Is 12308-4 - 1988 - 3
Is 12308-4 - 1988 - 3
Is 12308-4 - 1988 - 3
Indian Standard
1.1 This standard ( Part 4 ) -covers the gravi; The difference between the percentage of total
metric method for determination of total carbon, carbon and graphite carbon represents the com-
graphitic carbon and combined carbon in cast bined carbon.
iron, alloyed cast iron and pig iron. 5.2 Reagents
2 REFERENCE 5.2.1 Tower Packed with Granulated Manganese
IS 6626 ( Part 1 ) : 1971 Recommendations for
apparatus for chemical analysis of metals; 5.2.2 Tower Packed with Magnesium Per&orate
Part 1. Determination of carbon by direct corn- 5.2.3 Absorption Tower Packed with Soda Aspirate
bustion, is a necessary adjunct to this standard. and Magnesium Perchlorate
3.1 The sample shall be drawn and prepared as 5.2.5 Hydro_Ruoric acid, 40 percent
prescribed in the relevant Indian Standard. 5.2.6 Preignited Asbestos for Gooch Crucible,
( preserved in a desiccator )
3.2 The sample is to be cleaned with analar
grade organic solvent ( like acetone, benzene or 5.3 Apparatus
ether ) by washing it thrice and dried in an air
oven at 100 I-lr5°C. The apparatus recommended in 1s 6626 ( Part
1): 1971 Recommendations for apparatus for
4 QUALITY OF REAGENTS chemical analysis of metals: Part 1 Determina-
tion of carbon by direct combustion may be used.
Unless specified otherwise, analytical grade
reagents and distilled water shall be employed in 5.4 Procedure
the test.
5.4.1 For Total Carbon
GRAPHITIC CARBON AND COMBINED Weigh 1’00 g of sample on a preignited combus-
CARBON BY GRAVIMETRIC METHOD tion boat and introduce the same into the
combustion tube maintained at a temperature of
5.1 Outline of the Methods 1 100°C or above.
5.1.1 Total Carbon Stopper the combustion tube inside the furnace
and allow the sample to heat for I to 2 minutes.
The sample is burnt in the presence of oxygen. Then pass oxygen at the rate of 800-l 000 ml per
The carbon dioxide formed is absorbed in a tube minute while combustion is going on and allow
containing ascarite or soda asbestos and weighed. the evolved gases to pass through the tower of
granular manganese ~dioxide and magnesium
5.1.2 Graphitic Carbon perchlorate and fina.lly to the absorption tower
( 5.2.3 ) ( tube A 1 kept in series. When the com-
The sample is dissolved in nitric acid and hydro- bustion is complete ( about 2 minutes >, reduce
fluoric acid. The graphitic carbon is filtered off the rate of flow of oxygen to 400-500 ml/minute
in preignited asbestos in a fused silica gooch and continue for another 7-8 minutes in order to
crucible and dried and ignited in a combustion sweep off the carbon dioxide. Withdraw the
furnace. Carbon dioxide so formed is absorbed absorption tower ( tube A) filled with oxygen
in a tower of soda aspirate and weighed. and place it in the balance case for 10 minutes,