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Operating System is a system software

Windows Eight
There are 3 types of Operating System
1. Single User Operating System Ms Dos
2. Multi User Operating System Unix, Linux
3. Graphical User Operating System Window

Windows 3.11, 95, 98, 2000, xp, Loghorn, Vista, Windows me, Windows Seven, Windows

Windows is the Graphical User Operating System. It represents graphics instead of

writing a lot of text. It represents GUI (Graphical User Interface) Like Textbox,
Scrollbar, Icon, Combo Box etc.. Which makes the user more easier to operate and
control the computer.

General System Requirements for Windows 8

1. CPU Speed Minimum 1 GHz or Higher
2. RAM Speed Minimum 1 GB or 2 GB
3. Minimum 16 GB of Hard Disk Space

Application Names
Mspaint => Ms Paint
notepad => Notepad
write => Wordpad
calc => Calculator
control => Control Pannel
winword => Microsoft Word
excel => Microsoft Excel
powerpnt => Microsoft PowerPoint
C: => Contains of HDD
A: => Contains of Floppy
wmplayer => Windows Media Player

Extension Name
.txt => Notepad
.docx => Ms Word
.bmp => Ms Paint
.jpg => Image files
.mpg/.dat => Video Files (mp4, 3gp, mkv, wmv, vob, dat)
.xlsx => Ms Excel
.pptx => Ms PowerPoint
.wav/mp3 => Sound Files (amr)
.exe => Application File/ Software
.com => Command File
.bat => Batch File
.apk => Android Mobile Application
.jar => Java Mobile Application

Desktop : It is the first screen on Windows operating system. Where all the
icons, time, start bar are present.

Icon : It is the Picturial representation of an executable file. Which are

displayed as a picture on the desktop.
Like : Computer, Recyclebin, Network, Control Panel etc...
Taskbar : It is the Wide rectangular horizontal bar runs under the Desktop. Where
the Clock, Quick Lunch, Application icons [System Tray] are present.

Mouse Operation
Double Click
Right Click
Drag & Drop
Desktop Right Click
View =
Large, Small, Medium Icon
Auto Arrange
Align Icon to Grid
Show Desktop Icon
Name, Size, Item, Date
Managing Taskbar
- Right Click on the Taskbar => Properties
- Lock Taskbar
- Auto Hide
- Small Icon
- Taskbar Location (Top,Bot,Left,Right)
- Taskbar Button (Combine, Full Combine, Never Combine)
- Jump List
- Toolbar (Address, Link, Touch keyboard, desktop)
Desktop Icons : Generally there are 4 Icons are present by default. All the Other
Icons on the desktop Comes when they Installed on the computer. Lets Discuss Some
Common Desktop Icons.

Computer : It Displays all the Local Drives, Removable Drives (CD/DVD/BRD/

Floppy Drive/ Zip Drive/ Memory Card Drive/ Pen Drive Etc...) To Which we can
Browse. It displays like explorer Style (two panes 1. Folder Window and 2) Contains

Network : It Displays the Sharing Drives & Folders Connect to the Network. If
your Computer is connected to a Network (LAN) Then you will be able to share
information from another computer as well as you can also send data to your local

RecycleBin : It is the Dustbin for the computer. All deleted files & Folders
are stored here to which we can permanently delete or we can restore the important

Control Panel : Here we can use all the control tools of the computer.
Hardware Setting/ Network Setting/ Display Setting/ Security Setting,
Software/Program Setting, Date/Time/Region Setting can be done here.

Navigating Start Button
Search : This Option is used to Search All Programs and files inside the
Startmenu. Just type the Name of the program and press Enter; Your program will be
autometically start. This Option also can be used to search files & Folders from
the Local Hard and Removable drives.
You Can Use the Wild Card Character (*) Star and (?) Question Mark for
Searching Files & Folders. Star (*) is used to Search a String where the Question
Mark (?) is used to Search a Single Alphabate. For Example *.txt will search all
the files having extension name .txt and ???.txt will search all files having
primary name three character and the extension name .txt

Share : Here you can share any data that is allowed to be open on local
Start : Here you can Navigate the Start Button .
Devices : It will show all the devices connected to the computer
Setting : Here you Can Make the computer Shutdown, Restart, Sleep : for low
power consumption; your computer will goto deem mode. it will activate when the
user again press any key;

Shut Down : Close all the currently used programs and lastly shut down the

Restart : Shut down the computer and once again reopen the computer. this option is
used to refresh the computer. If any one of the computer program is not
functioning, System Hanged then you can use the restart option.

Sleep : For low power consumption you can use this option. This option let the
system not to function till it moves to the Wake mode.

Control Panel : Option lets the user to control every computer program, Hardware
peripharals, Date & Time, Network, User & Password about the computer.

Picture : It will store all the Image file which we can re used as on required.
(*.jpg, gif, jpeg, bmp, png, tif etc....)
Documents : It will store all the documents files.
(*.txt, docx, xlsx, pptx, pdf, etc...)
Saroj : It is the place where user can store their presonal docuemets. All these
three system folder suggests the user autometically but if you like you can store
in another location.

