WSD 通識教學材料 4
WSD 通識教學材料 4
WSD 通識教學材料 4
冊 Water: Learn & Conserve
Teaching Kit for Liberal Studies
知水 • 惜水
Water: Learn & Conserve
Teaching Kit for Liberal Studies
設 計 設計堂有限公司
Design The Design Associates
出 版 香港特別行政區政府水務署
香港灣仔告士打道 7 號入境事務大樓 48 樓
Publisher Water Supplies Department of
the Government of the Hong Kong SAR
48/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Website address:
2011 年初版
© 2011 香港特別行政區政府水務署
All rights reserved. Other than for teaching and studying purpose, no
part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
the Water Supplies Department.
Printed by the Government Logistics Department
知水•惜水 通識教學材料套
Printed on environmentally friendly paper
冊 Water: Learn & Conserve
Teaching Kit for Liberal Studies
序言 Foreword
教育統籌局 1 2005 年發表的《高中及高等教育新學制 — 投資香港未來的行動 The Report “The New Academic Structure for Senior Secondary Education and Higher
方案》報告書,把通識教育科列為三年制高中課程的核心科目,並會與其他科目 Education – Action Plan for Investing in the Future of Hong Kong” by the Education and Manpower
一樣予以評核。通識教育科由六個單元組成,旨在擴闊學生的知識基礎,並透過探 Bureau1 in 2005 stipulates that Liberal Studies is a core subject to be assessed like other subjects
討各種各樣的問題來提高他們的社會意識。在這個背景下,水務署編製了一套名為 in the three-year senior secondary curriculum. This subject, comprising six modules, aims to
《知水 • 惜水》的教學材料套,幫助同學從環境和可持續發展的角度,深入了解用水的 broaden students’ knowledge base and to enhance their social awareness through the study
問題。《知水 • 惜水》一套五冊,每冊的主題都不同,全面涵蓋本港的用水議題,包括 of a wide range of issues. Against this backdrop, the Water Supplies Department (WSD) has
香港的水資源狀況、供水發展、從源頭到水龍頭的水務設施、食水處理、水質控制、 compiled a teaching kit entitled “Water: Learn and Conserve” to help students gaining a better
客戶服務和公眾教育等範疇。此外,每冊均載有討論區、思考問題、個案研究、說明 understanding of the subject of water from the perspectives of the environment and sustainable
圖表和照片,有助刺激同學獨立思考,以鼓勵他們就節約用水、社會發展及水資源可 development. The set consists of five booklets of different themes covering a full spectrum of water
持續使用三個重點作出平衡考慮。 supply issues from the water resources in Hong Kong, water supply development, waterworks
infrastructures from source to tap, water treatment, water quality control, customer services and
第四本小冊子《優質食水》介紹香港所採用的水質監察系統,內容重點是根據 public education. Each booklet contains discussion forums, questions, case studies, illustrative
世界衞生組織指引所訂要求而推行的水安全計劃。由於水質影響健康,確保用水 diagrams and photographs to help stimulate the students’ independent thought in fostering a
安全,並採取所需的預防措施,避免污染物由水源通過所有公共供水和分配系統進入 balanced consideration of water conservation, social development and the importance of water
用戶的私人供水系統,至為重要。此外,本冊還提供有關香港所採用的食水處理程序 resource sustainability.
The fourth booklet, “Quality Water” introduces the water quality monitoring regime adopted in
水是我們的命脈,亦是珍貴的資源。香港不像現時世界上很多其他地方,受着食 Hong Kong highlighting the implementation of the Water Safety Plan based on the requirements of
水短缺的威脅。因此,香港市民往往把源源不絕的食水供應視作理所當然。只有透過 the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines. As water quality affects our health, it is imperative
徹底了解清潔食水的科學、生產及輸送背後所付出的努力和面對的挑戰,人們才會意 to secure water safety and take necessary preventive measures to avoid contaminations right
識到水的真正價值,並自覺地採取措施予以小心保護。我們希望這套教材會成為有用 from the water source continuing through all the public supply and distribution systems to the
的工具,讓老師和同學學習以可持續的方式來保護我們最重要、賴以生存的水資源。 customers’ private plumbing systems. The booklet also provides conceptual information about
the treatment processes adopted in Hong Kong and the emerging water treatment technologies
available globally.
2011 年 9 月 Water is our lifeblood and a scarce resource. Without the threat of water shortages that still
persist in many other parts of the world, citizens in Hong Kong often take an uninterrupted water
supply for granted. Only by a thorough understanding of the efforts and challenges behind the
science, production and transportation of clean water can people appreciate the true value of
water and take conscious steps to conserve it carefully. We hope this teaching kit will become a
useful tool for teachers and students to learn and conserve water, our vital ingredient for survival,
in a sustainable manner.
The Education and Manpower Bureau was renamed the Education Bureau (EDB) on 1 July, 2007.
September 2011
學習重點 Essentials of Learning
本教學材料套所載的內容,與《通識教育科:課程及評估指引(中四至中六)》 第四冊:優質食水
• 水務署應怎樣確保供應市民的食水可安全飲用?
This teaching kit contains information relevant to some modules, themes and questions
• 公共衞生與水質有何關係?
for enquiry of the “Liberal Studies: Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4 – 6)”.
