E2023 Apr Apu Application Form Masterphd
E2023 Apr Apu Application Form Masterphd
E2023 Apr Apu Application Form Masterphd
Parent / Guardian Permanent Address (If different from Student’s Correspondence Address):
3. Have you been diagnosed with any conditions/ disorders that may affect your abilility to cope with University studies?
Yes No
(Those transferring from other Institutions/ Colleges/ Universities in Malaysia and holding a Student Pass/ Visa or Dependent Pass will need to provide the School Leaving Certificate/
Testimonial, Release Letter, Results and Attendance Report/ Letter from the institution)
If you are a student/ former student of any Institution/ College/ University in Malaysia, please fill in the following:
* Note:
1. This service is only available to students who hold a Valid Visa Approval Letter issued by Malaysian Immigration and who enter Malaysia via Kuala Lumpur International Airport
2. Notice for airport pick-up must be given at least 7 working days in advance by emailing the details to [email protected].
3. APU may not be able to arrange for airport pick-up and Immigration clearance should the required notice period not be provided.
- Fees for the academic year are as set out in the fee guide.
- Payment by crossed cheque/ bank draft is to be made payable to Asia Pacific University Sdn Bhd or by bank transfer.
- Fee payment refunds are governed by the Fee Refund Policy as stated in the Fee Guide.
- Students must abide by all academic, administrative and examination rules and regulations and policies at APU.
- APU reserves the right to use your personal information in order to carry out its responsibilities in your personal and/ or academic interest as a student of APU.
1. I declare that all the particulars provided in this form are complete and correct. I understand that should any information in this form be found to be inaccurate/
incomplete my registration may be terminated by the University.
2. I agree to abide by APU’s Professional Code of Conduct, rules, regulations and policies.
3. I hereby agree to give consent to APU to release my academic reports/ results and attendance reports to my parents/ guardians/ sponsors as part of the APU’s
4. I have also read and understood APU’s FEE REFUND POLICY which is stated in the Fee Guide.
5. I hereby confirm that the documents I have submitted are genuine and authentic. I fully acknowdge and understand that APU has the right to amend or reverse
any decision with regard to my admission on the basis of incomplete, incorrect, fraudulent information or non-attainment of the minimum entry requirements to
join a specific programme.
6. I undertake to ensure that all fees are paid by the specified due dates, and failing which I agree to pay any late payment and/ or administrative charges incurred
after the due dates. If the fees are not received within 21 days from the due date, I understand that I may not be allowed to use the facilities at APU.
7. I hereby give permission to APU for the use of photographs, images and videos in publicity and promotional material and to release relevant information to our
University Partners, Career Centre, Alumni and and Government bodies or agencies as required.
Dengan ini saya memberi kebenaran kepada APU untuk kegunaan gambar, imej dan video dalam publisiti dan bahan promosi dan untuk memberikan maklumat
yang relevan kepada institusi yang bekerjasama dengan Universiti kami, Pusat Kerjaya, Alumni dan mana-mana badan kerajaan atau agensi-agensi seperti yang
8. By providing my personal data I consent to receiving information on courses, programmes and events that may benefit me.
Dengan menyediakan data peribadi saya, saya bersetuju untuk menerima maklumat mengenai kursus-kursus, program dan acara yang boleh memberi manfaat
kepada saya.
DU030(W) AF(PG)/APU/JAN/2023/V1