Overhaul Manual - IO-390-C Series

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Engine Overhaul Manual

IO-390-C Series
January 2017
Part No. OHM-IO-390-C Series

© 2017 Avco Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IO-390-C Series
Engine Overhaul Manual
Lycoming Part Number: OHM-IO-390-C Series

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Lycoming Engines
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Williamsport, PA 17701 USA


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Lycoming’s regular business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00AM through 5:00PM
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Visit us Online: www.Lycoming.com

IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Revision Date Revised By Revision Description
Original Original Release of Overhaul Manual - Part No. OHM-IO-390-C

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NOTICE: The following is a list of service documents referenced in or incorporated into the
information in this manual. Always refer to the latest revision of any service document
for changes or additional information.

Number Incorporation Subject

S.B. 201 01/17 Inspection After Engine Stoppage
S.B. 240 01/17 Mandatory Parts Replacement at Overhaul and During
Repair or Maintenance
S.I. 1009 01/17 Recommended Time Between Overhaul
S.I. 1011 01/17 Tappets and Lifters
S.I. 1012 01/17 Counterweights and Rollers on Engine Models
S.I. 1098 01/17 Propeller Flange Bushing Location
S.I. 1304 01/17 Engine Nameplate Replacement
S.I. 1535 01/17 Counterweight and Roller Removal, Inspection, and
S.I. 1566 01/17 Lycoming Engines Approves the Use of Safety Cable
L114 01/17 Reciprocating Engine and Accessory Maintenance
L247 01/17 Shelf Life Requirements

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Subject Page
Title Page _______________________________________________________________________
Record of Revisions ............................................................................................................................. i
Service Document List ......................................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................... v
Abbreviations and Acronyms ......................................................................................................... vii
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... ix
Overhaul - General ..................................................................................... 05-00
— Engine Overhaul ..................................................................................................................... 1
— Engine Overhaul vs. Engine Rebuild ...................................................................................... 1
— When to Complete an Overhaul .............................................................................................. 1
— Overhaul Checklists ................................................................................................................ 1
— Engine Overhaul Sequence ..................................................................................................... 1
— Overhaul Practices .................................................................................................................. 2
— General Engine Inspection Criteria ......................................................................................... 2
— Approved Parts ........................................................................................................................ 3
— Mandatory Parts Replacement During Overhaul .................................................................... 3
— List of Tools Used for Overhaul ............................................................................................. 3
Time Limits .................................................................................................. 05-10
— Time Between Overhaul (TBO) ............................................................................................... 5
Overhaul Cleaning ...................................................................................... 05-30
— Cleaning Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 7
Engine Overhaul Checklists ....................................................................... 72-00
— Overview ................................................................................................................................. 9
— Initial Visual Inspection at Overhaul Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models ............ 10
— Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models ...................................... 13
— Crankcase Dimensional Inspection at Overhaul for IO-390-C Engine Models...................... 24
— Connecting Rod Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models ....... 25
— Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models ............... 28
— Assembly Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models .................................. 38

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ATA Air Transport Association
C Celsius
F Fahrenheit
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAR Federal Aviation (and Space) Regulation
FPI Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
ICA Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
ID Inside Diameter or Inner Diameter
in.-lb. Inch Pound (torque)
in. Inch, inches
lb Pound
OD Outside Diameter or Outer Diameter
PMA Parts Manufacturer Approval
P/N Part Number
SB Service Bulletin
SI Service Instruction
TBO Time Between Overhaul
TIR Total Indicator Runout

© 2017 Avco Corporation. All Rights Reserved Abbreviations and Acronyms

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Engine Description
The Lycoming IO-390-C Series engines are direct-drive four-cylinder, horizontally opposed, fuel-
injected, air-cooled engines. Each engine has tuned induction and a down exhaust.
There are different IO-390-C Series engine models. Figures 1 and 2 show the IO-390-C engine
models. The main difference between the engine models has to do with the propeller governor. The
IO-390-C1A6 and -C3A6 models have an optional propeller governor installed on the rear of the
engine. Whereas, on the IO-390-C1B6 and C3B6 engine models, the propeller governor is installed
on the front of the crankcase.
There are different propeller flange bushing configurations for these engine models. Refer to the
latest revision of Service Instruction No. SI-1098 for the configuration for your engine model.

Figure 1
IO-390-C1A6, -C3A6 Engine

Figure 2
IO-390-C1B6, -C3B6 Engine

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Engine Model Nomenclature

The table below identifies the basic nomenclature of the IO-390 engine models. Hyphenated
numbers and letters in the suffix (C1A6, C3A6, C1B6, or C3B6) of the engine model number are
configuration designations associated with the core engine.
Model Number Meaning
I Fuel Injected
O Horizontally Opposed
390 Displacement in cubic inches
Engine Serial Number
Every engine sent from the factory is
identified by a unique serial number.
The engine serial number is identified
on the engine (Figure 3). Do not remove
the engine data plate.
If an engine data plate is ever lost or
damaged, refer to the latest revision of
Service Instruction No. SI-1304 for Figure 3
engine data plate replacement Engine Data Plate

Cylinder Number Designations

 The propeller is at the
front of the engine.
 When viewed from the
top of the engine, the
cylinders on the right
are 1-3. Cylinder 1 is at
the front of the engine.
Refer to Figure 4.
 When viewed from the
top of the engine, the
left side cylinders are 2-
4. Cylinder 2 is at the
front of the engine.
Refer to Figure 4.
 The firing order of the
cylinders is 1-3-2-4.
Figure 4
Top View of Engine – Cylinder Number Designations

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Scope of this Manual

This manual contains instructions (in compliance with Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR 33.4)) for
overhaul of the IO-390-C Series Lycoming engine. The manual includes general overhaul
information, an overview of steps and references to procedures necessary for engine overhaul, as
well as inspections. Overhaul checklists are included as a comprehensive guide for engine overhaul.
Refer to the IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual for airworthiness limitations.
Before engine overhaul, read this entire manual. Complete all inspections, obey all procedures, and
replace all of the required parts for overhaul per this manual and in accordance with the latest
revision of Service Bulletin No. SB-240.
Lycoming Engines recommends engines be sent to the factory for overhaul.
Refer to the IO-390-C Series Engine Installation and Operation Manual for engine description,
uncrating procedures, acceptance check, engine lift procedure, engine preservation and storage,
depreservation, engine installation requirements, engine installation, engine first-time start, flight
test, break-in, operation and stop procedures, fuels and oil to be used, and operating specifications.
Refer to the IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual for required maintenance (service
information) such as: oil changes, oil addition, oil filter replacement/oil pressure screen cleaning,
routine time-interval inspections, routine service, spark plug replacement/inspection procedures,
cylinder inspection, fuel system inspection, scheduled servicing procedures, airworthiness
limitations, fault isolation guidelines and procedures to replace components, and to disassemble and
assemble the engine. Refer to the applicable parts catalog to identify spare parts.
Refer to the latest revision of the Service Table of Limits - SSP-1776, for dimensions, clearances,
measurements, and torque values as referenced in this manual.
Warnings, Cautions, and Notices
Be sure to read and obey the Warnings, Cautions, and Notices in this manual and in service
documents. Although Lycoming Engines cannot know all possible hazards or damages, it makes a
reasonable effort to supply the best known guidance and recommended practices for safe operation
and maintenance of its engines.
The table below defines the four types of safety advisory message used in this manual per the
American National Standard and ANSI Z535-6-2006.

