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Aderanti 1
Aderanti 1
1.0 Introduction
Technology refers to digital technologies, data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence that are
constantly changing and creating new competitive opportunities [1]. Strategic management
involves the process of strategizing and making decisions in response to these changing
technologies [2]. It requires rethinking the concept of technology and adopting a relational
perspective that overcomes the problems of current conceptualizations [3]. The digital age refers
to the era characterized by the influence of digital technologies on various aspects of life,
including education and organizational practices [4] [5]. In this age, organizations need to be
proactive in implementing changes and incorporating technology effectively, especially in the
field of human resource management. Incorporating technology and innovation strategy into
business strategy is crucial for achieving overall competitive advantage, productivity, and
economic growth in the digital age.
The current state of the digital age has had a significant impact on business landscapes. Digital
advertising and marketing have revolutionized the way brands and organizations promote their
products and services, utilizing various online platforms and technologies [1]. The digitalization
of various business processes, such as marketplaces, logistics, and accounting, has led to
increased efficiency and accuracy [2]. Additionally, the emergence of digital financial services
has provided convenience and speed in obtaining financial services, although it is important to
ensure that these businesses are regulated and supervised by existing laws [3]. The digital
economy, although still a relatively small direct share of the economy, is rapidly growing in
importance, with information technology having significant impacts on various sectors [4].
However, the transformation to the digital era also presents challenges, including the need for
updated change management strategies, adapting to new software and technologies, and
addressing security concerns [5].
Understanding the connection between technology and strategic management is crucial in this
context. Technology plays a significant role in developing and implementing a strategic
approach to technology management [1]. It is increasingly seen as a source of sustainable
competitive advantage [2]. Companies need to integrate technology throughout the organization
to enhance their effectiveness in technology management [3]. Strategic management choices can
have a significant impact on company performance [4]. Technology management involves
linking various disciplines to formulate strategy and achieve strategic objectives [5]. It is
essential to have managers with a background in technology education for successful integration
of strategic management and technology management. Understanding the power dimensions of
IT in strategic management and the interaction between IT applications and decision-makers is
also important. Understanding the connection between technology and strategic management is
crucial for companies to compete and succeed in technology-intensive industries.
Despite the significant impact of technology on the business landscape, there is a critical gap in
our understanding of how organizations adapt their strategic management practices in the digital
age. Existing frameworks and approaches may not adequately address the challenges and
opportunities presented by emerging technologies. This lack of clarity creates uncertainty and
hinders organizations from effectively harnessing the full potential of technology to achieve
sustainable growth and competitive success.
Has the digital age fundamentally transformed the practice of strategic management, and
what are the key challenges and opportunities that organizations face in adapting their
strategic frameworks and practices to thrive in this dynamic environment?
How has the digital age's fast growth of technology influenced company strategic
management practices, and what are the important strategies and frameworks that firms
may use to successfully integrate technology and gain long-term competitive advantage?
To what extent do the traditional frameworks of strategic management remain relevant in
the digital age, and what adjustments or new frameworks are needed to effectively guide
organizations in this dynamically evolving landscape?
Existing academic literature on the impact of technology on strategic management has been
reviewed in several papers. The "microfoundations movement" aims to understand how
individual actions and interactions lead to organizational outcomes in the context of technology
and innovation management [1]. Another paper conducts a systematic literature review on the
application of big data, analytics, business intelligence, and artificial intelligence to management
and strategic control, highlighting the usefulness of smart technologies in various business
functions [2]. Additionally, a study examines the Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
(TASM) Journal over the past 31 years, providing an overview of its performance aspects [3].
Reviews of strategic management research contribute to greater shared understanding and can
stimulate new research in the field [4]. Lastly, a literature review exercise identifies research
issues in the management of technology, including strategic management, technology planning,
technology transfer, and adoption of new technologies [5].
Existing academic literature on the impact of technology on strategic management has been
reviewed in several papers. The "microfoundations movement" aims to understand how
individual actions and interactions lead to organizational outcomes in the context of technology
and innovation management [1]. Another paper conducts a systematic literature review on the
application of big data, analytics, business intelligence, and artificial intelligence to management
and strategic control, highlighting the usefulness of smart technologies in various business
functions [2]. Additionally, a study examines the Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
(TASM) Journal over the past 31 years, providing an overview of its performance aspects [3].
Reviews of strategic management research contribute to greater shared understanding and can
stimulate new research in the field [4]. Lastly, a literature review exercise identifies research
issues in the management of technology, including strategic management, technology planning,
technology transfer, and adoption of new technologies [5].
