MDU4303 - Clinical Biochemistry II
MDU4303 - Clinical Biochemistry II
MDU4303 - Clinical Biochemistry II
Published by
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Clinical Biochemistry 11 - Block 1
Course Team
Content Editor
Professor. R. Shivakaneshan
All rights reserved. No part of this course book may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy and
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in writing from the Open University of Sri Lanka.
Clinical Biochemistry 11 - Block 1
Clinical Biochemistry 11 - Block 1
Course Outline
This course is designed to provide you with basic knowledge on
biochemical aspects of blood and other body fluids, how they change in
different disease conditions and to provide opportunity to develop required
practical skills in performing biochemical investigations.
Learning outcomes
At the completion of this Course you will be able to;
▪ Explain the principles and perform biochemical investigations of blood
and other body fluids.
▪ Evaluate the results of biochemical investigations and comment on their
disease conditions.
▪ Identify and minimize pre – analytical, analytical and post analytical
▪ Discuss the characteristics of common metabolic disorders.
▪ Analyse clinical specimens to identify main metabolic disorders.
There are no any pre-requisites to learn this course.
Clinical Biochemistry 11 - Block 1
Teaching Strategies
Online Component
Supplementary materials and learning activities relevant to each session will
be uploaded into your online portal.
Day Schools
There will be 03 days schools during which you will be able to clarify
problems you may encounter.
As you would notice, day schools are planned to gain face-to-face teaching
and learning experiences. In order to make maximum use of your day
schools you are advised to work through the course material prior to come
for the day school.
You will have one No Book Tests (NBTs) and a practical test as a means of
assessment of your progress. Marks obtained from the continuous
assessments will be contributed for your overall continuous assessment
marks (OCAM) as follows and will be used to determine your eligibility to
sit for the final examination.
NBT - 50%
Practical test - 50%
Total - 100%
Minimum 50 marks compulsory for PT
Clinical Biochemistry 11 - Block 1
We hope that you will find the course material interesting and that you will
enjoy your learning experience at the Open University of Sri Lanka.
Clinical Biochemistry 11 - Block 1
Clinical Biochemistry 11 – Block 1
Unit II
The main topic which will be discussed under unit II is Disorders of Lipid
metabolism and laboratory diagnosis. You will get a thorough knowledge on
disorders of Lipid and Lipoprotein metabolism. Apart from that analysis of Lipids
and Lipoproteins also will be discussed.
At the end of Unit II you should be able to;
Clinical Biochemistry 11 – Block 1
Unit III
Clinical Biochemistry 11 – Block 1
Unit IV
Clinical Biochemistry 11 – Block 1
Unit V
We hope four Units of the Block I will support you to improve your knowledge,
develop skills and acquire positive attitudes to serve for the people to promote their
health status.
Session [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Session 1
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
1. Galactokinase deficiency
Recent evidence of low erythrocyte and tissue UDP gal levels, associated
with ovarian dysfunction, may indicate impaired galactoside synthesis.
Administration of uridine corrects the UDP galactose depletion and trials in
which it is added to the galactose-restricted diet have begun.
Session [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
(Source: )
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
1. Fructokinase deficiency
2. Aldolase B deficiency
Session [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
3. Deficiency of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Activity 1.1
Session [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
If the serum lactate and pyruvate levels are elevated and a lactate-to-
pyruvate ratio is below 25 in a neonate, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
deficiency can be suspected. If normal level of lactate is reported in
cerebrospinal fluid, this condition can be excluded.
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Low oxaloacetate also impairs the citric acid cycle, glycine cleavage system,
and the urea cycle.
Activity 1.2
(Source: )
Session [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
The glycogen molecule consists of many glucose moieties. These are linked
by an α - 1,4 glycosidic bond between carbon-1 of one moiety and carbon-4
of the next. At branch points α- 1, 6 glycosidic bond links the glucose
moieties. As the name implies glycogen storage diseases are caused by an
accumulation of glycogen.
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Affected Organs,
Name Symptoms
Tissues, or Cell
Type O Liver or muscle Episodes of low blood glucose
levels (hypoglycaemia) during
fasting if the liver is affected
von Gierke's Liver and kidney Glucose 6 phosphatase deficiency.
disease (type Enlarged liver and kidney, slowed
IA) growth, very low blood glucose
levels, and abnormally high levels
of acid, fats, and uric acid in blood
Type IB Liver and white Intracellular G 6 P transporter
blood cells deficiency
Same as in von Gierke's disease but
may be less severe
Pompe's disease All organs Lysosomal acid maltase deficiency
(type II) Enlarged liver and heart and muscle
McArdle Muscle Muscle phosphorylase deficiency
disease (type V) Muscle cramps or weakness during
physical activity
Some of these diseases cause mild symptoms. Others are fatal. The specific
symptoms, age at which symptoms start and their severity varies
considerably among these diseases. Low levels of glucose in the blood and
protrusion of the abdomen (because excess or abnormal glycogen may
enlarge the liver) are some of the features. Hypoglycaemia results in
weakness, sweating, confusion, and sometimes seizures and coma. Other
consequences for children may include stunted growth, frequent infections
Session [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
The glucose oxidase test strips help to detect urinary glucose specifically.
Activity 1.3
1. List and classify the Benedict’s positive substances found in human urine?
The laboratory tests we discuss under this topic are; Benedict’s test for
glucose, Seliwanoff’s test for fructose, test for lactose, test for galactose and
chromatography test.
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis Procedure Observations/Results
Following table (Table 1.2) gives the possible observations and inference of
Benedicts test.
Observation Inference
Session [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
False positive reactions are known to occur due to the presence of non-
carbohydrate substances like ascorbic acid, homogentisic acid, creatinine
and uric acid. Reagent Principle Procedure
Heat to boil Observations
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis Procedure Observations Principle
Session [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism Procedure
Add 5.0ml of urine to a test tube and make just acidic by adding few
drops of glacial acetic acid. Principle Reagents
Solvent (Mix 60ml n-butanol, 40ml pyridine and 30ml distilled water)
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis Procedure
Draw a pencil line 2.5 cm from and parallel to the 25cm side of a
25x35cm Whatman No 01 filter paper.
Insert the sheet into a 35cm high cylinder so that the line of application is
at the bottom. Insert the paper into a chromatographic jar. Tape the cover
and run for 16 hours( Overnight at room temperature)
Remove the paper and mark the solvent front. Allow to air dry
Measure the distance from the starting line to the edge of the solvent front
and calculate the Rf (Table 1.3).
Sugar Rf value
Lactose 0.22
Maltose 0.28
Galactose 0.36
Glucose 0.41
Fructose 0.46
Xylose 0.52
Session [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Learning outcomes
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Review questions
3. Describe how a single gene defect which causes a clinically significant block in a
metabolic pathway lead to subsequent development of a metabolic disorder using
an example.
Burtis, C. A., Ashwood, E. R., & Bruns, D. E. (2012). Tietz textbook of clinical
chemistry and molecular diagnostics-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Lehninger, A. L., Nelson, D. L., Cox, M. M., & Cox, M. M. (2005). Lehninger
principles of biochemistry. Macmillan.
Rutishauser, S. (1994). Physiology and anatomy: A basis for nursing and health
care. Churchill Livingstone.
Session [2]: Diabetes Mellitus
Session 2
Diabetes Mellitus
Introduction, p23
2.1 Types of diabetes, p23
2.2 Signs and symptoms of diabetes, p27
2.3 Metabolic changes in diabetes mellitus, p27
Learning Outcomes, p31
References, p32
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Session [2]: Diabetes Mellitus
This refers to the decreased ability of target tissues (liver, muscles and
adipose tissues) to respond properly to normal concentrations of circulating
insulin. Insulin resistance increases with weight gain and therefore type 2
diabetics are often obese (Figure 2.2).
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Activity 2.1
1. Explain why type 1 diabetes mellitus shows sudden onest and type ii diabetes
mellitus shows gradual onset.
Session [2]: Diabetes Mellitus
Activity 2.2
1. List 5 common signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus and breifly explain the
reason for each.
2.3.1 Hyperglycaemia
Insulin is the principal hormone which regulates the uptake of glucose from
blood in to insulin responsive cells of the body (liver, adipose tissue and
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
In diabetes, excess glucose accumulates in blood and when this exceeds the
renal threshold of 180 mg/dl, glucose reabsorption by renal tubules is
reduced. Hence glucose remains in the glomerular filtrate. Since glucose is
an osmotically active solute it draws water into the lumen of the tubule and
increases the urine volume which is termed as “polyuria” (Figure 2.4).
