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Cell Cycle

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Figure 12 1 Chromosomes in a dividing cell.

Key Concepts
12. Cell division results hi genetically identical only from a plant.” He summarized this concept with the
daughter cells Latin axiom “Omnis cellula e cellula,” meaning “Every cell from
12.2 The mitotic phase alternates with interphase a cell.” The continuity of life is based on the reproduction o
in the cell cycle cells, or cell division. The series of fluorescence micrographs
12.3 The cell cycle is regulated by a molecular in Figure 12.1 follows an animal cell’s chromosomes, from
control system lower left to lower right, as one cell divides into two.
Cell division plays several important roles in the life of an
organism. When a unicellular organism, such as an amoeba,
Overview divides and forms duplicate offspring, the division of one cell
reproduces an entire organism (Figure 12.2a). Cell division
The Key Roles of Cell Division on a larger scale can produce progeny from some multicellu
lar organisms (such as plants that grow from cuttings). Cell di
he ability of organisms to reproduce their own kind is vision also enables sexually reproducing organisms to develop
the one characteristic that best distinguishes living from a single cell—the fertilized egg, or zygote (Figure 12 2b).
things from nonliving matter. This unique capacity to And after an organism is fully grown, cell division continues
procreate, like all biological functions, has a cellular basis. to function in renewal and repair, replacing cells that die from
Rudolf Virchow, a German physician, put it this way in 1855: normal wear and tear or accidents. For example, dividing cells
“Where a cell exists, there must have been a preexisting cell, in your bone marrow continuously make new blood cells
just as the animal arises only from an animal and the plant (Figure 12.2c).

lOQum 200um 20um


~•‘A~ ~

(a) Reproduction. An amoeba, a single-celled (b) Growth and development. This m rograph (c) Tissue renewal. These dividing bone
eukaryote, is dividing into two cells. Each shows a sand dollar embryo shortly after the marrow cells (arrow) will give rise to new
new cell will be an individual organism (LM). fertilized egg divided, forming two cells LM). blood cells (LM).
Figure 12.2 The functions of cell division.

The cell division process is an integral part of the cell cycle,
the life of a cell from the time it is first formed from a dividing
parent cell until its own division into two cells. Passing iden
tical genetic material to cellular offspring is a crucial function
of cell division. In this chapter, you will learn how cell divi
sion distributes identical genetic material to daughter cells. *
After studying the cellular mechanics of cell division, you will
learn about the molecular control system that regulates
progress through the cell cycle and what happens when the
control system malfunctions. Because cell cycle regulation, or
a lack thereof, plays a major role in cancer development, this
aspect of cell biology is an active area of research.


Cell division results in genetically

dentical daughter cells
The reproduction of an ensemble as complex as a cell cannot
occur by a mere pinching in half; a cell is not like a soap bubble
that simply enlarges and splits in two. Cell division involves the
distribution of identical genetic material—DNA—to two I 5Opm I
daughter cells. What is most remarkable about cell division is
the fidelity with which the DNA is passed along from one gen Figure 12.3 Eukaryotic chromosomes. Chromosomes (stained
eration of cells to the next. A dividing cell duplicates its DNA, orange) are visible within the nucleus of the kangaroo rat epithelial cell in
the center of this micrograph. The cell is preparing to divide (LM).
allocates the two copies to opposite ends of the cell, and only
then splits into daughter cells.

Reproductive cells, or gametes—sperm cells and egg cells—

Cellular Organization of the Genetic Material have half as many chromosomes as somatic cells, or one set of
A cell’s endowment of DNA, its genetic information, is called 23 chromosomes in humans.
its genome. Although a prokaryotic genome is often a single Eukaryotic chromosomes are made of chromatin, a com
long DNA molecule, eukaryotic genomes usually consist of a plex of DNA and associated protein molecules. Each single
number of DNA molecules. The overall length of DNA in a eu chromosome contains one very long, linear DNA molecule that
karyotic cell is enormous. A typical human cell, for example, carries several hundred to a few thousand genes, the units
has about 2 m of DNA—a length about 250,000 times greater that specify an organism’s inherited traits. The associated pro
than the cell’s diameter. Yet before the cell can divide, all of teins maintain the structure of the chromosome and help con
this DNA must be copied and then the two copies separated trol the activity of the genes.
so that each daughter cell ends up with a complete genome.
The replication and distribution of so much DNA is man Distribution of Chromosomes During
ageable because the DNA molecules are packaged into Cell Division
chromosomes, so named because they take up certain dyes When a cell is not dividing, and even as it duplicates its DNA
used in microscopy (from the Greek chroma, color, and soma, in preparation for cell division, each chromosome is in the
body) (Figure 12 3). Every eukaryotic species has a charac form of a long, thin chromatin fiber. After DNA duplication,
teristic number of chromosomes in each cell nucleus. For ex however, the chromosomes condense: Each chromatin fiber
ample, the nuclei of human somatic cells (all body cells except becomes densely coiled and folded, making the chromosomes
the reproductive cells) each contain 46 chromosomes made much shorter and so thick that we can see them with a light
up of two sets of 23, one set inherited from each parent. microscope.
Each duplicated chromosome has two sister chromatids.
The two chromatids, each containing an identical DNA mol
* Although the terms daughter cells and sister ch,omatids (a term you will
encounter later in the chapter) are traditional and will be used throughout
ecule, are initially attached by adhesive proteins all along their
this book, the structures they reler to have no gender. lengths. In its condensed form, the duplicated chromosome

CHAPTER 12 The Cell Cycle 219

Figure 12.4 Chromosome
duplication and distribution during A eukaryot c cell has
multiple chromo 0.5~im
cell division. A eukaryotic cell preparing to
divide duplicates each of its chromosomes. The somes, one of which is
micrograph shows a duplicated human represented here.
Before duplication,
chromosome (SEM). The copies of each
each chromosome has a
chromosome are then distributed to two single DNA molecule.
daughter cells during cell division. Chromosome
(Chromosomes normally exist in the highly duplication
condensed state shown here only during the (including DNA
process of cell division; the chromosomes in synthesis)
the top and bottom cells are shown in
condensed form for illustration purposes only.) Once duplicated, a
chromosome consists of Centromere
two sister chromatids
connected at the
centromere Each
chromatid contains a
copy of the DNA
mole ule
/ \ Sister
/ \