Safety Advisory Conventions

Advisory Word Definition
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to the most extreme situations.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or
moderate injury. It also can be used without the safety alert symbol as an
alternative to "NOTICE."
NOTICE: The preferred signal word to address practices not related to personal injury.
NOTICE: In this manual, the word "recommend" refers to "best practices."

© 2017 Avco Corporation. All Rights Reserved Introduction

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Service Bulletins, Service Instructions, and Service Letters

As advancements in technological applications on this engine continue, Lycoming Engines will
make future revisions to this manual. However, if more timely distribution is necessary, Lycoming
Engines supplies subscribers with up-to-date Service Bulletins (SBs), Service Instructions (SIs) and
Service Letters (which are abbreviated with a capital “L” followed by the number, example L180).
Special Advisories (SAs) are supplied as necessary without a subscription.
For subscription information, refer to the latest revision of Service Letter No. L114, look on
Lycoming’s website (Lycoming.com) or speak to Lycoming by telephone: U.S. and Canada toll
free: +1(800) 258-3279; or Direct: +1 (570) 323-6181.
Applicable information from Lycoming Engines' Service Bulletins, Service Instructions, and Service
Letters are included in this manual at the time of publication. Any new service information will be
included in the next update of the manual.
Reminder: Unless otherwise specified, Lycoming Engines' service documents that pertain to this
engine model (which have a later date than this manual) supersede procedures in this
For reference, the Service Document List at the front of this manual identifies the service documents
referenced or included in this manual.
Supplemental Service Information
Refer to the latest revision of Service Letter No. L114 for a list of Lycoming Engines' publications
available for purchase.
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
The IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual, latest revision of the Service Table of Limits -
SSP-1776, and service documents make up the complete set of Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness (ICAs). The ICAs are prepared by Lycoming Engines and are accepted by the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA).
Simplified Technical English
The text in the manual is written in the form of Simplified Technical English in compliance with
FAA requirements and to make translation into other languages easier.
Chapters in this manual are written as modules in Air Transport Association (ATA) format.
Figures in this manual are for illustration purposes only. Figures always start as Figure 1 in each
This publication is a copyrighted work. All rights reserved by Lycoming Engines. Content in this
manual cannot be changed or released as a reprint, electronic media output, or web communiqué
without written permission from Lycoming Engines.

Introduction © 2017 Avco Corporation. All Rights Reserved

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Environmental Compliance
Lycoming Engines recommends that engine owners and engine service personnel be in compliance
with all federal, state, and local environmental regulations when solvents, paint, fuel, oil, chemicals, or
other consumables are used in engine service.
To supply comments, suggestions, or corrections to this manual, either make a call to customer
service or use the Lycoming.com website.

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1. Engine Overhaul
You will need the latest revision of the following manuals (and referenced service
documents) to complete engine overhaul:
 IO-390-C Series Installation and Operation Manual
 IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual
 The latest revision of the Service Table of Limits, SSP-1776
2. Engine Overhaul vs. Engine Rebuild
Engine overhaul is different from engine rebuild as follows:
A. Engine overhaul – After an overhauled engine is returned to service the engine operating
hours continue without interruption as recorded in the engine logbook.
B. Engine rebuild - A rebuilt engine is "like new" and issued a zero-time logbook. An engine
rebuild can only be completed by Lycoming Engines at the factory.
3. When to Complete an Overhaul
A. Refer to Chapter 05-10 “Time Limits” for Time Between Overhaul (TBO).
B. Engine disassembly or overhaul could be necessary as part of corrective action per
Chapter 05-50 in the IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual.
4. Overhaul Checklists
A. Overhaul Checklists in Chapter 72-00 identify all of the basic necessary inspections and
procedures that must be done during engine overhaul.
B. Make copies of all of the Engine Overhaul Checklists and complete them during engine
overhaul as a record of overhaul. Complete all items on all of the checklists during
5. Engine Overhaul Sequence
Refer to Table 1 for the Engine Overhaul sequence.
Table 1
Engine Overhaul Sequence
Step Task Reference
1 Review overhaul practices in this chapter “Overhaul Practices” in this chapter
2 Make sure you have the necessary special tools Chapter 05-00 of the IO-390-C
on hand Series Engine Maintenance Manual
3 Complete the “Initial Visual Inspection at Chapter 72-00 in this manual
Overhaul Checklist” (before cleaning); record
findings on checklist
4 Disassemble the engine Chapter 72-05 of the IO-390-C
Series Engine Maintenance Manual
for engine disassembly instructions

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Table 1 (Cont.)
Engine Overhaul Sequence
Step Task Reference
5 Complete the Overhaul Inspection Checklist, Chapter 72-00 in this manual
record findings on the checklist.
6 Clean the components Chapter 05-30 of the IO-390-C
Series Engine Maintenance Manual
7 Examine components; complete checklists and Chapter 72-00 in this manual
record findings
8 Replace components “Mandatory Parts Replacement
During Overhaul” in this chapter
9 Assemble the engine Chapter 72-10 of the IO-390-C
Series Engine Maintenance Manual
for engine assembly instructions
10 Install the engine in the airframe IO-390-C Series Engine Installation
and Operation Manual and airframe
manufacturer’s instructions
11 Complete the field run-in, run-up, flight test, and Complete all procedures in the “Field
break-in. Run-In” and “Engine Initiation”
Chapters of the IO-390-C Series
Engine Installation and Operation

6. Overhaul Practices
Refer to Chapter 05-50 in the IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual for:
 Maintenance Practices
 Requirements for Engine Maintenance
7. General Engine Inspection Criteria
During visual inspection, replace engine components including the crankcase, oil sump, and
accessory housing with:
 Replace the component if there is any raised metal on surfaces
 Replace the component if there is any scratch, ding, dent, or pit, that exceeds 0.050 in.
(1.27 mm) depth
 Make sure dowels fully seat in crankcase hole
 Replace any bent, damaged, or stripped studs, refer to Appendix A

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

8. Approved Parts
Lycoming Engines recommends these engines be assembled, maintained, and overhauled using
only genuine Lycoming parts. (PMA parts have not been approved for use by Lycoming
Although the latest revision of Service Bulletin No. SB-240 identifies parts which must be
replaced after they are removed, in the case where other parts are removed, it is recommended
practice, prior to installation, to examine each part for damage or wear and replace the part as
needed in accordance with accepted practices and standards to ensure that serviceable parts are
installed on the engine.
Refer to the applicable parts catalog for genuine Lycoming parts.
Before installing a component, complete a check of the shelf-life of the part as per the latest
revision of Service Letter No. L247.
9. Mandatory Parts Replacement During Overhaul
NOTICE: Some parts, regardless of apparent condition, must be replaced with new parts during
engine overhaul (mandatory replacement) and some specified parts must be replaced
with new parts whenever the part is removed.
A. Refer to the latest revision of Service Bulletin No. SB-240 and the applicable Lycoming
Engines’ Illustrated Parts Catalog to identify replacement parts and associated part numbers
for those parts which must be replaced (regardless of apparent condition) with new parts
either during overhaul or whenever a part is removed.
NOTICE: For parts ordering assistance, contact Lycoming sales 570-327-7278 or go to the
Lycoming.com website for details.
B. Service Kits for gasket sets, cylinders, crankshaft (and counterweights) and the crankcase for
IO-390-C engines are identified in the IO-390-C Series Illustrated Parts Catalog.
10. List of Tools Used for Overhaul
Refer to the tools identified in Chapter 05-00 in the IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance

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1. Time Between Overhaul (TBO)
Refer to the latest revision of Service Instruction No. SI-1009 for any changes or special
circumstances for the recommended TBO.
Lycoming Engines recommends engines be sent to the factory for overhaul.
NOTICE: Engine accessories and propellers could require overhaul or replacement before TBO.