Emerging trends and challenges in technology-driven strategic management include the need for
emerging economies to learn from other economies in terms of accessing new technologies and
bridging the technology divide [1]. The banking industry is transforming from traditional
systems to high-end technology, requiring strategic management to prepare technology readiness
(TR) for customer-focused services [2]. The book "Neostrategic Management" integrates cutting-
edge research on topics such as corporate performance, governance, strategic leadership,
technology, and internationalization, emphasizing the changing global economy's role in
strategic management [3]. To compete effectively in the global marketplace, companies must
integrate technology management with strategic planning, which may involve reorganizing
operations, multifunctional product development, and collaboration with other companies [4].
While the strategic management of technology is crucial for improving long-term performance,
there is a need for a critical perspective that considers broader social and environmental issues
when linking technology to corporate strategy [5].
Organizations can respond to these trends and challenges by integrating creativity into their
systems to provide dynamic internal and external responses that go beyond the current
managerial tool-kit [1]. They should also be flexible and ready to adjust to the external
environmental changes that have a huge impact on their sustainability [2]. Additionally,
organizations must focus on conserving and improving natural, social, and financial resources
through eco-efficient and eco-effective innovations [3]. They should also recognize the
importance and limits of the various capitals they rely on and view themselves as part of
dynamic environments that they affect and which affect them [4]. Furthermore, organizations
should embrace big data and focus on the ever-increasing volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and
complexity of information that forms big data [5]. Finally, organizations can address these
challenges by shifting to a purpose-driven approach and adopting integrated thinking, which
requires clear goals and reflexivity.
Existing research on technology and strategic management has identified several gaps that
warrant further investigation. One gap is the need for a deeper understanding of the role of
information technology (IT) in strategic management and how IT applications interact with
decision makers in this process [1]. Another gap is the convergence of the fields of strategic
management, technology strategy, and technology management, which calls for an integrated
perspective in studying strategic technology management [2]. Additionally, there is a need for
more theory-driven research that explores the power dimensions of IT in strategic management
and the power-dependence relationship between strategic management and IT applications [3].
Furthermore, there is a lack of comprehensive reviews that synthesize existing research and
stimulate new research in the field of strategic management [4]. These gaps provide a rationale
for further investigation to enhance our understanding of the relationship between technology
and strategic management.
2.1 Key challenges and opportunities for strategic management in the digital age
Strategic management in the digital age faces both challenges and opportunities. The challenges
include the need to adapt to rapid technological developments and the changing business
environment [1] [2]. Other challenges include automation, security threats, lack of clear rules,
and skills challenges [3]. However, there are also opportunities for strategic management in the
digital age. These opportunities include the potential for innovation, growth in the creative
sector, increased internet usage, and reduction in trade costs [4]. Digital transformations can
offer efficiencies, innovations, and competitive advantages to organizations [5]. Additionally, the
digital economy allows for the creation of customer-centric strategies and the utilization of data
and ideas on a global scale. Overall, strategic management in the digital age requires navigating
these challenges while leveraging the opportunities presented by digitalization and technological
2.2 Strategic management and adaptation to the digital age
Strategic management needs to be adapted to the digital age by developing new methodological
fundamentals and approaches [1]. The digital age poses challenges and difficult conditions for
organizations, requiring them to plan and execute their digital transformation strategies [2]. The
principles and methods of strategizing used in the digital environment should be refined and
extended [3]. This includes developing and applying tools that allow enterprises to respond to
changes quickly, such as adaptive strategies and agile roadmaps [4]. Higher education
management can draw lessons from obstacles faced in organizational change to tackle the
challenges of digital transformation [5]. In the hotel industry, adapting revenue and digital
strategies is crucial to maintaining market share, room rates, revenue, and profits. Overall,
strategic management in the digital age requires a holistic approach, the involvement of multiple
stakeholders, and the ability to navigate through various methods and tools.
How can managers use technology to improve their strategic planning and decision-making?
Managers can use technology to improve their strategic planning and decision-making in several
ways. Firstly, leveraging information technology during the planning process can enhance
strategic planning efforts and improve overall competitive position [1]. Secondly, the
implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can increase the effectiveness of
decision-making by providing managers with access to relevant and integrated information [2].
Additionally, the use of database management systems (DBMS) can simplify management in
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by standardizing practices and increasing overall
efficiency [3]. Furthermore, technology tools such as PID control can be utilized in deterministic
control systems to ensure accurate mathematical modeling and reliable control [4]. By
incorporating these technological tools and systems, managers can enhance their decision-
making processes and improve the overall performance of their organizations.
