28subat Yokdil Sosyal
28subat Yokdil Sosyal
28subat Yokdil Sosyal
1. -20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 4. According to the behaviourist approach to
uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. psychology, learning occurs when a new
behaviour is repeatedly and — performed in
1. Social learning theories are based on the response to a given stimulus.
simple but povverful — that people learn by
observing other people. A) impatiently
A) familiarity B) subtly
B) equation C) preciously
C) disapproval D) consistently
D) assumption E) adversely
E) correspondence
2. Participant observation is an umbrella term 5. VVhenever one sees a complex situation form
for a range of methods to investigate the a different perspective, new and important
common — of individuals and groups, such as features of the situation are often — .
eating and handshaking.
A) revealed
A) failures
B) protected
B) practices
C) vvorsened
C) sensations
D) resricted
D) breakthroughs
E) disturbed
E) memorials
3. Agricultural societies, in which the 6. İn order to manage their vast empire, Mongol
domestication of plants and animals provides a - khans — an elaborate postal system in which
— part of human subsistence, are thought to messages could travel from Bejing to Tabriz (İn
date back as far as 10,000 BCE. Iran) in justa month.
A) transparent A) putout
D) substantial D) set up
E) desirable E) broke in
7. Ada Lovelace earned her place in history as 10. Prized — their sweet edible fruits,
the first Computer programmer, but she — it blueberries grow only — highiy acidic and well-
vvithout the help of British mathematician drained but moist soils.
Charles Babbage, who developed a mechanical
calculator that — nearly any mathematical task A) with / at
B) for / in
A) should not have done / must perform
C) through / around
B) could not have done / could perform
D) amongs / under
C) might not have done / can perform
E) from / on
D) did not use to do / may perform
8. By the time the first Europeans — in Central 11. Around 3600 BCE, — reasons that are stili
America in 1052, the region’s greatest unclear, people — Malta and the nearby island
civilisations — into the jungle. of Gozo began to construct massive limestone
temple complexes and went on to create large
A) were arriving / were already dissipating underground burial chambers.
E) in / across
9. — the past two decades, self-study of teacher 12. — you are in extreme poverty and struggling
education practices has become a well-accepted to putfood on the table, studies indicate that
approach to developing insights — teaching as even vvinning a big lottery payout does not
teacher educators have sought productive ways increase happiness for very long.
of researching their practice.
A) Given that
A) For/with
B) İn case
B) Över / into
C) Unless
C) On / tovvards
D) As long as
D) During / againist
E) Because
E) Through / at
13. — functionalism no longer exists as a 16. Our understanding of the Inca Empire comes
school of psychology, its basic principles have from archaeology, early Spanish documents,
been observed into psychology and continue to and a handful of native accounts — there was
influence it in many ways. no indigenous system of vvriting practised by
the Incas.
A) As soon as
A) since
B) Although
B) in case
C) Ever since
C) vvhenever
D) Unless
D) önce
E) İn case
E) until
15. — a child has been identified as having a 18. — various measures taken since the mid-
disability or considered at risk, there are several 1950s to protect the Spanish cinema industry
intervention programmes available to support against competition, the number of films made
the child. in Spain continued to decline.
A) Until A) According to
B) Önce B) Despite
E) Because E) Unlike
A) a s / as
B) neither/ nor
E) vvhether / or
A) that
B) when
C) at vvhich
D) vvhose
E) to whom
21 . 24
B) ought to be found B) by
22. 25.
A) unless A) in spite of
B) although B) such as
C) because C) owing to
D) vvhether D) regardless of
A) terming
A) adopted
B) to term
B) motivated
C) termed
C) enrolled
D) to have termed
D) admitted
E) to be termed
E) dismissed
A) through
A) To illustrate
B) above
B) Othervvise
C) tovvards
C) Likevvise
D) vvithout
D) Indeed
E) behind
E) Even so
31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 33. Just as dinosaurs characterised the
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. Cretaceous Period, which ended with their
extinction 66 million years ago, — .
