Black Powder Rules TWGS

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Rules for Wargaming in the Era of Musketry


1. Title Page

2. Table of Content

3. Movement in Battle

4. Terrain and Effects on Troops

. Reforming

5-6. Unit Formations

. Markers to Place on Units

7. Ranged Combat

8. Cover and Man Made Constructions

9. Melee Combat
. Native American Units
. Breaking Contact

10. Morale and Factor on Morale

. General Staff
. Rally Call

11. Veterancy
. Weather and Effects on Units
. Urban Combat
. Forts

12. Umpires and Their Roles and Responsibilities

13. Sub Commanders and Stats for Them

14. Campaign Map and Movement on the Map

. Surrender Rules

15. Siege Rules

. Sacking/ Razing a Settlement
. Stealth in Campaign
. Recon in Campaign

16. Naval Actions

17. Coastal Actions and Beach Landings
18.-19. Post 1850 changes (American Civil War, Crimea, Zulu, etc…..)

Terms to understand
Umpire - The Umpire is the final authority and controller of the game.

Unit- However many numbers of soldiers are placed on a single base. (32 Man Infantry
Company- 20 Cavalry Troop, 4 Cannon Battery, preferably in 6mm)
Elite- These are specialty units agreed as being elite by the players. I.e. Grenadiers, Roger’s
Rangers, U.S. Old Guard, Jager’s etc...
All measurements will be conducted from the edge of the bases of all pieces.

2 player and general rules

This version is less realistic but allows for greater player control and only includes one board.
During battle each player has 4 minutes to conduct their orders and such and to the umpires

Victory Conditions
Victory conditions can differ based on what the players agree on. Whether it be defending an
area for a certain amount of time or taking an objective any scenario can be possible. AT THE

Movement in Battle
Movement is done through measurements of a ruler in inches.
The major types of units are as follows: Infantry (Militia), Artillery (Light and Heavy), Cavalry
(Light and Heavy) and Skirmishers (Light Infantry)
For a 6mm game the movements vary based on the type of soldier.
Infantry - 6 inches
Light Infantry - 8 inches (Skirmishes have no adverse effects fighting in woodland areas. )
Light Artillery - 6 inches
Medium Artillery- 5 inches
Heavy Artillery - 4 inches Must be horse drawn
Mortars/Rockets - 2 inches
Light Cavalry - 12 inches (Includes General)
Heavy Cavalry - 10 inches (These units wear breastplates)
Double Time- Unit can double time for an additional (+4) movement modifier but cannot move
the following round nor can that unit engage at the end of their movement unless they are
engaged in melee.

High ground- +2 inches to a unit's range (+6 for artillery) and +1 to units hit roll when firing.

Uphill regardless of slope - minus 3 inches movement


Downhill regardless of slope - plus 3 inches movement

On roadways - plus 4 inches

Through waterways - Fjording a waterway takes X amount of turns, time begins once a
placed unit is in water, return fire ability for crossing force must roll 5-6 in order to fire during
these turns, this symbolizes the difficulty of river crossings. At the end of the crossing turn the
unit is placed on the other side of the water but must reform for 1 turn. You may make a pontoon
bridge, which can be crossed at normal movement speed but this will take 6 turns to build.
Type of waterway is up to umpires discretion
Minor River/ Creek- 2 turns to cross
Medium River- 4 turns to cross
Major River- 8 turns to cross

Through forests- 5 inch total movement (Exception is light infantry or units in skirmish

Swamp Land- Artillery and Cavalry CANNOT move through this terrain. ALL infantry
moving through are at 3 inch total movement. Light Infantry 6 inches

MARCH COLUMN- Single company followed by another right behind the other, 4 inch
movement boost, all damage done to the front unit is also taken by the 4 following units. Does
not work with any Cavalry or Artillery

ATTACK COLUMN- Moving in a column ( at least 2 companies abreast and 2 companies

deep 2x2) gives those units a 2 inch boost of movement. ALL morale effects are negated until

80% casualties as long as the unit remains in this formation or until 1 unit is fully killed breaking
the formation. Casualties are also doubled, whatever casualties are taken by the lead unit, the unit
behind it also receives those losses. This is only applicable to the first 2x2 units in the column. A
cannon ball cannot skip through a 6 company deep attack column formation. This formation can
also execute square formation instantly.

