ENGG5024-1985 Electronic Systems Mini Project

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Electronic System

Table of contents

1. Aims and objectives

2. Introduction

3. Methodology

4. Implementations

5. System integration and testing

6. Results and discussions.

7. Conclusions

8. References


Department of Engineering 2021-22

Electronic System

1. Aims and objectives

This mini-project aims to enable the participants to design and build an electronic system consisting
of analogue and digital system components. The digital system components will be described using a
hardware descriptive language and implemented within FPGA technology.

2. Introduction

(i) Overview of the project, methods, implementations, and alternatives.

An ultrasonic distance measurer has an ultrasonic emitter and an ultrasonic receiver.

The electronics include an output to drive the emitter at optimal frequencies. In this project, a
frequency of 40 kHz is selected. Ultrasonic transducers measure the time taken for the pulse to
travel to the target surface and return to the receiver. With the time between the pulse leaving the
emitter and collected by the receiver, the distance between the device and the target surface can be
determined. This circuit calculates the distance based on the speed of sound at 343m/s. With the
distance determined, it will be displayed using seven segment display.

This mini-project demonstrates the outcome by simulating the design instead of building it in
actuality. Figure 3a shows the conceptual arrangement of the ultrasound distance meter. Figure 3b
shows the system block diagram, where the components in red were not required to
design/simulated in this project.

(ii) Specifications

-Speed of sound assumed at 343m/s

-Detection range of 0~3m

-Minimum resolution of 1cm (0.01m)

-Controlled by digital logic within DE2-115

-Display by Seven segment display on DE2-115

-LM567 Tone Decoder to convert the amplified signal from AC to DC

Department of Engineering 2021-22

Electronic System

(iii) Block diagrams and supporting materials etc

Figure 3a: Conceptual arrangement

Figure 3b: System Block Diagram (components that do not have to design/ simulate in coloured in

Department of Engineering 2021-22

Electronic System

3 Methodology
The technique of distance measurement using ultrasonic in air includes continuous wave & pulse echo
technique. In the pulse echo method, a burst of pulses is sent through the transmission medium & is
reflected by an object kept at a special distance. The time taken for the pulse to propagate from transmitter
to receiver is proportional to the distance of the object. For contact less measurement of distance, the
device has to rely on the target to reflect the pulse back to itself. The target needs to have a proper
orientation, that is it needs to be perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the pulses. The amplitude
of the received signal gets significantly attenuated and is a function of nature of the medium and the
distance between the transmitter and target. The pulse echo or time-of-flight method of range
measurement is subject to high levels of signal attenuation when used in an air medium, thus limiting its
distance range.

4. Implementations

Analog Section: (with supporting diagram and flow of design) Includeallyour test results, data,
screenshots etc

(i) Ultrasound transducers characteristics, in terms of directivity, sensitivity, and support with
diagrams and data.

(ii) Receiver circuit and its specifications.

(iii) Detector circuits and its specifications.

(iv) Driver circuit.

(v) Power Supply Used.

(vi) BCDto 7-segments conversion.

(vii) 7-segments display drivers and design.

A Seven-Segment Display (SSD) decoder is used to convert the distance measured in the distance
counter into signals that can generate decimal numbers output on the Seven-Segment Display on the

Department of Engineering 2021-22

Electronic System

(viii) Misc. supporting circuits

Fig 4.x One digit on the seven -segment display

Fig 4.x Truth table for common cathode type BCD to seven segment decoder

5. System integration and testing

There are reasons that the performance of the measuring device not as good as

● The accuracy is affected by temperature

● The frequency range sensors use are roughly from 20 khz to 200 khz.
The lower limit of 20 khz set to be above human hearing. Forty kilohertz
has become a compromise. It’s well above the best human hearing and
reflects off of most materials. On industrial type sensors, you can often
hear the chirp or clicking sound of the transducer.
● There is a lower and upper range the sensor will work. The bigger the
range, the longer the update time will be.
● There is a difference between ultrasonic distance and proximity sensors.
The latter only indicates something is within a distance range. These are
common in smart phones to let the phone know you have it up against
your ear or to be able to see gestures.
● Noise rejections will always be a problem. We may not be able to hear
the clutter of ultrasonic background noise, but a sensor does and is often
confused by this. Water rushing through a pipe, motors and insects
make contribute to this unheard background noise.

6. Results and discussions.

7. Conclusions

Department of Engineering 2021-22

Electronic System

8. References

- Md. Shamsul Arefin, Tajrian Mollick (2013)Design of an Ultrasonic Distance Meter, International
Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue3,

-Eden, JohnGlendale & Telan, Elijah & Pancho, Jim & Bongolan, Riyadh & Mendoza, Elyzar (2019)
Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Device Study

-Luis Puebla Palma (2008)Ultrasonic Distance Measurer Implemented with the MC9RS08KA2
Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN3481

-Muhammad RezDuan Bin Othman (2012) Smart Distance Measurement Detector. Faculty of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering University Malaysia Pahang

Department of Engineering 2021-22

Electronic System


Appendix 1: Data of your devices used

Appendix 2: Lab-1, BJT amplifiers

Appendix 3: Lab-2, PWM and scalars designs and testing.

Department of Engineering 2021-22

Electronic System

Appendix 1

1.1 Datasheet for Tone Decoder - LM567

1.2 Datasheet for Control and display - DE2-115

1.3 Datasheet for Programmable Oscillator - LTC6907

1.4 Datasheet for Ultrasonic ranging module HC - SR04

Department of Engineering 2021-22

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