(CRAg) Whitepaper
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
Shocks from conflict in Ukraine and the COVID-19 Digital solutions in various forms have emerged
pandemic are today impacting the food security of as potential game-changers in both market
vulnerable populations globally. Climate change functioning and the delivery of productivity
represents an even greater threat in the longer- enhancing solutions. What constrains the
term and adaptation is essential to creating more potential of these innovations? Taking a systems
resilient global agri-food systems. This white perspective on the agri-food sector, three broad
paper examines the prospects for adaptation inter-related aspects need to be considered:
leveraging digital technology focusing on how
solutions can be financed. Finance here is not a. Integration and coordination
regarded as simply another input in agriculture in value chains. This is a central problem
alongside seeds or fertilizer – rather it represents in developing economies, characterised
decision-making about what futures will be by numerous smallholder farmers and
pursued and how uncertainties will be handled. businesses with poor communication,
Nor can finance be considered in isolation weak physical infrastructure, and
from the real-world problems it needs to solve. ineffective formal institutions.
Members of the Climate Resilient Agriculture b. Diffusion of innovation across
(CRAg) Working Group have already been involved value chain participants. Even where
in many initiatives relevant to shaping financial innovations are ostensibly well engineered
markets in developing economies with a strong for the context, frameworks of understanding,
focus on smallholder agriculture. The paper sets values, and risk perceptions play a significant
out a basic framing to help unpack the challenges role in shaping the diffusion of innovation
faced, draw insights from on-going innovation and hence the adoption of productivity and
and identify the key frontier issues which CRAg resilience enhancing technologies.
members and others need to tackle in order to
accelerate change. c. Financing innovation end-to-end. The
transformation of agri-food systems generally
Nearly three-quarters of the world’s estimated requires upfront investment and dealing with
570 million farmers cultivate less than one the problem of the inherent risks posed by
hectare. An enormous emphasis has been placed change. Smallholders and small-scale firms
by government and development agencies on in agrifood systems are frequently especially
supporting smallholder-based food production constrained in their ability to raise the finance
systems but often with disappointing results. This to enable a shift from business-as-usual.
has led to some pessimism regarding the future of
small-scale agriculture. While some small farms To be effective a strong collective effort is needed
will choose to grow rapidly others will adapt to by development actors to determine practically
operate successfully at a relatively modest scale how the promise of digital technology can be
finding new niches where advantage persists for harnessed in a way which addresses the practical
smaller-scale operation. In short, adaptation does problem of change – many of which fall within the
not mean the inexorable extinction of small-scale locus of these three areas. Finding viable routes
production. The digital revolution has directly to financing prospective transformation pathways
and indirectly created a range of agri-food system to resilience will be decisive. The CRAg working
innovations which open up new possibilities for group has the opportunity to play a catalytic role
tackling the challenges of transformation. The in enabling collaboration across a diverse set of
full potential of these technical innovations could actors seeking to exploit the potential of digital
transform smallholder agriculture – introducing to unlock resilient agricultural transformation.
transparency in information flows, creating Its strength at the outset will lie in combining
cost efficiencies, strengthening the connection the diversity of specific problems, solutions and
between value chain actors and ultimately activities in which the group is involved with
improving farmer incomes. pursuing a shared learning agenda drawing
on this diversity.
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
Enormous progress has been made in agricultural Female farmers have lower rates of agricultural
productivity in many parts of the world. The US is productivity than male farmers. The productivity
a net food exporter with only 1.3% of its workforce gap gives rise to a huge opportunity for economic,
directly engaged in agriculture.1 Meanwhile, social and climate4 impact: growth generated by
agricultural productivity in the world’s developing the agriculture sector in sub-Saharan Africa is
regions remains low. Smallholder farmers in estimated to be eleven times more effective in
Africa and Asia are often among the poorest reducing poverty than growth in all other sectors.5
individuals in their respective countries facing
poverty, hunger, and malnutrition. Climate change is now impacting already
fragile agri-food systems further undermining
the resilience of smallholder farmers and
those dependent on agriculture. Changes
Nearly three-quarters (72%) in temperature and precipitation patterns,
increased frequency and intensity of extreme
of the world’s estimated 570 weather events, changes in pest and disease
cycles, decreased water availability and loss of
million farmers cultivate soil fertility mean that many current systems of
less than one hectare2 and agricultural production will no longer sustain
even meagre livelihoods. The case for agricultural
comprise a large proportion transformation in many developing economies is
of the world’s poor, who live stronger and more urgent than ever.