Session [2]: Diabetes Mellitus
Osmotic diuresis
Hypertonicity of ECF
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
(Source :
2.3.3 Hypertriglyceridemia
Session [2]: Diabetes Mellitus
2.3.4 Ketoacidosis
Learning Outcomes
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Review questions
Session [3]: Blood Glucose Determination and Diagnosis of Diabetes
Session 3
Introduction, p33
3.1 Specimen collection for laboratory analysis, p34
3.3 Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, p36
3.4 World Health Organization diagnostic criteria for diabetes, p37
3.5 Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT), p37
3.6 Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1C), p39
Learning Outcomes, p41
References, p42
Unit [1]: Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and laboratory diagnosis
Session [3]: Blood Glucose Determination and Diagnosis of Diabetes
This method is the highly accurate, precise and reference method for
glucose analysis in blood.
Unit [1]: Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and laboratory diagnosis
Glucose oxidase
H2O + 1/2O2
Oxidized chromogen
3. Haemoglobin A1C
Session [3]: Blood Glucose Determination and Diagnosis of Diabetes
HbA1C ≥ 6.5%
The OGTT evaluates glucose clearance from the blood circulation after oral
glucose loading under standard conditions.
2. The subject should be on 8-10 hour fast before the test (water allowed).
Unit [1]: Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and laboratory diagnosis
3.5.2 Procedure
1. After an overnight fast collect blood for fasting blood glucose (base line
Blood and urine samples are collected at 2 hour after the intake of glucose
3.5.3 Interpretation
The following table interprets the results for OGTT based on WHO criteria
(Table 3.1). The change in blood glucose per time is expressed in an OGTT
graph (Figure 3.2).
Impaired glucose
Timing of test Normal Diabetes mellitus
Session [3]: Blood Glucose Determination and Diagnosis of Diabetes
procedure )
Activity 3.1
HbA1C has been firmly established as an index of long term blood glucose
concentration and as a measure of the risk for the development of
complications in patients with diabetes mellitus. An HbA1C of >6.5% is
considered diagnostic for diabetes and a level of 5.7-6.4% would denote
increased risk of diabetes.
Unit [1]: Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and laboratory diagnosis
Charge differences
Ion-exchange chromatography, HPLC, electrophoresis and iso-electric
Structural differences
Affinity chromatography and immunoassay
Chemical analysis
Spectrophotometry (rarely used)
(Source: )
Session [3]: Blood Glucose Determination and Diagnosis of Diabetes
Activity 3.2
Learning Outcomes
Unit [1]: Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and laboratory diagnosis
Review questions
2. Outline the physiological basis for the development of polydipsia and polyuria in
patients with diabetics.
Burtis, C. A., Ashwood, E. R., & Bruns, D. E. (2008). Tietz textbook of clinical
chemistry and molecular diagnostics-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Marshall, W., Bangert, S. K., & Lapsley, M. (2012). Clinical Chemistry. Elsevier.
Session [4]: Complications of Diabetes Mellitus and Diagnosis
Session 4
References, p50
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
The following are consequences of hyper glycaemia and may play a role in
pathological consequences in diabetes mellitus.
Session [4]: Complications of Diabetes Mellitus and Diagnosis
Activity 4.1
Small blood vessels throughout the body are affected but the disease process
is of particular danger for three sites (Figure 4.3):
1. Retina
2. Renal glomerulus
3. Nerve sheaths
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
symptoms-complications-of-diabetes/) Cataracts
Session [4]: Complications of Diabetes Mellitus and Diagnosis
1. Glomerular damage
3. Ascending infection
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis Albuminuria
The main markers of diabetic nephropathy are eGFR. The diabetic foot and
neuropathy are clinical conditions that can be used as markers in diabetic
Session [4]: Complications of Diabetes Mellitus and Diagnosis
4.2.3 Neuropathy
Neuropathy can affect the sensory, motor and autonomic nervous systems.
Activity 4.2
1. Describe how the glycaemic control can help to minimize the diabetic complications
giving examples.
Learning Outcomes
Unit [1]: Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Review questions
Session [5]: Disorders of Lipids and Lipoprotein Metabolism
Session 5
Disorders of lipid and lipoprotein
Introduction, p51
Summary, p58
References, p60
During metabolism, body synthesizes energy from the foods which have
been ingested. During digestion, constituents in the food such as
carbohydrate, protein and lipid are broken down in to monosaccharides,
amino acids and fatty acids & glycerol, respectively and eventually energy
will be produced. With the presence of metabolic disorders the pathways
involved with metabolism get affected.
Lipids or fats can be either absorbed from the food or synthesized by the
liver. Though all lipids are physiologically essential, the elevated levels of
triglycerides and cholesterol contribute to a number of diseases.
Lipids are hydrophobic and transported as lipoproteins in blood.
Lipoproteins are categorized based on the size and density and are
Unit [2]: Disorders of Lipid Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
In some cases, there is a possibility for the plaque to break and gather
platelets in the affected area forming blood clots. This condition may be end
up with life-threatening complications, such as stroke and heart attack.
Session [5]: Disorders of Lipids and Lipoprotein Metabolism
Unit [2]: Disorders of Lipid Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Activity 5.1
1. Describe the connection between coronary heart diseases and disorders of lipid
Many genes are involved with lipids transport in the blood which is a
complex process. Because lipids are water insoluble, they are complexed
with “apolipoproteins” and transported as lipoproteins in the blood.
Apolipoproteins have other functions as well;
1. Cofactors for enzymes (apoA-I, apoC-II)
2. Modulators of enzyme activity or substrate accessibility (apoC-III)
3. Ligands for lipoprotein receptors.
Lipoproteins synthesized in the liver parenchymal cells and duodenal
enterocytes. Then they are secreted into the lymph and enter the
bloodstream. Within the vessel they undergo modifications; which include,
1. Hydrolysis and removal of core lipids
Finally lipoproteins from circulation are taken up by the tissues. Other than
lipid transport, some lipoproteins and apolipoproteins contribute to tissue
regeneration and immunoregulation. All the major genes of human
apolipoproteins, enzymes and transfer proteins which control the
intravascular metabolism of plasma lipoproteins and receptors that remove
lipoproteins from the circulation have been characterized. Mutations of
Session [5]: Disorders of Lipids and Lipoprotein Metabolism
Unit [2]: Disorders of Lipid Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Isolated hypercholesterolemia
Families with this condition have increased plasma total and LDL
cholesterol or triglyceride or both in at least two members of the same
family, with intra-individual and intra-familial variability of the lipid
phenotype. Familial combined hyperlipidemia carries a significantly
increased risk of coronary atherosclerosis; 10-15% of patients with
premature coronary heart disease have familial combined hyperlipidemia,
including acute myocardial infarction. Patients with familial combined
hyperlipidemia have a high frequency of co-morbidity with other conditions
such as type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, steatohepatitis, and
the metabolic syndrome.
Family history of early coronary artery disease in one or more first-degree
relatives and the family history for increased triglycerides with or without
increased level of LDL cholesterol are important in diagnosis of the disorder.
It is necessary that lipid-lowering therapy directed toward reducing
cholesterol and triglyceride along with cardiovascular risk protection to
manage this condition.
5.5 Hyperapobetalipoproteinemia
Session [5]: Disorders of Lipids and Lipoprotein Metabolism
Unit [2]: Disorders of Lipid Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
insulin are frequently present as well. These factors may contribute to even
higher triglyceride levels. Alcohol, high carbohydrates diets and using of
estrogen make the condition worse.
Review questions
The disorders of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism are mostly correlated with
Session [5]: Disorders of Lipids and Lipoprotein Metabolism
Learning outcome
At the end of this session, the students should be able to;
State the clinical significance of disorders of lipid and lipoprotein
Unit [2]: Disorders of Lipid Metabolism and Laboratory Diagnosis
Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, Bruns DE. 2007. Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical
Chemistry. 6th Edition. Elsevier.
Session [6]: Analysis of Lipids and Lipoproteins
Session 6
Analysis of Lipids and Lipoproteins
Introduction, p61
6.1 Cholesterol estimation, p61
6.2 Triglycerides, p62
6.3 High density lipoprotein cholesterol, p63
6.4 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol, p64
6.5 Measurement of Apolipoproteins, p66
Summary, p67
Learning outcome, p68
References, p68
Routine lipid and lipoprotein determinations are carried out by most clinical
laboratories. Reference methods also have been developed and these
methods are important in the standardization of lipid and lipoprotein assays.