2.4 Best practices for using technology to improve strategic planning and decision-making
Technology plays a crucial role in improving strategic planning and decision-making in various
fields. It has become embedded in daily tasks, enabling better communication, data collection,
analysis, and presentation. Planners can leverage new technologies to enhance the planning
process, engage stakeholders, and utilize real-time big data for informed decision-making [1]. In
higher education institutions, technology and data mining techniques can be used to create,
manage, protect, and disseminate knowledge effectively, leading to better decision-making,
curriculum development, and research [2]. Open-source dashboard technology and intelligent
decision support systems (IDSS) can be integrated to improve the quality and effectiveness of
higher education systems. This integration allows decision-makers to measure, control, and
manage organizational performance more effectively, leading to improved student performance,
infrastructure management, and strategic planning [3]. By aligning teaching processes and
materials with the graduate employment market needs, universities can use technology to support
strategic decision-making in academic curriculum planning, resulting in improved reputation and
better student selection [4].
Adapting strategic management to the digital age has significant implications for businesses,
governments, and individuals. In the business context, the rapid development of technology and
the digital economy necessitate the modification of traditional strategic management approaches
[1]. Companies need to understand the impact of the digital economy on their management
systems and be prepared to change their approaches and mechanisms accordingly [2]. Different
companies with varying experiences, capabilities, and expectations of digital transformation
require different strategic management approaches [3]. For governments, the introduction of
digital technologies has a profound impact on the strategic planning system, requiring the
coordinated development of the public administration system and nationwide information and
control systems [4]. Individuals, particularly leaders, play a crucial role in organizations' ability
to adapt to digital change. They need to be flexible, adaptive, and focused on collaborative
efforts to navigate the challenges posed by digitalization [5].
3.0 Methodology
Secondary data will be procured from authoritative sources like industry reports, academic
journals, and statistical databases. Trends in technology adoption, strategic management
practices, and organizational performance in the digital age will be analyzed.
Expert interviews will be held with esteemed academics, industry practitioners, and technology
innovators. Their perspectives on the evolving landscape and its impact on strategic management
will be gleaned.
Surveys will be administered to a targeted audience of managers and executives across various
industries. Their experiences with technology integration, perceived opportunities and
challenges, and adopted strategic frameworks will be gathered and analyzed.
Access to relevant databases like OECD, World Bank, industry reports, and academic journals
will be secured.
Case study data will be acquired through company reports, press releases, internal documents,
interviews with key personnel, and site visits (if feasible).
Expert interviews will be conducted in a semi-structured format, ensuring anonymity and ethical
Surveys will be meticulously designed and administered, accounting for potential biases and
maximizing response rates.
3.3 Data Analysis
Quantitative data from secondary sources and surveys will be subjected to rigorous statistical
analysis using appropriate statistical tools and methodologies. Descriptive statistics, hypothesis
testing, and regression analysis will be employed to draw significant conclusions.
Qualitative data from interviews and survey responses will be meticulously analyzed using
thematic analysis techniques. Recurring themes, patterns, and insightful narratives will be
identified and interpreted.
Triangulation of data from quantitative and qualitative sources, and across multiple research
methods, will be employed to fortify the validity and reliability of findings. Member checking
will involve sharing key findings with research participants for feedback and validation of
interpretations. A meticulous audit trail will be maintained, documenting data collection,
analysis, and interpretation procedures for transparency and replicability.
Informed consent and anonymity will be guaranteed for all participants in interviews and
Adherence to data privacy regulations and established ethical guidelines for research will be
paramount. Limitations and potential biases in data and analysis will be openly acknowledged
and discussed.
A realistic and comprehensive timeline will be developed, encompassing each research phase
from data collection to analysis and thesis writing.
Necessary resources, including software, databases, research assistants, and travel expenses, will
be identified and secured.
Key findings will be presented in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner using tables,
charts, and graphs for quantitative data.
Rich qualitative data excerpts will be strategically embedded to illustrate key insights and enrich
the narrative.
A comprehensive synthesis of key findings from the research will be provided, connecting
quantitative and qualitative insights.
Definite conclusions about the impact of technology on strategic management in the digital age
will be drawn.
Your study could shed light on new ways that technology is impacting strategic management, or
reveal unexpected relationships between variables.
Practical recommendations: You could make recommendations for how organizations can better
leverage technology to improve their strategic management practices.
Change in policy or practice: Your findings could inform policy changes or lead to new industry
best practices for technology integration in strategic management.