Anton - Revitalizing Incident Commander Leadership Breakthroughs Through Weighting Methods at Airport Emergencies

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Revitalizing Incident Commander Leadership:

Breakthroughs through Weighting Methods at Airport Emergencies

Anton Abdullah1*, Yeti Komala Sari2, Sudarwan Danim3

Aviation Fire and Rescue Program Study, Palembang Aviation Polytechnic, 3 Doctor of Education Program
Study, University of Bengkulu
[email protected], 2yeti.komalasari@poltekbangplg, [email protected]

Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

This study explores the use of a Decision Support System (DSS) to enhance Incident Commander (IC) leadership
in airport emergency scenarios. Effective IC leadership is crucial in airport emergency management, requiring a
diverse skill set. We investigate competencies related to command, operations, planning, logistics, administration,
and customer service. Using a mixed-methods approach, we conducted a descriptive case study at Palembang
Aviation Polytechnic. Primary data, including observations, interviews, and questionnaires, along with secondary
data from internal documents, guided our research. Purposive sampling selected participants from faculty, Diploma
Three Program trainees, and airport practitioners. Our findings highlight customer service as a leading criterion,
followed by others, with logistics criteria being essential. This study contributes novel insights to airport
emergency management by enhancing IC proficiency and emphasizing interconnected emergency management
facets. It underscores the ethical imperative of IC leadership development, promoting safety and effectiveness in
airport emergency response services.
Keywords: Decision Support System, Incident Commander, Leadership Development

and the initial approach to the incident scene.

