7 - Pictorial Projection
7 - Pictorial Projection
7 - Pictorial Projection
¾ Pictorial drawing are type
of technical illustration that
show several faces of an
object at once such as
used in any industry
design, sells,
manufacturing repair,
product maintenance etc.
¾Axonometric and oblique pictorial drawing
are frequently used in technical
documents, sales literature, maintenance
manuals, and documentation supplements
in engineering drawing.
¾Perspective drawings use a converging
projection technique and more commonly
found in architectural drawings.
Axonometric drawing
¾ The Greek word axon means axis and metric
means to measure.
¾ Axonometric projection is a parallel projection
technique used to create pictorial drawings of
objects by rotating the object on axis relative to a
projection plane to create a pictorial view.
¾Axonometric projection is one of four
principle projection techniques:
Multiview projection
¾Axonometric projection is one of four
principle projection techniques:
Axonometric projection
¾Axonometric projection is one of four
principle projection techniques:
Oblique projection
¾Axonometric projection is one of four
principle projection techniques:
Perspective projection
Angles that determine the type of
axonometric drawing
¾ When all three angles are unequal the drawing is
classified as a trimetric.
¾ When two of the three angles are equal the drawing is
classified as a dimetric.
¾ When all three angles are equal the drawing is classified
as a isometric.
Although there are an infinite number of positions that can
be used to create such a drawing only are few are used.
Theory of isometric projection
¾ An isometric view of an object is created by rotating
it 45 degrees about a vertical axis.
Theory of isometric projection
¾ Then the object tilted forward until
the body diagonal of the cube (A-B)
appears as a point in the front view.
¾ The angle the cube is titled forward
is 35 degrees 16 minutes.
¾ The three corners meet to form
equal angles of 120 degrees
¾ All the edges of the cube are
parallel to the edges that make up
the isometric axis since
projections of parallel lines are
¾ Any line that is parallel to one of the
legs of the isometric axis is called
an isometric line.
¾ The planes of the faces of the cube
and all planes parallel to them are
called isometric planes.
The different scales of an isometric
projection and isometric drawing
¾ The forward tilt of the cube causes the edges and planes
of the cube to become foreshortened as it is projected
onto the picture plane. Thus the projected lengths are
approximately 80% of the true lengths and an isometric
projection ruler must be used.
The different scales of an isometric
projection and isometric drawing (cont’d)
¾ If the drawing is drawn at full scale it is called an
isometric drawing. Isometric drawings are almost
always preferred over isometric projection for
engineering drawings, because they are easier to
Position of isometric axes
¾Isometric axes can be positioned in a number
of different ways to create different views of
the same object.
Regular isometric looking down on the top of
the object.
Position of isometric axes (cont’d)
Reversed axis isometric is developed by
looking up on the bottom of the object
Position of isometric axes (cont’d)
Long axis isometric is developed by looking
from the right with one axis drawn at 60
degrees to the horizontal.
Isometric lines vs. nonisometric lines
¾ Any line that runs parallel to any of the isometric
axes is called an isometric line.
¾ Any line that does not run parallel to an isometric
axes is called a non-isometric line.
Isometric planes vs. nonisometric planes
¾ Isometric planes are surfaces which are parallel to the
isometric surfaces formed by any two adjacent isometric
¾ Planes which are not parallel to any isometric plane are
called non-isometric planes.
Standards for hidden lines on
isometric drawings
¾ In isometric drawings hidden lines are
omitted unless absolutely necessary to
completely describe the object.
¾ Normally, most isometric drawings
will not have any hidden lines. You
can avoid using hidden lines if the
most descriptive viewpoint is chosen.
However, there are times when the
object has some features which
cannot be described no matter which
isometric viewpoint is taken.
Standards for center lines on
isometric drawings
¾ In isometric drawings center lines are drawn if symmetry
must be shown or for dimensioning.
¾ Normally, center lines are not used on isometric drawings
when it not important.
Symmetrical part
Standards for dimensions on
isometric drawings
¾ Dimensioned isometric drawings used for production purposes must
be ANSI standard, with dimension and extension lines and lines to
be dimensioned lying in the same plane. Dimensioned drawings
used for illustration purposes may use the aligned method.
Right view
Top view Front view
Full-section isometric drawing
isometric drawing
¾ Isometric assembly drawings used for production
purposes normally have circles, called balloons, that
contain numbers and are attached to leader lines, point
to the various parts.
¾ Dimetric projection is an
representation in which
two of the axes are at
equal angles to the
plane of projection and
two of the angles are
equal and total more
than 90 degrees.
¾ It is worth noting that when laying out a dimetric drawing,
the two equal axes can be laid out on either side of the
vertical to create a symmetric dimetric projection. If one
of the equal axes and the third axis are place on either
side of the vertical, then an asymmetric dimetric
projection is created.
Frequently used dimetric angles
¾ Trimetric projection is the most realistic of the
axonometric projections, but is also the hardest to draw.
In a trimetric projection, all three angles and scales are
Frequently used trimetric angles
¾ Oblique drawings are a form of
pictorial drawings in which the most
descriptive or natural front view is
placed parallel to the plane of
Object orientation
¾ A second rule in developing oblique drawings is
that the longest dimension of an object should
be located parallel to the frontal plane.
¾ If there is conflict between these two rules always
draw the cylindrical or irregular surfaces parallel
with the frontal plane because representing this
geometry without distortion is more advantageous.
Example of