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Performance of IBS Precast Concrete Beam-Column Connections Under

Earthquake Effects: A Literature Review

Article in American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences · January 2011

DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2011.93.101


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1 author:

Patrick L.Y. Tiong

Base Isolation Technology (Asia)


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American J. of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4 (1): 93-101, 2011
ISSN 1941-7020
© 2010 Science Publications

Performance of IBS Precast Concrete Beam-Column Connections

Under Earthquake Effects: A Literature Review

Patrick Tiong Liq Yee, Azlan Bin Adnan,

Abdul Karim Mirasa and Ahmad Baharuddin Abdul Rahman
Department of Structures and Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia

Abstract: Problem statement: Despite demonstrating rather much benefits comparing to the
conventional cast-in-place construction, the acceptance level of precast concrete building is still
reportedly low in Malaysia. The implication imposed by stricter seismic design provisions would only
worsen the matter. Approach: The main objective of this study was to identify the most appropriate
type of beam-column connections to be introduced to precast concrete industry, particularly for regions
of low to moderate seismicity. Hence, this study presented a comprehensive literature overview of the
findings from studies conducted to analyze and investigate the behavior of precast concrete systems
assembled with typical connections or joints under simulated earthquake loading. Results: The seismic
performance of precast concrete structure very much depended on the ductility capacity of the
connectors jointing each precast components, especially at critical joints such as the beam-to-column
connections. It was learnt from the review that (1) hybrid post-tensioned beam-column connection and
(2) Dywidag Ductile Connector® were among the most widely used connectors for precast
construction in seismic prone regions. Conclusion: Future refinement and research could be carried
out in order to optimize these connections to be used in low seismicity regions. Proposed connection
type should be practical and well-accepted to avoid further impediment of the precast system.

Key words: Beam-column connections, precast frame, precast connection, IBS precast concrete

INTRODUCTION (Megally et al., 2002). The conventional wet cast in-

situ constructions, which relatively require more
The term ‘Industrialized Building System’ (IBS) construction space at sites, labor, longer pending time
refers to a construction method of a building or other for concrete curing and hardening process and poorer
structure where its structural components are either quality control had seems to be replaced at a slow pace,
wholly or partly being prefabricated as well as but at a wide scale by the precast concrete systems.
manufactured off-site for assembling and installation at Some examples of the challenging but great,
building sites. Prefabricated steel structures such as hot- completed precast concrete structures are the Olympic
rolled steel beams, columns or trusses and precast Stadium (Zhenqiang and Ramirez, 1998) in San Pedro
concrete elements are among some of the popular IBS Sula, Honduras which was completed in November
products. Steel structures are relatively lighter in mass 1997 and the B.C. Rail Yard Control Tower (Gerald,
and lacking in stiffness, but having higher overall cost. 1998) in British Columbia, completed in February
Besides that, expensive metal cladding systems are 1995. The construction of the 40,000 seating capacity
required in order to enhance durability and meeting Olympic Stadium together with 250 skyboxes used an
architectural demands. Precast concrete structures, on all precast/prestressed concrete system. More than 7000
the other hand had seems to be more practical, pieces of multi-varieties precast components were used
especially with the prices of steel which is getting as the stadium’s construction materials, including the
rather unstable nowadays. primary beams and columns. Meanwhile, the precast
The introduction of precast concrete structural design for the 15.2 m height control tower took into
systems has, over the years, shown advantages in account the high seismic activities in the region.
concrete structure constructions such as improved Henceforth, the vertically stacked precast segments
quality control, easier management of construction were joined by lapping of the vertical reinforcement
schedule, efficient use of materials and cost saving bars posted-installed in grouted ducts to cater for the
Corresponding Author: Patrick Tiong Liq Yee, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 4 (1): 93-101, 2011