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NOTICE: For overhaul cleaning of components, refer to Chapter 05-30 of the IO-390-C Series
Engine Maintenance Manual.

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Complete all of the checklists in this chapter as a record of overhaul. These checklists are guidelines
for a complete engine overhaul.

This chapter contains all of the necessary checklists as a guide for engine overhaul of IO-390-C
engine models. Before each engine overhaul, copy and complete each checklist as a record of
overhaul. Completion of all of these checklists ensure a complete engine overhaul.
The checklists contain references to procedures in this overhaul manual and the IO-390-C Series
Engine Maintenance Manual.
Initial Visual Inspection at Overhaul is to be completed before engine disassembly of the
Checklist engine as a record of external engine condition before

Overhaul Inspection Checklist is to be completed after engine disassembly as a record of

inspection at overhaul and the condition of each engine
component and criteria to replace an engine component

Crankcase Dimensional Inspection is used to record the measurements of the crankshaft

Checklist at Overhaul bearings and camshaft slot

Connecting Rod Inspection Checklist is used to record the condition of all four connecting rods
at Overhaul and any corrective action

Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at is used to record the condition of the crankshaft and any
Overhaul corrective action

Assembly Checklist at Overhaul is an overhaul guide and a record of completion for the
engine assembly sequence

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

The Initial Visual Inspection at Overhaul Checklist is to be completed before engine disassembly of
the engine as a record of external engine condition before overhaul.
Initial Visual Inspection at Overhaul Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models

Engine Model Number__________________ Engine Serial Number:__________________

Engine Time:______________________ Date Inspection Done: _____________________
Inspection done by:______________________________
Engine Compartment
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Look for and remove any dirt, dust, Refer to Chapter 05-30
volcanic ash, sand, or particles on in the IO-390-C Series
the engine and in its compartment. Engine Maintenance
Examine the cowling and baffles for Replace damaged
damage and correct installation cowling or baffles in
accordance with aircraft
Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM)
Examine the cowling, engine and its Identify and correct the
compartment for evidence of fluid cause of any leak,
leaks, residues, or discoloration. residue or discoloration.
Examine the intercylinder baffles for Replace a damaged or
damage or looseness. loose intercylinder
baffle. Refer to
“Intercylinder Baffle
Removal” in Chapter 72-
30 in the IO-390-C
Series Engine
Maintenance Manual.
Lubrication System
Examine the oil pressure relief valve, Refer to Chapters 12-10
oil filter and oil sump drain plug to and 72-50 in the IO-
verify they are in satisfactory 390-C Series Engine
condition. Ensure that all Maintenance Manual.
components are secure on their Identify and correct the
respective mountings, cause of any leak.

72-00 © 2017 Avco Corporation. All Rights Reserved

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Initial Visual Inspection at Overhaul Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Refer to Chapter 72-30 in the IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual for figures and details.
Item to Examine Cyl. 1 Cyl. 2 Cyl. 3 Cyl. 4
Oil leakage - Identify and correct the Yes Yes Yes Yes
cause. No No No No
Exhaust or combustion residue - Identify Yes Yes Yes Yes
and correct the cause. No No No No
Examine the cylinders for heat damage
i.e. burnt paint and damaged fins.
(Identify whether the paint has scaled or
Yes Yes Yes Yes
peeled from discolored and blistered paint
appearance. Unburned metallic surfaces No No No No
appear bright or clean with definite
edges.) - Identify and correct the cause.
Examine the exhaust system, exhaust
flange and port connections for leaks in
connections between the exhaust system
and exhaust ports of cylinders - look for
burnt paint around the spark plug and Yes Yes Yes Yes
exhaust flange bosses or for light gray No No No No
deposits near the leaks; look for a warped
exhaust flange (which can cause a leak.) -
Identify and correct the cause. Replace
exhausts that have a warped flange.
Examine studs on the cylinder head for
Yes Yes Yes Yes
looseness or damage. Replace loose or
damaged studs. No No No No
Examine the following for cracks, rust/pitting and damage - replace cracked, rusted, pitted or
damaged cylinders.
External cylinder barrel and cooling fins. Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No No
External surface of the cylinder head and
Yes Yes Yes Yes
fins including areas between and adjacent
to the fins. No No No No
Look for any radial fin crack extending to Yes Yes Yes Yes
the root of a fin on the cylinder. No No No No
Top and bottom spark plug bosses. Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No No

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Initial Visual Inspection at Overhaul Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Examine the external surface of the Replace a damaged or
crankcase for damage, cracks. cracked crankcase.
Replace the crankcase if
there is any raised metal
on surfaces.
Replace the crankcase if
there is any scratch,
ding, dent, or, pit that
exceeds 0.050 in. (1.27
mm) depth.
Accessories and Accessory Housing
Examine the accessory housing and Replace damaged
its attached accessories for damage. accessories or accessory
housing per Chapter 72-
25 in the IO-390-C
Series Engine
Maintenance Manual.
Visually examine the alternator, Refer to Chapter 72-70
alternator belt, and attaching in the IO-390-C Series
hardware. Engine Maintenance
Manual and alternator
inspection instructions.
Examine the starter. Refer to the starter
inspection instructions.
Wiring Harness
Examine the wiring harness for Replace the wiring
correct attachment to the electrical harness if it is frayed,
connectors and engine. Look for broken, chafed, abraded,
broken or frayed wire, signs of or damaged per the
chafing, deterioration, abrasion or aircraft manufacturer’s
heat-related damage. instructions.
Induction System
Look for cracks or damage on the
intake pipes.
Follow-Up Action:

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The Overhaul Inspection Checklist is to be completed after engine disassembly as a record of