Music : It is used to store all the music files. like *.mp3, wav, amr etc..

Managing Gadgets :
- Right Click on the Desktop => Gadgets => Select the Gadgets

Date & Time :
Device & Printer
Ease of Access
Folder Options
Region & Language
Speech Recognization
User Accounts
Date & Time : Here we can Change the Current System Date & Time as well as the Time
Zone. [UTC+05:30]

Device & Printer => Add a Printer => Isn't Listed => Add a Local Printer => Next =>
Manufacturer = Epson => Printers = Epson LX 300+ /II => Next => Next => Finish
Pause Printing
Resume Printing
Restart Printing
Cancel Printing

Display = Here User can change the view of all items on the screen. There are three
types of option available.
1. Small
2. Medium
3. Large
After Changing the option system will again logoff and logon then you can see the

Ease of Access : (On Screen Keyboard) :It will let the user to use the keyboard on
the screen. using mouse you can do every duty of the keyboard.

Ease of Access : (Windows Narrator) : System will read every information displaying
on the screen. Even the titlebar, contains and buttons also.

Ease of Access : (Magnifier ) : System let the user to view any specified area with
a zooming device.

Ease of Access : (Make the Keyboard More Easier to Use) :

Mouse Key : Use Mouse pointer using NumPad of Keyboard
Sticky Key : Shift, Ctrl, Alt & Window Key (Dont Hold Just Press Once)
Toggle Key : Here Sound for NumLock,Scroll Lock & Caps Lock
Filter Key : Hold the Key not Just Press to use the Keyboard
Folder Option = View = User Can Change the
- Show/Dont Show Hidden Files
We can also Setup these following using folder option window.
- Single/ Double Click to Open
- Browse Folder Same/Own Window
Fonts : Using this option we can Preview/ Delete/ Show/ Hide the Installed Fonts on
your computer. You can also copy fonts from another location and paste into this
location which will Installed on your computer and also works on every programme.

Keyboard : This option allows the user to setup the

Repeat Delay : The time difference between 1st letter and other repeated
Repeat Rate : The repeating speed of 2nd to other letters
Cursor Blinking Rate : The repeating speed of the cursor;
Mouse : Here we can setup the details about mouse configuration
Switch Primary Key : Let the user to function the mouse button oppositely.
Left button will do the work of right and vice versa. Suitable for Left Handed or
Emargency use of mouse while left button does not function.
Double Click Speed : How much repeating speed of mouse required when you are
going to double click on any object. You can slow or fast the mouse double click
Turn On Click Lock : After Holding mouse left button three second or later it
would not require more time to hold; the mouse left button will be on holded
situation/ locked. You can draw without holding the mouse button.
Pointer : Let the user to choose different type of mouse pointer using the
browse option. Generally other mouse pointers are available in the C:\Windows\
cursor or D:\windows\cursor location.
Pointer Motion : The speed of the mouse movement. Slow the mouse movement or
speed the mouse movement as you will choose Slow or Fast.
Snap To : Moves the mouse pointer autometically to the default button of a
dialog box.
Pointer Trails : Moves same type mouse pointer behind the mouse movement.
Short/Long option let the numbers of mouse ponter to be moved behind the origional
mouse pointer.
Show Pointer Ctrl = If the pointer is invisible in the window you can use the
CTRL key which create a rounded dancing circle around the mouse pointer.

PERSONALIZATION : This option lets the user to setup the Desktop Theme, Desktop
WallPaper, Screen Saver, Window Color.
Desktop Theme : Complete Change of Mouse Pointer, Sound Event, Desktop
Wallpaper, Desktop Screen Saver, Window; As a reasult The complete visualization
change of the comptuer system.
Desktop Background : Here user can setup the default background as given by
the earlier system or he can also setup the special one or different type of
background by clicking the BROWSE option. [Picture Position] Option lets the user
set the background by FILL, FIT, STRETCH, TILE, CENTER.
Window Color : Here you can setup the color theme of the comupter system.
Sound : Here the user can setup different types sounds on different type of
action. For Example user can setup the Wel Come song at the startup time and bye
bye song at the time of closing.
Power Option : This option lets the user to setup the power consumption sytem on
your system Whether the system will turn off the monitor and system within 10
minutes or 30 minutes.

1. Balanced 10 Min/Monitor 30 Min/ HDD Turn off time

2. Power Saver 5 Min/ Monitor 15 Min / HDD Turn off time

Region : Lets the user to setup the Language to be used on the computer. Default
language should be (English (US)) and we can also setup the Number, Currency, Time
& Date Setting of the computer System.

Number : Decimal Symbol, Digit after decimal, Digit Grouping & Symbol, Negetive
Numbers and symbol, Leading Zero, List Separator, Measurement system, Standard
Digits Etc...

Currency : Currency Symbol, Position, Format, Decimal System & Symbol, Grouping
Symbol & System Etc...