• 我們可以做些什麼來保護水資源免受污染?
It is designed to help students understand the role of individuals in environmental protection, as
well as issues on water including water supply, treatment, conservation, pollution, sustainability
BOOK 4: Quality Water
and the relationship between water and public health.
Examples of Questions for Enquiry in Relation to the Curriculum of
Liberal Studies
單元 Module 主題 Theme 探討問題 Questions for Enquiry
• How should WSD ensure the water supplied to the public is safe to consume?
單元五: 主題 2: 社會各界、政府及國際組織在維持及
公共衞生 科學、科技與公共衞生 推動公共衞生方面會面對甚麼挑戰?
• What is the relationship between public health and water quality?
Module 5: Theme 2: What challenges do different sections of • What can we do to protect the water resource free from contaminations?
Public Health Science, technology society, the government and the international
and public health organisations have in maintaining and
promoting public health?
單元六: 主題 2: 人們的生活方式及社會發展怎樣影響環境和能
能源科技與 環境與可持續發展 源的使用?
Theme 2: How do the living styles of people and social
Module 6: The environment development affect the environment and the use
Energy and sustainable of energy?
Technology and development
the Environment
What responses could be made by the public,
different sectors and the government regarding
the future of sustainable development?
目錄 Contents
Introduction p.3
Water Safety Plan p.4
• 保護集水區及水塘
Protection of Water Gathering Grounds
and Impounding Reservoirs
• 東江水
Water from Dongjiang
• 食水處理
Water Treatment
• 輸水系統
Distribution system
• 飲用水水質驗證
Verification of Drinking Water Quality
• 水管系統
Plumbing System
• 《水安全計劃》的重要性
The Importance of a Water Safety Plan
Water Treatment Technology p.19
• 食水處水過程
Treatment Process
讓我們盡力保護大自然的恩賜。 • 回收反沖水
Recycling Backwash Water
Let us strive to protect the gift of nature.
• 處理和棄置污泥
Sludge Treatment and Disposal
• 新興的食水處理及消毒科技
Emerging Water Treatment and
Disinfection Technologies
Quality Water Recognition Scheme
for Buildings
How much do you know about water quality?
Suggested Answers
引言 Introduction
可靠、充足及衞生的飲用水 2,到各樓宇內部水管的接駁點。香港現行一個嚴格的水質
食水水質數據資料,連同國家地表水環境質量標準 GB3838-2002 及世衞準則值,均一
自 2002 年起,有關水質數據在經由水質事務諮詢委員會確認後,每六個月更新
Ensuring a city has access to clean drinking water is integral to its success. The Water Supplies
Department (WSD) is responsible for providing Hong Kong with a reliable and adequate supply
of wholesome potable water2 up to the connection points of the customers’ internal plumbing.
A strict water quality monitoring regime is in place in Hong Kong. Irrespective of whether the
source of supply is from local catchments or across the border from Dongjiang, it is subjected
to a comprehensive programme of tests and analyses. A Water Safety Plan (WSP) was initiated
in 2007 based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality
(Guidelines). The WSP strengthens WSD’s ability to deliver a safe water supply to customers under
various conditions.
The quality data of Dongjiang water received at the Muk Wu Pumping Station together with
the Environmental Quality Standards of Surface Water GB3838-2002 and those of the drinking
water supply in Hong Kong alongside the applicable WHO guideline values are publicised on the
following WSD website for public reference :
The water quality data, endorsed by the Advisory Committee on Quality of Water Supplies,
are updated at 6-monthly intervals in the website quoted above since 2002.
Water that is deemed fit for human consumption is referred to as ‘potable’ water.
Quality Water 3
水安全計劃 Water Safety Plan
2004年版的要求所制訂的,計劃建基於預防性風險管理,及多重屏障體系的原則, SHENZHEN 上水
Shueng Shui N
Ngan Tam Mei
凹頭 大埔頭
Au Tau
繼續發揮作用,來保護食水安全。 屯門
Tai Po Tau 大埔
Tai Po
Tuen Mun 馬鞍山
荃灣 Ma On Shan
按世衞準則的指引,一個以健康為本的目標,是安全飲用水框架裡不可缺少的元 油柑頭 Tsuen Wan
Yau Kom Tau 沙田
素,引導整個《水安全計劃》的發展。故此,採納世衞準則為化學及細菌學項目所訂立 深井 Sha Tin 北港
Sham Tseng Pak Kong
的準則值,來監控香港的食水水質,是衞生署與水務署的共識。 石梨貝 大埔道
Tai Po Road
香港國際機場 Shek Lei Pui
Hong Kong 小蠔灣 九龍
International Airport Siu Ho Wan Kowloon
Silver Mine Bay 香港仔
大澳 Aberdeen 紅山
Tai O Red Hill
Cheung Sha 圖例 LEGEND:
Assemble team 實驗室
描述供水系統 Treatment Works
Describe the water supply system 濾水廠及實驗室
Treatment Works &
Assessment Conduct hazard analysis 檢討經驗和未來需要 濾水廠和實驗室的分佈圖
Reviewing experience Distribution Map of Water Treatment Works & Laboratories
and future needs
Identify control measures
At the heart of the safe drinking water strategy in Hong Kong is the Government’s WSP
運行監測 Define operational limits 建立支持計劃
which was developed in accordance with the requirements of the 2004 edition of the WHO
Operational Supporting Guidelines. The WSP is based upon the principles of preventive risk management and a
Monitoring Programmes
Establish monitoring multi-barrier approach to ensure the quality of water from the source, through water treatment
to distribution. Under the multi-barrier approach, each barrier can on its own reduce the
程序(包括修正措施) 檢討、批核和審查 contamination risk of water. When a barrier is breached, the other barriers will continue working
Establish corrective actions and Review, approval and
incident response audit to provide the protection.
