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MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018








MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018


Tender Notice No: MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 Date:- 29-05-2018


Dear Sir,



1. Please find enclosed herewith a Tender Enquiry for the above work. You are
requested to furnish your offer before last date of submission, along with
EMD of Rs 60,000/- online through link http://ebs.in/MIDHANI/public or visit
MIDHANI website www.midhani.com> purchase > Tenders > EMD fee
(Earnest Money Deposit) and security Deposit –ONLINE PAYMENT. The
tenders without EMD amount will be rejected. Please confirm whether you
are registered MSME Unit or MSME Unit owned by SC/ST Entrepreneur or
having NSIC registration. If yes, please submit latest valid documentary
proof for availing benefits as per government guidelines. Estimated Value of
work is Rs 40.67 lakhs.

2. Tender shall be submitted online on or before 14-06-2018 up to 10.30 hrs.

3. The period of completion of job will be 60 days from the date of handing over
of site. Time is essence of the contract; contractor has to mobilize materials
& labour to complete within 60days time period.

4. The tenderer shall inspect the site of work and understand the scope of work
before quoting. No extra amount will be paid on account of misunderstanding
either in scope of work, specification, drawings, site conditions etc.

5. All materials required for the work shall be arranged by the contractor unless
until specified in Bill of Quantities.

6. The work shall be carried out as per MES-SSR-2009 specifications or latest IS

or as per manufacture standards/ specifications.

7. This is an item rate contract and the quantities are approximate, but payment
will be made only on actual work done based on joint measurement.

8. Three R. A Bills, two material advance bills and one Final Bill will be paid. The
contractor has to furnish all material bills along with each bill (if any). Apart
from the above, 02(Two) material advance for structural/spider glazing,
Aluminum composite panels, glass etc will be given at the rate of 60% of
material cost landed at MIDHANI site. The guarantee of material landed at site
for which material advance claimed lies with contractor till handover of the
completed works at site. The contractor shall ensure safety of material against
theft, fire, weathering condition etc at his own cost. Any defect developed
between the storage period to execution stage, contractor has to replace the
defective piece at free of cost.


MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018

9. R.A Bill will be paid within 15 days from the date of certification of Engineer-in-
charge. Material advance bills will be paid in seven days after certification of
Engineer-in-charge against submission of proper bills with security gate entries
along with indemnity bond by contractor. However, Final payment will be made
within 30 days after satisfactory completion of work and certification by

10. SECURITY DEPOSIT : The successful tenderers has to deposit 10% of

contract value as Security Deposit at the time of agreement. This 10% Security
Deposit can be in the form of D.D/Bankers Cheque drawn in favour of
MIDHANI or contractor can deposit Bank Guarantee from any nationalized
bank. The validity of B.G shall be equivalent to contract period plus three
months extra. The 10% Security Deposit will be released after 03 (three)
months (defects liability period) of successful completion of work, Site
clearance and cleaning by the contractor duly certified by Engineer- In-

11. The Contractor shall be responsible to make good and remedy at his own
expense on notification by the Engineer-In-Charge, any defect which may
develop or may be noticed during the 12 months period (inclusive of 03 months
defects liability period) from the certified date of completion. Upon, the receipt
of intimation, the contractor has to rectify the defects at the free of cost within
one week time from the date of receipt of notice. Failing which, MIDHANI
reserves the right to rectify or carry the same work at the cost and risk of
contractor and the same amount can be recovered from the contractor from the
amount due to the contractor in any form.

12. The security and safety rules of MIDHANI to be followed. The contractor shall
take care of all labour laws regarding minimum wages, ESI, PF, C.A.R. Policy,
Group Insurance etc., Midhani is no way responsible in this respect. Midhani is
not liable for any claim in respect of any accidents during the work.