high seismic forces. Figure 1 illustrates the image of a

popular precast concrete frame erected shopping complex
in Johor Bahru with while Fig. 2 reflects its typical beam-
column connection. Figure 3 shows another precast
structure in the state of Kedah, Malaysia.
Background: Compared to conventional cast-in-situ
reinforced concrete constructions, precast concrete
methods have shown significant advantages such as:
• Depending on the investment at precast plant or
factory and the nature of the projects, the usage of
precast concrete will usually lower the overall
construction cost especially through material costs
saving in formwork and shutters fabrications for
large projects. The costs for formwork and Fig. 1: Precast concrete structure-AEON Jusco Tebrau
scaffolding in cast-in-situ reinforced concrete City, Tebrau, Johor Bahru
constructions could be as high as one third of the
overall project costs. The moulds and formwork used
for prefabrication of precast concrete components at
precast plants are properly designed to be made from
plastic-timber or metal which if properly used can last
up to more than hundreds of casting cycles
• The casting and curing of precast concrete
elements in shuttered factory under controlled
environment and conditions have ruled out the
influence of bad weather in disturbing work
progress. Besides, the controlled environment and
application of most appropriate curing method will
improve concrete hardening progress as well as
produce higher quality products
• The mass production of standardized precast
concrete components has optimized the labors’ Fig. 2: Finishes of beam-column connection for the
skill and cost, hence increasing the productivity shopping complex
• Lesser wet works are required to be carried out at
sites with the reducing in the usage of in-situ
concrete, mortar or grout, hence making the sites
cleaner and dryer. Only some simpler wet works
such as mortar plastering or grouting are required
when jointing the precast elements, comparing to
the pouring of tons of wet concrete slurry in the
cast-in-situ works
• An actual case study and analysis comparing the
design of a block of flats between the in-situ
monolithic building method and the precast unit
construction had concluded that the precast unit
construction would require only 954 tons of
materials comparing to the 2468 tons required in
monolithic construction, which meant the precast
unit was able to save up to 70% of material Fig. 3: Precast concrete structure-AIMST, Kedah
wastages (Glover, 1964). In a separate study,
Begum et al., (2010) revealed that prefabrication MATERIALS AND METHODS
construction method could reduce tremendously
the volume of material wastages compared to The key procedure in the conventional cast-in-situ
conventional building technique. construction is the hectic and costly formwork
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 4 (1): 93-101, 2011

