Business Statistics
Business Statistics
Business Statistics
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1 BUSINESS STATISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 BUSINESS STATISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Is a variable, which is affected or influ- 4. Joint Probability is calculated by using the
enced by another variable formula
A. Independent Variable A. P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B) −
B. Dependent Variable P (A ∩ B)
C. Constant B. P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B)
D. Data C. P (A ∩ B) = P (A) P (B)
2. A statistics student made the following D. P (A |B|) = P(B)
grades on 5 tests:84, 78, 88, 78, and
72.What is the median grade? 5. Bayes’ Theorem can be represented as
P(A1 )P(B|A1 |)
A. 88 A. P (A1 |B|) = P(A
1 )P(B|A1 |)−P(A2 )P(B|A2 |)
B. 72
P(A1 )P(B|A1 |)
C. 78 B. P (A1 |B|) = P(A
1 )P(B|A1 |)×P(A2 )P(B|A2 |)
D. 80
P(A1 )P(B|A1 |)
E. 82 C. P (A1 |B|) = P(A
1 )P(B|A1 |)+P(A2 )P(B|A2 |)
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B
7. Statistics can study individuals. time it takes John to build these comput-
A. True ers. Identify the independent and the de-
pendent variables.
17. A finite population is one that 23. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS
A. can be physically listed IS NOT TRUE?
B. the membership in the population is A. IN MEASURING DISPERSION, THE
C. ends abruptly due to a catastrophy QUENTLY USED THEN THE MEAN DEVIA-
D. ends abruptly due to natural causes,
such as a flood or the ice age B. IMAGER LIMITATION OF THE RANGE
18. The number of miles that Jenna cycled each OF OBSERVATIONS IN A SERIES.
week for a 7-week period is shown:36,
42, 28, 52, 48, 36, 31 What is the me- C. WHILE CALCULATING VARIANCE, EV-
dian number of miles Jenna cycled? ERY OBSERVATION IN A SERIES IS CON-
A. 24
C. 39
D. 52
19. Which of the measures of central tendency 24. A nominal variable
can be determined graphically A. is a qualitative variable that character-
A. Median izes, describes, or names an element of a
B. Mode population
C. Mean B. is a qualitative variable that incorpo-
D. Median & Mode rates an ordered position, or ranking
A. 25 C. Standard Deviation
B. 40 D. Median
C. 15 35. Define Statistics?
D. 50 A. Science of Collecting, organizing, ana-
E. 60 lyzing, interpreting Data
B. Science of Data
31. Which one of the following is NOT a condi-
tion of the binomial distribution? C. Collection
A. Only two outcomes D. Analyzing
27. B 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. B 32. A 33. A 34. D 35. A 36. A
36. Data collected for the purpose of census 40. Income of a family is an example of
reports are A. Quantitative data
A. Primary data B. Qualitative data
B. secondary data C. Saving
C. sample data D. none of above
D. A or B 41. Find the mode of the call received on 7 con-
secutive day 11, 13, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25
37. This is a histogram
A. 11
B. 13
C. 17
D. 23
42. What is the mode for the numbers 15, 6,
7, 15, 6, 7, 20, 6?
A. 6
A. true B. 7
B. false C. 15
38. The production department has installed D. 20
a new spray machine to paint automobile
43. The mean score of a college entrance test
doors.As is common with most spray guns,
is 500; the standard deviation is 75. The
unsightly blemishes often appear because
scoresare normally distributed. What per-
ofimproper mixture or other problems. A
cent of the students scored below 320?
worker counted the number of blemishes
on eachdoor. Most doors had no blem- A. About 0.82%
ishes; a few had one; a very few had two; B. About 7.86%
and so on. Theaverage number was 0.5 C. About 34.13%
per door. The distribution of blemishes
followed the Poissondistribution. Out of D. About 50.82%
10, 000 doors painted, about how many 44. What are the steps involved in hypothesis
would have no blemishes? testing?
A. About 3, 935 A. Formulating the null and alternative hy-
B. About 5, 000 potheses, selecting the significance level,
collecting and analyzing the data, calculat-
C. About 6, 065
ing the test statistic, determining the crit-
D. About 500 ical value or p-value, making a decision
and interpreting the results.
39. occurs if one does not reject the null hy-
pothesis when it is false. In hypothesis B. Formulating the null and alternative hy-
testing, type II errors are denoted by beta potheses, selecting the sample size, col-
(B). lecting and analyzing the data, calculating
the test statistic, determining the critical
A. Type I error value or p-value, making a decision and in-
B. Type II error terpreting the results.
C. Selecting the sample size, conducting 49. The weight of an object is an example of
a survey, analyzing the data, calculating
A. a continuous random variable
the test statistic, determining the critical
54. If the less than cumulative frequency is 5, B. Drawing conclusions.
12, 20, what is the frequency of the sec- C. Forecasting values of a population.
ond class (group)?
D. Summarizing data from a sample.
A. 5
B. 7 60. What graph uses equal widths of rectan-
gles to present data?
C. 8
A. Bar Graph
D. 12
B. Line Graph
55. The variables below whose data scale C. Pictograph
type is ordinal are
D. Pie Graph
A. Religion
B. Age 61. What is the branch of Mathematics that
involves collecting, organizing, analysing
C. Level of education and interpreting data is
D. Body temperature A. Algebra
E. Distance B. Geometry
56. To draw an ogive, it is important for us to C. Statistics
calculate D. Trigonometry
A. relative frequency
62. A sample should be
B. percentage
A. representative of only middle school
C. cumulative frequency students only
D. frequency B. a very large group
57. If Lasperyre’s Index = 151 and Passche’s C. representative of the population
Index = 130 then Fisher’s ideal Index = D. representative of people who volun-
A. 151 teer
B. 130 63. What level of measurement is the Centi-
C. 140 grade temperature scale?
D. 196 A. Nominal
54. B 55. C 56. C 57. C 58. C 58. D 59. D 60. A 61. C 62. C 63. C 64. B
64. The scale of measurement for a variable 70. The following table gives the frequency
when the data are labels or names used to distribution of times (tothe nearest hour)
identify an attribute of an element. that 90 fans spent waiting in line to buy
65. D 66. A 67. B 68. A 69. D 70. C 71. B 72. A 73. B 74. B 75. B
many classes are required? C. Ordinal
A. 7 D. Interval
B. 8 E. Ratio
C. 9 82. Find Trend equation for Y = 35+5x+3x2
D. 10 answer
77. The most suitable average for index num- A. y = 173 + 41x + 3x2 Mathematical
ber is Equivalence OFF
A. A.M 83. the ratings of a movie ranging from “poor”
B. G.M to “good” to “excellent”
C. Mode A. Nominal
D. Median B. Ordinal
C. Interval
78. What are the disadvantages of using sec-
D. Ratio
ondary data?
A. May not meet specific needs 84. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT
B. Accuracy of the second
C. May have transcription errors
D. Not readily available or inexpensive TION IS CALLED THE QUARTILE RANGE.
79. If the respondent is asked to indicate his or B. THE DISPERSION IN A SERIES INDI-
her first, second, third, and fourth choices CATES THE RELIABILITY OF THE MEA-
of hotels, the results are: SURE OF CENTRAL TENDENCY.
B. Ordinal
C. Interval
80. The data collection method where only 85. Time series analysis helps us to analyze
some elements of the population are used past trends, but it cannot aid us in future
as research objects is also called uncertainties
A. Sensus A. True
B. Survey B. False
76. C 77. B 78. D 79. B 80. B 81. A 82. A 83. B 84. D 85. B
86. What is the total ways to select one, two, 91. Identify the data set’s level of measure-
three and four numbers out of 6 numbers? ment:The nationality of each person on an
86. D 87. B 88. A 89. B 90. C 91. B 92. B 93. C 94. D 95. D 96. C
96. A method of sampling that involves divid- 101. What is the purpose of an ogive?
ing a population into smaller groups-called A. To display cumulative frequencies
B. To display stem-and-leaf plots
A. Simple Random Sampling
C. To calculate relative frequencies
B. Systematic Sampling
D. To organize qualitative data
C. Stratified Sampling
102. If Gallup, Harris, and other pollsters
D. Cluster Sampling
asked people to indicate their political
partyaffiliation as Democrat, Republican,
97. A bag contains 1 yellow ball and 9 red
or Independent, the data gathered would
balls. A ball is chosen at random from
be anexample of which scale of measure-
the bag. What is the BEST answer for the
probability of drawing the yellow ball?
