Yugioh Omar Kunto 17.07.2022.

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Please write all card names completely and legibly.

Judge Use Only: M S E

Please include the quantity for each card.
Last Initial

Full Name: Omar Kunto Date: M M / D D / Y Y Y Y

Main Deck Total

Konami Player ID: Event: 44

Monster Cards Spell Cards Trap Cards
2 Ultimate conductor tyranno 2 lost world 3 infinite impermanence
3 souleating oviraptor 1 mystic mine
1 miscellaneousaurus 1 terraforming
1 animadorned archosaur 1 called by the grave
3 scrap raptor 3 fossil dig
1 scrap chimera 2 double evolution pill
1 scrap golem 3 branded fusion
2 babycerasaurus 2 dark ruler no more
1 petiteranodon
1 overtex qoatlus
1 dinowrestler pankratops
3 psy-framegear gamma
1 psy-frame driver
1 fairy tail-snow
2 fallen of albaz
2 nibiru the primal being

26 <<< Total Monster Cards 15 <<< Total Spell Cards 3 <<< Total Trap Cards

Side Deck Extra Deck For Judge Use Only

3 dimensional barrier 1 apollous abow of the goddess Deck List Checked?

3 solemn strike 1 evolzar dolkka Judge Initial Infraction(s):

1 dark ruler no more 1 evolzar laggia
1 harpies feather duster 1 number 41 bagooska
2 cosmic cyclone 1 time thief redoer Deck Check Rd:

2 effect veiler 1 knightmare unicorn Judge Initial Infraction(s):

2 mystic mine 1 accescode talker
1 nibiru the primal being 1 borreload dragon
1 relinquished anima Deck Check Rd:

1 scrap wyvern Judge Initial Infraction(s):

2 mirrorjade thw iceblade dragon
2 albion the branded dragon
1 lubellion the searing dragon

15 <<< Total in Side Deck 15 <<< Total in Extra Deck

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