Env Laws

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L PD 1586 RA 6969 RA 8749 RA 9003 RA 9275 RA 9512

W/ (Environmental Toxic Substances and Hazardous Clean Air Act of 1999 Ecological Solid Waste Philippine Clean Water Act of Environmental Awareness and Education
Impact Statement and Nuclear Waste Control Act of Management Act of 2000 2004) Act of 2008
P.D System) 1990)

P to facilitate the to regulate restrict or prohibit the to achieve and maintain to adopt a systematic, to protect the country's water To promote environmental awareness
U attainment and importation, manufacture, clean air that meets the comprehensive and bodies from pollution from through environmental education which
R maintenance of processing, sale, distribution, use and National Air Quality ecological solid waste land-based sources (industries shall encompass environmental concepts
P rational and orderly disposal of chemical substances and guideline values for management program that and commercial establishments, and principles, environmental laws, the state
O balance between mixtures the present unreasonable criteria pollutants, shall ensure the protection agriculture and community or of international and local environment, local
S socio-economic risk to human health. throughout the of public health and household activities). environmental best practices, the threats of
E development and Philippines, while environment. environmental degradation and its impact
environmental It likewise prohibits the entry, even minimizing the possible It provides for comprehensive on human well-being, the responsibility of
protection. in transit, of hazardous and nuclear associated impacts to the The law ensures proper and integrated strategy to the citizenry to the environment and the
wastes and their disposal into the economy segregation, collection, prevent and minimize pollution value of conservation, protection and
Philippine territorial limits for storage, treatment and through a multi-sectoral and rehabilitation of natural resources and the
whatever purpose; and to provide disposal of solid waste participatory approach environment. The DEPED, CHED, TESDA,
advancement and facilitate research through the formulation involving all the stakeholders. DSDWD, in coordination with the DENR,
and studies on toxic chemicals. and adaptation of best eco- DOST and other relevant agencies shall be
waste products. responsible for implementing public
education and awareness programs on
environmental protection and conservation
P a) Knowingly use a chemical 1) Littering, throwing, SEC. 27. Prohibited Acts. —
R substance or mixture which is dumping of waste matters The following acts are hereby
O imported, manufactured, processed in public places, such as prohibited:
H or distributed in violation of this Act roads, sidewalks, canals,
I or implementing rules and esteros or parks, and a) Discharging, depositing or
B regulations or orders; establishment, or causing causing to be deposited
T or permitting the same; material of any kind directly or
E b) Failure or refusal to submit indirectly into the water bodies
D reports, notices or other information, (2) Undertaking activities or along the margins of any
access to records as required by this or operating, collecting or surface water, where, the same
A Act, or permit inspection of transporting equipment in shall be liable to be washed into
C establishment where chemicals are violation of sanitation such surface water, either by
T manufactured, processed, stored or operation and other tide action or by storm, floods
S otherwise held; I: requirements or permits set or otherwise, which could cause
forth in or established water pollution or impede
c) Non-compliance to pre- pursuant to this Act; natural flow in the water body;
manufacture and pre-importation
requirementss; and (3 The open burning of b) Discharging, injecting or
solid waste; allowing to seep into the soil or
Penalties : A-C I: 6m-6y; F6h-4t sub-soil any substance in any
(4) Causing or permitting form that would pollute
d) Cause, aid or facilitate, directly or the collection of non- groundwater. In the case of
indirectly, in the storage, importation, segregated or unsorted geothermal projects, and
or bringing into Philippine territory, waste; subject to the approval of the
including its maritime economic Department, regulated
zones, even in transit, either by (5) Squatting in open discharge for short-term
means of land, air or sea dumps and landfills; activities (e.g. well testing,
transportation or otherwise keeping flushing, commissioning,
in storage any amount of hazardous (6) Open dumping, burying venting) and deep re-injection
and nuclear wastes in any part of the of biodegradable or non- of geothermal liquids may be
Philippines. biodegradable materials in allowed: Provided, That safety
Penaltiy : I 12y20y flood-prone areas; measures are adopted to
prevent the contamination of
(7) Unauthorized removal the groundwater;
of recyclable material
intended for collection by c) Operating facilities that
authorized persons; discharge regulated water
pollutants without the valid
(8) The mixing of source- required permits or after the
separated recyclable permit was revoked for any
material with other solid violation of any condition
waste in any vehicle, box, therein;
container or receptacle
used in solid waste d) Disposal of potentially
collection or disposal; infectious medical waste into
sea water by vessels unless the
(9) Establishment or health or safety of individuals
operation of open dumps as on board the vessel is
enjoined in this Act, or threatened by a great and
closure of said dumps in imminent peril;
violation of Sec. 37;
e) Unauthorized transport or
(10) The manufacture, dumping into sea waters of
distribution or use of non- sewage sludge or solid waste as
environmentally acceptable defined under Republic Act No.
packaging materials; 9003;

(11) Importation of f) Transport, dumping or

consumer products discharge of prohibited
packaged in non- chemicals, substances or
environmentally acceptable pollutants listed under Republic
materials; Act No. 6969;

(12) Importation of toxic g) Operate facilities that

wastes misrepresented as discharge or allow to seep,
“recyclable” or “with willfully or through gross
recyclable content”; negligence, prohibited
chemicals, substances or
(13) Transport and pollutants listed under Republic
dumping in bulk of Act No. 6969, into water bodies
collected domestic, or wherein the same shall be
industrial, commercial and liable to be washed into such
institutional wastes in areas surface, ground, coastal, and
other than centers or marine water;
facilities prescribed under
this Act; h) Undertaking activities or
development and expansion of
(14) Site preparation, projects, or operating
construction, expansion or wastewater/sewerage facilities
operation of waste in violation of Presidential
management facilities Decree No. 1586 and its
without an Environmental implementing rules and
Compliance Certificate regulations;
required pursuant to
Presidential Decree No. i) Discharging regulated water
1586 and this Act and not pollutants without the valid
conforming with the land required discharge permit
use plan of the LGU; pursuant to this Act or after the
permit was revoked or any
(15) The construction of violation of any condition
any establishment within therein;
two hundred (200) meters
from open dumps or j) Noncompliance of the LGU
controlled dumps, or with the Water Quality
sanitary landfills; and Framework and Management
Area Action Plan. In such a
(16) The construction or case, sanctions shall be
operation of landfills or imposed on the local
any waste disposal facility government officials
on any aquifer,groundwater concerned;
reservoir or watershed area
and or any portions k) Refusal to allow entry,
thereof. inspection and monitoring by
the Department in accordance
with this Act;

l) Refusal to allow access by

the Department to relevant
reports and records in
accordance with this Act;

m) Refusal or failure to submit

reports whenever required by
the Department in accordance
with this Act;
n) Refusal or failure to
designate pollution control
officers whenever required by
the Department in accordance
with this Act; and

o) Directly using booster

pumps in the distribution
system or tampering with the
water supply in such a way as
to alter or impair the water

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