1. Introduction
Situation assessment (what is happening/what will
Airports are critical infrastructures for global happen/what needs to be done) and appropriate
mobility and connectivity. However, they can face tactics must be implemented without delay. Tactical
emergencies like plane accidents, natural disasters, plans for the placement of Rescue Fire Fighting
terrorist attacks, or other incidents that threaten flight (RFF) vehicles for various types of aircraft
safety and passengers. In these high-stress and applicable at the airport must be documented, known
complex situations, an Incident Commander plays a by RFF personnel, and trained as part of the ongoing
crucial role. They need strong leadership skills to training program. As part of the situation assessment
make quick decisions, coordinate team actions, and process, the Incident Commander will decide
communicate with various stakeholders [1], [2]. whether tactical plans need to be altered. RFF
In any incident, regardless of its scale and vehicles and other response vehicles must be
complexity [3], an Incident Commander must fulfill positioned correctly for successful RFF operations.
six core responsibilities [4]. The first five Since RFF vehicles often respond sequentially, the
responsibilities are often referred to as the first RFF vehicle arriving at the accident scene often
"functions" of the Incident Commander, determines the route for other vehicles and can
encompassing command, operations, planning, determine their final positions [8].
logistics, and administration [5]. The sixth Incident commanders are specialized
responsibility is customer service [6]. Typically, in firefighters with advanced competencies tailored for
most incidents, an Incident Commander can execute leading and managing emergency responses [9],
all six responsibilities individually. The highest- [10]. They play a crucial role in ensuring response
ranking officer from the initial response team effectiveness and coordination. The commitment of
arriving at the incident scene will assume the role of incident commanders stems from their advanced
the Incident Commander and perform all Incident training and expertise, equipping them to lead
Commander duties. Subsequently, the role will be complex emergency scenarios effectively. This
handed over to higher-ranking officers arriving later, dedication and additional competence make them
while other personnel take on different pivotal figures in emergency response, safeguarding
responsibilities [7]. the communities they serve. Incident command and
This aligns with the directives of the control are fundamental in managing emergency
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), responses. It involves making frontline decisions and
which states that tactical decision-making begins ensuring their proper execution by frontline workers
when the alarm sounds and continues during travel [11].
component of this multifaceted process is the
utilization of Decision Support Systems (DSS),
which are designed to assist decision-makers at
different stages, especially when dealing with
complex and unstructured problems. DSS is a tool
that aids decision-making by providing valuable
information and analysis. It falls under the umbrella
of artificial intelligence and employs various
methods and technologies like data cleaning, data
transformation, data analysis, and data mining. DSS
finds applications in diverse domains such as
Figure 1: Responsibilities of the Incident education, enterprise management, and everyday
Commander [12] business tasks [17], [18]. The implementation of
The figure above provides an overview of the DSS is not confined to specific domains; instead, it
Incident Commander's responsibilities in managing has broad implications across various industries and
emergencies, underscoring the importance of their sectors. DSS is designed to assist decision-makers by
ability to perform the six core responsibilities. These offering insights, data-driven analyses, and the
responsibilities, also referred to as the Incident ability to explore alternative scenarios. It is essential
Commander's functions, encompass command, to emphasize that DSS is not meant to replace human
operations, planning, logistics, administration, and judgment but to complement it. The decision-
customer service. In the initial phases of an incident, making process comprises several key stages. The
the Incident Commander takes command, assesses decision-making process involves several key
the situation, and establishes strategies. As the stages. 1) Understanding Phase: which focuses on
incident unfolds, ongoing planning is necessary to identifying and grasping the core issues. Similarly,
adapt to future needs, and logistics must be in airport emergency management, Incident
coordinated to ensure essential resources are Commanders (ICs) must also understand the
available. Additionally, the Incident Commander challenges they might encounter. This phase is akin
oversees administrative aspects, including budget to the initial understanding step in decision-making.
considerations and documentation, although these For IC skill development, it is vital to analyze the
responsibilities may be deferred until after the intricacies of airport emergencies, much like
incident concludes. Finally, customer service is a understanding a problem's scope in decision-
critical responsibility for the Incident Commander, making. This comprehension forms the basis for
as they must make every effort to assist those defining the criteria needed for capable ICs; 2)
affected by the incident. Design Phase: Here, decision-makers explore and
To handle their responsibilities effectively, an analyze potential solutions using models that mimic
Incident Commander must stay composed, assess real-world conditions. This phase results in a list of
situations continually, and delegate tasks when alternative solutions; 3) Choice Phase: In this stage,
needed [13]. They play a key role in bringing order a decision is made by selecting the most suitable
to chaotic emergencies. Leadership development can alternative solution identified during the design
improve an Incident Commander's ability to make phase. This choice leads to a plan for
sound decisions, coordinate teams, and implementation; 4) Implementation Phase: The
communicate effectively [14]. However, leadership chosen action plan is executed. Successful
in airport emergencies is unique, requiring a deep implementation results in problem resolution, while
understanding of emergencies, quick decision- failure indicates ongoing challenges. This phase
making, strong communication, team management, generates reports on solution implementation and
and knowledge of airport procedures. Education and outcomes.
training are crucial for an Incident Commander's Decision Support Systems (DSS) come with
competence. They must also understand airport certain limitations [19]. Firstly, they may be unable
emergencies and response procedures [15]. to model certain management skills and human
Implementing leadership training can be talents, resulting in incomplete problem reflections.
challenging due to complex materials and resources Additionally, DSS is constrained by the scope of its
[10]. To address this, a decision support system is knowledge base and the basic models it relies on.
needed to assist leaders in selecting the right training Finally, the capabilities of a DSS are closely tied to
and candidates, reducing errors, and improving its software, which means that its effectiveness is
training effectiveness. In the realm of decision- influenced by the specific tools and technologies it
making, it is imperative to acknowledge that making uses. These limitations should be considered when
sound and informed decisions is not a one-time event relying on DSS for decision-making processes.
but rather a multi-stage process. This process entails Moreover, Multiple Attribute Decision Making
