SPM 200
SPM 200
SPM 200
Installation/Operation Manual
Model: SPM-200
As of 042018
Link Activity LED,
1.0 Quick Reference Guide
Pg. 5
Activity Status LED, Pg. 2
Earth Ground Stud, 90 -135 VAC DC Voltage, Current, DC Power Input, 9 - 60 VDC,
Pg. 4 Sense Ports, Pg. 6 and Sensor/Detector Pg. 6
System Reset Ports, Pg. 6
Button (factory Only
E-Mail: [email protected]
Fax: 714-896-9679
Phone: 714-751-0488
2.0 Overview
2.1 General Description
Your NEWMAR Site Power Monitor, model SPM-200, web-enables and integrates intelligence to any site’s AC
and DC power system for 24/7 monitoring, alarm condition notification, and data logging of vital electrical
functions. All sensor inputs are programmable, accessible, and managed via the Internet: TCP/IP or SNMP.
View current conditions and log 30 day history of DC and AC power status at remote sites before dispatching
The SPM-200 is designed specifically for monitoring power supplies, rectifiers, batteries, converters, inverters,
UPS, power distribution panels, and AC power at communication sites, base stations, outdoor enclosures and
command vehicles via Ethernet or Wireless connection. The unit can be rack, DIN-rail, or wall mounted and is
easily adapted to virtually any make of power system via nine sensor input ports which capture and stream
critical data via the internet for analysis and logging of site history. Web page based programs are easily
user configured for site parameters with up to 50 desired alarm conditions settings and multiple automatic
notification options by e-mail, PDA, and mobile phone via text messaging.
Sites without internet access can use the monitor solely as a data logging instrument that captures and retains
a 30 day history file, ready for download to a spread sheet on a lap top computer during maintenance visits
for recording site history and analysis of component performance and failure conditions.
2.2.1 Voltage
DC: 3 Ports:
• 2 each 0 to +40 VDC (Negative Ground), typically +6, +12, +24V systems
• 1 each 30-60 VDC (Positive Ground), typically -48V systems
CAUTION: If you intend to power -48 VDC AND monitor -48 VDC, input power must come from an isolated
DC converter. If you need one, we will provide it free of charge. Contact NEWMAR: 800-854-3906 or E-Mail:
[email protected] and request model: 48-12-1i Kit
• Accuracy ± 3%
AC: 2 Ports:
• 90-264 VAC utility power (L-N Single Phase) Floating
• 90-135 VAC inverter output, Single Phase
Note: This input can be used to monitor a second utility or generator source providing it’s a Line to
Neutral source with grounded Neutral which must be connected to “INV IN (GND)” Terminal # 4
WARNING! Inverter GND terminal 4 is common to all SPM grounds and returns.
• Accuracy ± 5%
DC: 1 Port:
• 100 amp/100mV differential shunt voltage (shunt included)
• Accuracy ± 5% (offset available)
See section 5.1 SPM-200 Web page overview pages 17 and 18 for more information on setting Temperature
unit (°C or °F) and Internal Temperature offset.
3.2 Wiring
Connections for both power and sensor inputs are made to the pluggable terminal block which can be found
in the accessory bag (qty. 2, 10 positions). Each terminal block is color coded and labeled with the terminal
positions, and a matching colored label with terminal positions can be found on the mating connector on the
front panel of the SPM-200 to simplify wiring. The pluggable terminal block will accommodate 14-28 AWG
wire size:
Make your wire connections to the pluggable terminal block first and then plug it into the mating connector
on the SPM-200 being careful to match the terminal numbers on the terminal block with the mating
connector. A small insulated screw driver has been provided to ease the connection process. Do no over-
tighten screws. Be sure to strip at least 1/4” of the insulation off the wires and fully insert them before
tightening screws. Tinning the wire strands before inserting into the terminal block is recommended for larger
WARNING: All un-grounded voltage inputs to the SPM must be fused with 1 amp in-line fuses, except for
the A1, A2, and A3 switch inputs (floating contact), and the Is1 and Is2 shunt input (terminals 5 & 6). All
returns and GROUNDS on the SPM are common with the –V DC input terminal.
CAUTION: Do not make connections to the SPM with the power on, or with any live AC or DC sources!
