Sbte Syllabus - 21 - 3rd Semester - Electronics Engineering - Session 2020-21
Sbte Syllabus - 21 - 3rd Semester - Electronics Engineering - Session 2020-21
Sbte Syllabus - 21 - 3rd Semester - Electronics Engineering - Session 2020-21
Teacher’s Class
SUBJECT Semester Pass
S.No SUBJECTS Hours Assessmen Test Total Pass
CODE Periods per Exam. Marks
of t (TA) (CT) Marks Marks
week (ESE) in the
Exam Marks Marks (A+B+C) ESE
Marks Subject
(A) (B)
Principles of Electronic
1. 2021301 04 03 10 20 70 100 28 40 03
Electronic Measurements
4. 2021304 04 03 10 20 70 100 28 40 03
and Instrumentation
Electric circuits and
5. 2021305 04 03 10 20 70 100 28 40 03
Total: 19 350 500 15
SUBJECT Practical
CODE Periods per Total Marks Pass Marks in the Credi
of Internal External
week Subject ts
Exam (PA) (ESE)
Principles of Electronic
6. 2021306 50% Physical 03 15 35 50 20 01
Communication Lab 50% Virtual
Electronic Devices and
7. 2021307 50% Physical 03 07 18 25 10 01
Circuits Lab 50% Virtual
8. Web Technology LAB 2018308 50% Physical 03 07 18 25 10 01
50% Virtual
Electronic Measurements
9. 2021309 50% Physical 03 15 35 50 20 02
and Instrumentation Lab 50% Virtual
10. Digital Electronics Lab 2021310 50% Physical 03 07 18 25 10 01
50% Virtual
Total: 12 175 06
S.No SUBJECTS Marks of Pass
CODE Marks of External
Periods per Internal Total Marks Marks in
(ESE) Credits
week (PA) the
11. Python 2018311 2 07 18 25 10 01
Summer Internship-I (4
12. weeks) after II Semester 2021312 - 15 35 50 20 02
75 03
Total Periods per week of each duration One Hour = 33 Total Marks: 750
Principles of Electronic Communication
(Electronics Engineering Group)
Theory No of Periods in One Session: 60 Credits
No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 100
Subject Code L T S ESE : 70
2021301 04 - - TA : 10 03
- - - CT : 20
Course Content:
Contents (Theory) Hrs.
Concept of frequency translation. Amplitude Modulation: Description of full AM, DSBSC,
UNIT 1 SSB and VSB in time and frequency domains, methods of generation & demodulation, 12
descriptions of FM signal in time and frequency domains.
UNIT 2 Ideal sampling, Sampling theorem, aliasing, interpolation, natural and flat top sampling in 10
time and frequency domains.
UNIT 3 Uniform and Non-uniform quantization. PCM and delta modulation, Signal to quantization 12
noise ratio in PCM and delta modulation.
Baseband transmission: Line coding (RZ, NRZ), inter symbol interference (ISI), pulse
UNIT 4 shaping, Nyquist criterion for distortion free base band transmission, raised cosine 12
spectrum. Pass band transmission. Geometric interpretation of signals, orthogonalization
Introduction, Pseudo-Noise sequences, direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) with
UNIT 5 coherent BPSK, processing gain, probability of error, frequency-hop spread spectrum 14
(FHSS). Application of spread spectrum: CDMA.
Total 60
1. Principles of communication systems By Taub Schilling, T.M.H.
2. Fundamentals of communication systems By Proakis & Salehi, Pearson education
3. Communication Systems by Simon Hay kin, John Wiley
4. Communication Systems (Analog and Digital) By R.P. Singh, S.D. Sapre, T.M.H.
5. Modern Digital & Analog Communication by B.P. Lathi, Oxford Publications
6. Digital & Analog Communication Systems by K.S. Shanmugam, John Wiley
7. Principles of Electronic Communication Arun Majeswari FPH
Course outcomes: After the completion of the course, student will be able to
1. Apply different modulation and demodulation techniques used in analog communication.
2. Identify and solve basic communication problems.
3. Analyze different transmitter and receiver circuits.
4. Compare and contrast design issues, advantages, disadvantages and limitations of analog
communication systems.