A) abstract or complex notions begin to make sense B) dinosaurs roamed the planet for millions of years
when they reach a certain age as the dominant species, much longer than human
beings have
B) learning experience is a constant source of
intrinsic pleasure for them C) human beings consume and use up natural
resources at a pace faster than any other species
C) extreme shyness may prevent them from have in history
participating in classroom activities
D) many scientists believe we need to designate a
D) parents are advised not to harshly eriticise their new geologic age, called the Anthropocene, that
children based on school success refleets the impact of humankind
E) some prefer to spend time with their peers vvhile E) the Tasmanian tiger, thylacine, was one of the
others favour playing on their own species of animals that went extinct in the 1900s
C) The Amazon basin in Brazil contains the vvorld’s C) cars are operated by people whose behaviours
largest tropical rain forest are influenced by a multitude of psychological
D) Brazil’s geographical diversity makes for a range
D) traffic safety professionals have been vvorking to
of climatic conditions
reduce the frequency of motor vehicle crashes for
E) Countless islands are found throughout Brazil’s decades
river systems and in the huge delta of the Amazon
E) an important component of the traffic safety
problem is understanding, predieting, and modifying
the behaviours of drivers
35. Death rates have been falling in ali VVestern 37. — , it was not until only 1995 that extreme
countries for decades — . sports achieved their highest level of public
exposure with the First Extreme Games.
A) so life expectancy is calculated based on the
proportion of deaths at each age A) VVhile most sports now classified as extreme
have ali existed for a long time and most have
B) even if big social as well as cultural changes competitions
occur almost in each society
B) Given that extreme sports are international, with
C) although life expectancy was previously climbing the Extreme or X Games attracting competitors from
by about three months a year dozens of nations
D) given that fatalities can be reduced substantially C) Because what differentiates extreme sports from
through mass media coverage of traffic accidents others involves changes in the rules and use of
E) as there have been a number of improvements in
medicine and nutrition D) Although sport climbing is the only extreme sport
with separate divisions for men and women
36. VVhile the Science of psychology may seem 38. — , the roots of environmental movements
abstract at times, — . date back to the 1800s, when demands for
cleaner water and air became common.
A) it also relates to why we are so fascinated with
celebrities A) Since they had their origins in the conservation
movementthat began a century earlier
B) it is German psychologist VVilhelm Wundt vvho is
considered to be the fatherof the field B) As long as industrialisation and colonialism
sparked the first environmentalist voices
C) it is a remarkably varied field with a great number
of subfields C) One the rapid svveep of resource exploitation
aroused a few opposing voices
D) the human mind, the main focus of
psychologists, does notfunction in isolation D) Even though the term environmentalism was not
used until much later
E) its implications touch every arena in vvhich
people think, feel, or act E) Given that the term ‘environmental’ appeared
during the second half of the 20th century
39. — , some simple breathing techniques can 42. - 47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
help you lower high levels of anxiety. anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
A) Though some studies have shown that 42. Since its slave revolution and war of
controlling your breathing helps reduce anxiety independence, vvhich resulted in the founding of
the nation in 1804, small-scale agricultural
B) Unlike ancient yoga, vvhich can decrease your
production has dominated the economy of Haiti.
anxiety levels
A) Köle devrimi ve bağımsızlık savaşı sonrası 1804
C) While you block your right nostril and keep
yılında kurulan Haiti’nin ekonomisine, kuruluşundan
breathing through your left nostril
beri küçük ölçekli tarımsa üretim hakim olmuştur.
D) Despite the recent grovving interest in learning
B) Haiti ekonoisinde küçük ölçekli tarımsal üretim,
howto breathe correctly
1804’te ülkenin kuruluşuyla sonuçlanan köle devrimi
E) VVhether you are an anxious flyer, rushed off your ve bağımsızlık savaşından itibaren hüküm
feet or running late for an appointment sürmüştür.
44. Novelists explore ethical ideas through the 46. Emotional intelligence, which involves the
crises and dilemmas their characters endure, ability to recognise your own emotions as well
and Tolstoy’s exploration of happiness evidently as the emotions of other people, also has to do
falls into this category. with how you manage your emotions and other
people’s emotions.
A) Roman yazarlarının karakterin katlandığı krizler
ve ikilemler aracılığıyla etik fikirleri keşfetmesi gibi A) Duygusal zeka yalnızca kendi duygularınızı ve
Tolstoy’un mutluluğu keşfi de açıkça bu kategoride diğer insanların duygularını tanıma yeteneğini
yer almaktadır. kapsamakla kalmaz, duygularınızı ve diğer
insanların duygularını nasıl yönettiğinizle de ilgilenir.
