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Advanced Roadway Collision Detection

Dr. S. Rama Devi Siddanathi P C L Pravallika, Seeramsetti
Assistant Professor Pujitha, Kanyala Muvva, Kurella Gayatri
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering Sriya, Kodandapuram Saritha
Andhra University College of Engineering for Women B.Tech., Student
Mrs. P. Siva Priya Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Assistant Professor Andhra University College of Engineering for Women
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Andhra University College of Engineering for Women

Abstract— Accidents can have severe consequences, The system's robust architecture features a GPS system for
often leaving vehicles in precarious positions, particularly precise location data and leverages the GSM SIM800L Module
challenging to identify in adverse weather conditions such and HC-12 RF Module for efficient information transmission.
as fog or heavy rain. As the number of vehicles on the roads A salient aspect of our approach is the autonomy of the entire
continues to escalate, ensuring safety has emerged as a system, significantly reducing dependence on human
paramount concern. Our paper addresses this imperative intervention. Additionally, the system offers manual assistance
with the following key objectives: i) Minimizing the fatality options for both emergency services and oncoming traffic,
rate resulting from collisions. ii) Notifying oncoming further augmenting overall safety measures.
vehicles promptly about potential collisions. iii) Facilitating
emergency services in accurately locating and obtaining In the following sections, we offer a detailed exploration
details of the involved vehicles. Automated alerts are pertaining to technical intricacies of our automated alert
transmitted to oncoming traffic when a collision is detected, system, elucidating its components, functionality, and the
utilizing sensors such as MEMS (ADXL355) and Smoke potential impact on mitigating the consequences of vehicular
Sensor. The system incorporates a GPS system for precise accidents. Through this research, we aspire to contribute to
location data and utilizes the GSM SIM800L Module and ongoing efforts aimed at fostering a safer and more responsive
HC-12 RF Module for information transmission. environment on our roadways amidst the growing challenges
Significantly, the entire system operates autonomously, posed by increasing vehicular traffic.
minimizing the need for human intervention. Additionally,
it offers manual assistance options for both emergency II. EXISTING METHOD
services and oncoming traffic, enhancing overall safety
measures. The existing system relies on a tilt sensor to assess the vehicle's
inclination, subsequently transmitting notifications via SMS
Keywords— MEMS Sensor, Smoke Sensor, GSM and GPRS through an online server utilizing a GSM Module.
Module, GPS Module, HC-12 RF Module. Its significant contribution lies in its thorough real-time testing
across ten different vehicles, collecting data to establish an
I. INTRODUCTION optimal tilt angle.

In the face of escalating traffic volumes, the challenges posed In emergency situations, delays in reaching the hospital can
by vehicular accidents are compounded, particularly under occur due to factors like heavy traffic, a lack of available
adverse weather conditions like fog or heavy rain. Identifying ambulances and the absence of mechanism to promptly
vehicles in precarious positions becomes increasingly intricate, disseminate information to the appropriate authorities. To
necessitating innovative solutions to uphold safety standards on address this, after an accident, the system sends relevant data to
our roadways. In response to this imperative, our paper delves a web server. Simultaneously, instant messages are dispatched
into these challenges with a comprehensive approach, guided to the victim's contacts and pertinent authorities, such as the
by the overarching objective of enhancing road safety within traffic control room, nearby police station, and ambulance
the context of an ever-expanding vehicular landscape. services. This integrated approach aims to enhance emergency
response times and streamline communication for efficient and
Our research articulates three primary objectives: firstly, to timely assistance.
minimize the fatality rate resulting from collisions; secondly, to
promptly notify oncoming vehicles about potential collisions; III. PROPOSED METHOD
and thirdly, to facilitate emergency services in accurately
locating and obtaining details of the involved vehicles. These
The collision detection mechanism pertaining to proposed
objectives are achieved through the implementation of an
system relies on state-of-the-art sensors, specifically MEMS
automated alert system triggered by collision detection,
(ADXL355) and Smoke sensors, which contribute to a high
incorporating advanced sensors such as MEMS (ADXL355)
level of accuracy in identifying collisions. The MEMS sensor
and Smoke Sensor.
detects vibrations and accelerations associated with collisions, A block diagram illustrating the complete setup is given below.
while the Smoke sensor enhances collision detection by The system begins with a MEMS sensor detecting the incidence
identifying potential fire incidents. These sensors work in of any accident and relaying its findings to the microcontroller.
tandem to provide a comprehensive approach to collision Meanwhile, the GPS Module determines the vehicle’s latitude
detection, ensuring the system can respond effectively to a wide and longitude. The vehicle’s latitude and longitude coordinates
range of accident scenarios. The incorporation of such are shared with designated emergency contacts as message
advanced sensor technologies reinforces the system’s through the GSM. Also, the message is sent to the near-by
capability to detect collisions promptly and reliably, thereby vehicles and oncoming traffic through RF transmission using
reducing the severity of accidents and improving overall road HC-12 RF Module.