Management &
建立文件記錄 Based on the WHO Guidelines, a health-based target is an essential component in the
Establish record keeping
safe drinking water framework which guides the development of the WSP. The Department of
驗證和核查 Health and WSD have thus agreed on the adoption of the guideline values for chemical and
Validation and verification
bacteriological parameters set out in the WHO Guidelines for the drinking water supply in
Hong Kong.
Flow Chart for Development of a Water Safety Plan
The WSP is implemented to safeguard the quality of treated water supply and mainly
covers the following aspects:
Pak Kong Water Treatment Works
Quality Water 7
水安全計劃 Water Safety Plan
Potential hazards to water quality may arise from natural factors such as heavy rainfall,
保護集水區及水塘 drought3, algal bloom and natural disasters as well as other factors such as agricultural activities like
保護水資源及水源頭,是保障水質的第一道防線。現時香港的集水區約佔全港 farming and livestock rearing; industrial activities and operation; changes of land use; residential
土地面積的三分之一,降到集水區的雨水經引水道及進水口收集,再經由隧道輸送到 developments; chemical spills; contamination incidents. Effective catchment management such
水塘或濾水廠。要避免水受污染,污水處理必須符合相關的監管標準,詳情載於水污 as setting up a monitoring regime, control of land uses, activities and developments within water
染管制條例規定下的《技術備忘錄》:《排入去水渠及污水渠系統、內陸及海岸水域的 gathering grounds, regular inspections and enforcement of relevant ordinances and regulations
污水標準》內。 as well can prevent the contamination of the source water, and thus can reduce the operational
cost of water treatment required and the formation of treatment by-products.
對水質構成潛在危險的因素有很多,自然的如暴雨、乾旱 3、藻華現象和自然災
Do you know...
控制土地用途、監控集水區範圍的活動和發展、定期巡查及執行有關法例和規例。 悉尼供水受污染,引起大眾恐慌。
The Sydney Water Crisis ... and the impact of contamination fears.
1998 年,引發悉尼的供水危機是因當地主要供水來源 Warragamba Dam 受到微生物
飲用」 。這次污染是由於當時降雨量由中量轉為大量,令低質素的原水進入儲水區域所引起。事件被
The 1998 crisis began with concerns that Sydney’s main source of water supply, the Warragamba Dam had been
contaminated by micro-organisms, Cryptosporidium and Giardia. “Boil water” alerts were issued to residents
for almost a week before the water was confirmed as “safe to drink”. The contamination was caused by low-
quality raw water entering the water storage area – the result of moderate rainfall followed by heavy rainfall.
The incident was highly publicised and caused major levels of alarm. However, a subsequent inquiry found
that the levels of Cryptosporidium and Giardia had been over-estimated and their recorded levels had in fact
not reached an extent as to cause harm to public health.
大潭副水塘 Heavy rainfall will lead to an increase in suspended solids, pathogens and other pollutants being washed down to the catchwaters.
Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir Drought will reduce the natural dilution effects and cause concentration of contaminants.
In Hong Kong, close monitoring of the Dongjiang water quality is undertaken as soon
as the water reaches the first point of reception at the Muk Wu Pumping Stations. Should
a contamination incident which could affect the Dongjiang water quality ever occur, the
Guangdong authorities will promptly notify Hong Kong through designated channels. Similarly,
if Hong Kong detects any abnormal water quality, WSD will immediately contact the Guangdong
authorities for investigation, stepping up of the monitoring and reduction or suspension of the
supply of Dongjiang water to Hong Kong as necessary. Furthermore, the raw water source to
water treatment works can be switched to local water sources during emergency.
Quality Water 11
水安全計劃 Water Safety Plan
食水處理過程是另一個防止供水系統受到污染 The next barrier to the contamination of the water supply system is the water treatment
的屏障,亦是多重屏障體系內主要的一環,作用是 process. The water treatment process is a key component in the multi-barrier approach in
除去水中的雜質、化學物質及病原生物。 removing the impurities, chemical and pathogenic organisms in water.
在這個階段,潛在的危險包括:原水水質突然 Potential hazards at this stage may arise from the sudden deterioration of raw water quality,
變差、化學品劑量不足、水和化學品混合不足、 inadequate chemical dosing, inadequate mixing of water and dosed chemicals, inadvertent use
誤用劣質化學品及停電。 of poor quality water treatment chemicals and power outage.