B) Roman yazarları, etik fikirleri karakterlerinin
tahammül ettiği krizler ve ikilemler aracılığıyla B) Hem kendi duygularınızın hem de diğer
keşfederler ve Tolstoy’un mutluluğu keşfi açıkça bu insanların duygularının farkında olma anlamına
kategoriye girer. gelen duygusal zekaya sahip olduğunuzda kendi
duygularınızın yanı sıra diğer insanların duygularını
C) Roman yazarları, etik fikirler aracılığıyla da yönetebilirsiniz.
karakterlerin katlandığı krizleri ve ikilemleri keşfeder
C) Duygusal zeka, kendi duygularınızla birlikte
ve Tostoy’un mutluluk keşfi de açıkça bu kategoride
başkalarının da duygularını tanıma yeteneğine
yer almaktadır.
sahip olup hem kendi duygularınızı hem de
D) Etik fikirler, karakterlerin katlandığı krizler ve başkalarının duygularını yönetmekle alakalıdır.
ikilemler aracılığıyla roman yazarları tarafından D) Diğer insanların duygularının yanı sıra kendi
keşfedilir ve Tolstoy’un mutluluğu keşfetmesi de duygularınızın da farkında olma yeteneğini
açıkça bu kategoridedir. kapsayan duygusal zeka, aynı zamada
duygularınızı ve diğer insanların duygularını nasıl
E) Roman yazarlarının karakterlerin tahammül ettiği
yönettiğinizle de alakalıdır.
krizler ve ikilemler aracılığıyla keşfettiği etik fikirler
ve Tolstoy’un mutluluğu keşfi açıkça aynı E) Kendi duygularınızı ve diğer insanların
kategoridedir. duygularını tanıma yeteneği anlamına gelen
duygusal zekaya sahip insanlar hem kendi
duygularını hem de başka insanların duygularını
45. Since the 4th century BCE, the works of yönetebilirler.
Aristotle, studentto Plato, have profoundly
influenced a broad variety of fields, including
the natural Sciences, logic, and political Science.
47. Different societies shared certain common, 48. ■ 53. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
fundamental features until about 10,000 years anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
ago as they ali obtained theirfood, shelter and
clothing roughlythe same way.
A) Farklı toplumlar yaklaşık 10,000 yıl öncesine 48. Rönesans, bir zaman diliminden ziyade,
kadar belli ortak temel özellikleri paylaşıyorlardı belirli fikirlerin hayatın neredeyse tüm alanlarına
çünkü tümü yiyeceğini, barınağını ve giysilerini uygulanmasıyla tanımlanan bir dönemdi.
hemen hemen aynı şekilde elde ediyorlardı.
A) The Renaissance was defined as a period by the
B) Toplumlar farklı olsa da 10,000 yıl öncesine application of certain ideas to almost ali aspects of
kadar temel özellikleri ortaktı çünkü tüm toplumlar life rather than a span of time.
kabaca aynı şekilde yiyecek, barınak ve giysi
ihtiyaçlarını karşılıyorlardı. B) During the Renaissance, the period was not only
defined by a span of time but also by the way
C) Değişik toplumların temel ortak özellikleri
certain ideas were applied to almost ali aspects of
nerdeyse 10,000 yıl öncesine kadar aynıydı çünkü
tümü yiyecek, barınak ve giysilerini, kabaca da olsa
aynı şekilde elde ediyorlardı. C) Instead of a span of time, the application of
D) Farklı toplumların hepsi yiyeceklerini, certain ideas to nearly every aspect of life defines
barınaklarını ve giysilerini yaklaşık 10,000 yıl the Renaissance as a period.
öncesine kadar aynı şekilde elde ettiklerinden, belli D) The Renaissance was a period defined less by a
ortak özellikleri de neredeyse aynıydı.
span of time than by the application of certain ideas
E) Değişik toplumlarde izlenen ortak temel özellikler to almost every aspect of life.
neredeyse 10,000 yıl öncesine dayanır çünkü o
zamanlarda toplumların tümü yiyecek, barınak ve E) The definition of the Renaissance was not made
by a span of time but by applying certain ideas to
giysilerini benzer yollarla ediniyordu.
nearly every aspect of life.
