Letter To Patel Regarding Status of Approval
Letter To Patel Regarding Status of Approval
Letter To Patel Regarding Status of Approval
Authorized Signatory,
M/s Patel Infrastructure Ltd.,
Patel Office, Beside Prakurti Resort,
Chhani Road, Chhani Vadodara,
Gujrat - 391740
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Regarding various correspondence /pending approvals not being shared with us .
Dear Sir,
This is in reference to the provision of sub contract agreement clause 17(C), The main
contractor shall have to provide necessary support to Associate Contractor in management
of day-to-day correspondence being done for the sub contracted package (the Package-2).
It is very obvious that we as a sub-contractor don’t have any authority to write letters
directly to IE & NHAI and thus forwarding all letters to you as DRAFT for onward submission
to IE /NHAI for seeking their approval, necessary decisions regarding package -2 works. We
expect that the outcome of our draft letter shall be reverted back to us along with all
concerned correspondences without delays. Which is observed to be missing from your
side. In nutshell the correspondences related to our package is not being shared with us
timely which is a reason of rising complications to us for taking appropriate action related to
our works. In other words, this will be a direct impact on work progress.
6 Draft letter with PQC Sent via Email on 22 days No letter provided yet.
design M 40 for rigid 23.01.2024
pavement works.
Thanking you and assuring you of our best services at all times.
Project Manager