Lab Rish Mishra
Lab Rish Mishra
Lab Rish Mishra
SESSION : 2023-24
When a computer is booted up and ready to use, then the screen we see is called the Desktop.
1. Start Button:- It is a tool by which you can open menus, start applications, files and set-
tings. Taskbar It is located at the bottom of the screen which contains the Start button,
shortcuts to applications, date, time etc.
2. Date and Time Settings:- On the right side of the taskbar, you will see date and time op-
tion, which is used to set date and time.
3. Desktop Background:- It is an image used as background of a GUI on a computer
screen. It is also called wallpaper.
4. Recycle Bin:- It is a container which contains deleted files, folders etc until, the ‘ are fi -
nally removed from the hard disk. If you want to restore the deleted files/folders, you
have to go to the recycle bin (by left clicking it twice) right click on the document and
choose Restore from the given options. After doing this, the desired document will be re-
stored on its original position.
5. Computer:-This folder is a source to retrieve all the information and resources attached
to the system. It allows the user to explore the content of his/her computer drives as well
as manage the computer files.
7. Aero:- It is a visual desktop experience, which provides an easy way to access desktop.
It is a visual environment for representing programs, files and options with graphical images
such as icons, menus and dialog boxes on the screen. The user could select and activate/deactiv-
ate these elements by pointing and clicking with a mouse or often with the keyboard.
Features of GUI:
1. A pointing device allows the user to identify and select the necessary commands by
moving the cursor to a certain location on the screen, e.g. Mouse, joystick etc.
2. The object being manipulated remains visible on the screen before the manipulation
and after the manipulation.
3. WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) means that a printed document is ex-
actly a copy of what you see on the screen.
4. A GUI provides adequate messages and information from time to time depending
upon the application.
5. Quality of reversal is the ability to revert the previous state of action. Icons repres-
ent files, folders and other applications.
6. Dialog boxes, sliders, buttons, check boxes allow the user to inform computer, what
to do and how to do.
7. Graphical display of the current actions informs the user regarding the current ac-
tion and a method to interrupt the same action by using graphical animation.
What are shortcuts? Explain the steps to create shortcuts?
A shortcut is an abbreviated form of a keyboard shortcut. Shortcuts allow you to create links to
programs in any folder, Start bar, Taskbar, desktop or other locations on the computer.
Step 1: Right click on the desktop or the area where you want to place the shortcut. In the
right click menu, point to New and then, select Shortcut.
Step 2: The Create Shortcut wizard will open as shown below. You need to select the path to
the program, click on the Browse button to begin.
Step 3: Navigate to the folder where the program is located and select it, click the OK but-
Step 5: You need to enter the name of the shortcut in the ‘Type a name for this shortcut:’
field and finally, click Finish button.
Create a text file to store name and roll number of his students. Suggest, which
program he should use. write down the steps to create the file using the suggested
We can create a text file using Notepad or WordPad. Follow these steps to create a file using
Step 5: To save file, click File button —> Choose Save As option.
Describe the basic operations of mouse button.
1. Pointing:- Pointing to an item on the screen means moving a pointer to a certain location.
When you point to some object, a small box often appears, that describes the item.
2. Left clicking:- To click an item ,point to the item on the Screen, then press and release the
left button. Left clicking is most often used to select an item or to open a menu.
3. Left Button-Double Clicking:- It is used to open the items on your desktop. To double click
an item point to the item on the screen and then click twice quickly.
4. Dragging:- It is used to move files(or folders) to different locations and to move window (or
icons) around your screen. to drag an object, point to the object on the screen, press and hold
the left button, move the object to a new location and then release the button.
5. Right Clicking:- It is usually used to display a list of operations that can be performed with
the associated item. Right click an item, point to the item that you want perform and then,
click the left button.
Write the steps to create a new document.
Steps to create a new blank document are as follows:
Step 2: Select New, the New Document dialog box will appear as shown below:
Step 3: Select Blank document under the Blank and recent section (It will be highlighted by
How to save a document as a PDF document?
2. Select Save As —> Find add-ins for other file formats. This will open your web
browser to the Microsoft site.
3. Follow the given instructions on the Microsoft site for downloading the PDF exten-
Step 3: Select Save As —> PDF or XPS. The Publish as PDF or XPS dialog box will appear.
Step 4: Select the location, where you want to save the document using the drop down menu.
How can you change a shape of picture?
Step 3: Click the Picture Shape. A Picture Shape menu will appear.
Step 4: Choose any shape as per the requirement.
Explain the different text alignments.
The text layout within a paragraph with respect to document margins is called text alignment.
Step 2: Select any one of the four alignment options (i.e. Left, Right etc) from the
Paragraph group on the Home tab.