The digital revolution creates new possibilities
on less than $2.15 a day.3 for change and an unparalleled opportunity to
achieve this transformation.
Some care is needed in attempting to define just some necessary features of what a resilient global
what is meant by successful transformation. The food system would look like. These provide useful
UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) offer pointers, even if incomplete:
Source: US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service using data from US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
(SAEMP25N) data as at 30th Sept 2022, available here.
Lowder, S.K., Skoet, J. & Raney, T. (2016) “The Number, Size, and Distribution of Farms, Smallholder Farms, and Family Farms Worldwide”, World
Development Vol 877, Nov 2016 pp.16-29, available here.
See Fu, H. & Van Nieuwkoop, M. (2023) Mind the gap: enabling data-smart agriculture for all (
Improving agricultural productivity has a direct economic impact, enabling increased value addition, raising the incomes of farmers, and reducing
the prices of food. This has direct social benefits by improving the livelihoods of lower-income households who are disproportionately engaged
in agriculture and in whose budget food generally plays a greater role. Meanwhile, climate impact can be mitigated through better use of existing
farmed land, which reduces pressure on opening open new tracts and deforestation. Greater productivity may also be associated with reduced
waste and improved soil health and biomass.
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
An obvious highly relevant illustration of this is in relation to the problem of environmental externalities such as greenhouse gas emissions and
pollution but also growing concerns over nutrition. Regulatory action has frequently been resisted as a result of successful industry lobbying
(Clapp, J.,2023)
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
Moreover, development pathways involving sharp solve. Each step of the pathway to change has to
changes in complex socio-economic systems be viable economically, socially and politically.
have often produced unanticipated adverse
impacts and failed to deliver the outcomes A prospective third way can be conceived which
sought. With large populations directly dependent seeks to steer between the two polar extremes.
on small-scale agriculture for their livelihoods, This could be characterised by eclecticism which
displacement by more concentrated forms of seeks to balance the need for some degree of
production creates intractable distributional and farm expansion, intensification and consolidation
thus political economy challenges. (for the familiar reasons of technical scale
economies and benefits from division of labour/
specialisation) with reducing the concentration
of market power and increased flexibility.
As a result, an enormous Thus, rather than implicitly assuming that all
smallholder farms need to be reached
emphasis has been placed and modernised, this pathway admits the
notion of differentiation.
by government and
development agencies on
supporting smallholder- Some small farms will
based food production choose to grow rapidly
systems but often with and others will adapt to
disappointing results.7 operate successfully at a
smaller scale with some
finding new niches where
With reasons to be sceptical over the viability of there can be advantages to
transformation based on either a dash towards
intensive industrialised farming or only very smaller-scale operation.10
gradual incremental improvements in basic
smallholder production, what would a viable
Adaptation does not mean
pathway look like? Elements of both seem the inexorable extinction of
essential. Smallholder agricultural production
based on traditional farming methods cannot small-scale production.
sustainably feed eight billion people, leave aside
the nearly ten billion projected for 20508 under
significantly less favourable ecological conditions
in many places. But the environmental impact of
Organisationally the vision is one of increased
current intensive industrial farming technology
rather than reduced diversity with a mixture
renders it unviable. Even where the basic science
of micro, small, medium and large players. It
and core technologies necessary to move towards
probably means much less at either extreme –
resilience have already been developed,9 rapid
fewer micro-farms/firms which may be below
practical application remains a central problem to
an efficient scale of operation (often a result
See Section 4.1 “Barriers to the transformation of agri-food systems” in the background literature review paper for a discussion of the complex
array of challenges involved, and Studwell, J., (2014) “How Asia Works” for a detailed discussion.
United Nations, Dept of Economic and Social Affairs (2022) World Population Prospects 2022: Summary of Results, available here.
Irrigation represents a centuries old solution to the vagaries of weather. More recent mature examples include drought resistant varieties, crop
rotation, crop cover and reduced tillage. Precision agriculture represents a more frontier technology but which can nevertheless still be applied
to smaller-scale production (see for example, Loures, L. et al (2020) “Assessing the Effectiveness of Precision Agriculture Management Systems in
Mediterranean Small Farms”
The notion of development pathways in smallholder agriculture is articulated in ISF Advisors & RAF Learning Lab (2019) State of the Sector
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
of land fragmentation) and very large-scale Global experience suggests that there are multiple
conglomerates which may exert excessive market possible futures for agricultural development.
power. This heterogeneity produces more Rapid progress has almost invariably reflected the
adaptive market systems supporting increased articulation and successful execution of policies
innovation and greater resilience to factors that which enable viable development pathways.
cannot be predicted with precision (the known Furthermore, markets alone cannot tackle
unknowns) or foreseen at all (the unknown the urgent need to shift towards ecologically
unknowns). Such systems are more likely to sustainable production.11 What future emerges
produce solutions to successful transformation will depend on the wider system of supporting
measured against the multi-dimensional markets and institutions. Policy driven
yardstick of the UN sustainable development intervention can shape markets enabling choices
goals outlined above. to be made which optimise the outcomes for
sustainable human development.