Refer to FIGURE 1 and 2 for details on the following steps. Each terminal block position has a reference number
9 abbreviated ID, and full description (see TABLE 1).
CAUTION: Chassis Ground Stud: Connect to earth ground first! Stud size: #6-32
CAUTION: If you intend to power -48 VDC AND monitor -48 VDC, input power must come from an
isolated DC converter. If you need one, we will provide it free of charge. Contact Newmar: 800-854-3906
or E-mail: [email protected] and request model: 48-12-1i
3.2.3 DC Current
Terminals 5 & 6 (Is1 and Is2) A 0-100mV DC shunt input and shunt are provided for measuring DC current
(not provided) Shunt can measure load current, rectifier current, battery current (charge and discharge),
depending on where the shunt is installed in the power distribution system. Use twisted pair wires for best
results and steady noise free readings. Install shunt in positive or negative lead. Polarity of the shunt output
can be swapped to achieve desired positive or negative current flow indication.
Utility power: Connect AC voltage Line and Neutral to these input terminals 1 & 2. To measure and log AC
voltages from 90-264 VAC, 47-63Hz. Fuse the Line side (hot) with a 1 amp fast blow fuse (provided).
Auxiliary power: Connect to inverter output to measure a secondary AC source of 90-135 VAC, terminals 3 &
4. Fuse the line side (Hot) with a 1 amp fast blow fuse. Note: This input can be used to monitor a second utility
or generator source providing it’s a Line to Neutral source with grounded Neutral which must be connected to
“INV IN (GND)”, Terminal #4
CAUTION: Never connect the line side (Hot) of an AC source to INV IN (GND) or any RTN terminal on the SPM.
Terminal # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Earth Ground
** Neg. DCV is not compatible with input voltages that are positive with respect to pin 8 GROUND. CAUTION:
If you intend to power from -48 VDC AND monitor -48 VDC, input power must come from an isolated DC con-
verter. If you need one, we will provide it free of charge. Contact NEWMAR: 800-854-3906 or E-mail:
[email protected] and request model: 48-12-1i
are internally
+V3 IN
+V2 IN
1A Fuse
1A Fuse
1A Fuse
1A Fuse
1A Fuse
1A Fuse
Chassis Stud Note: #6-32 N/C or N/C or N/C or -48VDC Power Input
100 A,
This ground stud Chassis N/O N/O N/O
100 mV
Stud Switch Switch Switch
should be referenced Shunt
to - (NEG.) power input
+ +V -V +
and/or earth ground. + + + (Input) (Output) Adj.
DO NOT connect stud
L N Neg. 0-60 Pos. 0-40 Pos. 0-40 +
to +48 VDC.
Line Sense** Sense Sense System/
Sense AC Battery
(Floating DC Input
Input) 115 VAC ** WARNING: Do not connect a positive grounded 11-60V
Line source, such as a + PWR In (Pin 20) to (Pin 8) or Power Source
Sense* damage will result. An isolated DC-DC converter is or 48-12-1i
required to power the SPM from the -48V source Converter Input
connected to “-DVCs” (Pin 7) and GND (pin 8)
* Non-floating input
E-Mail: [email protected]
Fax: 714-896-9679
Phone: 714-751-0488
The SPM-200 Power Monitor does the following:
• Displays the current values of the temperature, 3 DC voltages and 2 AC voltages, 1 DC current value
and 3 contact closures. The temperature can be displayed in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
• Allows the user to set multiple alarms on each of the measurements above. The alarms can be set to
go off if the voltage or current exceeds some value or falls below some other values. Alarms can be set
to go off if one of the contact closures goes from closed to open or vice versa. Multiple alarm
thresholds can be set on each measurement
• Sends email(s) to one or more address(es) if an alarm is tripped. Text messages can also be generated.
Emails can be sent to different addresses depending on which threshold has been crossed. For
example, an email can be sent to the first responder’s address when the voltage falls below
100V. If the voltage drops below 90V an email can be sent to the second level responder. Additionally
SNMP traps can be generated when an alarm is triggered.
