satisfies the demands of sustainable development is typically referred to as
a) Cutting – edge technology
b) Appropriate technology
c) Long – lasting Technology
d) Technology that adapts

Ver B : AR – 9 of 12
80. Angle made by plane surface with horizontal is called _____
a) Slope b) Attitude angle c) Zeneth angle d) Hour angle

81. In which of the following, the main purpose of research is to formulate generalizations leading
to theory building?
a) Phenomenology with subjective frame of reality
b) Participant observation with focus on perspective
c) Symbolic interaction with emphasis on social interaction
d) Experimentation with control and manipulation of variables.

82. Which method will be best used for development of scientific skills?
a) Performing laboratory work
b) Giving opportunity to learn skills in some field visit
c) Conduction science olympids
d) By science quiz competition

83. The crucial aspect of scientific process is

a) The problem b) The hypothesis c) The method d) The result

84. From the list given below identify the statement which appropriates describe the main
characteristics of steps in scientific method
1) Identify defining the problem
2) Defining the population and sampling method
3) Selecting a sample
4) Formulating hypothesis
5) Collecting, organizing and analyzing data
6) Fixing the frame work for the data analysis
7) Verification, rejection or modification of the hypothesis indicates your answer from the
given below :
a) (2), (3), (4), (5) & (6)
b) (1), (4), (5), (6) & (7)
c) (3), (4), (5), (6) & (7)
d) (1), (2), (3), (4) & (5)

85. Which of the following is not the goal of the scientific method of acquiring knowledge?
a) Exploring of truth
b) Fact finding
c) Control of variables
d) Prediction of events

86. This architect said “Less is bore”?

a) Michael Graves
b) Peter Eisenman
c) Robert Venturi
d) Mier Van der Rohe
Ver B : AR – 10 of 12
87. The flying buttress is distinguished by the following future
a) its separation from the wall that it supports
b) its shape
c) its proportions
d) none of these

88. The “squinch” in architectural terminology commonly relates to the following building
a) foundation b) wall c) window d) dome

89. The ziggurat is an architectural typology that evolved in

a) Persia b) China c) Egypt d) Mesopotamia

90. Piazza d’ltalia was designed by

a) Bernard Tschumi
b) Zaha Hadid
c) Charles Moore
d) Charles Gwathmey

91. _____ masonry is the cheapest but requires more skills and extensively used for compound
a) Caused random rubble masonry
b) Dry rubble masonry
c) Polygonal rubble masonry
d) Uncaused random rubble masonry

92. The horizontal rail provided immediately above the bottom rail in doors is known as _____
a) Mullion b) Transome c) Lock rail d) Jamb

93. Inclination of the sides of the roof with the horizontal is termed as _____
a) Pitch of the roof b) Ridge of the roof
c) Valley of the roof d) Eave of the roof

94. The thickened part of a flat slab over its supporting column is technically known as _____
a) Column head b) Column end c) Capital d) Drop panel

95. _____ glass is used in frameless glass doors

a) Laminated b) Toughened c) Float d) Chromatic

Ver B : AR – 11 of 12
96. To avoid Plagiarism in a research article
a) One should provide a citation and use quotation marks to show exactly from where the
information is taken
b) One should provide a citation but use of quotation marks to show exactly form where
information is taken is not mandatory
c) One should not provide citation however quotation marks to show exactly form where
information is taken is mandatory
d) Neither citation is required nor quotation marks to show exactly form where the
information is taken is required

97. Choose the correct statement which suits best for writing ‘Introduction’ of a research paper
a) Author should explain aims and objectives of the study clearly in this section
b) Author should explain the results of the study clearly and also provided the study of
literature in short
c) Author should not mention significance and scope of work in the ‘Introduction’ of research
d) Introduction should always have tables and figures to explain the study

98. An important detail for citing a work with multiple authors is that – (In APA style)
a) Give the surnames of all authors (up to max of Four) on first mention whereas on further
mentions it is written as first author followed by ‘et al’
b) Give the surnames of three authors and for further mentions first author followed by ‘it al’
c) For first mention names of first author followed by ‘it al’ and then names of all authors for
further mentions
d) Give the surnames of two authors followed by ‘it a’

99. Choose the category from the following which is not considered for classification research
a) Technical paper
b) Case study
c) Descriptive paper
d) General review

100. Which of the following acts are considered as Unethical in research

a) Publishing the same paper in two different journals without telling the editions
b) Destroy research data immediately after research
c) Avoid reporting an adverse event in a human research experiment
d) All of the above


Ver B : AR – 12 of 12
VTU-ETR Seat No. Question Paper Version : C

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi

Eligibility Test for Research (VTU-ETR) Programmes
Ph.D./M.S. ( Research) August – 2023
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


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(Research Methodology Architecture Engineering)
[50 MARKS]
1. All research process start with
a) Observation b) Hypothesis c) Experiments d) Analysis

2. Which of the following is applied in quantitative research?

a) Deductive reasoning
b) Inductive process
c) Action research
d) Correlation

3. In context of sampling design, the aggregate of all the units pertaining to study is called
a) Population of universe
b) Unit
c) Sample
d) Frame

4. The data that is collected from internet is called :

a) Documentary source b) Primary source
c) Secondary source d) None of above

5. The quality of a research journal is indicated by its -------

a) h-index b) g-index c) i/O score d) impact factor

6. The main aspect that drove the mental mapping techniques of Gould, Whyte and Lynch is
which of the following?
a) Context led b) Methodology led c) Theory led d) City led