/ of sister
Mechanical processes
separate the sister
chromatids into two
chromosomes and
distribute them to
two daughter cells.
Centromeres Sister chromatids

has a narrow “waist” at a specialized region called the humans, meiosis reduces the chromosome number from 46
centromere where the two chromatids are most closely at (two sets of chromosomes) to 23 (one set). Fertilization fuses
tached (Figure 12.4). Later in the cell division process, the two. two gametes together and returns the chromosome number
sister chromatids of each duplicated chromosome separate to 46, and mitosis conserves that number in every somatic
and move into two new nuclei, one at each end of the cell. cell nucleus of the new individual. In Chapter 13, we will
Once the sister chromatids separate, they are considered indi examine the role of meiosis in reproduction and inheritance
vidual chromosomes. Thus, each new nucleus receives a in more detail. In the remainder of this chapter, we focus on
group of chromosomes identical to the original group in the mitosis and the rest of the cell cycle.
parent cell. Mitosis, the division of the nucleus, is usually fol
lowed immediately by cytokinesis, the division of the cyto
plasm. Where there was one cell, there are now two, each the
genetic equivalent of the parent cell. Concept Check
What happens to chromosome number as we follow the
human life cycle through the generations? You inherited 4 6 1. Starting with a fertilized egg (zygote), a series of five
chromosomes, one set of 23 from each parent. They were cell divisions would produce an early embryo with
combined in the nucleus of a single cell when a sperm cell how many cells?
from your father united with an egg cell from your mother, 2. How many chromatids are in a duplicated
forming a fertilized egg, or zygote. Mitosis and cytokinesis chromosome?
produced the 200 trillion somatic cells that now make up 3. A chicken has 78 chromosomes in its somatic cells;
your body, and the same processes continue to generate new how many chromosomes did the chicken inherit
cells to replace dead and damaged ones. In contrast, you from each parent? How many chromosomes are in
produce gametes—eggs or sperm cells—by a variation of each of the chicken’s gametes? How many chromo
cell division called meiosis, which yields nonidentical somes will be in each somatic cell of the chicken’s
daughter cells that have only one set of chromosomes, thus offspring? How many chromosomes are in a “set”?
half as many chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis occurs For suggested answers, see Appendix A.
only in your gonads (ovaries or testes). In each generation of

220 UNIT TWO The Cell

A typical human cell might undergo one division in 24
Concept hours. Of this time, the M phase would occupy less than 1 hour,
while the S phase might occupy about 10—12 hours, or about
The mitotic phase alternates half the cycle. The rest of the time would be apportioned be
with mterphase in the cell cycle tween the G1 and G2 phases. The G2 phase usually takes 4—6
hours; in our example, G1 would occupy about 5—6 hours. G1
In 1882, a German anatomist named Waither Flemming de is the most variable in length in different types of cells.
veloped dyes that allowed him to observe, for the first time, Time-lapse films of living, dividing cells reveal the dynamics
the behavior of chromosomes during mitosis and cytokinesis. of mitosis as a continuum of changes. For purposes of descrip
(In fact, Flemming coined the terms mitosis and chromatin.) tion, however, mitosis is conventionally broken down into five
During the period between one cell division and the next, it stages: prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and
appeared to Flemming that the cell was simply growing larger. telophase. Overlapping with the latter stages of mitosis, cy
But we now know that many critical events occur during this tokinesis completes the mitotic phase. Figure 12.6, on the next
stage in the life of a cell. two pages, describes these stages in an animal cell. Be sure to
study this figure thoroughly before progressing to the next two
Phases of the Cell Cycle sections, which examine mitosis and cytokinesis more closely.
Mitosis is just one part of the cell cycle (Figure 12.5). In fact, the
mitotic (M) phase, which includes both mitosis and cytokine The Mitotic Spindle: A Closer Look
sis, is usually the shortest part of the cell cycle. Mitotic cell divi
Many of the events of mitosis depend on the mitotic spindle,
sion alternates with a much longer stage called interphase,
which begins to form in the cytoplasm during prophase. This
which often accounts for about 90% of the cycle. It is during in
structure consists of fibers made of microtubules and associ
terphase that the cell grows and copies its chromosomes in
ated proteins. While the mitotic spindle assembles, the other
preparation for cell division. Interphase can be divided into
microtubules of the cytoskeleton partially disassemble, prob
subphases: the G1 phase (“first gap”), the S phase (“synthe
ably providing the material used to construct the spindle. The
sis”), and the G2 phase (“second gap”). During all three sub-
spindle microtubules elongate by incorporating more sub
phases, the cell grows by producing proteins and cytoplasmic
units of the protein tubulin see Table 6.1).
organelles such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum.
The assembly of spindle microtubules starts at the centro
However, chromosomes are duplicated only during the S phase
some, a nonmembranous organelle that functions throughout
(we discuss synthesis of DNA in Chapter 16). Thus, a cell grows
the cell cycle to organize the cell’s microtubules (it is also
(G1), continues to grow as it copies its chromosomes (S), grows
called the microtubule-organizing center). In animal cells, a pair
more as it completes preparations for cell division (G2), and di
of centrioles is located at the center of the centrosome, but the
vides (M). The daughter cells may then repeat the cycle.
centrioles are not essential for cell division. In fact, the cen
trosomes of most plants lack centrioles, and if the centrioles of
an animal cell are destroyed with a laser microbeam, a spindle
nevertheless forms during mitosis.
During interphase, the single centrosome replicates, form
S ing two centrosomes, which remain together near the nucleus
(DNA synthesis)
(see Figure 12.6). The two centrosomes move apart from each
other during prophase and prometaphase of mitosis, as spin
dle microtubules grow out from them. By the end of prometa
phase, the two centrosomes, one at each pole of the spindle,
are at opposite ends of the cell. An aster, a radial array of
short microtubules, extends from each centrosome. The spin
dle includes the centrosomes, the spindle microtubules, and
the asters.
Each of the two sister chromatids of a chromosome has a
Figure 12.5 The cell cycle. In a dividing cell, the mitotic (M)
kinetochore, a structure of proteins associated with specific
phase alternates with interphase, a growth period. The first part of sections of chromosomal DNA at the centromere. The chro
interphase, called G1, is followed by the S phase, when the mosome’s two kinetochores face in opposite directions. During
chromosomes replicate; the last part of interphase is called G2. In the
prometaphase, some of the spindle microtubules attach to the
M phase, mitosis divides the nucleus and distributes its chromosomes
to the daughter nuclei, and cytokinesis divides the cytoplasm, kinetochores; these are called kinetochore microtubules. (The
producing two daughter cells. number of microtubules attached to a kinetochore varies

CHAPTER 12 The Cell Cycle 221

Figure 12.6
Exploring The Mitotic Division of an Animal Cell


Centrosomes Chromatin Early mitotic Aster Fragments Kinetochore
(with centriole pairs) (duplicated) spindle of nuclear
\%~. Centromere envelope Nonkinetochore
\‘ ~
2ç~~4 -
+ •1

