Impact of Poor Attendence

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Impact of class attendance on student performance

Article · June 2018

DOI: 10.30918/IRJMMS.62.18.021

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1 author:

Tarig Eltoum Fadelelmoula

Almaarefa University


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International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Vol. 6(2), pp. 47-49, May 2018
DOI: 10.30918/IRJMMS.62.18.021
ISSN: 2354-211X
Short Communication

The impact of class attendance on student performance

Tarig Fadelelmoula
Almaarefa Colleges, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Accepted 28 May, 2018


Students’ class attendance and engagement plays an important role in contemporary higher education. The
present study aimed to investigate the compliance of Respiratory Care students to attendance regulations
and the relationship between mandatory class attendance and final exam performance in four Respiratory
Care courses. Attendance was measured by the overall lecture attendance percent, throughout the course.
Students’ performance was assessed by the final exam mark obtained. No statistically significant differences
in student attendance between the different courses were found; although attendance was lower in
cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology course compared with the other 3 courses. Statistically significant
differences in performance were present between the four courses. Positive correlation was found between
attendance and final exam performance in all courses together, but the relationship between the variables
was not statistically significant. Correlation between attendance and final exam results for each separate
course was also examined and found to be positive, but also lacked statistical significance. Students’
compliance with the student regulations and the overall attendance is excellent. Class attendance got a
positive impact on students’ academic performance. This suggests that lecture attendance is critical for
learning, but a larger study is required to adjust for other factors like, English language proficiency student
CGPA (cumulative average grade point) and gender and to minimize the effect of the small sample size
used in this pilot study.

Keywords: Attendance, performance, final exam, respiratory care.

E-mail: Tel: +966542521796.


The economic concerns of education have led to many and McElroy, 2003). However, differing results exist as
studies aiming at identifying the determinants of student well. In a recent study, no statistically significant
performance (Stanca, 2006). relationship between class attendance and student
In his famous paper “Do students go to class? Should performance was identified after adjusting for control
they?” Romer (1993) analyzed the relationship between variables that included gender and age (Eisen et al.,
lecture attendance and exam performance. Using 2015). In a study conducted in Saudi Arabia by Alghamdi
attendance records in six sessions of 195 students in and his team, the overall percentage of absenteeism was
Intermediate Macroeconomics Course, he found that comparable to that of the studies carried out regionally
attendance had a positive and significant impact on and internationally. The study showed the performance
academic performance. On the basis of these findings, GPA mean is influenced by low attendance rates
he recommended experimenting with mandatory (Alghamdi et al., 2016).
attendance policies to enhance student performance. In another study conducted by Bamuhair and her
Students’ class attendance and engagement plays an colleagues in College of Medicine, King Saud Bin
important role in contemporary higher education. Several Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences in The Kingdom
previous studies have shown that class attendance is an of Saudi Arabia, class attendance showed a positive
important determinant of academic outcomes: students effect on students’ academic performance with stronger
who attend more classes earn higher final grades (Kirby effect for lecture attendance compared to attendance in
Int Res J Med Med Sci 48

other teaching modalities (Bamuhair et al., 2016). Research questions

Although no study has provided data about the
The study was designed to answer two questions:
adherence of undergraduate student to attendance,
Alghamdi and his team have looked into the causes for 1. Do students comply with class attendance rules?
absenteeism and he pointed out unfavorable teaching 2. Whether student class attendance impacts their final exam
strategies, preparation for examinations, early-morning results or not?
classes and social causes like marriage and part time job
as the main cause at their setting and they recommend
Target group and data collection
working on the causes of absenteeism to further increase
the rate of attendance of all academic activities All respiratory care students who completed these courses were
(Alghamdi et al., 2016). included in the study. Student attendance for lectures was recorded
Many institutions adopt non-mandatory attendance using a paper-based system before transferring it to the college
policy for their students and researches have clearly portal by the course instructor.
The students’ attendance was measured by the overall
shown the positive relation between non-mandatory
attendance percent, which is a product of attending various lectures
attendance and student performance. throughout the course and the average students’ performance in
The objective of this study is to investigate the the four courses together was assessed by the final exam mark
compliance of respiratory care students to attendance obtained.
regulations and the relationship between mandatory class The study was conducted within the male section, Department of
attendance and final exam performance in four courses. Respiratory Care, College of Applied Sciences, Almaarefa Colleges
for Science & Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Purpose All students’ attendance percentages and their final exam

assessment results will be described using mean (M) and standard
A retrospective study for the impact of student class attendance on deviation (SD). Correlation will be used to predict the effect of
their final exam results in 4 courses within a full academic semester overall attendance on the students’ final marks. All statistical tests
(second semester academic year 2016-2017), general information used are two-tailed. A p-value of 0.05 or less will be taken as
about these courses is provided in Table 1. In these courses statistically significant. The data will be analyzed using the
attendance is mandatory and students are requested to attend 75% Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Version 21.0
or more of the course classes to be allowed to sit for the final exam. (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA).