A. Nominal
A. impossible
B. Ordinal
B. unlikely
C. Interval
C. very likely
D. Ratio
D. certain
103. In a group of 12 students at a college,
98. Regression analysis is primarily used for 9 use Instagram. Five students are se-
data visualization. True or False? lected fromthis group of 12 and are asked
A. True whether or not they use Instagram. Is this
experiment abinomial experiment?
B. False
99. The wildlife department has been feed- B. YES
ing a special food to rainbow trout fin-
gerlings in apond. Based on a large num- 104. This scale of measurement assumes equal
ber of observations, the distribution of distances between any two points starting
trout weights isnormally distributed with from an arbitrary zero.
a mean of 402.7 grams and a standard de- A. Nominal
viation 8.8 grams.What is the probability
B. Ordinal
that the mean weight for a sample of 40
trout exceeds 405.5grams? C. Interval
A. 1.0 D. Ratio
B. 0.3782 105. Respondents were asked, “Do you now
C. 0.5 earn more than or less than you did five
yearsago?” What is this level of measure-
D. 0.0222 ment?
100. Of the four types of variations, cyclical is A. Interval
the most difficult to predict. B. Ratio
A. True C. Nominal
B. False D. Ordinal
108. Involves summarizing data or informa- C. They are both the median
tion in textual, graphical or tabular form D. None of the above
A. Organization 113. The collection of all individuals, items, or
B. Statistics data under consideration in a statistical
C. Population
A. Constant
D. Interpretation
B. Population
109. Suppose a survey is taken of 300 high
C. Sample
school seniors out of a total 1, 000 seniors.
this group is probably a D. Variable
A. system 114. The formula to determine the number of
B. process classes given by strug’srule is which one
of the following
C. sample
A. K=1+3.322(logN)
D. population
B. K=(logN) 1.322
110. Which interval has the highest fre- C. K=1+3.222/logN
D. K=3.322/logN+1
C. Primary data allows researchers to fo- C. The mean is always the largest value
cus on specific issues and collect more ac-
D. The mode is the largest value
curate information.
D. Primary data may have transcription 121. What is the formula to calculate relative
errors. frequency?
116. Find the mode from these test results:17, A. Relative frequency = Frequency /
19, 18, 17, 18, 19, 11, 17, 16, 19, 15, Sum of all frequencies
15, 15, 17, 13, 11.
B. Relative frequency = Frequency *
A. 15 Sum of all frequencies
B. 11
C. Relative frequency = Frequency-Sum
C. 17 of all frequencies
D. 19
D. Relative frequency = Frequency +
117. What type of variable is the number of Sum of all frequencies
gallons of gasoline pumped by a filling sta-
tionduring a day? 122. It is the average of the given numbers
A. Qualitative and is calculated by dividing the sum of
given numbers by the total number of num-
B. Continuous bers.
C. Attribute
A. Mean
D. Discrete
B. Median
118. What is the mode?
C. Mode
A. # happening the most
D. None of these
B. the average
C. biggest-smallest 123. Deciles divide the total number of obser-
D. the middle # vations into how many parts?
125. Dr. Dre is a dentist. He needs to report 129. What is the class mark for the class inter-
on the average (Mean) number of cavities val 27-43?
that his patients have.1, 0, 1, 5, 0, 3, 4.
B. A regression line is also known as the D. a data value generated by the statisti-
estimating equation cal information
C. A regression line is also known as the 132. In Laspeyre’s price index number weight
prediction equation is considered as
D. All of the above A. quantity in base year
B. quantity during current year
127. What type of level measurement if data
C. prices in base year
recorded as labels or names, they have
no order, they can only be classified and D. prices in current year
133. This interview method is typically the
A. Nominal fastest way to collect data.
B. Ordinal A. The telephone interview
C. Interval B. Executive interview
D. Ratio C. mail survey
D. none of above
128. If two events A and B are mutually ex-
clusive, what does the special rule of addi- 134. What is the midpoint of the first class?
tionstate? A. 10
A. P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) B. 20
B. P(A and B) = P(A) + P(B) C. 15
C. P(A and/or B) = P(A) + P(B) D. 30
D. P(A or B) = P(A)-P(B) E. 40
135. Statistics which is concerned with summa- 141. How many students have more than 1,
rizing values to describe group characteris- 000 songs on their MP3 player?
tics of the data.
A. Descriptive
B. Inferential
C. Parametric
D. Non Parametric
136. Statistics is applicable to Business and
A. 5
A. True B. 16
B. False C. 10
D. 4
137. Is a statistical procedure concerned with
describing the characteristics and proper- 142. That part of the population from which
ties of a group of persons, places or things information is collected.
A. Inferential Statistics A. Constant
B. Descriptive Statistics B. Population
138. To see the relationship between two vari- C. Sample
ables is it better to use a graph? D. Variable
A. Line Graph
143. Marshall-Edgeworth index number for-
B. Bar Graph mula is a weighted average of the
C. Circle Graph Laspeyres and Paasche indexes. True or
D. Graphics Ogive False?
145. Match following levels of measurement 151. is the maximum of a parameter and the-
with the examples:Race or Ethnicity actual value of the parameter.
147. Variables which can take all the pos- A. Time series analysis
sible values in a given specified range B. Correlation analysis
aretermed as:
C. Regression analysis
A. Continuous Variables
D. Cross-sectional analysis
B. Discrete Variables
154. The diagram shows eight cards with dif-
148. The central tendency example of BEREN- ferent letters. Find the number of ways to
SON, LEVINE, SZABAT is related to arrange all the cards without repetition of
A. People height letters.
B. Calories in breakfast
C. Nap minutes
D. Number of migraines A. 8
149. Probability of 53 sundays in a leap year B. 1
is C. 40320
A. 1/7 D. 40340
B. 2/7
155. Selects every kth element in the popula-
C. 3/7 tion for the sample, with the starting point
D. 1 determined at random from the first k ele-
150. Line graphs are used to show the re-
A. Simple Random Sampling
lationship between two continuous vari-
ables. True or False? B. Systematic Sampling
A. True C. Stratified Sampling
B. False D. Cluster Sampling
157. A bag contains 5 red marbles and 4 pink
marbles. A marble is randomly drawn and A. More than 0
then replaced. What is the probability the B. More than-1
first marble is pink and the second is red?
C. More than 1
A. 26.9%
D. Between-1 and 1
B. 24.7%
C. 20.0% 162. Inferential statistics involves
D. 5% A. collection, presentation, and descrip-
tion of sample data
158. Interquartile Range is
B. the technique of interpreting the val-
A. IQR = Q1 − Q2 ues resulting from the descriptive tech-
B. IQR = Q2 − Q1 niques and making decisions and drawing
conclusions about the population
C. IQR = Q3 − Q1
D. IQR = Q1 − Q3 C. attempting to provide incorrect infor-
mation and provide misleading graphs
159. The total area under the normal distribu-
D. using information, numbers, and
tion curve is
graphics even when data can’t be col-
A. 1 lected
B. 100%
163. In how many ways 4 books can be ar-
C. 0.5 ranged in book shelf in a row?
D. 0
E. Either one of the first two options is
A. 32
B. 24
C. 9
D. 16
166. If a=100, b=-0.5 and Price is 10, What 171. How many red cards are in a standard
is the demand? deck of cards?
A. 105
B. 95
C. 90
D. 85
A. 16
A. Increasing sample size decreases the
dispersion of the sampling distribution B. 20
B. The sampling distribution of the sam- C. 26
ple means is uniform D. 13
C. Sample size is important when the pop-
ulation is not normally distributed 172. Dr. Dre is a dentist. He needs to report
on the average number of cavities that his
D. The sampling distribution of the sam- patients have.1, 0, 1, 5, 6, 3, 4
ple means will be skewed
173. What is the area under the normal curve A. Standard Deviation
between z = 0.0 and z = 1.79? B. Variance
A. 0.9599 C. Coefficient of Variation
B. 0.0401 D. None of the above
C. 0.4633
179. What is the formula of Karl’s Pearson
D. 0.0367
Measures of Skewness?
174. Percentage bar diagram has: A. σ
A. equal width Q3 +Q1 −2Md
B. Q3 −Q1
B. data expressed in percentage Q3 −Q1
C. 2(P90 −P10 )
C. equal interval
D. σ
D. equal width and equal interval
175. What is the median of 26, 30, 24, 32, 180. Divided bar chart is considered for
32, 31, 27, and 29? A. Comparing different components of a
A. 32 variable
193. What percentage of the data is between 198. Pie charts are useful for displaying the
90 and 140? proportions of different categories within
a whole. True or False?