為防止或盡量減低在食水處理階段時的污染 Control measures to prevent or minimise the risk of contamination at this stage include
A sludge thickening tank in water treatment works
風險,務要提升處理系統的可靠性,所採納的措施 the adoption of reliable treatment process, quality control on the supply of chemicals and
包括選取可靠的處理程序,密切監控處理程序中所 robust engineering design to increase the reliability of the system. Advanced water treatment
需的化學品的質素,及使用穩妥的工程設計。本港的食水處理過程已採用先進及優化 technologies, such as ozonation and biological filters, have been employed in Hong Kong. The
的食水處理技術,例如臭氧處理和生物過濾程序,食水處理過程能去除包括病原微生 treatment process in the water treatment works is optimised to remove the impurities including
物等雜質,確保水質持續達到預設的運作限值。 pathogenic organisms in order to ensure that the water quality consistently meets the preset
operational limits.
抽取樣本,可以檢測水中的關鍵參數,例如酸鹼值、混濁度、殘餘氯和氟化物。在線 The water quality at each stage of the treatment process is closely monitored by on-line water
監測數據可提供原水水質出現變化的資料,有助適時調節食水處理程序的決定,確保 quality analysers and regular sampling for testing of key parameters such as pH value, turbidity,
經過處理的食水水質保持滿意水平。 residual chlorine and fluoride. The on-line monitoring data can facilitate making decisions in
timely adjustment of the treatment process to ensure the satisfactory quality of the treated water
in response to changes of raw water quality.
Filter press
The impurities, chemical and
pathogenic organisms can be removed
during the water treatment processes
Lime bag splitter machine
Alum solution dosing equipment
飲用水水質驗證 For example, a newly laid fresh water main has to be properly cleansed, flushed and sterilised
according to established procedures before putting to use.
Verification of Drinking Water Quality
法是從系統不同的部分定期抽樣進行物理 Verification provides a final quality check and the efficiency of actions to ensure the overall
學、化學、放射學、細菌學和生物學方面 safety of the water supply. In Hong Kong, the water quality throughout the entire supply and
的檢測。抽樣點覆蓋整個集水區、東江水 distribution chain is systematically monitored by regular sampling from different parts of the
接收點、水塘、濾水廠、配水庫、輸水管 system for physical, chemical, radiological, bacteriological and biological examinations. The
及用戶的水龍頭。而監測計劃,包括取樣 sampling points cover water gathering grounds, receiving points of Dongjiang water, impounding
次數及分析範圍亦會定期檢討,以全面監 reservoirs, water treatment works, service reservoirs, distribution mains and consumers’ taps.
控整個供水系統的水質。本港飲用水的水 The monitoring programme including sampling frequencies and scopes of analysis is reviewed
質均符合世衞準則,可安全飲用。 regularly for comprehensive surveillance on the quality of water throughout the entire water supply
Regular sampling from different parts of the water supply system. The drinking water in Hong Kong has quality which complies with the WHO Guidelines
system for examinations
水管系統 and is perfectly safe for human consumption.
Plumbing System
為確保享用優質的自來水,用戶應妥善保養樓宇的內部水管系統。 WSD is responsible for supplying water to connection points at the land boundaries of
buildings. The operation and maintenance of internal water mains and all associated supply
facilities is the responsibility of building owners or their property management offices or registered
service agents. To maintain the high quality of drinking water at tap, individual customers must
properly maintain all internal plumbing of their premises.
Do you know...
導致高昂的水費。 水源性疾病 Waterborne Diseases
《水安全計劃》的重要性 的酸鹼度。氯氣屬強力的消毒劑,能淨化食水,有助消除水的味道和氣味,控制貯水箱和水管內
香港的食水供應系統由 17 個水塘、21 個濾水廠、多個原水及食水抽水站組成。 Waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic micro-organisms which are directly transmitted to
經處理的食水會輸送到配水庫儲存,然後再經過一個有數千公里的水管網絡分配給 human beings when contaminated water is consumed. Common diseases include diarrhoea, giardiasis,
cryptosporidiosis, dysentery and salmonellosis. Chemicals are applied to remove impurities and control
用戶。在《水安全計劃》下,水務署會監測水源的特性,識別集水區內的潛在污染 the pH of the water. The addition of chlorine, a powerful disinfecting agent, ensures clean water right to
the tap. It purifies water, helps remove taste and odour, controls the microbiological growth in storage tanks
and pipes and removes unwanted nitrogen compounds.
想一想 It is important that all water plumbing systems are properly maintained. If not,
Think about this the quality of water will deteriorate. If the pipes are blocked by deposits, the flow in the system
may be weakened. In particular, leaky pipes must be repaired because the leaking points will
市民在保障水安全上所扮演的角色 Role of Citizens in Water Safety
expose the supply resulting in depleting chlorine level while causing water seepage in ceilings or
How can we, as Hong Kong residents, contribute towards ensuring safe drinking water for all? walls. They may also lead to high water bills.
討論區 的微生物。嚴格徹底的食水處理過程及水質監控措施,使香港成為世界上享有最安全
Discussion Forum 食水的地區之一。
Water usually requires purification before it is safe to drink. This involves the removal of soil
What are the social costs of contamination to drinking water? Think in terms of public health and social
consequences, environmental and political costs. particles, impurities and waterborne microorganisms. As a result of the stringent and thorough
treatment process and water quality control measures, Hong Kong enjoys one of the safest water
supply in the world.