7. The two plausible weakness of architectural historical research are which of the following?
i) Is an interpretive enterprise with one point of view
ii) Is an elevated mode of inquiry
iii) Multiple histories become prerogative for full orbed research
a) i) and iii) b) i) and ii) c) ii) and iii) d) All of the above

8. The attributes of Architectural qualitative research are which of the following?

i) inductive logic
ii) Single tactics
iii) Open ended
iv) Verbal and visual analysis
a) i) and iv) b) ii) and iv) c) i) iii) and iv) d) i) ii) and iii)

Ver C : AR – 1 of 12
9. What is the analytical tool used to described the strength and direction of relationship amongst
variable of study?
a) Factor Analysis b) Causal research
c) Logical Argumentation d) Multiple Regression

10. Match the following :

(i) BIM (p) GIS to analyze existing environment
(ii) CAVE (q) AT one-point scenarios
(iii) Geodesign (r) Wind modeling and Meta Data
(iv) SimScale (s) Three dimension computer generated environment
a) (i)-(s), (ii)-(r), (iii)-(p), (iv)-(q) b) (i)-(q), (ii)-(s), (iii)-(p), (iv)-(r)
c) (i)-(q), (ii)-(p), (iii)-(r), (iv)-(s) d) (i)-(s), (ii)-(r), (iii)-(q), (iv)-(p)

11. Identify the true relationship amongst the following in which – sampling error (S), Frame error
(F) , Chance error (C), Response error (R)
a) S = F + C + R b) F = S + C + R c) R = (F + C) - S d) S = (F + C)  R

12. Which of the following are TRUE with respect to sample distribution?
i) Normal distribution is denoted by N(, ), where N = Population ,  = mean ,  = SD.
ii) Normal distribution is represented as bell shape of histogram
iii) Chi – square distribution determines sample mean and sample standard deviation (SD)
iv) F – distribution deals with all non – negative values
a) i) and iii) b) i) and ii) c) ii) and iii) d) All of the above

13. Match the following with respect to distribution curve

(i) Skewness (p) Rough measure of variability
(ii) Kurtosis (q) Observations clustering
(iii) Central Tendency (r) Flatness or peakedness
(iv) Dispersion range (s) Lack of symmetry
a) (i) – (q), (ii) – (r), (iii) – (p), (iv) – (s) b) (i) – (s), (ii) – (p), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (r)
c) (i) – (s), (ii) – (r), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (p) d) (i) – (r), (ii) – (s), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (p)

14. Select the TRUE statement and about correlation coefficient from the below :
(i) It is measured on a scale that varies from +1 through 0 to -1
(ii) Is most cases a Non – linear line
(iii) When one variable increase as the other increases the correlation is negative and vice
(iv) Complete absence of correlation is represented by 0
a) (i), (iii), (iv) b) (i), (iv) c) (ii), (iii) d) All of the above

15. Var[X] = p(1 – p). This is the formula for which of the following distribution?
a) Exponential b) Bernoulli c) Binomial d) Normal

Ver C : AR – 2 of 12
16. According to Clifford woody research comprises
a) defining and redefining problem
b) formulating hypothesis or suggestive solution
c) collecting, organizing and evaluating data
d) All of above

17. Rearrange the statement for ‘logical analysis of a subject matter’ is research writing.
i) Preparation of rough draft
ii) Rewriting and polishing of the rough for draft
iii) Preparation of the final outline
iv) Preparation of the final bibliography
a) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv) b) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii) c) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii) d) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)

18. Choose the correct statement for the statement below:

List the tables and illustrations
a) is provided along with the result b) is provided under the main text
c) is provided at the end of report d) is provided in preliminary pages

19. Choose the correct sequence for the statement below:

For books and pamphlets the order may be as under:
a) Name of author, Title, Place, Publisher, Date of Publication, No. of volumes
b) Title, Place, Name of author, Date of publication, Publisher, No. of volumes
c) Publisher, Date of publication, Name of author, Title, Place, No. of volume
d) Name of author, Date of publication, Publisher, Place, Title

20. Choose the suitable statement for Plagiarism is

a) using copied material without enclosing that material in quotation marks and without
appropriately acknowledging its source
b) using copied material with enclosing that material in quotation marks and without
appropriately acknowledging its source
c) using copied material with enclosing that material partially in quotation marks but
appropriately acknowledging its source
d) using copied material and also enclosing same in quotation mark and appropriately
acknowledging its sources.