Nucleolus Nuclear Plasma C hro.mosome, consisting

envelope membrane of two sister chromatids microtubule

G of Interphase Prophase Prometaphase

~ A nuclear envelqpe bounds, the nucleus. The chrornatin fibers become more ~ The nuclear envelope fragments.
~ The nucleus contains one or. mOre tightly coiled, condensing into discrete ~ The mic-rotubules of the spindle can
nuè1~olj (sin~ular,nuc1e~lzts). chromosomes observable with a light howinvade the nbaear.~rea and inter-
~ T’,~o centro~omes have forr~iedb~ microsc~ope. act with the chromosonies, which have
repilcatiori of a s~hgl~nk~dme. ~ The nucl~bli disappear. - became even morç~ condensed.
~ In animal ce11~, ea~h~cehtrosome
~Each duplicàt~ed chromosome appear~ ~ Mic-rotubules extend from each centrO
features tw6 centhdles. ‘â~two identical sister chromatids ,‘sorpe toward the middle ‘of the cell.
~.)Chromosomes, dui5licated during. joined together. . ~ ~ach of~the two chiromatids bf a
S pha~e, cannotibe seen.ihdf~’idually The mit~uic spindle begihs~to form.Jt is chromoson~iénbw has a,kinetochore;,a
‘because they have not yëi’condensed. composed of the centrosomes and tIle specialized’protein ~tructure loêated.at
~ ~. microtubules that extend~ from them. the centroniere.
The radial arrays of shorter microtul3bles Some of the mic-rotubule’s’attacli to the
that extend from the centrosomes are kinetochores, becoming ~‘kin~todhoni
The light micrographs show dividing
called asters (“stars”). microtubules’~ç; these jerk ~he chromo
lung cells from a newt, which has 22
chromosomes in its somatic cells The centrosc5mes move away from each sbmes back!affd ‘fOrth.
(chromosomes appear blue, microtubules other, apparently propelled by the Nonkinëtochoi-e mièrotubules interact
green, intermediate filaments red). For lengthening microtubules between them. with those from the opposite pole o~
simplicity, the drawings show only four the spindle. - -


222 UNIT TWO The Cell



Metaphase Cleavage Nucleolus

plate furrow forming


-~ -~

(c 14)

~‘/ \\\ 4 Nuclear



Centrosome at Daughter envelope

Spindle one spindle pole chromos6rnes forming

Metaphase Anapliase Telophase

~ Metaphase is the longest stage of mito ~Ar~aphase is the shortest stage of mito ~ Two daughter nuclei begin to form in
sis, lasting about 20 minutes. sis; lasting only a few mi~iutes~.~ the cell.
~ The centrosomes are now at opposite .~ Anaj~hise begins when the two sister ~ Nuclear envelopes arise from the frag
ends of the cell. chrom~iids of each pair suddenly part. ments of the parent cell’s nuclear enve
~ The chromosomes convene on the Each ‘chromatid thus becori~es a full- lope and other portions of the
metaphase plate, an imaginary plane fledged èhromosome. . -. endomembrane system.
that is equidistant between the spindle’s The two liberated chrornosomes.begin ~ The chromosomes become less
two poles. The chromosomes’ centro movin~towä?d opposite ends of the condensed.
meres lie on the metaphase plate. cell, as their-k~etochore inicrotubules ~ Mitosis, the division of one nucleus into
For each chromosome, the shorten. Because these microtubules.äre two genetically identical nuclei, is now
kinetochores of the sister chromatids attached at the centromere region, the complete.
are attached to kinetochore chromosomes move centrornere first .(at
microtubules coming from opposite about 1 pm/mm).
poles. ~ The cell elongates as the nonkinetochore The division of the cytoplasm is usually
The entire apparatus of microtubules is microtubules lengthen. well underway by late telophase, so the
called the spindle because of its shape. ~ By the end of anaphase, tHe two ends two daughter cells appear shortly after
of the cell have equivalent—and com the end of mitosis.
plete—collections of chromosomes. In animal cells, cytokinesis involves the
formation of a cleavage furrow, which
pinches the cell in two.

CHAPTER 12 The Cell Cycle 223

among species, from one microtubule in yeast cells to 40 or so What happens next is like a tug-of-war that ends in a draw
in some mammalian cells.) When one of a chromosome’s kine The chromosome moves first in one direction, then the other
tochores is “captured” by microtubules, the chromosome be back and forth, Finally settling midway between the two ends
gins to move toward the pole from which those microtubules of the cell. At metaphase, the centromeres of all the duplicated
extend. However, this movement is checked as soon as micro- chromosomes are on a plane midway between the spindle’s
tubules from the opposite pole attach to the other kinetochore. two poles. This imaginary plane is called the metaphase plate
of the cell (Figure 12.7). Meanwhile, microtubules that do not
Aster attach to kinetochores have been growing, and by metaphase
Centrosome they overlap and interact with other nonkinetochore micro-
Sister tubules from the opposite pole of the spindle. (These are
chromatids Metaphase sometimes called “polar” microtubules.) By metaphase, the
plate microtubules of the asters have also grown and are in contact

with the plasma membrane. The spindle is now complete.
Let’s now see how the structure of the completed spindle
Kineto- correlates with its function during anaphase. Anaphase corn
~/ chores
mences suddenly when proteins holding together the sister

chromatids become separate, full-fledged chromosomes, they

move toward opposite ends of the cell. How do the kineto
chore microtubules function in this poleward movement of
chromatids of each
chromosomes? chromosome
One possibility are inactivated.
is that Once the
the chromosomes are
“reeled in” by microtubules that are shortening at the spindle
poles. However, experimental evidence supports the hypoth
esis that the primary mechanism of movement involves motor
proteins on the kinetochores that “walk” a chromosome along
nonkinetochore the attached microtubules toward the nearest pole. Mean
microtubules Kinetochore while, the microtubules shorten by depolymerizing at their
kinetochore ends (Figure 12 8). (To review how motor pro
0 5 m’ teins move an object along a microtubule, see Figure 6.21.)
Microtubules Chromosomes What is the function of the nonkinetochore microtubules?
In a dividing animal cell, these microtubules are responsible
for elongating the whole cell during anaphase. Nonkineto
chore microtubules from opposite poles overlap each other
extensively during metaphase (see Figure 12.7). During ana
phase, the region of overlap is reduced as motor proteins
attached to the microtubules walk them away from one another,
using energy from ATP As the microtubules push apart from
each other, their spindle poles are pushed apart, elongating the
I cell. At the same time, the microtubules lengthen somewhat by
the addition of tubulin subunits to their overlapping ends. As
a result, the microtubules continue to overlap.
At the end of anaphase, duplicate groups of chromosomes
have arrived at opposite ends of the elongated parent cell. Nu
clei re-form during telophase. Cytokinesis generally begins
during these later stages of mitosis, and the spindle eventually
.~‘ *. -

entrosome 1 urn’ Cytokinesis: A Closer Look

Figure 12.7 The niitotic spindle at metaphase. The In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs by a process known as
kinetochores of a chromosome’s two sister chromatids face in opposite
directions. Here, each kinetochore is actually attached to a cluster of cleavage. The first sign of cleavage is the appearance of a
kinetochore microtubules extending from the nearest centrosome. cleavage furrow, a shallow groove in the cell surface near the
Nonkinetochore microtubules overlap at the metaphase plate (TEM5). old metaphase plate (Figure 12.9a). On the cytoplasmic side of

224 UNIT TWO The Cell

Figure 12 8
Inquiry During anaphase, do kinetochore
microtubules shorten at their spindle pole
ends or their kinetochore ends?