LINE- Moving in line is the standard movement formation, no bonuses or negative effects are
added for this formation.

SQUARE- Square takes 4 companies to form. If a unit is in line formation it must take a turn
AFTER the order is issued for this to take effect (lines are harder to concentrate) if in column the
unit can form into square the same turn the order is issued. If cavalry attack a unit in square then
they must roll a 6 in order to inflict casualties. All casualties inflicted on the cavalry by the
square are doubled. Skirmishers cannot form squares. The only militia that can form a square is a
UNIFORMED militia. Once the square is broken all benefits are taken away. SQUARE CAN
BE ROLLED FOR WHEN IT ISN'T YOUR TURN. Roll a 5-6 to make a quick formation.


Cavalry that is at least 1 company wide by 2 companies deep making a charge have an instant
shock on enemy morale before the defending player rolls to see if they break or not. This instant
morale decrease will be 2 white markers. Cavalry hit markers in the first line will also be in the
second line. Enemy units must roll a 6 (5-6 for Elite Units) to halt the advance unless they are in
square. If the unit fails to roll a 6 they are forced to retreat with 60% losses.
Markers to place on units
Red Bead - Hit/ casualty. Blue Bead- Special Moves
1= 20% losses and 20% morale lost Black Bead- Rallied unit, stays on unit the entire game
2= 40% losses and 40% morale lost Yellow Bead- Unit in melee
3= 60% losses and 60% morale lost Green Bead- In skirmish formation
4= 80% losses and 80% morale lost
5= 100% losses unit is destroyed
White Bead - Morale deductives
1= 20% morale lost 4= 80% morale lost
2= 40% morale lost 5= 100% morale lost
3= 60% morale lost

Combat (Ranged)
NOTE: You may move then fire, or fire then move. Not move, fire and move. Any unit that is
charged may roll a 6 to get a hit before the enemy reaches them.
Close Range Fire- If a unit is within half of another unit's range then the firing player may
get a roll advantage of plus 1 to hit.
Militia (Ranged) is 6 inches. At this distance a 1-4 dice roll has little effect. 5-6 is effective and
the opposing player adds one red marker to the board.
Infantry (Ranged) is 6 inches. At this distance a 1-3 dice roll has little effect. 4-6 is effective
and the opposing player must add one red marker to the board.