21. When a researcher includes in his sample those individuals who are willing and are readily
available the sampling technique is called
a) Simple Random sampling b) Quota sampling
c) Snowball sampling d) Incidental sampling

22. A proposition which can be put to test to determine its validity” Define by
a) Lund berg b) Emory c) Johnson d) Good and Hatt

23. Randomization of test unit is

a) pretest b) post test c) matching d) experiment

Ver C : AR – 3 of 12
24. A survey is limited by the willingness and ----- of respondents
a) Co-operation b) Help c) Access d) Attitude

25. Which of the following refers to research supported by measurable evidence?

a) Opinion b) Empiricism c) Speculation d) Rationalism

26. A statement made about a population for testing purpose is called

a) Statistic b) Hypothesis c) Level of significance d) Test - Static

27. A statement whose validity is tested on the basis of a sample is called

a) Null Hypothesis b) Statistical Hypothesis
c) Simple Hypothesis d) Composite Hypothesis

28. If the critical region is evenly distributed then the test is referred as.
a) Two tailed b) One tailed c) Three tailed d) Zero tailed

29. Formulation of hypothesis may not be required in

a) Survey method b) Historical studies c) Experimental studies d) Normative studies

30. Statistical Hypothesis is derived from

a) Frame b) Data c) Sample d) Facts

31. Which of the following statement are true for historical research design?
(i) Based on quantitative data
(ii) Based on qualitative data
(iii) Findings can be generalized to other situation
(iv) Design includes-validity, content analysis and fields studies
a) (i), (iii), (iv) b) (ii), (iii), (iv) c) (i), (iii) d) (ii), (iv)

32. The research design in which the area of inquiry is the manner by which people make sense of
social interaction
a) Grounded theory b) Phenomenology
c) Symbolic interactionsim d) Ethnography

33. Choose the least likely assumption o a classic normal linear regression model?
a) The independent variable and dependent variable have a linear relationship
b) the independent variable is normally distributed
c) There is no randomness in the independent variable
d) None of the above

34. Simulation is defined as

a) a technique that uses computers
b) an approach for reproducing the process of which events by change and change are created
in commuter
c) a procedure for testing and experimenting on model to answer what if ....., then so..... types
of questions
d) all of the above

Ver C : AR – 4 of 12
35. The combination of different approaches to validate information, strategies and result in a
research study is technically known as :
a) Meta analysis b) Triangulation c) Trend analysis d) Cross validation

36 -------- method involved in depth study of a person, event, groups or nation

a) case study b) experimental c) chemical d) none of these

37. Case study is a kind of research design which usually involves the -------- method of selecting
the source of data
a) Qualitative b) Quantitative c) Both a) and b) d) None of these

38. -------- trace the development of an organization/system over time

a) Observational case studies
b) Historical case studies
c) Situational case studies
d) Multiple-case studies

39. If the same study contains more than one case to study then it is known as --------
a) Mixed case study b) Replicate case study
c) Multiple case study d) Double case study
40. Case study method is used in as social sciences
a) Social science b) Medicine c) Social work d) All of these

41. Which of the following includes examples of quantitative variable.

a) Height b) Emotion c) Beauty d) Ultimic group

42. Two types of quantitative data are _________

a) Discrete and continuous b) Nominal and Continuous
c) Discrete and ordinal d) Nominal and Ordinal

43. A cross-sequential design is a method used in research that,

a) Combines longitudinal design as well as cross sectional design.
b) Follows only longitudinal design
c) Follows only cross-sectional design
d) None of the above

44. _________ is a type of observational research in which the market researcher conducts surveys
from a specific time period to another i.e. over considerable course of time.
a) Cross-sectional studies b) Longitudinal studies
c) Cross-sequential studies d) None of the above

45. Ethnography research, data is collected through _________

a) Observation b) Questionnaire survey c) Interview d) Third party validation

46. Which is the following includes example of qualitative variable?

a) Height b) Income c) Age d) Emotion

Ver C : AR – 5 of 12
47. Two types of quantitative data,
a) Discrete and continuous b) Nominal and ordinal
c) Nominal and continuous d) Discrete and ordinal

48. __________ is a type of observational research in which the market research conducts surveys
at a particular time period a cross the target sample.
a) Cross-sectional studies b) Cross-sequential studies
c) longitudinal studies d) None of above

49. Ethnography research is ______ research.

a) Quantitative b) Qualitative c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

50. Ethnography research is ______ method.

a) Time consuming b) Time saving c) Restricted time d) None of the above

Ver C : AR – 6 of 12
Discipline Oriented Section
[50 MARKS]

51. _____ masonry is the cheapest but requires more skills and extensively used for compound
a) Caused random rubble masonry
b) Dry rubble masonry
c) Polygonal rubble masonry
d) Uncaused random rubble masonry

52. The horizontal rail provided immediately above the bottom rail in doors is known as _____
a) Mullion b) Transome c) Lock rail d) Jamb

53. Inclination of the sides of the roof with the horizontal is termed as _____
a) Pitch of the roof b) Ridge of the roof
c) Valley of the roof d) Eave of the roof

54. The thickened part of a flat slab over its supporting column is technically known as _____
a) Column head b) Column end c) Capital d) Drop panel

55. _____ glass is used in frameless glass doors

a) Laminated b) Toughened c) Float d) Chromatic

56. To avoid Plagiarism in a research article

a) One should provide a citation and use quotation marks to show exactly from where the
information is taken
b) One should provide a citation but use of quotation marks to show exactly form where
information is taken is not mandatory
c) One should not provide citation however quotation marks to show exactly form where
information is taken is mandatory
d) Neither citation is required nor quotation marks to show exactly form where the
information is taken is required

57. Choose the correct statement which suits best for writing ‘Introduction’ of a research paper
a) Author should explain aims and objectives of the study clearly in this section
b) Author should explain the results of the study clearly and also provided the study of
literature in short
c) Author should not mention significance and scope of work in the ‘Introduction’ of research
d) Introduction should always have tables and figures to explain the study