fabricating at site to hold the concrete slurry in reinforcement bars between the joining members. Upon
designated location as well as to mould and shape them completion of welding, Grade 55 concrete was poured
into designated structure shapes. In some large projects, around the joints to embed the welded reinforcement.
the cost of the formwork and temporary staging or Another worth mentioning precast concrete project
scaffolding could be as high as one third of the project is the erection of a rail yard control tower in North
bidding price (Glover, 1964). Besides cost issue, the Vancouver, British Columbia as presented in PCI
need of formwork for casting works has limited the Journal by Gerald (Gerald, 1998). The design and
architectural design of cast-in-place structures as well. construction of the tower faced challenges in several
Precast concrete construction, on the other way aspects including high seismic activities, poor soil
round, demonstrates the advantages which is unable to condition, possible vibration from nearby rail yard
be met by the cast-in-situ method. The Olympic operations, high architectural demand and was bound to
Stadium project in Honduras will be one of a good tight construction time as well as limited budget. The
example. During the tender, four design options were initial preliminary design called for a structural steel
offered including cast-in-situ concrete, precast concrete option which was later eliminated due to its relatively
and structural steel systems, with each design option lower mass and stiffness besides being more expensive.
having their own structural grid patterns. Finally, the Cast-in-situ concrete construction option was also being
cost analysis had concluded that a totally considered. The method was later being ruled out
precast/prestressed concrete structural system would be because of the difficulty to achieve the elegant
the most efficient and economical proposal, about 30% architecture finish. So towards the end, the precast
cheaper than the other three proposals. Utilizing more concrete systems were selected, which was not only
than 7000 precast components including single economical, but at the same time were able to produce
columns, ‘A’-shaped frames, ‘H’-shaped frames, single durable, stiff structures and most importantly meeting
risers, beams, double tees and skyboxes, the material the tight architectural control.
wastage was brought down to minimum (Zhenqiang The site erection method of the tower was like
and Ramirez, 1998). Due to the facts that all these stacking Lego toys. Nine pieces of steel-formed hollow
precast components were well-casted and cured at precast concrete segments were stacked on top of each
factories, lesser wet works were required at other to form the tower elevator shaft. These segments
construction site. Only by transporting the necessary were bonded together vertically by post-installed mild
precast components on schedule to site, had them steel reinforcing bars placed in grouted ducts. Stiff
assembled and jointed, the construction schedule could mortar was applied at each interface between the
be much faster and easier to be managed and controlled. segments to increase the bonding strength. Due to the
Once the precast components were put in place, dead fact that the tower is located in seismic zone (equivalent
load and life load testing were carried out immediately to California Zone 3), the joint must be able to sustain
to verify the design loading assumptions. seismic loading besides adequate in providing
In the conventional cast-in-situ construction, the monolithic loading resistance. One of the reasons to use
structural continuity is inbuilt and will mechanically mild steel reinforcing bars instead of post-tensioned
follows as the construction proceeds. Dissimilar to the steels was to resist structure overturning forces. Mild
conventional monolithic concrete structures, the site steel reinforcements are more ductile and produce a
erection works of precast concrete structures involves better structure response under earthquake effects.
of assembling, connecting and jointing numerous pieces
of discontinued and discrete precast concrete panels to Beam-Column connections: The beam-column
form either the structure frame systems, or panel of connection is one of the few vital factors determining
walls. It becomes essential to take into account of the the seismic resistance efficiency of a framed or
structural continuity that is created needs to be adequate partially-framed structure (Yalciner and Hedayat,
enough for providing the required strength when the 2010). Although properly-designed and fitly-
precast components are assembled. The connections act constructed reinforced concrete structures are no doubt
as the bridging links between the components. suitable for most earthquake areas, to achieve these two
Therefore, it is significant that connections play a very fundamental criteria is a challenge to engineers and
important role in the structural behavior of structures builders. Here is where the critical problem arises. A
(Sadrnejad and Labibzadeh, 2006). In the construction good design must not only be able to withstand the
of the Olympic Stadium, the connections between the required loadings, but also must be practical and
individual precast components in the structure frames possible to construct. Hence, in the conventional cast-
were built by welding of the protruded, fully anchored in-situ reinforced concrete framed structures
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 4 (1): 93-101, 2011