inspection at overhaul and the condition of each engine component and the criteria to replace an
engine component.
Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models
Engine Model Number__________________ Engine Serial Number:__________________
Engine Time:______________________ Date Inspection Done: _____________________
Inspection done by:______________________________
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Electrical & Ignition System
NOTICE: Corrosion and deposits are evidence of leaking spark plugs or incorrect cleaning of
the spark plugs or connector ends.
Clean the spark plugs, ignition Refer to Chapter 05-30.*
leads, and cable ends.
Examine spark plug and Refer to the “Spark Plug
ceramics for deposits, chafing, Inspection“ section in
corrosion, wear, and cracking Chapter 74-20.*
Examine the spark plug port
Examine each ignition lead for Refer to the “Ignition
chafing, insulation breakdown, Harness Inspection“
frayed wiring, deterioration, section in Chapter 74-
heat damage, wear, and 20.*
Examine the ignition harness Replace a broken or
for kinks or breaks in the kinked ignition harness.
Examine the magneto in Replace a damaged or
accordance with the magneto malfunctioning magneto.
manufacturer's instructions
Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non-
inspection on the magneto Destructive Testing” Acceptable
gears. section in Chapter 05- Replace
Examine the alternator bracket Replace any damaged,
for damage. Examine the stripped or galled bracket
bracket fasteners for wear, fasteners. Acceptable
stripping or galling. Replace a damaged Replace
Refer to Chapter 72-70.*
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Electrical & Ignition System (Cont.)
Examine the starter for Replace a damaged
damage. starter or
malfunctioning starter Acceptable
per instructions in Replace
“Starter Replacement”
in Chapter 72-70.*
Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non-
inspection on the alternator Destructive Testing” Acceptable
bracket. section in Chapter 05- Replace
Examine the alternator for Replace a damaged or
damage. malfunctioning Acceptable
alternator per
instructions in Chapter Replace
Examine the alternator belt for Replace a damaged,
cracks, damage or wear cracked, or worn Acceptable
alternator belt per
instructions in Chapter Replace
Lubrication System
Examine the oil pressure screen Refer to the section “Oil
(if installed.) Pressure Screen
Cleaning/Installation” in
Chapter 12-10.*
Clean lubrication system Refer to Chapters 05-30
components (including the oil and 12-10.*
pressure screen and oil suction
Examine the oil level gage tube Replace a damaged oil
and oil level gage (dipstick) for level gage tube or a Acceptable
wear or damage. damaged dipstick. Refer Replace
to Chapter 72-50.*
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Lubrication System (Cont.)
Discard all oil lines or hoses Replace all oil lines and
including the propeller hoses during overhaul
governor oil line. per the “Oil Line
Replacement” and the
“Propeller Governor Oil
procedures in Chapter
Examine the oil sump and oil Replace a damaged or
sump bolt holes for damage or cracked oil sump per
cracks. Examine the mounting Chapter 72-50.* Acceptable
surface on the oil sump for Replace
scratches, warpage, and cracks
or leaks.
Examine the hardware Replace any stripped,
fasteners on the oil sump for corroded, distorted or
corrosion, distortion, stripped damaged oil sump
or incomplete threads, or fastener per Chapter 72-
looseness. 50.*
Examine the oil suction screen. Refer to the “Oil
Suction Screen
Removal/Inspection/ Acceptable
Cleaning/Installation” Replace
procedure in Chapter
Examine the oil drain plug boss Replace the oil drain
and drain plug for damaged plug if the threads are
threads and damaged wrench damaged or stripped per
flats. Chapter 12-10.* Acceptable
Replace the oil sump if Replace
the drain plug boss is
damaged per Chapter
Discard the oil drain tubes. Replace all oil drain
tubes during overhaul
per Chapter 72-30.*
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Lubrication System (Cont.)
Examine the oil pump. Replace a damaged or
Use a flashlight and 10X malfunctioning oil pump
magnifying glass to examine the per instructions in Acceptable
exterior and cavity of the oil Chapter 72-25.* Replace
pump housing for damage or
Examine all oil passages in the Clean and remove any
oil pump housing interior for obstructions to oil flow
flow restrictions; all oil in the oil pump housing.
passages must be clear and free Identify and correct the
of clogs. cause. Refer to Chapter
05-30* for cleaning
Discard the oil pump impellers. Replace all oil pump
impellers during
overhaul per Chapter 72-
Discard the oil cooler bypass Replace the oil cooler
valve. bypass valve per Chapter
Use a flashlight and 10X Replace a damaged oil
magnifying glass to examine the pressure screen housing Acceptable
oil pressure screen housing (if it per Chapter 72-50.*
was installed on the engine) for Replace
cracks and warpage.
Use a flashlight and 10X Replace a damaged oil
magnifying glass to examine the filter base per Chapter Acceptable
oil filter base (if it was installed 72-50.* Identify and
on the engine) for cracks and correct the cause. Replace
Examine the oil pressure relief The oil pressure relief
valve spring per Chapter 72-50.* valve spring must meet
specifications in
accordance with the
latest revision of the
Service Table of Limits -
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Lubrication System (Cont.)
Fuel System
Clean the fuel system Refer to Chapter 05-30.*
components. Remove any
blockages in the injection

Examine the injection nozzles Replace any damaged Acceptable

for damage. injection nozzle per
Chapter 73-10.* Replace

Although fuel lines are Replace all fuel lines

replaced during overhaul, during overhaul per the
examine each fuel line for “Fuel Line
damage and stains caused by Replacement”
fuel leakage. Discard the fuel procedure in Chapter
lines. 73-10.*
Identify and correct the
cause of any fuel

Examine the fuel injector for Replace a damaged fuel

damage. injector per the “Fuel
Injector Replacement”
procedure in Chapter Acceptable
73-10.* Replace
Identify and correct the
cause of any fuel

Examine the fuel manifold for Replace a damaged fuel

damage. manifold per the “Fuel
Manifold Replacement”
procedure in Chapter Acceptable
73-10.* Replace
Identify and correct the
cause of any fuel
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Fuel System (Cont.)
Discard an AC diaphragm fuel Replace an AC diaphragm
pump. fuel pump during
overhaul or a damaged,
leaky or malfunctioning
fuel pump per the “Fuel
Pump Replacement”
procedure in Chapter 73-
Discard the fuel pump plunger Replace the fuel pump
plunger per Chapter 72-
25* during overhaul
Accessory Housing
Clean the accessory housing Refer to Chapter 05-30.*
Examine the accessory housing Replace a damaged,
external surface and mating gouged, or cracked Acceptable
flanges for damage, cracks, and accessory housing per Replace
gouges. Chapter 72-25.*
Examine the accessory housing Replace any stripped or
thru-bolts for damage, wear. damaged thru-bolts. Acceptable
Make sure the threads are not Replace
Examine the vacuum pump Replace a damaged
driven gear. vacuum pump driven gear
per the “Vacuum Pump
Driven Gear
Replacement” procedure
in Chapter 72-60.*
Examine the propeller Replace a damaged
governor drive gear for propeller governor drive
damage. per the “Propeller Acceptable
Governor Drive Replace
Replacement” procedure
in Chapter 72-60.*
Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non- Acceptable
inspection on the vacuum Destructive Testing”
pump driven gear. section in Chapter 05-50.* Replace
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Induction System
Examine each intake pipe for Replace any damaged intake pipe per the “Intake
damage per Chapter 72-80.* Pipe Replacement” procedure in Chapter 72-80.*
Intake Pipe 1