0 The microtubules of a cell in early anaphase were labeled with a

fluorescent dye that glows in the microscope (yellow).
Kinetochore - /
Cleavage furrow

0 A laser was used to mark the kinetochore microtubules by

eliminating the fluorescence in a region between one spindle
pole and the chromosomes. As anaphase proceeded,
researchers monitored the changes in the lengths of the
microtubules on either side of the mark.


-EEE~E~ Contractile ring of Daughter cells

(a) Cleavage of an animal cell (SEM)

RESULTS As the chromosomes moved toward the

poles, the microtubule segments on the kinetochore side of the
laser mark shortened, while those on the spindle pole side stayed ~ ,~ ~

the same length. .5. . . .

~ ,~

• ~ ,~.
.,~• c~.
CONCLUSION This experiment demonstrated that during F—.

anaphase, kinetochore microtubules shorten at their kinetochore

Vesicles Wall of 1 ~im
ends, not at their spindle pole ends. This is just one of the
forming parent cell
experiments supporting the hypothesis that during anaphase, a
cell plate Cell plate New cell wall
chromosome tracks along a microtubule as the microtubule
depolymerizes at its kinetochore end, releasing tubulin subunits.

movement Kinetochore

~0o °0Tubulin
Microtubule Motor o subunits
Daughter cells
Chromosome (b) Cell plate formation in a plant cell (TEM)

Figure 12.9 Cytokinesis in animal and plant cells.

CHAPTER 12 The Cell Cycle 225

Nucleus Chromatin
Nucleolus condensing iosorr,es
-. ~ F L’ .,.
‘ ‘~ ,lF~~; .. .~-- “1w - ;.
S. •,~f ~ .. . -. I

.-~ r~, ~~
~ 4Z~’




r A . . ‘3

‘j~~F ~.4Ic~ , t~)l -.

~ ~ - ,~

- ,.~. ;~_~ .~;

~ u
~ ., .~ .•
“,~ . I - ,, ‘1 .*a, .0 .I• * - . - . ~;.
— . ‘%- L’~ .
r b

• Prophase. The
chromatin is condensing.
O Prometaphase. We
now see discrete
O Metaphase. The spindle
is complete, and the
o Anaphase. The
chromatids of each
0 Telophase. Daughter
nuclei are forming.
The nucleolus is chromosomes; each chromosomes, attached chromosome have Meanwhile, cytokinesis
beginning to disappear. consists of two identical to microtubules at their separated, and the has started: The cell
Although not yet visible sister chromatids. Later kinetochores, are all at daughter chromosomes plate, which will divide
in the micrograph, the in prometaphase, the the metaphase plate. are moving to the ends the cytoplasm in two, is
mitotic spindle is starting nuclear envelope will of the cell as their growing toward the
to form. fragment. kinetochore micro- perimeter of the parent
tubules shorten. cell.
Figure 12.10 Mitosis in a plant cell. These light micrographs show mitosis in cells
of an onion root.

the furrow is a contractile ring of actin microfliaments associ consists of a circular DNA molecule and associated proteins. Al
ated with molecules of the protein myosin. (Actin and myosin though bacteria are smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells,
are the same proteins that are responsible for muscle contrac the problem of replicating their genomes in an orderly fashion
tion as well as many other kinds of cell movement.) The actin and distributing the copies equally to two daughter cells is still
microfilaments interact with the myosin molecules, causing the formidable. The chromosome of the bacterium Escherichia coil,
ring to contract. The contraction of the dividing cell’s ring of mi for example, when it is fully stretched out, is about 500 times
cro filaments is like the pulling of drawstrings. The cleavage fur longer than the length of the cell. Clearly, such a long chromo
row deepens until the parent cell is pinched in two, producing some must be highly coiled and folded within the cell—and it is.
two completely separated cells, each with its own nucleus and In E. coil, the process of cell division begins when the DNA
share of cytosol and organelles. of the bacterial chromosome begins to replicate at a specific
Cytokinesis in plant cells, which have cell walls, is markedly place on the chromosome called the origin of replication,
different. There is no cleavage furrow. Instead, during producing two origins. As the chromosome continues to repli
telophase, vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus move cate, one origin moves rapidly toward the opposite end of the cell
along microtubules to the middle of the cell, where they coa Figure 12 11). While the chromosome is replicating, the cell
lesce, producing a cell plate (Figure 12.9b). Cell wall materi elongates. When replication is complete and the bacterium has
als carried in the vesicles collect in the cell plate as it grows. reached about twice its initial size, its plasma membrane grows
The cell plate enlarges until its surrounding membrane fuses inward, dividing the parent E. coil cell into two daughter cells.
with the plasma membrane along the perimeter of the cell. Each cell inherits a complete genome.
Two daughter cells result, each with its own plasma mem Using the techniques of modern DNA technology to tag the
brane. Meanwhile, a new cell wall arising from the contents of origins of replication with molecules that glow green in fluo
the cell plate has formed between the daughter cells. rescence microscopy (see Figure 6.3), researchers have directly
Figure 12.10 is a series of micrographs of a dividing plant observed the movement of bacterial chromosomes. This move
cell. Examining this figure will help you review mitosis and ment is reminiscent of the poleward movements of the cen
cytokinesis. tromere regions of eukaryotic chromosomes during anaphase
of mitosis, but bacteria don’t have visible mitotic spindles or
Binary Fission even microtubules. In most bacterial species studied, the two
origins of replication end up at opposite ends of the cell or in
Prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) reproduce by a type of cell di some other very specific location, possibly anchored there by
vision called binary fission, meaning “division in half.” In bacte one or more proteins. How bacterial chromosomes move and
ria, most genes are carried on a single bacterial chromosome that how their specific location is established and maintained are

226 UNIT TWO The Cell

Cell wall
Origin of Bacterial
replication . chromosome
E. co/i cell Bacterial
chromosome (a) Prokaryotes. During binary fission, the origins of the daughter
chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell. The mechanism
• Chromosome Two copies is not fully understood, but proteins may anchor the daughter
replication begins. of origin
Soon thereafter, chromosomes to specific sites on the plasma membrane.
one copy of the origin
moves rapidly toward
the other end of the cell. Chromosomes

O One
Replication continues.
copy of the origin
1~ Origin
— —_ Microtubules

is now at each end of -~i’~ -~--‘i~-- ~-_p-.

the cell.
Intact nuclear

O The
Replication finishes.
plasma membrane
4. (b) Dinoflagellates. In unicellular protists called dinoflagellates, the
nuclear envelope remains intact during cell division, and the
chromosomes attach to the nuclear envelope. Microtubules pass
through the nucleus inside cytoplasmic tunnels, reinforcing the
spatial orientation of the nucleus, which then divides in a fission
~ew cell wall is process reminiscent of bacterial division.