construction, the occurrence of reinforcement international survey which was carried out in 1996-97
congestion at beam-column joints to achieve higher on behalf of the FIP Commission on Prefabrication
yielding strength has remained a continuous problem in had revealed that the amount of intended future
the detailing of beam-column joints to endure tough development for precast structures was less than 1 out
cyclic loading. of 30th as compared to researches in structural
The connection between the beam and column steelwork (Elliot et al., 1998). Before this millennium,
must be strong enough as it serves as part of the vertical most of the beam-column joints were designed as
load carrying system in order to comply with one of the pinned connections. Due to the lack of reliable testing
failure mode principles in which the beams must fail data and results, the designers had no choice but to
before columns. Under earthquake loading, the joint neglect the presence of flexural stresses at the joints.
will be the most critical area to resist the lateral seismic This led to material wastage and uneconomical design
reaction forces (Suyamburaja and Subramanian, 2008). of columns and foundations.
Its characteristics affect the global behavior of the
whole structure, particularly when subjected to seismic RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
loading(Ebrahimi et al., 2010). Therefore, the strength
of the joint has to be higher than the strength of the Some of the relevant past researches regarding the
member it joins. This makes the proper reinforcement precast concrete beam-column connections under
of this zone is difficult to construct and not fully seismic loading were presented below.
established. Taking for example, the design
requirements as stated in the provisions of ACI 318-77 Welded plate and billet connection: Since 1990, some
seemed to be inadequate. The designed joint failed in 24 tests (Elliot et al., 1998) had been conducted to
shear and the beam bars slipped only after the first investigate the reliability of welded plate and billet
cycle of inelastic loading. Since then, it evolved much connectors. Figure 4 illustrates the main typical
difference development of national design codes, which components of a billet connector. These two types
made the uniformity of the design criteria worsen. A connectors are among the most commonly applied
collaborated study held between the US, Japan, New construction methods during the time as they are the so-
Zealand and China regarding the beam-column joints is called hidden connectors where the jointing are fully
hoped can eliminate the differences in multiple national being embedded within the beam and column members.
code provisions (David, 1987). The connectors were concluded to contribute to the
Apart from that, with respect to the earthquake and semi-rigid behavior of the jointed precast structures.
tremor incidents which are seemingly to be occurring Unfortunately, the testing did not cater for seismic
more and more frequently, most of the designers and effects.
engineers started to doubt the capability and stability of
the precast concrete structures in resisting HPFRC composite connection: The development of
seismicloading. More stringent codes and rules were an improved design and construction method for
being introduced by most authorities in protecting the precast concrete frames in high seismic areas was
safeties of the public’s, such as the ACI 318 building conducted at the University of Michigan under the joint
code requirements for structural concrete, 2000 NEHRP research program from the National Science Foundation
provisions and AASHTO guide specification for design (NSF)-Precast Seismic Structural Systems (PRESSS).
and construction of segmental bridges. These design NSF and Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)
procedures were intended for information and trial co-sponsored the research study. The studies on the
design because of limited existing information and beam-column connections had led to the founding of
knowledge were available (Ghosh, 2001). Most of the a type of Cast-In-Place (CIP) fiber reinforced
people have the common misconception that precast concrete connections.
concrete structures are incapable to provide adequate The connection requires the fabrication of the
seismic resistance until recent improvements in precast beams and columns with protruding steel bars
research development have introduced efficient precast at their ends. During construction, the beams would be
structural systems that are capable of maintaining erected and temporary supported on scaffolding, while
structural integrity under cyclic loading, among which casting the connection in place together with its
are the hybrid frame and unbonded jointed precast walls reinforcement cage. The connection was cast by either
(Priestley et al., 1999). using high fiber content Fiber Reinforced Concrete
The efforts in research and development of precast (FRC) or Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCON)
concrete system were lacking even in the late 90’s. An and was designed to dissipate reaction energy between
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 4 (1): 93-101, 2011

