The Architecture Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9266) aims to provide comprehensive regulation for the architectural profession in the Philippines. It defines architecture as the art and science of planning, designing, and constructing buildings based on principles of utility, strength, and beauty. The Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture oversees the regulation of architects and the practice of architecture. The Board is responsible for licensing architects, setting ethical standards, and ensuring compliance with the law.
The Architecture Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9266) aims to provide comprehensive regulation for the architectural profession in the Philippines. It defines architecture as the art and science of planning, designing, and constructing buildings based on principles of utility, strength, and beauty. The Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture oversees the regulation of architects and the practice of architecture. The Board is responsible for licensing architects, setting ethical standards, and ensuring compliance with the law.
The Architecture Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9266) aims to provide comprehensive regulation for the architectural profession in the Philippines. It defines architecture as the art and science of planning, designing, and constructing buildings based on principles of utility, strength, and beauty. The Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture oversees the regulation of architects and the practice of architecture. The Board is responsible for licensing architects, setting ethical standards, and ensuring compliance with the law.
The Architecture Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9266) aims to provide comprehensive regulation for the architectural profession in the Philippines. It defines architecture as the art and science of planning, designing, and constructing buildings based on principles of utility, strength, and beauty. The Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture oversees the regulation of architects and the practice of architecture. The Board is responsible for licensing architects, setting ethical standards, and ensuring compliance with the law.
9266, - Services may range from architectural designing,
also known as "The Architecture Act of 2004." structural conceptualization, and construction - To provide a more responsive and comprehensive phases to feasibility studies, cost estimates, regulation for the registration, licensing, and bidding documents, and architectural detailing. practice architecture in the Philippines. 12. What is the significance of the practice of 2. Define architecture as per the provisions of architecture regardless of the location or Republic Act No. 9266. residency of the individuals involved? - Architecture is the art, science, or profession of - The practice of architecture is significant planning, designing, and constructing buildings in irrespective of the location or residency of the their totality, considering their environment, based practitioners, as it encompasses a wide range of on the principles of utility, strength, and beauty. professional services related to building design 3. What is the definition of an architect according to and construction. Republic Act No. 9266? 13. Describe the role of the Board in the context of - An architect is a person professionally and architecture regulation. academically qualified, registered, and licensed - The Board refers to the Professional Regulatory under the Act, responsible for advocating fair and Board of Architecture, responsible for overseeing sustainable development, welfare, and cultural and regulating the architectural profession. expression of society's habitat. 14. Define Continuing Professional Development in 4. How is an architect-of-record defined in Republic relation to architects. Act No. 9266? - Continuing Professional Development is a - An architect-of-record is the architect responsible progressive learning process that enhances the for the total design of a project for the client, knowledge and skills of architects. assuming civil liability for the signed and sealed 15. How is the Integrated and Accredited Professional plans, specifications, and contract documents. Organization defined in the Philippines? 5. Describe the role of an architect-in-charge of - It is the official national organization of all construction as per Republic Act No. 9266. architects in the Philippines, where all registered - An architect-in-charge of construction is an Filipino architects must be members. architect registered and licensed under the Act, 16. Do architects in the Philippines need to enter into directly and professionally involved in overseeing a Service Agreement? the construction process. - Yes, architects must enter into a duly notarized 6. What is the significance of the Statement of Policy written contract stipulating the scope of services in Republic Act No. 9266? and compensation. - The Statement of Policy in the Act emphasizes the 17. Describe the composition of the Professional importance of architects in nation-building and Regulatory Board of Architecture. development, aiming to nurture competent, - The Board is composed of a chairman and two virtuous, and globally competitive professional members appointed by the President of the architects through regulatory measures and Philippines from a list of recommendees provided programs. by the integrated professional organization of 7. Describe the scope of the practice of architecture architects. as outlined in the content. 18. What does DTI stand for in the context of the - The scope includes services related to site, content provided? physical and planning, as well as design, - Department of Trade and Industry. construction, renovation, and alteration of 19. Describe the process for a member of the Board to buildings. qualify for their duties. 8. What are some examples of services included in - A member of the Board must take the proper oath the practice of architecture? prior to performing their duties. - Examples include architectural designing, 20. Define the powers and functions of the Board as structural conceptualization, consultation, site outlined in the content. analysis, construction management, and - The Board has powers such as prescribing rules, architectural interiors. supervising registration, issuing licenses, adopting 9. Define the responsibilities of a person engaged in ethical standards, and hearing administrative the practice of architecture. cases. - Responsibilities include providing oral or written 21. How does the Board handle administrative cases advice, conducting evaluations, preparing involving violations of the Act and ethical architectural plans, managing construction standards? projects, and coordinating various aspects of - The Board can hear and decide such cases, issue building design and development. subpoenas, and make final decisions unless 10. How does the scope of the practice of architecture appealed to the Commission. extend to project management? 