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Short communication
Keywords: We have investigated the microstructure and the magnetoresistivity of bismuth based superconductor bulks
BSCCO superconductor added with nano-sized CoFe2O4 particles (10 nm in diameter). Samples were prepared through the solid state
Nanometer CoFe2O4 reaction (SSR) technique by addition of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles during the last step of heat treatment. Phase
Magnetoresistivity examination using X-ray diffraction (XRD), morphology investigation by scanning electron microscope (SEM),
Magnetic fields sensor devices
microstructure and local chemical composition analyses using transmission electron microscope (TEM) coupled
with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDXS), electrical resistance versus temperature ρ(T) under applied
magnetic fields (B) and electrical resistance versus B at 77 K, ρ(B), were carried out. The CoFe2O4 added sample
shows a great magnetoresistance to weak magnetic field at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (77 K). This result
is attractive for practical, because CoFe2O4 added samples can be utilized as active elements in magnetic fields
sensor devices.
Corresponding author at: Institute for Research and Medical Consultations (IRMC), Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, P.O. Box 1982, Dammam 31441, Saudi Arabia.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (Y. Slimani).
Received 20 September 2017; Received in revised form 12 November 2017; Accepted 15 November 2017
Available online 16 November 2017
0011-2275/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.K. Ben Salem et al. Cryogenics 89 (2018) 53–57
Table 1
Relative volume fractions of (Bi,Pb)-2223, Bi-2212, and other phases for prepared sam-
∑ I ((Bi,Pb)−2223)
= × 100
∑ I ((Bi,Pb)−2223) + ∑ I (Bi−2212) + ∑ I (other )
∑ I (Bi−2223)
Fig. 1. TEM micrograph of nano-sized CoFe2O4 particles. (Bi−2212)% =
∑ I ((Bi,Pb)−2223) + ∑ I (Bi−2212) + ∑ I (other )
applied magnetics fields ρ(T,H) were carried out through the conven- × 100
tional four-probe technique using a cryostat system “DMX-19 SCC”. The
pellets were carefully cut into rectangular bars-shaped samples with ∑ I (other )
almost similar dimensions of 1 × 2 × 5 mm3. Electrical contacts were (other )% = × 100
made using silver paint and the contact resistance value must ap- ∑ I ((Bi,Pb)−2223) + ∑ I (Bi−2212) + ∑ I (other )
proximately less than 0.5 Ω. The magnetic fields were applied per-
where I((Bi,Pb)−2223) , I((Bi,Pb)−2212) and I(other) are intensities of
pendicular to the sample wide surface. A small and constant current of
the all distinguishable XRD peaks for the corresponding phases, re-
40 µA was injected for the resistivity measurements.
spectively. The estimated concentrations of the different phases are
given in Table 1. The analysis of these diagrams shows that the quantity
of (Bi,Pb)-2223 reduces marginally with addition of CoFe2O4, which
3. Results and discussions
indicates that CoFe2O4 addition conducts to an alteration in the rate of
the reaction which retards marginally the formation of (Bi,Pb)-2223.
Fig. 2 illustrates the XRD patterns of ceramics sintered without and
This result is consistent with the known behavior of the bulk super-
with addition of 0.5 wt.% CoFe2O4 for 72 h at the temperature 835 °C.
conductors added with nanoparticles [6,9–11]. Indeeed, the presence of
The characteristic peaks that correspond to diverse phases are labeled
nanoparticles in the transient liquid forming at the reaction tempera-
on different patterns. It has found that the different samples are con-
ture may affects the viscosity of the liquid and its homogeneity and as a
stituted of major (Bi,Pb)-2223 (labeled with “3”) and minor Bi-2212
consequence impedes the spatial (Bi,Pb)-2223 phase growth. Moreover,
phases (labeled with “2”) and a very small amount of Ca2PbO4 as sec-
Yahya and coworkers [9] support the idea that (Bi,Pb)-2223 phase is
ondary phases. The XRD patterns of the resulting powders were taken
formed from layer by layer intercalation of Ca-Cu-O bi-layers into the
for quantitative analysis about phases presented in samples. The con-
existing (Bi,Pb)-2212. The intercalation process may be inhibited by
centrations of the (Bi,Pb)-2223, Bi-2212 and secondary phases were
nano-magnetic particles when the moving Ca-Cu-O bilayers meet
estimated from the X-ray diffraction (XRD) peak intensities according to
magnetic nanoparticles embedded in (Bi,Pb)-2212 matrix and thus the
the following equations phases [7,8]:
conversion to (Bi,Pb)-2223 is retarded.