Fig. 5: Hybrid post-tensioning frame (interior joint-

typical reinforcement bars are not shown for
Fig. 4: Billet as beam-column connector
recommendations for jointed precast systems to be
the beam and column members under dynamic incorporated into the existing code provisions thus
loading. Previous research has proved the assimilation providing new codifications to update the previous
of fiber reinforced concrete in the CIP connectors had ones. The four different types of seismic connections
produced more ductile, increased energy absorption, being tested in the shake test were the Tension-
reduced and better shears resistance connections Compression Yielding (TCY) gap connection, TCY
during earthquake movements, besides reducing the connection, hybrid connection and pretensioned
complexity of joint reinforcement in the conventional connection with each of the connections having their
design. Extended research carried out had improved own respective energy dissipation capacity and
the connector by introducing a new design scheme. residual displacement control.
The CIP High Performance Fiber Reinforcement The hybrid frame as illustrated in Fig. 5, consisted
Cement Composite (HPFRC) connection successfully of beams connected to multi storey columns by both
acts as a plastic hinge by spreading yielding from the grouted mild steel reinforcement bars (at top and
bottom of beam through the column) and unbounded
center of the connection to the interfaces. This
post-tensioned strands running through the center of
nature of the joint had increased the strength and
the beam and passing through the column in a duct.
stiffness of the column by relocating the beam plastic The post-tensioning strands act as ductile connector
hinge zone away from the column interface. The which will re-center the frame after the shakings. In
utilization of steel fiber reinforced concrete in the the PRESSS test, the performance of the hybrid
connections has led to increased energy dissipation precast concrete frame was extremely good. After
capability of up to 350% over previous normal more than two cycles of the design level drifts from
reinforced concrete connections. At the same time, the the cyclic loading tests, the hybrid frame showed only
increment of strength was reported up to 30%, minor of the concrete cover, together with a little bit
displacement and rotation resistance up to 65 and 85% of crushing besides early failures in the fiber grout
respectively while shear deformation was decreased pads interfacing the columns and beams. There was no
up to 30% (Vasconez et al., 1998). significant development of large shear cracks at the
joints (Priestley et al., 1999). This proved that the
Hybrid post-tensioning frame connection: The third amount of shear reinforcement provided in the joint as
phase of the PRESSS research program was specified in the codes could be reduced. In other
related research by Ozden and Ertas (2007), it was
remarkable. The test called for a 60% scaled prototype
found out that the optimum amount of mild steel
of five storey precast/prestressed concrete building to
reinforcement that would best satisfied the
be tested under simulated earthquake loads that connection’s flexural capacity would be 20-30%.
represent earthquakes up to 50% stronger than Zone 4 With more and more researches regarding the
design levels in codes (Suzanne et al., 1999). The precast hybrid frame being carried out, without any
prototype building is designed and constructed to at doubt, the system is meeting the requirements of facing
one shot test and verify four types of different seismic seismic challenges. With the new design approved for
frame systems, besides shear wall and other flooring use in western regional codes for construction in
systems. The main objective of the test was to develop regions of high seismic activity, the hybrid precast
a new set of consistent design guidelines and frame had made its mark. Since then, hybrid precast
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 4 (1): 93-101, 2011

frames had become one of the typical setups for

connections of beam-column in precast construction.
Nevertheless, the assembly and jointing of hybrid frame
were not easy and straightforward.

Precast RC connections: The lab experimental test by

Manoj et al. (2005) had revealed the cyclic
performance of reinforced concrete connections
influenced by reinforcement anchorage types and length
which determines the connectivity of the precast beam
and column. Cyclic loads were applied on 4 prototypes; 2
monolithic beam-column structures and the other 2
precast beam and columns members jointed with
Fig. 6: Simplified figure of geometry and
different reinforcement anchorage and lapping. The
monolithic prototypes acted as control experiment reinforcement of lab test specimen type 1
corresponding to the similar reinforcement detailing
precast prototypes. The first set of prototypes consists of
beam with continuous U-bars as reinforcement (Fig. 6)
while the second set of prototypes consists of beam
reinforcement which was anchored into the column for
monolithic specimen and the lapping of reinforcement
at joints for precast specimen was achieved by
welding (Fig. 7).
From the lab tests, it was concluded that when
comparing the two monolithic specimens, the specimen
with U-bars reinforcement performed poorly than the
monolithic specimen with beam reinforcement being
anchored into the column. This had proven that
adequate anchorage is important in increasing the Fig. 7: Simplified figure of geometry and
capability and strength of the joint. Meanwhile, reinforcement of lab test specimen type 2
comparison between the precast specimen and the
monolithic specimen had shown that the Precast The DDC is basically a type of bolting connection
Specimen 2 performed better than the others due to the connecting the precast beam to the precast column but
welding at reinforcement lapping which increased the at the same time increasing the seismic performance of
joint reinforcement. Precast Specimen 1 performed the the structure. This is achieved by using a very high
least satisfactory, where sliding of beam end at the quality steel rod with controlled post-elastic properties
column interface due to inadequate continuity of joint which will act as a “capacitor” that limits the loads to
reinforcements. However, the U-bar reinforcement the balance of the system. It is designed and
anchorage owns higher ductility compared to manufactured in the way that all post-elastic behaviors
conventional regular hooks (Megget, 2003). are confined to occur within the rod itself and this
protects the jointed beam and column from damages
due to earthquake distortions or deformations.
Dywidag ductile connector®: Dywidag Systems
Compared to the cast-in-situ ductile frame joints, the
International (DSI) produced a type of connector load path for earthquake deformations and energy
assembly namely Dywidag Ductile Connector® (DDC) absorptions must occur within the beam. According to
owing thanks to Englekirk and Nakaki, Inc. who Englekirk (Englekirk, 1996), the post-yield
instigated the development of a completely different performance of concrete frame beams are improved by
connector than the conventional design (Englekirk, separation of the shear transfer mechanism from the
1996). Tested in 1993 at the University of California at inelastic behavior region. Further details of such system
San Diego, the DDC system performed well in can be found in Englekirk (Englekirk, 2003).
overcoming failure even after sustaining more than 25
cycles of large displacement-controlled cyclic loadings CONCLUSION
with maximum storey drifts of 4.5%. The single
connection alone is able to withstand a reversible tensile Precast concrete constructions had demonstrated
force up to 1254 kN. construction benefits such as shortening construction
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 4 (1): 93-101, 2011