Electronic Devices and Circuits
(Electronics Engineering Group)
Theory No of Periods in One Session :60 Credits
No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 100
Subject Code L T P/S ESE : 70
2021302 04 - - TA : 10 04
- - - CT : 20
Course Content:
Contents (Theory) Hrs
Semiconductor and Diodes
Definition, Extrinsic/Intrinsic, N-type & p-type
PN Junction Diode – Forward and Reverse Bias Characteristics
UNIT 1 14
Zener Diode – Principle, characteristics, construction, working
Diode Rectifiers – Half Wave and Full Wave.
Filters – C, LC and PI Filters.
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
NPN and PNP Transistor – Operation and characteristics
Common Base Configuration – characteristics and working
UNIT 2 14
Common Emitter next line Configuration – characteristics and working
Common Base Configuration – characteristics and working, High frequency model of BJT.
Classification of amplifiers, negative feedback
Field Effect Transistors
FET – Working Principle, Classification MOSFET Small Signal model
N-Channel/ P-Channel MOSFETs – characteristics, enhancement and depletion mode,
UNIT 3 MOS- FET as a Switch Common Source Amplifiers 12
Uni-Junction Transistor – equivalent circuit and operation
SCR – Construction, operation, working, characteristics, DIAC - Construction, operation,
working, characteristics, TRIAC - Construction, operation, working, characteristics, SCR
UNIT 4 10
and MOSFET as a Switch, DIAC as bidirectional switch Comparison of SCR, DIAC,
Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course, student will be able to
Logic Gates
Logic Gates – AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR: Symbolic representation and
UNIT 2 truth table 08
Implementation of Boolean expressions and Logic Functions using gates Simplification
of expressions
Combinational Logic Circuits
Arithmetic Circuits – Addition, Subtraction, 1’s 2’s Complement, Half Adder, Full Adder,
Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Parallel and Series Adders, Encoder, Decoder
UNIT 3 12
Multiplexer – 2 to 1 MUX, 4 to 1 MUX, 8 to 1 MUX. Applications
Demultiplexer – 1 to 2 DEMUX, 1- 4 DEMUX, 1- 8 DEMUX
Memory Devices
Classification of Memories – RAM Organization, Address Lines and Memory Sixe, Static
RAM, Bipolar RAM, cell Dynamic RAM, D RAM, DDR RAM
Read Only memory – ROM organization, Expanding memory, PROM, EPROM,
UNIT 5 10
EEPROM, Flash memory
Data Converters – Digital to Analog converters, Analog to Digital Converters
Total 50
Digital Electronics R. Anand Khanna Publications, New Delhi (Edition 2018) ISBN:
Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course, student will be able to