22. Do members of the Board need to attend - It involves general management, supervision, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) coordination, and responsible direction of various programs for license renewal? architectural and construction activities, including - Attendance to CPD programs is not mandatory for planning, reconstruction, renovation, and the renewal of a professional license. restoration of buildings. 23. Describe the role of the Board in monitoring the 11. Describe the range of services that fall under the conditions affecting the practice of architecture. practice of architecture. - The Board adopts measures to enhance and 35. Describe the issuance process of Certificates of maintain high professional, ethical, and technical Registration and Professional Identification Cards standards in the profession. for architects. 24. What is the procedure for appealing a decision of - Certificates and ID cards are issued to passing the Board to the Court of Appeals? examinees upon payment of prescribed fees. - The decision of the Commission may be appealed They bear signatures of Commission and Board to the Court of Appeals following the procedure officials, granting the right to practice the under the Rules of Court. profession. 25. Describe the grounds for suspension or removal 36. What authority does the Board have regarding the of members of the Board. subjects in the licensure examination for - Grounds include neglect of duty, incompetence, architects? violation of the Act or ethical standards, crimes - The Board can revise, exclude, or add subjects as involving moral turpitude, and manipulation of needed to align with technological changes in the licensure examination results. profession, subject to Commission approval. 26. Define the role of the Commission in relation to 37. What is the purpose of an architect's seal on investigative cases conducted by the Board. documents? - The Commission provides secretariat and support - To indicate that the documents were prepared by services for implementing the provisions of the or under the direct supervision of a registered Act. architect. 27. How are the compensation and allowances of the 38. Describe the responsibility of an architect-of- Board chairman and members determined? record for architectural documents. - They receive compensation and allowances - The architect-of-record is fully responsible for all comparable to those of existing regulatory Boards architectural plans, specifications, and other under the Commission, as specified in the General documents issued under their seal or authorized Appropriations Act. signature. 28. Do members of the Board need to submit an 39. Define the term 'intellectual properties' in the annual report? If so, to whom? context of architectural drawings and - Yes, the Board must submit an annual report to specifications. the Commission detailing its proceedings and - Intellectual properties refer to the drawings and recommendations. specifications as instruments of service, which are 29. Describe the examination requirement for the exclusive property of the architect. registration in the practice of architecture. 40. How should an architect indicate their involvement - All applicants must undergo a licensure on documents prepared under another architect's examination designated by the Board in supervision? accordance with Republic Act No. 8981. - The architect should sign or seal the documents in 30. How does one establish qualifications for taking a way that clearly indicates the part or parts of the the licensure examination according to the work they actually performed. content? 41. Do unauthorized individuals have the right to - By proving Filipino citizenship or eligibility as a duplicate or make copies of architectural foreign citizen, demonstrating good moral documents without the architect's consent? character, and holding a relevant degree. - No, it is unlawful for anyone to duplicate or make 31. Describe the subjects covered in the licensure copies of architectural documents without the examination for architects. architect's consent. - The subjects include History and Theory of 42. Describe the requirements for architectural plans Architecture, Principles of Planning and and specifications to be accepted by enforcement Architectural Practice, Structural Design, Building officers. Materials, Architectural Specifications, Urban - Architectural plans and specifications must be Design, Architectural Interiors, and Architectural prepared and submitted in full accord with all the Design. provisions of the relevant laws and regulations for 32. How is the passing grade determined in the them to be accepted. licensure examination for architects? 43. Describe the grounds for revocation of a - A candidate must obtain a weighted general Certificate of Registration and Identification Card average of 70%, with no grade lower than 50% in for an architect. any subject to pass the examination. - Grounds include fraud, deceit, unauthorized 33. Define the process of reporting ratings after the signing of documents, payment for registration, licensure examination for architects. false impersonation, unauthorized practice, - The Board must submit the ratings obtained by soliciting projects without agreements, and each candidate within 30 calendar days after the violating professional standards. examination, sending the results to each 44. Define the role of the Board in the process of examinee by mail. revoking an architect's Certificate of Registration 34. What is required of successful candidates before and Professional Identification Card. practicing architecture professionally? - The Board examines grounds for revocation, - Successful candidates must take an oath of updates rules as needed, and can investigate or profession before a member of the Board, a take action based on charges or its own findings. government official authorized by the 45. How can an architect appeal a decision made by Commission, or a person authorized by law to the Board regarding the revocation of their administer oaths. Certificate of Registration and Professional - It is unlawful for a person, firm, or corporation to Identification Card? seek architectural work through a representative - The architect can appeal to the Commission, unless the representative is duly qualified and whose decision is final. registered. 