Parent Consent Cwts 1

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eens os OnSCFOM-SAS ety Date: Auge 5, 2088 ewsen o. 0 Control Number: PC-24- CONSENT OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN TO ALL CONCERNED: EEE een sess nen enEnEseneenEEIEPLESEEEEDg ELE PRL ALG Rama Free en] formy child / ward _ a ame of ey a student of Tear ves Progen) of the of this College, to undergo / participate Compu student internship / local off-campus activity (ame of te actin? at on (Place of rain pace a vis aclon afte event) Datey I understand that my child / ward ie oo has been properly oriented on all the rules and regulations of the program and will comply with the same; otherwise, he/she shall be excluded from further participation. 1 hereby further agree that if in case that he/she is on the age of maturity, he/she shall be made answerable for any and all liabilities for damages to property or injury to himselfVherself, to the College ot its representatives, and/or to third persons which may be caused by his/her intentional or negligent act while in the course of the implementation of the program. If in case that he/she is a minor, I will take full accountability on any and all liabilities caused by his/her intentional or negligent act while in the course of the implementation of the program. IN WITNESS HEREOF, Ihave hereunto affixed my signature this day of, 20___ in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. Parent’ s/Guardian’s signature over printed name Contact Number: Address: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this___ day of 20__, and affiant exhibited to me his/her ___ issued on at NOTARY PUBLIC

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