Basic lipids measured in the clinical laboratories include cholesterol,
triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
Unit [2]: Disorders of Lipid metabolism and laboratory diagnosis
Cholesterol reagent contains all the enzymes and other requirements of the
Cholesteryl ester
Cholesteryl ester + H2O Cholesterol + Fatty
Cholesterol + O2 Cholest-4-en-3-one +H2O2 BN
H2O2 + Phenol + 4-Aminoantipyrine Quinoneimine dye
6.2 Triglycerides
Triglyceride + 3H2O Glycerol + 3 Fatty acids
Glycerol + ATP Glycerophosphate + ADP
Glycerophosphate + O2 oxidase Dihydroxyacetone +
Session [6]: Analysis of Lipids and Lipoproteins
Glycerophosphate + NAD dehydrogenase Dihydroxyacetone
phosphate + NADH + H+
NADH + Tetrazolium dye Formazan + NAD+
Pyruvate + NADH + H + dehydrogenase Lactate + NAD+
Activity 6.1
Unit [2]: Disorders of Lipid metabolism and laboratory diagnosis
Session [6]: Analysis of Lipids and Lipoproteins β-Quantification
β-Quantification is used where Friedewald equation is inappropriate. The
technique involves preparative ultracentrifugation and polynomic
precipitation. The plasma (density [d] = 1.006 g/mL) is ultracentrifuge at
105,000 x g for 18 hours at 10 °C. Then VLDL, chylomicrons and β-VLDL
are found in the floating layer and it is removed by tube slicer. The
infranatant contains LDL and HDL in that case density is greater than 1.006
g/mL. Cholesterol level in the infranatant is measured. VLDL and LDL
cholesterol levels are measured according to the following equations.
Activity 6.2
Unit [2]: Disorders of Lipid metabolism and laboratory diagnosis
4. Immunoturbidimetric assay
5. Immunonephelometric assay
Session [6]: Analysis of Lipids and Lipoproteins
Unit [2]: Disorders of Lipid metabolism and laboratory diagnosis
Review questions
1. List the factors that can interfere with the cholesterol enzymatic assay.
2. Discuss the precautions that you would take to minimize the effects of the factors
that you mentioned above.
5. Discuss the methods that can be used to minimize the effect of high triglyceride
concentration in HDL cholesterol determination.
6. State the conditions/ disease where Friedewald equation cannot be used in LDL
cholesterol determination.
7. Discuss the sources of variation and bias in lipids and lipoproteins measurement.
Learning outcome
Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, Bruns DE. 2007. Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical
Chemistry. 6th Edition. Elsevier.
Session [7]: Changes of Protein Levels in Disorders
Session 7
2. α1-Globulin
3. α2-Globulin
4. β-Globulin
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
5. γ-Globulin
7.1.1 Albumin
7.1.2 α1-Globulin
Session [7]: Changes of Protein Levels in Disorders
7.1.3 α2-Globulin
7.1.4 β-Globulin
7.1.5 γ-Globulin
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
Activity 7.1
1. Explain the normal densitometric pattern of serum proteins with the help of graph?
Session [7]: Changes of Protein Levels in Disorders
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
Session [7]: Changes of Protein Levels in Disorders
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
7.2.6 Hyperlipoproteinemia
Session [7]: Changes of Protein Levels in Disorders
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
In serum protein electrophoresis five peaks can be seen in a normal
resolution pattern. They are; Albumin, α1-Globulin, α2-Globulin, β-Globulin
and γ-Globulin. In different disease conditions obvious deviations can be
seen compared to normal serum electrophoretic and densitometry pattern
which is important in disease diagnosis. A marked increase in γ-globulin
and β-globulin can be seen in liver cirrhosis. In α1-Antitrypsin deficiency
(Emphysema) absence or an obvious reduction in α1-globulin band can be
seen. In monoclonal gammopathy, the M protein is characterized by the
presence of a single, sharp peak in the β-γ region. A wide-based γ-globulin
peak is seen in polyclonal gammopathy. Chronic inflammatory state
indicates a broad peak in γ-globulin region. Acute phase protein response
pattern involves a rise in the α1 and α2-globulin fractions. In
hyperlipoproteinemia an increased concentration of α2 and β-globulins can
be seen with the appearance of another peak in between α2 and β globulins.
In chronic hepatitis there is an overall reduction in albumin and α-globulin
with a marked increase in β-globulin. In nephrotic syndrome plasma protein
are changed depending on the severity of the syndrome (Figure 7.12).
Session [7]: Changes of Protein Levels in Disorders
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
Review questions
1. Discuss the biochemical basis for the deviations observed in following disease
conditions compared to normal serum electrophoretic and densitometry patterns.
Cirrhosis of the liver, α1-antitrypsin deficiency (emphysema), polyclonal
gammopathy, monoclonal gammopathy, chronic inflammatory states, acute phase
protein response pattern, hyperlipoproteinemia, chronic hepatitis and nephrotic
Learning outcome
Burtis, C.A., Ashwood, E.R. and Bruns, D.E. (2007). Tietz Fundamentals of
Clinical Chemistry. 6th ed, Elsevier.
Session [8]: Estimation of Serum/ Plasma Protein
Session 8
Estimation of serum/plasma proteins
Introduction, p81
8.1 Electrophoresis, p82
8.2 Immunochemical methods, p84
8.3 Quantification of total protein, p85
Summary, p88
Learning outcome, p89
References, p90
Serum/plasma proteins are mainly synthesized by the liver. Plasma contains
at least 125 individual proteins. Serum is lacking with coagulation protein
which is used in blood coagulation. Functions of the proteins include
control of oncotic pressure, transportation of substances, and complement
cascade pathways.
However, changes of normal serum protein pattern provide information with
regard to individual’s general status of the body. Fractionation of total
protein is more clinically useful in diagnosis of diseases such as cirrhosis of
the liver, monoclonal gammopathy, Polyclonal gammopathy, chronic
hepatitis, and nephrotic syndrome.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
Monoclonal gammopathy
Multiple myeloma
The total protein level can be lowered in liver or kidney problems or if the
protein is not been digested or absorbed properly. However, if the total
protein level is abnormal further laboratory tests are needed in order to
identify which protein concentration is high or low. This is extremely
important in accurate diagnosis of the disease.
Depending on the required accuracy different methods are used for the
determination of protein concentration of serum/plasma.
8.1 Electrophoresis
Electrophoresis is widely used in the separation and estimation of serum
protein. In electrophoresis the separation of protein is done in an electric
Different types of serum protein electrophoresis are available. They have
been categorized depending on the method used in separation and
differentiation of serum components.
The net charge on a protein is determined by the sum charge of its amino
acids and the pH of the buffer where protein is dissolved. At pH 8.6 all the
proteins are negatively charged and they move toward the positively
charged anode, whilst the positively charged particles migrate towards the
cathode under an electric field. The rate of movement mainly depends on
the charge to mass ratio of the protein molecule
Albumin and globulin are present as the major protein components in the
serum. Albumin represents the largest peak which lies closest to the positive
electrode. Globulins consist of a much smaller portion of the total serum
protein but characterize the primary focus of analysis of serum protein
electrophoresis. Five globulin categories are found; alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1,
Session [8]: Estimation of Serum/ Plasma Protein
beta-2, and gamma, with the gamma globulin being closest to the negative
In zone electrophoresis, various protein subtypes are placed in separate
locations on a gel made from agar, cellulose or other plant material.
In serum protein analysis cellulose acetate, agarose gel or capillary
electrophoresis is commonly used. Special techniques include Western
blotting, two-dimensional electrophoresis and immunofixation.
In cellulose acetate or gel electrophoresis proteins are applied to a solid
matrix such as an agarose gel or a cellulose acetate membrane in the buffer
solution which will act as the inert support. Albumin has the most negative
charge, and it will migrate farthest towards the anode.
In clinical application serum is preferred compared to plasma to avoid the
fibrinogen fraction in a region in which monoclonal immunoglobulins often
migrate. But, in some instances, plasma is preferred where fibrinogen
quantification is needed such as evidence for acute inflammation and
Separated proteins are stained by Coomassie brilliant blue which is more
sensitive compared to Amido Black and Ponceau S. Further, separation of
protein subtypes is obtained by staining with immunologically active agents,
which results in immunofluorescence and immunofixation. Lipoprotein
visualization is done with the application of special fat stains. Carbohydrate
side chains’ staining is required in visualization of α1-acid glycoprotein.
Immunofixation electrophoresis is important in detection of paraproteins or
M-protein because it produces distinct band in monoclonal gammopathy.
However, concentrations of many of the serum proteins are too low to
separate as individual bands or they are over-shadowed by more
concentrated proteins. Further, some proteins are weakly stained with the
existence of lipid and carbohydrate.
The densities of each separated fractions could be electronically calculated
to get graphical data on various protein. Quantification of individual band is
done by densitometry.
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
Activity 8.1
1. Briefly describe the working principle behind the serum protein electrophoresis.
Session [8]: Estimation of Serum/ Plasma Protein
2. Direct photometric
3. Dye-binding
4. Folin-Ciocalteu (Lowry)
5. Kjeldahl
6. Refractometric
7. Turbidimetric
8. Nephelometric
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
Serum proteins absorb UV light at 200 to 228 nm and 270 to 290 nm.
