GAC-TM-SDP-PUR-003 - Working Process of Purchasing With Approved Suppliers
GAC-TM-SDP-PUR-003 - Working Process of Purchasing With Approved Suppliers
GAC-TM-SDP-PUR-003 - Working Process of Purchasing With Approved Suppliers
To describe the purchasing and procurement process for materials, furniture, and equipment or sub-
contracting for the service on board the boats.
To ensure purchasing documents are reviewed, approved and purchased services/products are conform
to specified requirements.
To ensure that all GAC Turkmenistan vessels and Shore Bases are adequately supplied with required
materials, equipment and services in accordance with statutory and operational requirements in
conformity with company policies.
- Present procedure is to be followed from the date of approval and signature by General Manager till
reviewed procedure will be approved and signed again.
- Documentation forms of Purchasing Department and Documentation forms of supplier.
- All procedure description has standard meaning of terms
a. Purchasing Coordinator
Purchasing coordinator is responsible to ensure that the following is performed by purchasing
department Material / Service requests received from Marine department are clear and contain full
information to deal with potential supplier;
Deal with Company approved vendors, manufacturers of equipment or service providers to get
Receive minimum three offers from different suppliers when possible, in the event of only one
supplier to provide proof that three suppliers were contacted for quotations;
Submit purchasing offers to the Technical Manager and /or Marine Manager for their review and
Issue Purchasing Order after approval has been given from Marine Manager (or designated person
in his absence);
Control local and international procurement as required.
To ensure all suppliers provide purchased materials in time to me the following schedule;
1. Local purchasing - Critical 15 days for 80%, non-critical 30 days for 80% and remaining
within 45 days delivery to warehouse.
2. International purchasing - Critical 45 days for 80%, non- critical 90 days for 80% and
remaining within 120 days delivery to Turkmenistan.
3. In event of breakdown best possible delivery to be done and communicated to purchasing
coordinator the importance of this purchase.
b. Supplier
Supplier shall:
Send quotation for good quality materials in a timely manner to meet the quotation time frame as in
GAC-TM-SDP-PUR-002 - Working process of purchasing with technical department;
Prompt supply with necessary materials after quotation is approved.
c. Technical Manager
Approves on suitability of technical MR only based on cost, quality and location of supply.
d. Marine Manager
Arranges final approval on all Marine Purchases seeking approval of GM and DGM as required.
a. Quotation
Purchasing department will send an enquiry to three (3) Suppliers, where applicable and where possible,
for costing and quality purposes.
Upon receipt of the Quotation(s) received in a timely manner to meet the time frame as in GAC-TM-SDP-
PUR-002 - Working process of purchasing with technical department the Supply Chain Department will
collate the information and forward for approval.
b. Approving Purchasing
All purchases will be approved and authorized by the Technical Manager and Marine Manager
accordingly. Where required the Marine Manager shall seek approval of GM or DGM where the value is
above USD 15.000.
When and if the requisition is authorised, the Purchasing Department will proceed with the placement of a
Purchase Order and collect materials for delivery to the destination point. Signing of Purchase Orders can
be done by Deputy General Manager, Finance Manager or Marine Manager.
Enter into 1 C system as required.
c. Payment of orders
After approval and invoice received Purchasing Department collect all necessary documentation for
Account Department to be paid. Standard set of documentation for local payment included:
Invoice (date of invoice must be by current month),
Local entrepreneur patent and licence
Material Requisition
Approved quotation
Purchasing Order
Signed Delivery note (must be attached after materials received)
Summary list (list with short description of documents in the set for payment)
Standard payment period is 10 working days. Account department can be asked to make payment
for urgent materials in 3 working days.
Account department will accept invoices only with above supplied list of documents.
Payment orders are to be provided upon request from Purchasing Department; Accounts department
are to inform purchasing department when payment is done. Purchasing department then informs supplier
- Standard Procedure of work Purchasing Department with Account department.