49. İlk AvrupalI kaşifler karşılaştıkları her kara 50. Kuzey Amerika’nın yerli hakları 15. yüzyıl
parçasının ada olduğunu varsaymışlardır ve sonundaki AvrupalI yerleşimci akıma ittifaktan
kıtalar ile adalar arasındaki ayrım ise ancak 16. silahlı direnişe kadar çeşitli şekillerde tepki
Yüzyılda yapılmıştır. göstermiştir.
A) Even if the distinction between continents and A) At the en d of the 15th century, the ways native
islands was eventually made in the 16th century, peoples of the North America reacted to the influx of
early European explorers believed that every land European settlers varied from alliance to armed
they encountered was an island. resistance.
B) The distinction between continents and islands B) Native peoples of the North America reacted to
could not be made until the 16th century because the influx of European settlers at the end of the 15th
early European explorers thought every land they century in varied ways from alliance to armed
encountered was an island. resistance.
C) Early European explorers assumed that every C) The reaction of native peoples of the North
land they encountered was an island, and it was not America to the influx of European settlers at the end
until the 16th century that the distinction between of the 15th century varied from alliance to armed
continents and islands was finally made. resistance.
D) Because early European explorers considered D) As the influx of European settlers grew at the end
every land they encountered to be an island, it was of the 15th century native peoples of the North
not possible to distinguish continents from islands America reacted to through alliances and armed
until the 16th century. resistance.
E) Although it was finally possible to distinguish E) Native peoples of the North America
between continents and islands in the 16th century, demonstrated their reaction to the influx of
it was early explorers who supposed that evey land European settlers at the end of the 15th century in
they encountered was an island. various ways including alliance and armed
51. AsyalIlar 175 yıldan daha fazla bir süredir 52. Günümüzün fiziki nakde bağlılık eksikliği,
ABD’de yaşamaktadırlar, fakat Asya kökenli insanların işlemleri gerçekleştirmek için başka
Amerikalarının sayıca önemli bir hale gelmeleri ödeme yöntemlerini kullandıkları, paranın var
ve toplumların ve konumlarının yeterli ilgiyi olmasından bile önceki bir zamana dayanır.
çekmesi ancak 19. Yüzyılın sonunda olmuştur.
A) Today's lack of reliance on physical cash dates
A) For över 175 years, Asians have lived in the US, back to a time before money even existed when
but it was only in the late 19th century that the Asian people utilised other forms of payment to perform
Americans became important in number and thus, transactions.
sufficient attention was given to their society and
position. B) Today, we don't have to rely on physical cash,
vvhich dates back to a time before money even
B) İt was not earlier than the late 19th century that existed, when people utilised other forms of
Asian Americans became numerically significant, payment to perform transactions.
and sufficient attention was paid to their society and
position although Asians have lived in the US for C) People utilised other forms of payment to
more than 175 years. perform transactions during the times when there
was no physical cash, but today there is no such
C) Asians have lived in the US for över 175 years, reliance.
yet it was not until the late 19th century that the
Asian Americans became numerically significant, D) Although physical cash dates back to a time
and their society and position attracted sufficient before money even existed, today, people utilise
attention. other forms of payment to perform transactions.
D) Asians had lived in the US for more than 175 E) We lack reliance on physical cash today, vvhich
years when sufficient attention was paid to the dates back to a time before money even existed
society and position of the Asian Americans during vvhen people utilised other forms of payment to
the late 19th century, with their numbers becoming perform transactions.
53. Avrupa'da gazete kullanımını benimseyen ilk 54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada
ülke olmasına rağmen, Almanya o kadar çok anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
sayıda rakip devlete bölünmüştü ki, 1871'deki cümleyi bulunuz.
birleşmeden önce hiçbir gazete baskın bir rol
oynamamıştır. 54. As early humans moved out of Africa and
into colder, more hostile climates, they were
A) İt was the first country in Europe to adopt the use confronted with the problem of keeping warm. —
of newspapers, but Germany was divided into so ■From this basic need developed the rich and
many States that before its unification in 1871, no varied dress of the vvorld's peoples. As societies
newspaper played a dominant role. began to develop, many other factors
determined the specific dress of a region or a
B) Since Germany was divided into many competing
culture, including technological levels, relative
States before its unification in 1871, no newspaper
affluence, class and hierarchy, migration, war,
played a dominant role though it was the first
religion, and industrialisation
country in Europe to adopt the use of newspapers.