Ver C : AR – 7 of 12
58. An important detail for citing a work with multiple authors is that – (In APA style)
a) Give the surnames of all authors (up to max of Four) on first mention whereas on further
mentions it is written as first author followed by ‘et al’
b) Give the surnames of three authors and for further mentions first author followed by ‘it al’
c) For first mention names of first author followed by ‘it al’ and then names of all authors for
further mentions
d) Give the surnames of two authors followed by ‘it a’

59. Choose the category from the following which is not considered for classification research
a) Technical paper
b) Case study
c) Descriptive paper
d) General review

60. Which of the following acts are considered as Unethical in research

a) Publishing the same paper in two different journals without telling the editions
b) Destroy research data immediately after research
c) Avoid reporting an adverse event in a human research experiment
d) All of the above

61. Inside city areas, the type of transportation structure is relevant for easy moment of vehicles at
junctions :
a) Flyover b) underpass c) Service road d) All of these

62. “City is associated with objects and places, city is a collective memory of its people”. Whose
quote is this?
a) Kevin Lynch b) Robert Ventun c) Camille Sitte d) Aldo Rossi

63. “Out built form should be reflective of our human scale and aid in establishing a connection
between built environment and man”. this was the philosophy proposed by :
a) Edmond Bacon b) Rob Krier
c) Christopuer Alexander d) Spiro Kostof

64. The element not present on a basemap is :

a) Base map b) Tree canopy c) Drainage pattern d) Right of way

65. Measure considered for cultural aspects in urban design includes :

a) Local materials b) Local colours
c) Art works of the place d) All of these

66. Shalimar Bagh designed and built during Mughal era is influenced by which of the following
style ____
a) English Garden b) Japanese Garden
c) Persian Garden d) Central Asia Gardens

Ver C : AR – 8 of 12
67. Which of the following is not a part of ‘Zen’ garden
a) Moss b) Sand c) Rocks d) Water

68. Traditionally, which of the following are used for retaining features in a topiary _____
a) Buxus sempervirens b) Taxus baccata
c) Ilex d) All of these

69. The eight cycle step process of site design, the following are included in site analysis
a) Orientation b) Hydrology c) Bye laws d) All of these

70. For designing of focal point in an English garden which of the following can be used _____
a) Trellis b) Topiary c) Statue d) All of these

71. The process that combines micro-filtration and ultra-filtration with activated sludge process is
a) Prove mediation b) Reverse osmosis
c) Membrane bioreactor d) Trickling filters

72. The efficacy of a lamp is calculated in _____

a) Lumens b) Watt
c) Lumens/Watt d) Luminous intensity

73. In a 20 – storey building with 3m floor to floor height, a passenger lift is hoisted by a steel
rope. Weight of the lift car is 750kg and ultimate load the steel rope can carry is 39,000kg.
Assuming a factor of safety of 20 for the steel rope and an average passenger weight of 75kg,
the passenger capacity of the lift is _____
a) 16 b) 20 c) 8 d) 24

74. A room is mechanically ventilated through four air-conditioning ducts. The opening area of
each duct is 0.35sqm. The air velocity in the duct is 0.5m/s. The temperature difference
between the ambient air and supply air is 10C. Volumetric specific heat of air is 1250J/m3C.
Assuming one Ton of refrigeration (TR) equals 3.5KW, the cooling load of the room in TR
will be _____
a) 1 TR b) 2.5 TR c) 3TR d) 1.5TR

75. The unit for measuring sound absorption in a room is ______ options
a) Decibel b) Hertz c) Sabin d) Phon

76. The rate of change of displacement with respect to time is defined as

a) Momentum b) Acceleration c) Velocity d) Continuum

77. Two parallel forces equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and separated by a definite
distance are said to form
a) Moment b) Couple c) Resultant d) None of the these

Ver C : AR – 9 of 12
78. Mix proportion of M20 Grade Concrete
a) 1 : 1 : 2 b) 1 : 1 : 5 c) 1 : 1.5 : 3 d) 1 : 2 : 4

79. Point where the bending moment is zero is called

a) Point of plane
b) Point of contraflexture
c) Point of moment
d) None of above

80. The process of permanently joining 2 or more metal parts by fusion of the edges of metal is
a) Bolting b) Riveting c) Welding d) All the these

81. Which of the following is an appropriate example of a social institution?

a) Market b) Trade Union c) Political Party d) N.G.O

82 The basis of economic problems relates to

a) Unlimited wants b) Limited resources c) Both of these d) None of these

83 Migration occurs due to

a) Search for work opportunities b) Marriage
c) Quest for higher standard of living d) All of the above

84 A survey is limited by the willingness and _____

a) Co-operation b) Help c) Access d) Attitude

85 The ability to satisfy a human need or want is called

a) Productivity b) Profitability c) Utility d) Satisfaction

86. The planetary winds that flows between the sub tropical high and equatorial law is known
as __
a) Polar esterlies b) trade winds c) Waterlines d) None of these

87. What is sustainable development

a) The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generation to meet their own needs
b) it is the practice of developing land of construction project in the manner that reduces their
impact on the environment by allowing them to create energy efficient models of self
c) To conserve natural resources of the develop alternate sources of power while reducing
pollution of harm to the environment
d) All of the above

Ver C : AR – 10 of 12
88. Sustainable development is a matter of inter-generational sensibility in respect to the use of
a) Natural resources
b) Material resources
c) Industrial resources
d) social resources

89. Technology that satisfies the demands of sustainable development is typically referred to as
a) Cutting – edge technology
b) Appropriate technology
c) Long – lasting Technology
d) Technology that adapts

90. Angle made by plane surface with horizontal is called _____

a) Slope b) Attitude angle c) Zeneth angle d) Hour angle

91. In which of the following, the main purpose of research is to formulate generalizations leading
to theory building?
a) Phenomenology with subjective frame of reality
b) Participant observation with focus on perspective
c) Symbolic interaction with emphasis on social interaction
d) Experimentation with control and manipulation of variables.