/ \ Kinetochore
o Two daughter
cells result. _I,~
Figure 12.11 Bacterial cell division (binary fission). The Intact nuclear
example shown here is the bacterium E. coh. The single, circular envelope
chromosome replicates, and the two copies move apart by an
unknown mechanism, so that the two origins of replication (green)
end up at opposite ends of the cell. Meanwhile, the cell elongates. (c) Diatoms. In another group of unicellular protists, the diatoms,
When chromosomal replication is complete, the plasma membrane the nuclear envelope also remains intact during cell division. But
grows inward, dividing the cell in two as a new cell wall is deposited in these organisms, the microtubules form a spindle within the
between the daughter cells. nucleus. Microtubules separate the chromosomes, and the
nucleus splits into two daughter nuclei.

becoming clearer but are still not fully understood. Several

proteins have been identified that play important roles. Kinetochore

The Evolution of Mitosis

How did mitosis evolve? Given that prokaryotes preceded eu
karyotes on Earth by more than a billion years, we might hy ~E~)
pothesize that mitosis had its origins in simpler prokaryotic Fragments of
mechanisms of cell reproduction. In fact, some of the proteins nuclear envelope
involved in bacterial binary fission are related to eukaryotic (d) Most eukaryotes. In most other eukaryotes, including plants and
proteins, strengthening the case for the evolution of mitosis animals, the spindle forms outside the nucleus, and the nuclear
from bacterial cell division. Intriguingly, recent work has envelope breaks down during mitosis. Microtubules separate the
chromosomes, and the nuclear envelope then re-forms.
shown that two of the proteins involved in binary fission are
related to eukaryotic tubulin and actin proteins. Figure 12.12 A hypothetical sequence for the evolution
As eukaryotes evolved, along with their larger genomes and of mitosis. In modern organisms, researchers have observed
mechanisms of cell division that appear to be intermediate between the
nuclear envelopes, the ancestral process of binary fission binary fission of bacteria (a) and mitosis as it occurs in most eukaryotes
somehow gave rise to mitosis. Figure 12.12 traces a (d). Except for (a), these schematic diagrams do not show cell walls.

CHAPTER 12 The Cell Cycle 227

hypothesis for the stepwise evolution of mitosis. Possible in in the S phase might cause cell growth during the G2 phase,
termediate stages are represented by two unusual types of nu which might in turn directly trigger the onset of mitosis.
clear division found in certain modern unicellular protists. However, this apparently logical hypothesis is not in fact
These two examples of nuclear division are thought to be correct.
cases where ancestral mechanisms have remained relatively In the early 1970s, a variety of experiments suggested an
unchanged over evolutionary time. In both types, the nuclear alternative hypothesis: that the cell cycle is driven by specific
envelope remains intact. In dinoflagellates, replicated chro molecular signals present in the cytoplasm. Some of the first
mosomes are attached to the nuclear envelope and separate strong evidence for this hypothesis came from experiments
as the nucleus elongates prior to cell division. In diatoms, a with mammalian cells grown in culture. In these experi
spindle within the nucleus separates the chromosomes. In ments, two cells in different phases of the cell cycle were
most eukaryotic cells, the nuclear envelope breaks down and fused to form a single cell with two nuclei. If one of the origi
a spindle separates the chromosomes. nal cells was in the S phase and the other was in G1, the G1
nucleus immediately entered the S phase, as though stimu
Concept Check lated by chemicals present in the cytoplasm of the first cell.
Similarly, if a cell undergoing mitosis (M phase) was fused
1. During which stages of a cell cycle would a chromo with another cell in any stage of its cell cycle, even G1, the sec
some consist of two identical chromatids? ond nucleus immediately entered mitosis, with condensa
2. How many chromosomes are shown in the Figure tion of the chromatin and formation of a mitotic spindle
12.7 diagram? How many chromatids are shown? (Figure 12 13).
3 Compare cytokinesis in animal cells and plant cells.
4. What is a function of nonkinetochore microtubules?
5. Identify three similarities between bacterial chromo
somes and eukaryotic chromosomes, considering
both structure and behavior during cell division. Figure 12.13

For suggested answers, see Appendix A. Inquiry Are there molecular signals in the
cytoplasm that regulate the cell cycle?
EXPERIMENT In each experiment, cultured mammalian cells
at two different phases of the cell cycle were induced to fuse.

Concept Experiment 1 Experiment 2

The cell cycle is regulated by

a molecular control system a
The timing and rate of cell division in different parts of a plant
or animal are crucial to normal growth, development, and RESU ITS
maintenance. The frequency of cell division varies with the
type of cell. For example, human skin cells divide frequently
throughout life, whereas liver cells maintain the ability to di
vide but keep it in reserve until an appropriate need arises—
say, to repair a wound. Some of the most specialized cells, such
as mature, fully formed nerve cells and muscle cells, do not di
When a cell in the When a cell in the
vide at all in a mature human. These cell cycle differences re S phase was fused with M phase was fused with
sult from regulation at the molecular level. The mechanisms of a cell in G1, the G1 cell a cell in G1, the Gi cell
this regulation are of intense interest, not only for understand immediately entered the immediately began
S phase—DNA was mitosis—a spindle
ing the life cycles of normal cells but also for understanding synthesized. formed and chromatin
how cancer cells manage to escape the usual controls. condensed, even though
the chromosome had
not been duplicated.
Evidence for Cytoplasmic Signals CONCLUSION
The results of fusing cells at two different
phases of the cell cycle suggest that molecules present in the
What drives the cell cycle? One reasonable hypothesis might
cytoplasm of cells in the S or M phase control the progression of
be that each event in the cycle triggers the next. According to phases.
this hypothesis, for example, the replication of chromosomes

228 UNIT TWO The Cell

The Cell Cycle Control System
The experiment shown in Figure 12.13 and other experiments
demonstrated that the sequential events of the cell cycle are di
rected by a distinct cell cycle control system, a cyclically op
erating set of molecules in the cell that both triggers and coor
dinates key events in the cell cycle. The cell cycle control system
has been compared to the control device of an automatic wash
ing machine (Figure 12 14). Like the washer’s timing device, G1 checkpoint
the cell cycle control system proceeds on its own, driven by a
built-in clock. However, just as a washer’s cycle is subject to
both internal control (such as the sensor that detects when the
tub is filled with water) and external adjustment (such as acti
vation of the start mechanism), the cell cycle is regulated at cer
tain checkpoints by both internal and external controls.
A checkpoint in the cell cycle is a critical control point (a) If a cell receives a go-ahead (b) If a cell does not receive a
where stop and go-ahead signals can regulate the cycle. (The signal at the G1 checkpoint, go-ahead signal at the G1
signals are transmitted within the cell by the kinds of signal the cell continues on in the checkpoint, the cell exits the
cell cycle. cell cycle and goes into G0, a
transduction pathways discussed in Chapter 11.) Animal cells nondividing state.
generally have built-in stop signals that halt the cell cycle at
checkpoints until overridden by go-ahead signals. Many sig Figure 12 15 The G1 checkpoint.
nals registered at checkpoints come from cellular surveillance
mechanisms inside the cell; the signals report whether crucial if it does not receive a go-ahead signal at that point, it will exit
cellular processes up to that point have been completed cor the cycle, switching into a nondividing state called the G0 phase
rectly and thus whether or not the cell cycle should proceed. (Figure 12.15). Most cells of the human body are actually in the
Checkpoints also register signals from outside the cell, as we G0 phase. As mentioned earlier, fully formed, mature nerve cells
will discuss later. Three major checkpoints are found in the and muscle cells never divide. Other cells, such as liver cells, can
G1, G2, and M phases (see Figure 12.14). be “called back” from the G0 phase to the cell cycle by certain ex
For many cells, the G1 checkpoint—dubbed the “restriction ternal cues, such as growth factors released during injury.
point” in mammalian cells—seems to be the most important. If To understand how cell cycle checkpoints work, we first
a cell receives a go-ahead signal at the G1 checkpoint, it will usu need to see what kinds of molecules make up the cell cycle
ally complete the S, G2, and M phases and divide. Alternatively, control system (the molecular basis for the cell cycle clock)
and how a cell progresses forward through the cycle. Then we
G1 checkpoint will consider the internal and external checkpoint signals that
can make the clock pause or continue.