A) The earliest forms of dress were probably animal
C) Even though it was the first country to adopt the
skins, at first used in their original shapes and later
use of newspapers in Europe, Germany was divided
modified to fit the human form.
into many rival States before the unification in 1871,
and thus no newspaper could play a dominant role. B) Clothing that mirrored social divisions and
defined subcultures allowed an immediate visual
D) Germany was the first country to use
determination of the wearer's place and status.
newspapers in Europe, but because the country
was divided into many rival States before the C) VVithout a thick coat of hair to protect them from
unification in 1871, no newspaper played a the elements, they had to create an artificial means
dominant role. of retaining body heat in order to survive.
E) Although it was the first country in Europe to D) The first woven garments were probably simple
adopt the use of newspapers, Germany was divided rectangles or squares of fabric vvrapped around the
into so many rival States that no newspaper played body
a dominant role before the unification in 1871.
E) Early clothing was shaped not only by climate
and environment, but also by the materials that
were available to make clothes.
55. There is a popular misconception that 57. İn the United States and many VVestern
medieval food had less variety than modern societies, autonomy and individualism are the
food, possibly due to the number of new guiding philosophies. Individuals are socialised
ingredients introduced to the cuisine after the and reinforced to be self-sufficient and
discovery of the New VVorld. — Not only did independent, and personal success and
they consume domestic livestock such as cows, achievement are highly valued. Conversely,
sheep, pigs, chicken, geese, and ducks, but they Asian cultures are characterised as
also hunted game such as deer, boars, rabbits, collectivistic. — Roles are interdependent and
and wildfowl. Commoners were generally not inextricably woven into social structures.
supposed to hunt, but they often poached Therefore, a decision made by an individual
rabbits and wildfowl in defiance of the laws. must take into account the whole rather than
merely the individual's needs.
A) At the bottom of the economic scale, people were
suffering from undernutrition due to lack of food. A) Successes and failures are due to the blessings
or anger of their ancestors.
B) For most of the people, protein came less from
meat than from eggs, butter, and cheese. B) İn other words, one's identity, behaviours, and
successes are rooted in collective units such as the
C) The range of foods was less diverse than it is family and community.
today because of the difficulties of preservation.
C) Shameful behaviours do not merely reflect on the
D) Tomato and potato were among the popular individual but ultimately on his/her entire family,
foods introduced to the medieval cuisine. lineage, and even community.
E) Yet, the 14th-century aristocracy ate a much D) Hovvever, the concept of independence and
greater range of meats than is common today. societal cultures. norms can take on different
connotations in different
58. DNA detective work has revealed the ancient 59. Most historians believe the first Central
origins of the domesticated vvatermelon. Its wild Americans vvere people from Asia who migrated
counterparts found in parts of Africa are nothing around 20,000 years ago across the Bering
like domesticated varieties. They are small, Strait from Russia and down through the
round and have white flesh with a very bitter Americas. — Either way, things got decidedly
taste due to compounds called cucurbitacins. — more tense for the region in the next few
■Hovvever, pictures on the walls of at least three thousand years. Natural disasters, such as
ancient Egyptian tombs depict what look like hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and mudslides,
vvatermelons - including one that looks strikingly destroyed settlements, vvhile rival city-states
like modern varieties. battled each other. Then the Europeans shovved
up, with the first Spanish settlement established
A) İn the 19th century, vvatermelon leaves vvere in Panama in 1509.
found placed on a mummy in a tomb dating back
around 3500 years.
B) We do not knovv much about vvhen and vvhere A) Others argue that seafaring Asians crossed to
they vvere domesticated. present-day California only about 11,000 years ago.
C) One ancient Egyptian picture is of vvhat appears B) Most of the 'Indians'vvho met the Spanish lived in
to be C) an elongated melon, so it seems farmers small tribes, as corn farmers or hunter-gatherers.
had bred vvatermelons at least 3500 years ago.
C) The first European settlement in Central America
D) The DNA also reveals that the ancient vvas established in a region near Panama in 1509.
vvatermelon was closely related to a svveet
vvatermelon stili grown in the Darfur region of D) İn some parts of Central America, one can stili
Sudan. trace several remnants from the Asian migrants.
E) The vvatermelon vvas first grovvn by farmers in E) To many historians, hovv the region vvas
Sudan and use of the plant spread northwards populated is stili a mystery that needs to be
along the Nile. unearthed.
