Cell Cycle
Cell Cycle
Cell Cycle
Figure 12 1 Chromosomes in a dividing cell.
Key Concepts
12. Cell division results hi genetically identical only from a plant.” He summarized this concept with the
daughter cells Latin axiom “Omnis cellula e cellula,” meaning “Every cell from
12.2 The mitotic phase alternates with interphase a cell.” The continuity of life is based on the reproduction o
in the cell cycle cells, or cell division. The series of fluorescence micrographs
12.3 The cell cycle is regulated by a molecular in Figure 12.1 follows an animal cell’s chromosomes, from
control system lower left to lower right, as one cell divides into two.
Cell division plays several important roles in the life of an
organism. When a unicellular organism, such as an amoeba,
Overview divides and forms duplicate offspring, the division of one cell
reproduces an entire organism (Figure 12.2a). Cell division
The Key Roles of Cell Division on a larger scale can produce progeny from some multicellu
lar organisms (such as plants that grow from cuttings). Cell di
he ability of organisms to reproduce their own kind is vision also enables sexually reproducing organisms to develop
the one characteristic that best distinguishes living from a single cell—the fertilized egg, or zygote (Figure 12 2b).
things from nonliving matter. This unique capacity to And after an organism is fully grown, cell division continues
procreate, like all biological functions, has a cellular basis. to function in renewal and repair, replacing cells that die from
Rudolf Virchow, a German physician, put it this way in 1855: normal wear and tear or accidents. For example, dividing cells
“Where a cell exists, there must have been a preexisting cell, in your bone marrow continuously make new blood cells
just as the animal arises only from an animal and the plant (Figure 12.2c).
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(a) Reproduction. An amoeba, a single-celled (b) Growth and development. This m rograph (c) Tissue renewal. These dividing bone
eukaryote, is dividing into two cells. Each shows a sand dollar embryo shortly after the marrow cells (arrow) will give rise to new
new cell will be an individual organism (LM). fertilized egg divided, forming two cells LM). blood cells (LM).
Figure 12.2 The functions of cell division.
The cell division process is an integral part of the cell cycle,
the life of a cell from the time it is first formed from a dividing
parent cell until its own division into two cells. Passing iden
tical genetic material to cellular offspring is a crucial function
of cell division. In this chapter, you will learn how cell divi
sion distributes identical genetic material to daughter cells. *
After studying the cellular mechanics of cell division, you will
learn about the molecular control system that regulates
progress through the cell cycle and what happens when the
control system malfunctions. Because cell cycle regulation, or
a lack thereof, plays a major role in cancer development, this
aspect of cell biology is an active area of research.
/ of sister
Mechanical processes
separate the sister
chromatids into two
chromosomes and
distribute them to
two daughter cells.
Centromeres Sister chromatids
has a narrow “waist” at a specialized region called the humans, meiosis reduces the chromosome number from 46
centromere where the two chromatids are most closely at (two sets of chromosomes) to 23 (one set). Fertilization fuses
tached (Figure 12.4). Later in the cell division process, the two. two gametes together and returns the chromosome number
sister chromatids of each duplicated chromosome separate to 46, and mitosis conserves that number in every somatic
and move into two new nuclei, one at each end of the cell. cell nucleus of the new individual. In Chapter 13, we will
Once the sister chromatids separate, they are considered indi examine the role of meiosis in reproduction and inheritance
vidual chromosomes. Thus, each new nucleus receives a in more detail. In the remainder of this chapter, we focus on
group of chromosomes identical to the original group in the mitosis and the rest of the cell cycle.
parent cell. Mitosis, the division of the nucleus, is usually fol
lowed immediately by cytokinesis, the division of the cyto
plasm. Where there was one cell, there are now two, each the
genetic equivalent of the parent cell. Concept Check
What happens to chromosome number as we follow the
human life cycle through the generations? You inherited 4 6 1. Starting with a fertilized egg (zygote), a series of five
chromosomes, one set of 23 from each parent. They were cell divisions would produce an early embryo with
combined in the nucleus of a single cell when a sperm cell how many cells?
from your father united with an egg cell from your mother, 2. How many chromatids are in a duplicated
forming a fertilized egg, or zygote. Mitosis and cytokinesis chromosome?
produced the 200 trillion somatic cells that now make up 3. A chicken has 78 chromosomes in its somatic cells;
your body, and the same processes continue to generate new how many chromosomes did the chicken inherit
cells to replace dead and damaged ones. In contrast, you from each parent? How many chromosomes are in
produce gametes—eggs or sperm cells—by a variation of each of the chicken’s gametes? How many chromo
cell division called meiosis, which yields nonidentical somes will be in each somatic cell of the chicken’s
daughter cells that have only one set of chromosomes, thus offspring? How many chromosomes are in a “set”?
half as many chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis occurs For suggested answers, see Appendix A.
only in your gonads (ovaries or testes). In each generation of
-~ -~
(c 14)
with the plasma membrane. The spindle is now complete.