Elite Infantry (Ranged) is 6 inches. At this distance a 1-2 dice roll has little effect. 3-5 is
effective and the opposing player must add one red marker to the board. Roll a 6 and the enemy
must add 2 red markers to the board. If the enemy player charges, the other player may make a
dice roll of 5-6 to fire a volley before the enemy reaches their line.
Light Infantry (Ranged) is 8 inches. At this distance a 1-2 dice roll has no effect. 3-6 is
effective and the opposing player must add one red marker to the board.
Elite Light Infantry (Ranged) is 10 inches. At this distance a 1 dice roll has little effect. 2-5
is effective and the opposing player must add one red marker to the board. Roll a 6 and the
enemy player must add 2 red markers to the board. If the enemy player charges, the other player
may make a dice roll of 5-6 to fire a volley before the enemy reaches their line.
Light Artillery (1 or 2 cannon on base) (Ranged) is 20 inches. At this distance a 1-4
dice roll has little effect. 5-6 is effective and the opposing player must add one red marker to the
board. At 6 inches they may fire canister shot, at this distance 1 dice roll has no effect. 3-5 the
enemy player adds one red marker; 6 dice roll the player adds 2 red markers.
Medium Artillery (4 cannon) (Ranged) is 40 inches. At this distance a 1-3 dice roll has
little effect. 4-5 is effective and the opposing player must add one red marker to the board, 6 is 2
red markers. At 8 inches they may fire canister shot, at this distance 1 dice roll has no effect. 2-4
the enemy player adds one red marker; 5-6 dice roll the player adds 2 red markers.
Heavy Artillery ( 4 BIG Cannon or more per base) (Ranged) is 60 inches. At this distance
a 1 dice roll has little effect. 2-3 is effective and the opposing player must add 1 red marker to
the board. 4-5 is 2 red markers, 6 is 3 red markers. At 10 inches they may fire canister shot, at
this distance 1 dice roll has no effect. 2-3 the enemy player adds 2 red markers; 4-5 roll 3 red
markers. 6 add 4 red markers.
Mortar/Rocket (Ranged) is 30 inches. 1-4 has no effect on the enemy. 5-6 any enemy units
in a 6 inch radius takes 1 hit marker.
Dragoons- (Ranged) is 6 inches. 1-4 no effect, 5-6 add 1 red marker. Dismounted 4-6.
Dismount and remount count as movement. (Elite dragoons same as elite infantry)
Bushes/ Trees- 1-2 protects, 3-6 gets through
Fence – 1-3 protects, 4-6 get through (Cannon takes 3 hits to destroy)
Rocks/ Rock Walls/ Buildings- 1-4 protects, 5-6 gets through. (Cannon takes 5 hits to destroy)
Forts 1-5 protects, 6 gets through (10 hits to destroy each side by heavy artillery only)

Man made constructions

In game you may order your armies to begin entrenching or constructing defenses
Pontoon Bridge- May move troops at normal speed over a river once built. 4 hits to destroy.

Trench- Roll a 1-4 to protect, 5-6 gets through. If a unit that is entrenched is engaged in melee
then that unit must roll between 3-6 to stay in the fight. No rolls for destruction.
Breastworks- Same as trenches only now they take 5 hits to destroy.
Stakes/ Cheval de Frise- No protection from fire but slows down enemy troop movement
Enemy troops attempting to pass through must roll to go over the obstacle then place a reform
marker once they have crossed over. Artillery cannot pass through these obstacles.
Infantry- 1-4 to pass through undamaged, 5-6 receives 1 hit marker
Cavalry- 1 to pass through undamaged, 2 receives 1 hit marker, 3-4 receives 2 hit markers, 5
receives 3 hit markers, 6 receives 4 hit markers.
Though these constructions are very protective of your troops it is also very risky. Any trench,
breastwork or stake/ cheval de frise construction move will take 4 of your turns to complete in
battle. During this time the unit that has been told to entrench/ build will have –20% morale this
represents fatigue and the fact that the men are using tools and not holding weapons during this
time. If the enemy attacks your working units, they will break and flee, no return fire. Telling
your unit to leave the entrenchment before it is complete will take 1 turn of reforming . This
simulates the men reorganizing and retrieving all weapons and tools in order to move out.

Camps- Though more useful in a campaign game, camps can be used during regular battle
scenarios, time to construct are subject to the umpires discretion. In camp your units are immune
to winter and morale effects.The following are instantly placed with the camp.
Small camp- 1 camp base, 2 breastworks/ trenches and 1 stake/ cheval de frise base
Used by 1-6 units.
Medium camp- 2 camp bases, 4 breastworks/ trenches and 2 stake/ cheval de frise bases
Used by 7-12 units.
Large camp- 3 camp bases, 8 breastwork/ trench and 4 stake/ cheval de frise bases
Used by 13+ units.