The Cell Cycle Clock: Cyclins

and Cyclin-Dependent Kinases
system Rhythmic fluctuations in the abundance and activity of cell
cycle control molecules pace the sequential events of the cell
cycle. These regulatory molecules are proteins of two main
types: kinases and cyclins. Protein kinases are enzymes that

44 ~• activate or inactivate other proteins by phosphorylating them

(see Chapter 11). Particular protein kinases give the go-ahead
signals at the G1 and G2 checkpoints.
M checkpoint The kinases that drive the cell cycle are actually present at
G2 checkpoint a constant concentration in the growing cell, but much of
the time they are in an inactive form. To be active, such a ki
Figure 12.14 Mechanical analogy for the cell cycle
control system. In this diagram of the cell cycle, the flat “stepping nase must be attached to a cyclin, a protein that gets its
stones” around the perimeter represent sequential events. Like the name from its cyclically fluctuating concentration in the cell.
control device of an automatic washer, the cell cycle control system Because of this requirement, these kinases are called cyclin
proceeds on its own, driven by a built-in clock. However, the system is
subject to regulation at various checkpoints, of which three are dependent kinases, or Cdks. The activity of a Cdk rises and
shown (red). falls with changes in the concentration of its cyclin partner.

CHAPTER 12 The Cell Cycle 229

Figure 12.16a shows the fluctuating activity of the cyclin G2 associate with Cdk molecules, the resulting MPP complex
Cdk complex that was discovered first, called MPF. Note initiates mitosis, phosphorylating a variety of proteins. MPF
that the peaks of MPF activity correspond to the peaks of cy acts both directly as a kinase and indirectly by activating other
din concentration. The cyclin level rises during the S and G2 kinases. For example, MPF causes phosphorylation of various
phases, then falls abruptly during mitosis (M). proteins of the nuclear lamina (see Figure 6.10), which pro
The initials MPF stand for “maturation-promoting factor,” motes fragmentation of the nuclear envelope during
but we can think of MPF as “M-phaSe-prOmOting factor” be prometaphase of mitosis. There is also evidence that MPF con
cause it triggers the cell’s passage past the G2 checkpoint into tributes to molecular events required for chromosome con
M phase (Figure 12 16b). When cyclins that accumulate during densation and spindle formation during prophase.
During anaphase, MPF helps switch itself off by initiating a
process that leads to the destruction of its own cyclin. The
noncyclin part of MPF~ the Cdk, persists in the cell in inactive
form until it associates with new cyclin molecules synthesized
during the S and G2 phases of the next round of the cycle.
What about the G1 checkpoint? Recent research suggests
MPF activity
the involvement of at least three Cdk proteins and several dif
ferent cyclins at this checkpoint. The fluctuating activities of
different cyclin-Cdk complexes seem to control all the stages
of the cell cycle.

Time Stop and Go Signs: Internal and

(a) Fluctuation of MPF activity and cyclin concentration during External Signals at the Checkpoints
the cell cycle
Research scientists are only in the early
0 During Gi, conditions in the cell favor degradation stages of working out the signaling path
of cyci n, and the Cdk component of MPF is recycled.
ways that link cyclin-dependent kinases to
ocyclinSynthesis of
begins in late
other molecules and events inside and
outside the cell. For example, they know
S phase and
continues through that in general, active Cdks function by
G2 Because cyclin is phosphorylating substrate proteins that
protected from affect particular steps in the cell cycle. In
degradation during
this stage, it many cases, though, scientists don’t yet
accumulates. know what the various Cdks actually do.
However, they have identified some steps
of the signaling pathways that convey
information to the cell cycle machinery.
0 Accumulated An example of an internal signal occurs
cyclin molecules
Degraded combine with
cyclin at the M phase checkpoint. Anaphase, the
G2 Cdk recycled Cdk mol
ecules, producing separation of sister chromatids, does not
enough molecules of begin until all the chromosomes are prop
Cyclin is
MPF to pass the G2 erly attached to the spindle at the meta
Cyclin checkpoint and
MPF initiate the events of phase plate. Researchers have learned that
mitosis. kinetochores not yet attached to spindle
microtubules send a molecular signal
that causes the sister chromatids to re
0 During anaphase, the cyclin 0 MPF promotes mitosis
component of MPF is degraded, by phosphorylating various main together, delaying anaphase. Only
terminating the M phase. The proteins MPF s activity when the kinetochores of all the chromo
cell enters the G phase peaks during metaphase.
somes are attached to the spindle will the
(b) Molecular mechanisms that help regulate the cell cycle sister chromatids separate (owing to in
activation of the proteins holding them
Figure 12 16 Molecular control of the cell cycle at the G2 checkpoint. The steps of together). This mechanism ensures that
the cell cycle are timed by rhythmic fluctuations in the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks).
Here we focus on a cyclin-Cdk complex called MPF, which acts at the G checkpoint as a go-ahead daughter cells do not end up with miss
signal, triggering the events of mitosis. ing or extra chromosomes.

