Bilateral Ectopic Third Molars in Maxillary Sinus Associated With Dentigerous Cyst Identified With Ophthalmic, Nasal and Maxillary Complication: A Rare Case Report
Bilateral Ectopic Third Molars in Maxillary Sinus Associated With Dentigerous Cyst Identified With Ophthalmic, Nasal and Maxillary Complication: A Rare Case Report
Bilateral Ectopic Third Molars in Maxillary Sinus Associated With Dentigerous Cyst Identified With Ophthalmic, Nasal and Maxillary Complication: A Rare Case Report
Case Report
Abstract Etopic tooth eruption is the occurrence of the tooth germ in a nonanatomical position. It can be
associated with dentigerous cyst, which is the second most seen in the development of odontogenic
cyst commonly presented in mandibular region and seen in single form. It is usually accompanied with
mandibular third molar followed by canine. Bilateral and multiple dentigerous cysts in nonsyndromic
patients are fairly rare phenomenon and barely documented in the literatüre. We report a rare case of
bilateral dentigerous cysts associated with ectopic third molars in the maxillary sinuses. Computerized
tomography scan confirmed the diagnosis. A 32-year-old female patient manifesting as postnasal
discharge accompanied with chief complaint of nasal obstruction, pain at blinking right eye from
pressure of cyst at the inferior orbital rim, and headache for the last 1 year. This report presented
our management of rarely seen case of bilateral dentigerous cysts related with ectopic third molars
in maxillary sinuses. Ectopic teeth eruption in maxillary sinus should be treated as early as possible
once it is diagnosed, in consideration of related complication of orbital and nasal involvement. The
symptoms totally recovered with the suitable management method for our patient. The prevalence of
maxillary third molars ectopic eruption in the maxillary sinus (Antrum of Highmore) is extremely rare
in the literature. Lack of treatment protocol for such ectopic eruptions in the maxillary sinus and its
rareness deserved to be added to the literature.
Keywords: Dentigerous cyst, ectopic teeth, maxillary third molars maxillary sinus
Address for correspondence: Ms. Merve Arici, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey.
E‑mail: [email protected]
Submitted: 02‑Sep‑2020, Revised: 20-Nov-2020, Accepted: 26‑Nov‑2021, Published: 28-Feb-2022
INTRODUCTION unerupted tooth. The engaged tooth is usually the most seen
one as known as mandibular wisdom tooth. The second most
Ectopic tooth eruption is occurrence of a tooth away from its common is the maxillary canine. However it can be associated
normal anatomical location, can be related with a cyst called the with supernumerary or ectopic tooth as well.[1,2] Ectopic tooth
dentigerous cyst is the most common type of developmental eruption into nondental areas like in maxillary sinus is not
odontogenic cyst originated from the the material inside common as in the oral cavity.[3]
which locates between the reduced enamel epithelum and the
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The standard treatment is usually enucleation of the cyst Figure 1: Preoperative orthopantomography
and the respective teeth either via a Caldwell‑Luc approach
or endoscopic sinus surgery.[6]
Total removal of whole the cyst and its lining was carried 1st week, the pain on each blinking in her right eye was
out along with extraction of maxillary third molars via the ameliorated. The patient relieved of pain on her right
Caldwell‑Luc antrostomy with intraoral approach. Maxillary cheek and lower orbital region. The patient was able to
breathe normally after surgery. Postoperative period was
sinus was properly and copiously washed away with saline.
uneventful. The patient remained symptom free over a
The histopathological result revealed the wall of cyst coated postoperative follow-up of 1 year [Figure 6].
by a layer of nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium DISCUSSION
at places covered by granulation tissue and infiltration by
mononuclear cells. The maxillary sinus mucosa epithelium Ectopic tooth eruption is mostly asymptomatic. In other
was also seen proximal to it. These features approved words, when ectopic tooth associated with dentigerous
the diagnosis of an infected dentigerous cyst which did cyst invaded maxillary sinus, symptoms often present late
not present any evidence of malignacy [Figure 5]. In the in the process which are a facial pain, swelling, headache,
purulent discharge and nasolacrimal obstruction.[5] In our
clinical report, our patient main complaint was pain in
blinking her right eye, headache including including the
maxilla mostly accompanied with postnasal discharge and
recurrent sinusitis.
Figure 4: Specimen sent for biopsy Alkhuddair et al. in the year 2019 reported a case of bilateral
dentigerous cyst and its endonasal endoscopic enucleation
of the cyst and extraction of the ectopic tooth through
endoscopy.[2] The effect of ectopic tooth in maxillary sinus
can be facial fullness, headache, recurrent chronic sinusitis,
local sinonasal symptoms and elevation of the orbital
floor. The lesion elongate along to floor of the orbita can
cause diplopia and maybe even blindness.[5] In our report,
the head trouble of the patient was pain on palpation on
her right side around inferior orbital rim region, pain on
blinking the right eye, facial swelling and asymmetry on her
Figure 5: Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium lining right side especially, difficulty on nasal breathing in result of
nasal obstruction, headache occasionally and purulent nasal
discharge on her right nostril. Many different techniques
have been discussed in the literature involving extraoral
approach, intraoral approach, and endoscopic procedures.
Hasbini et al.[8] used transnasal endoscopic sinus technique
to create a large middle meatal antrostomy and to remove
the tooth and its cystic contents. Jalal et al.,[3] used midfacial
degloving approach to for the removal ectopic tooth and its
cyst. In our case, treatment was to remove the ectopic tooth
and cyst enucleation by transoral approach and primarily
sutured the area with help of buccal fat pad while young
Figure 6: Postoperative orthopantomography women patient desire for cosmesis.
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