various crucial stages, each with its own set of (MADM) is a method used to find the optimal
challenges and considerations [16]. One key alternative among several alternatives with certain
criteria. The essence of MADM is to determine the These steps illustrate the systematic approach
weight for each attribute, then proceed with the employed in the SAW method to evaluate and rank
process of fixation that will solve the alternatives alternatives based on multiple criteria. The method's
already given [20]. This comprehensive flexibility and effectiveness make it a valuable tool
understanding of the decision-making process, its in various decision-making scenarios, from selecting
stages, and the limitations of DSS provides a strong the best course of action in complex situations to
foundation for exploring the development of choosing among different alternatives in a structured
Incident Commanders' skills in airport emergency and objective manner.
management. By drawing parallels between these Education and training are the means to
stages and the requirements of ICs, it becomes improve an Incident Commander's competence and
possible to define the necessary criteria for effective are essential components for individuals as valuable
IC training and performance in high-stress human resources [25]. Besides leadership
situations. development, it is also crucial for an Incident
The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Commander to possess adequate knowledge of
method, also referred to as a weighted linear potential emergencies at the airport, as well as the
combination or scoring technique, is a procedures and protocols to be followed in
straightforward yet highly applicable multi-attribute responding to these emergencies. However, there are
decision-making approach [21]–[23]. This method obstacles to implementing leadership development
revolves around the concept of a weighted average, training that can hinder its effectiveness. One
where an evaluation score is determined by challenge is the complexity of leadership materials,
multiplying the normalized value of each criterion which may require a substantial amount of time for
for the objectives by the importance weight assigned training. This can be problematic for an Incident
to those criteria. Subsequently, the objectives can be Commander who cannot be away from their
ranked based on these scores, and the one with the operational duties for an extended period.
highest score is selected as the preferred choice. Additionally, limitations in airport human resources
SAW offers an intuitive way to handle multi-criteria can also pose difficulties. Not all airport personnel
decision-making scenarios across various domains, may meet the qualifications to become an Incident
including but not limited to education, business Commander, making it challenging to find suitable
management, and healthcare. Its simplicity makes it candidates for training. This can result in challenges
an attractive choice when dealing with complex in selecting the right nominees for leadership
decision problems where multiple attributes must be training. The consequence of these issues may be a
considered to arrive at an optimal decision. The mismatch between the nominees chosen for training
process of utilizing SAW can be broken down into and the actual personnel who urgently need
several key steps, as outlined below [24]: 1) leadership training. Such mismatches can impact the
Determine Criteria (Ci): The first step involves effectiveness of the training and the overall
identifying and defining the criteria that will serve as performance of the organization [26].
the reference points for decision-making. These To overcome the challenges in implementing
criteria (Ci) are the aspects or attributes against leadership development training, it's essential to
which alternative options will be evaluated; 2) have accurate and well-processed training data. This
Match Rating of Alternatives: Once the criteria are highlights the need for a decision support system to
established, the next step is to determine the match assist leaders in identifying the right types of
rating of each alternative on each criterion. This leadership training and suitable candidates. The
involves assessing how well each alternative expectation is that this decision support system can
performs concerning the identified criteria; 3) minimize errors in setting training priorities and
Criterion-Based Matrix and Normalization (R): selecting appropriate individuals. As a result, the
Create a matrix based on the criteria (Ci) to organize implementation of training becomes more effective
the ratings. Following that, perform the and efficient, ultimately improving the overall
normalization of the matrix. The normalization performance of the organization. In this article, we
process typically involves adjustments based on will further explore the prioritization of Incident
attribute types, such as gain attributes and cost Commander leadership development in emergency
attributes. This step results in a normalized matrix response services at airports.
denoted as R; 4) Ranking and Selection: Finally, the
ranking process begins. Calculate the weighted sum 2. Method
of the normalized matrix (R) by multiplying it with
In this study, we gather primary data through
a weight vector. The weight vector represents the
observations, interviews, and questionnaires, while
importance or significance of each criterion in the
secondary data is sourced from internal documents.
decision-making process. The alternative with the
To select our informants, we employ purposive
highest computed value is selected as the best
alternative (Ai) or optimal solution. sampling techniques, focusing on those who align
with our research objectives. This approach is
supported by previous research [27]–[30].
Specifically, our informants comprise faculty
members from the Diploma Three Program in
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting and practitioners
from the Sultan Mahmud Baddarudin II Airport in
Palembang, in accordance with our research goals. … (1)
Once data is collected, we proceed with data
analysis using a weighting method to measure the b. Calculating the weight of each object
importance of various observed objects based on the 𝑛
B1 = √B1.1 x B1.2 x B1.3 x B1. n)
judgments of competent respondents. This method is 𝑛
B2 = √B2.1 x B2.2 x B2.3 x B2. n)
commonly referred to as the Simple Additive 𝑛
Weighting (SAW) method, a straightforward B3 = √B3.1 x B3.2 x B3.3 x B3. n)
weighted sum technique frequently used in decision Bn = √Bn. 1 x Bn. 2 x Bn. 3 x Bn. n) … (2)
support systems [31]–[33]. The SAW method aims
to establish performance ratings or priority scales for Notes:
each alternative across all attributes to solve the B1 = weight value of criterion 1
problem [32], [34], [35]. B2 = weight value of criterion 2
The weighting method is conducted using the B3 = weight value of criterion 3
following procedure: 1) select the objects to be Bn = weight value of criterion n
studied (related to the research objectives); 2) B1.1-1.n = matrix Value 1.1 to 1.n
formulate assessment criteria based on the research; B2.1-2.n = matrix Value 2.1 to 2.n
3) select competent respondents; 4) each respondent B3.1-3.n = matrix Value 3.1 to 3.n
is asked to assign values to pairs of compared objects Bn.1-n.n = matrix Value n.1 to n.n
(with a comparison of n(n-1)); 5) the results of
respondent assessments are processed. The c. Normalizing each alternative (performance
algorithm for processing respondents goes through values)
stages: 1) defining criteria as benchmarks for Performance Value of Criterion n
problem solving; 2) alternative value normalization; 𝐁𝐧
3) weighting; 4) ranking. These stages and = 𝑥 100% … (3)
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
procedures are summarized into a conceptual
framework as shown in the following diagram: d. Ranking (Decision on development decisions)
Decisions are made based on the highest
performance value