230 UNIT TWO TheCell

By growing animal cells in culture, researchers have been Figure 12.17
able to identify many external factors, both chemical and Inquiry Does platelet-derived growth factor
physical, that can influence cell division. For example, cells (PDGF) stimulate the division of human
fail to divide if an essential nutrient is left out of the culture fibroblast cells in culture?
medium. (This is analogous to trying to run an automatic
washing machine without the water supply hooked up.) And
even if all other conditions are favorable, most types of mam
malian cells divide in culture only if the growth medium in 0 A sample of connective tissue
cludes specific growth factors. As mentioned in Chapter 11, a was cut up into small pieces.
growth factor is a protein released by certain cells that stimu
lates other cells to divide. While called a growth factor for his Petri -“
torical reasons, a protein that promotes mitosis is sometimes
more narrowly called a mitogen.
One such growth factor is platelet-derived growth factor
PDGF), which is made by blood cells called platelets. The ex
riment illustrated in Figure 12.17 demonstrates that PDGF
is required for the division of fibroblasts in culture. Fibro 0 Enzymes were used to digest /
the extracellular matrix, resulting
blasts, a type of connective tissue cell, have PDGF receptors
in a suspension of free fibroblast -
on their plasma membranes. The binding of PDGF molecules cells.
to these receptors (which are receptor tyrosine kinases; see
Chapter 11) triggers a signal transduction pathway that al
lows the cells to pass the G1 checkpoint and divide. PDGF
stimulates fibroblast division not only in the artificial condi 0 Cells were transferred to
sterile culture vessels
tions of cell culture, but in an animal’s body as well. When an containing a basic growth
injury occurs, platelets release PDGF in the vicinity. The medium consisting of
glucose, amino acids, Without PDGF
resulting proliferation of fibroblasts helps heal the wound. salts, and antibiotics
Researchers have discovered at least 50 different growth fac (as a precaution against
bacterial growth). PDGF
tors that can trigger cells to divide. Different cell types respond was added to half the
specifically to a certain growth factor or combination of vessels. The culture
growth factors. vessels were
incubated at 37 C. With PDGF
The effect of an external physical factor on cell division is
clearly seen in density-dependent inhibition, a phenome RESULTS
non in which crowded cells stop dividing (Figure 12.lBa, on
the next page). As first observed many years ago, cultured (a) In a basic growth medium - 7
without PDGF (the control),
cells normally divide until they form a single layer of cells on cells failed to divide.
the inner surface of the culture container, at which point the Without PDGF
cells stop dividing. If some cells are removed, those border
ing the open space begin dividing again and continue until
(b) In a basic growth medium ~ - •:-—: >~
the vacancy is filled. It was originally thought that a cell’s plus PDGF, cells proliferated. — I
physical contact with neighboring cells signaled it to stop di The SEM shows cultured
viding. However, while physical contact may have some in fibroblasts. With PDGF
fluence, it turns out that the amount of required growth fac
tors and nutrients available to each cell has a more important
effect: Apparently, when a cell population reaches a certain
density, the availability of nutrients becomes insufficient to
allow continued cell growth and division.
Most animal cells also exhibit anchorage dependence (see
I ~‘‘~

Figure 12. iSa). To divide, they must be attached to a substra

tum, such as the inside of a culture jar or the extracellular ma
trix of a tissue. Experiments suggest that anchorage is signaled ‘lOlIm’
to the cell cycle control system via pathways involving plasma CONCLUSION This experiment confirmed that PDGF
membrane proteins and elements of the cytoskeleton linked stimulates the division of human fibroblast cells in culture.
to them.

CHAPTER 12 The Cell Cycle 231

Density-dependent inhibition and anchorage dependence Loss of Cell Cycle Controls in Cancer Cells
appear to function in the body’s tissues as well as in cell cul
ture, checking the growth of cells at some optimal density and Cancer cells do not respond normally to the body’s control
location. Cancer cells, which we discuss next, exhibit neither mechanisms. They divide excessively and invade other tis
density-dependent inhibition nor anchorage dependence sues. If unchecked, they can kill the organism.
(Figure 12.18b). By studying cells growing in culture, researchers have
learned that cancer cells do not heed the normal signals that
regulate the cell cycle. For example, as Figure 12.18b shows,
cancer cells do not exhibit density-dependent inhibition when
Cells anchor to dish surface and growing in culture; they do not stop dividing when growth
~ divide (anchorage dependence). factors are depleted. A logical hypothesis to explain this be
havior is that cancer cells do not need growth factors in their
culture medium in order to grow and divide. They may make
a required growth factor themselves, or they may have an
abnormality in the signaling pathway that conveys the growth
When cells have formed a
complete single layer, they stop factor’s signal to the cell cycle control system even in the ab
—. — .
“..~— — — ,~ dividing (density-dependent sence of that factor. Another possibility is an abnormal cell cy
‘~ inhibition). cle control system. In fact, as you will learn in Chapter 19,
these are all conditions that may lead to cancer.
There are other important differences between normal cells
and cancer cells that reflect derangements of the cell cycle. If
• If some cells are scraped away, and when they stop dividing, cancer cells do so at random
— ~ ~ the gap
the remaining
and thencellsstop
divide to fill
(density- points in the cycle, rather than at the normal checkpoints.
- dependent inhibition). Moreover, in culture, cancer cells can go on dividing indefi
nitely if they are given a continual supply of nutrients; they
are said to be “immortal.” A striking example is a cell line that
has been reproducing in culture since 1951. Cells of this line
are called HeLa cells because their original source was a tumor
removed from a woman named Henrietta Lacks. By contrast,
• ... nearly all normal mammalian cells growing in culture divide
only about 20 to 50 times before they stop dividing, age, and
die. (We’ll see a possible reason for this phenomenon when
we discuss chromosome replication in Chapter 16.)
The abnormal behavior of cancer cells can be catastrophic
(a) Normal mammalian cells. The availability of nutrients, growth
factors, and a substratum for attachment limits cell density to a when it occurs in the body. The problem begins when a single
single layer. cell in a tissue undergoes transformation, the process that
converts a normal cell to a cancer cell. The body’s immune
system normally recognizes a transformed cell as an insurgent
Cancer cells do not exhibit
anchorage dependence or and destroys it. However, if the cell evades destruction, it may
density-dependent inhibition. proliferate and form a tumor, a mass of abnormal cells within
otherwise normal tissue. If the abnormal cells remain at the
original site, the lump is called a benign tumor. Most benign
tumors do not cause serious problems and can be completely
removed by surgery. In contrast, a malignant tumor becomes
invasive enough to impair the functions of one or more organs
- .~
(Figure 12.19). An individual with a malignant tumor is said
I -~
to have cancer.
25 ~im The cells of malignant tumors are abnormal in many ways
(b) Cancer cells. Cancer cells usually continue to divide well beyond besides their excessive proliferation. They may have unusual
a single layer, forming a clump of overlapping cells.
numbers of chromosomes (whether this is a cause or an effect
Figure 12.18 Density-dependent inhibition and of transformation is a current topic of debate). Their metabo
anchorage dependence of cell division. Individual cells are lism may be disabled, and they may cease to function in any
shown disproportionately large in the drawings. constructive way Also, owing to abnormal changes on the

232 UNIT TWO The Cell


~~-Glandular vessel
tissue N
Cancer cell tumor

A tumor grows from a single 0 Cancer cells invade neigh 0 Cancer cells spread through 0 A small percentage of cancer
cancer cell. boring tissue. lymph and blood vessels to cells may survive and establish
other parts of the body. a new tumor in another part
of the body.