46. Do architects need to ensure that all architectural 57. How does the Architecture Act regulate the work is executed under their immediate signing of architectural plans by architects? supervision to avoid potential revocation of their - Architects can only sign plans they have worked Certificate of Registration and Professional on, and the Architect-of-record is fully responsible Identification Card? for all documents issued under their seal. - Yes, architects must ensure that all work, including 58. Do non-registered and unlicensed individuals plans and designs, is done under their immediate have the right to solicit architectural work supervision to avoid penalties. according to the Architecture Act? 47. Describe the consequences of openly soliciting - No, solicitation of architectural work is considered projects without a valid service agreement as an practicing architecture and is unlawful for non- architect. registered individuals. - Soliciting projects without a valid agreement or 59. Describe the punishment for violating the allowing oneself to be exploited can lead to prohibition in the practice of architecture under revocation of the Certificate of Registration and the Architecture Act. Professional Identification Card. - A fine of not less than P100,000.00 but not 48. How can the grounds for revocation of a Certificate exceeding P5,000,000.00, or imprisonment for a of Registration and Professional Identification period not less than six months but not exceeding Card be updated according to the content? six years, or both. - The Board periodically examines and updates the 60. How does the Architecture Act address the grounds for revocation as necessary under the avoidance of its provisions by non-registered implementing rules and regulations. entities using representatives? 49. Describe the requirements for practicing - It is unlawful for entities to use representatives to architecture in the Philippines according to the seek architectural work unless those provided content. representatives are duly qualified and registered; - One must be registered with the Board, hold a both the represented and representative can be Certificate of Registration, and comply with the deemed guilty of violating the Act. provisions of the Act. 61. Describe the conditions under which a firm, 50. Define unauthorized practice of architecture as per company, partnership, corporation, or association the content. can be registered for the practice of architecture in - It refers to performing architectural activities the Philippines. without being authorized or registered to practice - Only Filipino citizens who are registered and architecture in the Philippines. licensed architects can form such entities, with 51. How are architects registered before the passing architects composing at least 75% of the owners, of the law treated under the new provisions? shareholders, members, incorporators, directors, - They are automatically registered under the new or executive officers. law, subject to future requirements, and their 62. Define the coverage of temporary/special permits existing Certificate of Registration remains valid. for foreign nationals in the field of architecture in 52. Do foreign architects have the right to practice the Philippines. architecture in the Philippines without meeting - Foreign nationals entering the Philippines for specific requirements? professional services as architects or consultants - No, foreign architects must comply with the in specific projects must secure a regulations and be authorized to practice special/temporary permit from the Board before architecture in the country. assuming their duties. 53. Describe the reciprocity requirements for foreign 63. How are individual members of a firm, partnership, professionals applying for licensure examination association, or corporation held accountable in in the Philippines. the practice of architecture in the Philippines? - They must prove that their home country allows - Individual members are responsible for their Filipino professionals to practice under similar individual and collective acts as an entity, as conditions, including recognition of degrees and stipulated by law. diplomas. 64. Describe the registration process required for a 54. What is the purpose of Continuing Professional firm, partnership, association, or corporation Development (CPD) in the field of architecture practicing architecture in the Philippines. according to the content? - Such entities must be registered with both the - To promote public interest and safeguard life by Securities and Exchange Commission and the ensuring architects stay updated and maintain Board. their professional skills. 65. Do foreign nationals need approval from the 55. Describe the penalty for enticing an architect to Commission to secure a special/temporary permit perform services without a written contract under for practicing architecture in the Philippines? the Architecture Act. - Yes, foreign nationals must obtain approval from - A fine of not less than P200,000.00 or the Commission for their special/temporary permit imprisonment for up to six years, or both. before commencing their architectural duties. 56. Define the liability of representatives of non- 66. How is the composition of registered and licensed registered persons under the Architecture Act. architects regulated within firms, companies, partnerships, associations, or corporations 78. Do you know when the Act was finally passed by practicing architecture in the Philippines? the House of Representatives and the Senate - Architects must make up at least 75% of the according to the content? owners, shareholders, members, incorporators, - The Act, a consolidation of House Bill No. 5389 directors, or executive officers within such entities. and Senate Bill No. 2710, was passed by the 67. Describe the requirement for foreign nationals House on January 28, 2004, and by the Senate on wanting to practice in the Philippines under a January 29, 2004. temporary/special permit. - They must secure locally professional liability insurance or malpractice insurance in bond form. 79. What is the title of the Rules and Regulations 68. Define the integration of the Architecture implementing Republic Act No. 9266? profession as per Sec. 40 of the Act. - The Rules and Regulations Implementing the - It involves the profession being unified into one Provisions of Republic Act No. 9266, also known national organization accredited by the Board and as the Architecture Act of 2004. approved by the Commission. 