60.-65.. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 63. (I) Seen in terms of world history, Columbus
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü achieved a great deal. (II) His voyages demonstrated
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. that the Atlantic could be crossed and recrossed in
relative safety. (III) However, just as we cannot draw
60. (I) Social informatics is a term that lies at the a precise map of Columbus's travels, we do not know
intersection between information technology and the extent of his formal knowledge of geography and
social Science. (II) Över the past few decades, related matters. (IV) This fact, in turn, encouraged
particularly since the early 1990s, there have been others to extend the range of exploring expeditions,
dramatic advances in information technologies. (III) İt eventually leading to the Spanish explorer Balboa's
has two distinct meanings; in the first, social discovery of the Pacific Ocean in 1513. (V) The
informatics consists of the study of the impacts of discovery of the extent of the oceans radically
information and communication technology (ICT) on transformed the European conception of the Earth's
society. (IV) İn the second, it consists of the use of surface, making it possible to sail to ali corners of the
ICT to advance research in social Science. (V) İn the Earth.
second case, social informatics sometimes is
contracted to socioinformatics. A)l B)ll C)lll D) IV E)V
61. (I) Ships were invented before the beginning of 64. (I) Burning herbs for purification, grounding and
recorded history. (II) The Egyptians developed true to drive away negative energies is common in many
sails by 3500 BCE and the first sail-only boats were cultures. (II) Ancient Egyptians and Greeks burned
being used by 2000 BCE. (III) For almost 4,000 herbs as an offering to the gods. (III) İn China, also,
years, the leading technological developments the Naxi people have a custom that involves burning
involved refinements in sails and the design of larger incense made from sacred plants and herbs. (IV) To
and more powerful ships. (IV) The 19th century deepen this historical practice, one can grow his/her
brought the development of steam power; after that own herbs such as wild ones in the forests. (V) They
time ships driven by electricity, fossil fuels, and even do not do it to make a room fragrant or to meditate,
nuclear energy were developed. (V) Throughout but the effort of creating the incense makes its
history, ships have served as unifying forces, burning an important ritual for the Chinese, a way of
promoting multilateralism and cultural diversity giving back.
through trade.
A)l B)ll C)lll D) IV E)V
A)l B)ll C)lll D)IV E)V
62. (I) Archaeologists have used remains and 65. (I) The history of playing cards is lost in the mists
nutrient analyses of wild plants and animal foods of time. (II) Some daim they were the invention of the
consumed by hunter-gatherers that survived into our ancient Chinese, others that they were first used in
age to estimate the dominant composition of Ancient Egypt. (III) India has also been put forward
prevailing pre-agricultural diets. (II) The enormous as the place where they originated. (IV) There are
diversity of hunter-gatherer societies - ranging from perhaps links with the Crusaders who may have
maritime hunters to foragers in arid environments - learned about them from the Saracens, who may
means that there has never been a single typical have used them to divine the future since the eighth
hunter-gatherer diet. (III) These reconstructions century AD. (V) The first cards to arrive in Britain
conclude that plantfoods, generally consumed within came from France five hundred years ago, and the
hours after being gathered, supplied 65 to 70 percent design of the cards is stili based on a pattern used ali
of ali food energy. (IV) Proteins made up about a third those years ago.
of food energy, and lipids about 20 percent. (V)
A)l B)ll C)lll D) IV E)V
Average intakes of vitamins and minerals were
generally well above the modern recommended daily
allowances (RDA).
66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. The author mentions the cases of measles in
cevaplayınız. England in orderto — .
Conspiracy theories seem shot-through with A) demonstrate how hazardous the measles
paranoia, and there is evidence to suggest that the vaccine really is
more paranoid someone is, the more they tend to
B) illustrate that those ‘in the knovv’ can avoid
believe these theories. However, studies point out
dangerous vaccines
that this does not refer to severe ‘clinical level’
paranoia, even for those who believe in theories as C) prove that conspiracy theorists are just trying to
unreasonable as the Earth being flat instead of a stay safe
globe. Most conspiracy theories are mundane,
everyday suspicions that we ali have to some extent D) argue that people who are against vaccines are
- not outlandish levels. Recent studies have also not actually paranoid
found that people who are more likely to believe in
conspiracy theories also tend to have a need for E) show how harmful certain conspiracy theories
uniqueness - a desire to be part of the small group can be
of people who are ‘in the know’. Conspiracy theories
can seem pretty harmless, but in July 2018, Public
health England announced that more than 750 cases
of measles had been identified across England sofar
this year, because a theory was put forth by
conspiracy theorist about the dangers of the measles
vaccine. İt is important to note that conspiratorial
thinking exists within ali of us. These habits of mind
can creep into a lot of beliefs that do not necessarily
look like conspiracy theories on the surface. İn other
vvords, perhaps the most dangerous thing of all is to
assume that conspiracy theorists are all other people.