Table 1. Identification and general information about study courses.

Course name (code) Credit hours No. of weeks

Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology (RSTH 225) 3 15
Cardiology and Electrocardiography (RSTH 330) 4 15
Respiratory Care Science II (RSTH 342) 4 15
Exercise Physiology and Pulmonary Rehab (RSTH 424) 3 15

RESULTS Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology course

compared with the other 3 courses. Statistically
Class attendance significant differences in student performance in the final
course exams were present between the four courses (p
Four courses were included in the study (Table 1), < 0.001). A positive correlation was found between
comprising 75 students and all of them were males attendance and final exam performance in all courses
(100%). The mean students’ attendance 92%, (SD=4.8). together (N = 75), but the correlation between the
variables was not statistically significant (r = 0.2177, p >
0.05). Correlation between students’ attendance and their
Student performance final exam results for each separate course was also
examined and found to be positive, but also lacked
Table 2 shows the students’ attendance and final exam statistical significance.
results for each of the four separate courses as means
and standard deviations. No statistically significant DISCUSSION
differences were found in student attendance between
the different courses, although attendance was lower in In our setting, the college strongly applies a mandatory
Fadelelmoula 49

Table 2. Students’ attendance and final exam results.

Attendance (%) Final exam result (out of 30)

Course name Students (N)
Mean SD Mean SD
Respiratory Care Science II 20 92.6 6.2 24 2.9
Cardiology and ECG 16 92.3 4.8 19.2 4.8
Exercise & Rehabilitation 21 92.2 2.8 26.5 2.3
Cardiopulmonary A & P 18 91 5.5 17.7 3.7

attendance policy and every student has to attend 75% or ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

more of the total classes in order to be allowed to sit for
the final exam. During the course time, student The author wishes to thank Almaarefa Colleges for
attendance is closely recorded and monitored by the Science and Technology, Riyadh, for providing the
course instructor and students are continuously informed required data for the study.
about the attendance together with their exam permission
situation. If student has 10% absenteeism, he will have
his first warning, when absenteeism reaches 20% student Disclosure
will have a second warning and will be counseled by his
academic advisor before reaching 25% absenteeism The author reports no conflicts of interest in this work.
which will signify denial of student sitting for exams,
namely for first midterm, second midterm and final exam.
In our college final exam is composed of multiple choice REFERENCES
questions of the single correct answer type and OSCE
Alghamdi A, Yamani A, Khalil A, Albarkati B, Alrehili O, Salih M, 2016.
stations if the course contains a practical component. The Prevalence, causes and impacts of absenteeism among medical
exam results are usually graded in a system of A+, A, B+, students at UQU. Education, 6(1): 9-12.
B, C+, C , D+ , D and E which is a clear failure. The Bamuhair SS, Al Farhan AI, Althubaiti A, Ur Rahman S, Al-Kadri HM,
2016. Class attendance and cardiology examination performance: a
overall student attendance in our setting is acceptable
study in problem-based medical curriculum. Int J Gen Med, 9: 1-5.
and this result reflects the importance of strict regulations Eisen D, Schupp C, Isserof R, Ibrahimi O, Ledo L, Armstrong A, 2015.
to force student for attending the theoretical classes. The Does class attendance matter? Results from a second-year medical
study demonstrated a positive correlation between school dermatology cohort study. Int J Dermatol, 54:807–816.
lecture attendance and final exam performance. Although Kirby A, McElroy B, 2003. The effect of attendance on grade for first
year economics students in University College Cork. Econ Soc Rev,
the results were not statistically positive, they agree with 34: 311–326.
local and international studies (Kirby and McElroy, 2003). Romer D, 1993. Do students go to class? Should they? J Econ
The study is limited by the small sample size and does Perspect, 7(3): 167-174.
not include student academic level and other factors that Stanca L, 2006. The effects of attendance on academic performance:
Panel data evidence for introductory microeconomics. J Econ
might influence student performance in exams such as Education, 37(3): 251-266.
their gender and cumulative grade point average
(Alghamdi et al., 2016). Another important limiting factor
in this study is that students are allowed to withdraw from
the course and final exam if their performance in the
midterm exams is poor and this will bias the sample that
we are taking to reflect the relationship between class
attendance and performance among students.


Lecture attendance has a positive effect on students’

academic performance and hence a mandatory
attendance policy is important. This suggests that lecture
attendance is critical for learning, but a larger study is
required to adjust for other factors like student CGPA and Citation: Fadelelmoula T, 2018. The impact of class attendance on
to minimize the effect of the small sample size used in student performance. Int Res J Med Med Sci, 6(2): 47-49.
this pilot study.

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