• Logs data from all the inputs. The log holds data from all the inputs for the last thirty days. The user
can request that one or more inputs be graphed over a certain time period. The user can request the
entire log be downloaded in CSV format, which can be read by Microsoft Excel or similar analysis
As shipped from the Factory the SPM’s network interface is configured as follows:
• IP Address:
• Netmask:
• Default gateway:
To do the initial setup you must connect a laptop or a PC to the SPM using the Ethernet crossover cable
supplied with the SPM, and configure the PC’s network card to match the SPM’s settings. The following steps
will guide you through the process. (Note: you must use the supplied crossover cable, a regular Ethernet cable
will not work).
1) Power the SPM with a DC 12, 24 or -48V source “wall wart” or other power supply. CAUTION: if you intend
to power the SPM from -48VDC power AND monitor a -48VDC supply the input power MUST come from an
isolated DC-DC converter. Newmar will supply a suitable converter free of charge – contact Newmar
at 800-854-3906 or e-mail [email protected] and request model: 48-12-li.
2) The green power indicator should illuminate. Soon after powering the green status indicator will began
blinking periodically.
3) Connect the SPM to a PC or laptop using the Ethernet crossover cable provided with the unit
(P/N 873-0048-0.)
4) The unit has now been connected to the PC – the next step is to configure the PC’s network interface card
(NIC) to talk to the SPM.
The following instructions describe the process in Windows XP. Earlier versions of Windows and Windows 7
follow a similar procedure. If you are using some other operating system please consult your users’ manual for
instructions on how to set up the network interface card.
2. Select the Control Panel. If the control panel is not an option you may need to choose Settings Control
4. You should now see one or more icons that represent network cards/net adapters installed on your system.
Choose the network card that you connected to the SPM and right click it, and select Properties.
5. Find and double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) version 4 icon. This opens a window that shows your cur
rent network card settings. It should be similar to the window shown in figure 3. Make a note of the current
settings, so that they can be restored later.
6. Ensure that “Use the following IP address” is selected and enter the following settings in the appropriate
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
7. Leave the DNS fields blank for now. Click the OK button on the TCP/IP window to save the changes. Then
click OK on the Local Area Connection window to finalize the process.
Once you have configured your network card to access the SPM, open your web browser and type
http:// into the address bar. You should get a page which looks similar to this, see FIGURE 4:
The unit name in the upper right hand side: “Newmar SPM” is also a default and can be replaced with
whatever you choose.
You have now successfully connected a local PC to the SPM and displayed the initial home web page.
You have proved that your SPM-200 is functional and that you can connect to it with a web browser. The
next parts of the manual will cover how to set up the SPM so it can be accessed over the Internet, and how
to further configure the SPM. Multiple unit tip: if configuring multiple SPM-200s with the same settings, we
recommend downloading a macro application that auto fills the web browser fields automatically like
iMacros from Chrome. To download application, here is the Google shortened URL goo.gl/Vfq3lv (type URL
exactly as shown).
See Section 5.4 ‘Setting Account Name & Passwords’ for information on account settings.
Figure 5: Factory Default User and Password
This section covers setting the clock and configuring your SPM to connect over a network. NOTE: If you don’t
have a network to connect to, the SPM-200 can be used as a simple data logger with a Web interface. The
only item that you must set is the clock, as described below. To set the clock, place cursor over ‘config’ and
select “System Clocks’ from the drop down menu.
Select “Manual –GMT” in the “Set Clock Method” pulldown. Enter the date and time in the appropriate boxes.
The box asks for the time in GMT, and the offset from GMT for your local area. That is not necessary if you are
setting the clock manually. Just set the local date and time and put “0:00” as the GMT to local offset. Be sure to
click “Save” when you are done. The date and time should then be displayed at the top of each page, and the
SPM will begin logging data.
Note: The SPM will not adjust for Daylight Savings Time; you have to do that manually.
It is also possible for the SPM to determine the correct time from an NTP server if one is available. Since the
SPM is not connected to a real network that won’t work now.
This page allows the user to select data inputs and graph them over a chosen time period. The graph
can show data over ranges in time from the last 10 minutes to the last 30 days. The user can select any
combination of the inputs to be graphed. At the bottom of the page is shown the maximum length of the
log, in this case 30.3 days. That means if the SPM-200 has enough room in its memory to store data over that
time. The memory is set up as a circular buffer - if the SPM-200 has run for more than that time, new data will
replace the old on a first in – first out (FIFO) basis.