A. AT Mega 328 Microcontroller

The microcontroller selected for this application is the

ATmega328, chosen for its balanced combination of
performance, reduced energy usage, flexibility, and ease of
programming. Operating with a voltage range of 2.2 to 5.5
volts, the ATmega328 boasts low input power consumption
compared to alternative options. It operates on an advanced
RISC architecture and features non-volatile memory segments.
With a repertoire of 130 instructions, it offers a higher
instruction set compared to other microcontrollers, utilizing a
HC-12 RF
Module 16-bit address bus and 8-bit data bus. Data retention capabilities
are impressive, with the ATmega328 retaining data for up to 20
years at 85 degrees Centigrade and an impressive 100 years at
25 degrees Centigrade. Additional functionalities encompass a
Fig.1 Block diagram of Transmitter section pair of 8-bit Timer/Counters with individual pre-scalers as well
as a single 16-bit Timer/Counter with its own pre-scaler,
Moreover, the effectiveness of the system greatly depends on offering both compare mode and capture mode capabilities. Of
its communication infrastructure. The utilization of both a particular interest are the Power-on Reset and Programmable
cellular module (GSM SIM800L) and a HC-12 RF Module Brown-out Detection features, complemented by an internally
ensures robust and redundant communication channels. The calibrated RC Oscillator. The ATmega328 provides five
GSM module facilitates communication with emergency different sleep modes: Idle, ADC Noise Reduction, Power-
services, providing vital information such as location and save, Power-down, and Standby, allowing for efficient power
collision details. Simultaneously, the HC-12 RF Module management in various operating scenarios.
enables communication with nearby vehicles, serving as an
additional layer of precaution. This dual communication ATMEGA 328 PIN CONFIGURATION
approach enhances the system's reliability and ensures that
critical information reaches the relevant parties promptly. The
paper delves into the intricate details of the proposed collision
detection system, emphasizing the significance of its advanced
sensor integration and communication capabilities in fostering
a safer and more efficient road environment.

Power Supply

Fig.3 Pin Configuration of AT Mega 328 Microcontroller

HC-12 RF
Module B. GSM Module

The GSM SIM800L module is a compact and versatile

Fig.2 Block diagram of Receiver section GSM/GPRS modern designed for various communication
applications. It operates on dual-band GSM/GPRS frequencies
IV. METHODOLOGY of 900/1800 MHZ. Similar to the SIM900A, it supports SMS,
voice, and data transfer applications. The SIM800L module
The development of an Advanced Roadway Collision also incorporates an internal TCP/IP stack, enabling internet
Detection System prototype will proceed through the following connectivity via GPRS. This feature allows users to establish
sequential steps: internet connections for various IoT (Internet of Things)
The SIM800L module typically comes with an RS232 HC-12 RF MODULE PIN CONFIGURATION
interface, allowing connectivity to the both PCs and
microcontrollers using a RS232 chip like the MAX232. This
interface enables communication with the module using AT
commands, and the baud rate is configurable within the range
of 9600 to 115200. Additionally, the SIM800L module usually
includes an onboard regulated power supply, which
accommodates a wide range of unregulated power supplies.
This feature enhances the module’s versatility and ease of
integration into different projects.

C. Power Supply
Fig.4 Pin Configuration of HC-12 RF Module
In modern electronics, a reliable power source is crucial for
activating any device. We typically convert the commonly
available 230V AC power to the required DC voltage, ranging The implementation of the system involves several key steps to
from. A transformer is an electromagnetic static device that ensure its effectiveness. Firstly, the power supply needs to be
enables the transfer of electrical energy between circuits while connected, establishing the operational foundation for the
preserving the voltage or altering it while maintaining the transmitter and receiver components. To accurately determine
frequency. The main purpose of a rectifier is to convert the location of the transmitter, the GPS system is activated,
alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) voltage or ensuring an unobstructed line of sight to the sky for optimal
current. Typically, a full-wave bridge rectifier is employed in signal reception.
rectifier circuits.

