T CPD 1679651391 Safeguarding Scenarios in The Early Years Cards - Ver - 1

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Safeguarding Scenarios in the

Early Years
The scenarios in this resource give examples of safeguarding situations that could happen in an early
years setting, to help you consider possible signs and indicators of safeguarding issues and think about
how to respond. If you are doing this in a group setting, you may want to warn staff that scenarios could
be triggering.

The ‘What if’ questions help you to think about what your response would be if you had more information;
please keep in mind not all scenarios will necessarily need a referral.

If using this in a group context, consider further training or development on areas that staff are unsure
about to help build further confidence and deeper understanding of certain areas of safeguarding.

Scenarios will cover:

► Allegations Against Staff ► Existing Injuries

► Camera and Images ► Fabricated Illness

► Child on Child Abuse ► Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

► Child Sexual Exploitation ► Internet Use

► Child Trafficking ► Neglect

► Children’s Mental Health (Self-harm and ► Parent/carer stress

suicide threat)
► Physical Abuse (Unexplained injuries)
► Children Missing Education (CME)/
► Prevent Duty (Extremism)
► Sexual Abuse (Sexualised Behaviour)
► Domestic Abuse
► Social Networking
► Elective Home Education
► Staffing (Intimate Care)
► Emotional Abuse

► Escalation Scenario

Disclaimer: We hope you find the information in our resources useful. This resource contains potentially sensitive and/ or upsetting topics and, for the staff it is used with, may cause emotional
impact and trigger past experiences. It is your responsibility to consider whether it is appropriate to use this resource and, if so, to ensure that appropriate support is available for anyone affected.
Allegations Against Staff Allegations Against Staff

Alex is a member of support staff in your setting. What are your concerns?
They support learning and are well liked. Alex often What next steps would you take?
takes children for interventions and helps them on
Who would you share this information with?
a one-to-one basis.
Is there anything else you would do?
The designated safeguarding lead (DSL) meets
with you privately and tells you a parent/carer of a What if…?
child in your setting has made an allegation against
Alex and has accused them of touching children ► The DSL said there has been another
inappropriately. They ask that you keep an eye on allegation from a different parent/carer.
Alex and note any times Alex has physical contact
► Alex keeps a log about the interventions they
with children.
hold in a closed room.
Over the next few weeks, you notice that Alex
► Your safeguarding policy says that
regularly high-fives children, pats their arms or
interventions should be held in a room with
head and will physically comfort children that are
the door open.
upset with hugs or reading to them with the child
on their knee. ► You were the DSL.
During the one-to-one sessions, you do not see ► Is there another way this could have been
what happens because they are in a room with a handled?
closed door.
► You knew Alex was a man or a woman,
would that change your response?


Camera and Images Camera and Images

There is a clear and strict policy in place for What are your concerns?
taking photos and how images of children are What next steps would you take?
to be used. Some children in the setting do not
Who would you share this information with?
have permission to have their images used other
than for their own learning journey. While you are Is there anything else you would do?
checking children’s learning journeys, you notice
one of the children without permission appears in a What if…?
few different children’s learning journeys.
► This child has not got permission to use
When you talk to the member of staff who photos due to safeguarding.
completed them they said they didn’t think it would
► The parent/carer comes to you concerned
be an issue seeing as the other parents/carers
when they hear that their child was in a
have seen the child before at pick-up.
photo in another child’s learning journey.

Child on Child Abuse Child on Child Abuse

Ainsley is a child in your setting. They are energetic What are your concerns?
and enjoy playing with others in the setting. Kai is What next steps would you take?
a new child in the setting and is settling in. Ainsley
Who would you share this information with?
and Kai play together outdoors. You hear when Kai
leaves with their parents/carers they are telling Is there anything else you would do?
them about their new friend Ainsley.
What if…?
Later that week, Ainsley comes up to you crying
and tells you that Kai has said that they don’t want ► Ainsley is a girl and Kai is a boy.
to play with them any more. Kai does not say why
► Ainsley is a different race to Kai.
when you try to talk about it, answering ‘because
I don’t want to’. You notice Kai playing with other ► Ainsley has difficulty sharing.
children and when Ainsley approaches they move
away together. ► Kai’s parents/carers do not engage with the
setting much and are quite isolated from the


