Hospital AVNR
Hospital AVNR
Hospital AVNR
Hospital Management System
This is to certify that the dissertation report entitled
Submitted by
Ms. Jagadale Akshata Anil (2008480221)
Ms. Tupe Vaishnavi Shambhudas (2008480225)
Ms. Navghane Rohini Rajaram (2008480228)
Ms. Giramkar Nikita Shivaji (2108480395)
under the guidance of Ms.Prajakta P.Babar
Is a certify work carried out by him under the supervision of Prof. Prajakta P.Babar
and it is submitted towards the partial fulfillment of the requirement of Maharashtra
state board of technical education ,Mumbai for the award of the of Engineering
(Information technology)
Hospital Management System
1. Introduction
1.2 Existing system & need of the system
1.3 Scope of System
1.4 Operational Environment
1.5 Brief Description of Technology Used
2 Feasibility Study……………………………………
2.1 Economical feasibility
2.2 Operational Feasibility
2.3 Schedule Feasibility
2.4 Objectives of Proposed System
3. Users of System………………………………....
3.1 Admin Panel
3.2 Patients Accounts
3.3 Doctor panel
4.System Requirements (Functional and Non-Functional
Hospital Management System
6. Coding………………………………………………….
7. Test Strategy………………………………………………...
7.1 Test case
8. REFERENCE…………………………………………….
9. CONCLUSION…………………………………………...
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
We are happy to present this project after completing it successfully. This project
would not have been possible without the guidance, assistance and suggestions of
many individuals. We would like to express our deep sense of gratitude and
indebtedness to each and everyone who has helped us make this project a success.
We heartily Thank our Principal Prof. R B Giri Abhinav Education Society College
of Engineering And Technology for his constant encouragement and inspiration in
taking up this project. We heartly thank for our Head of Department and Project
Guide Prof. Prajakta P Babar, department of Information Technology Abhinav
Education Society College of Engineering And Technology for his constant
encouragement and inspiration in taking up this project And for his constant follow
up the advice throughout the course of the project work. Special thanks to all the
staff members of Information Technology Department for their help and kind co-
operation. The lastly we thanks our parents and friends for their encouragement and
support given to us in order to finish this precious work
Group Members
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Introduction of project
This project will automate the daily operations of LIFE LINE hospital. The
project keeps track of the staff and patient (in-patient, out-patient) details. It
also takes care of the ward, medical, invoice and the doctor’s appointment
The system generates the daily ward availability, the status of the operation
theatres and ICU.
HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT is an integrated Hospital Information System,
which addresses all the major functional areas of multi-specialty hospitals. The
HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT enables better patient care, patient safety,
patient confidentiality, efficiency, reduced costs and better management
information system.
It provides easy access to critical information thus enabling the management to
take better decisions on time.
This project deals with processing of each and every department in the
hospital. This project sincerely aims to reduce the manual processing of each
The Scope of the project takes care of the details of each and every
department. These details gives the doctor, staffs, specialists and patient
details including their salary, attendance , doctor’s appointments and the
billing system.
The details of Doctor and staff help the hospital to maintain the record of
every person.
Their attendance details help them to know about their attentive presence
while salary is calculated.
Hospital Management System
The billing system provides an efficient way for calculating bill details of the
Hospital Management System
Information about Patients is done by just writing the Patients name, age
and gender. Whenever the Patient comes up his information is stored
Bills are generated by recording price for each facility provided to
Patient on a separate sheet and at last they all are summed up.
Diagnosis information to patients is generally recorded on the document,
which contains Patient information. It is destroyed after some time period
to decrease the paper load in the office.
Immunization records of children are maintained in pre-formatted sheets,
which are kept in a file.
Information about various diseases is not kept as any document. Doctors
themselves do this job by remembering various medicines.
Hospital Management System
Processor I3
RAM 1 GB and above
Hard Disk 250 GB and above
Hospital Management System
About PHP: -
PHP: Hypertext Pre-processor is a widely used, general-purpose scripting
language that was originally designed for web development to
produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose, PHP code is embedded
into the HTML source document and interpreted by a web server with a
PHP processor module, which generates the web page document. As a
general- purpose programming language, PHP code is processed by an
interpreter application in command-line mode performing desired
operating system operations and producing program output on its
standard output channel. It may also function as a graphical application.
PHP is available as a processor for most modern web servers and as
Hospital Management System
Feasibillity Study
1. Economical Feasibility
2. Technical Feasibility
3. Operational Feasibility
4. Schedule Feasibility
Hospital Management System
1.Economical feasibility
Economical feasibility study is the actual cost and benefit of the system. Actual
cost of the system is calculated in the economic study so as to inform the user
and management that this mush cost will be required to develop the system.