92. Which method will be best used for development of scientific skills?
a) Performing laboratory work
b) Giving opportunity to learn skills in some field visit
c) Conduction science olympids
d) By science quiz competition

93. The crucial aspect of scientific process is

a) The problem b) The hypothesis c) The method d) The result

94. From the list given below identify the statement which appropriates describe the main
characteristics of steps in scientific method
1) Identify defining the problem
2) Defining the population and sampling method
3) Selecting a sample
4) Formulating hypothesis
5) Collecting, organizing and analyzing data
6) Fixing the frame work for the data analysis
7) Verification, rejection or modification of the hypothesis indicates your answer from the
given below :
a) (2), (3), (4), (5) & (6)
b) (1), (4), (5), (6) & (7)
c) (3), (4), (5), (6) & (7)
d) (1), (2), (3), (4) & (5)
Ver C : AR – 11 of 12
95. Which of the following is not the goal of the scientific method of acquiring knowledge?
a) Exploring of truth
b) Fact finding
c) Control of variables
d) Prediction of events

96. This architect said “Less is bore”?

a) Michael Graves
b) Peter Eisenman
c) Robert Venturi
d) Mier Van der Rohe

97. The flying buttress is distinguished by the following future

a) its separation from the wall that it supports
b) its shape
c) its proportions
d) none of these

98. The “squinch” in architectural terminology commonly relates to the following building
a) foundation b) wall c) window d) dome

99. The ziggurat is an architectural typology that evolved in

a) Persia b) China c) Egypt d) Mesopotamia

100. Piazza d’ltalia was designed by

a) Bernard Tschumi
b) Zaha Hadid
c) Charles Moore
d) Charles Gwathmey


Ver C : AR – 12 of 12
VTU-ETR Seat No. Question Paper Version : D

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi

Eligibility Test for Research (VTU-ETR) Programmes
Ph.D./M.S. ( Research) August – 2023
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


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(Research Methodology Architecture Engineering)
[50 MARKS]
1. When a researcher includes in his sample those individuals who are willing and are readily
available the sampling technique is called
a) Simple Random sampling b) Quota sampling
c) Snowball sampling d) Incidental sampling

2. A proposition which can be put to test to determine its validity” Define by

a) Lund berg b) Emory c) Johnson d) Good and Hatt

3. Randomization of test unit is

a) pretest b) post test c) matching d) experiment

4. A survey is limited by the willingness and ----- of respondents

a) Co-operation b) Help c) Access d) Attitude

5. Which of the following refers to research supported by measurable evidence?

a) Opinion b) Empiricism c) Speculation d) Rationalism

6. A statement made about a population for testing purpose is called

a) Statistic b) Hypothesis c) Level of significance d) Test - Static

7. A statement whose validity is tested on the basis of a sample is called

a) Null Hypothesis b) Statistical Hypothesis
c) Simple Hypothesis d) Composite Hypothesis

8. If the critical region is evenly distributed then the test is referred as.
a) Two tailed b) One tailed c) Three tailed d) Zero tailed

9. Formulation of hypothesis may not be required in

a) Survey method b) Historical studies c) Experimental studies d) Normative studies

10. Statistical Hypothesis is derived from

a) Frame b) Data c) Sample d) Facts

11. Which of the following includes examples of quantitative variable.

a) Height b) Emotion c) Beauty d) Ultimic group

12. Two types of quantitative data are _________

a) Discrete and continuous b) Nominal and Continuous
c) Discrete and ordinal d) Nominal and Ordinal

Ver D : AR – 1 of 12
13. A cross-sequential design is a method used in research that,
a) Combines longitudinal design as well as cross sectional design.
b) Follows only longitudinal design
c) Follows only cross-sectional design
d) None of the above

14. _________ is a type of observational research in which the market researcher conducts surveys
from a specific time period to another i.e. over considerable course of time.
a) Cross-sectional studies b) Longitudinal studies
c) Cross-sequential studies d) None of the above

15. Ethnography research, data is collected through _________

a) Observation b) Questionnaire survey
c) Interview d) Third party validation

16. Which is the following includes example of qualitative variable?

a) Height b) Income c) Age d) Emotion

17. Two types of quantitative data,

a) Discrete and continuous b) Nominal and ordinal
c) Nominal and continuous d) Discrete and ordinal

18. __________ is a type of observational research in which the market research conducts surveys
at a particular time period a cross the target sample.
a) Cross-sectional studies b) Cross-sequential studies
c) longitudinal studies d) None of above

19. Ethnography research is ______ research.

a) Quantitative b) Qualitative c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

20. Ethnography research is ______ method.

a) Time consuming b) Time saving c) Restricted time d) None of the above

21. Identify the true relationship amongst the following in which – sampling error (S), Frame error
(F) , Chance error (C), Response error (R)
a) S = F + C + R b) F = S + C + R c) R = (F + C) - S d) S = (F + C)  R