Emission of greenhouse gases represents just one of a number of negative externalities which undermine critical ecological systems on which
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
See Monbiot, G., (2022) ch.2
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
See for example OECD
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
technologies such as precision agriculture can Core economic conditions in terms of various
increase productivity and efficiency, and platforms forms of capital endowment (land, finance,
connecting farmers with buyers can improve skills etc) determine the base potential for
access to markets and pricing. For processors and adopting innovation.
manufacturers, digital technologies can provide
benefits such as improved supply chain efficiency
and better inventory management. For retailers However, even where
and consumers, digital technologies can provide innovations are engineered
access to product information and improved
convenience through online ordering and home for this socio-cultural
delivery. However, the extent to which these context, frameworks of
incentives give rise to adoption can rarely be
understanding, values,
understood in terms of a raw ‘business case’.
and risk perceptions play a
Farmerline is a social enterprise that aims significant role in shaping
to improve the lives of smallholder farmers the diffusion of innovation
in Africa by providing them with access to
and hence the adoption
information and technology. The company has
developed a mobile platform that provides of productivity enhancing
farmers with information on crop cultivation, technologies.14
pest and disease control, and weather
forecasting. The platform also allows farmers
to connect with other farmers and experts.
Farmerline has reached over 1 million farmers Some cultures may be more resistant to
in Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda. The company change while others are open to new ideas
has been recognized for its innovative use of and technologies. Individuals and groups with
technology to improve the lives of smallholder a more analytical and scientific approach to
farmers. understanding new ideas may be more likely to
adopt them quickly. On the other hand, individuals
Stellapps uses artificial intelligence to help 2.8 with a more collectivistic orientation or a lower
million dairy farmers in India improve their tolerance for risk may be more hesitant to adopt
new ideas. Women are often marginalised in
productivity and eff iciency. The company’s app
the adoption and use of digital technology in
provides farmers with real-time data on their agriculture due to factors such as lack of access
cows’ health, fertility, and milk production. to resources, decision-making power, and digital
This data allows farmers to make better literacy and skills. However, when women are
decisions about their herd management, provided with the necessary resources and
such as when to breed their cows and how support, they can be effective adopters and
to feed them. Farmers who use the app have users of digital technology in agriculture. Youth
can play a crucial role in the diffusion of digital
reported increased milk production, improved
technology innovations in agri-food systems. They
herd health, and reduced costs. Stellapps are often the early adopters of new technologies
has also helped to improve the lives of rural and can serve as intermediaries in connecting
communities by providing farmers with a more farmers and other stakeholders with information
reliable source of income. and resources. In Africa and Asia, despite the
strong attractions of urbanisation, youth are still
heavily involved in smallholder farming and may
See Rogers, E.M. (2003)
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
See for example; and
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
Much financing activity is heavily embedded Moreover, various forms of climate finance
within real sectors: for example, large firms often prospectively push far beyond the frontiers
finance growth through retained earnings and of commercial provision reflecting the task at
large agri-processing companies. Various informal hand – correcting the greatest market failure
or semi-formal community-based financing still in human history.16 It is essential to recognise
frequently play a far greater role in the day-to-day the interconnectedness of these four elements
financial lives of low-income people than formal
of the financial system. Embedded financing,
institutions despite enormous improvements
for example, may depend heavily on large-scale
in financial inclusion. Finally, governments
agri-processing firms being able to access lines
necessarily play a major role in the financial
of credit from the formal banking sector. Digital
system. Domestic and international development
technology is already playing a significant role
finance institutions and specialist agricultural
programmes have long sought to address the in enhancing the individual functioning of each
shortcomings of the financial sector element of the financial system and how they
in relation to agriculture and especially interrelate more effectively.
agricultural transformation.
See Stern, N. (2006) The Economics of Climate Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
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Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Whitepaper
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The CIFAR Alliance Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRAg) Working Group, co-chaired by GSMA, and MSC,
comprises: BII, CGAP, FSD-Africa, GSMA, MSC, UNFoundation, and WRI