When you change the graphing periods, it will automatically update the graph.
If for some reason you want to delete all the data that is in memory, check the “Reset Logs” box. Caution –
there is no way to recover the data after the reset button is checked.
The check boxes only control what data is being graphed, not what is being logged. The SPM-200 always logs
the data from all the inputs. The data can be downloaded to a PC or a similar machine in Comma Separated
Value (CSV) format. CSV is a very simple and general way to store data in a file. Most analysis programs,
such as Microsoft Excel®, can read CSV data. So you can download all the data in memory and analyze it
with Excel®.
Note that the default names on the previous illustration have been replaced by names that are more
meaningful in this installation. Some other configuration variables have been changed, such as the
temperature units. Temperature can be displayed in Fahrenheit or Celsius, whichever you choose. The clock
has been set.
This unit has been running for a while, so it displays a graph of all the data. This graph is configurable; it
always shows all the data.
Note that ‘2 Alarms Tripped’ appears at the top of the page. The values for “System VDC 12345656” and ‘Temp
(F)’ are red instead of black, indicating that these are the values that tripped the alarms.
This page is automatically scanned and refreshed once every 5 seconds. You can force the page to show the
newest data immediately by clicking the “refresh” button on your browser.
The Alarms web page is where you configure the alarms for the unit.
The user selects which data item each alarm covers. In the example above, Alarm #01 is set to trip if the
(“Volts DC 1” input goes above 30.0V). We know it will trip if the value goes above the set point because “High
Trip” has been selected. Note Alarm #02 is set to trip if the (same input goes below 22.0V {“Low Trip”)}. Any
number of alarms can be set on each input value, as long as the total number of alarms is less than 20.
Note how Input Select is pulled down for Alarm #03. This illustrates how the user can select any input for any
given alarm.
When Alarm #01 is tripped it will send emails to the first two email addresses, and both SNMP traps will be
triggered. (We’ll see how to set the email addresses and SNMP traps on the Configuration Page later). Each
alarm can send emails to any combination of the 5 email addresses and 2 SNMP traps. It is common to set
one alarm to send an email to one or more email addresses if an input value exceeds a first threshold, and
set a second alarm to send emails to different address(es) if the same input value exceeds a second threshold.
This allows an escalation procedure to be set up.
If you make changes to this (and any other web page on the SPM-200) don’t forget to click “Save” when you’re
finished. If you don’t, your changes will be lost.
The Logging page graphs selected data over a selected time range, and controls data logging in general.
- VOLTS DC 3 Note: Alarm Low & High Trip are opposite of conventional thinking. For example, when setting a
‘Low Trip’ on a 48 volt battery, select ‘High Trip’ for -42.0 trip point.
This is the web page that displays the camera images which can be set up by going to the ‘Config’ >
‘Cameras’. Click on ‘Update Cameras’ button to refresh images.
If for some reason you want to delete all the data that is in memory, click on the “Reset Logs”. Caution, there is
no way to recover the data after the reset button is checked.
The check boxes sensors (Sensors page) only control what data is being graphed, not what is being logged.
The SPM-200 always logs the data from all the inputs. The data can be downloaded to a PC or a similar
machine in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. CSV is a very simple and general way to store data in a
file. Most analysis programs, such as Microsoft Excel®, can read CSV data. So you can download all the data
in memory and analyze it with Excel®.
The Display page is where you set the “friendly names” of the device and all the inputs, and set the units that
you want temperature displayed in. The friendly name must be no more than 19 characters.
At the top of the page select whether you want the temperature displayed in Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees.
You also have the option of entering an offset for the temperature display. As is explained on the page, you
should not change the factory setting unless your SPM-200 is mounted somewhere with very little airflow. In
that case the heat generated by the SPM-200 itself might cause the display to read a bit high.
As always, remember to select “Save” or your changes will not take effect.
Caution: When using the “Reset All to Default Values” button, remember to re-enter your account names and
The SPM-200 uses the standard SMTP email services. Contact Newmar support for information on using other
email systems such as Gmail or AOL. Contact your system administrator or ISP for the SMTP addresses for your
system. The emails that are sent will have the return address that is entered in the “From” Email Address field,
and they will contain information about which alarm has been tripped and why.
