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The Role of Yoga in Education: December 2018

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The Role of Yoga in Education

Article · December 2018

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Siddappa Naragatti


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Volume 3, Issue 12, December – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Role of Yoga in Education

Siddappa Naragatti
Yoga Therapist
Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy
New Delhi

Abstract:- The concept of yoga education has a unique  Yoga is a Science of Holistic Living
status among philosophical notions, it’s an ancient system It takes care all the aspects of human personality-
of social, moral, spiritual and ethical code of conducts. physical, mental, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual
Present century India is trying to build a modern image levels. Yoga acts as tool to develop the all-round personality
in the world, making efforts to make its presence felt in of human being. Yoga is a science of life which guides and
the global atmosphere. Bottom of the civilization our acts as a guardian between the period of birth and death. As
society has undergone huge changes and developments per Indian philosophy, techniques acts by improving the
from uncivilized age to modern space age, basically due to physiology of a person. The nervous systems, endocrine
commendable advancements in the field of science and system works to the optimum level. Yoga practice also acts
technology. But all these advancements shall become as insulation to day to day stress, which is grass-rooted even
futile, if man loses social and cultural ethics in life. at the childhood levels.
Despite this remarkable progress is suffering from,
casteism, communalism, fundamentalism, conservatism, The foundation of the yoga as described by Patanjali is
materialism etc. hence the crisis in modern society has a Yamas & Niyamas. These are the social and personal
long history as the problem of social re-construction inhibitions and conjunctions. These disciplinary practices
demands that the problem in all its complexity. will help the child to come up as a healthy citizen of the
‘Education is the manifestation of the divinity already in country at all levels. This will further assist in developing the
man’. Yoga education aimed the development of proper universal brotherhood, which is the need of the hour.
attitudes, emotions and character in society. Yoga
education is primarily concerned with the questions of The Asana and Pranayama practice helps in developing
value, with issues of ethics and social philosophy. Yoga the balanced physical structure, improving the tonicity of the
education is required to uphold the dignity of human muscles, improves memory and intelligent. Further, it
beings and it recommends different values which controls the negative emotions and hence a tendency of
safeguard of the whole humanity. It takes the positivity to life is developed under dualities of life.
responsibility to device a system, method and aims to
attain peace. No educational system is effective unless it The process of Dharana & Dhyana improves
incorporates into itself these ethical practices. So society, concentration and alleviates the anxiety depression and other
all civilization has been one persistent effort to live in psychosomatic disorders.
harmony with other human beings. We must continue
our until the whole world becomes our family. It is also mentioned. That, yoga karmeshu kaushalam,
yoga teaches to perform actions, are take done selflessnessly
Keywords:- Yoga, Education, Ethics and Childhood. unbiased, and without any gain. Result oriented desire.
Human destiny is Swarga and Moksa (Liberation). Moksa in
I. INTRODUCTION Advaita, Visitaadvait and Dvaita, Jinism Buddhist concept of
Nirvana, Samkhya yoga origin of yoga. Psychological and
Restraint, Observance, Posture, Breath control, Historical yoga in the Bhagavadgita, Karma yoga, Samatva
Abstraction, Concentration, Meditation and Spiritual yoga, Gyan Yoga, Atma-samyama yoga and Bhakti yoga
absorption are the eight components of yoga, ahimsa, satya, which designs the complete personality of person.
asteya , brahmacharya, aprigrha , saucha , santosha, tapah,
swadhyaya and ishwar pranidhan are the basic principles.  Schools of Yoga
Raja yoga (astanga yoga), Karma, Gyan, Bhakti,
Hatha yoga scopes the physical, mental, intellectual Buddhi, Hatha and kundalini. Through this man can attain his
emotional and spiritual developments of man which blossom eternal stage.
to greater level. This brings a four fold consciousness- civic
sense, patriotic urge, service zeal and spiritual aspiration
useful for the society for holistic vision.

IJISRT18DC333 www.ijisrt.com 352

Volume 3, Issue 12, December – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Anatomy & Physiology of Human Body and Yoga connected to the unified whole of creation. In short it is about
Therapy making balance and creating equanimity so as to live in
The hormone and immune systems are regulators of the peace, good health and harmony with the greater whole.
body. They influence biochemical and cellular processes Yoga education is one of the most powerful ancient agencies
throughout the body. The brain includes secretions of the in molding the character and personality of the individual and
major hormones and these hormones in turn, act on cells, in determining the future of individuals and nations. It's a
tissues, organic systems, skeletal, muscular, circulatory, process of acquiring skill and dexterity in walks of life, true
respiratory, digestive, excretory reproductive, endocrine and sense is a process of aiding the all-round development of an
nervous system. During yoga practice there is reduction in individual – physical, intellectual, social, moral and spiritual.
oxygen consumption to the extent of 70% of the normal Its one of the strong instrument of social change.
requirement. The heart rate goes down by 5 beats per minute.
Substances, like lactic acid and cortisol increased due to Yoga education means inculcating in the children a
stress decrease with yoga practice, relieving, tension sense of humanism, deep concern for the well being of others
headache, asthma, B.P. cardio-respiratory efficiency and and nation. This can be accomplished only when we instill in
insomnia. the children a deep feeling and commitment to values that
would build this country and bring back to the people pride in
 Psychology and Yoga Therapy work that brings order, security and assured progress. Yoga
The relationship between the mind and body is the education is a broad framework of sensitizing the educational
field of psychosomatic medicine. Disease is understood by community towards human excellence based on personal
accounting for all the process of the whole human organism. experiences. It gives inner direction to man for his all round
development centered in moral and spiritual consciousness
The mental processes, sensation, perception, attention, and involves three components of human personality viz.,
memory, emotions and will. The yogic concept of its cognitive, affective and conative. Further yoga education has
development causes and consequences of frustration and three bases, philosophical or metaphysical, psychological and
conflicts psychosomatic problems, and psychiatric ailments socio-cultural.
are cured.
Adjusting to the environment requires constant give and
take between the individual and society. This makes a person In a nutshell, yoga can play a pivotal role in bringing up
vulnerable to tension and anxiety. In order to develop control the child as a good human being to the self and society. By
over all aspects of personality. Marshi Patanjali developed yoga the very purpose and meaning of education will be
yoga. Yoga has guidelines for behavior in the social milieu realized in its true sense.
as well as exercises for development of control over the
nervous system. Essentially the aim is to move from the state REFERENCES
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