Command tab Description
Align text left Aligns all the selected text to the left margin.
Center Aligns all the selected text to an equal distance from the
left and the right margins.
Align text right Aligns all the selected text to the right margin.
Justify Aligns all the selected text equal from both the sides and
lines up equally to the left and the right margins.
Traditionally many books, news letters and newspapers
use full-justification.
How do find and replace text?
It is the act of finding some text and replacing it with an alternative text. The Find and Replace
option helps you to search a particular letter, word, phrase or sentence in your document and then
replace it, if you want.
Steps to use the find and replace feature in a document are as follows:
Step 1: Click Home tab —> click on Find or Replace option in the Editing group. A Find and
Replace dialog box will appear.
Step 2: In the Find what: box, type the text that you want to find.
or In the Replace with: box, type the text that you want to replace with the original text.
Step 4: Click the Replace button or Replace All button. Keep clicking Replace button until the
text in entire document has been searched and replaced.
Explain any 5 functions that can be used in a worksheet/spreadsheet.
1. SUM Function:-
This function, as clear from the name, is used to add all the values provided as an argument and
to display the result in the cell containing the function. Argument Type All Numbers Return
Type Number
e.g. if you want to display the sum of values of cells Al, A2, A5, and A6 in cell A9, then you need
to simply type = SUM(A1, A2, A5, A6) in cell A9 and press Enter.
The sum will be displayed in cell A9. If you want to add a range of values, then provide that
range in SUM function as an argument. e.g. if you want to add values from Al to A5, then write
like =SUM(A1: A5). If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or refer-
ence are counted. Empty cells, logical values or text in the array or reference are ignored. If any
arguments are error values or if any arguments are text that cannot be translated into numbers,
Excel displays an error.
2. AVERAGE Function:-
This function calculates the average of all the values provided as an argument to this function.
Argument Type All Numbers Return Type Number
e.g. to calculate the average of the values of a range starting from Al to A5 in cell B9, you need to
write = AVERAGE(A1: A5) in cell B9.
3. COUNT Function:-
This function counts the number of cells that contain numbers and numbers within the list of ar-
guments. Argument Type Any Type Return Type Number
e.g. if the values contained in cells Al, A2, A3, and A4 are 5, 7, TRUE and 10 respectively, then –
COUNT(Al: A4) will return 3. Arguments that are numbers, dates or text representation of num -
bers (e.g. a number enclosed in quotation marks, such as ‘1’) are counted. Arguments that are er-
ror values or text that cannot be translated into numbers are not counted. If an argument is an ar -
ray or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are counted. Empty cells, logical values,
text or error values in the array or reference are not counted.
4. COUNTA Function:-
This function is similar to the COUNT( ) funtion. The only difference is that the COUNTA()
function also calculates the text entries even when the entries contain an empty string of length
0(zero), i.e. “ ’ ”, but empty cells are ignored. The COUNTA() function counts the total number
of values in the list of arguments. Argument Type Any Type Return Type Number
Syntax = COUNT(number1,number 2, …)
e.g. if the value contained in cells Al, A2, A3, and A4 are 5, 7, TRUE and 10 respectively then =
COUNTA (Al: A4) will return 4.
5. MAX Function:-
This function is used to return maximum value from a list of arguments. Argument Type All
Numbers Return Type Number
e.g. if the values contained in cells Al, A2, A3 and A4 are 5, 7, 2 and 10 respectively then =
MAX(A1:A4) will return 10. MAX will consider only numeric and logical values to compute
maximum. If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are
used. Empty cells or text in the array or reference are ignored. If the arguments contain no num -
bers, MAX returns 0 (zero). Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into
numbers cause errors.
Write the steps of inserting picture in a slide.
Pictures and ClipArt can be inserted into a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation from
sources such as ClipArt Website providers, Web pages or files on a computer. These pictures can
be used as backgrounds for slides in a presentation. Here, we will discuss inserting pictures from
files only, as per syllabus restrictions.
3. Locate the picture that you want to insert and then double-click it.
To add multiple pictures, press and hold Ctrl key while you click the pictures that you want to in-
sert and then click Insert button. To insert a picture into the notes pages of an Office PowerPoint
2007 presentation, switch to Notes view and then do the above same procedure.
What are the different ways in which you can start creating a new presentation?
Write steps for each.
For creating a new presentation in MS-PowerPoint, there are two options available to make a se-
lection of creating new presentation:
1. Click on Office button and then click New from the menu that appears.
2. A New Presentation dialog box will appear.
3. Select Blank Presentation and click on Create button. A blank presentation with one slide will
be created. Also, further slides can be added to the presentation and can change the layout of
an existing slide as well.