A. True
B. False
A. 25 %
199. What type of variable is the number of
B. 50%
car accidents reported in your city?
C. 75%
A. Attribute
D. 100%
B. Continuous
194. The steps of statistical investigation in-
C. Discrete
clude all the following EXCEPT:
D. Qualitative
A. Collection
B. Organization 200. It is associated with a confidence inter-
C. Dictation val which states how much confidence we
have that true population parameter.
D. Interpretation
A. Confidence level
195. is a set of methods used to organize
and display data with tables, graphs, or B. Confidence Intervals
201. estimate the value for 1980y=45+2.5x
A. Inferential statistics year of origin is 1996 to 1999 so (a)
B. Descriptive statistics +2.5x
C. Applied statistics. A. a 52.5
D. none of above B. 42.9
196. The time taken for each customer to C. 53.5
buy a product from a store is normally Explanation:2.5(x+3)
distributed. The mean time is 16 min- D. none of above
utes while standard deviation is 4 minutes.
Then from 100 customers, how many cus- 202. Population Variance
tomers will spend time less than 10 min-
Σ(µ +xi )2
utes in the store? A. σ 2 = N
A. 6 Σ(xi −µ )2
B. σ 2 = N
B. 10 Σ(xi −x)2
C. σ 2 = n−1
C. 12
Σ(xi +x)2
D. 14 D. σ 2 = n−1
203. A coin is tossed and then a regular 6- D. allows probing and follow up-
sided die is rolled. What is the probabil- questions.
ity of the resulting outcome being (tails,
C. All True
D. Numerical Data
B. 3/5
A. 1/2
C. 2/5
B. 1/7
D. 9/10 C. 2/15
213. What is the mode? 100, 101, 102, 100, D. 2/17
101, 102, 100, 101, 102, 100
217. We can say not only that one object is
A. 100 greater or less than another
B. 102 A. Nominal
C. 101 B. Ordinal
D. 103 C. Interval
D. Ratio
214. The relative measures of dispersion are
218. Find the mode:3.8, 4.2, 4.0, 4.2, 4.2
A. Co-efficient of Q.D
A. 4.2
B. Co-efficient of M.D
B. 3.8
C. Co-efficient of S.D C. 4.0
D. All the above D. 4
215. An infinite population is one that 219. Which scatter plots shows a strong neg-
ative relationship between two variables
A. can be physically listed
B. the membership in the population is
unlimited A.
C. ends abruptly due to artificial interven-
tion, such as treating with an antibiotic
D. ends abruptly due to natural causes,
such as a flood or the ice age
A. Mode
D. B. Median
B. 7 B. 4
C. 8 C. 3
D. 9 D. 2
221. is the range of the value of the test value 226. Laspeyres’ index number formula consid-
that indicates that there is significant dif- ers the base year quantities. True or
ference and that the null hypothesis should False?
be rejected.
A. True
A. Critical or rejection region
B. False
B. Non-critical or non-rejection region
227. What type of variable is the number of
222. For a normal distribution, what is the auto accidents reported in a given month?
likelihood (expressed as a percentage)
that arandom variable is within plus and A. Interval
minus two standard deviations of the B. Ratio
C. Continuous
A. 34.13%
D. Discrete
B. 95.44%
C. 68.26% 228. temperatures of 22 selected refrigera-
D. 99.74%
A. Nominal
223. The weekly incomes of a large group of
executives are normally distributed with B. Ordinal
a meanof $2, 000 and a standard devia- C. Interval
tion of $100. What is the z-score for an
D. Ratio
income of $2, 100?
A. 2.00 229. What is the key feature of a symmetric
B. 1.683 histogram?
230. This method involves dividing the popula- 235. Find the mean of tossing 4 coins
tion into subgroups or strata and selecting A. 1
a random sample from each stratum.
B. 2
A. Quota Sampling
C. 3
B. Judgement Sampling D. 4
C. Convenience sampling 236. All college students living in the state of
D. Stratified Random sampling Arkansas is an example of
A. sample
231. Which word is NOT part of the definition
of descriptive statistics? B. population
C. statistical study
A. Organizing
D. none of above
B. Analyzing
237. If P(A) = 1/5, P(B) = 0, then what will
C. Presenting be the value of P(A|B)?
D. Predicting A. 0
A. Alligators A. Qualitative
B. Penguins B. Quantitative
241. Combined arithmetic mean X n 246. The value of the correlation is always
(n +n + +nk )(X1 +X2 + +Xk ) A. 1
A. 1 2 n
n1 X1 +n2 X2 + +nk Xk B. 0
B. n1 +n2 + +nk
C. -1
n1 X1 +n2 X2 + +nk Xk
C. n D. lies between-1 and 1
X1 +X2 + +Xk
D. n1 +n2 + +nk
247. What is the key feature of a negatively
242. Pin code is an example of scale of skewed histogram?
measurement? A. Skewed to the right
A. Nominal B. Skewed to the left
B. Ordinal C. Uniform distribution
C. Ratio D. No specific pattern
D. Interval
248. The general process of gathering, orga-
243. Which of the following refers to the nizing, summarizing, analyzing, and inter-
MOST frequently occurring number in dis- preting data is called
tribution A. statistics
A. mean B. descriptive statistics
B. median C. inferential statistics
C. mode D. levels of measurement
D. range
249. The Mann-Whitney U test is preferred to
244. Isaac Newton is trying to figure out the a t-test when
law of gravity. He drops apples from var- A. Sample sizes are small
ious heights and records the time it takes
for each to hit the ground. What kind of B. Data are paired
data collection is he using? C. Samples are smaller
A. Census D. Assumption of normality is not met
B. Direct Observation
250. Kasia has these items in her kitchen cabi-
C. Experimental net 2 cans of tomato soup 3 cans of chicken
D. Surveying soup 2 cans of cheese soup 2 cans of
potato soup 1 can of beef soupTwo cans
245. The names of the positions in a corpora- of soup are chosen without replacement.
tion, such as chief operating officer or con- What is the probability of choosing a can of
troller, are examples of what type of vari- tomato soup followed by a can of cheese
able? soup?
C. 1/25 A. fx/n
D. 1/5 B. A+fx/n
C. AM+Sigma fd/n
251. The Central Limit Theorem says that the
D. AM-Sigma fd/n
standard deviation of the sampling distri-
bution of the sample means is 257. the scores in a basketball match are as
A. equal to the population standard devia- follows:7, 13, 18, 24, 9, 3, 18 which
tion divided by the square root of the sam- score occurred most often?
ple size. A. 9
B. close to the population standard devi- B. 13
ation if the sample size is large. C. 18
C. exactly equal to the standard devia- D. 24
D. none of above 258. Calculated Average is
A. Median
252. Cumulative percentage is used to con-
B. Mode
C. Geometric Mean
A. scatter plot
D. Dispersion
B. histogram
C. ready card 259. The standard deviation of a set of num-
bers is zero. Which of the following must
D. pie chart be true?
253. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet soft- A. Some of the values are negative and
ware some are positive
A. True B. All the values must be zero
B. False C. Some values must be zero
D. All values must be equal
254. the rejection region is divided into two
equal parts 260. A commuter travels many miles to work
A. one-tailed test each morning. She has timed this trip 5
timesduring the last month. The time (in
B. two-tailed test
minutes) required to make this trip was
255. Which of the following are common rea- 44, 39, 41, 35, and 41. The mean time re-
sons for studying both secular trends and quired for this trip was 40 minutes.What
seasonal variations: is the variance for this sample data?
A. To describe past patterns A. 8.8
B. To allow the elimination of the compo- B. 11
nent from the series C. 0
C. To project past patterns into the future D. 3
D. All the above E. -2
conclusions about a population based on
B. 10.1 sample data.
C. 7.26
D. Hypothesis testing is a method used to
D. 9 analyze qualitative data.
273. Index number is always expressed in 279. Data that is the result of grouping or de-
A. Ratio scribing the attributes of a population. For
B. Percentage example, hair color may be black, dark
brown, light brown, blonde, gray, or red.