Again, the figure above is for illustration purposes only. It doesn’t make much sense to have the “From” and
“To” addresses be the same, but there’s no reason you can’t set it that way.
To verify email has been set-up properly, click on ‘Save and Test’ to receive a test email.
The SPM can send text messages by sending emails to a special address at the cell phone provider. Below is a
list of addresses for some popular providers. For example, if you have cell service with AT& T, you can send a
test message by sending an email to [email protected], where xxxxxxxxxx is your cell phone number.
Simply enter this data in “To Email address 1-5”, and save. Note: you will need to select under the ALARMS tab
which alarms are to be routed to this email to receive a text message.
Your SNMP Management System requires MIB files which can be downloaded from the “SNMP Set-up” page
under “Configuration”, see Fig. 14. It can also be found on the CD Rom provided with the SPM-200 or at www.
If an SNMP Management System is running on your network, contact your system administrator for
information regarding the parameters above.
To verify SNMP has been set-up properly, click on ‘Save and Test Traps’ to send a test trap.
The SPM-200 can display thumbnail images from up to four Internet Cameras on the Logging Page. Note
that these cannot be simple “Webcams”; they must be cameras that have their own Internet interfaces. Note
also that the SPM-200 does not monitor or do anything with the images from the cameras except display the
thumbnails on the “cameras” page. You must enter the IP address of each camera, and select the model from
the drop down menu. Only certain cameras are supported. This is necessary because every Camera has its
own method of retrieving thumbnail images from it. Contact Newmar for information about what models are
currently supported.
This is where you enter the information that will be printed at the bottom of every web page. Enter the
information that is appropriate for your installation. Again, don’t forget to click the “Save” button.
From time to time Newmar may issue new firmware for the SPM-200. This will usually come as a “zip” file.
Download the zip file from www.newmartelecom.com/site_power_monitor/site_power_monitor.html to your
computer and “unzip” it. Then navigate to the ‘Firmware Update’ section of the Config page, and click the
“Choose File” button. Navigate to the directory that you unzipped the package into, and double click on the
file with the “.PKG extension”.
Click the “Upload” button, and wait. The upload process may take a few minutes, depending on the size of the
update file and network traffic. (Note that due to the various differences between browsers, you may or may
not see an in-progress report as each block of data is uploaded.) During this time, the green ACTIVITY LED
should blink and yello LED should illuminate then extinguish on the SPM-200.
Once the download is complete, an “Upload Succeeded” message will be displayed, with a 60 second
countdown while the unit validates and installs the new software. Once it has completed, it will reboot the
SPM-200. Once it has rebooted it will again display the “Sensors” page.
Clicking on these buttons allows you to test if you have set up your email and SNMP traps properly.
If a given account’s username and password fields are left blank, then the level(s) of access controlled by
that account are available to anyone who connects to the unit. Accounts are listed in order of privilege, from
highest to lowest, and lower-privilege accounts cannot be set unless the higher-privilege accounts above them
are set as well; i.e. you cannot have a Control account without an Administrator account, and you cannot
have a View-Only account without both a Control and Administrator account.
Administrator: this account has complete access to the SPM-200; all pages are viewable, and any setting can
be changed – including the ability to change any other account’s passwords. Note that this account is the
only account which can access the Config page, and that you must configure this account before you can
configure the Control or View-Only accounts.
Control: this account is able to view all of the web pages except for the Config page, and is able to change
alarm settings on the Alarms page.
View-Only: this account is able to view only the sensor and camera pages.
Once you have configured these accounts the way you want them, click the “Save” button. If you have
configured an Administrator account, the unit will now ask you to log in with that username and password
before you can continue.
As always, don’t forget to click the “Save” button when you’re done.
2) Connect the SPM to the real network now. To do this, complete the next section now and connect the SPM
to the real network as soon as you’ve set the Internet Address
• If you intend to connect your SPM to the public Internet through an ISP, you will have to have a public
static IP address so that it can be reached from a browser. It may not be possible to get a static address –
your ISP may only be able to assign a dynamic address. If this is the case, see Appendix A for a solution.