Aromatic rings of tyrosin and tryptophan results in absorption of UV light at
280 nm under pH of 8.
Determination of protein concentration by photometric methods takes
advantage that more a sample contain light-absorbing substances, less the
light transmit through it. Therefore, the association between concentration
and absorption is linear. This concept can be used to measure the protein
concentration of an unknown protein sample.
Proteins bind dyes such as Amido black 10B and Coomassie Brilliant Blue.
In the clinical application this method has a limitation as a result of different
affinities and binding capacities of individual proteins.
The Bradford assay, is based on the shift of absorbance of the
dye Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250. The Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250
dye exists in three forms; anionic (blue), neutral (green) and cationic
(red). In the acidic medium, the red form of the dye is converted into its blue
form, upon binding to the protein. The solution remains brown in the
absence of protein.
The Bradford protein assay is less prone to meddling with a variety of
chemical compounds such as sodium, potassium, sucrose. But, an exception
has been reported from increased concentrations of the detergent sodium
dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The interference of SDS exhibits two different
modes depending on the concentration. When SDS concentrations are less
than critical micelle concentration (known as CMC, 0.00333%W/V to
0.0667%) in a Coomassie dye solution, the detergent binds strongly with the
protein. This inhibits the binding sites of the protein to the dye reagent and
results in underestimations of protein concentration. When SDS
concentrations are above CMC, the detergent links powerfully with the
Session [8]: Estimation of Serum/ Plasma Protein
green type of the Coomassie dye, producing more blue form. This increases
the absorbance at 595 nm irrespective to the protein present.
High buffer concentrations overestimate protein concentration. This will not
be a problem if a low concentration of protein is used.
In this method, the sample is digested with acid to convert nitrogen present
in the protein to ammonium ion. Ammonia nitrogen concentration is
evaluated by titration or nesslerization. The protein amount is calculated
from the nitrogen concentration of the sample analyzed. The correction
factor is applied for the nitrogen present in serum non-protein compounds.
The ammonia nitrogen content is multiplied by a factor of 6.25 to obtain
total protein value.
8.3.6 Refractometry
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
concentration greater than 11.0 g/dL, dilution of serum sample with equal
parts of water is needed in obtaining valid result.
Activity 8.2
Changes in normal serum protein pattern provide valuable clue regarding
individual’s general status of the body. Fractionation of total protein is
clinically useful in disease diagnosis. Serum protein electrophoresis is
commonly done in the clinical laboratories to identify disorders of
serum/plasma proteins. In electrophoresis the separation of protein is based
on the charge and the mass of the protein molecule and separation is done in
an electric field. Different types of serum protein electrophoresis are
available based on the method used in separation and differentiation of
serum components. In clinical application, nephelometric and turbidimetric
techniques are commonly used because of its speed and easiness. Total
protein quantification could be achieved by following methods; Biuret,
Direct photometric, -Dye-binding, Folin-Ciocalteu (Lowry), Kjeldahl,
Refractometric, Turbidimetric and Nephelometric. In Biuret method,
peptides bonds in protein react with Cu2+ in alkaline solution which is in
Biuret reagent. This complex produces a violet-colored complex and its
absorbance is measured at 540 nm by spectrophotometry. Serum proteins
absorb UV light at 200 to 228 nm and 270 to 290 nm.
In dye binding methods Coomassie Brilliant Blue and Amido black 10B are
widely used. But, this method has limitations as the affinities and binding
capacities of individual proteins towards the dye agent differ. The amino
acids tyrosine and tryptophan reduce phosphotungstic-phosphomolybdic
acid in Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and results in a blue colour with maximum
Session [8]: Estimation of Serum/ Plasma Protein
absorption at 660 nm. In Kjeldahl method the sample is digested with acid
to convert nitrogen present in the protein to ammonium ion. Ammonia
nitrogen concentration is evaluated by titration or nesslerization. The
ammonia nitrogen content is multiplied by a factor of 6.25 to obtain total
protein value. When rapid total protein estimation is needed refractometry is
a quick alternative to chemical analysis.
Review questions
Learning outcome
At the end of this session, the students should be able to;
State why the serum/plasma protein estimation is important in diagnosis
of disease.
Immunochemical methods
Quantification of total protein
Biuret method
Direct photometric methods
Dye-binding method
Folin-Ciocalteu (Lowery) method
Kjeldahl method
Unit [3]: Serum/ Plasma Protein
Burtis, C. A., Ashwood, E. R., & Bruns, D. E. (2007). Tietz Fundamentals
of Clinical Chemistry 6th Edition (ISBN: 978-0-7216-3865-2), Saunders
Elsevier, St. Louis, MO.
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
Session 9
Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
Introduction, p91
References, p112
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is the most precious sample in the body. The
analysis aids in the diagnosis of diseases of the central nervous system.
Lumbar cerebrospinal fluid is obtained by a procedure known as lumbar
puncture which is a risky procedure. Variations of the CSF composition and
/ or the presence of abnormal constituents including organisms in the CSF
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
3. Position the patient: (a) lateral decubitus position with “fetal ball”
curling up or (b) seated and leaning over a table top. Both these
positions will open up the interspinous spaces.
4. Locate landmarks: between spinous processes at L4-5, L3-4, or L2-3
5. Prepare and drape the area after identifying the landmarks. Use
lidocaine (1%) to anaesthetise the skin and the deeper tissues under the
insertion site.
6. Assemble the needle and manometer and attach the 3-way stopcock to
the manometer.
7. Insert Quinke needle bevel-up through the skin and advance it through
the deeper tissues. A slight ‘pop or give’ is felt when the dura is
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
Tube 2 - Microbiology
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Activity 9.1
1. Discuss the reason for different storage conditions for CSF specimens.
CSF is a clear, colorless, sterile watery body fluid. The total solid found
dissolved in CSF is little, amounting to 0.85 – 1.70 g/dL. Hence, the specific
gravity of CSF is also low, being 1.006 – 1.008. The pH of CSF is close
upon that of the blood plasma, with values 7.35 – 7.40. The cellular
elements of CSF are confined to lymphocytes, being around 0 – 8
lymphocytes per cubic millimeter. CSF is devoid of erythrocytes and
neutrophils. Normal WBC count is 0-5 WBCs/µl.
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
compounds such as urea, uric acid and metabolic waste (e.g. lactate) and
other compounds of importance such as immunoglobulins, hormones.
The CSF specimens tapped from patient must be so treated, for it is from a
critically ill patient, drawn with an invasive procedure and CSF testing is the
ultimate measure towards arriving at a definitive diagnosis. Hence, the
guideline to follow is to rush the CSF specimen containers from the patient
sit to the testing laboratory and hand deliver to the duty medical laboratory
technician. The duty laboratory technician who received prior notification of
the CSF for testing must commence the tests on CSF straight away. If the
CSF is to be tested for photo-labile chromogenic substances such as
bilirubin then the CSF specimen container (container number 1) must be
wrapped in a dark paper to keep the light out. Like any other patient sample,
CSF sample too has to be considered as potentially bio-hazardous with a
likelihood of infective organisms, requiring safe procedures in handling,
pipetting and disposing.
CSF is difficult to obtain and only a small volume is available for laboratory
testing, therefore the medical laboratory technician has to work extremely
carefully and economically with the CSF provided to the laboratory. CSF
specimens do not require pre-processing such as blood plasma or blood
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
The following figure (Figure 9.3) shows the difference between samples
collected under traumatic haemorrhage and cerebral haemorrhage. The
difference are further compared and explained in table 9.1.
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
Cerebral hemorrhage
Colour of
supernatant upon Xanthrochromic Clear
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
Activity 9.2
Total CSF count, WBC count, RBC count and differential count are done
mainly under CSF analysis.
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
1. Sedimentation
2. Filtration
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
3. Centrifugation
4. Cytocentrifugation
Lymphocytes are high during viral, tubercular and fungal meningitis and
multiple sclerosis. Neutrophil count increases during bacterial meningitis
and cerebral hemorrhage. Blast cells can be seen during acute leukemia.
Malignant cells are seen in malignant conditions.
9.10.1 Protein
Most prominent CSF chemical analysis is protein.
Normal range : 15-45 mg/dl
Elevated in conditions:
Meningitis, hemorrhage and multiple sclerosis, CNS tumors, Guillain-Barre
syndrome, Neurosyphilis, Cushing syndrome, Polyneuritis, Diabetes
Decreased in conditions:
CSF leakage / trauma, recent puncture, rapid production of CSF and water
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
CSF protein is in mg/dL CSF RBC is in /mm3
Serum protein is in g/dL Blood RBC is in mil/mm3
Hematocrit is in %
2) IgG calculation
i) Produced in CSF
ii) Added as a result of disrupted blood brain barrier
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
3) Electrophoresis technique
Agarose gel method with brilliant blue stain.