C. Proportion
A. Qualitative Data
D. None of the above
B. Data Kualitatif
274. Classification based on time is
C. All True
A. Qualitative classification
D. Numerical Data
B. Quantitative classification
C. Chronological classification 280. Which sampling method consist of you
D. Geographical classification first dividing the population first into sub-
275. The word ‘Statistics’ is of European Ori-
A. simple random sampling
B. cluster sampling
A. True
B. False C. stratified sampling
D. convenience sampling
276. A company makes DVDs and randomly se-
lects 25 from 1500 to test them to see if 281. Descriptive Statistics are used to make
they work. predictions
A. Biased A. True
B. Unbiased
B. False
277. What type of level measurement of the
following example?the list of top ten 282. To find the average of a set of numbers,
states for best business climate add up all the items and divide by
A. Nominal A. 2.
B. Ordinal B. The smallest number
C. Interval C. The largest number
D. Ratio D. The number of items in the set.
C. Age A. A+ Σ
D. Weight B. fd/N
C. A+ Σ
288. When you employ somebody giving them
a wage then you are an- D. Σ
A. Employer 293. A population is the entire group from
B. employee which we can draw conclusions.
C. Service provider A. True
D. Service holder B. False
294. What was the most popular party type? 299. THE SUM OF DEVIATIONS TAKEN FROM
B. Skating
300. What is the median of 26, 30, 24, 32,
C. Dancing 32, 31, 29, & 27?
D. Total A. 32
304. If the quartiles Q 1 = 36.27, Q2 = 308. Which statement is correct when describ-
44.27 and Q3 = 58.97 ing a standardized normal distribution?
D. Twenty five percent of the customers C. Values above the mean have positive
spent greater than or equal to $58.97 z-values and values below the mean have
negative z-values.
305. Which of the following are characteristics D. None of the above
of a normal distribution? Select all the cor-
rect answers 309. Measures the variability of a distribution
A. Bell-shaped using the minimum and maximum value
B. Asymmetrical A. Mean
B. 125% 318. For the following distribution:What is the
C. 10% variance of the distribution?
D. 25%
314. In construction of frequency distribution,
we generally use classes of
A. Unequal width
B. equal width
C. both
D. None
315. What is the probability you spin some-
thing greater than 10
A. 2.1
B. 0.364
C. 1.000
D. 0.132
319. An experiment is
A. a planned activity whose results yield
a set of data
B. a numerical value that summarizes all
A. 5 of the data of an entire population
B. 3/10 C. the set of values collected from the
C. 10/15 variable from each of the elements that
belong to the sample
D. 3/8
D. A numerical value summarizing the
316. the value which divide the given data in sample data
four equal parts is known as
320. Is a science that deals with the collection,
A. Quartile presentation, analysis, and interpretation
B. Decile of quantitative data
C. percentile A. Collection
D. median B. Statistics
C. Analysis
D. Interpretation
329. and are types of measures of dis- 334. What is the mean?4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 10, 1
A. 7
A. Nominal, Real
B. 4.5
B. Nominal and Relative
C. 5
C. Real and Relative
D. 8
D. Absolute and Relative
335. The harmonic mean of 0.5 and 0.25
330. Multiplication Law
A. 0.33
A. P (A ∩ B) = P (B) P (A |B|)
B. P (A ∩ B) = P (B |A|) P (A) B. 0.22
331. This is the lowest level of measurement. 336. Which of the two situations below is an
example of systematic sampling?
A. Nominal
B. Ordinal A. 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21th, 24nd,
27th, and so forth.
C. Interval
B. 6th, 9th, 12th, 5th, 8th, 21th, 15nd,
D. Ratio 27th, and so forth.
332. A discrete variable
337. Please choose the correct distribution
A. is a qualitative variable that character- rules of a normal distribution:
izes, describes, or names an element of a
A. µ ± 2σ ≈ 68.26%
B. µ ± σ ≈ 95%
B. is a qualitative variable that incorpo-
rates an ordered position, or ranking C. µ ± 2σ ≈ 95%
C. a quantitative variable that can as- D. µ ± 3σ ≈ 99.73%
sume a countable number of values, in
other words, there is a gap between any 338. A distribution for which the mean is more
two values than the median is said to be
D. a quantitative variable that can as- A. bimodal
sume an uncountable number of values,
B. symmetrical
in other words, it includes every possible
value between any two values C. positively skewed
adults in this sample who do not have a re- 354. All of the following are data collection
ligious affiliation. Find the mean and stan- methods EXCEPT:
darddeviation of the probability distribu- A. interview
tion of x.
B. observation
A. 11.4 AND 2.9666
C. sample
B. 12.4 AND 2.9666
D. survey
C. 13.4 AND 2.9666
355. Mode= l +h (f1-fo)/(2f1-fo-f2) In this
D. 14.4 AND 2.9666
formula f1 stands for
350. Which one of the following is the mini- A. Frequency of Modal Class
mum root mean-square deviation B. Cumulative Frequency of Modal Class
A. Range C. Frequency of preceding Class
B. Quartile deviation D. Frequency of succeeding Class
C. Mean deviation
356. Poisson distribution is used to model con-
D. Standard deviation tinuous data. True or False?
364. What is the probability of event A or B 369. Which of the following are examples of
continuous variables? More than one op-
tion can be selected
A. Your parents’ age
B. The distance from your house to RMIT
A. 0.6 C. Your bank account balance
B. 0.1 D. The number of pets one can have
C. 0.35 E. Your weight or height
D. 0.9
370. The branch of statistics that presents
365. What type of variable is the number of techniques for testing sets of measure-
robberies reported in your city? ments is called
A. Attribute A. Descriptive
D. 16
C. Circle Graph
D. Graphics Ogive
377. is a statistical method that is used in mak-
E. Graphics Scatter ing statistical decisions using experimental
372. Paulo got these markers in three
tests:72, 80 and 82. He had one more A. Hypothesis testing
test to sit. He wanted an average of 80
for the four tests. What mark must he get B. Statistical hypothesis
in the fourth test?
A. 78 378. A characteristic of interest for the ele-
B. 80 ments
C. 84 A. Dataset
D. 86 B. Elements
373. Find the mean of these set of num- C. Variable
bers:100, 1050, 320, 600 and 150.
A. 333 D. Observation
B. 444
379. The National Center for Health Statistics
C. 440
reported that of every 883 deaths in re-
D. 320 centyears, 24 resulted from an automobile
accident, 182 from cancer, and 333 from
374. Is a conjecture about the population pa-
heartdisease. What is the probability that
rameter. This conjecture may or may not
a particular death is due to an automobile
be true.
A. Statistical hypothesis
A. 24/883 or 0.027
B. Hypothesis testing
B. 539/883 or 0.610
375. With 100 units of data, if you are asked
to create a distribution frequency table, C. 24/333 or 0.072
how many classes are required?
A. 4 D. 182/883 or 0.206
B. 5
380. Claire has 5 cookies, Brooke has 3 cook-
C. 6 ies, Deandra has 6 cookies, and Lucy has 2
D. 7 cookies. Find the mean number of cookies.
A. A qualitative variable describes or cat- 384. What kind of graph would you use to rep-
egorizes an element of population, while resent the speed in km per hour of the
a quantitative variable quantifies an ele- world’s fastest 20 animals?
ment of a population A. Bar Graph
B. A quantitative variable describes or B. Pie Graph
categorizes an element of population,
while a qualitative variable quantifies an C. Pictograph
element of a population D. Line Graph
C. A qualitative variable describes an el- 385. Market Research is one of the major ap-
ement of the sample population, while plications of statistics in managerial deci-
a quantitative variable quantifies an ele- sion making
ment of total population
A. True
D. A quantitative variable describes an el-
B. False
ement of the sample population, while a
qualitative variable quantifies an element 386. Which of the following is a continuous
of total population variable?
382. Baier’s Electronics manufactures com- A. The number of students in the class.
puter parts that are supplied to many com- B. The time taken to complete a test.
puter companies.Despite the fact that two
C. The total books in a store room.
quality control inspectors at Baier’s Elec-
tronics check every part fordefects before D. The record of the tables in a classroom
it is shipped to another company, a few de-
fective parts do pass through theseinspec- 387. You roll one die. What is the probability
tions undetected. Let x denote the number that you roll a 6?
of defective computer parts in a shipment A. 1/2
B. 7, 6, 5 B. A box contains five marbles of differ-
C. 6, 5, 7 ent colors. A marble isdrawn from this
box, its color is recorded, and it is put
D. 7, 5, 6
backinto the box before the next marble
389. Index Numbers are called is drawn. This experimentis repeated 12
A. Economic Barometer
B. Statistical Barometer 395. A list of 5 pulse rates is:76, 73, 69, 88,
97. What is the median?
C. Mathematical Berometer
D. Physical Barometer A. 76
B. 73
390. The value of the variable at which the
curve reaches the maximum is C. 97
A. Mean D. 88
B. Median
396. Bayes’ formula is used to update the
C. Percentile probability of an event based on new in-
D. Mode formation. True or False?
A. True
391. What is the inter-quartile range for the
numbers 8, 4, 2, 16, 7, 20, ? B. False
A. 9
397. Modes of presentation of data
B. 12
A. Textual, tabular, external
C. 16
B. Textual, internal, graphical
D. 20
C. Graphical, tabular, External
392. Bar graphs are suitable for comparing cat-
D. Textual, tabular, diagramatic
egorical data. True or False?