66. VVhich of the follovving best describes the 68. What the author finds most concerning
author’s attitude tovvards the flat Earth theory? about conspiracy theories is that — .
69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. One can understandfrom the passage that in
cevaplayınız. France —.
İn 1987, political scientist James Flynn of the A) the performance of the average 18-year-old man
University of Otago in New Zealand documented a on a reasoning test got better in time
curious phenomenon: broad intelligence gains in
B) the youngsters in 1974 had far vvorse result when
multiple human populations över time. Across 14
compared to the ones in 1949
countries where average IQ scores of large numbers
of people in the population were available for C) the increase in IQ scores were not reliable due to
decades, ali had an upward trend, some of them had the faulty intelligence tests
a dramatic increase. Children in Japan, for example,
gained an average of 20 points on a test known as D) the average 18-year-old man in 1974 got 25
the VVechsIer İntelligence Scale for Children between points more than his Japanese peers
1951 and 1975. İn France, the average 18-year-old
man performed 25 points better on a reasoning test E) the average IQ test scores of the average 18-
in 1974 than did his 1949 counterpart. Flynn initially year-old man vvorsened över the years
suspected the trend reflected faulty tests. Yet, in the
ensuing years, more data and analyses supported
the idea that human intelligence was increasing över
time. Proposed explanations for the phenomenon,
now known as the Flynn effect, include increasing
education, better nutrition, and greater use of
technology. However, beginning with people born in
the 1970s, the trend has reversed in some VVestern
European countries, deepening the mystery of what
is behind the generational variations. But no
consensus has emerged on the underlying cause of
these trends.
69. According to the passage, James Flynn — . 71. According to the passage, for people born
around and after 1970s in some VVestern
A) revealed that ali the countries studied had sharp European countries, — .
increases in IQ scores
A) performance on IQ tests has got better thanks to
B) had already analysed several IQ tests carried out improvements in education, health and technology
especially in VVestern Europe by 1987
B) scientists have started to believe that human
C) observed an increase in average IQ scores from intelligence is subject to change över time
past to the present in the 14 countries he studied
C) the overall results of young people in basic
D) tested the daim vvhether people become more reasoning tests have vvorsened due to poor nutrition
intelligent as they age
D) the average performance in intelligence tests has
E) is the first scientist to conduct a study on the begun to decrease
increase of IQ scores
E) the factors causing the general variations have
been better understood
72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 73. it can be inferred from the passage that the
cevaplayınız. Soviets — .
When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to A) opened their doors to sociologists fleeing from
national power in 1949, some Chinese sociologists China.
left the country, but most remained. Initially, those
B) did not recognise sociology as a field of study in
who remained were optimistic that their skills would
their own regime
be useful to the new government. Experience in
community fieldwork and an orientation toward C) sent sociologists to China to help design its own
studying social problems seemed to make Chinese methods of social investigations.
sociologists natural allies of those constructing a
planned social order. These hopes disappeared D) forced the CCP to abolish sociology and expel
quickly in 1952 when the CCP abolished the field of sociologists from the country.
sociology. That decision was motivated by the CCP’s
desire to follow the Soviet model. The CCP argued E) offered aid to the CCP in achieving its goal of
that it had developed its own methods of “social rising to political power.
investigations” during the revolutionary process, with
Mao Zedong playing a leading role in this
development. This approach stressed basic
investigations designed to further official
revolutionary or economic goals of the CCP rather
than any şort of search for objective truth. Chinese
sociologists, trained in a different tradition and
looking for objective truth to raise questions aboutthe
CCP’s policies, were seen as a threat to the
ideological hegemony of the new regime.
75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 76. Paula Byrne describes Austen as someone
cevaplayınız. who — .
