5000 Series Oscilloscope Guide
5000 Series Oscilloscope Guide
5000 Series Oscilloscope Guide
Service Guide
Agilent Technologies
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2005-2009 Warranty defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June
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2 Testing Performance
This chapter explains how to verify correct oscilloscope
operation and perform tests to ensure that the oscilloscope
meets the performance specifications.
4 Troubleshooting
This chapter begins with suggestions for solving general
problems that you may encounter with the oscilloscope.
Procedures for troubleshooting the oscilloscope follow the
problem solving suggestions.
5 Replacing Assemblies
This chapter describes how to remove assemblies from the
5000 Series oscilloscope.
7 Replaceable Parts
This chapter describes how to order replaceable assemblies
and parts for the Agilent 5000 Series Oscilloscopes. It
includes diagrams and parts lists for hardware that you can
At the front of the book you will find safety notice
descriptions and document warranties.
Tables 11
2 Testing Performance 21
List of Test Equipment 22
To verify voltage measurement accuracy 24
To verify bandwidth 28
To verify time scale accuracy 33
To verify horizontal Dt accuracy 35
To verify trigger sensitivity 38
Test Internal Trigger Sensitivity (all models) 40
Test External Trigger Sensitivity (2-channel models) 42
Test External Trigger Sensitivity (4-channel models) 45
Agilent 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Performance Test Record 48
4 Troubleshooting 57
Solving General Problems with the Oscilloscope 58
Troubleshooting the Oscilloscope 61
Equipment required for troubleshooting 62
To check out the oscilloscope 62
To verify basic oscilloscope operation 64
To compensate the analog probes 65
Troubleshooting Flowchart 66
To check the oscilloscope power supply 67
To check the AC input board 69
To check the system board 71
To check the display 71
To check the fan 72
To run the internal self-tests 73
To verify default setup 74
5 Replacing Assemblies 77
To remove the cabinet 80
To remove the handle 81
To remove the storage lid 82
To remove the front panel assembly 83
To remove the keyboard assembly 86
To remove the main shield 89
To remove the display assembly 91
To remove the backlight inverter board and e-field shield 95
To remove the LCD, gasket, and protective lens from the display
mount 99
To remove the power shaft 102
To remove the AC input board 103
To remove the power supply 105
To remove the fan 106
To remove the system board 108
Index 123
Characteristics and Specifications
Power Requirements 14
Measurement Category 15
Specifications 19
Specifications 19
Contact us 20
Agilent Technologies 13
1 Characteristics and Specifications
Power Requirements
Measurement Category
Measurement Category
The InfiniiVision 5000 Series oscilloscope is intended to be
used for measurements in Measurement Category I.
Environmental Conditions
Environmental characteristics
Ambient temperature Operating –10 °C to +55 °C; non-operating –51 °C to +71 °C
Humidity Operating 95% RH at 40 °C for 24 hr; non-operating 90% RH at 65 °C for 24 hr
Altitude Operating to 4,570 m (15,000 ft); non-operating to 15,244 m (50,000 ft)
Vibration Agilent class GP and MIL-PRF-28800F; Class 3 random
Shock Agilent class GP and MIL-PRF-28800F; (operating 30 g, 1/2 sine, 11-ms duration,
3 shocks/axis along major axis. Total of 18 shocks)
Pollution degree2 Normally only dry non-conductive pollution occurs.
Occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation must be expected.
Indoor use Rated for indoor use only
Please see the InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Data
Sheet for complete, up- to- date specifications and
To download a copy of the data sheet please visit:
Or go to the Agilent home page at www.agilent.com and
search for 5000 series oscilloscopes data sheet.
To order a data sheet by phone, please contact your local
Agilent office. A contact list is provided on the next page.