Combat (Melee)

At the beginning of every turn a unit is in melee you must roll a d6 to see if they are holding up
the fight well. You must also place a melee marker.
Militia - Dice roll 1-4 they are thrown back with 2 red markers. 5-6 they stay in the fight.
Infantry- Dice roll 1-3 they are thrown back with 2 red markers. 4-6 they stay in the fight.
Light Cavalry/ Dragoons ^
Elite Infantry - Dice roll 1 they are thrown back with 2 red markers. 2-6 they remain in the fight

Heavy cavalry/Lancers/ Elite Dragoons^

Light Infantry - Dice roll 1-4 they are thrown back with 2 red markers. 5-6 they remain in the
fight, must roll a 6 against cavalry.
Elite Light Infantry- Dice roll 1-3 they are thrown back with 2 red markers.4-6 they remain in
the fight. Must roll 5-6 against cavalry.
All Artillery- Dice role 1-5 they are thrown back with 2 red markers they remain in the fight.
6 they remain in the fight.
General Staff- Dice roll 1-4 they are thrown back with 2 red markers.5-6 they remain in the

NOTE* If charging downhill, on the initial melee roll apply plus 1 to the dice roll to see if you
break the enemy on the initial charge. After the first turn of melee is over, the plus 1 rule no
longer applies.
Being pushed back- If you lose a melee roll, place 2 red markers and retreat the unit half their
movement speed to the closest friendly lines. Units that flee/retreat must spend 1 turn reforming,
place 1 blue marker.


Native units have the same accuracy as light infantry but the melee stats as regular infantry.
Movement speed is 8 inches, Cavalry is 14 inches. No penalties from forested areas or areas of
vegetation. Bonuses during recon and stealth roles. Morale is the same as regular infantry.

Any unit wishing to break contact during a melee must roll to see how many casualties they
sustain during the withdrawal.1-4 you break contact with 1 red marker but with a 5-6 you break
contact with 2 red markers.

Morale is very complex so pay attention. If the group of units that comprise the company/battery
etc... lose a certain percentage of units their morale will begin to waver. Place a red marker (or
any identifiable marker) to represent 20% losses. 5 markers equal 100% losses.
0- 60% - The unit is not wavering
60% +- The unit begins to waver (Militia flee)
80%- The unit is routed (All others flee, excluding elite units and General)
NOTE* If the general is 4 inches to any unit regardless of morale, they will not break. As losses
continue to rise, they continue to place down the markers. If the general leaves the area, then
they may break so keep tabs on their markers.

For every flank that is attacked by the enemy (left, right, or rear) minus 20% morale, so max
would be 3 markers. Winter conditions give -20% morale.

If attacked during a river crossing instant 20% morale loss until one turn after the river is crossed
or the unit stays on the other side of the river.


Routing units chased down by cavalry or infantry will be destroyed instantly unless given the
opportunity to surrender. Routing units move each turn furthest from the enemy
Anytime the general is fired upon, if the attacker rolls a 6, that kills the general unless he is the
last one left in which case he is the last killed.
If the general is killed the XO will attempt to take command. The player will then roll a D20 to
see how well the XO maintains control of the units on the board under their control. If they roll
1-10 they will struggle to maintain control and all units will receive two morale points against
them. If the player rolls a 11-19 they will only receive one morale point. If the player rolls a 20
they will receive NO morale points against the forces under their command.

( RALLY CALL) For Fleeing Units

The general (NOT THE XO) will have the ability to make a “rally call” once during the game,
this ability works with all units in a 36 inch radius. Roll the die to see if the call is successful. 1-3
is a failure, 4-6 the call is made. The player must roll for each unit to see if they regain control
over it. Militia requires a roll of 6 to come back, all other units will come back if the player rolls
a 4-6. All units that return are at a morale of 40%. Place a black marker to indicate rallied units.
Inspirational Speech- The General gets a single speech to his men, players must roll a 11 or
higher for a successful speech. If successful all units become fanatic and don't receive any
morale penalties. After 5 turns this boost goes away and morale factors return.
A unit will have to go through 8 battles in direct combat to achieve veterancy level. If the unit
loses 80% of casualties at any given time they will be reset on their veterancy status.
Generals can reroll stats upon achieving veterancy status but cannot get worse stats than what
they already have. This MUST be logged by the players.

The umpire running the game will make a dice roll for weather calls during the game.
First they will roll a D20 die for weather.