Intake Pipe 2

Intake Pipe 3

Intake Pipe 4

Cylinder Assembly
Examine the intercylinder Refer to the “Intercylinder
baffles for wear or contact with Baffle Inspection” section
cylinder fins. in Chapter 72-30.*
Clean the cylinders Refer to the “Cylinder
Cleaning” procedure in
Chapter 05-30.*
Examine the cylinder and Refer to the “Visual
cylinder head. Cylinder Inspection”
procedure in Chapter 72-
Discard the exhaust valves and Replace exhaust valves
retaining rings. during overhaul per
Although the exhaust valves procedures in Chapter 72-
are replaced during overhaul, 30.
examine for any tuliping or
Discard the intake and exhaust Either replace the cylinder
valve guides. per the procedure in
Although the intake and exhaust Chapter 72-30* or send the
valve guides are replaced during cylinder to an authorized
overhaul, examine them for any vendor who can replace the
tuliping or damage. valve guides.
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Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Cylinder Assembly (Cont.)
Discard the cylinder base oil Replace the cylinder base
ring. oil ring during “Cylinder
Assembly per Chapter 72-
Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non-
inspection on the push rods, Destructive Testing”
rocker arms, and rocker shafts. section in Chapter 05-50.*
Examine the engine cylinders. Complete the “Cylinder
Assembly Inspection
Checklist” in Chapter 72-
Complete a magnetic particle Cylinder Barrel Acceptable
inspection on the cylinder Cylinder 1 Replace
barrel on all cylinders.
Refer to the “Non-Destructive Cylinder Barrel Acceptable
Testing” section in Chapter 05- Cylinder 2 Replace
50.* Cylinder Barrel Acceptable
Cylinder 3 Replace
Cylinder Barrel Acceptable
Cylinder 4 Replace
Replace the fin stabilizers with Refer to the “Fin Stabilizer
new fin stabilizers. Installation” procedure in
Appendix A.*
Clean the pistons. Refer to the “Piston
Cleaning” section in
Chapter 05-30.*
Examine the pistons. Complete the “Piston
Inspection Checklist” in
Chapter 72-30.*
Discard all piston rings. Replace with new piston
rings per procedures in
Chapter 72-30.*
Discard all piston pin plugs. Replace piston pin plugs
per the “Piston
Installation” procedure in
Chapter 72-30.*
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Pistons (Cont.)
Thin wall piston pins must be Piston Pin Acceptable
discarded and replaced at Cylinder 1 Replace
Complete a magnetic particle Piston Pin Acceptable
inspection on thick wall piston Cylinder 2 Replace
pins. Piston Pin Acceptable
Refer to the “Non-Destructive Cylinder 3 Replace
Testing” section in Chapter 05-
50.* Piston Pin Acceptable
Cylinder 4 Replace
Connecting Rods
Clean and examine the Complete the
connecting rods. “Connecting Rod
Inspection Checklist at
Overhaul for IO-390-C
Series Engine Models” in
this chapter.
Clean the crankcase. Refer to Chapter 05-30.*
Examine the external surface of Replace both crankcase
the crankcase for damage, halves if the mating
cracks, and defects. flanges on one or both Acceptable
Examine the crankcase mating crankcase halves are Replace
flanges for cracks, dents, damaged, dented, gouged,
gouges, and damage or cracked.
Examine the crankcase thru- Replace any stripped or Acceptable
bolts and studs to make sure damaged thru-bolt and
the threads are not stripped. stud.
Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non- Acceptable
inspection on the crankcase Destructive Testing”
thru-studs. section in Chapter 05-50.* Replace

Complete a crankcase Complete the Crankcase

dimensional inspection. Dimensional Inspection Acceptable
Checklist at Overhaul for
IO-390-C Engine Models in Replace
this chapter.
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Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Clean the camshaft Refer to Chapter 05-30.*
Examine the camshaft Refer to the “Camshaft
Inspection” section in
Chapter 72-20.*
Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non-
inspection on the camshaft. Destructive Testing”
section in Chapter 05-50.*
Clean the crankshaft. Refer to the “Crankshaft
Cleaning” section in
Chapter 05-30.*
Examine the crankshaft. Refer to the “Crankshaft
Inspection” section in
Chapter 72-20.*
Examine the alignment dowel. Refer to the “Alignment
Dowel Inspection” section
in Chapter 72-20.*
Examine the counterweight Refer to the “Crankshaft
bushing bore. Inspection Checklist” in
Chapter 72-20.*
Examine the counterweights. Refer to the “Crankshaft
Inspection Checklist” in
Chapter 72-20.*
Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non-
inspection on the crankshaft. Destructive Testing”
section in Chapter 05-50.*
Discard roller tappets. Replace roller tappets
during overhaul per
Chapter 72-20.*
Discard all hydraulic tappet Replace hydraulic tappet
plunger assemblies. plunger assemblies at
Propeller Governor
Remove and discard propeller Replace at overhaul.
shaft sleeve rings
Examine the propeller Replace during overhaul
governor drive gear and gear per Chapter 72-20.*
slots for damage or wear
Examine the idler gear shaft Replace any worn or
and plug for wear or damage. damaged component.
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Overhaul Inspection Checklist for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Exhaust System
Examine the exhaust system Refer to the “Exhaust
for cracks and corrosion. System Inspection” in
Chapter 78-00.*
Examine all bearing surfaces Replace a component
for scoring, galling, gouges, where the bearing
and wear. surface is scored, galled
gouged, or worn.
Examine all journal surfaces Replace a galled,
for galling, scores, scored, out-of-round, or
misalignment, and out-of- misaligned journal.
Examine the involutes of the If pit marks are found,
gear teeth for pitting and replace the gear.
excessive wear
Examine shafts and pins for Replace any warped or
straightness or warpage. damaged shaft or pin.
Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non-
inspection on all steel gears Destructive Testing”
and shafts. section in Chapter 05-
Examine the threads on Replace screwed fittings
screwed fittings for galled or that are galled or have
stripped threads. stripped threads.
Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non-
inspection on all brackets. Destructive Testing” Acceptable
section in Chapter 05- Replace
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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The Crankcase Dimensional Inspection Checklist at Overhaul is used to record the measurements of
the crankshaft bearings and camshaft slots. Refer to the “Crankcase Inspection” section in Chapter
72-20 of the IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual.
Crankcase Dimensional Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Engine Models

Engine Model Number__________________ Engine Serial Number:__________________

Engine Time:______________________ Date Inspection Done: _____________________
Inspection done by:______________________________
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action

Measure the I.D. of the Center main bearing measurement

crankshaft bearings _________ inches
installed in the crankcase.
Rear main bearing measurement
_________ inches

Measure the O.D. of the Crankshaft at center main bearing

crankshaft at the center measurement _________ inches
and rear bearing
locations. Crankshaft at rear main bearing
measurement _________ inches

Measure the I.D. of the Front camshaft slot measurement

camshaft slot formed by ___________ inches
the crankcase when
assembled. Center camshaft slot measurement
___________ inches
Rear camshaft slot measurement
___________ inches

Measure the O.D. of the Front camshaft slot location

camshaft at the camshaft measurement ___________ inches
slot locations.
Center camshaft slot location
measurement ___________inches
Rear camshaft slot location
measurement ___________inches
Compare the difference between each crankshaft bearing I.D. and crankshaft O.D. measurement and
the difference between each camshaft slot I.D. and camshaft O.D. measurement to the allowable
clearance in the latest revision of the Service Table of Limits - SSP-1776.

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

The Connecting Rod Inspection Checklist at Overhaul is used to record the condition of all four
connecting rods and any corrective action.
Connecting Rod Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models
Engine Model Number__________________ Engine Serial Number:__________________
Engine Time:______________________ Date Inspection Done: _____________________
Inspection done by:______________________________
Disassemble the connecting rod; clean the rod and its cap thoroughly. Visually examine the
connecting rod for damage.
Findings and/or Corrective Action
Task or Inspection
Cylinder 1 Cylinder 2 Cylinder 3 Cylinder 4
Examine the connecting rod bore for wear.
If the rod bore is worn, replace the Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
connecting rod assembly. Replace Replace Replace Replace
Examine the mating face of the connecting
rod and its cap face for fretting (Figure 1). Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
If fretting is found, replace the connecting Replace Replace Replace Replace
rod assembly.
Use a 6 power magnifying glass (minimum)
or bench microscope to examine the critical
areas on the connecting rod identified in Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
Figure 1 for galling.* Replace Replace Replace Replace
If galling is found, replace the connecting rod
* Do not mistake stains or discoloration for galling. Surface blemishes are easily removed with a
fine abrasive cloth, chemical cleaner or steel wool, whereas, galling cannot be removed. If galling
is found in the bearing bore, replace the connecting rod. If surface blemishes cannot be removed
with a fine abrasive cloth, chemical cleaner or steel wool, there is evidence of galling. Gall marks
vary in size and shape. Some gall marks can be as small as pin heads. Other gall marks can be
circular, oval, or thin, or look like rods.