22. Which of the following are TRUE with respect to sample distribution?
i) Normal distribution is denoted by N(, ), where N = Population ,  = mean ,  = SD.
ii) Normal distribution is represented as bell shape of histogram
iii) Chi – square distribution determines sample mean and sample standard deviation (SD)
iv) F – distribution deals with all non – negative values
a) i) and iii) b) i) and ii) c) ii) and iii) d) All of the above

Ver D : AR – 2 of 12
23. Match the following with respect to distribution curve
(i) Skewness (p) Rough measure of variability
(ii) Kurtosis (q) Observations clustering
(iii) Central Tendency (r) Flatness or peakedness
(iv) Dispersion range (s) Lack of symmetry
a) (i) – (q), (ii) – (r), (iii) – (p), (iv) – (s) b) (i) – (s), (ii) – (p), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (r)
c) (i) – (s), (ii) – (r), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (p) d) (i) – (r), (ii) – (s), (iii) – (q), (iv) – (p)

24. Select the TRUE statement and about correlation coefficient from the below :
(i) It is measured on a scale that varies from +1 through 0 to -1
(ii) Is most cases a Non – linear line
(iii) When one variable increase as the other increases the correlation is negative and vice
(iv) Complete absence of correlation is represented by 0
a) (i), (iii), (iv) b) (i), (iv) c) (ii), (iii) d) All of the above

25. Var[X] = p(1 – p). This is the formula for which of the following distribution?
a) Exponential b) Bernoulli c) Binomial d) Normal

26. According to Clifford woody research comprises

a) defining and redefining problem
b) formulating hypothesis or suggestive solution
c) collecting, organizing and evaluating data
d) All of above

27. Rearrange the statement for ‘logical analysis of a subject matter’ is research writing.
i) Preparation of rough draft
ii) Rewriting and polishing of the rough for draft
iii) Preparation of the final outline
iv) Preparation of the final bibliography
a) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv) b) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
c) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii) d) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)

28. Choose the correct statement for the statement below:

List the tables and illustrations
a) is provided along with the result b) is provided under the main text
c) is provided at the end of report d) is provided in preliminary pages

29. Choose the correct sequence for the statement below:

For books and pamphlets the order may be as under:
a) Name of author, Title, Place, Publisher, Date of Publication, No. of volumes
b) Title, Place, Name of author, Date of publication, Publisher, No. of volumes
c) Publisher, Date of publication, Name of author, Title, Place, No. of volume
d) Name of author, Date of publication, Publisher, Place, Title

Ver D : AR – 3 of 12
30. Choose the suitable statement for Plagiarism is
a) using copied material without enclosing that material in quotation marks and without
appropriately acknowledging its source
b) using copied material with enclosing that material in quotation marks and without
appropriately acknowledging its source
c) using copied material with enclosing that material partially in quotation marks but
appropriately acknowledging its source
d) using copied material and also enclosing same in quotation mark and appropriately
acknowledging its sources.

31. All research process start with

a) Observation b) Hypothesis c) Experiments d) Analysis

32. Which of the following is applied in quantitative research?

a) Deductive reasoning
b) Inductive process
c) Action research
d) Correlation

33. In context of sampling design, the aggregate of all the units pertaining to study is called
a) Population of universe
b) Unit
c) Sample
d) Frame
34. The data that is collected from internet is called :
a) Documentary source b) Primary source
c) Secondary source d) None of above

35. The quality of a research journal is indicated by its -------

a) h-index b) g-index c) i/O score d) impact factor

36. The main aspect that drove the mental mapping techniques of Gould, Whyte and Lynch is
which of the following?
a) Context led b) Methodology led c) Theory led d) City led

37. The two plausible weakness of architectural historical research are which of the following?
i) Is an interpretive enterprise with one point of view
ii) Is an elevated mode of inquiry
iii) Multiple histories become prerogative for full orbed research
a) i) and iii) b) i) and ii) c) ii) and iii) d) All of the above

38. The attributes of Architectural qualitative research are which of the following?
i) inductive logic
ii) Single tactics
iii) Open ended
iv) Verbal and visual analysis
a) i) and iv) b) ii) and iv) c) i) iii) and iv) d) i) ii) and iii)

Ver D : AR – 4 of 12
39. What is the analytical tool used to described the strength and direction of relationship amongst
variable of study?
a) Factor Analysis b) Causal research
c) Logical Argumentation d) Multiple Regression

40. Match the following :

(i) BIM (p) GIS to analyze existing environment
(ii) CAVE (q) AT one-point scenarios
(iii) Geodesign (r) Wind modeling and Meta Data
(iv) SimScale (s) Three dimension computer generated environment
a) (i)-(s), (ii)-(r), (iii)-(p), (iv)-(q) b) (i)-(q), (ii)-(s), (iii)-(p), (iv)-(r)
c) (i)-(q), (ii)-(p), (iii)-(r), (iv)-(s) d) (i)-(s), (ii)-(r), (iii)-(q), (iv)-(p)

41. Which of the following statement are true for historical research design?
(i) Based on quantitative data
(ii) Based on qualitative data
(iii) Findings can be generalized to other situation
(iv) Design includes-validity, content analysis and fields studies
a) (i), (iii), (iv) b) (ii), (iii), (iv) c) (i), (iii) d) (ii), (iv)