離子聚電解質 明礬 熟石灰 氯 氟化物
Polyelectrolyte Alum Hydrated Lime Chlorine Fluoride
Sampling Point
快速攪拌室 混凝池
Rapid Mix Flocculation 清水池
澄清池 濾水池 Clear
原水 Chamber Tank Clarifier Filter Water
Raw 食水抽水站
Water Tank Treated Water
Pumping Station
表層清水 淤泥
作為公眾的一分子,我們視獲得潔淨的食水為應有的權利,但事實上獲得潔淨的食水是否這樣 Supernatant Sludge
As members of the public, we see clean pure water as a given right. But is it as simple as that? 洗池水回收池
Washwater 配水庫
淤泥濃縮池 濾壓機 Filter Press Recovery Tank Service
Sludge Thickening Tank Reservior
Sludge Cake
Disposal 至分配系統
To Distribution System
Typical Water Treatment Process
食水處理過程 香港擁有
Hong Kong
香港擁有 21 間濾水廠,每天可生產 487 萬立方米 has
飲用水。 間濾水廠
water treatment
Treatment Process
Hong Kong has 21 water treatment works with a total production capacity of 4.87 million m3
of potable fresh water each day.
在食水處理過程中,原水先混合絮凝劑 4 及其他化學物,再流入澄清池。水中的 In the water treatment process, raw water is dosed with coagulants4 and other chemicals
懸浮粒子凝聚形成較大的粒子,足以可在濾水過程中濾去。部分粒子沉澱至池底,而 before passing through the clarifiers where the suspended particles in the water come together
淨化了的水再經由以無煙煤為表層的幼沙濾水池,除去剩餘的微細懸浮粒子。這些濾 to form bigger particles sufficiently large to be captured by filtration, part of the particles settling
水池會定期以壓縮空氣和水進行連續反方向的沖洗,這個過程稱為反沖。 in the clarifiers. The clarified water then flows through filters of sand overlaid with anthracite – a
compact coal – to remove any remaining fine suspended particles. Periodically these filter beds
are cleaned by flushing in the reverse direction sequentially with compressed air and water. This
process is known as backwashing.
確保食水在途中不受細菌污染。 This filtered water passes into tanks where disinfectants like chlorine or ozone are
added. In addition, hydrated lime is put in to adjust the alkalinity of the treated water.
Fluoride is also added at this point to provide dental protection for consumers. The treated
你知道嗎? water is pumped through a system of water mains for storage in service reservoirs and
Do you know... 反沖水是已用作沖洗過濾池內 fed into the distribution system for supply to the consumers. A small amount of residual
積存了一段時間的污垢的水。為節省 chlorine is maintained in the treated water to keep it free of bacteria as the water flows
用水,所有濾水廠都採用一套特別的 through the distribution system.
Sha Tin Water Treatment Works
沙田、九龍中部及港島部分地區。沙田濾水廠 輸 送 到 濾 水 廠 的 原 水 進 水 口, 再 次
於 1964 年投入服務,廠房曾進行數次擴建工程。 Recycling Backwash Water
時至今日,濾水廠每天最多可以處理 122.7 萬立方
米的水,約等於香港總日產量的 25%。該廠目前 The backwash water is the water used for flushing the dirt accumulated in a filter bed
正進行分階段重建工程。 after certain period of service. To conserve this amount of water, a special recycling system
The Sha Tin Water Treatment Works is the largest in
Hong Kong. It supplies Sha Tin, Central Kowloon and is incorporated in a water treatment works. The backwash water is first collected and then
parts of Hong Kong Island with treated water. First 污泥是雜質積聚形成體積較大 channeled back into the raw water inlet of the water treatment works to go through the
commissioned in 1964, the water treatment works has
的物質,收集作進一步處理後便可丟 treatment process again.
been upgraded a few times. Today it has a capacity of
treating 1 227 000 m3 of water a day...that’s about 25% 棄。污泥在加入化學物品後會變濃縮,
of the total daily treatment capacity in Hong Kong.
The treatment works is currently under reconstruction 當達到足夠的固體含量時,可由薄膜
Sludge Treatment and Disposal
in phases. 過 濾 器 進 行 脫 水, 再 壓 成 固 體 狀 的
泥餅,之後可於堆填區棄置。 The impurities that have been settled into large particles are known as sludge which is
collected for further treatment before disposal. This sludge is thickened with the addition of
chemicals. Once the sludge has thickened with sufficient solid content, it will be dewatered by a
membrane type filter and pressed into solid form known as sludge cakes. These sludge cakes
A coagulant is a chemical which is used to bring together the suspended solids to form larger particles which can settle under gravity to the
bottom of the clarifiers as sludge. are then disposed at landfill sites.
水處理是一門不斷發展的科學。以下是近年日益受關注的水處理技術: Water treatment is an evolving science. The following are technologies that are gaining
momentum in recent years.
Membrane Technology
薄 膜 技 術 指 在 濾 水 過 程 中 利 用 薄 膜 把 物 質 由 水 分 隔 出 來 的 技 術。 其 原 理 很 低壓薄膜技術使用
簡單:以薄膜作為過濾器,水分子可通過,而懸浮物及其他物質則被阻隔。薄膜 Membrane technologies refer to the use of Low-pressure Membrane
Technology uses
技術,尤其是耗用較少能源的低壓薄膜技術,近年越來越受歡迎。 membrane in the filtration process to separate substances
from water. The principle is quite simple: the membrane
acts as a filter that lets water molecules to go through,
while it catches suspended solids and other substances.