Let’s now see how the structure of the completed spindle
Kineto- correlates with its function during anaphase. Anaphase corn
~/ chores
mences suddenly when proteins holding together the sister
• ~ ,~.
.,~• c~.
CONCLUSION This experiment demonstrated that during F—.
movement Kinetochore
~0o °0Tubulin
Microtubule Motor o subunits
Daughter cells
Chromosome (b) Cell plate formation in a plant cell (TEM)
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~ 4Z~’
r A . . ‘3
‘j~~F ~.4Ic~ , t~)l -.
~ ~ - ,~
• Prophase. The
chromatin is condensing.
O Prometaphase. We
now see discrete
O Metaphase. The spindle
is complete, and the
o Anaphase. The
chromatids of each
0 Telophase. Daughter
nuclei are forming.
The nucleolus is chromosomes; each chromosomes, attached chromosome have Meanwhile, cytokinesis
beginning to disappear. consists of two identical to microtubules at their separated, and the has started: The cell
Although not yet visible sister chromatids. Later kinetochores, are all at daughter chromosomes plate, which will divide
in the micrograph, the in prometaphase, the the metaphase plate. are moving to the ends the cytoplasm in two, is
mitotic spindle is starting nuclear envelope will of the cell as their growing toward the
to form. fragment. kinetochore micro- perimeter of the parent
tubules shorten. cell.
Figure 12.10 Mitosis in a plant cell. These light micrographs show mitosis in cells
of an onion root.
the furrow is a contractile ring of actin microfliaments associ consists of a circular DNA molecule and associated proteins. Al
ated with molecules of the protein myosin. (Actin and myosin though bacteria are smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells,
are the same proteins that are responsible for muscle contrac the problem of replicating their genomes in an orderly fashion
tion as well as many other kinds of cell movement.) The actin and distributing the copies equally to two daughter cells is still
microfilaments interact with the myosin molecules, causing the formidable. The chromosome of the bacterium Escherichia coil,
ring to contract. The contraction of the dividing cell’s ring of mi for example, when it is fully stretched out, is about 500 times
cro filaments is like the pulling of drawstrings. The cleavage fur longer than the length of the cell. Clearly, such a long chromo
row deepens until the parent cell is pinched in two, producing some must be highly coiled and folded within the cell—and it is.
two completely separated cells, each with its own nucleus and In E. coil, the process of cell division begins when the DNA
share of cytosol and organelles. of the bacterial chromosome begins to replicate at a specific
Cytokinesis in plant cells, which have cell walls, is markedly place on the chromosome called the origin of replication,
different. There is no cleavage furrow. Instead, during producing two origins. As the chromosome continues to repli
telophase, vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus move cate, one origin moves rapidly toward the opposite end of the cell
along microtubules to the middle of the cell, where they coa Figure 12 11). While the chromosome is replicating, the cell
lesce, producing a cell plate (Figure 12.9b). Cell wall materi elongates. When replication is complete and the bacterium has
als carried in the vesicles collect in the cell plate as it grows. reached about twice its initial size, its plasma membrane grows
The cell plate enlarges until its surrounding membrane fuses inward, dividing the parent E. coil cell into two daughter cells.
with the plasma membrane along the perimeter of the cell. Each cell inherits a complete genome.
Two daughter cells result, each with its own plasma mem Using the techniques of modern DNA technology to tag the
brane. Meanwhile, a new cell wall arising from the contents of origins of replication with molecules that glow green in fluo
the cell plate has formed between the daughter cells. rescence microscopy (see Figure 6.3), researchers have directly
Figure 12.10 is a series of micrographs of a dividing plant observed the movement of bacterial chromosomes. This move
cell. Examining this figure will help you review mitosis and ment is reminiscent of the poleward movements of the cen
cytokinesis. tromere regions of eukaryotic chromosomes during anaphase
of mitosis, but bacteria don’t have visible mitotic spindles or
Binary Fission even microtubules. In most bacterial species studied, the two
origins of replication end up at opposite ends of the cell or in
Prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) reproduce by a type of cell di some other very specific location, possibly anchored there by
vision called binary fission, meaning “division in half.” In bacte one or more proteins. How bacterial chromosomes move and
ria, most genes are carried on a single bacterial chromosome that how their specific location is established and maintained are
O One
Replication continues.
copy of the origin
1~ Origin
— —_ Microtubules
O The
Replication finishes.
plasma membrane
4. (b) Dinoflagellates. In unicellular protists called dinoflagellates, the
nuclear envelope remains intact during cell division, and the
chromosomes attach to the nuclear envelope. Microtubules pass
through the nucleus inside cytoplasmic tunnels, reinforcing the
spatial orientation of the nucleus, which then divides in a fission
~ew cell wall is process reminiscent of bacterial division.
