C Adc-201
C Adc-201
C Adc-201
Learning Outcomes
1. To introduce the concepts of Macroeconomics.
2. To provide an opportunity to develop skills to understand daily economic life and relate it
to Macroeconomic theory
3. To make students understand the working of the policy initiatives in the market economy
4. To enable students understand the aggregate concepts of national Income, Inflation etc.
5. To develop economic thinking among students
6. To prepare the student for higher studies in subjects like Managerial Economics &
Econometrics, Taxation, Fiscal Policy etc
Course Contents
National Income:
Concepts of National Income-GNP, NNP, GDP, GNI at factor cost, PI, Personal disposable
income, transfer payments, Circular flow of national Income. Measurement of National Income:
National Income at market price, at factor Cost; Measurement of national Product in current
price and in constant prices.
Keynesian Macroeconomics:
Keynesian Psychological law of Consumption, Consumption function, saving function, MPC,
Derivation and use of investment multiplier
Investment and MEC
Inflationary and deflationary gaps under Keynesian theory.
Public Finance:
Meaning, Difference between Private and Public Finance, revenue and Expenditure of Public
Bodies, Kinds of Taxes and Cannons of Taxes fiscal policy.
Tools of Fiscal and Monitory Policy.
Inflation: Kinds, causes and remedies
Trade Theories: Theory of comparative advantages, Modern theory of trade, Trade Cycles
International Institutions
IMF & World Bank Group
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Hailey College of Commerce Associate Degree of Commerce, 2020
Assessment Mechanism/Criteria
40% (40 Marks) Internal Assessment by affiliated *15Marks for Assignments,
institution Quizzes and others
**25 Marks for Mid-term Exam
60% (60Marks) External Assessment by the Final Term Examination
Punjab University
Suggested Readings
1. Samuelson, Paul A.; William D Nordhaus, Sen & Chaudhry, Economics, McGraw-Hill,
20th Edition, 2019, ISBN-10 : 9389538033, ISBN-13 : 978-9389538038
2. Nordous. D. William, Samuelson Paul. A, Macroeconomics, MC GRAW HILL INDIA;
19th Edition (January 1, 2011), ISBN-10 : 9780071333368, ISBN-13 : 978-0071333368
3. Rudiger Dornbusch , Stanley Fischer , Richard Startz , Macroeconomics, McGraw-Hill
Education; 13th Edition (September 7, 2017), ISBN-10 : 1259290638, ISBN-13 : 978-
4. David Romer, Advanced Macroeconomics, McGraw-Hill Education; 5th Edition
(February 19, 2018), ISBN-10 : 1260185214, ISBN-13 : 978-1260185218
5. Rizavi, Dr. Sayyid Salman, “An Introduction to Economics”, Syed Mubeen & Co.,
Lahore, 2019
Recommended Websites/Resources
1. http://www.basiceconomics.info/
2. http://www.imf.org
3. http://www.worldbank.org
4. http://www.sbp.gov.pk
5. http://www.finance.gov.pk
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