1-5 Clear Weather

5-10 Light Rain/Snow
10-15 Heavy Rain/ Snow (Heavy Snow and Rain instantly causes all movement speed to drop by
2 inches and -20% morale)
15-20 Fog (Visibility restricted to 10 inches)
Light rain you must roll a 2-6 to fire your weapons then roll to hit

Heavy rain you must roll a 5-6 to fire your weapons then roll to hit

Next they will roll a D6 to determine the length of the weather, at the end of each length of
weather the dice must be rolled again.
1-3 - 1 hour (4 turns)
4-5 - 3 hours (8 turns)
6- The entire day
Light rain you must roll a 2-6 to fire your weapons then roll to hit
Heavy rain you must roll a 5-6 to fire your weapons then roll to hit

Units must be marked with a blue bead to represent them occupying buildings.
Units in an urban environment are concealed from enemy view unless the enemy can see them in
the streets.
Units get a +1 to their melee DEFENSE roll
Units in forts are granted all the bonuses from holding the high ground. All morale effects are
negated unless the commander of the fort is killed after which all morale effects are reinstated.
Forts instantly come with at least 1 artillery piece for each side of the fort that are classified as
light artillery. They also instantly are equipped with 2 groups of stakes or Cheval de Frise.
Forts under siege are subject to the standard siege rules.
1-5 protects, 6 gets through (10 hits to destroy each side by heavy artillery only)
3 player rules and the Campaign

This version is more realistic and places the player in the view of a general on the ground. This
introduces the need for 3 boards. The rules remain the same; the umpire is now part of the game.



All orders to move your troops must be written dispatches given to the umpire/fellow player who
will move your troops based on the description you gave in the letter. I.e “Move the 3 Infantry
regiment to that ridge and take up defensive positions.”

The main board is placed between the 2 players, no units are yet placed on the board they will be
placed by the umpire as they are discovered, taken off as they are destroyed or taken off if once
again hidden from sight. It is up to the umpire to say whether the unit is discovered or not.

Each player will have a separate area in which they each have a rough sketch of the map and
each have a list of their units available. On the paper map they will write down the dispositions
of their units. If they are in clear view, then the umpire will place them on the main board.

However, if they are hidden, whether in a forest or building it will be marked on the players map
but not placed on the public map. This will give the illusion of not always knowing where the
enemy is and can allow for grand flanking attacks and ambushes.

If 2 commanders are next to each other during battle they may speak to each other directly.

Each player has 4 minutes per their turn during battle and campaign. At any time you may pull
aside the Umpire privately to ask for an update on reinforcements, a certain rule etc…OE Brief
for each player separately before each game .
Sub commander and stats- Sub commanders receive orders from YOU, all dispatches sent to a
sub commander will reach them that exact turn, otherwise if there is NO subcommander of a unit
the dispatch will take until your next turn to go into effect. If you don't wish to send a dispatch
you can send your general over to your subcommander and tell the umpire directly what you
wish to do
Any commander other than yourself must have skills and personality types and so you must roll
for these.
Using a D20 for skills
1-4 Incompetent (Will interpret orders to the worst and once a turn will roll a D6 to make a rash
action only a roll of 1 will lead to a rash action)
5-10 Capable (Will interpret order with a vague mindset)
11-15 Average (Can understand orders to the letter)
16-20 Excellent (Understands the exact meaning of your orders and can read the “in between the
lines instructions”

Using a D20 for personality

1-5 Aggressive (will move to intercept the enemy)
6-10 Reserved and Cautious (will not intercept the enemy)
11-16 Balanced

17-20 Changes personality based on your orders


During the campaign the Umpire will decide the movement distances on the campaign map. He
may also choose the victory conditions or allow the players to choose.
If in friendly territory (town) you get 100% replenishment after a battle. No replenishment if
you’re in enemy territory except if you have a supply wagon or sack the settlement. The umpire
will track supply line status and the supply wagons status. (Militia can replenish anywhere in
friendly territory)
If the enemy controls all roads leading to your units then those units will not receive any
Players will keep a log of their units health and morale once they leave a battlefield but have not
replenished yet.
Units that start with 80% losses will begin a battle by withdrawing in the safest direction but are
under direct control of the commanding officer.