The most up- to- date list is available at:
Contact us
Canada (877) 894-4414
Latin America 305 269 7500
United States (800) 829-4444
Asia Pacific
Australia 1 800 629 485
China 800 810 0189
Hong Kong 800 938 693
India 1 800 112 929
Japan 81 426 56 7832
Korea 080 769 0800
Malaysia 1 800 888 848
Singapore 1 800 375 8100
Taiwan 0800 047 866
Thailand 1 800 226 008
Austria 0820 87 44 11
Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40
Denmark 45 70 13 15 15
Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100
France 0825 010 700
Germany 01805 24 6333*
Ireland 1890 924 204
Italy 39 02 92 60 8484
Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111
Spain 34 (91) 631 3300
Sweden 0200-88 22 55
Switzerland (French)
44 (21) 8113811 (Opt 2)
Switzerland (German)
0800 80 53 53 (Opt 1)
United Kingdom 44 (0) 7004 666666
Other European countries:
Testing Performance
List of Test Equipment 22
To verify voltage measurement accuracy 24
To verify bandwidth 28
To verify time scale accuracy 33
To verify horizontal Dt accuracy 35
To verify trigger sensitivity 38
Agilent 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Performance Test Record 48
Agilent Technologies 21
2 Testing Performance
Recommended Model/
Equipment Critical Specifications Part Number Qty
Digital Multimeter 0.1 mV resolution, 0.005% accuracy Agilent 34401A 1
Power Splitter Outputs differ by 0.15 dB Agilent 11667A 1
Oscilloscope Calibrator 14 mV to 35 Vdc, 0.1 V resolution, 25 MHz - 500 MHz Fluke 5820A 1
sine wave, stability 5 ppm after 1/2 hour
Signal Generator 100 kHz - 500 MHz at 200 mVrms Agilent N5181A, Agilent 1
E4400B, or Agilent 8648A
Power Meter/Sensor 1 MHz - 1 GHz ±3% accuracy Agilent E4418B/8482A 1
BNC banana cable Agilent 11001-66001 1
BNC cable Agilent 10503A 2
Cable Type N (m) 609.6 mm (24 in.) Agilent 11500B 1
Shorting Cap BNC Agilent 1250-0774 1
Adapter BNC(f) to banana(m) Agilent 1251-2277 1
Adapter BNC Tee (m) (f) (f) Agilent 1250-0781 1
Adapter Type N (m) to BNC (m) Agilent 1250-0082 or 1
Pomona 3288 with
Pomona 3533
Blocking capacitor Agilent 10240-60001 1
Adapter N(m) to BNC(f) Agilent 1250-0780 1
Feedthrough 50BNC (f) to BNC (m) Agilent 0960-0301 1
Some parts and equipment are available at www.agilent.com or www.parts.agilent.com.
Table 2 Conventions
Oscilloscope Calibrator 14 mV to 35 Vdc, 0.1 V resolution, 25 MHz - 500 MHz Fluke 5820A 1
sine wave, stability 5 ppm after 1/2 hour
c Press the Acquire key. Then, press the Acq Mode softkey
until Averaging is selected. Finally, press the #Avgs
softkey and turn the Entry knob to set the number of
averages to 64.
Wait a few seconds for the measurement to settle.
2 Press the Cursors key, set the Mode softkey to Normal, then
press the X Y softkey and select Y. Press the Y1 softkey,
BNC shorting
To oscilloscope input
To verify bandwidth
Equipment Critical Specifications Model/Part Qty
Signal Generator 100 kHz - 500 MHz at 200 mVrms Agilent N5181A, Agilent 1
E4400B, or Agilent 8648A
Power Splitter
N to BNC adapter
Power Sensor
N Cable
Power Meter
response(dB) = 20 log10
Vout max freq / Vin max freq
Vout 1 MHz / Vin 1 MHz
Example If:
Pmeas1_MHz = 892 uW
Std Dev(n) 1MHz = 210.4 mV
Pmeas max_freq = 687 uW
Std Dev(n) max freq = 161.6 mV
Then after converting the values from the power meter to
This test verifies the accuracy of the time scale. In this test
you will measure the absolute error of the timebase
oscillator and compare the results to the specification.