Figure 12.19 The growth and metastasis of a malignant breast tumor. The cells
of malignant (cancerous) tumors grow in an uncontrolled way and can spread to neighboring
tissues and, via lymph and blood vessels, to other parts of the body. The spread of cancer cells
beyond their original site is called metastasis.

cells’ surfaces, they lose or destroy their attachments to neigh involves the alteration of genes that somehow influence the
boring cells and the extracellular matrix and can spread into cell cycle control system. Our knowledge of how changes in
nearby tissues. Cancer cells may also secrete signal molecules the genome lead to the various abnormalities of cancer cells
that cause blood vessels to grow toward the tumor. A few tu remains rudimentary, however.
mor cells may separate from the original tumor, enter blood Perhaps the reason we have so many unanswered questions
vessels and lymph vessels, and travel to other parts of the about cancer cells is that there is still so much to learn about
body. There, they may proliferate and form a new tumor. This how normal cells function. The cell, life’s basic unit of struc
spread of cancer cells to locations distant from their original ture and function, holds enough secrets to engage researchers
site is called metastasis (see Figure 12.19). well into the future.
A tumor that appears to be localized may be treated with
high-energy radiation, which damages DNA in cancer cells
much more than it does in normal cells, apparently because Concept Check
cancer cells have lost the ability to repair such damage. To
1. A researcher treats cells with a chemical that pre
treat known or suspected metastatic tumors, chemotherapy is
vents DNA synthesis. This treatment traps the cells
used, in which drugs that are toxic to actively dividing cells
in which part of the cell cycle?
are administered through the circulatory system. As you
2. In Figure 12.13, why do the nuclei resulting from
might expect, chemotherapeutic drugs interfere with specific
experiment 2 contain different amounts of DNA?
steps in the cell cycle. For example, the drug Taxol freezes the
3. What is the go-ahead signal for a cell to pass the G2
mitotic spindle by preventing microtubule depolymerization,
phase checkpoint and enter mitosis? (See Figure
which stops actively dividing cells from proceeding past
metaphase. The side effects of chemotherapy are due to the
4. What would happen if you performed the experi
drugs’ effects on normal cells. For example, nausea results
ment in Figure 12.17 with cancer cells?
from chemotherapy’s effects on intestinal cells, hair loss from
5. What phase of the cell cycle are most of your body
effects on hair follicle cells, and susceptibility to infection
cells in?
from effects on immune system cells.
6. Compare and contrast a benign tumor and a
Researchers are beginning to understand how a normal cell
malignant tumor.
is transformed into a cancer cell. You will learn more about
the molecular biology of cancer in Chapter 19. Though the For suggested answers, see Appendix A.
causes of cancer are diverse, cellular transformation always

CHAPTER 12 The Cell Cycle 233

Chapter Review
Go to www.campbellbiology.com or the student CD-ROM to explore Binary Fission (pp. 226—227) During binary fission, the bac
Activities, Investigations and other interactive study aids. terial chromosome replicates and the two daughter chromo
somes actively move apart. The specific proteins involved in this
movement are a subject of current research.
The Evo ution of Mitosis (pp. 227—228) Since prokaryotes
Unicellular organisms reproduce by cell division. Multicellular preceded eukaryotes by more than a billion years, it is likely
organisms depend on it for development from a fertilized egg, that mitosis evolved from prokaryotic cell division. Certain pro
growth, and repair (pp. 218—219). tists exhibit types of cell division that seem intermediate be
Activity Roles of Cell Division tween bacterial binary fission and the process of mitosis carried
out by most eukaryotic cells.
Cell division results in genetically identical daughter
The cell cycle is regulated by a molecular control
Cells duplicate their genetic material before they divide, ensur
ing that each daughter cell receives an exact copy of the genetic
Evidence for Cytoplasmic Signals (p. 228)
Molecules present in the cytoplasm regulate progress through
material, DNA (p. 219).
the cell cycle.
Cellular Organization of the Genetic Materia (p. 219) The Cell Cycle Control System (pp. 229—232) Cyclic
DNA is partitioned among chromosomes. Eukaryotic chromo changes in regulatory proteins work as a cell cycle clock. The
somes consist of chromatin, a complex of DNA and protein that clock has specific checkpoints where the cell cycle stops until a
condenses during mitosis. In animals, gametes have one set of go-ahead signal is received. The key molecules are cyclins and
chromosomes and somatic cells have two sets. cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks). Cell culture has enabled
Distribution of Chromosomes During Cell Division researchers to study the molecular details of cell division. Both
(pp. 219—220) In preparation for cell division, chromosomes internal signals and external signals control the cell cycle check
replicate, each one then consisting of two identical sister chro points via signal transduction pathways. Most cells exhibit
matids. The chromatids separate duri~ig cell division, becoming density-dependent inhibition of cell division as well as anchor
the chromosomes of the new daughter cells. Eukaryotic cell age dependence.
division consists of mitosis (division of the nucleus) and Loss of Cell Cycle Controls in Cancer Cells
cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm). (pp. 232—233) Cancer cells elude normal regulation and divide
out of control, forming tumors. Malignant tumors invade sur
Concept rounding tissues and can metastasize, exporting cancer cells to
The mitotic phase alternates with mterphase in the other parts of the body, where they may form secondary tumors.
Activity Causes of Cancer
cell cycle
Phases of the Cell Cycle (pp. 221—223) Between divisions,
cells are in interphase: the G1, S, and G2 phases. The cell grows TESTING YOUR KNOWLEDGE
throughout interphase, but DNA is replicated only during the
synthesis (S) phase. Mitosis and cytokinesis make up the
mitotic (M) phase of the cell cycle. Mitosis is a continuous
process, often described as occurring in five stages: prophase,
Self- • .uiz
prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. 1. Increases in the enzymatic activity of some protein kinases im
Activity The Cell Cycle
portant for the regulation of the cell cycle are due to
The Mitotic Spindle: A Closer Look (pp 22 1—225) The a. kinase synthesis by ribosomes.
mitotic spindle is an apparatus of microtubules that controls
b. activation of inactive kinases by binding to cyclins.
chromosome movement during mitosis. The spindle arises from
the centrosomes and includes spindle microtubules and asters. c. conversion of inactive cyclins to active kinases by means of
Some spindle microtubules attach to the kinetochores of chrom phosphorylation.
somes and move the chromosomes to the metaphase plate. d. cleavage of the inactive kinase molecules by cytoplasmic
In anaphase, sister chromatids separate and move along the proteases.
kinetochore microtubules toward opposite ends of the cell.
e. a decline in external growth factors to a concentration below
Meanwhile, nonkinetochore microtubules from opposite poles
overlap and push against each other, elongating the cell. In the inhibitory threshold.
telophase, genetically identical daughter nuclei form at opposite
ends of the cell. 2. Through a microscope, you can see a cell plate beginning to
develop across the middle of the cell and nuclei re-forming on
Cytokmesis: A Closer Look (pp. 224—226) Mitosis is usu
ally followed by cytokinesis. Animal cells carry out cytokinesis either side of the cell plate. This cell is most likely
by cleavage, and plant cells form a cell plate. a. an animal cell in the process of cytokinesis.
Activity Mitosis and Cytokinesis Animation b. a plant cell in the process of cytokinesis.
Activity Mitosis and Cytokinesis Video c. an animal cell in the S phase of the cell cycle.
Investigation How Much Time Do Cells Spend in Each Phase d. a bacterial cell dividing.
of Mitosis?
e. a plant cell in metaphase.

234 UNIT TWO The Cell

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