PB 2
PB 2
PB 2
Dear Sir,
1. Please find enclosed herewith a Tender Enquiry for the above work. You are
requested to furnish your offer before last date of submission, along with
EMD of Rs 60,000/- online through link http://ebs.in/MIDHANI/public or visit
MIDHANI website www.midhani.com> purchase > Tenders > EMD fee
(Earnest Money Deposit) and security Deposit –ONLINE PAYMENT. The
tenders without EMD amount will be rejected. Please confirm whether you
are registered MSME Unit or MSME Unit owned by SC/ST Entrepreneur or
having NSIC registration. If yes, please submit latest valid documentary
proof for availing benefits as per government guidelines. Estimated Value of
work is Rs 40.67 lakhs.
3. The period of completion of job will be 60 days from the date of handing over
of site. Time is essence of the contract; contractor has to mobilize materials
& labour to complete within 60days time period.
4. The tenderer shall inspect the site of work and understand the scope of work
before quoting. No extra amount will be paid on account of misunderstanding
either in scope of work, specification, drawings, site conditions etc.
5. All materials required for the work shall be arranged by the contractor unless
until specified in Bill of Quantities.
7. This is an item rate contract and the quantities are approximate, but payment
will be made only on actual work done based on joint measurement.
8. Three R. A Bills, two material advance bills and one Final Bill will be paid. The
contractor has to furnish all material bills along with each bill (if any). Apart
from the above, 02(Two) material advance for structural/spider glazing,
Aluminum composite panels, glass etc will be given at the rate of 60% of
material cost landed at MIDHANI site. The guarantee of material landed at site
for which material advance claimed lies with contractor till handover of the
completed works at site. The contractor shall ensure safety of material against
theft, fire, weathering condition etc at his own cost. Any defect developed
between the storage period to execution stage, contractor has to replace the
defective piece at free of cost.
11. The Contractor shall be responsible to make good and remedy at his own
expense on notification by the Engineer-In-Charge, any defect which may
develop or may be noticed during the 12 months period (inclusive of 03 months
defects liability period) from the certified date of completion. Upon, the receipt
of intimation, the contractor has to rectify the defects at the free of cost within
one week time from the date of receipt of notice. Failing which, MIDHANI
reserves the right to rectify or carry the same work at the cost and risk of
contractor and the same amount can be recovered from the contractor from the
amount due to the contractor in any form.
12. The security and safety rules of MIDHANI to be followed. The contractor shall
take care of all labour laws regarding minimum wages, ESI, PF, C.A.R. Policy,
Group Insurance etc., Midhani is no way responsible in this respect. Midhani is
not liable for any claim in respect of any accidents during the work.
13. (a) MIDHANI reserves the right to operate partial or delete any item specified in
BOQ without any compensation to contractor for the items un-operated or
(b) If at any time after acceptance of the tender MIDHANI feels that for any
reasons whatsoever, if the whole or any part of the contract services is not
required to be carried out, notice shall be given in writing of the fact to the
contractor and upon receipt of such notice, the contractor shall stop the
execution of such services as indicated in the notice forthwith. The contractor
shall have no claim to any payment of compensation or otherwise whatsoever
on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the
execution of the services in full, but which he did not derive in consequence of
the foreclosing of the services / contract. Contractor shall be paid at contract
rates for the full amount of the work executed including such additional
services as may be rendered necessary by said foreclosing.
13. Any new items (viz. supply of material, labour, skilled works etc) will be paid as
per (a) or (b) whichever is less:
a) As per MES-SSR 2016 rates with applicable Percentage Index at that time.
14. The contractor should not cause any loss or damage to MIDHANI property/or
personnel, if any loss or damage is caused the cost of the same will be
recovered from the bills by MIDHANI, which will be final.
15. The quantities are subjected to ±20% variation and the contractor has to carry
the work on the same rates, terms and conditions within the variation limits
16. If the contractor fails to receive the work order within a week time from the date
of intimation to him or if the contractor does not start the work within 3-7 days
from the date of handover of site, or if the work is abandoned / stopped without
bringing proper notice to Engineer-in-charge, the contract will be terminated
and balance work will be carried out at the cost and risk of contractor.
17. Liquidated Damages: - a) If the work is not completed within stipulated time,
liquidated damages at 1% per week delay up to maximum of 10% total value of
work will be deducted.
b) If the delays are not attributed to the contractor, the competent authority
holds the right to waive off the L.D or reduce the L.D as the case may be.
19. The offer shall be valid for 3 months from the date of opening of tender.
20. The lowest bidder will be decided based on lowest value of total amount of price
21. Incomplete or partially filled tenders will be rejected. Also, conditional offers are
liable for rejection. MIDHANI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all
tenders without assigning any reasons.
22. Contractor has to maintain site record, hindrance record, record for steel,
cement etc.
23. Site has to be cleaned by the contractor before handing over to MIDHANI after
completing the work. The final bill will be processed only after obtaining site
cleaning certificate from the Engineer-in-charge.
24. The Earnest money deposit can be encashed if the tenderer withdraws his
tender proposals / modifies / changes / alters / impairs / derogates the tender
document on his own after the first cover is opened or within the subsistence of
the validity period of offer or fails to accept the Letter of Award (LOA) issued by
26. The contractor has to employ one qualified experienced graduate engineer for
supervision of works. Otherwise, penalty of Rs 1000/ per day will be collected
from contractor’s bills as per certification of Engineer – in - charge.
Yours faithfully,
For Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited
V.S. Ramagopal
Addl. General Manager (Purchase & Stores)
DECLARATIONS: - 1) I have seen the site and understood the full scope of work,
specified in tender, BOQ, drawings etc.
2) I agree to return all the documents along with this offer duly
3) I have taken into account of points of Minutes of Pre bid
Meeting as circulated on MIDHANI website.
Item Description of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Rs. Rs.
1 Glazing Works
2 ACP Works
GST @18%
Grand Total in
(In words)