Membrane technologies, particularly low-pressure 能源
membrane technology that uses relatively less energy, energy
薄膜技術往往令人聯想成以一塊大布料濾水。但事實上,薄膜通常是纏捲成小 have become more and more popular in recent years.
Sophisticated membrane technologies are being developed and applied to make water
clean and safe to drink. These technologies using semi-permeable membrane are efficient
both in terms of the economy of the space they take up and the degree of automation.
Another advantage of the technologies are that they can work without or with only fewer
chemicals. Membrane technologies have now become competitive with conventional water
treatment techniques.
The term membrane may lead one to think that there is a large piece of fabric through
which the water passes. In fact, membranes are normally wrapped up into small polymer
fiber tubes that are packed in a container for installation as modules. The membrane acts as
a selective porous barrier to separate particles from water. The membrane pore sizes and the
sizes of particles that can be removed depend on the types of membrane process employed.
The technologies are applied to produce high quality drinking water by removing all harmful
pathogens and suspended solids. The technologies are increasingly adopted worldwide in new
water treatment plants and as part of retrofits for aging treatment facilities. The technologies are
recognised not only as a means to produce quality drinking water, but also as a viable method of
meeting or exceeding stringent standards for the treatment of waste water and recycled water.
The technologies are seen as a viable tool in meeting the growing need for water. Hong Kong is
also exploring the adoption of membrane technologies in some of the treatment works.
Membranes are wrapped up into tube-like shape and packed in a container
Disinfection by Ozonation
Ozone is a very strong oxidising agent. It has been widely used in water treatment to replace
chlorine for oxidation of impurities, taste and odour control as well as disinfection. It is an extremely
unstable gas and therefore has to be produced at the point of use. Although Ozonation has been
adopted in Ngau Tam Mei Water Treatment Works in Hong Kong and also found to be effective
for killing some micro-organisms such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, it cannot produce a
lasting disinfectant residue in water. As the majority of Hong Kong people are living in high-rise
buildings which results in taking a long time for the treated water from treatment works through
to the roof tanks and then being supplied to the customers, a small amount of residual chlorine
is still dosed into the water before leaving the water treatment works to keep the water free
from contamination and maintain wholesomeness during its journey in the distribution system.
This minimal amount of chlorine will disappear from water on boiling.
24 優質食水
濾水科技 Water Treatment Technology
想一想 香港仔濾水廠
Aberdeen Water Treatment Works
Think about this 凹頭濾水廠
Au Tau Water Treatment Works
What are the environmental concerns of operating a water treatment plant? 長沙濾水廠
Cheung Sha Water Treatment Works
Eastern Water Treatment Works
Ma On Shan Water Treatment Works
Ngau Tam Mei Water Treatment Works
Pak Kong Water Treatment Works
Red Hill Water Treatment Works
Sha Tin Water Treatment Works
1 227
Sham Tseng Water Treatment Works
Sheung Shui Water Treatment Works
清潔和合乎衞生的食水在離開濾水廠時是可直接飲用。我們怎樣才可確保食水在進入輸水系統後, 石梨貝濾水廠
水質仍得以保持? Shek Lei Pui Water Treatment Works
When clean and wholesome treated water leaves the treatment works, it is safe for drinking. How do we ensure 銀鑛灣濾水廠
that this quality is maintained as the water passes through the distribution system? Silver Mine Bay Water Treatment Works
Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment Works
Tai O Water Treatment Works
Tai Po Road Water Treatment Works
Tai Po Tau Water Treatment Works
Tai Po Water Treatment Works
Tsuen Wan Water Treatment Works
Tuen Mun Water Treatment Works
Yau Kom Tau Water Treatment Works
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400
每日最高產量(千立方米)Capacaity (thousand cubic metres per day)
List of Hong Kong’s Water Treatment Works
Think about this
操作可帶來不少好處,除水質獲得保障外,還有助環保及反映有關樓宇良好的管理。 怎樣推動公眾關注和協力維修住宅用水管?
How would you promote the public’s attention and efforts towards the maintenance
為鼓勵業主履行供應潔淨的自來水的本份,水務署在 2002 年推行了「大廈優質 of the inside service system?
食水認可計劃」。這計劃成功地使公眾對保養供水系統以確保優質自來水的認識得以 你可以考慮發起簽署活動,看看能否說服左鄰右里支持維修和改善內部供水系統。
提高。 Please consider to organise an action campaign ... and then see if you can persuade your neighbours to sign
and undertake to maintain and improve the inside service system.
1. 增強本港居民及外來訪客對自來水質素的信心;
2. 提升樓宇管理公司的能力,以滿足客戶對自來水質素的要求;
3. 確認樓宇管理公司達至計劃所訂準則;以及
4. 協助業主、經營者及樓宇管理公司自行評估水管系統的狀況,並找出須予
Public confidence in the quality of drinking water is critical to the success of a public water
supply scheme. Hong Kong’s treated fresh water complies with the WHO Guidelines. However,
有效證書 to ensure that water of the same quality emerges from the taps of homes, offices and other
Certificates places of work or recreation, building owners need to maintain and manage the operation of
1 800
1 651 1 666 their plumbing systems. The benefit of having a properly maintained and operated plumbing
1 600
system does not end with the assurance of a quality water supply for the customers to enjoy, but
1 440
1 400 also means enhancement of environmental protection and clearly reflects the good quality of the
1 297
management of the buildings concerned.