Was Jane Austen a shy, gentle country girl, happy A) was typical of English vvriters at the time
to write her romantic novels in the peace and quiet
B) was aware of the importance of social skills
of the family house, or was she an independent
business woman determined to achieve fame? This C) was reluctantto express her feelings in letters
question has provoked much debate över the past
decades and will no doubt continue to resurface. D) avoided literary cliches as much as possible
Frustratingly, little is known about Austen, who died
E) was sophisticated and aware of the world outside
tragically young, attheage of 41. Much of the
evidence we have of her life is in the form of the
many letters she wrote to family and friends, which
offer a unique insight into the daily life of the
novelist, but little about her thoughts and feelings.
Paula Byrne, who has written two books on Austen,
has never been a subscriber to the cosy cliche of
Austen scribbling her novels in the safety of her
cottage. Instead, she wants people to see her as
she really was; an independent woman in Georgian
England who was well-travelled, socially adept and
far more in touch with her world than has previously
been assumed. Austen died in 1817, leaving what
may have been her finest novel unfinished. No
matter how one views Jane Austen, there is no
doubt she had so much more to offer the world.
75. According to the author, many people have 77. VVhich of the follovving Is implied by the
questioned — . underlined sentence in the passage?
A) why so little is known about Austen even today A) Jane Austen’s role in Georgian England
B) why Austen vvished to be famous in her lifetime B) Jane Austen’s well-known novels
C) what kind of a person Austen really was C) The private life of Jane Austen
D) why Austen’s books trigger debate in literary D) The early death of Jane Austen
circles E) Jane Austen’s frustrations in life
E) what genre Austen’s books fail into
78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. VVhich of the follovving is true about ancient
cevaplayınız. Egypt?
Ancient Egyptian society was composed of three A) İt was possible for most free Egyptians to
classes, one of vvhich consisted of “free people.” Free become very rich.
Egyptian citizens - both male and female - possessed
B) Free people were not allovved to work for the
two defining rights: they were free to travel and to
enter into contractual agreements. Although they
enjoyed no other rights of modern societies, their C) Marriage ceremonies usually involved a priest.
right to make contracts permitted members of this
group to own property and marry. Serfs and slaves D) Marriages were religious conventions
were also permitted possessions, but they could not accompanied by an agreement.
transfer them without a contract - only the free class
E) The family of the bride was one party of the
could acquire and seli animals, property and
marital contract.
buildings as they wished. Though most free people
earned just enough to live on, some accumulated
vvealth, and a few even earned high positions in
government. VVhether rich or poor, any free person
had the right to marriage. Marriage was not a
religious matter in Egypt - no ceremony involving a
priest took place - but simply a social convention that
required an agreement, that is, a contract, negotiated
by the suitor and the family of his prospective wife.
The agreement made an exchange of objects of
value necessary on both sides. The agreement also
specified what property belonged to the vvoman and
what belonged to the man, as well as stating who
vvould inherit what on the death of either party. İn
some cases, a written contract was executed before
vvitnesses, in others only a verbal agreement took
78. According to the passage, free Egyptian 80. The marriage contract — .
citizens — .
A) required the exchange of valuable gifts by each
A) had as many rights as a free Citizen in a modem party
B) ensured ali mutual property owned by the couple
B) enjoyed certain rights regardless of gender transferred to the vvoman
C) needed a contract to seli and buy possessions C) did not address the possible death of either the
belonging to serfs husband or the wife
D) could seli property just the same as slaves and D) vvas only legally valid if executed in front of
serfs vvitnesses
E) were required to have a contract in order to travel E) vvas handled exclusively by the family of the
prospective vvife
1) D 2) B 3) D 4) E 5) A 6) D 7) B 8) E 9) B 10) B
11) B 12) C 13) B 14) D 15) B 16) A 17) C 18) B 19) C 20) D
21) A 22) C 23) D 24) D 25) B 26) B 27) D 28) B 29) C 30) A
31) B 32) D 33) D 34) B 35) E 36) E 37) A 38) D 39) E 40) D
41) D 42) E 43) A 44) E 45) B 46) D 47) A 48) D 49) C 50) B
51) C 52) E 53) A 54) C 55) E 56) D 57) B 58) B 59) A 60) B
61) E 62) B 63) C 64) D 65) E 66) A 67) E 68) E 69) C 70) A
71) D 72) D 73) B 74) A 75) C 76) E 77) D 78) B 79) E 80) A