Higher resolution can be achieved by using immunofixation
electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing with silver stain.
Detect oligoclonal bands to diagnose CNS inflammation.
If bands are visible in gamma region, it indicates the production of
immunoglobulin in CSF
Moreover, systemic and neurologic effect of HIV to CSF and serum can
be determined by the banding pattern
Multiple sclerosis has 2 or more bands which are not present in serum
electrophoresis pattern, with high IgG index.
Encephalitis, neurosyphilis, Guillain-Barre syndrome also have bands
which can be seen only in CSF electrophoresis, but not in serum.
Blood for plasma glucose should be taken 2 hours before the lumber
puncture. This allows the blood and CSF glucose to reach the equilibrium
state. Specimens should be analyzed immediately to prevent glycolysis and
same analytical technique and instrument should be used for both blood and
CSF glucose analysis.
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
Increased levels
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
9.7 Meningitis
Session [9]: Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid
CSF is a clear and colorless fluid found in the brain and spinal cord which
mainly functions as a shock-absorber against trauma. About 125ml of CSF
is circulated daily with a composition of 0.3% plasma proteins, few white
cells and electrolytes; mainly sodium and chloride. CSF is mainly used to
diagnose subarachnoid hemorrhages, meningeal infections, CNS
malignancy and demyelinating disease. CSF is the most precious sample in
the body because it is collected via a complex and risky process known as
lumber puncture. In CSF analysis, its appearance, cell counts and chemical
constituents are reported. CSF analysis is essential to determine the
prognosis of the patient and to differentiate the types of meningitis.
Review Questions
Learning outcome
State the physiology behind CSF formation
State the functions of CSF
Describe the CSF specimen collection procedure
Describe the CSF specimen handling guidelines
State the CSF composition
Explain traumatic and cerebral haemorrhage
Describe the conditions interpreted by CSF appearance
Describe the CSF cell counting techniques and calculations
Describe the chemical analysis of CSF and their importance
State the identification parameters of meningitis
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Bishop, M.L., Fody, E.P. and Schoeff, L.E. (2010). Clinical chemistry:
Techniques, principles and correlations (6th ed). Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Strasinger, S.K. and Di Lorenzo, M.S. (2008). Urinalysis and body fluids
(5th ed.). F.A. Davis company, Philadelphia, USA.
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
Session 10
Analysis of body cavity fluids
Introduction, p113
References, p140
The clinical biochemistry laboratory is familiar with the use of blood and
urine analysis as aids in the diagnosis of disease. Urine analysis was
described under MDU 3303 Clinical Biochemistry I module. In fact these
two body fluids are the major biological fluids that are routinely analysed in
the laboratory and they help to diagnose and assess the severity of diseases.
Yet there are other body fluids which have their own use in aiding diagnosis
of disease.
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
These body fluids are tested instead of blood because they can give more
direct answers to what may be going on in a particular part of the body than
blood or urine samples. Some other body fluids which are analysed in the
clinical chemistry laboratory include Cerebro-Spinal fluid (CSF), Synovial
fluid, Amniotic fluid, Pleural Fluid, Pericardial Fluid, Peritoneal Fluid,
Saliva and Sweat.
The median cubital vein in the antecubital fossa of the hand is the preferred
site for venepuncture. If there is difficulty in collecting blood from this site,
the ankle or the veins on the back of the hands may be used. The blood is
collected after applying a tourniquet 10-15cm above the intended site of
blood collection or by using a blood pressure cuff to occlude the veins.
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
size number indicates a smaller bore of the needle). The tourniquet should
be withdrawn when the required volume of blood is drawn and then the
needle should be removed from the puncture site. A sterile gauze pad should
be kept over the puncture site after the needle is removed to prevent
excessive bleeding and bandaged or plastered and kept for around 15
Skin puncture
Depending on the sample volume and the necessity in some patients a skin
puncture may be preferred over a venipuncture e.g. if the sample volume
required is less. In adults and older children blood may be obtained by
performing a skin puncture on the tip of a finger or ear lobe. In infants the
lateral or medial plantar surfaces are used for skin puncture. Although skin
puncture could be used as a method of colleting blood samples it has its own
inherent disadvantages. The greater risk of infection due to difficulties in
sterilizing these areas compared to the antecubital fossa and the longer time
necessary to draw the required volume are some of the disadvantages.
Neonatal screening for certain diseases does not require more than one drop
of blood. In these instances blood specimen could be collected on filter
paper by a skin puncture, usually by pricking the foot.
Arterial puncture
Arterial blood may be required for certain clinical chemistry analyses like
blood gas analysis. The main sites of arterial puncture are the radial artery at
the wrist, the brachial artery at the elbow and the femoral artery in the groin.
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Depending on the site from which blood was collected the composition of
blood may vary. Blood obtained from skin puncture and arterial puncture
are alike compared to venous blood. Blood glucose concentration in venous
blood is lower compared to capillary blood as the glucose is utilized by the
tissues. This difference in glucose concentration may be as much as
7mg/dL. Blood obtained by skin puncture of the earlobe or non-warmed
skin may show an increase in serum protein (thus an increase in protein
bound constituents) and serum potassium. The composition of certain
constituents of blood may also vary depending on whether the blood was
collected from a central venous catheter or a peripheral vein.
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
A tourniquet should not be left in place for more than 1 minute. If it remains
longer some constituents may increase (total protein, iron, total lipids,
cholesterol, aspartate transaminase and bilirubin for example) and some may
decrease (e.g. potassium). This is because of the increase in filtration
pressure across the capillary wall leading to fluid and low molecular weight
compounds to pass through the capillary wall i.e. fluid leaks out of blood
vessels leading to an increase in compounds which have a high molecular
Other factors which could have an effect on the composition (hence should
be avoided) are additional trauma at the venepuncture site (may increase
creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransferase levels) and pumping of fists
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
10.1.4 Anticoagulants
1. Heparin
This is the most widely used anticoagulant for clinical chemistry analysis.
Heparin is available as sodium, lithium, potassium and ammonium salts.
3. Sodium fluoride
Sodium fluoride is a preservative for glucose and a weak anticoagulant.
Sodium fluoride acts by inhibiting the glycolytic enzymes (and other
enzymes in the blood).
4. Citrate
Sodium citrate acts as an anticoagulant by chelating calcium. Thus it is
widely used in coagulation studies on blood.
5. Oxalates
Oxalates act as anticoagulants by forming insoluble complexes with calcium
ions. Sodium, potassium, ammonium and lithium salts of oxalates are used
as anticoagulants and the most widely used oxalate is potassium oxalate at a
concentration of 1-3mg/mL of blood.
The following table (Table 1.1) gives the color codes used for different
anticoagulants and their modes of action.
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
Additives used Mode of action Uses
No additive Blood clots and the serum is Clinical chemistry,
(may have separated by centrifugation Immunology,
silicone-coated in the lab Serology, Cross
interior) matching
Serum separator tube, Clinical chemistry,
contains a gel at the bottom immunology and
Gold No additive
to separate blood from serum serology
on centrifugation
Plasma Lithium heparin prevents Clinical chemistry
Light separating tube coagulation. Plasma is
green (PST) with separated with the PST gel at
lithium heparin the bottom of the tube.
Removes calcium by Haematology, cross
Purple EDTA
forming calcium salts matching
Light Removes calcium by Coagulation tests
Sodium citrate
blue top forming calcium salts
Inactivates thrombin and Lithium analysis (use
Sodium heparin
thromboplastin sodium heparin),
Green or lithium
sodium analysis (use
lithium heparin)
Removes calcium by Trace element testing
Dark forming calcium salts. Tube (zinc, copper, lead,
blue designed to contain no mercury), toxicology.
contaminating metals
Sodium fluoride Anti-glycolytic agent which Glucose analysis
and potassium preserves glucose (up to 5
oxalate days)
Acid citrate Complement activation HLA tissue typing,
dextrose paternity testing,
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
DNA studies
Yellow Preserves viability of Microbiology
Broth mixture
and black microorganisms
Buffered Forms calcium citrate to Erythrocyte
sodium citrate remove calcium sedimentation rate
Orange Thrombin Clots blood quickly Clinical chemistry
Inactivates thrombin and Serum lead analysis
Sodium heparin thromboplastin, contains
virtually no lead
Potassium Forms calcium salts to Immunohematology
EDTA remove calcium
Forms calcium salts to Molecular/OCR and
White remove calcium DNA testing
Activity 10.1
1. Discuss what are the points that should be considered when a blood sample is
collected for the assessment of following parameters
Plasma glucose level
Serum iron level
Prothrombin time
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
1. Appearance
Transudates have a clear and pale yellow appearance while exudates are
cloudy due to high protein and cellular debris content. Exudates may appear
in green, brown or reddish colour if red cells are present.