1 200
1 105
1 026 To encourage building owners to fulfil their role in the provision of clean water at tap, WSD
1 000 948
863 859 operates the “Quality Water Recognition Scheme for Buildings”. This scheme was launched in
706 2002 and has been proved to be successful in raising the awareness about maintenance of the
604 plumbing systems for quality drinking water from taps.
465 477
410 414 417 The principal aims of the scheme are to:
400 346 321
291 308 280
227 1. Give local residents and visitors alike greater confidence in the quality of water at tap;
200 117
2. Strengthen the capability of building management agents to meet the needs of
0 customers with respect to the quality of water provided within buildings;
03/2004 03/2005 03/2006 08/2007 08/2008 07/2009 07/2010 07/2011
私人樓宇 公屋樓宇 商用樓宇 月╱年 3. Recognise building management agents who achieve consistent compliance;
Private Buildings Public Buildings Commercial Buildings Month/Year
4. Assist owners, operators and building management agents to assess plumbing
The number of valid certificates (one certificate can represent one building or a group of buildings) conditions and identify areas that require maintenance or improvement.
頒發給樓宇的證書分為三個級別 Three grades of certificates are awarded:
• 藍證書:新參與計劃或連續參與計劃但不足三年者;
Blue certificate for a new participant or a participant who has been involved for less than three years;
• 銀證書:連續參與計劃滿三年或以上但不足五年者;及
Silver certificate for continuous participation of between 3 and 5 years; and
• 金證書:連續參與計劃滿五年或以上者。
Gold certificate for a participant who has been involved in the scheme for five years or more
截 至 2011 年 7 月, 約 有 106 萬 名 住 宅 用 戶 參 與 此 計 劃。 發 出 的 有 效 證 書 共 As at July 2011, about 1 060 000 domestic households are covered under this scheme.
3 248 份。 The total number of effective certificates is 3 248.
清潔的水箱,加上定期進行檢查、維修及改善的內部供水系統,可確保優質的 Clean water tanks and inside service systems that are inspected, maintained and upgraded
自來水供應! regularly will ensure quality fresh water at tap!
Do you know...
What should you do to take care of your flat’s or building’s plumbing system?
Representatives of buildings being presented certificates in recognition of their proper
maintenance of their internal plumbing systems
• 《水 安 全 計 劃》乃 保 障 食 水 安 全 的 中 心 策 略。 該 計 劃 是 香 港 特 區 政 府 根 據 世 衞 • At the heart of the safe drinking water strategy in Hong Kong is the Government’s Water Safety
準則 2004 年版的要求所制訂的,計劃建基於預防性風險管理,及多重屏障體系的 Plan (WSP) which was developed in accordance with the requirements of the 2004 edition of
原則,確保從水源、食水處理到分配過程的整個供水系統的水質安全。 the WHO Guidelines. The WSP is based upon the principles of preventive risk management
and a multi-barrier approach to ensure the quality of water from the source, through water
• 《水安全計劃》涵蓋的範疇包括保護水資源、與廣東當局保持緊密聯繫以保護東江及
treatment to distribution.
與衞生署合作共同監察食水水質。 • WSP covers the areas of resource protection, close liaison with Guangdong authorities to
protect and monitor the water quality of Dongjiang water, monitoring and control of the water
• 新興的食水處理及消毒科技包括薄膜技術、臭氧消毒及紫外線消毒等。
treatment process, verification of water quality, formulation of contingency plans and working
• 本港的食水處理過程已採用先進及優化的食水處理技術,例如臭氧處理和生物過濾 with the Department of Health to monitor the water quality.
• Membrane technologies, disinfection by ozonation and disinfection by ultraviolet radiation are
emerging water treatment and disinfection technologies.
• 香港整個食水供應及分配鏈內都受到有完善制度的水質監控,方法是從系統不同的
• Advanced water treatment technologies, such as ozonation and biological filtration, have been
employed in Hong Kong. The treatment process in the water treatment works is optimised
to remove the impurities including pathogenic organisms in order to ensure that the water
• 水 務 署 在 2002 年 推 行 了 大 廈 優 質 食 水 認 可 計 劃。 這 計 劃 成 功 地 使 公 眾 對 保 養 quality consistently meets the preset operational limits.
• In Hong Kong, the water quality throughout the entire supply and distribution chain is
systematically monitored by regular sampling from different parts of the system for physical,
chemical, radiological, bacteriological and biological examinations. The drinking water in
Hong Kong has quality which complies with the WHO Guidelines and is perfectly safe for
human consumption.
• The Quality Water Recognition Scheme for Buildings was launched in 2002. The Scheme has
been proved to be successful in raising the awareness about the maintenance of plumbing
systems for quality drinking water from taps.
4. 在香港,哪一間濾水廠採用臭氧進行消毒?
1. 以下哪些是制訂《水安全計劃》時所採納的主要原則?
In Hong Kong, which water treatment works is using ozone for disinfection?
