Sexual Trauma
Sexual Trauma
Sexual Trauma
If you're having a tense moment in a relationship, then you should be giving your
partner a lot more love than usual. This is the only way you can heal him and,
more importantly, yourself. Don't shut out your feelings or try to hide problems.
Discuss them, but do not reproachfully. Remember - your goal is to overcome
the conflict together, not to “defeat” your partner.
One of the biggest secrets in a relationship is tone of voice. You can smile, you
can say that everything is fine, but your tone can never deceive a person. He is
like a mirror of the soul - immediately shows the slightest coldness and tension.
Love is not expressed in what you say to a person, but in how you say it and in
what you do.
Therefore, mindfulness in relationships is very important to you. Even if you un-
derstand all the problems you have, you must understand reasonably that you
want to solve them. Demonstrating disdain for your partner is only possible if
you really want to get the same attitude from him.
The secret to being loved is to love yourself. Love yourself, love your partner
anew, and remember to show your love. Not only by actions, but also by words,
and most importantly, by tone. This is the only way you can overcome difficulties
in your relationship.
line 5 - Trap / Sensuality
Line 5 people can be called the most vulnerable and vulnerable. They radiate an
unimaginable energy of sensuality, spreading to the people they love. Living at a
high frequency of their Line makes them incredibly attractive - on the verge of
instincts, they understand how great their sexual energy is and know how to use
it competently. With her help, they irrevocably fall in love with their partners.
But the trouble is that you can fall into the trap of your own sensuality when you
start taking people's opinions too close to your heart. The low frequency of the
5th Line is to build a barrier between oneself and other people. To do this, you
simply suppress your true self, trying to create a new personality. You are trying
to convince yourself that you and your new “image” are different people. This
means that the pain that is inflicted on the “image” will not cause discomfort to
your “I”.
You are afraid that your sensuality may be perceived by other people with hosti-
lity, that they may not accept it, or even laugh at you because of it. The more
your fear, the more you sink into the image of the False Self. Of course, thanks
to your sexual energy, the False Self can easily manipulate others and will never
be vulnerable. But I want you to stop and think - does this kind of life really give
you pleasure?
The longer you wear the mask, the more you will plunge into the abyss of your
own deception. Your fear will drive you into the trap of your own lies, and it will
be more difficult to get out of it every day. You will have to always keep in mind
a plan of action for your “image”. This personality change will bring you nothing
but suffering and stress.
To get rid of this trap, you must recognize and accept your vulnerability. Don't
hide from your sensuality - learn to enjoy it, not become a victim of it! Remember
- the opinions of the people around you do not in any way affect the kind of
person you are. Unless you yourself want it. By succumbing to the provocation
of your low self-esteem, you risk losing what makes you truly yourself. Tell me:
is there any point in living someone else's life if its only “products” are only stress
and discomfort? Accept yourself and your vulnerability - this is where the path
of your transformation begins.
line 6 - Disappointment / Innocence
People belonging to Line 6 can feel deep love from early childhood. Of course,
other Lines are capable of this too. But unlike them, the soul of the six does not
“coarse”, and she is always ready to fully open up to her partner. For them, every
relationship is like the first time, and they do not project resentment for the old
relationship onto the new person. They learn from mistakes, but they never try
to blame the world or anyone else for them. These are the people of the 6th Line
when they live it at a high frequency.
But at the low frequency of the Line, constant frustration will drain you. You are
always looking for a relationship, and you are always disappointed in it. It seems
to you that this is not the ideal that you dream of in your soul. That you may be
wasting your time with this person, and at this time your fate eludes you.
The saddest thing is that despite all the mistakes, despite all the disappointment,
deep down you still hope to find what is predetermined for you. Mentally, you
no longer believe that you will find true love, but you try to do it again and again,
each time becoming more and more disappointed.
Sooner or later, you will start projecting your frustration onto your partner.
Blame him for not meeting your expectations. But he doesn't have to match
them! After all, these are your expectations, which may have nothing to do with
this person! Having understood this, you will notice that only you yourself were
the source of all your problems.
The image of the ideal person with whom you want to be should push you to
change first of all yourself. Take it as a model and become what you dream of
yourself. After all, you attract what you yourself are. When you realize how dif-
ficult it is to change even yourself, you finally realize how futile your attempts
were to change the other person.
To unleash the potential of your Line, you should not think of the ideal as the
only possible outcome. Yes, deep down, you will never give up trying to find the
best. But that shouldn't stop you from enjoying what you have now.
Understand that dreaming more is not a reason to be disappointed in what you
have now. Think of this feeling as a stimulus that will constantly push you for-
ward. Free your soul from disappointment and then you will always be open to
new love.
Revealing the potential of your Line, and sincerely enjoying everything that hap-
pens to you in life, sooner or later fate will lead you to what is intended for you.
And you must meet this with an open heart, ready for new discoveries and ad-
The low frequency of the Line in personal relationships is not at all something
that should be panicked. It is with its help that you can see the innermost layers
of your own desires. It is given to you so that you can learn from your past expe-
riences. Only then will you be ready for what is meant for you.
Reaching the potential of the Line is not that difficult. You just need to add “a-
wareness” to your relationship. You must recognize and accept your vulnerabili-
ties. True intimacy does not occur in an “ideal” relationship. Closeness occurs
only when people recognize each other's weaknesses and accept them with all
their hearts. And remember - you cannot find your destiny with your Mind alone.
You must find a balance between him and your Personality. Realize your fears
with your Mind, but accept them with your heart.
Human design is a real breakthrough in the field of self-knowledge. In it you will
find not just a collection of “useful tips”, but a real guide on where to get moti-
vation, what are your priorities in life, and much more! Believe me, this will be a
turning point in your life for you - no human design practitioner has yet regretted
this exciting experiment!