A. True 398. Which of the following is not a “mea-
B. False sures of dispersiion”
A. Range
393. A formula in the spreadsheet should al-
ways start with B. Variance
A. a plus sign C. Mean
B. an asterisk D. Standard Deviation
Instagram.A sample of five students from
this college is selected, and these students 415. A technique of studying the dependence
areasked whether or not they use Insta- of one variable (called dependant vari-
gram. Is this experiment a binomial ex- able), on one or more variables (called ex-
periment? planatory variable), with a view to esti-
mate or predict the average value of the
A. NO dependent variables in terms of the known
B. YES or fixed values of the independent vari-
ables is called as
411. A bag contains 30 pieces of candy. There
A. Regression
are 15 grape, 7 cherry, 3 lemon, 5 straw-
berry. What is the probability of drawing B. Correlation
a lemon? C. Attribution
A. 3 D. Probability
B. 1/10 416. Which of the following is primary data?
C. 3/10 A. Face-to-face interviews, question-
D. 30% naires
B. records published by the Department
412. The arithmetic mean of 20 observations of Statistics Malaysia
from group A is 8, while the arithmetic
mean of 5 observation from group B is 12. C. Malaysian rice import and export data
If the two groups are merged, what is the
arithmetic mean for the entire group? D. none of above
A. 0.8 417. Data in the form of cumulative frequency
B. 10 is better to use graphs?
C. 9.5 A. Line Graph
D. 8.8 B. Bar Graph
C. Circle Graph
413. The values of extreme items do not influ-
ence the average for D. Graphics Ogive
E. Graphics Scatter
A. Mean
B. Median 418. Which measure of central tendency is
generally used in determining the size of
C. Mode
the most sealable shoes in a department
D. Harmonic Mean store?
430. What type of variable is the number of 434. A student receives test scores of 62, 83
gallons of gasoline pumped by a filling sta- and 91. The final exam score is 88 and the
tionduring a day? homework score is 76. Each test is worth
20% of the final grade, the final exam is
A. Qualitative
25% of the final grade, and the homework
B. Discrete grade is 15% of the final grade. What is
C. Attribute the student’s mean score in the class?
D. Continuous A. 76.6
B. 90.6
431. If you randomly pick from the following
M M colors from a bag, what is the prob- C. 80.6
ability that you choose blue?5 green6 yel- D. 85.6
low8 blue7 brown
435. The coefficient of correlation is indepen-
dent of
A. change of scale
B. change of origin
C. both change of scale and change of ori-
D. none of these
A. 8/26 or 4/13
436. What is the difference between a sample
B. 7/26 mean and the population mean called?
C. 8/25 A. Standard error of the mean
D. 1/3 B. Margin error
432. Calculate the geometric Mean of 1, 3, 9, C. Point estimate
3 D. Sampling error
A. 1
437. Which is not included as a qualitative
B. 2 variable?
C. 3 A. gender
D. 4 B. the life of a car battery
433. The answer to” what is the change in ag- C. state of birth
gregate value of the base period list of D. eye color
commodity when valued at given period
prices” is provided by 438. A time series consists of data arranged
A. Laspeyre’s Index A. Chronologically
B. Paasche’s index B. Geographically
C. Fisher Index C. Serially
D. None of these D. Intermittently
449. Classification of Data: 453. What is the relative frequency of the first
A. It condenses the data and facilitates class?
comparisons A. 0.15
B. It helps to study the relationships B. 0.3
C. It facilitates the statistical treatment C. 0.1
of the data
D. 0.2
D. All of the above
E. 0.4
450. Refer to the following distribution of
ages:What is the class midpoint of the 454. This method involves randomly selecting
highest class? a sample from the population without any
A. Simple Random Sampling
B. Systematic Random Sampling
C. Stratified Random Sampling
D. Cluster Random Sampling
A. B54
B. 55 455. Are data that can assume values that
C. 64 manifest the concept of attributes
D. 65 A. Quantitative Data
B. Data
451. Fisher’s Index Number is of
Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s index number C. Qualitative Data
A. A.M D. Variable
B. Median
456. According to Chebyshev’s Theorem how
C. G.M many values in a data set will be within 2
D. Mode standard deviations of the mean?
B. The percent of purple candies will ap- 462. The bar graph shows the number of ani-
proach 25% mals sold at a pet store in one week. How
many animals were sold?
467. Two events A and B are independent if 473. A SERIES HAS ITS MEAN AS 15 END
B. P (B |A|) = P(A)
A. 5
C. P (A |B|) = P (B) B. 10.
D. P (A |B|) = P (A) C. 3
D. 7.
468. A data set can have more than one mode
474. The average score of 100 students taking
A. True
a statistics final was 70, with a standard-
B. False deviation of 7. Assuming a normal distri-
bution, what test score separates the top
469. Which number is not the mean, median, 5% ofthe students from the lower 95%
mode, or range of the data set 4, 3, 15, of the students?
11, 3, 8, 7, 5?
A. 90.00
A. 3
B. 78.96
B. 6
C. 81.55
C. 12 D. 83.72
D. 11
475. Find the MODE of the numbers:2, 4, 5, 5,
470. Inter Quartile Deviation = Q3-Q1 6, 8, 6, 2, 4, 6, 8
A. True A. 6
B. False B. 4
C. 5
471. The number of pages that Carolyn wrote
D. 2
in her journal each day from Monday to Fri-
day is shown below:9, 8, 12, 6, 10 What 476. A survey includes a question regarding
is the mean number of pages she wrote marital status that has the following re-
per day? sponses:single, married, divorced, sepa-
A. 5 rated, or widowed. What is the scale of
measurement forthis question?
B. 6
A. Ratio
C. 9
B. Interval
D. 11
C. Ordinal
472. What was the lowest number in the data D. Nominal
477. State any 4 objects of classification
A. 0
A. To present complex data into simple
B. 10 form
C. 7 B. For comparision of data
D. 2 C. To remove Irrelevant details
E. 1 D. All of the above
486. What is the median of the data be- 490. A marketing class of 50 students eval-
low?20, 3, 17, 1, 5 uated the instructor using the following
scale:superior, good, average, poor, and
A. 5
inferior. The descriptive summary showed
B. 17 thefollowing survey results:2% superior,
C. 19 8% good, 45% average, 45% poor, and
D. 9.2
A. A. Most students rated the instructor
487. What is the formula for calculating the as poor or average
median? B. B. The instructor’s performance was
A. Add all the numbers together and di- inferior
vide by the total count. C. C The instructor’s performance was
B. Find the average of all the numbers. great
C. Multiply the largest and smallest val- D. D.No conclusions can be made
ues. 491. Paasches’ index number formula consid-
D. Arrange the numbers in ascending or- ers the current year quantities. True or
der and find the middle value. False?
A. True
488. What is the probability of spinning
green? B. False
all members. The first person selected
becomes the president, the second is the
secretary, and thethird one takes over as
treasurer. Thus, the order in which 3
names are selected from the 20 names
isimportant. Find the total number of ar-
rangements of 3 names from these 20. A. 48
A. 6850 B. 39
B. 6860 C. 38
C. 6830 D. 84
D. 6840 509. Always start from the absolute or true
zero point
506. A continuous variable
A. Nominal
A. is a qualitative variable that character-
izes, describes, or names an element of a B. Ordinal
population C. Interval
B. is a qualitative variable that incorpo- D. Ratio
rates an ordered position, or ranking
510. A bi-variate frequency distribution is
C. a quantitative variable that can as- a type of statistical distribution thatin-
sume a countable number of values, in volves two variables
other words, there is a gap between any
A. True
two values
B. False
D. a quantitative variable that can as-
sume an uncountable number of values, 511. Variation is
in other words, it includes every possible
A. the extent to which the values of a nu-
value between any two values
merical variable group around a typical, or
507. Is a characteristic or property of a popula- central, value.
tion or sample, which makes the members B. the amount of dispersion, or scatter-
different from each other. ing, away from a central value that the val-
ues of a numerical variable show
A. Discrete Data
C. the pattern of the distribution of values
B. Continuous Data
from the lowest value to the highest value.