Because system cost is the first cost before starting system designing. The
organization is ready to invest on hardware and software required by the
proposed system. So system is economically feasible.
2.Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility is the study of cost benefit analysis of the system and study
of the hardware and software requirements i.e. technical requirements of the
system in order to inform management and user for particular system designing
this much technical sources are required, in order to know user and management
view, regarding the technical resources. By studying the technical study the
actual cost the system designing is known. To know the total system cost. It
is essential for any management to know the actual expense of the system.
Organization can provide the minimum required as specified in
operational environment
Hospital Management System
1. Operational Feasibility
2. Schedule Feasibility
Hospital Management System
Generating bills.
These are the various jobs that need to be done in a Hospital by the
operational staff and Doctors.
Hospital Management System
Admin Panel
Patients Account
Doctor Panel
Admin Panel
On the other hand, the admin has full control over the system. He/she can view
all the existing records of the hospital.
An admin can manage patients, doctors, their departments, treatment types,
and medical records. An admin has the right to register a doctor’s account.
For this, the admin has to set the doctor’s account under various hospital
departments too. The admin can view all the appointment records too. Also,
the admin has to maintain billing records for each patient’s treatment.
In order to maintain the payment of each patient, the user has to enter the
discount amount and the reason for it. After the payment, the patient can view
all the reports from their own personal accounts.
Hospital Management System
Patient’s Account
After making an appointment for the very first time, the user can log in to the
system and check their appointment status. By default, each appointment is set
to pending status.
Which later, the doctor should approve or reject it in order to start their
treatment process. Also, the patient can remove their appointments anytime.
From a patient’s panel, he/she can update their profile, view treatment records,
and prescription records.
Under the treatment section, a patient can view all the records such as
treatment type, doctor’s name, date, and total charge. Similarly, the
prescription section displays the date, name, and quantity of the medicines
with the total bill charge.
Hospital Management System
Doctor’s Panel
Each doctor will have their own personal account which lets them access the
system. Here, the doctor can view all the pending appointments.
Each appointment has options that allow the doctor to approve or reject them.
After approving the appointment, the doctor can view the patient’s profile and
appointment record.
For the rest, the doctor has to maintain each by filling up their treatments. In
order to set a treatment record, the user has to select a treatment type,
description, date, and upload treatment files.
After the completion of treatment records, the doctor can now proceed towards
the prescription section.
For the prescription, the doctor has to select available medicine, date, and
enter quantity and dosage.
After the submission of the prescription record, the system generates the total
bill for the patient.
Hospital Management System
Admin module
Doctor module
Admin module:
Hospital Management System
Doctor module:
Apply for job in hospital. Then Login (Approval required by hospital admin,
Then only doctor can login).
Can only view their patient details (symptoms, name, mobile ) assigned to that
doctor by admin.
Can view their discharged(by admin) patient list.
Can view their Appointments, booked by admin.
The system is available 100% for the Doctors & Patients and is
used 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The system shall be
operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Admin Login :-
Admin Dashboard : -
Hospital Management System
Docter Login :-
Docter Dashboard:-
Hospital Management System
Patients Login :-
Patients Dashboard :-
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Appointment Dashboard :-
Hospital Management System
style="z-index: 6; font-size:40px; color:gray; font-weight:500; white-space:
nowrap;">We care about your health </div>
style="z-index: 5; font-size:40px; font-weight:500; color:#000; max-width: auto;
max-height: auto; white-space: nowrap;">Best Diagnostic Centre </div>
Hospital Management System
style="z-index: 8;"><a href="#." class="btn">CONTACT NOW</a> </div>
Hospital Management System
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="media-left"> <i class="flaticon-operating-room icon"></i> </div>
<div class="media-body">
<h6>Operation Theater</h6>
<p>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit random text.</p>
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="media-left"> <i class="flaticon-stomach-2 icon"></i> </div>
<div class="media-body">
<h6>Stomach Problems</h6>
<p>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit random text.</p>
Hospital Management System
Testing is the set of activities that can be planned in advance and conducted
Different test conditions should be thoroughly checked and the bugs detected
should be fixed. The testing strategies formed by the user are performed to
prove that the software is free and clear from errors.
Hospital Management System
In the unit testing the analyst tests the program making up a system. The
software units in a system are the modules and routines that are assembled
and integrated to perform a specific function.