Scroll down on the “Config” page until you see the network settings:
The “DNS” or “Domain Name Servers” section lists the addresses of the Internet servers that the SPM-200
will call to resolve Web names like “mail.xyzco.com” to their actual IP addresses. The values shown are for
demonstration purposes only – consult your system administrator or Internet Provider to get the values for your
Password Configuration was previously mentioned in “Setting Account Names and Passwords” in Setup
Enter the appropriate IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway address. CAUTION: once you click “Save”,
the SPM will IMMEDIATELY switch to the IP address you just entered. It will NOT respond at
anymore. See 8.0 Appendix A: Troubleshooting #13 which describes the “Reset” button to function and use.
If you are sure you have the correct settings, go ahead and click the “Save Changes” button. Now you will
have to disconnect the SPM from the PC and the crossover cable, and connect it to your real network. You
should be able to access it by opening a browser window and entering the new address that you just set.
Input Current:
100 mA max.
AC Voltage: 2 ports:
4. 90-264 VAC utility power (L-N or L-L)
5. 90-135 VAC inverter output (floating)
6. Accuracy +/- 5%
• DC Current: 1 port:
o +/- 100mv, 100 amp differential shunt voltage,
o Read battery charge/discharge (-) current, or load current.
o Accuracy: +/- 5%
• Temperature Sensor
o Located outside case of unit
o Range: -20 to +60° C, -4 to +140° F
o Accuracy: +/-0.5° C
• Ethernet Port connection: RJ-45
• HTTP: Web Access, Self-generated Web-page
• SNMP requires SNMP manager software. SPM-200 supports SNMP V2c
• SNMP: MIB with Gets, Traps, and Clears
• Alarms: HIGH and LOW trip, 50 max, user-programmable
• Logging: Excel logs created, time stamped, continuous graphing
• SMTP: email alerts,
• Data Formats: XML, PDA, WAP (cell phone)
• Optional Console: Multiple Site Monitor with log aggregation and thumbnail camera views
• Remote Firmware upgrades: no need to visit the site.
• Local Data downloading and programming require and RJ-45 crossover cable (included)
Data Screens
• Sensors
• Alarm settings (customized web page)
• Data logging
• Camera feeds (4 max.)
• Reverse Polarity
• Input overvoltage
• External 1A fast-blow fuse required for DC power input (provided)
Case: Aluminum, black powder coat
Size: 2.18” x 3.27” x 4.66”
Weight: 1 lb
Mounting options:
• Wall mount
• Din rail
• 19 or 23 inch rack mount (via optional kit)
Input Ports:
• Screw terminals
• 14-28 AWG wire
Operating Temperature range: -20° C to +60° C/-4 to +140° F
7.0 Warranty
NEWMAR warrants that your Site Power Monitor be free from defects in material and workmanship for two
years from date of purchase. If you have any questions about your SPM-200, please contact NEWMAR’s
Technical Service:
Phone: 1-800-241-3897 – From the hours of 7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. weekdays, P.S.T.
Fax: 714-372-7930 – Anytime
E-Mail: [email protected] – Anytime
We are happy to consult with you to resolve any problems or questions you may have. If , during
consultation, it appears the SPM-200 must be returned to the factory for repair, we will issue a Return Materials
Authorization (RMA) number at that time.
• Check to make sure that DC power is connected. Pin 19 is ground and Pin 20 is +6 to +60 VDC.
2) The Power and Status Indicators light up, but I do not see any lights on the Ethernet Connector
• Check to make sure that the SPM is connected either to an Ethernet switch or directly to a laptop
computer. If it is directly connected to a laptop, be sure you are using a “crossover” cable like the one
supplied with the SPM. If the SPM is connected to a Switch do NOT use the crossover cable, use a regular
Ethernet cable.
3) I am trying to do the initial setup, but my browser will not bring up the SPM’s home page.
• Make sure that the SPM is connected directly to a laptop using the crossover cable supplied.
• Check to make sure that the IP address of the laptop is set to and Subnet Mask
as described in the “NIC Setup” section 4.1.2.
• Make sure that you entered the correct IP address into the Browser
• Try to contact the SPM using the ping utility from a command line prompt. If this does not work, then try
resetting the SPM using the procedure described below to make sure that it is really set to the default
address. If you’ve tried this and you still cannot “ping” the SPM then you probably have a networking issue
that is beyond the scope of this document.
