Metals and minerals are being used in Ayurveda pharmaceutics and therapeutics since a very long period.
Herbomineral formulations or Rasoushadhi are considered as more potent and quick acting. Rasa (mercury) is
given prime importance in Rasashastra owing to its remarkable therapeutic potential. However, Rasa is to be
utilized in any of the three forms i.e; Mrita Parada, Baddha Parada and Moorchitha Parada. Mruta Parada
refers to Parada Bhasma which is claimed to have immense therapeutic potential and also helps to improve
longevity. Rasa Bhasma or Parada(mercury) Bhasma is a formulation mentioned in various text books of
Rasashastra viz., Rrasa Ratna Smuchchaya, Rasa Raja Sundara, Yoga Ratnakara, Bhavaprakasha,
Sharangadhara Samhita, Rasa Prakasha Sudhakara, Vaidya Yoga Tarangini, Brihat Nighantu, Rasa Manjari,
Rasa Tarangini etc. But nowadays practically Rasa Bhasma is not being prepared due to the difficulty in the
process and heat sensitivity of Parada (mercury). Here, an attempt was made to prepare Rasa Bhasma by
following the reference of Rasa Manjari with due importance to Standard Operative Procedure. Three batches
were prepared to standardize the process. Prepared Bhasma was tested following organoleptic, classical bhasma
pareeksha and physico-chemical parameters. Advanced instrumental methods like SEM-EDAX, XRD, DLS
and ICP-OES etc were followed to develop analytical standards.
Key words: Ayurveda, Parada, Rasa Bhasma, standardization
Principal and HOD, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences Manipal
Professor, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences Manipal (India)
Corresponding Author Email id: [email protected] Access this article online: www.jahm.in
Published by Atreya Ayurveda Publications under the license CC-by-NC.
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
obtained was powdered. Each time fresh cow ghee and cow milk were collected locally from
milk and cow ghee were taken. Observations the known source and tested for purity before
and results are shown in Table 2a and 2b. Cow using.
Table 2 a. Showing the observations during Gandhaka Shodhana
Before Dhalana
Meters Dhalana Dhalana
Gandhaka Gohritha Gandhaka Gandhaka Go Dugdha
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
Solid, Solid,
2nd Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
Hard Smooth
Solid Solid,
3rd Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
C. Bhavana with Ghrita Kumari Swarasa freshly extracted juice of Aloe vera leaf and
(Levegation with Aloe vera leaf juice): levegated till a soft mass is obtained with all
Prepared Kajjali (150 grams per batch, in total the Subhavita Lakshana(features of perfect
three batches viz, RRMBh 1, RRMBh 2 and levegation). This semisolid mass is made into
RRMBh 3) was added with required amount of chakrika (discs) using specially designed
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
mould; maintaining the thickness of 0.5 cm Eight cowdungs of standard dimensions (9x6
and a diameter of 3.5 cm. Discs are completely cm with an average volume of 380 cm3
dried under sun. Aloe vera leaf was collected yielding an average heat energy of
from the garden of the institute. 7000J/gm0C) based on previous study in the
D. Preparation of Samputayantra and institution (Gauthaman et.al.) were placed at
Bhudhara Yantra. the top and lit with fire. Sharava samputa was
Prepared Chakrika are placed in a single layer collected after self-cooling and the contents
in a clean dry earthen saucer (Sharava), inside was carefully, collected and finely
covered with another similar earthen saucer powdered. Such three batches were prepared
placed inverted, the joint is sealed with mud to develop Standard Operative Procedure.
plasters and dried to get Sharava Samputa. Ingredients are mentioned in Table 4.
This was subjected to heat in a Bhudhara Temperature pattern observed in three
Yantra[4]. For Bhudhara Yantra pit with batches are shown in Graphs 1, 2 and 3. Yield
(3.75x3.75x3.75 cm3) sand around and total of Rasa Bhasma obtained is shown in Table 5.
dimension of pit as 20x20x20 cm3 was used.
Table 4. Showing the Ingredients of Rasa Bhasma:
Sl.No Sanskrit Part used Latin/English Quantity Textual reference Batch No.
Name name
1. Kajjali Compound Black sulphide 160 grams Rasa Tarangini KRKJL01
of mercury
2. Kumari Fresh leaf Aloe vera 85 ml API, RMT/FKMR01
juice Bhavaprakasha
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
12.25 pm
12.40 pm
12.55 pm
11.30 am
11.45 am
1.10 pm
1.25 pm
1.40 pm
1.55 pm
2.15 pm
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
2.22. Bhasma Pareeksha: All the samples Unama test (grain placed on floating layer
were observed against sunlight and found of Bhasma also remained floating). When
lustreless. Bhasma samples were Rekha sprinkled on fire found Nirdhuma
Poorna (filled finger creases), Varitara (smokeless) an important test for Rasa
(floated on still water) and also passed Bhasma[5]. (Table No.7).
