Physics Gcse Coursework Impact Craters
Physics Gcse Coursework Impact Craters
Physics Gcse Coursework Impact Craters
craters, can indeed be a demanding task. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter,
meticulous research, data analysis, and effective communication of findings. Moreover, the
formatting and adherence to academic guidelines add another layer of complexity.
For Physics GCSE coursework on impact craters, students often need to conduct experiments,
analyze data, and draw meaningful conclusions. This demands time, effort, and a solid grasp of
scientific principles. Additionally, presenting the information in a clear and coherent manner is
crucial for academic success.
While the process is undoubtedly educational, students may find themselves struggling due to
various reasons such as time constraints, lack of resources, or difficulty in grasping the concepts. In
such cases, seeking assistance can be beneficial.
One option is to consider professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔. These services
often provide expert writers who are well-versed in the subject matter, ensuring a high-quality and
well-researched coursework. It's important, however, to use such services responsibly and ethically,
ensuring that the work obtained is used as a learning tool rather than submitted as one's own.
In conclusion, writing Physics GCSE coursework on impact craters can be challenging, and for those
facing difficulties, seeking assistance from reputable sources like ⇒ ⇔ might be a
viable option. However, it's crucial to prioritize ethical use of such services and to view the
completed work as a supplement to one's learning process.
Does the height of a crater affect the diameter of the crater produced? Most researchers now believe
that a large asteroid or comet hit the Earth at the. There weren't any unexpected arising problems
whilst conducting the experiment. As the sand is pushed down it has nowhere else to go but out, this
means the diameter of the crater increases. They have both been highlighted on the graphs with a red
circle. And caution will need to be taken when measuring the crater sizes, as a mere mismatch of
measurement may be unreliable. I would have expected the craters to get shorter as the vertical drop
height increased (due the vertical component increasing), which has happened very loosely. I have
chosen to vary the height of the marble being dropper from. If I didn’t use the ruler, I would be
judging the height from eye, and this could change the results completely. If the crater turns out to
be gravity-dominated, this lends evidence to the theory that the. The results increase in a linear
fashion along the graph this shows that they are as I predicted. The crater was quite wide therefore it
was hard to see where to take the readings. Individual results could be made more accurate by using
a more reliable source other than a hand to drop the ball from the height. In addition, I checked that
the ruler was always vertical and I also made sure the calibrating stick was at the lowest point at each
crater. An object would have a different result colliding with two contrary mediums, dependant on
the content and varying moisture. Energy is the ability of an object to cause change. I will only
change the height of which I will be dropping the marble, for example dropping the marble at
multiples of ten. Since it is impossible to simulate this impact completely on Earth, it is impossible.
Begin by setting out the apparatus as shown in the diagram above. The action you just performed
triggered the security solution. My data can be more reliable because I can adjust the height a lot,
while many of the other variables would either be difficult to vary or would produce categorical data.
However the size of the marble will have to stay the same as it will affect the size of the crater. I
could then be sure that the marble was dropped from the right distance. Four repeat readings were
taken for each height to obtain an accurate average to be used for the graph. Crater diameter has its
anomalous result at the very lowest drop height. In order to improve my reliability of the results I. If
all goes according to plan then the higher i drop the marble the bigger the effect of gravity and
kinetic energy therefore causing a bigger crater. ANALYSIS: Now that I have completed the practical
experiment and results have been recorded, I am able to analyse the results and come to a conclusion
in contrast with my set prediction. I have also found that 100cm is not too high to be accurate with
where the ball will land and it does not splash too much sand out of the tray. In order to display a
visual demonstration of the proportionality of gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy,
below are the calculations tabulated and then presented as a line graph.
So from this information it would prove my hypothesis, as you increase the height of the marble
being dropped from the diameter of the crater increases as well. The external influence of air
resistance causes the plasticine balls to fall at different speeds, and the terminal velocity, the
maximum velocity that can be reached by a given object, is determined by its drag in contrast to its
weight. And by using a formula results according to the accuracy of the diameters would be more
reliable. Thus I have discovered that crater size is proportional to the square root of mass. Also as
this is set as an independent variable, I will have independent control over the values I set it to prior
to experimentation. Hence the flat curve demonstrates the point at which terminal velocity has been
reached. I can also change the height of the claw and the tightness of the claw. Any outliers are
highlighted in red; this helps me distinguish accurate results to inaccurate results. Once again I have
decided to join up all the data with a dark blue colour, making it clear to me how positive and strong
this correlation is. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only
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violates our terms and conditions. Energy is the ability of an object to cause change. So if my graph
were a straight line it would be a very big crater. I was also able to determine that crater size is
proportional to the square root of gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy and moreover
prove that gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy are approximately proportional. They use
this scaling to produce mathematical models of impacts using computers. Modeling. I have chosen
mass because I believe this will have a powerful relevance to the shape, size and depth of a crater and
also I believe it will be interesting to observe how varying masses affect the diameter of a crater.
