Irena K CV Feb 2024
Irena K CV Feb 2024
Irena K CV Feb 2024
I prefer a job with people as I In recent years I worked in Ukraine as a dance teacher. Because of the war I had
have good communication and to move with my children for an indefinite period of time to the UK. As citizens
am not afraid of challenges. I of Ukraine my family and I have always taken an active part in the social and
love learning something new political life of our country.
and picking up new skills.
As a volunteer I was in charge of the organisation of graduation events
responsible for sourcing, purchace and delivery of goods.
As a student I worked in face to face advertising and sales of packaged
consumables dealing with cash.
I have worked in amateur theatre performances as an actor and director.
I have been in England for a year and a half. For 4 months I worked in a Pub as a
I have been working at The Borough Cafe over the past three months serving
customers and using the till. I have taken and checked orders providing the
customers with details and costs on our menu.
Ukrainian – native Secondary school
English – upper-intermediate Studied Maths, English, IT.
Caroloine (owner)
The Borough Cafe Downton SP5 3LY 01725 238083
Katy Ullyrtt
Pastor Downton Baptist Church South Lane Downton SP5 3NA 07786248880
Capacity is supporting of refugees