Tutorial Sheet

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

SESSION: 2023-24
Tutorial Sheet
Sub: Heat and Mass Transfers Unit-1
Subject Code: KME-501

Q.1 A wall is constructed of several layers. The first layer consists of masonry brick 20 cm. thick of
thermal conductivity 0.66 W/mK, the second layer consists of 3 cm thick mortar of thermal con-
ductivity 0.6 W/mK, the third layer consists of 8 cm thick lime stone of thermal conductivity 0.58
W/mK and the outer layer consists of 1.2 cm thick plaster of thermal conductivity 0.6 W/mK. The
heat transfer coefficient on the interior and exterior of the wall are 5.6 W/m 2K and 11 W/m2K re-
spectively. Interior room temperature is 220C and outside air temperature is -50C. Calculate
a) Overall heat transfer coefficient b) Overall thermal resistance c) The rate of heat transfer
d) The temperature at the junction between the mortar and the limestone. [KME 501.1, L4]

Q.2 An electrical current of 700A flows through a stainless steel cable having a diameter of 5mm
and an electrical resistance of 6x10 -4 Om/m (i.e. perimeter of cable length). The cable is in an envir-
onment having temperature of 300C, and the total coefficient associated with convection and radi-
ation between the cable and the environment is approximately 25W/m2.K.
(a) If the cable is bar, what is its surface temperature?
(b) If a very thin coating of electrical insulation is applied to the cable, with a contact resistance of
0.02m2K/W, what are the insulation and cable surface temperatures? Ts = 11530C, Ti=778.70C
[KME 501.1, L4]
Q.3 The composite wall of an oven consists of three materials, two of which are known thermal
conductivity, kA=20W/m.K and kC=50W/m.K, and known thickness, LA=0.30m and LC=0.15m. The
third material, B, which is sandwiched between materials A and C, is of known thickness,
LB=0.15m, but unknown thermal conductivity k B. Under steady-state operating conditions,
measurements reveal an outer surface temperature of Ts,0=20 0C, an inner surface temperature of
Ts,i=6000C and an oven air temperature of T =800 0C. The inside convection coefficient h is known
to be 25W/m2.K. What is the value of kB?
Department of Mechanical Engineering
SESSION: 2023-24
Tutorial Sheet
Sub: Heat and Mass Transfers Unit-2
Subject Code: KME-501
Q.1 A stainless steel fin (k=20 W/mK ) having a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 0.1 m is at-
tached to a wall at 3000C. The ambient temperature is 500C and the heat transfer coefficient is
10W/m2k .The fin tip is insulated. Determine
(a)- The rate of heat dissipation through the fin.
(b)- The temp at the fin tip
(c)- The rate of heat transfer from the wall area covered by the fin if the fin was not used.
(d)- The heat transfer rate from the same fin geometry if the stainless steel fin is replaced
by a fictitious fin with infinite thermal conductivity. [KME 501.2, L4]

Q.2 Steel ball bearings (K=50 W/mK, α= 1.3×10-5m2/s) having a diameter of 40 mm are heated to a
temperature of 6500C and then quenched in to a tank of oil at 55 0C. If the heat transfer coefficient
between the ball bearings and the oil is 300 W/m2K, determine-
(a) The duration of time a bearing must remain in oil to reach a temperature of 200 0C,
(b) The total amount of heat removed from each bearing during this time
(c) The instantaneous heat transfer rate from the bearings when they are first immersed in oil
and when they reach 2000C. [KME 501.2, L3]

Q.3 An average human body modelled as a 30 cm diameter 160 cm long cylinder has 72% water by
mass, so that its properties may be taken as those of water at room temp.: density= 1000 Kg/m3spe-
cific heat =4180 J/kg-k and thermal conductivity = 6 W/mk. A person is found dead at 5 am in a
room the temperature of which is 200C. The temperature of the body is measured to be 25 0C when
found, and heat transfer coefficient is estimated to be 8 W/m 2K. Assuming the body temperature of
a living man is 370C, estimate the time of death of the above person. Also estimate its Biot Number
and state whether the body can be analyzed based on lumped heat capacity method.
[KME 501.2, L4]
Department of Mechanical Engineering
SESSION: 2023-24
Tutorial Sheet
Sub: Heat and Mass Transfers Unit-3
Subject Code: KME-501
Q.1 A nuclear reactor with its core constructed of parallel plate 2.25m high and 1.5m wide has been
designed on free convection heating of liquid bismuth. Metallurgical consideration limit the
maximum surface temperature of the plate to 975 0C and the lowest allowable temperature of
bismuth is 3250C. Analyze the maximum possible heat dissipation from each side of each plate. The
approximate correlation for the convection is