C. Variable D. Describing the relationship between
D. Data two numerical variables
512. Given sample data:8, 3, 7, 4, 5, 8, 5, 8, 517. Identify the sample:A survey of 500
6. Calculate the average! adults in the U.S. found that 54% drink
coffee daily.
159cm What is the range of the heights?
524. this graph is indicates A. 13cm
A. positive correlation B. 14cm
B. Negative Correlation C. 164cm
D. Non of the above 531. Tabulating customer data can help busi-
nesses understand their customers’
525. Statistics are used as a basis for making A. preferences
B. demographics
A. True
C. buying behavior
B. False
D. preferences, demographics and buy-
526. Business Statistics aids managerial deci- ing behavior
sion making. 532. Z-score is used when standard devi-
A. True ation is known?
B. False A. Population
B. Sample
527. Frequency distribution
C. None of the above
A. Arranges observations in increasing
D. none of above
B. Arranges observations in terms of a 533. The mean is a measure of central ten-
number of groups dency that is influenced by extreme values.
True or False?
C. Relates to a measurable charasteric
A. True
D. All of the above
B. False
528. Which one of them is the simplest method 534. What is the probability of selecting an or-
of studying dispersion ange candy?
A. Range
B. Quartile deviation
C. Mean deviation
D. Standard deviation
A. 0% C. Ordinal
B. 25% D. Ratio
536. What value is the lower quartile? 541. What is meant by class in statistics?
A. Data collection categories
B. Midpoint of class
C. Ratio of frequency in class to total
A. 66 D. Different class boundaries
B. 58
544. An accelerated life test on a large num- C. a characteristic that changes when the
ber of type-D alkaline batteries revealed data is collected
that themean life for a particular use be- D. a characteristic or trait that will be ig-
fore they failed is 19.0 hours. The distri- nored in a sample population
bution of the livesapproximated a normal
distribution. The standard deviation of the 549. A parameter is
distribution was 1.2hours. About 95.44%
A. a planned activity whose results yield
of the batteries failed between what two
a set of data
B. a numerical value that summarizes all
A. 12.2 and 14.2
of the data of an entire population
B. 16.6 and 21.4
C. the set of values collected from the
C. 14.1 and 22.1 variable from each of the elements that
D. 8.9 and 18.9 belong to the sample
D. A numerical value summarizing the
545. Frequency distribution of a continuous
sample data
variable is known as
A. Grouped frequency distribution 550. When drawing a pie chart, make sure
that the in the pie chart is correct and
B. Ungrouped frequency distribution
each part needs to
C. simple frequency distribution
A. label, percent
D. A and B
B. pattern, percent
546. Secular trend refers to C. frequencies, labeled
A. Short term movement D. percent, labeled
B. Medium-term movement
551. Correlation measures the strength and di-
C. Long term movement rection of the relationship between two
D. Seasonal movement variables. True or False?
A. True
547. A toy store owner tracking how much
kids spend each month on toys. Which B. False
choice best represents a population?
552. The collection of one or more outcomes
A. All of the kids who buy toys. from an experiment is called
B. 227 wealthy kids. A. Probability
C. 228 boys age 7-15 B. Event
D. 235 kids from age 10 to 15. C. Random Variable
548. A variable (or response variable) is D. Sample Space
A. a characteristic of interest about each 553. Manufacturers were subdivided into
individual element of a population or sam- groups by volume of sales. Those with
ple more than$100 million in sales were clas-
B. a characteristic that is irrelevant to the sified as large; those from $50 to $100
collection of the data million as mediumsize; and those between
$25 and $50 million, and so on. Sam- 559. Calculate the probability of choosing
ples were then selected fromeach of these someone with blue eyes.
groups. What is this type of sampling
B. Statistics A. 0.32
C. Mathematics B. 0.42
D. Data Science
C. 0.68
Explanation:Yups The science that
studies statistics is Statistics D. 1.47
556. What is the mean of this data set? 7, 4,
9, 6, 4 561. This Probability distribution is used for
continuous variables
A. 4
B. 6 A. Binomial
C. 3 B. poisson
D. 8 C. normal
557. Calculate Arithmetic Mean D. none of the above
A. 22
B. 23 562. If the standard deviation and coefficient
C. 20 of variation of a certain series are 14 and
70 respectively. What is the arithmetic
D. 24 mean of the series?
558. Theorems of probability include: A. 5
A. Addition theorem
B. 10
B. Multiplication theorem
C. Bayes’ theorem C. 15
D. All D. 20
belong to the sample 568. Probability can be between what two
D. A numerical value summarizing the
sample data A. 10 and 20
B. 0 and 100
564. y = 45+2.5x year origin is 1996 to 1999
find straight line C. 0 and 1
573. What is the purpose of descriptive statis- D. deriving and communicating meaning-
tics? ful conclusions
B. Can not be quantified MEDIAN AND MODE DO NOT HAVE THE
merical significant.
D. Qualitative variable can be counted or C. 90
measured. D. 86
600. A statistic is 605. An experiment involves selecting a ran-
A. a planned activity whose results yield dom sample of 256 middle managers for
a set of data study.One item of interest is their annual
income. The sample mean is computed to
B. a numerical value that summarizes all be $35, 420, and the sample standard de-
of the data of an entire population viation is $2, 050. What is the sample
C. the set of values collected from the standard error of themean?
variable from each of the elements that A. $138.36
belong to the sample
B. $8.01
D. A numerical value summarizing the
C. $128.125
sample data
D. $2, 050
601. What is the class interval of Q1
606. In this method, researchers select the
samples based purely on the researcher’s
knowledge and credibility.
A. Quota Sampling
A. 151-200 B. Snowball Sampling
B. 201-250 C. Judgement Sampling
C. 251-300 D. None of these
D. 301-350 607. Calculate Arithmetic mean
609. The mean of five numbers is 14. Four of 614. What is the range of the set:49, 68, 62,
the numbers are 10, 15, 12, 17. What is 47, 39, 54, 43
the fifth number?
619. Determine the range of the values 36, 18, C. primary and secondary
16, 18, 43, 20 D. quantitative and qualitative
A. 16 625. How many cards are in a standard deck
B. 18 of cards?
C. 27
D. 43
620. The sum of 5x + 3y and 4x-2y is
A. 5x-8y
B. 9x + y A. 52
C. 8x + 4y B. 56
D. 6x + 5y C. 64
621. X:10 20 30 40 50Y:15 14 13 12 11In D. 42
this example correlation is
626. A is a portion or part of the popula-
A. linear tion of interest.
B. non-linear A. Population
C. positive B. Median
D. all the above C. Standard Deviation
622. What is the probability of event A D. Sample
627. What is the formula for Coefficient of
Quarile Deviation?
A. (Qaa-Q1)/(Qaa+Q1)
B. (Qa+Q1)/(Qa-Q1)
A. 0.4
C. (Qaqq1)/(Qaqq1)
B. 0.6
D. (Q3-Q1)X(Q3+Q1)
C. 0.65
D. 0.9 628. The weight of cans of fruit is normally dis-
tributed with a mean of 1, 000 grams and
623. Sub-divided bar diagram is used to: astandard deviation of 50 grams. What
A. Study relation between different com- percent of the cans weigh 860 grams or
ponent less?
B. Compare different components of a A. 0.0026
variable B. 0.0001
C. Either (a) or (b) C. 0.8400
D. Both (a) and (b) D. 0.0100
B. 16 D. Bar graph
639. Bar diagram is a TICAL PARAMETERS ARE MEAN = 35.45,
A. One-dimensional diagram MEDIAN = 2333.85 AND STANDARD DE-
B. two-dimensional diagram TO BE SOME DISAGREEMENT ABOUT THE
C. diagram with no dimensional SHAPE OF THE DISTRIBUTION. WHICH
640. The length of a class is MANAGEMENT THAT THE SHAPE OF THE
A. The difference between Upper class DISTRIBUTION IS NEGATIVELY SKEWED.
boundary and lower class boundary B. MANAGEMENT FEELS THAT THE
B. The difference between upper class SHAPE OF THE DISTRIBUTION IS POSI-
limit and lower class limit TIVELY SKEWED.
650. The presentation of data can be broadly 655. A study of a company’s practice regard-
classified into ing the payment of invoices revealed that
aninvoice was paid an average of 20 days
A. Only Tabular Presentation
after it was received. The standard de-
B. Only Diagrammatic or Graphical Pre- viationequaled five days. Assuming that
sentation the distribution is normal, what percent of
C. Both:Tabular Presentation and Dia- the invoiceswere paid within 15 days of
grammatic or Graphical Presentation receipt?
