Paper Mech
Paper Mech
Paper Mech
Class Description:
Teaching structural design to architecture students is a bit like teaching a bowling ball to
float. Both design students and bowling balls require a change in their core states to be
successful in their relative tasks. Visual thinkers, like most architects, struggle with the
analysis and calculation process of structural design. As a result, they rarely gain comfort
with the iterative requirements of designing compelling structures that are additive to design
expressions. By introducing architecture students to structural simulation in Autodesk®
Revit® software, the learning process is modified to work with visual thinkers—developing
a stronger connection to the design process and improved direct feedback (visual in
nature) to the ramifications and potentials of design decisions. This class will outline
the opportunities and pedagogy of structural simulation as a predesign effort and design
development strategy in the architectural education studio course.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understanding the process of modeling with the structural tool set in Revit.
2. Application of structural simulation tools inside of Revit.
3. Modifications and enhancements that a simulation process can create in learning
structural design.
4. Understanding, reading, and applying simulation data as part of a design process.
Structural Simulation for Architects: An Introduction to
Structural Thinking for Design Students
Teaching structural design to architecture students is a bit like teaching a bowling ball to float.
Both design students and bowling balls require a change in their core states to be successful in
their relative tasks. Visual thinkers like most architects, struggle with the analysis and calculation
process of structural design. As a result they rarely gain comfort with the iterative requirements of
designing compelling structures that are additive to design expressions. By introducing architecture
students to structural simulation in Revit, the learning process is modified to work with visual
thinkers developing a stronger connection to the design process, and improved direct feedback
(visual in nature) to the ramifications and potentials of design decisions. This class will outline
the opportunities and pedagogy of structural simulation as a predesign, and design development
strategy in the architectural education studio course.
In the academy, I want students to learn to manage the conflict between two modes of design
thinking: Analytical and Visceral. It is not enough to simply respond to form and functionality
in the current state of design, the relevant designer also has to manage significant amounts of
analytical data to drive architectural design. It could be argued that the profession does a poor job
of using analytical data to drive design thinking. For instance, an environmental analysis is often
performed at the conclusion of the design development on a project resulting in data that is not
capable of informing key design decisions. The data is informative, but not formative to the design
process. A result of not engaging analytical processes as part of a design process is a component
of the devaluation of architecture service of the last three decades. Designers and architects must
become far more engaged with the processes of managing data to manifest design. This process
of leveraging analytical data must begin at the academic level in the studio setting, creating skills
that can begin to modify the design process, and push
forward new modes of design thinking.
Within a digital design curriculum very specific goals need to be developed and tracked ensuring
that there is both depth to the subject matter (learning what the buttons do is not enough), and
breadth to the application of the tools. Equally critical is the developing the means to assess
student performance, and progress of the curriculum goals. There are four modes of design thinking
(specifically digital design thinking) that are relevant to every new piece of curriculum we role out to
our students, structural simulation being the latest addition. They are: spaces within spaces, blank
screens equals blank thoughts, design criticality, and think•experiment•design•play.
Spaces in spaces describes the placement of digital design practice that I desire for each student
to implement throughout their process and carry into practice. Tim Brown, in his book Change by
Design, discusses three overlapping spaces of a project being “inspiration space, in which insights
are gathered from every possible source; an ideation space, in which those insights are translated
into ideas; and an implementation space, in which the best ideas are developed…” (Brown, 2009).
The new beauty being discovered in a rich BIM environment is that these spaces of process are
less sequential, and more parallel. That is, a new inspiration late in a project doesn’t require waiting
until the next project for implementation. Manipulations of a design can be made, modified, and
implemented while still being well coordinated throughout the project. In a digital design curriculum,
the student should maintain a constant mode of research to gain new inspiration. The student should
continually make objects, both analog (real) and virtual manifesting their concepts into ideas. The
ideas should constantly be tested (implemented) through critical analysis both during the programming
phase of the design process, as well as throughout final implementation. Understanding how the
data from each of the three spaces (inspiration, ideation, and implementation) impacts process is a
core objective to the digital design curriculum.
Blank screens = blank thoughts accounts for the difficulty of both learning design, and learning
digital design. Design is a mode of thinking that is difficult to learn, and it is compounded when
faced with a computer screen, and a legion of (at last count) 400 plus unique buttons in the base
Revit interface (not counting non-modal windows). When Revit in particluar opens, the student is
faces with four arrows (Figure 2) taunting them with the
notion of “design here.” Digital design is part of a design
process, when fully revealed the medium of digital can
certainly be inspirational in the creative phase, but
for most designers it is rarely visceral. Staring at a
blank screen, especially when learning design, and
learning software, has to be replaced with the activity
of building, drawing, sculpting, and actions that help
manifest thoughts to analog things. The student in
a digital design curriculum should learn a computer
process early in their education, but it should be taught
as something that augments the work flow. Starting
digital is often counter productive, as the software has
the potential of controlling the student’s design through
their limitations of program understanding (often
designing to their comfort level of the software, rather
Figure 2. The Opening Screen.
than designing with freedom). Starting with physical
elements that allow for visceral gestures promotes a
freedom of expression, connects design driven by conceptual thinking, and reduces the sensation
of nausea acquired from looking at a blank screen. Once objects are created, the computer can
begin developing and informing the process.