3. Result and Discussions

The research was conducted at the Palembang
Aviation Polytechnic, located at Jl. Adi Sucipto
No.001, Palembang, South Sumatra, at the Diploma
Three Program in Aviation Rescue and Firefighting
in Palembang and the Rescue and Firefighting
Services Unit at Sultan Mahmud Baddarudin II
Airport, Palembang, for approximately 3 (three)
Figure 2. Conceptual Framework (developed by months from February to April 2023. The Decision
the researcher, 2023) Support System for Selecting the Development of
Incident Commander Leadership Training is an
The equation used in this weighting system is as analytical tool that assists leaders in determining
follows: leadership training for Incident Commanders in
a. Compiling the Average Matrix handling Emergency Response at the airport based
Summing up each aspect of respondents' on specific criteria that are competencies of an
opinions, then dividing by the number of Incident Commander's duties and responsibilities.
respondents The author used primary data obtained from
interviews, observations, and literature studies.
B1.1 = 50 → the value of criteria 1 against Interviews are a method or technique used to collect
criteria 1 (50%) data by conducting direct question-and-answer
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 criteria 2 against criteria 1 for each responder
sessions with subject matter experts in the field of
B1.2 = number of responders Aviation Accident Assistance and Firefighting
Services. Observation is a data collection technique
Bn.1 =
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 criteria 2 against criteria 1 for each responder carried out by systematically observing and
number of responders
recording. Observations were made at the
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 criteria n against criteria 1 for each responder
Palembang Aviation Polytechnic and Sultan
Bn.n = number of responders Mahmud Baddarudin II Airport. In the existing
system, no decision analysis tools for leadership d. Respondent Assessment Results
development have been found. Literature studies The obtained response results can be seen in the
were conducted to gain insights into theories related following table:
to the research problem. Here are the results of the
research following the research procedures. Table 3. Respondent Assessment Results
a. Research Object Criteria R1 R2 R3 R4
Command O (C2) 70:30 35:65 65:35 55:45
The Decision Support System for Incident (C1) P (C3) 65:35 40:60 55:45 60:40
Commander Leadership Development in L (C4) 75:25 60:40 70:30 60:40
Emergency Response at Airports. A (C5) 30:70 25:75 40:60 37:63
Cs (C6) 80:20 78:28 65:35 60:40
b. Assessment Criteria Operation P (C3) 30:70 65:35 25:75 75:25
The assessment criteria are selected based on the (C2) L (C4) 60:40 55:45 65:35 53:47
A (C5) 40:60 35:65 30:70 20:80
competencies required for the development of an Cs (C6) 30:70 25:75 45:55 35:65
Incident Commander, which are core Planning L (C4) 65:35 70:30 60:40 62:38
(C3) A (C5) 55:45 60:40 65:35 70:30
competencies for the duties and responsibilities Cs (C6) 25:75 30:70 35:65 20:80
of an Incident Commander in handling Logistic (C4) A (C5) 65:35 65:35 70:30 75:25
emergency situations at airports. These Cs (C6) 25:75 25:75 30:70 30:70
Administration Cs (C6) 25:75 25:75 30:70 30:70
competencies include: Command (C1), (C5)