Figure 1
Areas on Connecting Rod to Examine for Fretting and Galling

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Connecting Rod Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for

IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Measure the Inner If the connecting rod bushing Bushing ID Measurement
Diameter (ID) of is worn beyond service limits
Connecting Rod 1
the connecting per the latest revision of the
rod bushing using Service Table of Limits -
an inside SSP-1776, replace the Connecting Rod 2
micrometer bushing.
(Figure 2). Connecting Rod 3

Connecting Rod 4

Complete a Magnetic Particle Inspection on

all connecting rods that pass the visual
inspection per “Non-Destructive Testing”
section in Chapter 05-50.*
Findings/ Corrective Action of
Magnetic Particle Inspection
Connecting Rod 1
Connecting Rod 2
Connecting Rod 3
Figure 2 Acceptable
Connecting Rod 4
Connecting Rod Replace
Complete the “Connecting Rods - Parallelism Squareness
Parallelism/Squareness Check” in Chapter 72- Measurement Measurement
20.* Connecting
Parallelism Check - Measure the distance Rod 1
between arbors (Figure 3). For exact parallelism
or alignment, the distances measured on both Connecting
sides are to be the same. Rod 2
Squareness Check - Measure clearance at the Connecting
points where the arbors rest on the parallel blocks Rod 3
(Figure 4) using a feeler gage. Compare the
clearance between each arbor and the parallel Connecting
blocks against the values in the latest revision of Rod 4
the Service Table of Limits - SSP-1776.
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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Figure 3 Figure 4
Parallelism Check of Connecting Rods Squareness Check of Connecting Rods
Connecting Rod Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for
IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Connecting Rod Bearing and Crankshaft Clearance
To complete this inspection:
NOTICE: For this inspection the connecting rods, bearings, connecting rod bolts, and
nuts (Figure 2) are assembled, but not installed on the crankshaft.
1. Assemble and torque each connecting rod with acceptable bearings per
instructions in the “Connecting Rod Installation” section in Chapter 72-20 of the
IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual.
2. Measure the inside diameter of the bearing in each connecting rod and record the
measurement below.
3. Measure the crankshaft diameter at the crankpin journal for each connecting rod
and record the measurement below.
4. Subtract the crankshaft diameter at the crankpin journal from the inside diameter
of the bearings for each connecting rod to calculate the connecting rod bearing and
crankshaft clearance. Record the measurement below.
5. Compare the connecting rod bearing and crankshaft clearance to the acceptable
clearance measurement in the latest revision of the Service Table of Limits - SSP-
6. Remove and discard the connecting rod bolts and nuts from the connecting rod
7. If the connecting rod bearing and crankshaft clearance is within limits the
connecting rod bearings are acceptable.
8. If the connecting rod bearing and crankshaft clearance is not within limits the
connecting rod bearings must be replaced with oversize bearings to bring the
clearance within acceptable limits.
Inside Diameter Crankshaft Diameter at Connecting Rod Bearing
of the Bearings the Crankpin Journal and Crankshaft Clearance
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 3
Cylinder 4

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

The Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul is used to record the condition of the crankshaft
and any corrective action.
NOTICE: Before crankshaft inspection, clean the crankshaft per instructions in Chapter 05-30.
Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models
Engine Model Number__________________ Engine Serial Number:__________________
Engine Time:______________________ Date Inspection Done: _____________________
Inspection done by:______________________________
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Carefully examine all surfaces If a crack is found, replace the
of the crankshaft for cracks, crankshaft. Do NOT try to repair Acceptable
gouges, nicks, dents, or a cracked or damaged Replace
damage. crankshaft.
Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non-Destructive Acceptable
inspection on the crankshaft. Testing” section in Chapter 05-50.* Replace

Use a flashlight, magnifying If corrosion is found, replace the

glass, and angled inspection crankshaft.
mirror to visually examine the If pitting is found, complete a
inner diameter of the Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
crankshaft bore, starting at the (FPI) (per the section "Non- Acceptable
crankshaft flange end. Look Destructive Testing" in Chapter 05- Replace
for pit marks and corrosion. 50.*
"Pitting" looks like holes,
cracks, or fissures of
unspecified depth or direction.
Measure the inner diameter of For a crankshaft to be acceptable, Inner diameter
the crankshaft. Record the the inner diameter must not be measurement:
measurement. Refer to Figure 5. more than 1.910 in. (4.851 cm). If _______ inches
the inner diameter of the
crankshaft is more than 1.910 in. or
(4.851 cm), replace the crankshaft. ______ centimeters
Examine the crankshaft Refer to the “Crankshaft Bearing
bearing surfaces. Surfaces Inspection” section in
Chapter 72-20.*
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Examine the counter-bored If galling or fretting is found,
mounting surface of the replace the crankshaft.
crankshaft for galling or

Figure 5
Area to be Examined

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Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Measure the crankshaft flange If the crankshaft flange is
thickness and compare it with the bent, replace the crankshaft.
dimensions below to calculate the Do NOT straighten or grind
minimum permissible thickness. a bent crankshaft. Refer to
the latest revision of Service
Bulletin No. SB-201 for any
additional details.
Crankshaft Flange Thickness
Inches Millimeters Inches Millimeters
0.440 ± 0.010 11.176 ± 0.254 0.420 10.668
Measure the run-out of the If run-out exceeds 0.002 in.
crankshaft flange with a dial (0.051 mm) total indicator
indicator at the location shown in reading, replace the
Figures 6 and 7. The maximum crankshaft.
Total Indicator Reading (TIR) Do not try to repair or grind
must not be more than 0.005 in. a warped or bent crankshaft
(0.127 mm). As shown in Figure flange.
6, make sure that the pilot
diameter runs true with the front
and rear main bearings within
0.003 in. (0.076 mm).

Measure the front face of the

crankshaft flange between the
flange bushings and the edge
of the chamfer.

Figure 6 Figure 7
Crankshaft Flange Crankshaft Flange Run-out and Pilot Diameter

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Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Crankshaft Gear Inspection
Any time the crankshaft gear bolt (Figure 8) and lockplate are removed from the crankshaft gear, the
bolt and lockplate are to be discarded and replaced with a new bolt and new lockplate for the
applicable crankshaft gear. The discarded bolt and lockplate are not to be re-installed on any engine.

Figure 8
Crankshaft Gear Bolt and Lockplate
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
The crankshaft gear has three
scallops as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9
Pilot Flange

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Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Crankshaft Gear Inspection (Cont.)
Measure the diameter of the If the diameter of the pilot flange
pilot flange of the crankshaft is less than 2.125 in. (53.975
gear (Figure 10). mm) do not install this gear on
the crankshaft. Replace the
crankshaft gear with a
serviceable crankshaft gear.
Measure dimensions on the
crankshaft gear per those
shown in Figure 10 for the
respective crankshaft gear part Replace

Figure 10
Details for Crankshaft Gear to Current Configuration

Examine the crankshaft gear Replace a pitted or worn Acceptable

for pitting and wear. crankshaft gear. Replace
Examine the pilot flange If the counterbore face of the
diameter of the crankshaft gear crankshaft gear is damaged, Acceptable
for damage from galling or replace the crankshaft gear. Replace
If there is a hole or slot on the If nicks or dents are found, Acceptable
crankshaft gear, examine the replace the crankshaft gear.
slot for any nicks or dents. Replace

Complete a magnetic particle Refer to the “Non-Destructive Acceptable

inspection of the crankshaft Testing” section in Chapter 05-
gear. 50.* Replace
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Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-3920-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Criteria for Crankshaft Gear Replacement

Lycoming Engines no longer approves rework or repair of an unacceptable crankshaft gear.

