Sts Reviewer
Sts Reviewer
Sts Reviewer
- The study of how social,political, and cultural values affect scientific research and
technological innovation and these in turn affect society, politics and culture
-refers to the endless cycle of co-dependence, co-influence, co-production of technology
and society upon the other.
Discovery - the recognition and careful observation of new natural objects and phenomena.
Invention - is a mental process wherein
man's various discoveries and observation
combined and guided by experience, lead
man to make some other new ways
(operations) and means (tools) of obtaining
things useful or profitable.
- knowledge acquired by careful observation, by deduction (logic reasons to form a
conclusion ) of the laws which govern changes and condition and by testing these deduction by
- the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through
observation and experimentation
Scientific Method - is a series of processes that people can use to gather knowledge
about the world around them, improve that knowledge, and, through gaining knowledge, attempt
to explain why and/or how things occur.
Natural Science -seeks to understand the natural world and different processes
a) Physical Science
(Chemistry, Physics,Earth,. )
b) Biological Science
(Zoology, Botany,Anatomy..)
2. Social Science - study of people, culture, societies
(Economics , Geography, History , ..)
TECHNOLOGY - the use of science in industry, engineering .etc to invent useful things or
to solve problems
- entities both material and immaterial, created by the application of mental and physical effort in
order to achieve some value.
Historical Perspective, Stone Age, Copper and Bronze Age, Iron Age, Ancient Civilization,
Medieval and Modern Technology, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, Nineteenth
Century, Twentieth Century, Twenty First Century, Stone Age
Iron Age - was a period in human history that started between 1200 B.C. and 600 B.C.,
depending on the region, and followed the Stone Age and Bronze Age. During the Iron Age,
people across much of Europe, Asia and parts of Africa began making tools and weapons
from iron and steel. For some societies, including Ancient Greece, the start of the Iron Age
was accompanied by a period of cultural decline
- Involved the adaptation of iron
smelting technology
-Generally replaced bronze and made it
possible to produce tools which where
stronger and cheaper to make than
The Iron age was the last major step
before the development of written
Ancient Civilization - Ancient history as a term refers to the aggregate of past events from the
beginning of writing and recorded
human history and extending as far as
the post-classical history
Medieval Age
•Birth of an idea
•the rise of Islam
Renaissance - a French word which means rebirth.
Refers to a period in European civilization that was marked by a revival of classical learning
and wisdom after a long period of cultural decline and stagnation.
Age of exploration
Industrial Revolution - Characterized by the developments in the areas of textile
manufacturing, metallurgy and transport driven by the development of the steam engine
Nineteenth Century
-saw the birth of science as a profession
-Rapid development of chemical, electrical, petroleum and steel technologies
connected with highly structured
technology research.
Twentieth Century
-one of the prominent traits of the 20"
century was the dramatic growth of
II American Period
More influence in the Development of
Science and Technology
•Public Education System
• Improved engineering works and health of
the people
•Mineral resources where exposed and
V. New Republic
Focusing on using its limited resources in improving Science and Technology
•Use of overseas development allocation to
improve scientific productivity and technological capability
• Human resource Development
- the National Scientist noted for his work in marine and aquatic biology.
- He was recognized on amphibians and
reptiles diversity and marine biodiversity in the country.
- He is behind the invention of artificial
coral reefs to be used for fisheries in
Southeast Asia
- National Scientist of the Philippines for the contribution to the study of topical marine
phycology (scientific study of algae)
- a botanist who graduated MS in Botany at UP and PhD in Plant Taxonomy Systematic
and Morphology
- system of describing the way in which
different living things are related by putting
them in groups
-period when advancements of Science & Technology changed people's perceptions and
-It is the period where paradigm shifts occurred.
-is used to refer to Greek speculation about the "nature" in the period before Socrates
(roughly 600 to 400 BCE).
-the alternative, technical terms are "pre Socratic" or "non-theological" or "first
Paradigm shift
A major change in the world view, concepts and practices of how something workS or
• A Polish astronomer who proposed the
Helio Centric theory.
• Father of Modern Astronmy
• Copernicus placed the planets in order of increasing distance from the Sun
Heliocentric model
The astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve arcund the Sun
at the center of the Universe
Geocentric model
The astronomical model with Earth at the center of the Universe. The Sun, Moon, stars, and
planets all orbit Earth
The shift from geocentric to heliocentric slowly happened through the contribution of
different persons.