Operations (C2), Planning (C3), Logistics (C4),

Administration (C5), Customer Services (C6). Then an assessment was conducted to determine
Detailed explanations of the competencies for which factors needed further development.
each criterion can be found in the following
table. Individual matrix for each respondent
Table 1. Research Criteria To have a clearer view of the assessments from
Criteria Competency each respondent, they must be transformed into
Command Ability to lead operations during a matrix form, as shown in the following table:
Ability to make precise and
accurate decisions Table 4. Average Matrix of Responders
Effective communication skills Average C O P L A Cs
C 50,00 43,75 45,00 33,75 67,00 29,25
Ability to consider the O 56,25 50,00 51,25 41,75 68,75 66,25
consequences of decisions made P 55,00 48,75 50,00 35,75 37,50 72,50
Operation Ability to identify risks and L 66,25 58,25 64,25 50,00 31,25 72,50
hazards A 33,00 31,25 62,50 68,75 50,00 72,50
Planning Ability to plan strategies for Cs 70,75 33,75 27,50 27,50 27,50 50,00
handling emergency situations at
airports 50,00 43,75 45,00 33,75 67,00 29,25
Logistic Ability to manage resources 56,25 50,00 51,25 41,75 68,75 66,25
Administration Ability to evaluate available 55,00 48,75 50,00 35,75 37,50 72,50
information and data X= 66,25 58,25 64,25 50,00 31,25 72,50
Customer Ability to motivate and direct team 33,00 31,25 62,50 68,75 50,00 72,50
services members [70,75 33,75 27,50 27,50 27,50 50,00]
Ability to facilitate cooperation
among team members
Ability to build positive working From the average matrix table, the following
relationships with the team observations can be made:
Good listening skills and providing 1) C (Command) has a higher value than O
constructive feedback (Operation, Planning, Logistic, and
Customer Services). This indicates that
c. Assessor Respondents Command is dominant compared to these
The respondents consist of subject matter experts other criteria, except for A (Administration).
in the field of Aircraft Accident Assistance and Therefore, it can be concluded that leadership
Firefighting (ARFF) Services at the Palembang development for Incident Commanders can
Aviation Polytechnic and Sultan Mahmud focus on competencies related to Command
Baddaruddin II Palembang Airport. The (C) and Administration (A).
following is the data of the assessing 2) P (Planning) has a higher value than L
respondents: (Logistic), A (Administration), and Cs
Table 2. Research Respondents (Customer Services). This suggests that
Number of Respondents
Planning is dominant compared to these other
Respondent 1 Lecturer at Palembang Aviation criteria. Hence, leadership development can
Polytechnic focus on competencies related to Planning
Respondent 2 Diploma Three Taruna Madya at (P).
Palembang Aviation Polytechnic
3) O (Operation) has a higher value than P
Respondent 3 Incident Commander ARFF SMB 2
Palembang (Planning). This indicates that Operation is
Respondent 4 Chairman of the AEP Committee at dominant compared to Planning. Therefore,
SMB 2 Palembang
leadership development can prioritize Table 7. Ranking of Criterion Performance
competencies related to Operation (O). Values
4) L (Logistic) has a higher value than A Alternative Criteria Performance Ranking
Weights Scores
(Administration) and Cs (Customer BCs Customer 22,04% Ranking 1
Services). This suggests that Logistic is Services
BC Command 19,53% Ranking 2
dominant compared to these other criteria.
BP Planning 16,68% Ranking 3
Hence, leadership development can focus on BA Administration 14,58% Ranking 4
competencies related to Logistic (L). BO Operations 14,13% Ranking 5
BL Logistics 13,04% Ranking 6
5) A (Administration) has a lower value
compared to Cs (Customer Services). This
The results indicate that Customer Services (Cs)
shows that Administration is less dominant
has the highest performance value (22.04%),
than Customer Services. Therefore,
followed by Command (C = 19.53%, Planning
leadership development can emphasize
(P) = 16.68%, Administration (A) = 14.58%,
competencies related to Customer Services
Operations (O) = 14.13%), and finally Logistics
(L) with a performance value of 13.04%. This
suggests that the competence of the Incident
The weight values for each criterion are as
Commander (IC) in serving other units within the
Airport Rescue and Fire Services (ARFS) is
Table 5. Weight Values
Criteria Weight Values relatively low compared to other competencies.
Command (C1) BC 393,30 Therefore, it is more feasible to prioritize the
Operation (C2)
Planning (C3)
development of Customer Services (Cs)
Logistic (C4) BL 262,69 competence over other criteria.
Administration (C5) BA 293,52
Customer Services (C6) BCs 438,35
The research findings underline the critical role
The weight values indicate that the Customer of expert involvement in the pursuit of competency