Equipment Critical Specifications Model/Part
Equipment Critical Specifications Model/Part Qty
Oscilloscope Calibrator 14 mV to 35 Vdc, 0.1 V resolution, 25 MHz - 500 MHz Fluke 5820A 1
sine wave, stability 5 ppm after 1/2 hour
This test verifies the trigger sensitivity. In this test, you will
apply a sine wave to the oscilloscope at the upper
bandwidth limit. You will then decrease the amplitude of the
signal to the specified levels, and check to see if the
oscilloscope is still triggered.
The internal trigger sensitivity test is mandatory because it
is a specification. The external trigger test is optional
because it is a characteristic, not a specification.
Test limits for:
• Internal trigger on all models:
• < 10 mV/div: greater of 1 div or 5 mVpp
>=10 mV/div: 0.6 div
• External trigger on all 2- channel models (DSO5xx2A):
• Trigger range: 1.0V
DC to 100 MHz: < 100 mVpp
>100 MHz to max bandwidth: < 200 mVpp
• Trigger range: 8.0V
DC to 100 MHz: < 250 mVpp
>100 MHz to max bandwidth: < 500 mVpp
• External trigger on 4- channel models:
4- channel models:
DC to 100 MHz: < 500 mVpp
Equipment Critical Specifications Model/Part Qty
Signal Generator 100 kHz - 500 MHz at 200 mVrms Agilent N5181A, Agilent 1
E4400B, or Agilent 8648A
N to BNC adapter
N Cable
Power Splitter
N Cable
Power Meter
50 Feedthrough*
N to BNC adapter
Power Splitter
Power Sensor
N Cable
Power Meter
Horizontal t Accuracy
Generator Setting Test Limits Results
Period 100 s 99.8 s to 100.2 s ________
Period 100 ns 99.8 ns to 100.2 ns ________
Period 10 ns1 9.93 ns to 10.07 ns ________
Period 5 ns2 4.96 ns to 5.04 ns ________
1 100 MHz models
300 MHz and 500 MHz models
± 8 V range:
5052A 500 mV at 500 MHz ________ ________ ________ ________
5032A 500 mV at 300 MHz ________ ________ ________ ________
5012A 500 mV at 100 MHz ________ ________ ________ ________
* Where applicable
Calibrating and Adjusting
User Calibration 53
WA R N I N G Read the safety notice at the front of this book before proceeding.
Maintenance is performed with power supplied to the oscilloscope and with the
protective covers removed. Only trained service personnel who are aware of the
hazards involved should perform the maintenance. Whenever possible, perform the
procedures with the power cord removed from the oscilloscope.
Agilent Technologies 51
3 Calibrating and Adjusting
User Calibration
Longer cable
To Channel 1 to TRIG OUT
To Channel 2
To Channel 1
To Channel 2
To Channel 3
Longer cable
To Channel 4 to TRIG OUT
Solving General Problems with the Oscilloscope 58
Troubleshooting the Oscilloscope 61
Agilent Technologies 57
4 Troubleshooting
If there is no display
✔ Check that the power cord is firmly seated in the
oscilloscope power receptacle.
✔ Check that the power source is live.
✔ Check that the front- panel power switch is on.
✔ If there is still no display, go to the troubleshooting
procedures in this chapter.
Oscilloscope Capable of measuring 500 MHz Agilent 5000 Series oscilloscope with
signal. 1 M input impedance. 500 MHz bandwidth
WA R N I N G Always operate the oscilloscope with an approved three conductor power cable.
Do not negate the protective action of the three conductor power cable.
Perfectly compensated
Over compensated
Under compensated
Troubleshooting Flowchart
The following flowchart describes how to troubleshoot 5000
Series oscilloscope models.