/ \ Kinetochore
o Two daughter
cells result. _I,~
Figure 12.11 Bacterial cell division (binary fission). The Intact nuclear
example shown here is the bacterium E. coh. The single, circular envelope
chromosome replicates, and the two copies move apart by an
unknown mechanism, so that the two origins of replication (green)
end up at opposite ends of the cell. Meanwhile, the cell elongates. (c) Diatoms. In another group of unicellular protists, the diatoms,
When chromosomal replication is complete, the plasma membrane the nuclear envelope also remains intact during cell division. But
grows inward, dividing the cell in two as a new cell wall is deposited in these organisms, the microtubules form a spindle within the
between the daughter cells. nucleus. Microtubules separate the chromosomes, and the
nucleus splits into two daughter nuclei.
For suggested answers, see Appendix A. Inquiry Are there molecular signals in the
cytoplasm that regulate the cell cycle?
EXPERIMENT In each experiment, cultured mammalian cells
at two different phases of the cell cycle were induced to fuse.
~~-Glandular vessel
tissue N
Cancer cell tumor
A tumor grows from a single 0 Cancer cells invade neigh 0 Cancer cells spread through 0 A small percentage of cancer
cancer cell. boring tissue. lymph and blood vessels to cells may survive and establish
other parts of the body. a new tumor in another part
of the body.
Figure 12.19 The growth and metastasis of a malignant breast tumor. The cells
of malignant (cancerous) tumors grow in an uncontrolled way and can spread to neighboring
tissues and, via lymph and blood vessels, to other parts of the body. The spread of cancer cells
beyond their original site is called metastasis.
cells’ surfaces, they lose or destroy their attachments to neigh involves the alteration of genes that somehow influence the
boring cells and the extracellular matrix and can spread into cell cycle control system. Our knowledge of how changes in
nearby tissues. Cancer cells may also secrete signal molecules the genome lead to the various abnormalities of cancer cells
that cause blood vessels to grow toward the tumor. A few tu remains rudimentary, however.
mor cells may separate from the original tumor, enter blood Perhaps the reason we have so many unanswered questions
vessels and lymph vessels, and travel to other parts of the about cancer cells is that there is still so much to learn about
body. There, they may proliferate and form a new tumor. This how normal cells function. The cell, life’s basic unit of struc
spread of cancer cells to locations distant from their original ture and function, holds enough secrets to engage researchers
site is called metastasis (see Figure 12.19). well into the future.
A tumor that appears to be localized may be treated with
high-energy radiation, which damages DNA in cancer cells
much more than it does in normal cells, apparently because Concept Check
cancer cells have lost the ability to repair such damage. To
1. A researcher treats cells with a chemical that pre
treat known or suspected metastatic tumors, chemotherapy is
vents DNA synthesis. This treatment traps the cells
used, in which drugs that are toxic to actively dividing cells
in which part of the cell cycle?
are administered through the circulatory system. As you
2. In Figure 12.13, why do the nuclei resulting from
might expect, chemotherapeutic drugs interfere with specific
experiment 2 contain different amounts of DNA?
steps in the cell cycle. For example, the drug Taxol freezes the
3. What is the go-ahead signal for a cell to pass the G2
mitotic spindle by preventing microtubule depolymerization,
phase checkpoint and enter mitosis? (See Figure
which stops actively dividing cells from proceeding past
metaphase. The side effects of chemotherapy are due to the
4. What would happen if you performed the experi
drugs’ effects on normal cells. For example, nausea results
ment in Figure 12.17 with cancer cells?
from chemotherapy’s effects on intestinal cells, hair loss from
5. What phase of the cell cycle are most of your body
effects on hair follicle cells, and susceptibility to infection
cells in?
from effects on immune system cells.
6. Compare and contrast a benign tumor and a
Researchers are beginning to understand how a normal cell
malignant tumor.
is transformed into a cancer cell. You will learn more about
the molecular biology of cancer in Chapter 19. Though the For suggested answers, see Appendix A.
causes of cancer are diverse, cellular transformation always