13. (a) MIDHANI reserves the right to operate partial or delete any item specified in
BOQ without any compensation to contractor for the items un-operated or

(b) If at any time after acceptance of the tender MIDHANI feels that for any
reasons whatsoever, if the whole or any part of the contract services is not
required to be carried out, notice shall be given in writing of the fact to the
contractor and upon receipt of such notice, the contractor shall stop the
execution of such services as indicated in the notice forthwith. The contractor
shall have no claim to any payment of compensation or otherwise whatsoever
on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the
execution of the services in full, but which he did not derive in consequence of
the foreclosing of the services / contract. Contractor shall be paid at contract
rates for the full amount of the work executed including such additional
services as may be rendered necessary by said foreclosing.

13. Any new items (viz. supply of material, labour, skilled works etc) will be paid as
per (a) or (b) whichever is less:
a) As per MES-SSR 2016 rates with applicable Percentage Index at that time.


MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018

b) As per market rate analysis.
PS:- Before executing any new item and BOQ Item quantity exceeding beyond
10%, contractor has to bring it to the notice of MIDHANI and take written approval
before execution.

14. The contractor should not cause any loss or damage to MIDHANI property/or
personnel, if any loss or damage is caused the cost of the same will be
recovered from the bills by MIDHANI, which will be final.

15. The quantities are subjected to ±20% variation and the contractor has to carry
the work on the same rates, terms and conditions within the variation limits

16. If the contractor fails to receive the work order within a week time from the date
of intimation to him or if the contractor does not start the work within 3-7 days
from the date of handover of site, or if the work is abandoned / stopped without
bringing proper notice to Engineer-in-charge, the contract will be terminated
and balance work will be carried out at the cost and risk of contractor.

17. Liquidated Damages: - a) If the work is not completed within stipulated time,
liquidated damages at 1% per week delay up to maximum of 10% total value of
work will be deducted.
b) If the delays are not attributed to the contractor, the competent authority
holds the right to waive off the L.D or reduce the L.D as the case may be.

18. Midhani reserves the right to penalize

a) If the contractor fails to submit the 10% Security deposit within the
stipulated period, then penalty of Rs 1000 per day maximum of 10,000.00 will
be collected and further delay will empower MIDHANI to termination of contract
and apply risk purchase.
b) If the contractor fails to receive the work order within 3 days of intimation,
then a penalty Rs 500 per day will be levied subjected to maximum of Rs
5000.00. Further delay will empower MIDHANI to termination of contract and
apply risk purchase.
c) Contractor has to maintain “HINDRANCE REGISTER” which is to be
certified by both MIDHANI Site engineer and contractor engineer before
release of final bill.

19. The offer shall be valid for 3 months from the date of opening of tender.
20. The lowest bidder will be decided based on lowest value of total amount of price
21. Incomplete or partially filled tenders will be rejected. Also, conditional offers are
liable for rejection. MIDHANI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all
tenders without assigning any reasons.
22. Contractor has to maintain site record, hindrance record, record for steel,
cement etc.
23. Site has to be cleaned by the contractor before handing over to MIDHANI after
completing the work. The final bill will be processed only after obtaining site
cleaning certificate from the Engineer-in-charge.
24. The Earnest money deposit can be encashed if the tenderer withdraws his
tender proposals / modifies / changes / alters / impairs / derogates the tender
document on his own after the first cover is opened or within the subsistence of
the validity period of offer or fails to accept the Letter of Award (LOA) issued by


MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018

MIDHANI or fails to submit security deposit or fails to turn-up and execute
contract agreement or fails to commence the work as per LOA. Such bidders
will be banned subject to action as may be deemed fit. In case of unilateral
revision or withdrawal of offer by the bidder as above, shall also result in
rejection of bid without notice. If there is any authentic information about the
intending tenderer having formed a cartel / submitted Non-earnest bids, the
tender will be cancelled and the Earnest Money Deposit of all the tenderer
shall be forfeited, besides initiating actions like banning as may be deemed fit.
25. The contractor shall bear all levies, taxes including GST, duties etc., payable or
arising from/ out of by virtue of or in connection with and / or incidental to the
contract or operation(s) or any other part thereof to be performed by the
contractor and the contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified MIDHANI
from and against the same or any default by the contractor in the payment
there of.

26. The contractor has to employ one qualified experienced graduate engineer for
supervision of works. Otherwise, penalty of Rs 1000/ per day will be collected
from contractor’s bills as per certification of Engineer – in - charge.