Replace Power
Okay? No
Test AC Input
Replace AC Input
Okay? No
Test System
Replace System
Okay? No
Test Display
Pin 7 (15V)
Pin 19 (-15V)
Pin 16, 17, or 18 (+15V)
Pin 3 or 4 (-12V)
16 8
Pin 1 or 2 (+12V)
J3200 (mounted
15 7
on other side)
14 6
Pin 8, 15, or 16 (+1.5 V) 13 5
Pin 12, 13, or 14 (+3.3V) 12 4
Pin 9, 10, or 11 (+5V) 11 3
Pin 1 (-5.2V) 10 2
9 1
16 8
15 7
14 6
13 5
12 4
11 3
10 2
9 1
2 J2750
Replacing Assemblies
To remove the cabinet 80
To remove the handle 81
To remove the storage lid 82
To remove the front panel assembly 83
To remove the keyboard assembly 86
To remove the main shield 89
To remove the display assembly 91
To remove the backlight inverter board and e-field shield 95
To remove the LCD, gasket, and protective lens from the display
mount 99
To remove the power shaft 102
To remove the AC input board 103
To remove the power supply 105
To remove the fan 106
To remove the system board 108
Agilent Technologies 77
5 Replacing Assemblies
WA R N I N G Read the safety summary at the back of this book before proceeding.
Maintenance is performed with power supplied to the oscilloscope and with the
protective covers removed. Only trained service personnel who are aware of the
hazards involved should perform the maintenance. Whenever possible, perform the
procedures with the power cord removed from the oscilloscope.
T-20 Screw
Gently push
on the connectors
T-20 Screw
Insert hinge
into slot
Knob T6 Screws (3 or 4)
Ribbon Cable
6 Swing the front panel out until the bottom clears the deck
assembly, then lift it up to free the hooks on top and pull
it away from the deck.
Swing front
panel out
Front Panel
Main Keypad Board Latches (8)
Main Shield
Thin sheet metal parts may have sharp edges. Handle with care to avoid injury.
Thin sheet metal parts may have sharp edges. Handle with care to avoid injury.
System Board
Display (LCD)
Latch Tab
Retaining Hooks
Deck Latch Slot
Retaining Hook
Cable Groove
Cable Guides
Supply Cable
Bottom Alignment
Bottom Latch
Perforated Edge
Sheet Metal
To remove the LCD, gasket, and protective lens from the display
Display Mount
LCD Latches
3 Lift and remove the LCD from under the guides on the
right side of the display mount. Early production units
may utilize an RFI spring, note its position- installation so
that it may be reinstalled correctly.
4 Remove the gasket and protective lens if necessary.
Note the orientation of the gasket.
LCD Latches
Display Mount
LCD Gasket
LCD Guides
5 To reinstall:
a Place the protective lens into the pocket in the display
mount and ensure that the inside of the lens is clean.
b Place the gasket into the slot around the lens making
sure it is fully seated in the slot all the way around.
c Clean the LCD window and insert the LCD under the
guides on the right side of the display mount.
d Push the left side of the LCD down until it clicks under
the latches so that the latches are fully over the face of
the sheet metal housing.
Holding tab
Slot (4)
T10 Screw (2)
Tab (4)
Spring Washer (2)
AC Input Board
Power cable Keyhole
Power Supply
Thin sheet metal parts may have sharp edges. Handle with care to avoid injury.
Fan cable
AC input board
Fan mount
Fan cable
in deck
Thin sheet metal parts may have sharp edges. Handle with care to avoid injury.
Display (LCD)
Ribbon Cable
Backlight Inverter Cable
Intensity knob
System Board
Power control
7 Using the 9/32 hex driver, remove two hex standoffs and
washers from GPIB connector.
8 Using the T10 TORX driver, remove the six screws that
hold the system board to the deck.
T10 Screws
Intensity Knob
Hex Nuts
& Washers
Hex Standoffs
9 Lift the back of the board to clear the main deck and
then gently pull the board straight out.