You can quickly and easily format an entire presentation to give it a professional and modern
look by applying a theme. In MS-PowerPoint 2007, you can apply theme using these two meth-
ods which are as follows:
Method 1
1. Click on Office button and then, click New from the menu that appears.
2. A New Presentation dialog box will appear.
3. From the right hand side page, select Installed Themes under Templates.
4. Select any one of the theme as per the users choice.
5. Click Create button.
Method 2
1. Select Design tab under the MS-PowerPoint 2007 ribbon menu system.
2. Select Themes group under this tab.
3. Select any one theme as per the choice.
4. Effects will be automatically applied on all the slides.
Saving a Presentation Procedure for saving a presentation is same as saving a MS-Word docu-
ment and MS-Excel workbook. For saving your presentation, do the following:
1. Click on the Microsoft Office button and then, click Save As option from the menu that ap-
Explain the various views of slide available in power point 2007.
In Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, different views of a slide are used to edit, print and deliver
a presentation. PowerPoint slide views can be found in two places as follows:
1. On the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, where all views are available.
2. On an easy-accessible bar, at the bottom of the PowerPoint window, where the main views
(Normal, Slide Sorter and Slide Show) are available.
1. Normal View: This is the main editing view, where you write and design your presentations,
i.e. actual screen which is displayed. The view is also known as Slide view. A Normal view is
the default view size for the screen.
2. Slide Sorter View: It provides a view of slides in thumbnail form. This view makes it easy to
sort and organize the sequence of the slides at the time of creating presentation and also, at
the time of preparing presentation for printing.
3. Notes Page View: In the Notes Page view, the notes pane is located just below the slide pane.
Here, notes that apply to the current slide can be typed. Later, these notes can be printed and
referred while giving actual presentation. Notes can also be printed to handout to the audience
or included in a presentation that is delivered to the audience or posted on a Web page.
4. Slide Show View: This is used to deliver a presentation to the audience. Slide Show view
takes up the full computer screen, like an actual presentation. In this view, you can see your
presentation, the way audience wants. This view enables you to see how graphics, timings,
movies, animated effects and transition effects will look during the actual presentation. To
exit Slide Show view, press Esc key from the keyboard.
5. Master View: The Master views include Slide view, Handout view and Notes view. They are
the main slides that store information about the presentation, including background color,
fonts effects, placeholder sizes and positions. The key benefit to working in a Master view is
that on the Slide Master, Notes Master, or Handout Master, you can make universal style
changes to every slide, notes page, or handout associated with the presentation.
Write the steps to print handouts in a power point presentation.
We have already studied about the handouts view of presentation, it could help the audience in
getting idea of yours easily. A presentation can be printed in the form of handouts-with one, two,
three, four, six or nine slides on a page. For printing handouts, you need to do the following:
How to save a document as a word document?
Steps to save a document as a Word 97-2003 are as follows:
Step 2: Select Save As —> Word 97-2003 Document. The Save As dialog box will appear.
Step 3: Select the location, where you want to save a document using the drop down menu.
Creating a Chart:
2. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the Line symbol.
Note: enter a title by clicking on Chart Title. For example, Wildlife Population.
Change Chart Type
You can easily change to a different type of chart at any time.
4. Click OK.
Switch Row/Column
If you want to display the animals (instead of the months) on the horizontal axis, execute the fol-
lowing steps.
1. Select the chart.
2. On the Design tab, in the Data group, click Switch Row/Column.
Legend Position
To move the legend to the right side of the chart, execute the following steps.
Data Labels
You can use data labels to focus your readers' attention on a single data series or data point.
Which tab and command let you insert animations in your slide? Write the
steps for applying animations in your presentation.
We can give sound effects or visual effects, including movement to the text or objects in a
presentation. Animation can be used to focus on important points, to control the flow of informa-
tion and to increase viewer interest in a presentation.
Built-in animation effect can be added in Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation by do the following:
In the Custom Animation task pane, click Add Effect and then do one or more of the following:
1. To make the enter text or object with an effect, point to Entrance and then click any effect.
2. To add an effect, such as a Spin effect, to text or an object that is already visible on the slide,
point to Emphasis and then click an effect.
3. To add an effect that makes text or an object leave the slide at some point, click to Exit and
then click an effect.
4. To add an effect that makes text or an object move in a specified pattern, click to Motion Paths
and then click a path.
To specify how the effect is applied to your text or object, right-click any custom animation ef-
fect in the Custom Animation list and then click Effect Options.
1. To specify settings for text, on the Effect, Timing and tabs, click the options animate text
from Effect tab to use to animate the text.
2. To specify settings for an object, on the Effect and Timing tabs, click the options that you
want to use to animate the object. Effects appear in the Custom Animation list in the order that
you add them.