Design criticality is a mode of thinking within a projects process that emphasizes constant evaluation.
Trying to visualize what the process of design looks like (Figure 3) we end up with a path referred to
as the design spline. This is the causality of responding to the multiple factors that inform process,
and shape the project from concept to manifestation of form. While on some level we desire for
the spline to flatten out, and become a quantifiable
linear expression, the reality is that will never happen.
As a designer we are better served by the ability to
manage and effectively utilize the amount of data that
we are presented with by thoughtful critical analysis.
The goal then is to not just see the plate of spaghetti,
but what each twist and turn represents. This process
introduces a layer of critical thinking missing in many
educational studies, and as a result many architectural
design firms: the collaboration of analytical and visceral
design thinking to push, pull, and to inform the process
of design. Embracing and learning to navigate the
information gracefully through critcality requires the
right toolset to generate, visualize, and respond to the
data generated. Students have to learn to generate
Figure 3. The Design Spline.
data, (both in terms of design content, and design
information) and critique their own work through a
process of critical thinking.
Paoli Tombesi “holds the Chair in Construction at the University of Melbourne, and in particular has
studied the relationship between the intellectual dimension of architecture and the socio-technical
aspects of its physical construction” (ACSA Video 2011). In The Five Dimensions of Building Design
(Figure 8) Tombesi lays out the connectivity of tasks
within the process of design and construction on an
architectural project. Building design being in the
center, surrounded by a project’s definition and control,
scope formulation, production, erection and use and
maintenance. The connectivity of the different phases
must all communicate to, and inform the design process.
notion is a driver of necessary change in the profession
of architecture and will be a design imperative not just
to complete projects of a complex nature, but to be
able to provide an improved service that leverages Figure 8. Paolo Tombesi - the five dimensions of
the ability to navigate the relationships gracefully and building designer, from talk by Phil Berstein, ACSA
100 (2012).
successfully. Effective navigation will require improved
application of technology and an understanding of the
BIM Hub (Figure 1) workflow.
There are currently three key pieces of analysis rolling into our design curriculum at Hammons
School of Architecture. At the forefront, this requires Building Information Modeling in Revit to be a
compulsory piece of our curriculum. The concept of applying analysis is not to study how a design
will perform, but to use performance to help guide design thinking. Understanding the difference
between performing an analysis pass on a design, and analyzing to inform the design is a critical
piece of our student performance criteria in our digital design curriculum. We have an immediate
goal of establishing analysis on energy and environmental response, structural design, and human
Applying a broader scope to structural learning, Professor Keith Hedges (2012) has developed a
strategy of three realms of structural thinking: Rigid body statics and deformable body engineering
mechanics, material design and analysis, and building stabilization.
First, rigid body statics and deformable body engineering mechanics covers reactions, shear
and moment transfer, and section modulus. This mode of study allows a student to understand forces
and reactions within an overall structural system, application of forces on structural members, and
an understanding of structural scale. There are several opportunities for students to explore these
issues on their design solutions, but one of the most intuitive and productive pieces of software for
rigid body statics is Autodesk ForceEffect®. The process of working through ForceEffect should
occur in the preliminary, pre-design phase (massing) of an architectural project and should be
incorporated into the building programming documentation.
Report file:///C:/my box/Drury/scholarly/AU 2012/simulation images/force effec...
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Second, material design and analysis covers
preliminary member size, beam lateral buckling, and
column slenderness. This mode of study allows a
student to understand specific structural member sizing,
and the relationship between scale and materiality.
Utilizing Revit (in particular the Revit Extensions) and
Autodesk Robot® students can resolve preliminary
sizing, eliminate unnecessary complexity, work through
multiple material solutions in an iterative process, and Figure 19. Massing Model.
introduce an understanding of the structural systems
attributes during design formation.
4. Moving to level two, select the beam tool (F.) under
the Structure tab. Using the “On Grids” tool, select
each grid line that has a beam associated with it using
“Crtl Click” to select multiple grid lines. Click the green
finish check to create the beams. Repeat this process
for any necessary levels (Figure 23). Note: You can
also trace column line to column line on each
is just more work and less fun.
8. Modeling problem one: The beams and floor were
both created on level two. That means the top of the
beams and the top of the floor are both in the same
plane, which is doable but not probable in construction.
The working solution that I used prior to running
simulation was to duplicate the Level Two elevation
tag in the section view (Figure 27) renaming it to TO
Beams (Top of Beams). However, the simulation we
will be running on composite beams looks for a slab
and beam associated to the same reference tag. So, Figure 27. TO beam.
for simulation reasons use an offset to the depth of the
12. Select the Design tool (W.) and change the view
workspace mode to Beam (X.). Note the big red “X” on
the bottom right of the screen (Y.), this denotes that the
beam has failed the simulation. Choose the option of
“Design Non-Composite” (Z.) for the design parameters
(as a an architect, we are not in the best position to
use composite parameters to weigh cost versus labor,
and we are only looking for a schematic understanding
of size and scale). Click Design Selected Beam (A.),
verify that the results and click OK (B.) to apply the Figure 31. Composite beam design.
new beam design to the Revit model. Note: Similar to
ForceEffect, but with additional detail, a full report can
be output to either word or excel from the Composite
Design tool (Figure 31).