-Tycho Brahe
-Johannes Kepler
- Galileo Galilei
-Sir Isaac Newton
English naturalist whose theory of evolution by natural selection became the basis of modern
evolutionary studies.
-Father of Pscyhoanalysis
ID (Insticts) - pre-concious
EGO (Morality) - unconcious
SUPER EGO (Reality) - pre-concious and unconcious
Three most dominant and advanced civilizations that developed in the Americas prior to the
arrival of the Europeans maya, inca, and aztecs
• South American Indians who, at the time
of the Spanish conquest in 1532, ruled
an empire that extended along the
Pacific coast and Andean highlands from
the northern border of modern Ecuador
to the Maule River in central Chile.
● suspension bridge
● terraced field
● calendar
Some of the Contribution
Capac-Nan - The passage ways covered in fine paving stones known as the created bridges
were organic and biodegradable (rebuilt every year).
Crop Terraces - Incas lack level fields. To solve this problem, they developed a system of
terraces that they constructed throughout the empire like giant green staircases.
Some of the Contributions:
- Calendar
- Rubber
- Filtration system
- Astronomy
originated as a nomadic tribe in northern Mexico and arrived in Mesoamerica around the
beginning of the 13th century.
Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztec empire.
The Aztecs did not use money or currency.
Education was mandatory in the Aztec society.
Traditional medicine acupuncture and
herbal medicine were practiced
4 Greatest Inventions:
1. Navigational Compass: This is a tool that many argue helped usher in the age of
exploration in Europe.
2. Gunpowder: One of the most impactful inventions on the modern world.
3. Paper (Ba BooHua): Across the world, there have been a lot of cultures who have
created types of paper and parchment, but the modern paper we use today is a Chinese
4. Block Printing: The process of using an object to make an inked impression upon a flat
Middle East:
- A huge peninsula surrounded by vast bodies of water and fortified by huge mountains on
its northern borders.
- Dominantly occupied by Muslims.
- Greater value on science experiments.
- Hasan Ibn al-Haytham: Father of Optics. An Arab mathematician, astronomer, and
physicist of the Islamic Golden Age.
- Ayurveda: A system of traditional medicine.
- Susruta Samhita: Different surgical and other medical procedures.
- Aryabhata: Indian mathematician introduced Trigonometric Functions, Tables, and
Algorithm of Algebra.
- Use of zero: As placeholder and decimal digit.
Some contribution
Geometry, Alchemy, Mathematics, and Astronomy
- Ishango Bone: A bone tool, a baboon's fibula, with a sharp piece of quartz for engraving and
- Nubian Mathematics: Known for multiplication and addition by 2, known as duplation
and mediation (doubling & halving).
- Fractal Geometry: Exhibits a repeating pattern that displays at every scale.
1. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is expected to strengthen at 7 to 8% in the medium term.
2. Poverty rate is targeted to decline from 21.6% to 14%.
3. Unemployment rate to reduce from current 5.5% to 3 to 5% by 2022.
4. Highest trust in government and society.
5. More resilient individuals and communities.
6. A greater drive to innovation.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services
produced within a country's borders in a specific time period.
Aristotle's assumption is that technology is primarily a means to an end. Aristotle's four
causes are:
1. Material cause
2. Formal Cause
3. Efficient cause
4. Final cause
Aristotle is one of the most significant thinkers who contributed so much to science,
technology, political theory, and the aesthetic world. He believed that knowledge of the
world begins by looking and examining that which exists.
Technological Pessimism:
- This view holds that technology is dynamic and beneficial, but it is also questionable in
many ways. This view is supported by French philosopher Jacques Ellul.
Technological Optimism:
- This perspective suggests that although problems may arise through technology,
technology will still be the solution.
- This is the state of being which is led by the norm of authenticity.
- Focus on community-centric values.
- The individual should sacrifice himself for the sake of society.
- Encourages studies.
- Focused on the individual.
- Views human flourishing as an end.
- Eudaimonia as the ultimate good.
-Aristotellian view.
To a behaviorist, happiness is a cocktail of emotions we experience when we do
something good or positive.
Good life: using skills for enrichment
Pleasant life: enjoying daily pleasures
Meaningful life: contributing to the greater good
Good Life
• A life filled in material pleasure and luxuries.
• A life marked by a high standard.
• A life according to moral values and religious law of one's culture.
Elements of Good Life
1. experiencing pleasure
2. seeking self-development
3. avoiding negative experience
4. making contribution to others
The good life as a concept has been redeveloped into related idea of HUMAN FLOURISHING