1. Use number system and codes for interpreting working of digital system.
2. Use Boolean expressions to realize logic circuits.
3. Build simple combinational circuits.
4. Build simple sequential circuits.
5. Test data converters and PLDs in digital electronic systems.
6. Digital Electronics P.Mahapatra FPH
7. Digital Electronics Deepak rathi FPH
Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
(Electronics Engineering Group)
Theory No of Periods in One Session :60 Credits
No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 100
Subject Code L T P/S ESE : 70
2021304 04 - - TA : 10 03
- - - CT : 20
Course Content:
Contents (Theory) Hrs
Basics of Measurements and Bridges
Accuracy & precision, Resolution Types of Errors DC Bridges – Wheatstone and Kelvin
UNIT 1 Double Bridge 12
AC Bridges - Maxwell’s Bridge, Hay’s Bridge, Anderson Bridge, De- Sauty’s Bridge
Basic DC slide wire Potentiometer Crompton’s DC Potentiometer Applications of DC
UNIT 2 10
Potentiometer AC Potentiometers Applications of AC Potentiometers
Measuring Instruments
Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instruments (PMMC) Moving Iron type Instruments (MI)
UNIT 3 08
Electro Dynamo Type Instruments Single Phase Energy Meter
Electronic Instruments
Electronic Voltmeter and Digital Voltmeter Electronic Multimeters Q – Meter Vector
UNIT 4 08
Impedance Mete
Cathode ray tube: construction, operation, screens, graticules Vertical deflection system,
Horizontal deflection system, Delay line, Measurement of frequency, time delay, phase
UNIT 5 angle and modulation index (trapezoidal method) 10
Oscilloscope probe: Structure of 1:1 and 10:1 probe Multiple Trace CRO
Classification, Selection Criteria, Characteristics, Construction, Working Principles and
Application of following Transducers:
UNIT 6 12
RTD, Thermocouple, Thermistor LVDT, Strain Gauge Load Cell
Piezoelectric Transducers
Total 60
Basic Electrical
6. Measurement
M.B. Stout Prentice hall of India, India
Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course, student will be able to
Course Content:
Contents (Theory) Hrs.
Basics of Network and Network Theorem
Node and Mesh Analysis Superposition Theorem Thevenin Theorem Norton
UNIT 1 Theorem 12
Maximum Power transfer theorem Reciprocity
Graph Theory
Graph of network, tree, incidence matrix F Tie-Set Analysis
F Cut-Set Analysis
UNIT 2 06
Analysis of resistive network using tie-set and cut-set Duality
Total 50
W. H. Hayat, J. E.
Engineering Circuit
3. Kemery and S. M. McGraw Hill
Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course, student will be able to
To modulate a pulse carrier with sinusoidal signal to obtain PWM signal and demodulate it
4 04
To modulate a pulse carrier with sinusoidal signal to obtain PPMsignal and demodulate it
5 04
To observe the operation of a PCM encoder and decoder. To consider reason for using digital 02
signal x-missions of analog signals
8 To study & observe the amplitude response of automatic gain controller (AGC) 02
Total= 24
Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab
(Electronics Engineering Group)
Theory No of Periods in One Session: 26 Credits
No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 25
Internal (PA)
Subject Code L T P/S : 07
2021307 - - 02 External (ESE) : 18 01
2. Construct the circuit and plot the characteristics of a Zener Diode. Find the 02
breakdown voltage
Construct a Half Wave Rectifier and obtain regulation characteristics – Without 02
3. Filters and with Filters. Compare the results
Construct a Bridge Rectifier and obtain regulation characteristics – Without Filters and 02
with Filters
Develop a simulation model for Voltage Series and Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifiers
8. 02
Develop circuits for Voltage Series and Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifiers and obtain 02
output plots. Compare the results with the simulation model.
Develop a simulation model for Current Series and Current Shunt Feedback 04
Develop circuits for Current Series and Current Shunt Feedback Amplifiers and obtain
11. 04
output plots. Compare the results with the simulation model.
Total= 26
Practical No. of period in one session: Credits
SUBJECT No. of Periods per Week Full Marks: : 25
CODE: L T P/S Internal (PA) : 07
- 02 External : 18
2018308 (ESE)
Course outcomes:
Student will be able to program web applications using and will be able to do the following:
This is a skill course. More student practice and try to find solution on their own, better it will be.
Reference Books:
1. “Web Technologies--A Computer Science Perspective”, Jeffrey C.Jackson
2. “Internet & World Wide Web How to Program”, Deitel, Deitel, Goldberg, Pearson Education
3. “Web programming- Building Internet Application”, Chris Bales
4. Web Applications: Concepts and Real-World Design, Knuckles
Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Lab
(Electronics Engineering Group)
Practical Outcomes (Pros) Hrs
Total= 26
Digital Electronics Lab
(Electronics Engineering Group)
5. Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python. John V. Gut tag, MIT
Summer Internship-I (4 weeks) after II Semester
(Electronics Engineering Group)