D. None of the options A. 37.91%
656. Sam rolled a die 75 times. On 39 of those B. the total number of people that live in
rolls, he had a 6. Which statement is TRUE a particular city
when the probabilities are compared? C. the incomplete collection of individuals
A. The theoretical probability is twice the or objects that are of interest to the sam-
experimental probability. ple collector
B. The experimental probability and the D. a collection of people that are being an-
theoretical probability are equal. alyzed for membership on a list of partic-
ular elements to be studied
C. The theoretical probability is greater
than the experimental probability. 662. The following represent the ages of stu-
D. The experimental probability is dents in a class:19, 23, 21, 19, 19, 20,
greater than the theoretical probability. 22, 31, 21, 20If a stem and leaf plot
were to be developed from this, how many
657. Data that can be classified according to stems would there be?
colour.They are measured on scaie
A. 2
A. Nominal
B. 3
B. Ordinal
C. 4
C. Cardinal
D. 5
D. None of these
E. 10
658. Find the range for the following list of
663. Which of the following are source of sec-
values:13, 18, 13, 14, 13, 16, 14, 21, 13
ondary data.
A. 7
A. Interview
B. 8
B. Questionary
C. 9
C. Observation
D. 10
D. Unpublish thesis
659. Baye’s Theorem is used to compute
664. The number of miles that Jenna cy-
A. Prior Probabilities cled each week for a 7-week period is
B. Joint Probabilities shown:36, 42, 28, 52, 48, 36, 31 What
is the mean number of miles Jenna cycled?
C. Posterior Probabilities
A. 31
D. Conditional Probabilities
B. 36
660. Regression analysis can be used to make
C. 39
predictions and forecasts. True or False?
D. 41
A. True
B. False 665. A diagonal matrix in which all the diago-
nal elements are equal is a
661. The POPULATION in statistics is best de- A. scalar matrix.
scribed by
B. column matrix.
A. a collection, or set, of individuals, ob-
jects, or events whose properties are to C. unit matrix.
be analyzed D. None of these.
σ × 100
A. 720 B.
B. 2880 C. x × 10
x × 100
C. 20160 D.
677. Sarah, Sammie, Victor, Vicki, and Valerie A. Nominal
are in math group. Two students are ran-
B. Ordinal
domly picked to be the co-leaders. What
is the probability that the students picked C. Interval
were Sammie and Victor?
D. Ratio
scores for this season.
D. None of the above
D. The standard deviation of the team’s
697. Wellstone Inc. produces and markets re- score for this season.
placement covers for cell phones in five dif-
ferent colors. To estimate the demand for 702. The values which divides the series into
each color, the company set up a survey ten equal parts is called
and asked randomly selected people which A. Median
cover color was their favorite. If Well-
stone Inc. plans to produce one million cell B. Quartile
phone covers, how many of Metallic Black C. Decile
color should be produced?
D. Percentile
A. 220000
B. 350000 703. Which of the following is not a Measure
of Central Tendency?
C. 250000
A. Mean
D. 80000
B. Median
698. In moving average method we cannot
find trend values of some C. Mode
A. End Periods D. Standard Deviation
B. Middle Period 704. A spinner has 8 equal regions. Each re-
C. Starting and End Periods gion is marked with one of the following
D. Starting Periods numbers:10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.
What is the probability of an even number
699. Find the median for the following list of being spun on the first roll?
values:13, 18, 13, 14, 13, 16, 14, 21, 13
A. 13
B. 14
C. 15
D. 16
700. Median is the middle value of a data set A. 1/8
when arranged in ascending order. True or
False? B. 1/2
A. True C. 1
B. False D. 3/8
705. A lecturer wants to know how students 710. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT
in the class did on their first semester fi- IS TRUE?
nal exam. He asks 15 students by call-
C. Descriptive data 720. To find the you put all numbers in or-
der from least to greatest and then take
D. Inferential data
the largest number minus the smallest
715. What is the formula for calculating the re-
gression line? A. Mean
A. y = ax + b B. Median
B. y = mx + c C. Mode
C. y = nx + b D. Range
B. ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES OF 731. Choose the correct sequence of steps fol-
EACH CLASS INTERVALS lowed in a statistical enquiry-
D. 130
A. Videos 750. Find the range. 5, 15, 10, 20, 15, 10,
B. Games Music 15
C. News Sports A. 5
D. Games News B. 10
C. 15
746. What is the variance of this set of
data?2, 4, 6 D. 13
A. 4 751. It is defined as the reciprocal of the aver-
B. 1.67 age of the reciprocals of the data values.
C. 2.33 A. Arithmetic Mean
D. 2.67 B. Weighted Average
A. True B. 10
B. False C. 1
C. Zip codes of shoppers
D. Rankings of baseball teams in a league
763. A regular 6-sided die is to be rolled once. 767. A fire in a factory delaying production for
What is the probability that a number less some weeks is
than or equal to 4 is rolled?
C. 5/6
D. 2/3
771. level of measurement, data are arranged 775. Which of the following statement uses
in some specified order or rank descriptive statistics?
A. Nominal A. The researcher identified the number
of male and female in Grade 7 level.
B. Ordinal
B. A survey concluded that the Syn-
C. Interval chronous Approach in Teaching Mathe-
D. Ratio matics is better than Asynchronous Ap-
772. Wellstone Inc. produces replacement cov-
C. A teacher compared the study habits
ers for cell phones in five colors. To es-
of Synchronous and Asynchronous stu-
timate the demand for each color, the
company set up a survey and asked ran-
domly selected people which cover color D. The researcher analyzed if there is a
was their favorite. What is the Relative significant differences on the attitude of
Frequency of Magnetic Lime? male and female students towards Math-
ematics 7
A. 0.08
B. 0.25 776. Refers to a large collection of objects,
persons, places, or things
C. 0.35
A. Sample
D. 0.22
B. Parameter
773. Wellstone Inc. produces replacement cov- C. Population
ers for cell phones in five colors. To es- D. Statistic
timate the demand for each color, the
company set up a survey and asked ran- 777. Which one of them is the simplest method
domly selected people which cover color to find correlation
was their favorite. What is the Relative
A. Karl pearson’s method
Frequency of Metallic Black?
B. Rank correlation method
A. 0.08
C. Concurrent deviation method
B. 0.25
D. Correlation graph
C. 0.35
778. The probability that a Formula 1 driver is
D. 0.22
involved in an accident each time he races
774. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT is 1/10. If he take part in three races,
IS NOT TRUE? find the probability that he involved in an
accident in exactly two of the races.
A. 27/1000
B. 9/1000
D. STATISTICS DEALS WITH QUANTITA- 779. Ranked from smallest to largest, the
TIVE DATA numbers of calories for the seven cereals
789. Which one of them is difficult to calculate 794. The two regression coefficients bxy and
A. range byx will have
dia is an example of classification 795. Examples of discrete probability distribu-
A. Geographical classification tion
B. Chronological classification A. Poisson distribution
C. Quantitative classification B. Normal distribution
D. Qualitative classification C. Binomial distribution
811. regression analysis which confines it self 816. In which field of study shows the im-
to study of only two variables is called portance of statistics matches:Assess stu-
A. regressor dents’ performance and correlate factors
affecting teaching and learning processes?
B. predictor
A. Banking
C. regression
D. dependent B. Business
C. Education
812. What is the probability of event A and B
D. Medicine
817. Find the MEDIAN 77, 83, 83, 85, 87, 90,
90, 93, 94, 99, 99
A. 0.6 A. 77
B. 0.1 B. 99
C. 0.35 C. 90
D. 0.9 D. 87
813. The y-axis in a straight line graph 818. Refer to Exhibit 2, what is the probability
indicates , while the horizontal x-axis that in a given game the Lions will score
measures units of at least 1 goal?