period, cutting down of construction costs, producing

better quality of concrete products and creating more
artistic structural shapes over the conventional cast-in-
place method. With more and more large structures
being put in place by using precast concrete
components, it is significant that the IBS will be soon
be overriding the conventional construction practices.
With the increasingly demand in precast concrete
construction, it is vital for us to learn and know the
standing of the products being used and promoted
especially in providing adequate earthquake resistance.
Figure 8 and 9 shows the typical corbel connection used
in the country for low-rise building erections.
Numerous researches, studies, experiments and
investigations which had being carried out throughout
the years to understand the seismic behaviors and
performances of precast concrete frame systems had
contributed to the development of new design guidelines
and recommendations for the precast jointing systems.
Most importantly, the existing but older version of code Fig. 8: Typical corbel beam-column connection in
provisions was updated. Together with it, several types Malaysia
of precast concrete beam-column joints were developed
as well. For instance, the hybrid post-tensioned precast
concrete frame systems developed in the third phase of
PRESSS research program were then being upgraded
and further improved by other researchers. Therefore,
precast concrete structures which used to be regarded
as “house of cards (Englekirk, 1996)” are now the
most likely buildings that are capable of surviving
disastrous and severe earthquakes without excessive
damage towards the structural components, compared
to comparable cast-in-situ concrete constructions as
well as steel structural systems.
Based on the past experimental analysis and lab
investigations discussed in this study, it is obvious that
there exist some common principles among all the
developed connectors. In order to provide adequate
seismic resistance, the connection between the beam
and column of the ductile frame must be jointed with at
least by using mild strength of steel bars, be it either as
normal reinforcement, anchorage lapping or advanced
post-tensioning elastic strands. The grouting with Fig. 9: Typical corbel beam-column connection in
mortar alone does not help much in providing lateral Malaysia
dynamic restraining force of the structural frame. From
the very basic type of normal cast-in-situ reinforcement Among the discussed and presented types of joints
joints to the very advanced and complicated hybrid for ductile precast concrete frame for earthquake
system, they all reflect the needs and vitality that some resistant structure, the least recommended connection is
modifications must be done in order to provide through field welding as specified by Ozden and Ertas
adequate seismic resistance. Therefore, the capability of (2007) and Englekirk (1996). The main reason behind
a precast structure should not be taken for granted. A the unfavorable of welding is that field welding is often
satisfactory seismic resistant precast joint must be able pricey and can create adverse results when the effects
to fulfill the capacity of good energy dissipation, of welded regions are not thoroughly considered by the
ductility, stiffness and ultimate strength. engineers, such as the additional forces caused by
Am. J. Engg. & Applied Sci., 4 (1): 93-101, 2011

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