2. Total protein
Usually fluid: serum protein ratio is considered which is <0.5 for transudate
and >0.5 for exudate.
3. Lactic dehydrogenase
Lactate dehydrogenase catalyses the reversible reaction between pyruvate
and lactic acid and is involved in energy metabolism in cells. Where ever
there is accumulation of cells and cell death as observed in infections and
inflammation, the concentration of LDH in the area increases. As exudates
have a lot of cells associated with it, an exudate will have LDH
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
concentrations higher than 200 units/ L while transudates will have LDH
levels lower than 200 units/ L.
The ratio between LDH concentration in the fluid and the serum is lower
than 0.6 in a transudate where as in exudates the ratio exceeds 0.6.
4. Cell counts
WBC count is usually <1000/µl for transudate and >1000/µl for an exudate.
Monocytes and lymphocytes are major cells found in a transudate. Exudates
may include neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and even
basophils depending on the infective agent.
5. Spontaneous clotting
No spontaneous clotting is seen in transudate. However, clotting is present
in exudates due to high fibrinogen content.
6. Glucose
Glucose concentrations may be used to determine the cause for an exudate
although it may not be of value in differentiating between an exudate and a
transudate. Bacterial infections, malignancies, rheumatoid arthritis, and
tuberculosis will have a decreased concentration of glucose in an
exudatecompared to plasma .
7. Amylase
Amylase is also analyzed to find out the reason for the formation of an
exudate. Conditions involving the upper gastrointestinal tract like
pancreatitis, pancreatic malignancies and rupture of the oesophagus all
could give rise to an increase in amylase concentrations in the fluid.
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
There are two types of factors that affect fluid composition. They are
controllable factors and uncontrollable factors.
1. Posture
2. Immobilization
The plasma and extracellular fluid volumes decrease within a few days of a
person undergoing bed rest and thus the hematocrit may increase up to 10%
within four days. With prolonged bed rest serum protein and albumin
concentration may decrease by 5g/L and 3g/L respectively along with a
reduction on protein bound constituents. Prolonged bed rest gives rise to an
increase in urinary nitrogen, calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphate and
sulfate excretion.
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
3. Exercise
4. Physical training
Serum concentrations of urea, urate, creatinine and thyroxine levels are
higher in athletes compared to other individuals. The total lipids are
decreased and high density lipoprotein cholesterol is increased – both being
desirable factors.
5. Circadian variation
Circadian variation refers to the cyclical variations that occur throughout the
day. Various factors like being awake or asleep, posture, activity, daylight
or darkness have an influence in circadian variation of blood constituents.
Some examples which should be kept in mind when drawing blood samples
for analysis include serum iron concentrations changing as much as 50%
between 0800 and 1200 hours and serum cortisol levels by the same
percentage between 0800 and 1600 hours. Some hormones are secreted as
bursts and this makes it very difficult to interpret their serum concentrations.
Even in urine there are differences in composition depending on diurnal
variation. For example urinary excretion of catecholamines and their
metabolites is less at night than during daytime.
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
6. Food
Serum concentrations of some plasma constituents are affected by food with
glucose being the classic example. Glucose concentrations will rise after a
meal along with iron, total lipids, and alkaline phosphatase. Foods can also
influence other constituents/ parameters such as hormones, pH, pCO2 etc.,
and these changes are dependent on the composition of the meal.
1. Age
The total body water and the volumes of fluid in various body compartments
differ from infancy to adulthood and later. These will have an influence on
the concentrations of various analytes. For example blood glucose levels are
low in newborns because of their small glycogen reserves and serum
creatinine levels increase steadily from infancy to puberty. Adult values of
constituents in body fluids are usually taken as reference with which those
of young and elderly persons are compared in diagnosis of disease. In the
elderly for example, the renal concentration ability is reduced and creatinine
clearance may decline by as much as 50% between the third and the ninth
decade. Thus it is important to note the age of the persons whose samples
are being investigated and have age dependent reference values where
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
2. Gender
Boys and girls until puberty show little differences in laboratory analytes.
Yet after puberty, due to influences of the sex hormones certain constituents
like serum alkaline phospahatse, and aminotransferase are greater in women.
Other constituents like albumin, calcium and magnesium are higher in males
and hemoglobin is less in females.
3. Race
Certain changes in body fluid constituents are observed in different races.
For example serum protein levels are higher in blacks compared to whites.
4. Environmental factors
The hemoglobin levels are markedly increased in people living at high
altitude. An acute increase in environmental temperature cause plasma
volume to expand and this would lead to a decrease in plasma protein
concentration which could be by as much as 10%. On the other hand, if
there is excessive sweating associated with heat, hemoconcentration would
occur and the plasma protein concentration would increase along with some
other constituents.
5. Menstrual cycle
There are physiological changes associated with the menstrual cycle
accompanying changes in sex hormone and other hormone levels. For
example, plasma corticosterone levels are about 50% higher in the luteal
phase of the menstrual cycle compared to follicular phase. Some other
factors which may show changes in concentration with the menstrual cycle
include cholesterol (which shows the lowest levels at ovulation), total
protein, albumin and fibrinogen (which decrease at the time of ovulation).
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
6. Body habitus
In people who are obese there is usually an increase in the concentrations of
cholesterol, triglycerides, and β-lipoproteins. Similarly serum lactate
dehydrogenase and glucose concentrations have been found to be high in
obese people.
Activity 10.2
1. Non-inflammatory – Osteoarthritis
2. Inflammatory – Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout, Pseudo-gout
3. Septic – Microbial infection
4. Haemorrhagic - Traumatic injuries, Hemophilia
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Volume <3.5ml
Clarity Clear
Crystal Absent
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
10.5.1 Appearance
10.5.2 Viscosity
Due to polymerization of hyaluronic acid.
WBC count
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
Differential count
Done on thin smears made from cytocentrifugation.
Monosodium urate - Gout
Cholesterol - Extracellular
Corticosteroid - Injections
Both blood and synovial fluid samples has to be taken after 8 hours of
fasting. This is to allow the equilibrium of glucose between two fluids.
High molecular proteins cannot be filtered from plasma into the synovial
fluid unless in case of a pathological condition. Therefore presence of
protein in synovial fluid should be <3g/dl. Increased values represent
inflammatory and haemorrhagic disorders.
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Pericardial fluid
Peritoneal fluid
Pleural fluid
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
Aspergillous - Black
The table 1.3 compare the differences between chylous and psudochylous
effusions in pleural fluid.
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
High Low
>110mg/dl <50 mg/dl
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Turbid - Infection
Adenosine deaminase
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
RBC count obtained from the peritoneal lavage can be used to determine
the need of a surgery for the patient in case of blunt trauma injuries.
(Count >100000/µl)
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Alkaline phosphatase
Session [10]: Analysis of body cavity fluids
Adenosine deaminase
Other than blood and urine, there are many fluids in the body cavity. They
are CSF, synovial fluid, amniotic fluid, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid,
pericardial fluid, sweat and saliva. These fluids are essential for laboratory
diagnosis of certain disease conditions and also to determine the patient
management and prognosis. Blood should be collected with care to avoid
haemolysis because it affects the analysis of many chemical constituents in
blood. Further, correct blood collection tube must be used for relevant test.
Transudates are fluid formed due to systemic disorders as a result of an
imbalance between fluid filtration and reabsorption process whereas
exudates are fluid produces as a result of disruption of membranes around
the cavities. Both controllable and uncontrollable factors are affecting the
fluid composition. Synovial fluid collected form synovial joints are analysed
to diagnose conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and
pseudo-gut, pericardial, peritoneal and pleural fluid are three types of serous
fluid found in the body.
Review Questions
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Learning outcome
At the end of the session student should be able to,
Describe the blood collection procedures
Bishop, M.L., Fody, E.P. and Schoeff, L.E. (2010). Clinical chemistry:
Techniques, principles and correlations (6th ed). Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Strasinger, S.K. and Di Lorenzo, M.S. (2008). Urinalysis and body fluids
(5th ed.). F.A. Davis company, Philadelphia, USA.
Session [11]: Analysis of stool
Session 11
Analysis of stool
Introduction, p141
References, p158
A stools’ analysis is a series of tests done on a stool (or fecal) sample to help
diagnose certain conditions affecting the digestive tract. These conditions
can include infection (parasitic, viral or bacterial), poor nutrient absorption,
or cancer.
1. Help identify diseases of the digestive tract (e.g. trypsin and elastase
levels to evaluate pancreatic function)
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
2. Help find the cause of symptoms affecting the digestive tract (prolonged
diarrhea, blood and mucous diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain etc.)
3. Screen for cancers of the digestive tract by checking for occult blood
(e.g. colon cancer).
4. Help identify parasitic infections of the digestive tract (pinworms,
giardiasis etc.) and other infections (bacterial, viral).