Yours faithfully,
For Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited

V.S. Ramagopal
Addl. General Manager (Purchase & Stores)

DECLARATIONS: - 1) I have seen the site and understood the full scope of work,
specified in tender, BOQ, drawings etc.
2) I agree to return all the documents along with this offer duly
3) I have taken into account of points of Minutes of Pre bid
Meeting as circulated on MIDHANI website.



MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018



Item Description of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Rs. Rs.
1 Glazing Works

1.1 Structural Glazing Works

Designing, fabricating, transporting,
supplying, assembling and fixing in position
as per site conditions of Double glazed,
unitised Structural glazing system to external
faces of the building as per drawing with
suitable specially designed patented
aluminium extruded powder coated sections,
anchored to floor to floor at all levels,
elevation and heights to the RCC/ Masonry/
Structural steel elements using hot dipped
Galvanised Iron clamps and approved make of
anchor bolts (HILTI or equivalent make). The
glass panels shall be double glazed 6mm +
12mm air gap + 5mm glass (Double Glazed) of
Saint Gobain / Equivalent - Planitherm Mint
Green Colour shade (OR as approved by
Engineer in charge) with Low e / U value of 1.7 85 sqm
and securely bonded to framework with
structural sealant (DC-995) to ensure absolute
water tightness including approved make of
EPDM gaskets, weather sealants at ACP/
Stone Cladding / RCC Fins terminations joints,
required accessories and all incidental work
complete. Structural glazing system should
withstand a wind speed of 44m/sec. Detailed
drawings to be prepared by vendor and get it
approved from engineer in charge. The rate
quoted must be for finished / installed item
and to the satisfaction of the engineer in
charge. Height of the structural glazing is
from 1.2m to 5.8m from FFL and fixed within
the ACP Fins in each bay as per drawing no:

1.2 Spider Glazing Works @ Main Entrance of

the Building


MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018

Designing, fabricating, supplying, assembling
and fixing in position as per site conditions
Spider Glazing at the entrance lobby of the
building either straight in plan as per drawings
and consisting of elevation glass 12mm Clear
Toughened Glass from Saint Gobain /
Equivalent make (Clear Cosmos - ET 125) (Or
as approved by Engineer in charge) and
secured with stainless steel 316 die-cast
Single arm, Two arm and Four arm spiders of
DORMA / equivalent make and supported with
suitable specially designed Fin plates, Glass
suspension bracket, Clear Laminated Fin
Glass. The entire construction shall be well
secured to available RCC slab or beam with
necessary hardware fixing as per approved
design and Elevation gaps filling with weather
proof silicone DC-789 and Structural silicone
DC-995. Spider Glazing systems must also
include automatic sensor sliding door with
Lock System Operator fixing top of the
Glazing glass with fin glass supports using
with 12mm Clear Toughened Glass from Saint
Gobain / Equivalent make with all necessary
Hardware Dorma / Equivalent Make. Glass
Canopy of size 3m (L) x 1.5m (W) to be
provided to cover the main entrance steps
landing and suitably designed and anchored
from the RCC beams to complete along with
suitable bottom supports to the glass cladded
with Stainless Steel of IS grade. All hardware
to be used is Dorma / Equivalent Make. Spider
glazing system should withstand a wind speed
of 44m/sec. Height of Spider Glazing is 6.8m
from FFL. The spider glazing is provided for
Ground & First Floor. Spider glazing to be
provided at the main entrance of the building
as per drawings no. E3. Detailed drawings to
be prepared by vendor and get it approved
from engineer in charge. The rate quoted must
be for finished / installed item and to the
satisfaction of the engineer in charge.