80. Describe the policy statement regarding architects 69. How does one become a member of the integrated in the Philippines as per the content. and accredited professional organization of - The State recognizes architects as crucial for architects in the Philippines? nation building and aims to develop competent, - By being duly registered with the Board and virtuous, and globally competitive professionals paying the required fees and dues. through licensure examinations and regulatory 70. Do architects automatically become members of measures. the integrated organization upon registration with 81. Define 'Architecture' as per the content. the Board? - Architecture is the art, science, or profession of - Yes, architects duly registered with the Board planning, designing, and constructing buildings automatically become members of the integrated considering their environment, based on utility, organization. strength, and beauty 71. Describe the process for implementing rules and 82. What does the term 'Architect' refer to in the regulations according to Sec. 41 of the Act. context of Republic Act No. 9266? - The Board, with Commission approval, adopts - An architect is a person who is professionally and rules and regulations within sixty days, in academically qualified, registered, and licensed coordination with the professional organization, under the Act, holding a Certificate of Registration effective fifteen days after publication. and Professional Identification Card. 72. What is the timeline for the Board to implement 83. How should the 'IRR of the Architecture Act of rules and regulations after the Act's effectivity? 2004' be interpreted and carried out according to - Within sixty days after the Act's effectivity. the content? 73. Describe the process outlined for filing charges - The IRR should be understood and implemented with the prosecution office according to the in alignment with the policy statement outlined in content. Section 2 of Republic Act No. 9266. - The Board is to assist the Commission in filing 84. Describe the scope of practice for architects under appropriate charges through the concerned Republic Act No. 9266. prosecution office in accordance with the law and - Architects are responsible for planning, designing, Rules of Court. and constructing buildings while considering their 74. Define the Separability Clause as mentioned in the environment, following principles of utility, content. strength, and beauty, as per the Act. - The Separability Clause states that if any part of 85. What does the Scope of the Practice of the document is declared unconstitutional, it will Architecture encompass? not affect the validity of the other parts, limiting the - It includes professional services related to site judgment to the specific clause involved. planning, architectural design, construction, 75. How does the Repealing Clause impact existing renovation, restoration, and alteration of buildings. laws and regulations according to the content? 86. How is the General Practice of Architecture - The Repealing Clause repeals Republic Act No. performed? 545 and any other laws, orders, rules, or - Through preliminary studies, consultations, regulations inconsistent with the new Act, specifications, evaluations, investigations, and modifying or repealing them accordingly. oral advice, regardless of the location or role of the 76. Describe the effectivity clause mentioned in the individuals involved. content. 87. Define the services covered under the Scope of the - The Act will take effect 15 days after its publication Practice of Architecture. in the Official Gazette or two newspapers of - Services may include planning, design, general circulation. consultations, evaluations, construction 77. What is the significance of the signatures at the management, feasibility studies, and preparation end of the content? of architectural documents. - The signatures at the end indicate the approval 88. Do architects need to be residents of the and endorsement of the Act by key officials like the Philippines to engage in the General Practice of President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Architecture? Representatives, and the President of the - No, the practice can be carried out by individuals Philippines. regardless of their residency or location of their principal office. 89. Describe the responsibilities of architects in the - In the field of architecture, CPD stands for construction and project management phase. Continuing Professional Development. CPD - Architects provide general management, Providers are entities, either natural or juridical, administration, supervision, coordination, and that are accredited by the CPD Council to conduct responsible direction for the planning, design, and CPD Programs. These programs are defined by construction processes. Republic Act (R.A.) 10912, an act that mandates 90. Describe what a Service Agreement in the context and strengthens the continuing professional of. development program for all regulated - Agreement is a written guaranteeing professions. compensation for services to be by a registered - The aim of these programs is to ensure that and architect. professionals, such as architects, stay current with - “Service Agreement” means a duly notarized emerging design trends, evolving construction written contract or equivalent public instrument technologies, and changing regulations. This is - stipulating the scope of services and guaranteeing essential in today's rapidly evolving architecture compensation of such services to be rendered by sector. For instance, in the Philippines, the an architect registered and licensed under R.A. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) No. 9266; released a list of Accredited CPD Providers for 91. Describe the role of a Consulting Architect. Architecture. - A Consulting Architect is a registered and licensed - It's important to note that the CPD requirement is Architect with exceptional expertise in a branch of mandatory for the renewal of professional licenses architecture, assuming civil liability only if under Section 10 of R.A 10912¹². For example, interfering with the Architect-of-Record's architects in the Philippines are required to comply functions. with a total of 45 units every three years². - A Consulting Architect provides specialized 95. How is Diversified Architectural Experience architectural expertise within a specific area of the defined? field, offering insights and guidance while not - Diversified Architectural Experience is a two-year taking on the full responsibility of the Architect-of- post-baccalaureate experience required before Record. They contribute valuable knowledge taking the licensure exam, involving varied without assuming overall project liability. experiences in different architectural service 92. What are included in Contract Documents? phases. - Contract Documents typically include Special 96. Define a Foreign Architect in the context of Provisions, General Conditions,ings, architecture. Specifications, and Other Bid Documents. - A Foreign Architect is an architect who is not a - Contract Documents are crucial in construction Filipino citizen. projects as they outline the terms, conditions, and - In the Philippines, only Filipino citizens can specifications for the work. Special Provisions practice architecture professionally. Foreign detail unique project requirements, while General Architects can work in the country under certain Conditions cover standard procedures. conditions, such as obtaining a Special Temporary Specifications provide detailed requirements, and Permit or collaborating with a Filipino architect on Other Bid Documents may include drawings and projects. This helps regulate the profession and addenda. protect local interests. 