A. class, division
B. quantity, time
C. quality, class
D. range, median
B. a census D. 0.95
C. a sample 819. is the range of the values of the test
D. a data set value that indicates that the difference
was probably due to chance and that the
815. Business Statistics helps a business to
null hypothesis should not be rejected.
deal with uncertainties by forecasting sea-
sonal, cyclic and general economic fluctua- A. Critical or rejection region
tions. B. Non-critical or non-rejection region
A. True
B. False 820. What is the probability of picking a green
marble, keeping it, then picking another
C. Maybe green marble? (leave answer in fraction
D. none of above form in lowest terms)
B. 10
830. Sample Variance C. 99
Σ(µ +xi ) D. 100
A. s2 = N
Σ(xi −µ )2 836. Descriptive statistics can be defined as:
B. s2 = N
Σ(xi −x)2 A. analyzing sample data
C. s2 = n−1
B. organizing and summarizing data
Σ(xi +x)2
D. s2 = n−1 C. making inference about a population
based on samples
831. Range, standard deviation, and variance
are ‘similar’ in that each looks at D. testing sample data in order to arrive
at a conclusion about the population
A. the difference between high and low
scores 837. Is it suitable to use graphs for monthly
B. how spread out the data is sales data over several years?
C. the numerical value that occurs most A. Line Graph
often B. Bar Graph
D. the collection to be sampled C. Circle Graph
832. Involves describing the data by using sta- D. Graphics Ogive
tistical method and procedures E. Graphics Scatter
A. Statistics
838. A statistics professor receives an av-
B. Analysis erage of five e-mail messages per day
C. Interpretation from students.Assume the number of mes-
D. Collection sages approximates a Poisson distribution.
What is theprobability that on a randomly
833. Statistics includes selected day she will have no messages?
A. collection of data A. Zero
B. summarising of data B. Impossible to have no messages
C. interpretation of data C. 0.0067
D. none of the three D. 0.0335
834. To compare two or more related series, 839. Suppose we select every fifth invoice in
we consider a file. What type of sampling is this?
A. Multiple bar chart A. random
842. FOR THE GIVEN SET OF OBSERVATIONS 847. A statistics student made the following
51.6, 48.7, 50.3, 49.5 AND 48.9, WHICH grades on 5 tests:84, 78, 88, 78, and 72.
B. Frequency Tables B. 1/6
C. 1/2
C. Bar Chart
D. 2/3
D. Pie Chart
854. For the sample of 10 getting-ready times,
850. The weekly mean income of a group of the mean X = 39.6 and standard deviation
executives is $1, 000 and the standard de- S = 6.77, the coefficient of variation is
viation ofthis group is $100. The distribu-
A. 17.10%
tion is normal. What percent of the exec-
utives have anincome of $925 or less? B. 25.25%
868. Measure of Variability is an example of 872. A lunch menu has 3 types of sandwiches,
A. Descriptive Statistics 4 types of chips, and 5 types of drinks.
How many ways can a person order a
B. Inferential statistics sandwich, chips and a drink?
C. None of these A. 12
D. none of above B. 25
869. The most primitive level of measurement C. 60
A. Nominal D. 120
B. Ordinal
873. What is the value of Q1
C. Interval
D. Ratio
871. HINT:BINOMIAL PROBABILITY (FOR THE 874. Poisson distribution is used to model the
SHORTCUT ANSWER YOU CAN USE TA- number of events occurring in a fixed in-
BLE)At the Express House Delivery Ser- terval of time or space. True or False?
vice, providing high-quality service to cus-
A. True
tomers is the toppriority of the manage-
ment. The company guarantees a refund B. False
of all charges if a package it isdelivering
does not arrive at its destination by the 875. Identify the data set’s level of measure-
specified time. It is known from past data ment:The IQ scores of students in a class.
thatdespite all efforts, 2% of the pack-
A. Nominal
ages mailed through this company do not
arrive at their destinationswithin the spec- B. Ordinal
ified time. Suppose a corporation mails 10 C. Interval
packages through Express HouseDelivery
Service on a certain day.Find the probabil- D. Ratio
ity that exactly one of these 10 packages
will not arrive at its destinationwithin the 876. The most practically used method of mea-
specified time. suring correlation coefficient is
C. The sign of regression coefficient is al- 885. Which of the following is a qualitative
ways same variable?
D. The square of coefficient of correlation A. The colours of birds in a cage.
is called coefficient of determination B. The weight of students in your class.
880. , 23, 16, 40, 46, 17, 37Calculate Median C. The scores of your classmates on a
from given the data Statistics Test.
A. 25 D. The height of first year students at
your college.
B. 22
C. 23 886. Probability can be studied with the help
of following approaches
D. 29
A. Classical approach
881. If events A and B are mutually exclusive B. Empirical approach
and P(A) =0.4 and P(B) =0.3, then the
C. Subjective approach
p (A ∪ B) =
D. Multiplication theorem
A. 0.12
B. 0.70 887. A fair dice and a fair coin are tossed si-
multaneously. What is the probability of
C. 0.58
getting an even number on dice and a head
D. 0.00 for coin?
A. 33 degrees
B. 80 degrees
C. 120 degrees
D. 160 degrees
C. Number of times a dog living on elm 901. If an increase (or decrease) in the values
street bark each week of one variable results, on an average, in
a corresponding increase (or decrease) in
A. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
B. (1-2) + (2-2) + (3-2) + (4-2) + (5-2) A. 13
+ (6-2) B. 12
C. (1-2) + (6-2) C. 11
D. (1-2) + (2-2) + (3-2) + (4-2) D. 10
D. 3/4 A. Inversely related to the sample size-in
other words, the larger the sample size,
906. What is the lower class boundary for the thesmaller the sampling error
class interval 87-99?
B. Inversely related to the population
A. 86.5 standard deviation-in other words, the
B. 87.5 smaller thestandard deviation, the larger
C. 98.5 the sampling error
D. 99.5 C. Directly related to the population
mean-in other words, the larger the mean,
907. FOR THE GIVEN SET OF OBSERVATIONS thelarger the sampling error
7, 8, 9, 9 AND 17
D. Directly related to the sample size-in
other words, the larger the sample size,
B. MODE IS GREATER THAN MEAN thelarger the sampling error
911. A person has decided to construct a fre-
quency distribution for a set of data con-
908. calculate three year weighted moving av- taining 60 numbers. The lowest number
erage for 1, 4, 1values are 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, is 23 and the highest number is 67. If 5
7, 2 so what is the first value of weighted classes are used, the class width should be
moving average? approximately
A. 4.5 A. 4
B. 2.5 B. 12
C. 4.0
C. 8
D. 5.5
D. 5
909. A study of interior designers’ opinions
E. 9
with respect to the most desirable pri-
mary colorfor executive offices showed
that:What is the probability that a de-
signer does not prefer yellow?
913. In how many ways can 3 men and 4 918. The value of correlation lies between
women be selected from 6 men and 5 A. -1 and 0
B. 68% D. It is the collection of several experi-
C. 50%
D. 97.7% 928. Given the class “21-30” Determine the
upper boundary
E. 100%
A. 20.5
924. If events A and B are independent and
B. 21
P(A) = 0.4 and P(B) = 0.3, then the
p (A ∩ B) =? C. 29.5
A. 0.12 D. 30.5
B. 0.70 929. Who proposed an application of a scien-
C. 0.58 tific method to an operations management
D. 0.00
A. Henry L. Gantt,
925. How many mountain bikes were sold?
B. Frederick W. Taylor
C. Vishal Singh
D. Adam Smith
932. Given a person with dark hair is chosen, 937. If coefficient of correlation is 1, it means
calculate the probability of them having A. Perfect positive correlation
blue eyes.
D. AT TIMES WEIGHTED MEAN IS MUCH C. It should be relatively efficientestima-
B. -0.27
C. 0
D. 0.17
D. none of above 6. Calculate the mean, median and mode!
(Choose 2 correct answers)
964. It is the value that appears the most of- A. 5
ten in a data set
B. 6
A. Mean
C. 7
B. Median
D. 8
C. Mode
E. 5.5
D. None of These
970. CLUE:USER Mean and Standard Devi-
965. is used when population standard de- ation Binomial FormulaAccording to a
viation is unknown and the sample size is survey of American adults
small? women, 61% support red lightcameras
A. T-score at intersections (USA TODAY, January 7,
2015). Assume that this percentage is
B. Z-score true forthe current population of adult
C. None of the above American women. What is the probabil-
ity that 500 or more suchwomen in a ran-
D. none of above
dom sample of 800 women will support
966. An ice cream parlor has six flavors of ice red light cameras at intersections?
cream. Kristen wants to buy two flavors A. A. 0.1033
of ice cream.If she randomly selects two
B. B. 0.3033
flavors out of six, how many combinations
are possible? C. C. 0.2033
A. 12 D. D 0.5033
B. 14 971. Two normal distributions are compared.
C. 15 One has a mean of 10 and a standard devi-
ation of10. The second normal distribution
D. 16 has a mean of 10 and a standard deviation
of 2. Whichof the following is true?
967. The amount of non-responses is maxi-
mum in A. The distributions are from two differ-
ent families of distributions.
A. Mailed Questionnaire method
B. The dispersions of the distributions
B. Observation method
are the same.
C. Interview method C. The locations of the distributions are
D. All of the above different.