1) Spider Glazing including Sliding Door

(Ground & First Floor (Double Ht @ Main 50 Sqm
2) Glass Canopy covering landing of main
5 Sqm
entrance steps

2 ACP Works


MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018

Designing, fabricating, transporting,
supplying, assembling and fixing in position
as per site conditions the approved shade and
make of PVDF coated Aluminium composite
panel cladding of Aludecor/Alstrong make
either straight in plan as per drawing including
the special elevation feature @ terrace (Refer
Dwg No E4). The approved Aluminium
composite panel comprising 4mm with skin
material 0.5 mm thick confirming to ASTM
standard/specification of alloy 3105 series
comprising natural polyethylene core
sandwiched between two skins of 0.50mm
thick with exterior grade coating of PVDF
Paint shall be cladding to patentated
510 sqm
aluminium base frame work to line and level
at all heights and hardware with appropriate
and adequate designed properly anchored to
Masonry / RCC/ Structural Steel elements with
all fixing accessories to the shape and profile
as per the manufacturers specifications. All
Aluminium composite panel cladding joints
shall be neatly finished with approved shade
and make of weather sealant (DC-789).
Aluminium composite panel should withstand
a wind speed of 44m/sec. Detailed drawings to
be prepared by vendor and get it approved
from engineer in charge. The rate quoted must
be for finished / installed item and to the
satisfaction of the engineer in charge.

3 Providing and laying in position Vibrated

Reinforced Cement Concrete M20 Mix (1:1.5:3)
using mechanical mixer,12 to 20mm size well
graded HBG machine crushed chips at all
depths, heights and levels in all types of
horizontal rc slabs & Beams and any other
minor concrete works excluding centering /
shuttering (Paid Seperately) costs and
conveyance of all materials to site, labor
charges, vibrating charges, curing with wet
hessian cloth and all other incidental and
operational charges etc. complete for finished
item of work but excluding cost of steel and
its fabrication charges.complete as per
drawing and as directed by engineer in
a) Horizontal RC Slabs at 1.2m Lvl & 5.8M Lvl
from FFL including provding 200mm thk RCC
2 cum
supporting bed on brick work as per drwg no
b) Beams to support elevation wall in the SE
4 cum
corner of the building


MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018

4 Supply ,Fabricating and fixing in position
HYSD / TMT / Fe 500 steel reinforcements of
various diameters at all levels and positions
including cost of straightening, cutting,
laying, bending, cranking and tying with
annealed GI wire after placing in positions as
0.6 MT
directed by the Engineer-in- charge including
cost and conveyance of steel and GI wires,
lifting, labor charges and concrete cover
blocks etc.. The overlaps will not be measured
seperately, Use steel-Tata Tisco/VSP/Sail /JSW
Steel or approved make only

5 Providing and placing steel formwork for

concrete Horizontal RCC Slabs & RCC Beams
with supports of acrow using acrow span,
adjustable props upto min.3.4 mts. to 12 mts.
Height( floor height), cost and conveyance of
all materials to site site, labour
charges,vibrating charges,curing with wet
Hessain cloth and all other incidental and
operational charges etc., complete shaft,
posts as per drawing and as directed by
engineer in charge.

a) Horizontal RC Slabs at 1.2m Lvl & 5.8M Lvl

35 Sqm
from FFL as per drwg no E2
b) Beams to support elevation wall in the SE
25 Sqm
corner of the building

6 MASONRY WORKS for Special Feature in

Elevation in SE corner of the building to
receive SS letters
Providing & laying 230 thk. Brick masonry in
elevation at all heights in cement mortar (1:6)
prop. Using best quality table molded light
weight bricks having crushing strength of not
less than 35 kg/cm2 from approved source
including cost and conveyance of all
materials, scaffolding,labor charges, racking
10 cum
out joints, curing, cement etc., complete for
all heights for finished item of work as
directed by engineer in charge. (Note: 230mm
Brick work for covering the RWP to be
integrated /worked into 0.23m Thk external
brick Wall of the building including providing
50mm CC bed (M15) coping over brick wall)



MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018

7.1 Providing external plaster of 20mm thick
cement-sand plaster in two coats, backing
coat 15mm thick in CM (1:6) and finishing
coat 5mm thick, finished smooth at all heights
including mixing water proofing compound of
approved make, providing chicken mesh with
CM 1:3 proportion at all RCC & masonry
joints, necessary dabbing, curing, 10x10mm
Grooves as required including scaffolding
425 Sqm
complete as per specifications ( for all heights
). The plaster work shall be true to the plumb
and square and contractor shall provide
proper gauges prior to start of work for
approval including cost and conveyance of all
materials, scaffolding at all heights, labour
charges and all operational, incidental
charges etc., complete for finished item of
work as directed by the engineer in charge..