93. Define Copyright Ownership in architecture. 97. Describe what a Professional Identification Card is - Copyright Ownership refers to the rights retained for an Architect. by an Architect over their architectural work, - It is a document with a registration number, date including control over reproductions but not of issuance, and expiry date, signed by the PRC reconstructions in the same style. Chairperson upon payment of annual fees for - Copyright ownership in architecture grants three years. architects the exclusive rights to control the 98. Define Site Planning in the context of architecture. reproduction of their original work. This includes - It refers to detailed development planning of areas preventing others from copying or replicating their surrounding a building or group of buildings within designs without permission. However, it does not the property limits where they will be constructed. extend to preventing reconstructions in a similar 99. How are Standards of Professional Practice style. defined in architecture? 94. What are CPD Providers in architecture? - They are defined in the Architects National Code, - CPD Providers are entities accredited to offer covering all aspects of professional service, continuing professional education modules for setting minimum fees, and outlining rights and architects, excluding the Integrated Accredited obligations of both Architect and client. Professional Organization of Architects. 100. What does Sole Proprietorship mean for an - CPD Providers play a crucial role in the ongoing individual Architect? education and development of architects by - It refers to an Architect practicing and delivering offering specialized modules. These entities are architectural services, duly registered with DTI, accredited to ensure architects receive high- BOA, and PRC. quality and relevant training to maintain their 101. Describe what Specialization means for an professional standards. The exclusion of the Architect in the field of architecture. Integrated Accredited Professional Organization - It is expertise and special knowledge acquired of Architects highlights the distinction between through education, training, or professional different types of providers in the architecture field. development, allowing the Architect to be that individuals with relevant expertise and engaged as a Consulting Architect. experience are appointed to the board to regulate 102. Define Syllabi in the context of architecture the architectural profession effectively. education. 108. Define the qualifications required for members - They are outlines embodying topics and concepts of the Professional Regulatory Board. of major subjects in a specific course of study, - Qualifications include being a citizen and resident serving as the basis for test questions in licensure of the Philippines, holding a degree in examinations. Architecture, having at least 10 years of active 103. What is Technology Transfer in architecture practice, and not having certain conflicts of and related fields? interest. - It involves contracts or arrangements for 109. What is the term of office for members of the transferring systematic knowledge for Professional Regulatory Board? manufacturing a product, applying a process, or - Members hold office for a term of three years after rendering a service, including intellectual property appointment or until their successors are rights. appointed. - Technology transfer in architecture and related 110. Describe the role of the Professional fields is crucial for sharing innovations and Regulatory Board of Architecture. advancements. It enables the dissemination of - The Board is a collegial body under the knowledge, processes, and intellectual property supervision of the Professional Regulation rights to facilitate the production of new products, Commission, responsible for regulating the services, or applications. This process often architecture profession. involves formal agreements to ensure the proper 111. How soon should the Professional Regulatory transfer of technology. Board be organized after the Architecture Act of 104. Describe Urban Design as undertaken by an 2004 takes effect? Architect. - The Board should be organized not later than six - It is a comprehensive design on a community and months after the Act's effectivity. urban scale, extending beyond individual buildings 112. Describe the role of the Board in monitoring to include spaces between buildings, utilities, the conditions affecting the practice of movement systems, and more. architecture. 105. Do you know the acronyms and laws related to - The Board monitors conditions affecting architecture mentioned in the content? architecture and takes measures to enhance and - Yes, they include R.A. No. 9266 (Architecture Act maintain high professional, ethical, and technical of 2004), BOA (Board of Architecture), CHED standards. (Commission on Higher Education), CIAC 113. What authority does the Board have in (Construction Industry Arbitration Commission), handling administrative cases involving violations CPD (Continuing Professional Development), of R.A. No. 9266? DOLE (Department of Labor and Employment), - The Board can hear and decide administrative DTI (Department of Trade and Industry), and cases involving violations of R.A. No. 9266, issue IAPOA (Integrated Accredited Professional subpoenas, and make final decisions unless Organization of Architects). appealed. - R.A. No. 9266 regulates the practice, while BOA 114. Define Continuing Professional Development oversees licensure. CHED sets educational (CPD) program in the context of architects. standards, CIAC resolves disputes, CPD ensures - CPD is a program where architects attend ongoing learning, DOLE monitors labor practices, educational activities to enhance their DTI regulates trade, and IAPOA supports professional skills, although it may not be architects. mandatory for ID card renewal. 