Replace the crankshaft gear with a serviceable crankshaft gear if any of the following are found
during the crankshaft gear identification and inspection.
 If the pilot flange diameter is less than 2.125 in. (53.975 mm) or is not in compliance with
dimensions shown in Figure 10
 If the crankshaft gear does not have the larger scallops as shown in Figure 9 (the larger
scallops enable the shim check)
 Damaged counterbore face of the crankshaft gear
 If the crankshaft gear has a hole or slot and there are any nicks or dents on the hole or slot
 Nicks or deformities on the slot and teeth of the crankshaft gear
 Pitting or wear
 Crankshaft gear that fails magnetic particle inspection
 Clearance between the mating surfaces of the crankshaft gear and crankshaft counterbore
(There must not be any clearance when the crankshaft gear is installed.)

Crankshaft Counterbore Inspection


NOTICE: Prior to inspection, the crankshaft counterbore must be clean, dry, and free of debris.
Refer to Chapter 05-30* for cleaning instructions.

Make sure the threads in the If the threads are galled, stripped
counterbored end of the or damaged, send the crankshaft
crankshaft are intact and not to Lycoming Engines (through
galled, stripped, or damaged. an authorized Lycoming
Distributor) with paperwork that
identifies the type of damage. Do
not try to repair the threads in
the field.

* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Crankshaft Counterbore Inspection (Cont.)
Measure the Inside Diameter If the diameter is oversized,
(ID) of the crankshaft replace the crankshaft.
counterbore at the rear of the Lycoming Engines no longer
crankshaft to make sure there is approves rework or repair of a
a correct fit between the ID of crankshaft with an unacceptable
the crankshaft and the Outside crankshaft counterbore diameter.
Diameter (OD) of the
crankshaft gear pilot flange.
The crankshaft counterbore
diameter at the rear of the
crankshaft must not be more
than 2.126 in. (54.000 mm)
when measured at any location.
Examine the gear mounting If the mounting face of the
face of the crankshaft crankshaft counterbore is
counterbore. damaged, replace the crankshaft.
If there is a hole or tang on the If nicks or dents are found,
crankshaft gear (instead of a replace the crankshaft gear with a
slot), examine the tang for any three-scallop pilot flange gear
nicks or dents. (Figure 9).
Examine the condition of the If the pilot and face at the rear of
pilot and face at the rear of the the crankshaft is damaged,
crankshaft. replace the crankshaft.
Examine and measure the
alignment dowel per
instructions in the “Alignment
Dowel Inspection” procedure
in Chapter 72-20.*
Counterweight Inspection
NOTICE: A crankshaft counterweight (Figure11) cannot be repaired. It only can be replaced.*
A counterweight roller cannot be repaired. It only can be replaced as an identical
paired set specific for each counterweight.*
Refer to the latest revision of Service Instruction No. 1012 to identify the correct roller
pair replacement.
Refer to the latest revision of Service Instruction No. 1535 for roller pair installation
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action

Figure 11
Crankshaft Counterweight, Rollers, and Bushings
Counterweight Inspection (Cont.)
Examine the surface of the Replace the counterweight Outcome of Counterweight
counterweight for scoring, if there is scoring, scratches, Position1 inspection:
scratches, punch marks, or punch marks, or any other Accept
any other surface damage. surface damage or if the Replace
Make sure the counterweight surface is not
counterweight surface is smooth. Outcome of Counterweight
smooth. Position 2 inspection:
If one or more cracks are
found on the counterweight, Accept
replace the counterweight Replace
per the latest revision of Findings/Comments:
Service Instruction No. SI-

Complete Non-Destructive Refer to Chapter 05-50.* Findings / Comments:

Test (NDT) (magnetic
particle inspection) on the
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Counterweight Inspection (Cont.)
Examine the bushing bore Replace the counterweight if Outcome of Bushing Bore
on the counterweight for the bushing bore on the Inspection for
roundness and for any counterweight is not round, not Counterweight Position 1
scratches, etching, galling or smooth, is out of tolerance, or Accept Replace
any other surface damage. has surface damage.*. Outcome of Bushing Bore
Measure the bushing bore Inspection for
diameter on the Counterweight Position 2
counterweight. Accept Replace
(a) If the counterweight has a letter B marking, the bushing Bushing Bore Diameter
bore diameter must be between 0.9384 and 0.9392 in. Counterweight Position 1:
(23.8354 and 23.8557 mm).
(b) If the counterweight does NOT have a letter B marking, the Bushing Bore Diameter
bushing bore on the counterweight is smaller and must be Counterweight Position 2:
between 0.9369 and 0.9377 in. (23.7973 and 23.8176 mm).
NOTICE: If the bushing bore on the counterweight is not within the specified tolerances, replace
the counterweight. Some counterweights must be replaced as a matched set.*
*Refer to the latest revision of Service Instruction Nos. SI-1012 and SI-1535 for part numbers and
instructions to replace counterweights and rollers.
Examine the surface of the If the roller surface is not Outcome of Roller Pair
roller for scoring, scratches, smooth or has scoring, Inspection for
punch marks, or any other scratches, punch marks, or any Counterweight Position 1
surface damage. Make sure other surface damage is on one Accept Replace
the roller surface is smooth. or both rollers in a pair, replace Outcome of Roller Pair
the roller as a matched pair. Inspection for
Refer to the latest revision of Counterweight Position 2
Service Instruction No. SI-1535 Accept Replace
for roller part numbers.
Findings / Comments:

Complete NDT on rollers. If one or more cracks are found Findings / Comments:
Refer to Chapter 05-50.* on a roller, replace the roller.
Refer to the latest revision of
Service Instruction No. SI-1535
for roller part numbers.
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Crankshaft Inspection Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)
Item Comments Done
Corrective Action
Counterweight Inspection (Cont.)
Measure the roller If the roller is out of tolerance, Findings / Comments:
dimensions per the latest replace the rollers as a pair.*
revision of Service
Instruction No. 1535.
*Refer to the latest revision of Service Instruction Nos. SI-1012 and SI-1535 for part numbers and
instructions to replace counterweights and rollers.
Criteria for a Serviceable Crankshaft
A crankshaft is serviceable if it meets all of following conditions:
 Measurements conform to all dimensional specifications
 No pitting, no cracks
 Pitting but no cracks
 Crankshaft passes FPI (Refer to the checklist “Results of the Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
of Crankshaft” in Chapter 72-20.*
Rejection Criteria for a Crankshaft
A crankshaft must be replaced under any of the following conditions:
 Measurement does not conform to all dimensional specifications
 Corrosion
 Crack(s) or pitting with crack(s) in the crankshaft inner bore
 Crankshaft fails FPI
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