Third, building stabilization covers rigid and braced buildings, and centers of lateral forces and
stiffness. This mode of study allows a student to understand overall structural performance and the
implicit interaction between elements of the construction. Utilizing Autodesk Robot on a model imported
from Revit overall forces and deflection can be studied. The model can then be updated with model
modifications inside of Revit to iterate the structural simulation in Robot.
2. Because we are adding in a wind load, we should
begin adding in some cross bracing (a reality most
architects are in denial over) by starting in plan view,
and under the structure tab select Brace (E.), and then
add a brace A10 to A11 (F-G.). NOTE: For the purposes
of demonstrating values in Robot, I am going to leave
the cross bracing only on one side. This should create
a clearly visible disparity in the lateral loading of the
columns (Figure 34).
Figure 34. Brace.
6. Press the calculate button (P.), then switch the
display mode layout to Results - Diagrams (Q.). Under
the Deformations tab, check Deformation, Exact
Deformation on Bars, and Deformation in Structural
Scale (R.), and set the scale to 1 (S.), then click the
Apply button (T.). If you don’t notice much, that is
probably a good thing, as this value setting is designed
to display the exact deformation of the structure.
On the bottom right (U.), take note of the maximum
deformation, in the case of this sample project it is 4”, Figure 38. Robot - Deformation (1:1 Scale).
which is totally unacceptable (Figure 38).
The potential of architectural designer mastery of a structural simulation tool set is largely unknown,
as it has not been applied in mass. Bjarke Ingels describes in his May 2011 TED Talk: Hedonistic
Sustainability that “If people don’t know they can’t act.” While the quote was covering the topic of
sustainability, it applies directly to any area where knowledge is available, but either not uncovered
or applied. Expanding the design process with structural thinking through simulation creates the
opportunity for moving further with structural expression as an element of design, expanding the ability
to learn and engage structural education, and improves the ability for the architectural design team to
communicate with the structural design team.
Santiago Calatrava described at a 2002 lecture at MIT: “If we consider engineering an art – as I
believe it is – and if we go back to a time when there was no difference between the art of architecture
and the art of engineering…then we can consider that it is in ourselves, and especially in the new
generation, that a rebirth of art happens.” That rebirth of design has the potential to evolve largely due
to advancements in technology that allow earlier testing of concepts, and more advanced testing by a
larger pool of users (anyone using Revit).
Ove Arup discusses the collaborative nature of designer in a letter to Walter Gropius expressing
that “the conceptual process (is) a total entity, form, structure and economy being inseparable within
it….Education of architects, engineers, and artists alike must then, first of all, be directed towards
understanding and accepting the collaborative process….Within this process the final control will fall
to that individual who has the broadest scope and is willing to accept from his teammates everything
which can enrich the total conception.” Collaboration is one of the key elements in the process of
design. Improved communication comes through broadening the education of design students to be
more engaged in the structural design process, matching design thinking to structural thinking. As
students move to practice they should be equipped with the ability to resolve, at least at the schematic
level, the structural system of their design.
Rafael L. Bras, the former Director for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT
explains that “The divorce of architecture and engineering is long standing and now, at least in the United
States, almost ubiquitous. This divorce injures both parties. The ambition of architects to build well is
diminished. Engineering becomes formulaic and uncomprehending of its social, environmental, and
aesthetic dimensions.” Improved communication between the structural design team and architectural
design team is imperative in the complexity of the future of design. Discussion over a shared BIM model
residing in the cloud which runs structural simulation in realtime is part of the near future. Without the
basic understanding of how this will shape our design thinking, further distance will be created in the
gap between engineer and architect. With a rich understanding of structural simulation as a design
tool, there is an incredible opportunity to evolve both the collaboration process and creative thinking.
The engagement of the science of design is as fundamental as the aesthetic qualities of building form.
As new technology emerges, it will not resolve the technical issues, and it will certainly not resolve formal
issues. Utilizing technology though to augment a personal process of design thinking that manages
insight from multiple stake holders through collaboration, creates opportunity to explore environmental
responsiveness through energy simulation, and allows for greater depth of exploring multiple options
and possibilities of building solutions through structural simulation. A lack of development on how to
properly engage the design process with technology at the academic level will certainly add to the
continual devaluation of the profession of architecture. It will continue a wave of missed opportunities
for a field that can have an expansive and extroverted process, to become isolated by having fewer
clients in need of service, and introverted in terms of its value system and priorities.
Foster, Norman. DLD Conference, January 2007. _Ted Talks_ 30 Jan. 2011.
Hedges, Keith E. (2012). The Magic Eight Engineering Concepts to Infinitely Inform Architectural De-
Lewis, Cecilia Kausel and Ann Pendleton-Jullian, editors (2002) Santiago Calatrava – Conversations
with Students.