7.2 Providing and applying 2 coats of Premium

emulsion paint of Asian make (Internal paint)
(colour shades as per consultant / Engineer in
charge) matching the shade of the glass in
structural glazing and spider glazing over a
coat of primer as per specifications of the
manufacturer. The rate shall include the cost
of the priming coat and three coats of
"Wallcare", White cement based putty & two
coats of painting with necessary surface 45 Sqm
preparation. The rate shall include removal of
paint marks over windows, doors, ventilators,
flooring and conveyance of all materials,
scaffolding at all heights, labour charges and
all operational, incidental charges etc.,
complete for finished item of work for
finished item of work for ceiling and internal
walls complete and as directed by engineer in

7.3 Painting with weather proof exterior emulsion

paint APEX ULTIMA Asian make)(shade as
approved by engineer in charge) to exterior
faces of new walls over a coat of primer as
per specifications of the manufacturer with
external grade Putty of approved make. The
rate shall include the cost of the priming coat,
two coats of external grade putty and two
coats of painting with necessary surface
preparation. Including removing paint marks
over windows, doors, flooring etc. The rate is
including cost conveyance of all materials,
scaffolding at all heights, labour charges and
all operational, incidental charges etc.,
complete for finished item of work and as
directed by engineer in charge.
Apex Ultima 320 Sqm
Apex Ultima - Texture paint for RR Masonry 140 Sqm


MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018

8 Vitrfied Tiles Cladding in elevation
Providing and laying 8mm thick Vitrified tiles
(MATT/SATIN) (Light shade)(External Grade)
(Shade to be approved by Engineer in charge)
of 600 x 300 mm for external wall cladding as
per drawings & as indicated laid on cement
mortar bed or backing of mix 1:3, with
adhesive chemical with joints properly
aligned, filled with proprietary cement grout of
45 Sqm
approved shade and color (Laticrete or Bal
endura make ) at all levels and locations to
different patterns as per specifications ,and
direction of the Engineer in charge all
complete, including conveyance of all
materials,scaffolding, labour charges and all
operational, incidental charges etc., complete
for finished item of work.

9 Structural Steel Works

Providing, Supplying, transporting, fabrication
and erection and placing in position MS Rolled
Steel Sections & Plates (Grade 250) for
elevation facades works as per drawing at all
heights, Lead and Lifts with necesasry and
suitable welding as per IS codes. All the
members to receive 1 coat of anti corrosive
primer and 2 coats of Enamel paint of Asian
paints / Berger / Equivalent make for Side fins
holding the structural glazing & for special 7 MT
elevation feature at terrace level. At terrace
level, the vertical steel columns to be welded
to the existing RCC beams through base
plates and Hilti systems. Size of base plate
400x400x8mm thk (5 nos) (Approx). The entire
work to be completed and executed to the
satisfaction of the engineer in charge. The rate
quoted should be for complete / installed item
as per drawing.

10 Stainless Steel Letter & Logo

10.1 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel letters

made with 22 gauge thick Stainless Steel
sheet on front and 24 gauge thick on side of
the letters including necessary patentant
fixing arrangement on vitirified tile / ACP to
compelete. Rate shall be inclusive of any
scaffolding required for fixing at desired
location on the Elevation Special Wall on SE
Corner of the building.
Letter upto 8" to 9" ht 40 Nos

10.2 Providing and fixing LOGO made with 22

gauge thick Stainless Steel sheet. LOGO shall
have necessary patentant fixing arrangement . 1 LS
Rate shall be inclusive of any scaffolding
required for fixing at desired location. (LOGO


MDN/PUR/AP2081009/EADVT/042/18-19 DATE: 29-05-2018

to be given by Client)

GST @18%
Grand Total in

(In words)


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