Refer to graph 2. The graph shows that the crater size (y) increases by a significant amount for each
of the increasing masses (x) used. The minority of results that didn’t fit the trend my have been due
to. When the boss for the plasticine was positioned, it may have not been precisely 1 metre as the
metre ruler was placed on the opposite side. However I cannot be 100% sure that it was flat, and this
is why it was the most inaccurate and unreliable part of the experiment. Varying surface medium
gravel 50 Golf ball (42) 91 91 92 91.33 Silver sand 50 Golf ball (42) 93 94 93 93.33 Fine sand 50
Golf ball (42) 94 94 94 94 As can be seen from the table, there is not much difference between the
crater sizes produced when the golf ball is dropped into different surfaces mediums. However if my
intervals of height were higher then more disperse results would most likely be produced. As the
mass increases, the potential increases, hence the kinetic energy increases causing an increase in the
size of impact. This will vary my results, therefore making it easier and more reliable to make a clear
conclusion on my results. In order to distribute the recordings further and more importantly notify a
relationship I will tabulate and produce a line graph showing the average crater sizes crated against
increasing mass. The higher you drop the marble the bigger the diameter of the crater will be.
PHYSICS COURSEWORK ASTEROIDS Asteroids, also known as small or minor planets are
irregular bodies that vary in size and composition. In my prediction I stated that the higher up the Ball
bearing the greater the size of the crater. This is the perfect scale and size for me because I need it to
go up to at least 60 cm and am planning to use increments of 5 cm. This was due to the fact that the
energy was transferred between the two, where the total amount of energy remained the same. So
therefore the more energy the ball bearing has when it hits the sand the wider the crater it should
make. Based on that, I used the equation to find the crater collapse factor.
Therefore this leaves me with mass, height and the surface medium all of which can be altered in
order to demonstrate an influence. The higher you drop the marble the bigger the diameter of the
crater will be. The results for this relationship are not sound enough for a conclusion to be made.
However the size of the marble will have to stay the same as it will affect the size of the crater. Thus
I have discovered that crater size is proportional to the square root of mass. Geologists have
recognised almost 200 craters over the planet. The large depth for the drop from 50cm suggests that
the sand might have been less compact than usual, as this would have meant that the ball penetrated
deeper than usual, with the grains being further apart. I also had to be careful with the dropping of
the marble. Title is inherited by one of a pair of identical twins, both of whom are suspects. Does the
height of a crater affect the diameter of the crater produced? The second is evenly between air
resistance and gravity. I would have expected the craters to get shorter as the vertical drop height
increased (due the vertical component increasing), which has happened very loosely. The
measurements were obtained with great attention as it is important to get readings as accurate as
possible to work out an average. Any outliers are highlighted in red; this helps me distinguish
accurate results to inaccurate results. However, if I could I would like to use a ruler with an even
smaller scale, maybe with tenths of millimetres on as this would allow me to be more precise and
accurate when I measure the diameter of my crater. This is why I chose to repeat each reading 6
times to make sure of any changes. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. The
vertical height above the landing tray was kept constant so the GPE of the ball ( mgh ) remained the
same. Possible cause for this is the accuracy of the values. The linear relationship would suggest that
there is a constant that could be found and applied to balls of any diameter. For example using an
electronic tape measure it would not only measure the crater size formed, but would also calculate
other useful related information to the result using its built-in functionalities. This minor problem
could be a major problem for my results. The output variable (what I will measure) will be the size of
the crater produced. Maybe the grains have an energy threshold, below which they do not move
when struck. However this may be difficult to carry out as it would have to be a fair test and to keep
the force applied the same for each reading it would be difficult. For example with the height
dropped 15cm the constant is 9.87. In calculating the constant for all the results a pattern is shown.
And the height and surface medium are set as the control variables. The crater length does indeed
vary proportionally to the vertical height, but the crater depth appears to have no relationship
whatsoever with the height (therefore the entry speed). A shock wave will pass through both the
impactor and the target. After a general description, we'll discuss how this may differ in Deep