Table 7. Results of Bhasma Pareeksha of the samples:
S.No. Sample Rekhapurnata Varitara Unama Nirdhuma
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
1 Kajjali + ve + ve + ve -ve
2 RRMBh1 + ve + ve + ve + ve
3 RRMBh2 + ve + ve + ve + ve
4 RRMBh3 + ve + ve + ve + ve
Fig3a. SEM image of Rasa Bhasma sample RRMBh2 Fig4b. SEM image of Rasa Bhasma sample RRMBh3
(10000X) (20000X)
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
indicating the absence of free mercury. water, implying hydrophobicity and non-
Samples were Rekapoorna i.e. filled the space wetting character. For such nonwetting solids,
between the ridges of finger tips. According to there exists a critical contact angle for the
a study the mean ridge to ridge distance for surface, above which the material floats[8].
the male subjects was 0.46mm and for female This happens when the weight of the solid is
subjects was 0.41mm.Only the particles finer overcome by the surface tension forces[9]. As
than this can enter the finger creases[7]. the weight of the particle decreases with
Bhasma and Kajjali samples floated on water particle size, the critical contact angle also
and also the grain placed on the floating decreases with particle size[10]. Also, the
samples remained floating. For particles with reduction in surface free energy with decrease
density lower than that of water, floating is in particle size has been demonstrated[11].
observed (buoyant force greater than the Hence, for a properly prepared bhasma the
gravity) while denser particles sink. The contact angle with water would be greater
position of the particle in a liquid is not than the critical contact angle owing to
influenced by the sequence of events i.e. extremely smaller size of bhasma particles,
independent of whether powder is added to making them float on water[12]
liquid or liquid is added to the powder. Scanning Electron microscopy is found to be
However the floatability test for bhasma is to useful in getting the topographic image of the
observe the floatability of a powder sprinkled samples and also revealed the presence of
on the surface of water and this is expected to micro particles. As the resolution beyond
involve interfacial forces that act at the three 20000X could not be achieved nano particles
interfaces (gas-liquid, liquid-solid and gas- were not characterized.
solid). When a powder of higher true density Laser particle analyser showed the presence
like Rasa bhasma is sprinkled on surface of of particles ranging from 138.68µ to 197.01µ
water, its ability to float on the surface in Rasa Bhasma samples but particles in Kajjali
depends on the surface energy of the powder. were finer (average 29.34µ).
When the adhesive force between the powder EDAX in association with SEM is a non-
and a liquid is lower than the cohesive forces destructive technique for the semiquantitative
between the molecules of liquid, the powder estimation of elements in the samples.
surface is not wetted by the liquid. Hence, the Mercury was present in maximum quantity in
particles with lower surface energies are Rasa Bhasma samples (with an average of
associated with increased contact angle with 63.58%). Kajjali had a higher percentage of
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-VI, Issue-III (May-June 2018)
mercury (70.89%). Sulphur was next major Previous study carried out by Y. Prasad
element in Rasa Bhasma samples (with an et.al[13] has established that Rasa Bhasma
average of 31.89%). Presence of carbon and prepared by this method is non- toxic.
oxygen indicate the presence of organic Hence, this Rasa Bhasma sample can be
materials in the samples. further utilized in clinical practice to
ICP-OES is highly sensitive and capable of establish its therapeutic potential.
determination of a range of metals and several 5. SOURCE OF SUPPORT: Authors would like
non- metals at concentrations below 1 part in to express their deep gratitude of thanks
1012. All the samples had calcium, iron and zinc to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health
in small quantities. However percentage of Sciences, department of advanced
zinc was lower in Rasa Bhasma samples when research, Bangalore for their financial
compared with Kajjali assistance
XRD pattern shows metacinnabar HgS along 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Authors would
with free sulphur in all the Rasa Bhasma like to thank National Centre for Earth
samples including Kajjali. HgS is present in Sciences studies, Thiruvananthapuram
cubic form, 2θ position at 26.499, 26.309, and Auriga research private limited
26.394, and 26.382 with d-spacing of 3.3609, Bangalore for their help in analysis of
3.3847, 3.3740, 3.3756 Aº respectively in compounds.
samples Kajjali, Rasa bhasma RRMBh1, 2 and 7. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: None declared
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