Time : Short/Long Time, AM/PM Symbol,

H = Capital Letter = 24 Hour Clock
h = Small Letter = 12 Hour Clock
hh/mm/ss = Double = Leading with Zero
Date : Short/Long Date
d : 6 = (Only Date with out Leading Zero)
dd : 06 = (Date with Leading Zero)
ddd : Wed = (Day Name Half Form)
dddd : Wednesday = (Day Name Full)
Like m, mm, mmm, & mmmm; y/yy/yyy/yyyy
Short Date : d/m/yy
Long Date : dddd, dd-mmmm-yyyy

Speech Recognition : Works the computer using the voice command of the user. Here
user can completely operate and control the computer without using the keyboard or
mouse. User can Start a program, Quit a program, Can Use all menus, Can Type any
Text, and user can also use the toolbar and ribbons of the computer system.
Some Example
Start Notepad
Start Paint
Close That
System : Lets the user to see the configuration of the computer system. RAM Speed,
CPU Speed, Windows Version, Lisence to etc............

User Accounts : Lets the user to setup a numbers of user accounts on you computer
system. Here user can Create/ Alter/ Delete User Account & Manage Password/ Delete
Password Etc...

Start => Control Panel => User Accounts => Manage Another Accounts => Add New User
=> Add a User => Specify User Name & Password =>Next => Select
Child/Standard/Administrator Account => Finish

Change Icon
- Right Click => Personalize => Change Desktop Icons => Select the Icon =>
Change Icon => Select the Icon = Apply => Ok

Create Shortcut
- Right Click on any Application => Send to => Desktop (Create Shortcut)
- Copy the file=> Right Click on Desktop => Paste Shortcut


Windows Explorer An Introduction : It is divided into two panes. One is Folder

Window and another is Contains Window. As we click on any folder on the folder
window it will autometically show the contains of the same folder on the contains
How to Start
Start => Type "Explorer" => Enter
Win+R => Type "Explorer" => Ok
Browsing CD Floppy & Harddisk, PenDrive, DVD, Mobile

Changing View
Extra Large Icon
Large Icon
Medium Icon
Small Icon
Preview Pane
Details Pane
Note : Ctrl+Scroll = To Change Zoom/View

Arranging Icons = Setup the View on Details Window and Click on the Headings on the
top of the window. The Files will be arranged on
By Name
By Date Modified
By Type
By Size
We can also add another properties of the files for sorting. Right Click the
Heading and add another properties. Like Author, Title, Album, Length, Rating

Selecting Files
Single Select = Click on the File
Multi Select (Select One => Hold Ctrl => Select Another)
Range Select (Select One => Hold Shift => Select Another)
Drag the area from a blank area
Creating Files & Directories/folder
Right Click [Blank Area]=> New => Text document
Right Click [Blank Area]=> New => Folder
Coping Files/folder
Organize => Copy Organize => Paste
[OR] Right Click => Copy Right Click => Paste
[OR] Ctrl+C Ctrl+V
[OR] Ctrl+Ins Shift+Ins
Renaming Files/folder
Organize => Rename
[OR] F2
[OR] Right Click => Rename
Moving Files/folder
Edit => Cut Edit => Paste
[OR] Right Click => Cut Right Click => Paste
[OR] Ctrl+X Ctrl+V
Drag the Icon and Drop into the location
Deleting Files/folder
Select the File => Press Delete Key => Yes
[OR] Right Click => Delete => Yes
[OR] Organize => Delete = Yes
Changing Attribute
Organize => Properties => Check on the Attribute => Apply => Ok
[OR] Right Click => Properties => Check on the Attribute => Apply => Ok
Folder Option
Organize => Folder Option => View
- Show Hidden Files
- Dont Show Hidden Files
Recycle Bin
Right click on the file => Restore
Right Click on the file => Delete

Windows Media Player

VCD Cutter
Sound Recording
CD/DVD Writing
Kundli & Match Making

Windows Media Player

Ctrl+M = Show Menu

Ctrl+O = Open
Ctrl+W = Close
Ctrl+N = Create PlayList
Ctrl+1 = Library
Ctrl+2 = Skin
Ctrl+3 = Now Playing
Alt+Enter = Full Screen
Alt+1 = 50% Video Size
Alt+2 = 100% Video Size
Alt+3 = 200% Video Size

Ctrl+P = Play
Ctrl+S = Stop
Ctrl+shift+G = Fast
Ctrl+shift+N = NoSrmal
Ctrl+shift+S = Slow

Ctrl+B = Previous
Ctrl+F = Next
Ctrl+sh+B = Rewind
Ctrl+sh+F = Forward

Ctrl+H = Shuffle
Ctrl+T = Repeat
F9 = Volume Up
F8 = Volume Down
F7 =Volume Mute
Ctrl+J = Eject

Right Click on the Folder
Share with
Specific People
Everyone => Add => Share => Done
Stop Sharing
Right Click on the Folder
Share With=> Advance Sharing => Advance Sharing =>
Check/UnCheck the Sharing Option

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