42. The research design in which the area of inquiry is the manner by which people make sense of
social interaction
a) Grounded theory b) Phenomenology
c) Symbolic interactionsim d) Ethnography

43. Choose the least likely assumption o a classic normal linear regression model?
a) The independent variable and dependent variable have a linear relationship
b) the independent variable is normally distributed
c) There is no randomness in the independent variable
d) None of the above

44. Simulation is defined as

a) a technique that uses computers
b) an approach for reproducing the process of which events by change and change are created
in commuter
c) a procedure for testing and experimenting on model to answer what if ....., then so..... types
of questions
d) all of the above

45. The combination of different approaches to validate information, strategies and result in a
research study is technically known as :
a) Meta analysis b) Triangulation
c) Trend analysis d) Cross validation

Ver D : AR – 5 of 12
46. -------- method involved in depth study of a person, event, groups or nation
a) case study b) experimental
c) chemical d) none of these

47. Case study is a kind of research design which usually involves the -------- method of selecting
the source of data
a) Qualitative b) Quantitative c) Both a) and b) d) None of these

48. -------- trace the development of an organization/system over time

a) Observational case studies
b) Historical case studies
c) Situational case studies
d) Multiple-case studies

49. If the same study contains more than one case to study then it is known as --------
a) Mixed case study b) Replicate case study
c) Multiple case study d) Double case study

50. Case study method is used in as social sciences

a) Social science b) Medicine c) Social work d) All of these

Ver D : AR – 6 of 12
Discipline Oriented Section
[50 MARKS]

51. The process that combines micro-filtration and ultra-filtration with activated sludge process is
a) Prove mediation b) Reverse osmosis
c) Membrane bioreactor d) Trickling filters

52. The efficacy of a lamp is calculated in _____

a) Lumens b) Watt
c) Lumens/Watt d) Luminous intensity

53. In a 20 – storey building with 3m floor to floor height, a passenger lift is hoisted by a steel
rope. Weight of the lift car is 750kg and ultimate load the steel rope can carry is 39,000kg.
Assuming a factor of safety of 20 for the steel rope and an average passenger weight of 75kg,
the passenger capacity of the lift is _____
a) 16 b) 20 c) 8 d) 24

54. A room is mechanically ventilated through four air-conditioning ducts. The opening area of
each duct is 0.35sqm. The air velocity in the duct is 0.5m/s. The temperature difference
between the ambient air and supply air is 10C. Volumetric specific heat of air is 1250J/m3C.
Assuming one Ton of refrigeration (TR) equals 3.5KW, the cooling load of the room in TR
will be _____
a) 1 TR b) 2.5 TR c) 3TR d) 1.5TR

55. The unit for measuring sound absorption in a room is ______ options
a) Decibel b) Hertz c) Sabin d) Phon

56. The rate of change of displacement with respect to time is defined as

a) Momentum b) Acceleration c) Velocity d) Continuum

57. Two parallel forces equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and separated by a definite
distance are said to form
a) Moment b) Couple c) Resultant d) None of the these

58. Mix proportion of M20 Grade Concrete

a) 1 : 1 : 2 b) 1 : 1 : 5 c) 1 : 1.5 : 3 d) 1 : 2 : 4

Ver D : AR – 7 of 12
59. Point where the bending moment is zero is called
a) Point of plane
b) Point of contraflexture
c) Point of moment
d) None of above

60. The process of permanently joining 2 or more metal parts by fusion of the edges of metal is
a) Bolting b) Riveting c) Welding d) All the these

61. In which of the following, the main purpose of research is to formulate generalizations leading
to theory building?
a) Phenomenology with subjective frame of reality
b) Participant observation with focus on perspective
c) Symbolic interaction with emphasis on social interaction
d) Experimentation with control and manipulation of variables.

62. Which method will be best used for development of scientific skills?
a) Performing laboratory work
b) Giving opportunity to learn skills in some field visit
c) Conduction science olympids
d) By science quiz competition

63. The crucial aspect of scientific process is

a) The problem b) The hypothesis c) The method d) The result

64. From the list given below identify the statement which appropriates describe the main
characteristics of steps in scientific method
1) Identify defining the problem
2) Defining the population and sampling method
3) Selecting a sample
4) Formulating hypothesis
5) Collecting, organizing and analyzing data
6) Fixing the frame work for the data analysis
7) Verification, rejection or modification of the hypothesis indicates your answer from the
given below :
a) (2), (3), (4), (5) & (6)
b) (1), (4), (5), (6) & (7)
c) (3), (4), (5), (6) & (7)
d) (1), (2), (3), (4) & (5)

65. Which of the following is not the goal of the scientific method of acquiring knowledge?
a) Exploring of truth
b) Fact finding
c) Control of variables
d) Prediction of events
Ver D : AR – 8 of 12
66. This architect said “Less is bore”?
a) Michael Graves
b) Peter Eisenman
c) Robert Venturi
d) Mier Van der Rohe

67. The flying buttress is distinguished by the following future

a) its separation from the wall that it supports
b) its shape
c) its proportions
d) none of these

68. The “squinch” in architectural terminology commonly relates to the following building
a) foundation b) wall c) window d) dome

