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Customer Perception Towards E-Banking Services of Axis Bank

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The Online Banking Services are increasing day by day in the banking sector in
India. This essay intends to investigate India's banking sectors' online banking
offerings. Data from primary and secondary sources, including bank managers,
websites, and other sources, were gathered for this study. Online banking services
such email banking, phone banking, and mobile banking, as well as ATMs
(Automated Teller Machines).

E-banking, often referred to as electronic banking, online banking, or virtual banking,

is a type of electronic payment system which allows customers of banks and other
financial institutions to carry out a variety of financial transactions via the website of
the financial institution. In contrast to branch banking, which was once the only
method for customers to obtain banking services, the online banking system is often
connected to or included in the core banking system run by a bank. A consumer with
internet connection must register with the financial institution for the service, create a
password, and provide additional information for customer verification in order to
utilize the online banking facility. Typically, the login information for online banking
differs from that for phone or mobile banking.

Keywords: E-Banking Services, Customer satisfaction in Banking Sectors


E-banking is fast becoming a norm in the developed world, and is being implemented by
many banks in developing economies around the globe. The main reason behind this success
isthenumerousbenefitsitcanprovide,bothtothebanksandtocustomersoffinancialservices.For banks, it
can provide a cost-effective way of conducting business and enriching relationship with customers
by offering superior services, and innovative products which may be customized to individual
needs. For customers it can provide a greater choice in terms of the channels they can use to
conduct their business, and convenience in terms of when and where they can use e-banking.
India has been one of the world's top users of information technology over the past ten
years, in large part due to its capacity to offer software solutions to businesses all over the world.
This ability has given India's domestic banking sector a significant push to adopt cutting-edge
technology, especially in the fields of Internet banking and e-commerce. An important factor in
improving the effectiveness, politeness, and speed of customer service is technology. Users of
internet banking are expected to carry out tasks such checking account balances and transaction
histories, paying bills, moving money between accounts, applying for credit card advances,
ordering checks, managing investments, and trading stocks online.
Because banks want to extend their customer base, they see the Internet as being more effective than
alternative distribution channels. Additionally, Internet delivery offers individualized service to meet
the preferences and demands of each user. Online banking efficiently allows for mass customization.
It lowers costs and frees up time for business tasks rather than mundane ones. Compared to
conventional banking channels, online banking has lower infrastructure requirements and fewer staff


Axis Bank of India offers their customers the facility of Internet Banking service. With
Axis Bank s Internet Banking service, we can carry out banking activities from the comfort of
our home /office with only our mouse. Using our Internet Banking ID and password, we
s online to accounts maintained with any bank in India. We can also access all our Axis Bank
accounts from all around the world 24x7.

“The Internet banking facility offered by Axis Bank of India is not widely
accessedby the Axis Bank customers”


 Theinformationcanbeleakedoraccountcanbehackedandallconfidentialinformationcanbele
 Bank charges hidden Costs.
 Lack of Operational knowledge.
 No Access to Internet/Mobile.
 Concerned about security.

 To analyze various E-banking products and services at Axis Bank
 To identify the current and future prospects of E-banking
 To make use of findings and suggestions of banks
 To find out the major issues faced of E-services in the bank

• To study the E-banking system in Axis Bank of India
• To determining growth direction of online banking service.
• Promoting E-banking services in banking industry.

 All the classes of the customers were taken into consideration.
 This study was covered E-Banking service sector.
 This is a realistic source directly collected from the customers of Bank.
 With the advent of E-banking, banks are now able to offer real-time transactions and
combine all services pertaining to their clients.


This study is EXPLORATORY and DESCRIPTIVE in nature. It helps in breaking vague

problem into smaller and precise problem and emphasizes on discovering of new ideas and
insights. Exploratory research was conducted during the initial stage of the research process
which helped to refine the problem into researchable one. It has progressively narrowed the
scope of research topic.

Research design:
Research design constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.
The present study seeks to identify the extent of preferences of E-Banking over traditional
banking among service class. The research design is exploratory in nature. The research has been
conducted with the customers of UBI. For the selection of the sample, convenient sampling
method was adopted and an attempt has been made to include all the age groups and gender
within the service class.

Method of data collection:

The survey method is used to collect the data from Axis Bank of India, Kothapet Branch,
Telangana, visited for the purpose of collection of data.

Sources of data: Following are the methods of sources of data:

Primary data:
Questionnaire was used to collect primary data from respondents. The questionnaire was
structured type and contained questions relating to different dimensions of e-banking preferences
among service class such as level of usage, factors influencing the usage of e-banking services,
benefits accruing to the users of e-banking services, problems encountered. An attempt was also
made to elicit reasons for its non-usage. The questions included in the questionnaire were open-
ended, dichotomous and offering multiple choices.

Secondary data:
•Articles on E-Banking taken from journals, magazines.
•Through internet.
Sampling Method:
The data so collected will be analyzed through the application of statistical techniques, such as
bar graphs and pie charts.
Sampling unit:
It defines the target population that will be sampled i.e. it answers who is to be surveyed. In this
study, the sampling unit is the Customers of Axis, Telangana.
Sampling size:
It indicates the numbers of people to be surveyed. Though large samples give more reliable
results than small samples but due to constraint of time, the sample size was restricted to 100
respondents. The respondents belong to different income group and profession.


Every research is conducted under some constraints and this research is not an exception.
Limitations of this study are as follows:-
1. The time duration for the project is limited to 45 days
2. People were reluctant to go in to details because of their busy schedules
3. Merely asking questions and recording answers may not always elicit the actual information
4. Due to continuous change in environment, what is relevant today may be irrelevant tomorrow.


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