The Assembly Checklist at Overhaul is an overhaul guide and a record of completion for the engine
assembly sequence.
Assembly Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models
Engine Model Number__________________ Engine Serial Number:__________________
Engine Time:______________________ Date of Engine Assembly:___________________
Engine Assembly done by:______________________________
Item Comments Done
Review the “General Assembly Practices” in Chapter
72-10* and the latest revision of Service Bulletin No.
SB-240 to identify all parts that must be replaced
with new parts during overhaul or upon removal.
Start with a clean crankshaft which passed the
“Crankshaft Inspection” in Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Alignment Dowel Inspection” and if
necessary, replace the alignment dowel per
instructions in Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Crankshaft Gear Installation” with a
new crankshaft gear bolt and new lockplate Chapter
Install a new expansion plug in the crankshaft per the
“Expansion Plug Installation” procedure in Chapter
Either install a new solid-ring oil seal on the
crankshaft per the “Solid-Ring Crankshaft Oil Seal
Installation” procedure in Chapter 72-20* or later on
install a split oil seal per the “Crankshaft Oil Seal
Installation” procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Connecting Rod Inspection” in
Chapter 72-20.*
Per the “Connecting Rod Installation“ section in Measurement
Chapter 72-20:*
 Measure the inside diameter of the bearing, the
clearance is to be 0.004 to 0.016 in. (service) and
0.004 to 0.010 in. (on rebuilt engines). Compare
the results to the measurements previously
 Assemble and install the connecting rods (on the
crankshaft) each with a pair of new bearing inserts,
a new connecting rod bolt, and a new nut.
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Assembly Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Install counterweights on the crankshaft per the
“Counterweight Installation” procedure in Chapter
Install new bushings in the counterweights.
Make sure the new circlip and washer pairs are seated
correctly in all of the counterweights.
Start with a clean crankcase which passed the
“Crankcase Inspection Before Disassembly” and
“Crankcase Dimensional Inspection” in Chapter 72-
Complete the “Piston Cooling Nozzle Installation”
procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Crankshaft Idler Gear Shafts
Installation” procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
Install the oil plugs (if removed) per the “Oil Plug
Installation” procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Oil Pressure Relief Valve Installation”
procedure in Chapter 72-50.*
Install eight new roller tappets and new hydraulic
tappet plunger assemblies per the “Tappet Assembly
Installation” procedure on Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Crankshaft Bearing and O-Ring
Installation” procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Propeller Governor Drive Installation”
(Engine with front-mounted propeller governor
drives) procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
NOTICE If a new or reconditioned camshaft is to be installed, install new tappet bodies. Refer
to the “Camshaft Replacement Guidelines” section in the latest revision of Service
Instruction No. SI-1011 for guidelines on replacing the camshaft when new tappets
are installed in the engine.
Complete the “Camshaft Inspection” in Chapter 72-
Complete the “Camshaft Assembly and Installation”
procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Assembly Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Measure the camshaft end play in the left crankcase **Measurement:
half per the “Camshaft Installation” procedure in
Chapter 72-20.*
Measure the camshaft end play in the right crankcase **Measurement:
half per the “Camshaft Installation” procedure in
Chapter 72-20.*
Measure the crankshaft bearing journals. Refer to the **Measurement:
“Crankshaft Bearing Surface Inspection” section in
Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Crankshaft Installation” procedure in
Chapter 72-20.*
Measure the thrust face clearances between the *Measurement:
crankshaft and crankcase per the “Crankshaft
Installation” procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
Measure the slinger clearance per the “Crankshaft **Measurement:
Installation” procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
Measure the crankshaft end play per the “Crankshaft **Measurement:
Installation” procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
Assemble the crankcase halves per the “Crankcase
Assembly” procedure and follow the torque sequence
in Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Crankshaft Oil Seal Installation”
procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Crankshaft Idler Gear Installation”
procedure in Chapter 72-20.*
Complete the “Crankshaft Endplay Clearance Check”
in Chapter 72-20 (after the crankcase is assembled).
Install a new fuel pump plunger per the “Fuel Pump
Plunger Installation” procedures in Chapter 72-25.*
Complete the “Oil Pump Installation” procedure in
Chapter 72-25.*
Complete the “Accessory Housing Installation”
procedure in Chapter 72-25.*
Complete the “Oil Pressure Screen Installation”
procedure or the “Oil Filter Base Installation”
procedure in Chapter 72-50.*
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual
** Measurements must be within tolerances specified in the latest revision of the Service Table
of Limits - SSP-1776.

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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Assembly Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Install a new thermostatic oil cooler bypass valve per
the “Thermostatic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve
Installation” procedure in Chapter 72-50.*
Install a new fuel pump per the “Fuel Pump
Installation” procedure in Chapter 73-10.*
Complete the “Vacuum Pump Driven Gear
Installation” and “Vacuum Pump Installation”
procedures in Chapter 72-60.*
Complete the “Propeller Governor Drive Installation”
(Engine with rear-mounted propeller governor drives)
procedure in Chapter 72-60.*
Complete the “Oil Sump Installation” procedure in
Chapter 72-50.* Be sure to install a new oil sump
Complete the “Piston Installation” procedure in
Chapter 72-30* for all four pistons. Make sure new
piston rings and new piston pin plugs are installed on
each piston.
Complete the “Fin Stabilizer Installation” procedure
in Appendix A* on all cylinders.
Be sure that new valve guides were installed for
intake and exhaust valves on each engine cylinder by
an authorized vendor.
Install new exhaust valves in all of the engine
cylinders per the “Cylinder Assembly” procedure in
Chapter 72-30.*
Complete the “Cylinder Installation” procedure in
Chapter 72-30.*
(If necessary) complete the “Starter Ring Gear
Replacement” procedure in Chapter 72-70.
Install the starter ring gear support per the “Starter
Ring Gear Support Installation” procedure in Chapter
Complete the “Oil Level Gage Tube and Assembly
Installation” procedure in Chapter 72-50.
Complete the “Intercylinder Baffle Installation”
procedure in Chapter 72-30.*
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IO-390-C Series Engine Overhaul Manual

Assembly Checklist at Overhaul for IO-390-C Series Engine Models (Cont.)

Item Comments Done
Install a new oil drain tube at each cylinder head and
at the crankcase per the “Oil Drain Tube Installation”
procedure in Chapter 72-30.*
Complete the “Intake Pipe Installation” procedure in
Chapter 72-80.*
Examine, set the gap, rotate, and install the spark
plugs per procedures in Chapter 74-20.*
Complete the “Magneto Installation” procedure in
Chapter 74-30.*
Complete the “Ignition Harness Installation”
procedure in Chapter 74-20.*
Complete the “Propeller Governor Oil Line
Installation (Engines with Rear-Mounted Propeller
Governor Drives)” procedure in Chapter 72-50.*
Complete the “Fuel Manifold Installation” procedure
in Chapter 73-10.*
Complete the “Fuel Injector Installation” procedure
in Chapter 73-10.*
Complete the “Injection Nozzle Installation”
procedure in Chapter 73-10.*
Install new fuel lines and complete the “Fuel Line
Installation” procedure in Chapter 73-10.*
Complete the “Starter Installation” procedure in
Chapter 72-70.*
Complete the “Alternator and Bracket Installation”
and “Alternator Belt Installation” procedures in
Chapter 72-70.*
Install the engine in the airframe per instructions in
the IO-390-C Series Engine Installation and
Operation Manual and applicable Airframe
Maintenance Manual.
Complete the “Add Oil to the Engine” procedure in
Chapter 12-10.*
Complete an “Operational Ground Check” per
Chapter 72-00.*
Complete the field run-in, run-up, flight test, and
break-in per the “Field Run-In” and “Engine
Initiation” Chapters of the IO-390-C Series Engine
Installation and Operation Manual.
* IO-390-C Series Engine Maintenance Manual

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