69. The ziggurat is an architectural typology that evolved in

a) Persia b) China c) Egypt d) Mesopotamia

70. Piazza d’ltalia was designed by

a) Bernard Tschumi
b) Zaha Hadid
c) Charles Moore
d) Charles Gwathmey

71. Inside city areas, the type of transportation structure is relevant for easy moment of vehicles at
junctions :
a) Flyover b) underpass c) Service road d) All of these

72. “City is associated with objects and places, city is a collective memory of its people”. Whose
quote is this?
a) Kevin Lynch b) Robert Ventun c) Camille Sitte d) Aldo Rossi

73. “Out built form should be reflective of our human scale and aid in establishing a connection
between built environment and man”. this was the philosophy proposed by :
a) Edmond Bacon b) Rob Krier
c) Christopuer Alexander d) Spiro Kostof

74. The element not present on a basemap is :

a) Base map b) Tree canopy c) Drainage pattern d) Right of way

75. Measure considered for cultural aspects in urban design includes :

a) Local materials b) Local colours
c) Art works of the place d) All of these

Ver D : AR – 9 of 12
76. Shalimar Bagh designed and built during Mughal era is influenced by which of the following
style ____
a) English Garden b) Japanese Garden
c) Persian Garden d) Central Asia Gardens

77. Which of the following is not a part of ‘Zen’ garden

a) Moss b) Sand c) Rocks d) Water

78. Traditionally, which of the following are used for retaining features in a topiary _____
a) Buxus sempervirens b) Taxus baccata
c) Ilex d) All of these

79. The eight cycle step process of site design, the following are included in site analysis
a) Orientation b) Hydrology c) Bye laws d) All of these

80. For designing of focal point in an English garden which of the following can be used _____
a) Trellis b) Topiary c) Statue d) All of these

81. _____ masonry is the cheapest but requires more skills and extensively used for compound
a) Caused random rubble masonry
b) Dry rubble masonry
c) Polygonal rubble masonry
d) Uncaused random rubble masonry

82. The horizontal rail provided immediately above the bottom rail in doors is known as _____
a) Mullion b) Transome c) Lock rail d) Jamb

83. Inclination of the sides of the roof with the horizontal is termed as _____
a) Pitch of the roof b) Ridge of the roof
c) Valley of the roof d) Eave of the roof

84. The thickened part of a flat slab over its supporting column is technically known as _____
a) Column head b) Column end c) Capital d) Drop panel

85. _____ glass is used in frameless glass doors

a) Laminated b) Toughened c) Float d) Chromatic

86. To avoid Plagiarism in a research article

a) One should provide a citation and use quotation marks to show exactly from where the
information is taken
b) One should provide a citation but use of quotation marks to show exactly form where
information is taken is not mandatory
c) One should not provide citation however quotation marks to show exactly form where
information is taken is mandatory
d) Neither citation is required nor quotation marks to show exactly form where the
information is taken is required
Ver D : AR – 10 of 12
87. Choose the correct statement which suits best for writing ‘Introduction’ of a research paper
a) Author should explain aims and objectives of the study clearly in this section
b) Author should explain the results of the study clearly and also provided the study of
literature in short
c) Author should not mention significance and scope of work in the ‘Introduction’ of research
d) Introduction should always have tables and figures to explain the study

88. An important detail for citing a work with multiple authors is that – (In APA style)
a) Give the surnames of all authors (up to max of Four) on first mention whereas on further
mentions it is written as first author followed by ‘et al’
b) Give the surnames of three authors and for further mentions first author followed by ‘it al’
c) For first mention names of first author followed by ‘it al’ and then names of all authors for
further mentions
d) Give the surnames of two authors followed by ‘it a’

89. Choose the category from the following which is not considered for classification research
a) Technical paper
b) Case study
c) Descriptive paper
d) General review

90. Which of the following acts are considered as Unethical in research

a) Publishing the same paper in two different journals without telling the editions
b) Destroy research data immediately after research
c) Avoid reporting an adverse event in a human research experiment
d) All of the above

91. Which of the following is an appropriate example of a social institution?

a) Market b) Trade Union c) Political Party d) N.G.O

92 The basis of economic problems relates to

a) Unlimited wants b) Limited resources c) Both of these d) None of these

93 Migration occurs due to

a) Search for work opportunities b) Marriage
c) Quest for higher standard of living d) All of the above

94 A survey is limited by the willingness and _____

a) Co-operation b) Help c) Access d) Attitude

95 The ability to satisfy a human need or want is called

a) Productivity b) Profitability c) Utility d) Satisfaction

Ver D : AR – 11 of 12
96. The planetary winds that flows between the sub tropical high and equatorial law is known
as __
a) Polar esterlies b) trade winds c) Waterlines d) None of these

97. What is sustainable development

a) The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generation to meet their own needs
b) it is the practice of developing land of construction project in the manner that reduces their
impact on the environment by allowing them to create energy efficient models of self
c) To conserve natural resources of the develop alternate sources of power while reducing
pollution of harm to the environment
d) All of the above

98. Sustainable development is a matter of inter-generational sensibility in respect to the use of

a) Natural resources
b) Material resources
c) Industrial resources
d) social resources

99. Technology that satisfies the demands of sustainable development is typically referred to as
a) Cutting – edge technology
b) Appropriate technology
c) Long – lasting Technology
d) Technology that adapts

100. Angle made by plane surface with horizontal is called _____

a) Slope b) Attitude angle c) Zeneth angle d) Hour angle


Ver D : AR – 12 of 12

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