10 To reinstall the system board:
a Feed the keyboard, display and backlight inverter cables
through the hole in the system board. Insure power
Replaceable Parts
Ordering Replaceable Parts 114
Exploded Views 116
Replaceable Parts List 118
Listed Parts
To order a part in the parts list, quote the Agilent
Technologies part number, indicate the quantity desired, and
address the order to the nearest Agilent Technologies Sales
Office. To find your nearest sales office go to
Unlisted Parts
To order a part not listed in the parts list, include the
instrument part number, instrument serial number, a
description of the part (including its function), and the
number of parts required. Address the order to the nearest
Agilent Technologies Sales Office.
Exchange Assemblies
Some parts used in this instrument have been set up for an
exchange program. This program allows the customer to
exchange a faulty assembly with one that has been repaired,
calibrated, and performance- verified by the factory. The cost
is significantly less than that of a new part. The exchange
parts have a part number in the form XXXXX- 695XX.
After receiving the repaired exchange part from Agilent
Technologies, a United States customer has 30 days to return
the faulty assembly. For orders not originating in the United
States, contact the local Agilent Technologies service
organization. If the faulty assembly is not returned within 30
days, the customer will be charged an additional amount.
The additional amount will be the difference in price
between a new assembly and that of an exchange assembly.
Exploded Views
*Optional item.
remove trigger
AC input board, 103 sensitivity, 38
backlight inverter, 95 sensitivity, external, 42, 45
cabinet, 80 sensitivity, internal, 40
display assembly, 89, 91 troubleshooting, 57
fan, 106 display, 71
front panel, 83 equipment required, 62
handle, 81 fan, 72
keyboard, 86 flowchart, 66
LCD, 99 power supply, 67
power supply, 105
power switch, 102 U
softkey pad, 86
storage lid, 82 user calibration, 53
system board, 108
replaceable parts list, 118 V
replacing assemblies, 77 verify
run self-tests, 73 bandwidth, 28
horizontal accuracy, 35
S trigger, 38
safety notice, 51, 61 voltage measurement accuracy, 24
self-alignment, user cal, 53
self-tests, 73 W
softkey pad, removal, 86 warnings, 78
specifications, 19 warranted specifications, 19
startup sequence, 62
status, User Cal, 56
status, user cal, 53
storage lid, removal, 82
system board
part number, 118
removal, 108
equipment, 22
points, power, 70
record, 48
trace display
problem solving, 58, 59
transient withstand capability, 16
Safety Notices
This apparatus has been designed and tested in accordance
with IEC Publication 1010, Safety Requirements for
Measuring Apparatus, and has been supplied in a safe
condition. This is a Safety Class I instrument (provided with
terminal for protective earthing). Before applying power,
verify that the correct safety precautions are taken (see the
following warnings). In addition, note the external markings
on the instrument that are described under “Safety
Before turning on the instrument, you must connect the protective earth terminal of the
instrument to the protective conductor of the (mains) power cord. The mains plug shall only
be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth contact. You must not negate
the protective action by using an extension cord (power cable) without a protective conduc-
tor (grounding). Grounding one conductor of a two-conductor outlet is not sufficient protec-
Only fuses with the required rated current, voltage, and specified type (normal blow, time
delay, etc.) should be used. Do not use repaired fuses or short-circuited fuseholders. To do so
could cause a shock or fire hazard.
If you energize this instrument by an auto transformer (for voltage reduction or mains isola-
tion), the common terminal must be connected to the earth terminal of the power source.
Whenever it is likely that the ground protection is impaired, you must make the instrument
inoperative and secure it against any unintended operation.
Service instructions are for trained service personnel. To avoid dangerous electric shock, do
not perform any service unless qualified to do so. Do not attempt internal service or adjust-
ment unless another person, capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the instrument.
Capacitors inside the instrument may retain a charge even if the instrument is disconnected
from its source of supply.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gasses or fumes. Operation of
any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Do not use the instrument in a manner not specified by the manufacturer.
Safety Symbols
Instruction manual symbol: the product is marked with this symbol when it is necessary for
you to refer to the instruction manual in order to protect against damage to the product.
Earth terminal symbol: Used to indicate a circuit common connected to grounded chassis.