Child Sexual Exploitation Child Sexual Exploitation

Caelan is a child in your setting. Their parent/ What are your concerns?
carer has had a new partner move into their home What next steps would you take?
who begins to bring them to your setting. Caelan
Who would you share this information with?
starts to show you the new toys and clothes they
have been bought by this new partner. They tell Is there anything else you would do?
you that they got it because they have a ‘special
relationship’. When asked, their parent/carer says What if…?
their partner likes to spoil them. The next week,
► Caelan has a sibling and only Caelan
Caelan tells you they have been bought a new
receives the gifts.
tablet; they don’t tell you why but say it was as a
‘thank you’. ► Caelan is a girl.

► The new partner is a man.

► Caelan has a sibling and they both receive

new gifts.

► You find out the new partner has a high-

paying job.

► You find out the new partner is associated

with a local gang/crime.

Child Trafficking Child Trafficking

Dana is a new child in your setting and has just What are your concerns?
moved from a European country. Their aunt and What next steps would you take?
uncle have signed them up to your setting and
Who would you share this information with?
explained that Dana does not speak much English
and neither do their parents/carers so they are Is there anything else you would do?
helping out.
What if…?
Dana is very quiet and takes a while to settle
in. They often play in the home corner, washing ► When Dana starts to speak, they tell you they
the dishes and cooking. They frequently come miss their mum.
in looking tired and sad, keeping to themselves
► Dana relaxes more at your setting and seems
in quiet spaces or exploring the outdoors
happier but looks stressed at pick-up.
► Dana said they were going back to a
A staff member who lives near Dana has
European country to see their family.
commented that they have noticed lots of adults
appear to live in the house. When you talk to the
aunt and uncle, they give limited and what seem
like rehearsed answers to questions.


Children’s Mental Health (self-harm Children’s Mental Health (self-harm and suicide threat)

and suicide threat)

What are your concerns?
Eli is a child in your setting and enjoys expressive What next steps would you take?
arts and design and being outdoors. Recently, one Who would you share this information with?
of Eli’s parents/carers has been hospitalised and
Is there anything else you would do?
you learn there is not much family support. Eli
spends a lot of time at the hospital and you hear
that the parent/carer is in critical care. What if…?

Over time, Eli becomes quieter and starts playing ► You notice marks of self-harm on Eli’s
alone more. Eli starts to pick the hairs on their arms parent/carer or siblings.
and appears to have scratches on them. When you
► Eli does not always tell the truth.
ask, they say they did it when they ‘felt sad’.
► Eli has been drawing pictures of their parent/
carer and saying they’re sad.

Children Missing Education Children Missing Education (CME) Attendance

(CME) Attendance
What are your concerns?
Sam is a child in your setting; they are quiet but What next steps would you take?
have settled in well and enjoy exploring outdoors. Who would you share this information with?
They often forget their coat in cold weather and
Is there anything else you would do?
their parents/carers rarely engage at pick-up and
drop-off and never seem to want to talk for long.
When parents/carers are invited to get involved What if…?
or to support home learning, they never sign up or
► You find out Sam is moving to another
Over the past month, Sam has been absent more
► You find out Sam has moved out of their
often; sometimes you are told by the parents/
parents/carers’ home and is living with
carers but more often not. When asked, Sam’s
parents/carers say Sam was tired or feeling ill.
Sam’s absences continue. One week they do not ► Sam had previously been under the care
attend at all and another member of staff says of social services due to child abuse in the
they saw them in the corner shop with their parent/ family home.
► Sam’s parent/carer has recently lost
their job.


Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse

Ari is a child in your setting. You have noticed that What are your concerns?
they often hit toy dolls against each other in the What next steps would you take?
role-play area and shout as they do so. They enjoy
Who would you share this information with?
playing at the setting and seem relaxed but start to
fidget and get nervous at home time. They are very Is there anything else you would do?
quiet when they are collected by their parent/carer.
What if…?

