Impact of Poor Attendence
Impact of Poor Attendence
Impact of Poor Attendence
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Students’ class attendance and engagement plays an important role in contemporary higher education. The
present study aimed to investigate the compliance of Respiratory Care students to attendance regulations
and the relationship between mandatory class attendance and final exam performance in four Respiratory
Care courses. Attendance was measured by the overall lecture attendance percent, throughout the course.
Students’ performance was assessed by the final exam mark obtained. No statistically significant differences
in student attendance between the different courses were found; although attendance was lower in
cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology course compared with the other 3 courses. Statistically significant
differences in performance were present between the four courses. Positive correlation was found between
attendance and final exam performance in all courses together, but the relationship between the variables
was not statistically significant. Correlation between attendance and final exam results for each separate
course was also examined and found to be positive, but also lacked statistical significance. Students’
compliance with the student regulations and the overall attendance is excellent. Class attendance got a
positive impact on students’ academic performance. This suggests that lecture attendance is critical for
learning, but a larger study is required to adjust for other factors like, English language proficiency student
CGPA (cumulative average grade point) and gender and to minimize the effect of the small sample size
used in this pilot study.
The economic concerns of education have led to many and McElroy, 2003). However, differing results exist as
studies aiming at identifying the determinants of student well. In a recent study, no statistically significant
performance (Stanca, 2006). relationship between class attendance and student
In his famous paper “Do students go to class? Should performance was identified after adjusting for control
they?” Romer (1993) analyzed the relationship between variables that included gender and age (Eisen et al.,
lecture attendance and exam performance. Using 2015). In a study conducted in Saudi Arabia by Alghamdi
attendance records in six sessions of 195 students in and his team, the overall percentage of absenteeism was
Intermediate Macroeconomics Course, he found that comparable to that of the studies carried out regionally
attendance had a positive and significant impact on and internationally. The study showed the performance
academic performance. On the basis of these findings, GPA mean is influenced by low attendance rates
he recommended experimenting with mandatory (Alghamdi et al., 2016).
attendance policies to enhance student performance. In another study conducted by Bamuhair and her
Students’ class attendance and engagement plays an colleagues in College of Medicine, King Saud Bin
important role in contemporary higher education. Several Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences in The Kingdom
previous studies have shown that class attendance is an of Saudi Arabia, class attendance showed a positive
important determinant of academic outcomes: students effect on students’ academic performance with stronger
who attend more classes earn higher final grades (Kirby effect for lecture attendance compared to attendance in
Int Res J Med Med Sci 48