Fig. 3a and b illustrate SEM micrographs of samples prepared
without and with 0.5 wt.% CoFe2O4 respectively. It is showed that there
M.K. Ben Salem et al. Cryogenics 89 (2018) 53–57
M.K. Ben Salem et al. Cryogenics 89 (2018) 53–57
appears; in order to decrease their energy they tend to attract impurity material to the magnetic field.
atoms. Furthermore, the break of the Cooper pairs by a magnetic effect The relative variation of the resistivity versus the applied field
leads to decrease Tco . As can be seen in Fig. 5, the resistive transition ρN (B ) = ρ (B )/ ρ (0) (where ρ (0) is the measured resistivity in absence of
shows two different regions: a steep region in the beginning of the magnetic field) of sample was obtained by fixing temperature at 77 K
transition region and a tailing region. The steep part is less sensitive to and plotting ρ (B ) . Fig. 7 shows experimental ρN (B ) curves of 0.0 and
the applied magnetics fields. The tail part is associated with weak links 0.5 wt.% CoFe2O4 added samples. In the magnetic field ranging be-
type Josephson [12,13]. This part is very sensitive to the applied tween −2300 and + 2300 Gauss, the resistivity displays a symmetric
magnetics fields and moves to lower temperatures as the magnetic response with respect to the applied magnetic field direction. At low
fields increase. For 0.5 wt.% CoFe2O4 added sample the steep part is fields, the ρN (B ) dependence of the 0.5 wt.% CoFe2O4 added sample
more sensitive to the magnetic fields in comparison to non-added one, shows a very large increase in comparison to its value at B = 0 Gauss
illustrating a larger widening on increasing the field. and it rests unaffected within the field. For comparison, ρN (B ) of free
Fig. 6 displays the shift of the zero-resistivity temperature CoFe2O4 added-sample remains unchanged within the applied mag-
ΔTco = Tco (H = 0)−Tco (H ) versus the applied field for free and 0.5 wt.% netics fields range. Moreover, in the range of low fields up to 100 Gauss
CoFe2O4 added samples. It is well-observed that the CoFe2O4 addition (inset of Fig. 7), the resistivity is well fitted according to the relation
strengthens ΔTco . The data of transition width are well simulated by the ρN (B ) = [1 + αBm] where the constants m and α are equal to 2 and
power law scale expression ΔTco = βH n . This dependence was also re- 1.4 × 10−4 respectively. The obtained value for 0.5 wt.% CoFe2O4
ported on others HTS materials [14,15]. The values of the exponent n added-samples is similar to that reported in the case of YBa2Cu3O7 thick
are 0.26 and 0.41 respectively for free and 0.5 wt.% CoFe2O4 added films at 77 K [1]. These results suggest that CoFe2O4 nanoparticles in-
samples. This values are in agreement with other reported in scandium clusion into BSCCO compound act as non-superconducting phases that
substituted Ti-2121 [16] and YBCO prepared using ball milling tech- increase the inter-grain disorder, reduce the coupling between grains
nique [2]. The β factor values are established to be 6.18 and 2.41 re- and thus destroy the phase coherence. This idea is supported by TEM
spectively for free and 0.5 wt.% CoFe2O4 added samples. The factor β is observations. A grain boundary is a region of structural distortions,
considerably greater in the former case, it is a relevant factor which where an extra energy appears; in order to decrease their energy they
informs us about the sensitivity of materials to applied magnetic field. tend to attract impurity atoms. This phenomenon generates a relatively
It’s clear that the adding of 0.5 wt.% cobalt ferrite nanoparticles in- large magnetoresistivity and a broader transition to the
creases in a significant manner the sensitivity of the superconducting
Fig. 7. Experimental magnetic field dependence of the resistivity of free and 0.5 wt.%
Fig. 6. Evolution of the shift of the zero-resistivity temperature ΔTco = Tco ( H= 0)−Tco (H) CoFe2O4 added samples. Inset: plot of the low magnetic ρN (B ) of 0.5 wt.% CoFe2O4
versus the applied field for free and 0.5 wt.% CoFe2O4 added samples. added-sample; the solid line represents a fit according to ρN (B ) = [1 + αBm].
M.K. Ben Salem et al. Cryogenics 89 (2018) 53–57
superconducting state for weak magnetic fields. This outcome suggests online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cryogenics.2017.11.005.
that the addition of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles promotes the obtaining
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