106. Describe the composition of the Professional 115. How does the Board collaborate with the CHED Regulatory Board Architecture. regarding higher educational instruction in - The Board is of a chairman and two members architecture? appointed by the President of the Philippines from - The Board, in coordination with CHED, ensures a list of recommendees. that architecture education complies with - The composition of the Professional Regulatory prescribed policies, standards, and requirements. Board Architecture consists of a chairman and two 116. What responsibility does the Board have in members who are selected by the President of the relation to licensure examinations for architects? Philippines from a list of recommendees. This - The Board prepares, adopts, and administers process ensures that qualified individuals are licensure examination syllabi, questions, and appointed to oversee and regulate the results. architectural profession effectively. - The Board's role in overseeing licensure 107. How are members of the Professional Regulatory examinations for architects is crucial for ensuring Board selected? the quality and standards of the profession. By - Members are chosen from a list of nominees preparing, adopting, and administering the exam submitted by the integrated and accredited content and results, the Board upholds the professional organization of architects. integrity and competency of licensed architects. - Members of the Professional Regulatory Board 117. Describe the Board's authority in issuing are selected from a list of nominees provided by temporary or special permits to practice the integrated and accredited professional architecture. organization of architects. This process ensures - The Board can approve, issue, limit, or cancel 129. Describe the Theory of Architecture section in temporary or special permits for practicing the licensure examination for architects as architecture. outlined in the content. 118. How does the Board contribute to the - It involves understanding design theories, computerization of licensure examinations for architectural design processes, anthropometric architects? requirements, and sociocultural and technological - The Board adopts a program for the full trends in architecture. computerization of licensure examinations. 130. What are the key aspects of Architectural 119. What are some of the other duties and Practice covered in the examination according to functions that the Board may undertake for the the content? enhancement of architecture? - Understanding the architect's role, legal - The Board may discharge other necessary duties obligations, statutes affecting practice, and and functions to enhance the field of architecture. various aspects of professional practice and 120. What is the purpose of the annual report project management. mentioned in the content? 131. Explain the Theory and Principles of Planning - The purpose of the annual report is to provide a section in the licensure examination for architects detailed account of the Board's proceedings based on the content. during the year and make recommendations. - It includes analyzing planning concepts, 121. Describe the compensation and allowances techniques, site planning, and the art and science for the chairman and members of the Board as per of planning with emphasis on ecological, socio- the content. psychological, and aesthetic factors. - The chairman and members of the Board receive 132. Describe the application of the principles of compensation and allowances comparable to design and construction methods in construction those of existing regulatory Boards under the materials. Commission. - It involves understanding how design principles 122. Define licensure examination as mentioned in are applied to various construction materials and the content. the methods used in construction. - A licensure examination is a test that applicants 133. Define Architectural Interiors. for registration for the practice of architecture must - It refers to the theories and principles governing undergo to demonstrate their qualifications. the design and arrangement of interior spaces 123. How can an applicant establish their within a building. qualifications for the examination according to the 134. How are utilities for a building or structure content? typically described and understood? - An applicant must prove Filipino citizenship or - They are understood in terms of basic practices, eligibility as a foreign citizen, demonstrate good principles, design, installation, and construction moral character, hold a Bachelor of Science in requirements. Architecture from a recognized institution, and 135. Do architects need to consider aesthetic, have relevant architectural experience. functional, and strength aspects when analyzing 124. Do applicants need to submit specific utility, facility, and equipment requirements for a documents to support their qualifications for the building? examination? - Yes, architects need to consider these aspects in - Yes, applicants need to submit documents like relation to the building's overall design and Certificate of Live Birth, Marriage Contract (for functionality. married female applicants), and College Diploma 136. Describe the focus of Urban Design in with graduation details. architectural planning. 125. Describe the role of the Commission in guiding - It involves analyzing concepts and techniques for the investigation as per the content. planning physical design on a community and - The Commission is guided by Sec. 7(s) of R.A. No. urban scale. 8981 in conducting the investigation. 137. How are architectural design problems 126. Describe the consequences of fraudulent visualized and presented by architects? applications for professional identification card or - Architects apply skills to visualize design problems of registration in architecture. and present solutions using appropriate graphical - The consequences may include refusal to renew, language. suspension, or revocation of the card or certificate. 138. Define the rationale behind Architectural 127. Define the covered in the licensure Design and Site Planning. examination for architects according to the - It involves applying a logical approach to solving provided content. architectural and planning problems, emphasizing - The subjects include History and Theory of design methodology and spatial relationships. Architecture, Principles of Planning, Architectural 139. What is the minimum weighted general Practice, and Structural Design. average required to pass the licensure 128. How does the examination cover the History of examination for architects? Architecture according to the content? - 70%, with no grade lower than 50%. - It includes analyzing architectural manifestations 140. Describe the process of oath-taking for from ancient civilizations to contemporary periods, successful candidates in the licensure and the influences of environmental, historical, examination for architects. and sociocultural factors. - Successful candidates must take an oath of profession before a Board member, authorized government official, or any person authorized by 151. What actions must the Board take when law before practicing. refusing to issue a Certificate of Registration? 