Services (Cs) criterion has the highest weight. quality. This study confirms the importance of
This suggests that, before normalization, the expanding the scope of operations and adopting a
competence of Incident Commanders in serving multifaceted approach to enhance competency
other units within the airport emergency quality of the incident commander. The integration
management is lower compared to other of technical competence, professional development,
competencies. Therefore, it is more feasible to and ethical skills is pivotal in achieving the desired
prioritize the development of competence in the outcomes. Our findings align with earlier studies
Customer Services (Cs) criterion over the others. [16], [36], [37] in highlighting the significance of a
dedicated approach to product quality. This
The performance values for each criterion after commitment marks the initial step and sets the
normalization are as follows: procedural stage for our discussion, aligning with the
Table 6. Matrix Normalization initiative to enhance the intrinsic value and expand
Criteria Normalization the core components related to the specific product
Command (C1) BC 19,53% [38], [39]. Additionally, our research builds upon
Operation (C2) BO 14,13%
Planning (C3) BP 16,68%
these insights by emphasizing the need for expert
Logistic (C4) BL 13,04% involvement and a well-structured development
Administration (C5) BA 14,58% process, which extends beyond technical
Customer Services (C6) BCs 22,04%
competence. In the light of this commitment, it
These performance values represent the relative becomes imperative to engage with experts,
performance of each criterion, with Customer recognizing the potential attributes that should be
Services (Cs) having the highest performance harnessed for the enhancement of the product's
value. This indicates that, even after quality. This collaborative involvement with experts
normalization, the competence of Incident is akin to expanding the scope and order of
Commanders in serving other units within the operations, ultimately facilitating the development
airport emergency management is still lower of a controlled program that aids in selecting the
compared to other competencies. Therefore, it is most appropriate form [40].
still more feasible to prioritize the development From these insights, the significance of
of competence in the Customer Services (Cs) identifying specific elements becomes evident. This
criterion over the others. is a pivotal aspect of ensuring that the process of
determining the quality of a particular product or
Based on the preference weights of each service aligns with optimal performance
criterion, here is the ranking of the criteria's expectations. The need to obtain an initial value of
performance: accuracy becomes paramount in managing the
outcomes of a well-structured process, which
resonates with previous research findings [41]. In the
context of achieving greater accuracy in the process, insights into an effective approach to achieving this
the requirement to meet specific criteria comes to the goal and highlights the importance of investing in the
forefront. These criteria become the building blocks leadership skills development of Incident
for enhancing the potential value of delivering the Commanders.
appropriate aspects, thereby offering valuable
insights into the selection, evaluation, and Recommendations
reapplication phases. This holistic approach can be Based on the research results, it is
effectively employed to navigate the procedural recommended to enhance the development of
stage, aligning it more effectively with the specific leadership skills for Incident Commanders in the
means of application that cater to the unique field of customer services. Relevant authorities at
components while considering the application Palembang Aviation Polytechnic and Sultan
context. Mahmud Baddarudin II Palembang can develop
When we intersect these considerations with training and skill development programs that focus
the research results, it becomes evident that a on the customer services criteria. Additionally,
methodical commitment to improving product future research could consider incorporating other
quality aligns with the broader goal of enhancing variables that influence the performance of Incident
competency in specific domains. The research data, Commanders in handling emergencies at the airport,
emphasizing the significance of Customer Services such as environmental factors and human factors.
(Cs) competence within Airport Rescue and Fire
Services (ARFS), underscores the importance of 4. Acknowledgement
expert involvement and continuous professional
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude
development. Just as we seek to elevate Customer
to all those who have contributed to the successful
Services (Cs) competence over other criteria in
completion of this study.
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