Knife Block Warrior
Knife Block Warrior
Knife Block Warrior
by Bastian-B
Knife blocks are awesome - just grab the knife you - Scroll saw (alternatives: Jigsaw, CNC mill, ..)
need without searching through your drawers and
start cutting. I got my basic inspiration for this project - Wood glue
from the instructable "knife block" by Christian Knuell,
which reminded me of the so called "voodo knife - Lead beads to fill the base (nails, nuts or any other
block". (Just type this into google images...) heavy materials will do the trick as well)
The resulting knife block resembles a spartan like - Magnet - 6mm diameter
warrior and can hold 15 knifes of different sizes
- Drill
Here is the list of materials and tools I used:
- Power tool with a drum sanding kit (can be
- 6 mm and 12 mm ply wood (any other type of wood accomplished with other tools as well)
should be okay as well)
- Spray adhesive
Since the knife block is supposed to hold a high use your scroll saw to cut out the three parts.
number of knifes, I wanted the base to be heavy to
achieve a good stability. Therefore, the base will be Glue the bottom layer and the middle layer together.
filled with lead beads (or any other heavy objects you Once it is dry, fill the lead beads into the hollow space
have available, like nails or nuts). and glue on the top layer.
Print out the attached pdf files for the base and use After drying, sand all sides of the base until
spray adhesive to attach them to 6 mm (bottom and satisfactory.
top layer) and 12 mm (middle layer) ply wood. Then
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Knife Block - Warrior: Page 3
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For the warrior part print out the attached drawing and section of both drawings directly on the lines. This
use spray adhesive to attach them to 6 mm (2 side way you should be able to properly align the second
layers) and 12 mm (middle layer) ply wood. Check half of the drawing.
out the instructions on the first pdf file. Then use your
scroll saw to cut out the three parts. Glue all three layers together and be careful to
properly align the three layers. During gluing press
Since the warrior fills out the whole A4 page it is together all parts of the warrior using clamps (legs,
possible that your printer can't handle the drawing. arms, head....).
For that case, I additionally attached the warrior in
two parts on two separate pages. Print out both of (The hands of the warrior on the images look different
them and first attach one half onto your piece of from the drawings because I made the design on the
wood. Then, cut some holes into the second half of go. I provided the final design on the drawings for
the drawing. Place these holes in the overlapping you.)
Use a 5 mm bit to drill a hole into the middle layer just work out the hands shape to properly fit to this knife
above the head of the warrior (see drawing). Drill only handle.
halfway through! Then fit the 6mm magnet into the
hole. It should be a tight fit. You can use a vice or a When I was finished with this part, I noticed that the
similar tool to press the magnet into the hole. In case wrist, which was going to hold the shield, was very
you are using hard wood, you probably have to use a thin. Therefore, i drilled a 4mm hole into the arm until i
6mm drill. If necessary, use glue fix the magnet in reached the elbow. I then entered a 4mm brass rod
place. into the hole and glued in in place to strengthen the
wrist section. In the uploaded drawing, I made the
Finally, use a power tool with a drum sanding kit to wrist thicker, so it should be fine. However, if you
work out the warriors hand. Start working from the don't trust your wood, make the wrist even thicker or
side where you placed the magnet. Sand down do the same as me.
roughly until the middle of the wood (~12 mm).
Depending on the shape of the knife handle, which
you plan to place into the warriors hand, you can
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Sanding down the sides of the warrior part can be a width of the scroll saw blade. Fold the stripe along the
pain, because you want to progress carefully to middle and then remove the back of the adhesive
preserve all details. However, there is a nice trick. tape. Place the scroll saw blade with the flat side into
the middle of the sanding paper and fold it again.
There are special sanding strips available for your
scroll saw. (enter "sanding stripes scroll saw" into Now you can mount the self made sanding strip in
google) I found them to be somewhat expensive. As your scroll saw and sand down the sides of the
an alternative you can make your own sanding warrior until satisfactory. You will probably have to
stripes. replace the sand paper on the scroll saw blade a
couple of times during this process. If a lot of glue
Apply double sided adhesive tape onto the back of leaked out of the sides during gluing, you might want
some sanding paper. Take a preferably wide scroll to remove the dried glue with a knife before you start
saw blade. Cut of a stripe of the sanding paper with the sanding.
adhesive tape with a width of roughly 6 times the
The good thing about such a knife block is that it the blade. For such knifes I found it best if the slits
looks really nice. The bad thing is that it is not suited are about 1-2 mm longer than the height of the blade.
for all knifes. When the knife blade is heavier than the For example, I have some knifes with a blade height
handle or if both parts are in balance (as it should be), of about 23 mm. For these I made the slits 25 mm
the knife will sit nicely in the knife block. However, long.
when the knife handle is heavier than the knife blade,
the knife tends to fall out of the knife block. Therefore, Print out the attached pdf, take a pen and adjust the
it is highly recommended to adjust this final part for length of the knife slits according to what you think is
your knifes. best for your knifes.
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Print out the attached pdf files and use spray Use 3mm drills to drill holes at each end of the slits
adhesive to attach them to 6 mm (front and back on the front layer. Stay just within the black rectangle
layer) and 12 mm (middle layer) ply wood. If you of the slits. Be careful to drill in a 90° angle. For the
adjusted this part for your knifes in the previous step, two biggest slits in the middle, use 4mm drills.
use the adjusted drawing for the front layer.
Then, use a scroll saw to cut out the slits by cutting
Then use your scroll saw to cut out the three parts. along the lines and connecting the two holes of each
Do not remove the drawing from the front layer after slit.
Sand the insides of the slits by using the self made
Glue all three pieces together and be careful to sanding stripes for your scroll saw or by folding some
properly align the three layers. After drying, sand all sandpaper and pulling it forth and back through the
sides of the shield until satisfactory. slits. Also, sand slightly the edges of the slits.
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When you finished the base, the warrior and the Now you are done and can equip the warrior with
shield part, check again if everything is sanded your knifes.
properly. I also recommend to slightly sand all edges
to prevent splintering later on. I left my knife block untreated because I liked the look
of the pure wood. However, in a kitchen environment
Check if all parts fit together. If not, do some more it might be better to apply varnish to protect the knife
sanding/ cutting until all parts fit together nicely. block from water and fat...
Then glue the warrior onto the base. Make sure to Enjoy!
align the parts in a 90° angle.