LAS Light

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Name:__________________________________________________ Grade and Section: _____________________



Most Essential Learning Competency:

Demonstrate an understanding on how to explain color and intensity of lights in terms of its wave
characteristics (S7LT-IIIh-i-12).

Background Information for Learners

The Nature of Light
Centuries ago, light was studied by several There are also artificial or man-made
well-known scientists. First, was Sir Isaac sources of light such as incandescent bulb,
Newton, one who believed that light behaves like a candle, matches, and gas lamps. These are man-
particle and pointed out in his 1704 book Optics, made sources of light which are very useful during
that "Light is never known to follow crooked the nighttime.
passages nor to bend into the shadow". This
concept is consistent with the particle theory of
light, which proposes that light particles must
always travel in straight lines. Second, was
Christian Huygens who believed that light All objects that are capable to emit light are
behaves like a wave. He believed that there is a known as luminous objects such as the sun,
medium called ether that carried light waves. Third incandescent bulb, candle, flashlight, matches,
scientist was, Louis de Broglie who came up with and gas lamps. Non-luminous objects are those
what is now known as the Dual-Nature of Light. He that cannot produce light such as moon, rocks,
explained that light can behave like a particle and water, and soil.
as a wave. Fourth scientist was James Clark
Maxwell who proposed the Electromagnetic Theory Characteristics of Light
of Light. Light is one of the electromagnetic waves
with a wavelength which can be perceived by the
What is light? human eye. It is given off by stars like the sun or
Light is a form of energy found in our other luminous objects from our surroundings.
surroundings. Light from the sun is a source of Visible spectrum is made up of different colors
energy that can run different technologies called as rainbow of colors such as red, orange,
throughout the world. Light can be natural or yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (an
man-made, but no matter how it was formed, we acronym of ROYGBIV). Colors of light or the visible
utilize it in different ways in every single day of our spectrum can be described according to their
lives. It has wavelike nature and particle-like wavelength and frequency.
nature and it travels in a straight-line path with or The wavelength of light is the distance
without medium. When light waves strike an between corresponding points in two adjacent light
object, some light might be reflected, and a portion cycles, and the frequency of light is the number
may be absorbed. For example, when light rays are of cycles of light that pass a given point in one
incident to the surface of a plane mirror, it will second. The unit 1 per second or Hertz (Hz) is the
reflect and form images. Opaque materials do not unit of frequency.
allow light to pass through instead it will be
absorbed and converted into heat. Transparent
materials allow light to get through and
translucent materials partly allow light to get

Sources of light
Natural sources of light include the sun, Based on the diagram given, wavelength is
which is the main source of energy, stars very far inversely proportional to frequency of the wave.
from the planet earth, fire that provides heat and Waves with higher frequencies have shorter
lightning that occurs from our atmosphere during wavelengths, and lower frequencies have longer
bad weather. These sources of lights are present wavelengths. When the frequency of visible light
naturally in the universe and are not made by increases, the wavelength decreases. From the
human beings. seven colors of light, the red color has the longest
wavelength, but it has the lowest frequency among
the light spectrum. However, the violet color has
the shortest wavelength, but it has the highest
frequency. Therefore, the amount of frequency or the violet color of light carries the highest energy
the wavelength of light will be determined by its due to its high frequency.
characteristic like color. Light of any color can be made by mixing
The speed of light depends on its frequency the three additive primary colors: RED, BLUE, and
and wavelength. Each color travels at different GREEN light colors. White light is produced when
speeds when they travel through a medium such the light beams of primary colors will overlap.
as air, water, and solid materials. All colors of light Yellow is projected when green and red-light
as well as the members of the EM spectrum travel overlap. Similar with the magenta color, it is
at common speed, called the speed of light (c). The produced between overlapping red and blue light
speed of light in vacuum is 3x108 m/s. However, colors. Cyan color is produced between blue and
green light.

Directions: Make a concept map similar below on a separate sheet of paper and complete by supplying the
correct sequence of electromagnetic waves and visible spectrum. The sequence must be in increasing order of
the frequency.

Activity 2: Natural or Man-Made?

Directions: Identify the following objects as
Natural or artificial source of light.

Activity 3: Luminous or Non-luminous?

Directions: Classify the following objects as
luminous or non-luminous.

Activity 5: Complete Me!

Directions: Read and analyze the following
statements given. Choose your answer inside
the box and fill in words/phrases in the
blanks that will make the statements correct.

Signature of Parent/Guardian: _____________________

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