In a large system, many modules on different levels are needed. Unit testing
can be performed from the bottom up starting with the smallest and lowest
level modules and proceeding one at a time. For each module in a bottom-up
testing, a short program executes the module and provides the needed data.
Integration Testing:
Objectives are used to take unit test modules and built program structure that
has been directed by design.
Validation Testing:
Validation testing can be defined in many ways, but a simple definition is that
can be reasonably expected by the customer. After validation test has been
conducted, one of two possible conditions exists.
Hospital Management System
White box testing, sometimes called glass-box testing is a test case design
method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test
cases. Using white box testing methods, the software engineer can derive test
cases that
· Guarantee that all independent paths with in a module have been
exercised at least once.
· Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
· Execute all loops at their boundaries and with in their operational bounds
· Exercise internal data structure to assure their validity.
For example in this project white box testing is performed against inpatient
module. Without entering text if we apply it displays the message “First add
record then save it” else it should be saved.
Hospital Management System
This method treats the coded module as a black box. The module runs with
inputs that are likely to cause errors. Then the output is checked to see if any
error occurred.
This method cannot be used to test all errors, because some errors may depend
on the code or algorithm used to implement the module.
System Implementation
Hospital Management System
working satisfactory. Testing lane focuses in the external behavior by the system
Intense the fanatical testing is performance at this level.
Hospital Management System
Only the permanent and registered Admin, Doctor, Patients can access the
System works in all platforms and its compatible environments.
Advanced techniques are not used to check the authorization
It is not possible to develop a system that makes all the requirements of the user.
User requirements keep changing as the system is being used. Some of the future
enhancements that can be done to this system are:
As the technology emerges, it is possible to upgrade the system and can be
adaptable to desired environment.
Because it is based on object-oriented design, any further changes can be
easily adaptable.
Based on the future security issues, security can be improved using emerging
Backup Plug in should be added.
Working on the project was an excellent experience. It helped us to understand
the importance of planning, designing and implementation so far we have
learnt in our theory books. It helped us unleashing our creativity while
working in a team. It also realized the importance of team working,
communication as a part of this project.
The project was successfully completed after a lot of efforts and work hours.
This project underwent number of compiling, debugging, removing errors,
making it bug free, adding more facilities in Hospital Management System and
interactivity making it more reliable and useful.
Hospital Management System
This project focused that scheduling a project and adhering to that schedule
creates a hard sense of time- management. It has also let us known that co-
operative teamwork always produce effective results.
The entire project has been developed and deployed as per the requirements
stated by
the user. It is found to be bug free as per the testing standards that are
There are also few features which can be integrated with this system to make it
more flexible. Below list shows the future points to be consider :
• Getting the current status of patient.
• Including a different module for pharmacy, LAB, Bed Allotment and more
Finally, we like to conclude that we put all our efforts throughout the
development of our project and tried to fulfill most of the requirements of the
Hospital Management System
This user manual is meant to be used by the all user using the system, with
prior training session from the Development unit, plus he/she has to be skillful
enough in operating the intended system. This manual is used for the benefit of
the intended user to make it more understandable along with functioning of the
system, the processes and the precautions that must be followed during working
with the system. It also tells the user how to use various functionality of the
system as various college are being provided according to the type of user,
whenever user logs into the system. This System is very easy to operate to those
who have the Fundamental knowledge of computer operations & little bit of the
help of this user manual. The appropriate error message & supporting help
makes this online web application easy to handle. Now, in order to get a better
understanding of the system various user interfaces along-with directions are
also provided in the user-interface designs.
Hospital Management System
Apply for job in hospital. Then Login (Approval required by hospital admin,
Then only doctor can login).
Can only view their patient details (symptoms, name, mobile) assigned to that
doctor by admin.
Can view their discharged (by admin) patient list.
Can view their Appointments, booked by admin.
Hospital Management System
Click Here
ClickFor Log
Hospital Management System
Admin Log In
Patient LogIn
Doctor Log In
Type Admin
Username and
Admin Dashboard
Hospital Management System
PHP & MySQL Novice to ninja - by Kevin Yank
PHP : A beginner’s Guide – by vikram vaswani
Hospital Management System
Hospital management system is all about the modernizing a hospital through use of
technology. Computers helps in it and take over the manual system for quick and
easy functioning. This hospital management system is a quite the reliable and is
proven on many stages. All the basic requirements of the hospital are provided in the
hospital in order to manage it perfectly and large amount of data can also be stored.
It gives many facilities like searching for the detail of patient. Billing facilities as
well as the creation of test reports. So it is important system for modern days.