Which of the following are the key principles for compilation of a Water Safety Plan? A 沙田 Sha Tin
B 牛潭尾 Ngau Tam Mei
(i) 預防性風險管理 preventive risk management
C 北港 Pak Kong
(ii) 成本效益 cost-effectiveness
(iii) 多重屏障體系 a multi-barrier approach D 馬鞍山 Ma On Shan
(iv) 雙重保護 double protection
A (i), (iii) B (i), (iv)
5. 香港的《水安全計劃》所涵蓋的範疇包括:
The scope of Hong Kong’s Water Safety Plan covers :
C (ii), (iv) D (iii), (iv)
(i) 保護水資源
2. 以下哪一種不是潛在的危害食水安全的物質? protection of water resources
Which of the following types of agent is not a potential hazard to water safety? (ii) 透過與廣東省當局保持緊密聯繫,保護東江水及監察東江水水質
A 工業廢料 industrial waste maintaining close liaison with the Guangdong authorities for the protection of
B 陽光 sunlight Dongjiang and monitoring of Dongjiang water quality
C 水藻 alga (iii) 維修大廈內的供水設施
D 新陳代謝產生的廢物 metabolic waste maintenance of plumbing installations in buildings
(iv) 與衞生署合作共同監察食水水質
3. 以下哪些是有效管理集水區的措施? surveillance on treated water quality in conjunction with the Department of Health
Which of the following are effective catchment management measures?
A 以上皆是 All of the above
(i) 建立監測制度 B 以上除了 All except (i)
setting up a monitoring regime C 以上除了 All except (ii)
(ii) 控制集水區範圍內的土地用途、活動和發展 D 以上除了 All except (iii)
control of land uses, activities and developments within water catchments
(iii) 定期巡查
6. 下列哪項是採用薄膜技術進行食水處理的好處?
Which of the following are the merits of using membrane technology for water treatment?
regular inspections
(i) 更佳食水水質 better quality of treated water
(iv) 執行有關法例和規例
(ii) 薄膜設備佔地較少 smaller footprint required by membrane plant
enforcement of relevant ordinances and regulations
(iii) 須投放的化學品較少 less chemicals required to be added
A (i) (iv) 較低能源耗用量 less energy consumption
B (i), (ii) A (i), (iv)
C (i), (ii), (iii) B (i), (ii)
D 以上皆是 All of the above C (ii), (iii)
D (iii), (iv)
7. 以下哪一項是正確的陳述? 9. 以下哪些是獲得「大廈優質食水認可計劃」證書的好處?
Which of the following is TRUE? Which of the following are the benefits of obtaining a certificate under the “Quality Water
Recognition Scheme for Buildings”?
A 水務署的《水安全計劃》乃根據世界衞生組織(世衞)訂定的《飲用水水質
準則》而推行的。 (i) 宣傳物業的正面形象 promote a better image of the property
The Water Safety Plan (WSP) was initiated by the Water Supplies Department (ii) 加強居民對自來水水質的信心 reinforce residents’ confidence on tap water quality
based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. (iii) 確保優質的供水 ensure water supply of good quality
B 「大廈優質食水認可計劃」是強制性參與的。 (iv) 提升樓宇管理的質素 enhance building management quality
Participation in the “Quality Water Recognition Scheme for Buildings” is mandatory. A (i), (ii), (iii)
B (ii), (iii), (iv)
C 在食水中加入氟化物有助清潔牙齒。
Fluoride is added in our water to help clean our teeth. C (i), (iii), (iv)
D 以上皆是 All of the above
D 香港所有濾水廠均設有紫外光消毒設備。
All water treatment works in Hong Kong are equipped with UV disinfection equipment.
8. 以下哪一項不是正確的陳述?
Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A 食水供應及分配鏈內都透過定期抽樣進行物理學、化學、放射學、細菌學
The water quality throughout the entire supply and distribution chain is
systematically monitored by regular sampling for physical, chemical, radiological,
bacteriological and biological examinations.
B 水處理過程中所產生的泥餅會被棄置於堆填區。
The sludge cakes produced in the water treatment process are disposed at
landfill sites.
C 香港供應的食水,完全符合世界衞生組織《飲用水水質準則》。
Hong Kong’s treated fresh water complies with the World Health Organization’s
Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality.
D 公共建築物內的水管以及所有相關供水設施的運作和維修,乃水務署的
The operation and maintenance of water mains and all associated supply
facilities in public premises is the responsibility of the Water Supplies Department.
英制 Imperial 公制 Metric
1 吋 inch = 25.4 毫米 millimetres
1 呎 foot = 304.8 毫米 millimetres
1 碼 yard = 0.914 米 metres
1 哩 mile = 1.609 公里 kilometres
1 英畝 acre = 0.405 公頃 hectares
1 加侖 gallon = 4.544 公升 litres
百萬加侖 立方米
1 = 4 544
million gallons cubic metres
10 億加侖 = 4.544 百萬立方米
1 billion gallons = 4.544 million cubic metres
除另有說明外,本小冊子所用「元」均指港元。自 1983 年 10 月
17 日起,政府透過一項有關發行紙幣的措施,將港元與美元
聯繫,以 7.8 港元兌 1 美元為固定匯率。
Currency and Exchange Rates
When dollars are quoted in this booklet, they are, unless otherwise
stated, in Hong Kong dollars. Since October 17, 1983, the Hong Kong
dollar has been linked to the US dollar, through an arrangement in
the note-issue mechanism, at a fixed rate of HK$7.80 = US$1.