4) Our SPM is in service, but we have lost its IP address. How can we find it?
• The simplest thing to do is to reset the SPM. The IP Reset Button is located directly under the RJ45 Ethernet
connector on the side of the SPM. To perform a “simple” reset, use a paperclip or jeweler’s screwdriver (using
pens or pencils is not recommended, since ink or graphite particles could rub off and get into the unit)
to press and hold the switch for about 15-20 seconds, or until the left hand side LED (amber/yellow) starts
flashing. Release the switch and wait for the LED (amber/yellow) to stop flashing and the right hand side
LED (green) to resume its normal pattern. After a “simple” reset, the following settings will be reset to
factory default:
• Name and Password Settings: all three accounts (Administrator, Control, and View-Only) will be cleared.
5) We need to get make changes to the configuration of our SPM, but the guy who knew the passwords is no
longer with the company.
6) How do I get an IP address? I cannot get a static IP address for the unit.
7) The graphs do not look right. They show dots, gaps, or appear blank.
• The first thing to realize is that the unit cannot graph data it does not have. If the unit has only been in
service for 3 days, then the maximum length of the graph is 3 days. However, it is possible that the log has
been corrupted. To fix this, you will need to delete the log history as described below:
1. Click on the Logs tab.
2. Download the logs by clicking on the appropriate link on this page. Skip this step if you do not need a
backup of the log data.
3. Check the Delete Log History checkbox. If this box is grayed out, refer to the troubleshooting section on a
In a few seconds the graphs should go blank. Depending on the logging frequency, the graphing should
begin in a few minutes.
1. Make sure a numeric IP address is used for the SMTP Server IP address
2. The unit needs a ‘From’ address to send an email.
3. There should only be one email address in each ‘To’ field.
If an Exchange server is being used, then it needs to be configured to allow 3rd party emails. There is a
checkbox for this purpose in the Exchange server.
• The MIB for the unit can be found in two places. On the CD ROM included with the SPM-200 and a copy of
the MIB is also located at www.newmartelecom.com/Site_Power_Monitor/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
10) I need the SNMP OID’s for the unit. (What’s an OID?)
• In the zip file for firmware versions 1.06 or higher there is a CSV file that contains the list of OID’s for the unit.
This zip file is included on the CD Rom included with the SPM-200
11) I have not been able to get a SNMP trap from the unit.
• A SNMP manager must be configured to receive traps from the unit. Most SNMP programs have a database
of traps they are monitoring for. The possible traps that can be sent by the unit must be added to this
database. Some programs can take the unit MIB and extract the trap information. With other programs the
trap data has to be entered manually. A CSV file is included in the firmware zip file of version 2.53 and higher.
The CSV includes the OID’s for the unit as well as the information for each trap. Below is a list of issues that
might stop you from getting traps from the unit:
1. Not all SNMP software is able to receive traps. Check if the software can receive version 1 traps.
2. Make sure the IP address configured on the unit, matches the IP address of the SNMP manager.
3. Ensure that the Trap Community String on the unit corresponds to the community string expected by the
4. On some SNMP software, you have to enable trap monitoring and SNMP requests.
• The internal temperature can read 2-3° F higher than an external sensor, because of the heat generated by
the circuits in the unit. The following steps can help minimize internal heating.
• Heat can be transferred to the unit from other sources and through the rack. If possible mount the unit away
from heat sources.
• The IP Reset Button, located under the RJ45 connector, has two functions:
1) If you hold it down while you power up the unit, all of the user-configurable parameters are reset to the
factory defaults.
2) If you hold it down for 20 seconds while the power is on, it resets the IP address to and the
subnet mask to, and clears out any user IDs and Passwords that you have set. This is useful
if you have forgotten the IP address you set. See Troubleshooting 4 for more information.
• “Form data not saved” will be visible at the top of the page, this indicates that information was not
formatted correctly or missing. Verify that all information is inputed and formatted correctly and
click save.
• Admin user name and password must be entered to change any user name and password.
• Both e-mail and phone number must be valid and entered. ([email protected], 123-456-7890). Phone number
can only contain numbers and dashes.
• Incompatible browser. Use different browser or use default alarm names in drop down list.