Movement on the campaign map is subject to the scale of the map and the umpire but
here are general guidelines on effects on movement.

Infantry- Baseline normal speed

Artillery- 1/4 speed of infantry (Any army or formation moving with the artillery are subject to
artillery's movement speed)
Cavalry - Double movement speed of infantry

Effects on Movement
Forced March- Double normal movement speed (Must reform for 2 turns upon arrival at battle).
On Roadways - Double normal movement speed
Off Roadways - Normal movement speed
Across Rivers - Turn based
Swamp Lands- 1/4 normal movement speed (NOT ACCESSIBLE TO ARTILLERY OR
Forested Areas- 1/2 normal movement speed
Mountainous/ Hilly areas- 1/4 normal movement speed


If a unit is cut off and surrounded in all directions and under threat of annihilation they can be
offered surrender. If the unit surrounded routes they will instantly surrender or be butchered as
the commander sees fit.


During a siege it is up to the umpire to decide how many turns each settlement takes to starve
into surrender. If the city is COMPLETELY surrounded the starving mechanic begins and for
every 4 turns the city is under siege the defending troops take 20% casualties. For the attacker
every 8 turns the besieging troops take 20% losses.


If you sack a settlement then your army gets 40% replenishment instantly as well a positive
additive to any recon roles in the immediate area. However if a settlement is sacked then no
replenishment will occur for a certain amount of turns and cannot be used as a supply hub. Great
for a scorched earth policy but possibly detrimental to your own army should you choose to
march through the area.

STEALTH/ RECON RULES FOR THE CAMPAIGN ( Only done once per turn)
A 20 sided die will be used for stealth and recon rolls when moving units or doing

1-2 units - must roll 18-20 to discover

3-5 units - must roll 15-20 to discover
6-8 units - must roll 11-20 to discover
9-11 units - must roll 6-20 to discover
12+ units - must roll 2- 20 to discover

RECON (player must look away as he rolls, only the umpire knows the true roll)

20 - Enemy movement and dispositions in the area are fully revealed

16-19 - A good estimate on enemy movement and dispositions are revealed
12-15 - A very rough estimate on enemy movement and disposition are revealed
7-11- Bad estimate on enemy movement and disposition are revealed (Very little is reported)
2-7- False intel created by the enemy COULD creep into intel reports. (nothing is learned)
1- Any rumor is gospel, all false enemy intel plants are believed as 100% verifiable truth
(Nothing is spotted on learned)

Sloop- 20 inches
Frigate- 15 inches
Man O War- 10 inches

Wind has effects on movement +5 inches movement when sailing with the wind (1D8)
Roll for wind every 6 turns.
2 NE
3 NW
7 SE
8 SW

Ranged Combat
Sloop- 12 inches 6-8 hits may roll 1 times
Frigate- 25 inches 5-8 hits may roll 2 times
Man O War- 40 inches 4-8 hits may roll 3 times

Rolling a 7 is a critical hit and starts a fire 2 hit markers, ships on fire must roll a 7-8 to put out
the fire, if they dont succeed in their roles within 3 turns the ship is blown to bits.
Rolling a 8 is a catastrophic hit and the ammo magazine is blown destroying the ship

Sloops takes 3 hits to destroy

Frigate takes 5 hits to destroy
Man O war takes 8 hits to destroy

Rolling a 6-8 in chain shot will take down 1 mast, every mast taken down reduces that ship's
movement by 4 inches.

Boarding works the same as ranged I.E. a Man O War rolls 3 times when boarding a sloop
that can roll once. Every lost melee combat is one hit marker.

Sloop- 1 Company or 1 Battery
Frigate- 2 Companies, 2 Batteries, or 1 Cavalry Troop
Man O War- 4 Companies, 3 Batteries, or 2 Cavalry Troops

Water to Land

Only Sloops can go up rivers, exceptions for major rivers to have Frigates. No Man O War.