At the mean film temperature of 6500C, thermo-physical properties of the bismuth are:
μ= 3.12kg/m-hr, ρ= 10000kg/m3 , cp =150.7J/kg-K, K= 13.02W/m-degree
β= 1.08x10 /K [KME 501.3, L4]
Q.2. Air at 20C at atmospheric pressure flows over a flat plate at a velocity of 3 m/s. if the plate is
1 m wide and 80C, calculate the following at x = 300 mm. (take air property from table)
1. Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness,
2. Thermal boundary layer thickness,
3. Local heat transfer coefficient
4. Average heat transfer coefficient,
5. Heat transfer. [KME 501.3, L3]

Q.3. Air at 40C flows over a flat plate, 0.8 m long at a velocity of 50 m/s. The plate surface is
maintained at 300C. Determine the heat transferred from the entire plate length to air taking into
consideration both laminar and turbulent portion of the boundary layer. Also calculate the
percentage error if the boundary layer is assumed to be turbulent nature from the very leading edge
of the plate. [KME 501.3, L3]
Department of Mechanical Engineering
SESSION: 2023-24
Tutorial Sheet
Sub: Heat and Mass Transfers Unit-4
Subject Code: KME-501
Q.1 For the circular tube of equal length and diameter shown in the figure bellow, the view factor
F13 is 0.17. Evaluate the all other view factor. [KME 501.4, L3]

Q.2 A solid sphere 1 of radius r is placed inside a hollow, closed hemispherical surface 2 or radius
4r. Evaluate all the shape factor. [KME 501.4, L3]

Q.3 Consider a hollow vertical cylinder of 8cm diameter and 10cm length. Lower and upper end of
cylinder is closed by two circular plates. Let lower circular plate is 1, upper circular plate is 2 and
cylindrical surface is 3. Find the entire shape factor. Use the shape factor table.
[KME 501.4, L2]
Q.4 Determine the net radiant heat exchange per m area for two infinite parallel plates held at
temperature of 800K and 500K respectively. Take emissivity as 0.6 for the hot plate and 0.4 for the
cold plate. What should be the emissivity of a polished aluminium shield placed between them if
heat flow is to be reduced to 40% of its original value? Also calculate the equilibrium temperature
of the shield. [KME 501.4, L2]
Department of Mechanical Engineering
SESSION: 2023-24
Tutorial Sheet
Sub: Heat and Mass Transfers Unit-1
Subject Code: KME-501
1. A chemical having specific heat of 3.3kj/kgK flowing at the rate of 20000kg/h enter a parallel
flow heat exchanger at 120 0C. The flow rate of cooling water is 50000kg/h with an inlet
temperature of 20 0C. The heat transfer area is 10 m 2 and the overall heat transfer coefficient is
1050W/ m2K. Take for water, specific heat =4.186kj/kgK
Find: (i) The effectiveness of the heat exchanger
(ii) The outlet temperature of water and chemical [KME 501.5, L3]
2. A counter flow double pipe heat exchanger using superheated steam is used to hot water at the
rate of 10500kg/h. The steam enters the heat exchanger at 180 0C and leaves at 1300C. The inlet and
exit temperatures of water are 300C and 800C respectively. If overall heat transfer coefficient from
steam to water is 814W/m2 0C, calculate the heat transfer area. What would be the increase in area if
the fluid flows were parallel? [KME 501.5, L4]
3. A counter- flow heat exchanger is employed to cool 0.55 Kg/s (c p = 2.45 KJ/ Kg 0 C) of oil from
1150 C to 400 C by the use of water. The inlet and outlet temperatures of cooling water are 15 0 C and
750 C, respectively. The overall heat transfer coefficient is expected to be 1450W/m 20 C. Using NTU
method, calculate the following:
(a) The mass flow rate of water,
(b)The effectiveness of the heat exchanger, [KME 501.5, L3]

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