Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Research Proposal
movies change
society's view on
certain aspects of
violence, sex, and
drugs contained in
By Ryan Villasmil
Horror has been around since the 1890s, it is a prominent genre that
people have flocked to whether it be thrill and rush you gain when
reading or watching the genre. Or even the violence and less desirable
aspects that many people still seek from the genre. Many people love
the gore, sex, and drugs that are included in the movies so much that
directors have made whole moves around the aspects like SAW or
Halloween which are worldwide hits being considered to be some of the
greatest horror movies.
on For many years members of society have been questioning whether
these movies cause harm to society, whether this exposure to violence,
my question: sex, and drugs affects us. There are instances where society and the
government have tried to limit the amount of these certain aspects-
contained within them with the MPAA film rating which puts a specific
rating on films based on their content. This rating can affect
whether these movies are released to the public, and for companies
that want to make money, this is the deal breaker causing them to
cut content to fit a rating suitable for the public.
Research Objective:
The study of this question is relevant as with horror is a prominent genre
in today's society with a multitude of horror movies being created every
year many people including children are exposed to their contents heavily.
This exposure can cause many developmental effects, and changes in how
people view this content. I want to research how this exposure to
violence, sex, and drugs from horror films changes our viewpoints on this
• Have we become numb?
• Is violence a norm in our society?
• What are some of effects that horror movies have on the mind?
These are questions I aim to answer with my study. My objective will be
doing a genre analysis of horror as a genre, and conducting a survey to
gain knowledge of how people view violence, sex, and drugs before and
after mentioning horror movies.
Textual Analysis:
Genre Analysis
I will conduct a genre analysis on horror by using different examples of horror films and watching
them to analyze what specific rhetorical moves are made to be considered a horror movie, and
what are different as aspects that are a part of the genre.
Conducting surveys on the general public with questions that entail around violence, sex, and
drugs before mentioning horror movies to gain their thoughts and knowledge on that topic, and
the asking a series of questions about violence, sex, and drugs in horror movies.
Why Genre Analysis?
I will conduct a genre analysis on the horror genre, this will allow me to
gain data on what makes up the genre as a whole such as the rhetorical
moves that are needed to accomplish the goals of the genre, what the
goals of the genre, and how these moves or goals different across the
genre as well.
I will look across many different horror movies that I can gain access
through varying in content to build an accurate set of information of
the genre.
Why Surveys?
March 5th: Set up my March 10th: Gather March 15th: Gather my March 20th: reinforce March 25th: Start March 30th: Final
Survey results from the Survey references for my my data for my working on the touch-ups on the
presentation presentation presentation Presentation
• Gunter, B., & Gunter, B. (2018). Do sex, horror and violence sell movies?. Predicting Movie Success at the Box Office,
• Sargent, J. D., Heatherton, T. F., Ahrens, M. B., Dalton, M. A., Tickle, J. J., & Beach, M. L. (2002). Adolescent exposure
• The Grand Theatre (2024). MPAA Ratings. The Grand Theatre.