► Ari is only nervous when a particular parent/

carer comes to collect them.

► You find out that Ari’s main parent/carer has

recently moved in with a new partner.

► Ari lives alone with their parent/carer.

► Ari’s attendance starts to drop.

Elective Home Education Elective Home Education

Idris is a child in your setting and is the youngest in What are your concerns?
their family with three older siblings; their mother is What next steps would you take?
currently pregnant.
Who would you share this information with?
Idris and their siblings are eligable for pupil Is there anything else you would do?
premium; you use this money to support their
learning. Idris has difficulty focusing and is in the What if…?
process of being assessed for additional support.
When talking to Mum about home support, she ► Idris’s mother wants to begin elective Home
says she can’t do anything at home because she is Education with all her children.
too busy.
► Instead of looking well cared for, Idris often
When Idris’s new sibling is born, Idris’s mother tells shows signs of neglect.
you that she intends to take Idris out of school and
► Idris told you they didn’t want to leave your
begin elective Home Education because ‘it’s all too
much for Idris right now’.


Emotional Abuse Emotional Abuse

Remi is a child in your setting. They are quiet but What are your concerns?
enjoy playing with others. They are doing well in all What next steps would you take?
areas of learning, but spend lots of time trying to
Who would you share this information with?
write and read.
Is there anything else you would do?
Remi’s parents/carers ask about their progress
and when you mention Remi could develop their What if…?
imagination and explore their curiosity more,
Remi’s parents/carers say that it’s not important ► Remi agreed with their parent/carer and said
and reading and writing come first. they liked numbers, reading and writing.

You ask what Remi gets up to in their free time ► Remi had started pulling out their hair
and before Remi can say anything, Remi’s parents/ absent-mindedly.
carers state ‘Remi is very happy spending time
► Remi was being assessed for autism.
working on their numbers, reading and writing’.
Remi looks sad when they say this. You see that ► Remi got very upset every time they got
when Remi does spend time in the role-play area something wrong.
or exploring outside, they are very engaged and
relaxed. ► Remi looked nervous at pick-up when
their parent/carer would ask what they did
that day.

Escalation Scenario Escalation Scenario

Soren is a child in your setting that has been What are your concerns?
attending for a few months. They attended a What next steps would you take?
previous setting before and their mum simply
Who would you share this information with?
commented that it wasn’t the right place for Soren.
When your manager, the designated safeguarding Is there anything else you would do?
lead (DSL), reached out to the previous setting, they
said Soren’s mum had taken them out of the setting What if…?
without informing them and did so after they raised
► Soren is not known for making up stories.
concerns about bruising on Soren’s back.
► You find out your DSL knows Soren’s mum.
You have made a note of some concerns you have
had about Soren in line with the safeguarding
policy, logging the information and informing your
DSL. Your manager has said that it is not enough to
make a referral.

Today, Soren comes in looking upset and, when you

ask them if they are feeling OK, they tell you they
are sad because ‘mummy hit me’ and show you a
bruise on their back. You comfort them and they
settle back in and start playing. You immediately
tell your DSL and log the incident; they advise you
to log it and keep an eye on Soren, saying that
sometimes children make things up.


Existing Injuries Existing Injuries

Ravi is a child in your setting. You know them as What are your concerns?
a quiet and well-behaved child. One week, Ravi What next steps would you take?
comes in and you notice they have a bruise on their
Who would you share this information with?
arm when they take off their jumper. When asked,
their parent/carer explains that they fell off the Is there anything else you would do?
sofa. A couple of weeks later, you notice Ravi has
burns on their hands and their parent/carer says What if…?
they were cooking and when they weren’t looking,
► Ravi is a looked-after child.
Ravi touched a hot pan.
► Ravi’s parent/carer just had someone new
move into their house.

► Ravi often squints when you read them

books and they like to be at the front when
you show a group an image or object.