5. Help identify whether there is any problem of absorption of nutrients by
the digestive tract, especially in suspected fat malabsorption.
Session [11]: Analysis of stool
11.2.1 Diarrhoea
It is the condition where daily stool output increases over 200g with increase
in frequency of passing, more than 3 times per day. Amount of fluid passing
through feces is high in diarrhoea. Diarrhoea may be due to secretory
mechanism, osmotic or altered motility which will be differentiated by fecal
electrolytes, osmolality and pH.
Secretary diarrhoea
Osmotic diarrhoea
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Altered motility
11.2.2 Steatorrhea
The sample collection vessel should not be fully filled and the container
should be loosely capped. This is to allow the gases that build up within
the sample to freely escape.
For quantitative tests like fecal fat and occult blood, sample is collected
for 3 consecutive days due to varying bowel habitat and transit time to
pass stool.
Session [11]: Analysis of stool
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Thus a simple inspection alone of a stool sample may give indicators for the
diagnosis of diseases like parasitic infection, obstructive jaundice (pale
stools, decreased urobilinogen), diarrhoea, malabsorption etc.
The parameters assessed in the chemical analysis of stools samples and the
normal values are listed below:
Session [11]: Analysis of stool
Activity 11.1
1. State the advices that should be given to a patient during specimen collection?
11.6.1 Colour
11.6.2 Appearance
Bulky, frothy stool with foul smell, greasy and float like
Intestinal constriction
Mucus stool
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Wet smears stained with methylene blue or dry smears stained with gram
stain./ Wright’s stain can be used.
Session [11]: Analysis of stool
Activity 11.2
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Observed for neutral fats (triglycerides), fatty acid salts (soaps), fatty
acids and cholesterol
Slides are stained with Sudan III (routinely used), Sudan IV and Oil red
Soaps in feces also form masses of needle-like colorless crystals. They can
be differentiated form fatty acid crystals because they do not melt with heat
and they do not dissolve in ethanol or diethyl ether unless first treated with
acetic acid.
Cannot be visualized directly with Sudan III stain. Before the slide is
prepared, sample should be treated with acetic acid followed by heating.
This procedure is called as split fat stain. Both free fatty acids and fatty
acids produced by hydrolysis of soaps and neutral fats can be examined and
Session [11]: Analysis of stool
both number and size of fat droplets should be considered. Normal feces
have at least 100 droplets with 4µm size. If 100 droplets with size 1-8µm is
counted, considered as slightly increased and 6-75µm as highly increased.
The presence of these three types of fats in feces may indicate different
disorders concerning the digestive tract.
Specimens are heated first and followed by Sudan III stain and allowed to
cool before analysis.
Activity 11.3
Chemical analysis for feces include occult blood, fat, fetal haemoglobin,
fecal enzymes and carbohydrates.
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Normal stool can have blood up to 2.5ml. Bleeding more than 2.5ml / 150g
of stool is pathological. However, in some cases bleeding may not be visible.
In such cases, occult blood test is done.
Reaction is based on pseudo peroxidase activity on hemoglobin. Along with
H2O2 and chromogenic compound (Guaiac), colorless compound is oxidized
to colored compound. Colour of oxidized compound may vary on
chromogen used and sensitivity of chromogens which is indicted in
increasing order gum guaiac> ortho-tolidine> benzidine.
pseudo peroxidase
Hemoglobin H2O2 Guaiac
Session [11]: Analysis of stool
Patient preparation:
1. Commercial kit – Has guaiac impregnated filter paper. Stool sample and
H2O2 is added prior to testing. Specimen is obtained from center of sample
to avoid external contaminations. Blue colour is given if the test is positive.
Specimen applied on paper should be dried before analysis. Dried papers
can be kept for about 6 days.
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
1. As grams of fat. Normal diet of 100g/dl intake will have 1-6g/dl fecal fat
Able to determine water and nitrogen content in faeces other than fat in
grams/ 24 hours.
Session [11]: Analysis of stool
Used to determine whether the blood in stool is either due to fetal blood
or maternal blood swallowed during delivery.
1) Trypsin
Gelatin test – When X-ray paper is inserted into the stool sample
emulsified in water, trypsin will digest the gelatin on paper leaving a
clear area. However, due to many false positives and bacterial
proteolytic actions the test is insensitive.
2) Chymotrypsin
3) Fecal Elastase I
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
4) Lactase
Lactose is the main sugar found in milk and the enzyme lactase converts
ingested lactose into glucose and galactose. In persons with deficiency of
lactase, lactose is not broken down to its constituents i.e. digested and it is
not absorbed.
Lactose in the intestine ferments to lactic acid with the production of gas.
This causes abdominal pain and diarrhea which may be persistent and
Session [11]: Analysis of stool
Stool analysis is important in finding the disorders associated with
alimentary canal, nutritional deficiencies and parasitic infections in the
patient. The common clinical conditions associated with alimentary canal
are diarrhea and steatorrhea. Stool is collected to wide mouthed, clean and
dry container with screw capped lid. Although many constituents are present
in the stool sample, only few are analyzed mainly in the biochemical
laboratory. Macroscopic analysis includes colour and appearance of stool. In
addition, fecal osmolality is tested. Microscopic analysis includes fecal
leukocytes, muscle fibres and fat. Chemical analysis includes fecal occult
blood, fat, enzymes, fetal hemoglobin and carbohydrates.
Unit [04]: Other body fluids
Review Questions
1. List the laboratory tests that one should perform to diagnose diarrhea?
2. What is the importance of fecal fat analysis?
3. How do you analyze the presence of fecal muscle fibers?
Learning outcome
At the end of the session student should be able to,
Bishop, M.L., Fody, E.P. and Schoeff, L.E. (2010). Clinical chemistry:
Techniques, principles and correlations (6th ed). Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Strasinger, S.K. and Di Lorenzo, M.S. (2008). Urinalysis and body fluids
(5th ed.). F.A. Davis company, Philadelphia, USA.
Session [12]: Disorders of reproduction in male and laboratory diagnosis
Session 12
Disorders of reproduction in males
and laboratory diagnosis
Introduction, p159
References, p176
When married couples presenting to infertility clinics are investigated, at
least 50% of couples are found to have a contributing male factor. Male
factor infertility can represent a variety of defects, which gives rise to
abnormalities in sperm number, morphology or function. Thus in the
investigation of male fertility, semen analysis is the most important
diagnostic tool in the initial evaluation. A freshly ejaculated semen sample
is necessary for semen analysis.
Although seminal fluid analysis provides an indication of male fertility, by
itself it does not give an indication on the ability to conceive. The reason for
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
this is that it does not assess important aspects of sperm function which is
the ability of the sperm to locate and penetrate an ovum. It is also important
to note that finding of semen of poor quality points to a reduced chance of
pregnancy and there is a possibility that natural conception may still occur
in some cases although the chances decrease as the severity of semen
defects increase.
Other than routine biochemical tests on semen, andrology laboratories
perform special tests like in-vitro fertilization, post-vasectomy semen
analysis and forensic analysis.
The highest sperm number with the best motility is observed in the first part
of the ejaculate. The proper assessment of semen quality is essential in the
diagnosis of several treatable disorders of male fertility.
Session [12]: Disorders of reproduction in male and laboratory diagnosis
The man should be given clear written and spoken instructions regarding
how to collect the sample and it should be emphasized that loss of any
fraction of the sample in the process of collection should be informed.
The laboratory should have a private room nearby for the person to
collect the sample. Specimen is collected by masturbation. If not, non-
lubricant polyurethane condoms should be used.
All details regarding the person and the collection of the sample should
be recorded and it should include the man’s name, birth date, reference
number, period of sexual abstinence, date and time of collection of
sample, the completeness of the sample, any difficulties in producing the
sample, and the interval between collection and the start of the semen
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
man loses the first sperm rich portion of the ejaculate the sperm counts
may be lower than what they really are.
The time since the last sexual activity - This is of importance as if there is
no ejaculation, spermatozoa accumulate in the epididymis and then
overflow into the urethra and are expelled in urine.
The size of the testes - It has been found that the size of the testes has an
influence on the number of spermatozoa per ejaculate and the size also
reflects the level of sperm producing activity, which affects sperm
1. Volume : 2-5ml
2. Viscosity : Pours in droplets
3. pH : 7.2-8.0
4. Sperm concentration : >20 million/ml
5. Sperm count : >40 million/ ejaculate
6. Motility : >50% within 1hour
7. Quality : >2.0 – Slow forward progression and
Noticeable lateral movement
8. Morphology : >30% normal forms in routine analysis
9. Round cells : >1 million/ml
Session [12]: Disorders of reproduction in male and laboratory diagnosis
Prostatic secretions
Bulbourethral glands
Mucus creates a less viscous channel for the sperms to migrate in the
vagina and the cervix thus increasing the mobility of the sperm.