141. What is included in the Certificate of - The Board must provide a written statement to the Registration for licensed architects? applicant outlining the reasons for refusal, which - The Certificate of Registration includes the will be included in the Board's records. signature of the Commission chairperson and 152. Describe the process for preparing charges Board members, official seals, and signifies the against a registrant according to the content. right to practice the profession. - Charges must be in writing, sworn to by the person 142. How is the Professional Identification Card making them, and filed with the Secretary of the issued for registered architects? Board. - The Professional Identification Card is issued with 153. Define the term 'reinstatement' as mentioned a registration number, date of issuance, expiry in the content. date, and is signed by the Commission - Reinstatement refers to the restoration of the chairperson. validity of a revoked Certificate of Registration 143. Define the purpose of the Roster of Architects after a certain period, subject to approval. as per the regulations. 154. How does the Board handle the re-issuance or - The Roster of Architects lists registered architects' replacement of revoked or lost certificates of names, business locations, and relevant data, registration? updated by the Board and accessible to interested - The Board may reinstate the validity of a revoked parties. certificate after two years, upon application and for 144. What is the requirement for architects proper reasons, potentially exempting the regarding the use of seals on architectural applicant from retaking an examination. documents? 155. Describe the requirements for practicing - Architects must affix a seal authorized by the architecture in the country as per the content. Board, containing their name, registration number, - No person can practice architecture without a and the title 'Architect' on all architectural plans Certificate of Registration, Professional and related documents. Identification Card, and complying with the 145. Describe the process for obtaining and using regulations set by the Board. a seal as a licensed architect. 156. Do registrants have the right to challenge the - Upon registration, architects must obtain a seal as revocation of their Certificate of Registration? directed by the Board, using it on all architectural - Yes, registrants can challenge the revocation by plans and documents prepared under their preparing charges or the Board may investigate on supervision. its own motion. 146. Describe the requirements for architectural 157. How are administrative investigations of cases plans and documents in relation to construction. related to architecture conducted according to the - Architectural plans and documents must bear the content? seal and signature of a registered and licensed - The rules on administrative investigation issued by architect under R.A. No. 9266. the Commission govern the hearing or 147. What is the role of the Board in prescribing the investigation, subject to relevant laws and use of a dry seal for architectural documents? regulations. - The Board prescribes the design, size, and 158. Describe the process for a foreign applicant contents of the dry seal used for signing and take the licensure examination for Architects in the sealing architectural plans, drawings, and Philippines. specifications. - The foreign applicant must submit a letter with an 148. Define the information an architect must official seal from their country, along with required indicate on documents related to their profession. documents like a copy of the law allowing Filipino - An architect must indicate their Certificate of citizens to take the exam, immigration documents, Registration and Professional Identification Card passport, transcript of records, and any other number, date of issuance, validity duration, and documents requested by the Board. professional tax receipt number. 159. What is the requirement for practicing 149. How does the Board handle the refusal to architects in terms of Continuing Professional issue a Certificate of Registration and Development (CPD)? Professional Identification Card? - Practicing architects must maintain a program of - The Board does not issue these documents to continuing professional development to promote individuals who have falsely sworn, public interest and safeguard life, health, and misrepresented themselves, committed criminal property. offenses involving moral turpitude, or engaged in 160. Define the role of the integrated and accredited immoral conduct. professional organization in the CPD program for 150. Describe the circumstances under which an architects. architect's registration may be refused or removed - The organization is responsible for developing a by the Board. continuing professional development program for - Registration may be refused or removed for architects. criminal offenses involving moral turpitude, 161. How can other entities or organizations immoral conduct, or unsound mind, but not for become CPD providers for architects in the political offenses or offenses deemed not Philippines? disqualifying by the Board. - They can become CPD providers upon accreditation by the Board. 162. Describe the documents a foreign applicant - The architect shall receive an incentive pay of needs to submit along with their application to 1.5% of the project cost, not exceeding 50% of take the licensure examination for Architects in the their annual salary, upon project completion. Philippines. 173. Do unregistered individuals have the right to - The applicant must submit immigration collect fees for architectural services? documents, passport, transcript of records from an - No, it is unlawful for unregistered persons to accredited institution, and any other documents collect fees for architectural services except as an required by the Board. employee representing a Registered Architect. 163. What is the purpose of the CPD program for 174. Describe the limitation on the registration of architects in the Philippines? firms, companies, partnerships, corporations, or - The program aims to maintain and enhance the associations in the practice of architecture. professional development of practicing architects - The practice of architecture is a profession that to ensure public safety and welfare. imposes restrictions on the registration of entities 164. Describe the penalties for violating Section – engaging in architectural services. sub-paragraph (L) R.A. No. 8981 by heads of 175. Describe the conditions for a foreign national government agencies or officers of private firm to practice architecture in Philippines. entities/institutions. - foreign national or firm must be legally qualified to - Imprisonment of not less than six months and one practice architecture in their own country, work day to not more than six years, or a fine of not less with a Filipino counterpart, and secure necessary than P50,000 to not more than P500,000, or both. from the Professional Regulation Commission and 165. Define the prohibition in the practice of the Department of Labor and Employment. architecture according to Section 30 of R.A. No. 176. Define the requirements for a foreign architect 9266. to practice in the Philippines. - It is unlawful to entice, compel, coerce, require, or - The foreign architect must be from a country that force a registered and licensed architect to allows Filipino professionals to practice, have perform any service under the general practice of expertise beneficial to the Philippines, work with a architecture without a written contract/service Filipino counterpart, and comply with tax and utility agreement. obligations. 