► You have cooked with Ravi before and told

them to be careful of hot pans and they
listened very well and did not touch them.

Fabricated Illness Fabricated Illness

Yara is a child in your setting who has underlying What are your concerns?
health conditions. Yara’s parents/carers inform you What next steps would you take?
that Yara has severe asthma and allergies.
Who would you share this information with?
Yara is happy and enthusiastic in your setting Is there anything else you would do?
and, when outdoors or in situations where more
physical development occurs, you keep an eye on What if…?
Yara to make sure they are OK and remind them to
let you know if they find it difficult to breathe and ► Yara had no hospital or doctor records of
need their inhaler. Yara’s parents/carers check with any condition.
you regularly and report that Yara is very tired at
► Yara did have records that support some of
home and that their asthma and allergies are a big
the claims.
part of that. While with you, Yara has never asked
for their inhaler or shown signs of allergies or ► Yara’s parents/carers want to move Yara to
difficulty breathing. another setting.
Yara’s parents/carers contact your setting to ► Yara’s parents/carers often raised concerns
request a meeting because Yara has just been about how the setting was run.
diagnosed and is ‘severely immunosuppressed’ and
are worried about how they will stay healthy and
safe in the setting. They are considering pulling her
out of the setting.


Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Vera is a child in your early years setting. She What are your concerns?
enjoys your setting and has settled in well. One day, What next steps would you take?
Vera comes in and struggles to sit for story time,
Who would you share this information with?
looking uncomfortable and moves several times
and pulls at her tights and underwear.
What if…?

► You knew she had been away for a week

before on a family trip abroad.

► You found out they had been in the UK.

► You heard Vera’s sibling tell her that she

would feel better soon and it didn’t hurt for
long when ‘it happened to her’.

Internet Use Internet Use

While with a small group of children, you are What are your concerns?
sharing a video of the nursery rhyme ‘Old What next steps would you take?
MacDonald’ and talking about the animals and the
Who would you share this information with?
noises that they make. Halfway through the video,
there is an advert and it is not child appropriate. Is there anything else you would do?
You try to close it, but worry that some children
have seen. What if…?

► A child asks you what that was.

► The children didn’t seem to notice.

► A child comments they have seen that on

their tablet.


Neglect Neglect

Tai is a child in your setting. They love to play What are your concerns?
outdoors and often get themselves wet or muddy. What next steps would you take?
You notice that Tai starts to come in clothes that
Who would you share this information with?
are dirty. When you asked their parents/carers,
they said they didn’t have time to clean it and they Is there anything else you would do?
were only going to get it dirty again anyway. Tai
also sometimes comes into your setting finishing a What if…?
packet of crisps or eats a large amount of the fruit
► You knew the family had just moved.
available at the setting.
► Their washing machine was broken.

► Tai was often hungry even after eating a

good amount of food.

► They go to a park before your setting.

► They have siblings in the setting and, after

talking to their practitioner, they also had
noticed similar concerns.

► One of Tai’s parents/carers had recently lost

their job.

► Tai is on the pupil premium register.

Parent/Carer Stress Parent/Carer Stress

Milo is a child in your setting who has been What are your concerns?
attending for six months. Milo has a single parent/ What next steps would you take?
carer. Milo settled in well and is making positive
Who would you share this information with?
progress in their overall learning and development.
Is there anything else you would do?
You’ve noticed recently that Milo’s parent/carer
looks tired most days and is often in a rush. When What if…?
you have tried to talk to them, they tell you ‘sorry I
don’t have time to chat today’ and that they will try ► You found out Milo’s parent/carer is in
and catch up with you another time. danger of losing their job.

Today, Milo’s parent/carer shouts at Milo when they ► You found out they are the only one carer
drop their gloves and are slow to get ready, saying for their elderly parent/carer and this will be
‘come on, come on, we’ve got to go’. Milo seems permanent.
upset by this. When you ask if everything is OK,
they say they are fine and they just have a lot on at
the moment with work and caring for their elderly
parent/carer who isn’t feeling well.