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
Oval shaped head in 3-6 x 2-3µm in size. Head should be smooth and of
regular contour with a well-defined acrosomal region comprising 40-70% of
the head area. The acrosomal region should not have large vacuoles and if
small vacuoles are there, their number should be less than three and should
not occupy more than 20% of the sperm head. Post acrosomal region should
not have any vacuoles.
It is slender, regular and about the same length as the sperm head. The major
axis of the middle piece and the head should be aligned. Should not contain
excess residual cytoplasm (i.e. not more than 30%).
This should have a uniform calibre along its length. Should be thinner than
the middle piece. Length about 10 times the head length (i.e. a principle
piece length of about 45 µm). May loop back on itself without a sharp angle
(a sharp angle usually indicates a flagella breakdown which impairs
Head defects
Increased or decreased size of head
Two heads
Session [12]: Disorders of reproduction in male and laboratory diagnosis
Presence of vacuoles in head (more than two vacuoles or >20% of the head
area occupied by unstained vacuolar areas)
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
The steps in the seminal fluid analysis and the time frames in which they
should ideally be done according to the WHO guidelines are listed below:
Semen is a thick gel at the time of ejaculation and normally becomes liquid
within 30-60 minutes after ejaculation. Semen should liquefy before
analysis. Liquefaction time is a measure of the time it takes for the semen to
Session [12]: Disorders of reproduction in male and laboratory diagnosis
Measuring semen pH
Normal semen when released from pipette, forms a thin string. If this string
is >2cm, semen has high viscosity. Then, liquefaction is incomplete.
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
c) Within 3 hours:
Sending samples to the microbiology laboratory if microbiological
assessment is required.
d) After 4 hours:
Fixing, staining and assessing smears for sperm morphology.
e) Later on the same day (or on a subsequent day if samples are frozen)
Activity 12.1
1. Briefly describe the information which can be gathered from assessment of pH and
viscosity of seminal fluid.
1. For WBCs
Leukocyte-esterase reagent strip is used as screening test
Session [12]: Disorders of reproduction in male and laboratory diagnosis
Count only mature sperms. Immature sperms (round cells) and leukocytes
are not counted along with mature sperms. If immature sperm count is >
1million/ml, indicates incomplete spermatogenesis either due to viral
infection, genetic abnormality or toxicity. If WBC count is >1million/ ml,
inflammation or infection is there affecting the fertility.
3. Sperm motility
Within 1 hour collection, place a 10µl of sample on a clean glass slide,
cover with a coverslip and observe under phase contrast microscope at
x200 (or x400) magnification.
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
Patterns of movement which does not show any progression, e.g. swimming
in small circles, the flagella force hardly displacing the head, or when only a
flagella beat can be observed.
Immotile (IM)
4. Sperm morphology
Observe for approximately 200 sperms and get the percentage of normal
and abnormal sperm count.
Session [12]: Disorders of reproduction in male and laboratory diagnosis
5. Sperm viability
Living cells are bluish-white colour, dead cells are red in a purple
6. Fructose concentration
Usually tested when there is a low sperm count as a result of decreased
seminal vesicle support medium.
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
7. Antisperm antibodies
Activity 12.2
Session [12]: Disorders of reproduction in male and laboratory diagnosis
Analysed for viable (Motile) sperms using wet preparation observed under
phase microscope
Tested for functional ability of sperms using special techniques such as:
Hamster egg preparation, cervical mucus penetration, Hypo-osmotic
swelling and in-vitro acrosome reaction.
Some of the more common methods of sperm separation are: Classical swim
up, migration sedimentation, density gradient centrifugation and glass wool
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
layer is then diluted with a large volume of medium, centrifuged at 500g for
5 minutes, and finally suspended in 0.5 ml of culture medium. This is then
used in the artificial reproduction techniques.
12.7.2 Migration-sedimentation
Session [12]: Disorders of reproduction in male and laboratory diagnosis
Semen is the collection of fluid from seminal vesicles, epididymis, prostate
glands and bulbourethral glands. The highest sperm number with the best
motility is observed in the first part of the ejaculate. The proper assessment
of semen quality is essential in the diagnosis of several treatable disorders of
male fertility. Semen is collected to a wide mouthed, warm sterile
glass/plastic container and keep at room temperature. Spermatozoa has 3
main sections; head, short middle piece and tail. Abnormal morphology in
these parts will form inactive forms in varying degrees. The steps in the
seminal fluid analysis and the time frames are described under WHO
guidelines. Routine analysis of semen include volume, viscosity, pH, and
fructose, measurement of sperm concentration, count, motility, viability, and
morphology. Special tests for semen include sperm autoantibodies, cervical
mucus penetration, the acrosome reaction test, and computer assisted sperm
analysis (CASA). Other common tests for semen are WBC, sperm count,
sperm motility, sperm morphology, sperm viability, fructose concentration,
antisperm antibodies, post vasectomy semen analysis and sperm functional
tests. Additional biochemical tests include zinc, citric acid, prostatic acid
phosphatase and neutral alpha glucosidase. Sperm separation can be done
by classical swim up, migration sedimentation, density gradient
centrifugation and glass wool filtration methods. Progressive motility, non-
progressive motility and immobility is checked under sperm motility.
Review Questions
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
Learning outcome
At the end of the session student should be able to
State the pathophysiology behind semen formation
Bishop, M.L., Fody, E.P. and Schoeff, L.E. (2010). Clinical chemistry:
Techniques, principles and correlations (6th ed). Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Strasinger, S.K. and Di Lorenzo, M.S. (2008). Urinalysis and body fluids
(5th ed.). F.A. Davis company, Philadelphia, USA.
Session [13]: Disorders of Reproduction in Female and Laboratory Diagnosis
Session 13
Disorders of Reproduction in Female
and Laboratory Diagnosis
Introduction, p177
Summary, p184
References, p185
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
Androgen excess
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Session [13]: Disorders of Reproduction in Female and Laboratory Diagnosis
Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
Luteal phase deficiency
Gonadal dysgenesis
Premature ovarian failure (autoimmune, cytotoxic chemotherapy,
Resistant ovary syndrome
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Benign polyps/tumors
Uterine abnormalities/congenital abnormalities of the uterus
Cervical factors
Abnormalities in mucus viscosity
Tubal factors
Occlusion or scarring
Salpingitis isthmica nodosa
Infectious salpingitis
Psychosocial factors
Decreased libido
Immunological reactions (Producing anti-sperm antibodies)
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
Progesterone measurement
Although the basal body temperature charts have been practiced as a simple
and cost-effective indicators of ovulation, it is also suggested that basal
body temperature measurements is cumbersome and does not predict the
exact time of ovulation. However, when the ovulation occurs, there is a
rapid rise in body temperature, by 0.5 °F, which then persists through the
luteal phase. The increased progesterone level causes the body temperature
to be increased.
Session [13]: Disorders of Reproduction in Female and Laboratory Diagnosis
The Luteinizing hormone appears in the urine just after the serum LH surge
and also 24-36 hours before the ovulation. Although the measurement of LH
unable to confirm the presence of ovulation or cause of anovulation, it can
provide a better guide with which to time intercourse.
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
Activity 13.1
3.4.1 Estrogen
a) Chromatographic methods
b) Immunoassay methods
Session [13]: Disorders of Reproduction in Female and Laboratory Diagnosis
3.4.2 Progesterone
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), double isotope
derivative methods, competitive protein binding assays, immunoassay
methods are used for the estimation of serum progesterone levels. Among
these, double isotope derivative method and competitive protein binding
assays requires extensive purification of the progesterone and also labor
intensive. GC-MS procedures also time consuming and requires extraction
of progesterone, chromatography initially. However, GC-MS is regarded as
a reference method for progesterone estimation. Majority of progesterone
assays in clinical laboratories nowadays have been replaced by
immunoassays using steroid specific antibodies.
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
Infertility can be due to male or female factors. Variety of female factors are
responsible for female infertility, such as ovarian/hormonal factors, uterine
factors, cervical factors, tubal factors, psychosocial factors and
immunological factors. Selection of laboratory investigations related to
reproduction depends on the factors leading to infertility. Basic laboratory
investigations include evaluation of ovulation and evaluation of endocrine
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the session the student should be able to,
Explain the female factors of disorders in reproduction.
Review Questions
Session [13]: Disorders of Reproduction in Female and Laboratory Diagnosis
Burtis, C. A., Ashwood, E. R., Bruns, D.E. 2006. Teitz’s textbook of clinical
chemistry and molecular diagnostics. 6th Edition. Missouri. Saunders.
Unit [5]: Disorders of Reproduction and Laboratory Diagnosis
Clinical Biochemistry 11 – Block 1
Content Editor
Clinical Biochemistry 11 – Block 1