166. How is the liability of representatives of non- 177. How can a foreign architect practice in the registered persons addressed in R.A. No. 9266? Philippines legally? - It is unlawful for a person, firm, or corporation to - By meeting the qualifications set by the Board of have a representative or employee seek Architecture, working with a Filipino counterpart, architectural work on their behalf unless the and obtaining special permits from the representative is duly qualified and Professional Regulation Commission and the registered/licensed. Department of Labor and Employment. 167. Do non-registered and unlicensed persons 178. Describe the responsibilities of agencies or have the right to solicit architectural work individuals hiring a foreign architect in the according to R.A. No. 9266? Philippines. - No, solicitation of architectural work is considered - They are responsible for securing special permits offering to practice architecture and is unlawful for from the Professional Regulation Commission and non-registered and unlicensed individuals. the Department of Labor and Employment for the 168. Describe the actions prohibited by Section 32 foreign architect. of R.A. No. 9266 regarding signing and sealing of 179. Do foreign architects need to work with a architectural documents. Filipino counterpart when practicing in the - It is unlawful for any architect to sign their name, Philippines? affix their seal, or use any. - Yes, foreign architects are required to work with a 169. What are the consequences for public officials Filipino counterpart when practicing in the who order non-architects to perform architectural Philippines. activities according to the content? 180. Define the role of the Commission in allowing - They are administratively liable, guilty of a foreign architects to practice in the Philippines. misdemeanor, and upon conviction, sentenced in - The Commission approves foreign architects to accordance with Section 30 of R.A. No. 9266. practice in the Philippines based on specific 170. What is the requirement for positions in conditions and requirements outlined in the government primarily needing architectural regulations. services after the effectivity of R.A. No. 9266? 181. Describe the integration process of the - Within three years, these positions must be filled Architecture according to the content. only by registered and licensed architects. - The profession is to be integrated into one national 171. How are existing plantilla positions in organization accredited by the Board, approved by government affected if their job description the Commission, and registered as a non-profit involves the practice of architecture as per R.A. corporation. 9266? 182. What benefits do architects receive upon - They are automatically reclassified as Architect becoming a member of the integrated professional positions and receive the corresponding salary. organization of architects? 172. Define the incentive for the government - Architects receive benefits and privileges provided architect-of-record in relation to project costs. for in R.A. 9266 upon payment of required fees and dues. 183. Define IAPOA as mentioned in the content. - IAPOA stands for Integrated and Accredited ▪ Examination, Registration, and Licensure Professional Organization of Architects. ▪ Practice of Architecture (Sundry Provisions) 184. How does the UAP keep track of its bonafide ▪ Final Provisions members according to the content? - These rules are designed to ensure that the - The UAP maintains an official registry of bonafide practice of architecture is carried out in members indicating membership and annual dues accordance with the principles of utility, strength, official receipt number. and beauty. It also emphasizes the role of 185. Describe the requirements for bona fide architects in nation building and development. members of the UAP practicing the architectural - The IRR is a required document under Section 41 profession. of R.A. No. 9266. It is essential for architects to - They need to provide their official IAPOA understand and adhere to these rules and membership number, receipt number, PRC regulations to maintain their professional licenses. registration number, and professional tax receipt on official documents for regulatory purposes. 186. What are some functions, duties, and responsibilities of the UAP as the IAPOA according to the content? - Nominations to BOA positions, preparing a CPD program, and endorsing the practice of architecture are among its responsibilities. 187. Describe the role of the Secretary of Justice in to R.A. No. 9266 and the Architecture Act of 2004. - The Secretary of Justice or his designated representative acts as the legal adviser to the Commission and the Board, providing necessary legal assistance for enforcing the provisions of the acts. 188. Define the Separability Clause in the Architecture Act of 2004. - The Separability Clause states that if any section or provision of the IRR is declared unconstitutional, the rest of the IRR remains unaffected. 189. How can individuals report cases of illegal practice or violations of R.A. No. 9266 and the Architecture Act of 2004? - Individuals can bring cases before the Commission, Board, or law enforcement officers for actions against illegal practices. 190. Do other legally recognized professions get affected by R.A. No. 9266? - No, R.A. No. 9266 is not meant to affect or prevent the practice of any other legally recognized profession. 191. Describe the enforcement mechanism outlined in the Architecture Act of 2004. - The Commission, Board, and law enforcement agencies are tasked with enforcing the provisions of R.A. No. 9266 and the IRR, with assistance from government officers and the legal adviser. 192. What is the timeline for the effectivity of the IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004? - The IRR becomes effective 15 days after its full publication in the Official Gazette or two major newspapers of general circulation. - IRR stands for Implementing Rules and Regulations. The IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004, also known as Republic Act No. 9266, provides the guidelines for the comprehensive regulation of the registration, licensing, and practice of architecture in the Philippines. - The IRR includes various rules, such as: ▪ Title, Policy Statement, Definition of Terms, and Scope of Practice ▪ Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture: Organization, Powers, and Functions