Physical Abuse (Unexplained Injuries) Physical Abuse (Unexplained Injuries)

Mei is two years old and has been at your setting What are your concerns?
for two months. A week ago, you noticed Mei What next steps would you take?
playing with another child outside and when they
Who would you share this information with?
wanted to play on the outdoor equipment Mei was
on, Mei shouted ‘no’ and pushed the other child Is there anything else you would do?
What if…?
In response, you followed your behaviour policy,
talking to Mei and their parents/carers. Mei’s ► Mei is quite clumsy and often falls over at
parents/carers reacted appropriately when you told your setting.
them and gave no indication of any reasons why it
► Mei is a looked-after child.
might have occurred or further issues.
► Mei’s parent/carer just had someone new
Today outside, Mei takes off their jumper and you
move into their house.
notice a mark on their upper arm in the shape of a
hand. ► Mei has an older sibling that likes to play
rough and tumble.

Prevent Duty (Extremism) Prevent Duty (Extremism)

Luka is a child in your setting. They used to like to What next steps would you take?
play with other children and enjoy interacting with Who would you share this information with?
others but more recently have started to play alone
Is there anything else you would do?
and become more secretive in their play. One child
came to you upset and said Luka had told them to
go away and they didn’t want to play with them any What if…?
more because they were ‘different’.
► Luka has unrestricted use of the Internet.
When they do role play with other children, they
► Luka’s sibling had shown similar behaviour
often shout and like to pretend they have a gun.
and started isolating from friends.
Luka’s parents/carers keep to themselves and,
when you talk to them about Luka playing alone, ► Luka’s family is a little isolated from the local
they say they have just got ‘more picky about their community.
► You heard that Luka’s extended family
were involved in some groups with extreme
political ideologies.

► You find out Luka watches a lot of the same

content as their older brother who plays
more violent video games.

► Luka is being observed for additional needs.


Sexual Abuse (Sexualised Behaviour) Sexual Abuse (Sexualised Behaviour)

Kalani is a child in your setting. They have recently What are your concerns?
drawn pictures of people without any clothes on What next steps would you take?
and started showing them to their friends and
Who would you share this information with?
pointing and naming the body parts.
Is there anything else you would do?
When in the toilet, another child tells you that
Kalani showed them their private parts. What if…?

► You knew Kalani had an older sibling.

► You knew Kalani was an only child.

► Kalani had access to the Internet with no


Social Networking Social Networking

Eira is a new practitioner at your setting. Eira has What are your concerns?
had a thorough induction to the setting’s policies What next steps would you take?
and procedures and signed to say they have
Who would you share this information with?
understood and agreed to them.
Is there anything else you would do?
Your setting’s social networking policy states
that staff do not accept or request to be friends
What if…?
with parents/carers of children at the setting on
social media accounts and make their profiles ► You found out Eira was talking about
private. Staff are not allowed to be friends with any children at your setting on social media.
parents/carers on social media unless they were
before starting the role and have informed the ► You find out Eira regularly posts images of
setting. their weekend plans which include images
of them drinking alcohol.
Eira is very friendly with parents/carers and they
get along well. It comes to your attention that Eira
has befriended parents/carers on social media and
interacts with them regularly.


Staffing (Intimate Care) Staffing (Intimate Care)

Aki has recently joined your setting in a support What are your concerns?
staff position and has begun working one-to-one What next steps would you take?
with a child with special education needs. The child
Who would you share this information with?
cannot communicate their needs yet and is unable
to use the toilet independently, so they still require Is there anything else you would do?
intimate care. Aki knew this when applying for the
position. What if…?

Aki takes them to the disabled toilet when the rest ► The child doesn’t like being touched.
of the children are in circle time. Another member
► Aki is a well-known part of the local
of staff asks if they need help but Aki refuses and
says it’s no problem. The child sounds upset.
► Aki talked through and signed an intimate
care policy.

► Aki locked the toilet door.

► They are often in the toilet while circle time

is taking place.

► Aki never lets anyone else help.


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