Filters are utilized to eliminate pulsations in AC. These circuits

incorporate capacitors and inductors. Capacitors block DC
voltage while allowing AC voltage to pass, whereas inductors
block AC voltage while allowing DC voltage to pass. Voltage
regulators play a crucial role in ensuring stable power supply
within electronic systems. The primary advantage of regulator
integrated circuits (ICs) is their ability to maintain a constant
output despite fluctuations in the input supply.

D. HC-12 RF Module

In modern electronics, wireless serial communication modules

play a vital role in enabling seamless data transmission over
long distances with minimal hardware requirements. One such
module is the HC-12 RF Module, which offers a range of
features and specifications tailored foe diverse applications.
HC-12 RF Module is a low-power, high data-rate wireless
communication technology designed for long-range wireless Fig.5 Flowchart of working of the system
Once the GPS coordinates of the transmitter are detected, the
The HC-12 RF Module operates between 433.4MHz and system is primed to respond to potential collisions. In the event
473.0MHz and supports data rates from 100bps to 1Mbps. It of a collision, activation of either the smoke sensor or MEMS
communicates using UART and works with voltages from 3.2V sensor triggers a buzzer, serving as an audible alert for
to 5.5V. It comes with a built-in spring antenna for easy setup immediate attention. Simultaneously, the system initiates
and communication. communication through SMS, transmitting vital information
such as the precise coordinates of the incident and details
The HC-12 RF Module is based on the SI4463 EZRadioPro regarding the type of collision.
family chip by SiLabs and features an onboard
STM8S003F3P6 MCU for seamless communication. With its This critical data is sent to the designated receiver, along with
compact size, multiple UART transmission modes, and flexible emergency contact numbers. The integration of GPS
antenna options, the HC-12 RF Module offers a versatile technology, collision sensors, and SMS communication
solution for wireless data transmission across various enhances the system's ability to swiftly and accurately convey
applications, including IoT, remote sensing, and telemetry. crucial information in emergency situations, facilitating prompt
responses and assistance.
Transmitter (Tx) Photos

Fig.6(a) Initialization of Tx Fig.6(b) Initialization of GPS in Tx

Fig.6(c) GPS initialized in Tx Fig.6(d) Tx is ready to operate

Receiver (Rx) Photos

Fig.7(a) Initialization of Rx Fig.7(b) Rx is ready to receive

Case-1: When a FRONT FALL accident is detected

Fig.8(a) Tx display Fig.8(b) Rx display Fig.8(c) Message sent to emergency


Case-2: When a RIGHT FALL accident is detected

Fig.9(a) Tx display Fig.9(b) Rx display Fig.9(c) Message sent to emergency


Case-3: When a LEFT FALL accident is detected

Fig.10(a) Tx display Fig.10(b) Rx display Fig.10(c) Message sent to emergency

Case-4: When a BACK FALL accident is detected

Fig.11(a) Tx display Fig.11(b) Rx display Fig.11(c) Message sent to emergency


Case-5: When a SMOKE is detected in an accident

Fig.12(a) Tx display Fig.12(b) Rx display Fig.12(c) Message sent to emergency


Case-6: When a LEFT FALL accident is detected, as well as SMOKE is detected in an accident

Fig.13(a) Tx display Fig.13(b) Rx display Fig.13(c) Message sent to emergency

VII. CONCLUSION International Conference on Computer and
Information Technology, pp. 1-6, 2019.
The Advanced Roadway Collision Detection system is [7] Arif Shaik, Natalie Bowen, Jennifer Bole, Gary
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implemented across all vehicles, this system holds the potential [10] Purva Javale, Shalmali Gadgil, Chinmay Bhargave,
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VIII. FUTURE SCOPE [11] Tanushree Dalai, "Emergency Alert and Service for
Automotives for India", International Journal of
The future scope of Advanced Roadway Collision Detection Advanced Trends in Computer Science and
System involves integrating AI and Machine Learning for more Engineering (IJATCSE), vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 08-12,
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communication, and the development of autonomous vehicles [12] Shaik, A., Bowen, N., Bole, J., Kunzi, G., Bruce,
to further reduce collision risks. Additionally, incorporating D., Abdelgawad, A., &Yelamarthi, K. (2018,
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