Landing on land while in a river takes 4 turns. Landing from the sea takes 1 turn for every 4
inches off the coast your ships are.

Sloops can be 6 inches off coast

Frigates can be 10 inches off coast
Man O War can be 15 inches off coast

Everyone you go too close to the coast you must roll a 5 or more to not run aground

Only infantry may fire while rowing towards shore, but must roll at disadvantage.

Post 1850-1865 changes (American Civil War, Crimean War, Zulu Wars,

Militia (Ranged) is 10 inches. At this distance a 1-4 dice roll has little effect. 5-6 is effective
and the opposing player adds one red marker to the board.
Infantry (Ranged) is 10 inches. At this distance a 1-3 dice roll has little effect. 4-6 is effective
and the opposing player must add one red marker to the board.
Elite Infantry (Ranged) is 10 inches. At this distance a 1-2 dice roll has little effect. 3-5 is
effective and the opposing player must add one red marker to the board. Roll a 6 and the enemy
must add 2 red markers to the board. If the enemy player charges, the other player may make a
dice roll of 5-6 to fire a volley before the enemy reaches their line.
Sharpshooters (Ranged) is 12 inches. At this distance a 1-2 dice roll has no effect. 3-6 is
effective and the opposing player must add one red marker to the board.
Elite Sharpshooters (Ranged) is 14 inches. At this distance a 1 dice roll has little effect. 2-5
is effective and the opposing player must add one red marker to the board. Roll a 6 and the
enemy player must add 2 red markers to the board. If the enemy player charges, the other player
may make a dice roll of 5-6 to fire a volley before the enemy reaches their line.
Light Artillery (1 or 2 cannon on base) (Ranged) is 20 inches. At this distance a 1-4
dice roll has little effect. 5-6 is effective and the opposing player must add one red marker to the
board. At 6 inches they may fire canister shot, at this distance 1 dice roll has no effect. 3-5 the
enemy player adds one red marker; 6 dice roll the player adds 2 red markers.
Medium Artillery (4 cannon) (Ranged) is 40 inches. At this distance a 1-3 dice roll has
little effect. 4-5 is effective and the opposing player must add one red marker to the board, 6 is 2

red markers. At 8 inches they may fire canister shot, at this distance 1 dice roll has no effect. 2-4
the enemy player adds one red marker; 5-6 dice roll the player adds 2 red markers.
Heavy Artillery( 4 BIG Cannon or more per base/ rifled artillery) (Ranged) is 60 inches.
At this distance a 1 dice roll has little effect. 2-3 is effective and the opposing player must add 1
red marker to the board. 4-5 is 2 red markers, 6 is 3 red markers. At 10 inches they may fire
canister shot, at this distance 1 dice roll has no effect. 2-3 the enemy player adds 2 red markers;
4-5 roll 3 red markers. 6 add 4 red markers.
Mortar/Rocket (Ranged) is 30 inches. 1-4 has no effect on the enemy. 5-6 any enemy units
in a 6 inch radius takes 1 hit marker.
Dragoons- (Ranged) is 10 inches. 1-4 no effect, 5-6 add 1 red marker. Dismounted 4-6.
Dismount and remount count as movement. (Elite dragoons same as elite infantry)
GENERAL STAFF- (Ranged) 6 inches. 1-4 no effect. 5-6 add 1 red marker.
Rapid Fire Units- (Ranged) is 10 inches. 1-2 no effect, 3-4 add 1 red marker, 5-6 add 2 red


SKIRMISH LINE - The enemy’s roll to hit you is also reduced by 1 due to your spread out line,
no penalties moving through woodland or vegetation. Melee stats are you must roll 6 in order to
win melee only against cavalry, and 5-6 against infantry. No more than 1 company out of 10 can
be put into this formation; more than 10 is up to the umpire's discretion. Place a yellow bead to
mark. Accuracy is now +1.

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